--- /dev/null
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .globl _start
+ .ent _start
+ jal _start
--- /dev/null
+# NB: In the below, the 64bit values are embeded into the
+# machine code. The address of which being determined
+# by a jal (after a jump to an aligned address).
+ .macro load reg hi lo
+ j 1f
+ nop
+ .align 3
+1: jal 2f
+ nop
+ .quad \hi
+ .quad \lo
+ ld \reg, 0($31)
+ pcpyld \reg, \reg, $0
+ ld \reg, 8($31)
+ .endm
+ .macro check10 hi lo
+ j 1f
+ nop
+ .align 3
+1: jal 2f
+ nop
+ .quad \hi
+ .quad \lo
+2: pcpyud $11, $10, $0
+ ld $5, 0($31)
+ beq $11, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ ld $5, 8($31)
+ beq $10, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ .endm
+ .macro checkHI hi lo
+ j 1f
+ nop
+ .align 3
+1: jal 2f
+ nop
+ .quad \hi
+ .quad \lo
+2: mfhi1 $11
+ ld $5, 0($31)
+ beq $11, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ mfhi $11
+ ld $5, 8($31)
+ beq $11, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ .endm
+ .macro checkLO hi lo
+ j 1f
+ nop
+ .align 3
+1: jal 2f
+ nop
+ .quad \hi
+ .quad \lo
+2: mflo1 $11
+ ld $5, 0($31)
+ beq $11, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ mflo $11
+ ld $5, 8($31)
+ beq $11, $5, 3f
+ nop
+ li $4, 47
+ break 1023
+ nop
+3: nop
+ .endm
+ .macro start
+ .globl _start
+ .set noreorder
+ .endm
+ .macro exit0
+ li $4, 0
+ break 1023
+ nop
+ .endm
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0007210642056304 0x8403a502c601e701
+ load $9 0x01f902fa03fb04fc 0x05fd06fe07ff08ff
+ paddb $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x0100230045006700 0x8900ab00cd00ef00
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0087218642856384 0x8403a502c601e701
+ load $9 0x01f902fa03fb04fc 0x057d067e077f087f
+ paddsb $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x0180238045806780 0x897fab7fcd7fef7f
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0122800745658006 0x89a80005cdeb0004
+ load $9 0x0001fff90002fffa 0x00037ffb00047ffc
+ paddsh $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x0123800045678000 0x89ab7fffcdef7fff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0123456680000007 0x89abcded00000006
+ load $9 0x00000001fffffff9 0x000000027ffffffa
+ paddsw $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0007210642056304 0x8403a502c601e701
+ load $9 0x01f902fa03fb04fc 0x05fd06fe07ff08ff
+ paddub $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x01ff23ff45ff67ff 0x89ffabffcdffefff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0122000745650006 0x89a80005cdeb0004
+ load $9 0x0001fff90002fffa 0x0003fffb0004fffc
+ padduh $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x0123ffff4567ffff 0x89abffffcdefffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0123456600000007 0x89abcded00000006
+ load $9 0x00000001fffffff9 0x00000002fffffffa
+ padduw $10,$9,$8
+ check10 0x01234567ffffffff 0x89abcdefffffffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x0000000000001111 0x000000000000ffff
+ pcpyh $10,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111111111111111 0xffffffffffffffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x7fffffff80000000 0x0000000100000001
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000ffff
+ pdivbw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ checkHI 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ checkLO 0x8000000180000000 0xffffffffffffffff
+ load $7 0x7fffffff80000000 0x0000000100000001
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ pdivbw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ # don't crash!
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000000
+ load $8 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
+ pdivuw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ checkHI 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000000
+ checkLO 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ load $7 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000000
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ pdivuw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ # don't crash!
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000000
+ load $8 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
+ pdivw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ checkHI 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ checkLO 0xffffffff80000001 0xffffffff80000000
+ load $7 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000000
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ pdivw $7,$8 #Expectation:
+ # don't crash!
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x1111111133333333 0x2222222244444444
+ pexcw $10,$8 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111111122222222 0x3333333344444444
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x1111444433332222 0x5555888877776666
+ pexoh $10,$8 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111222233334444 0x5555666677778888
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0000D6B50000D6B5 0x0000D6B50000D6B5
+ pext5 $10, $8
+ check10 0x80a8a8a880a8a8a8 0x80a8a8a880a8a8a8
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0807060504030201
+ load $9 0x0000000000000000 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09
+ pextlb $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x0810070F060E050D 0x040C030B020A0109
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0807060504030201
+ load $9 0x0000000000000000 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09
+ pextlh $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x0807100F06050E0D 0x04030C0B02010A09
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0807060504030201
+ load $9 0x0000000000000000 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09
+ pextlw $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x08070605100F0E0D 0x040302010C0B0A09
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0807060504030201 0x0000000000000000
+ load $9 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09 0x0000000000000000
+ pextub $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x0810070F060E050D 0x040C030B020A0109
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0807060504030201 0x0000000000000000
+ load $9 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09 0x0000000000000000
+ pextuh $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x0807100F06050E0D 0x04030C0B02010A09
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0807060504030201 0x0000000000000000
+ load $9 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09 0x0000000000000000
+ pextuw $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x08070605100F0E0D 0x040302010C0B0A09
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x8000800080007fff 0x800080007fff8000
+ load $8 0x8000800080007fff 0x80007fff80007fff
+ phmaddh $10,$7,$8 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x800000007fff0001 0x0000800080010000
+ #checkHI xxxxxxxxxx80000000 0xxxxxxxxx00008000
+ #checkLO xxxxxxxxxx7fff0001 0xxxxxxxxx80010000
+ pmfhl.lw $10
+ check10 0x800000007fff0001 0x0000800080010000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x8000800080007fff 0x800080007fff8000
+ load $8 0x8000800080007fff 0x80007fff80007fff
+ phmsubh $10,$7,$8 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x000000000000ffff 0x7fff800000000000
+ #checkHI 0xxxxxxxxx00000000 0xxxxxxxxx7fff8000
+ #checkLO 0xxxxxxxxx0000ffff 0xxxxxxxxx00000000
+ pmfhl.lw $10
+ check10 0x000000000000ffff 0x7fff800000000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x1111333355557777 0xffffffffffffffff
+ load $9 0xffffffffffffffff 0x2222444466668888
+ pinth $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111222233334444 0x5555666677778888
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0xffff1111ffff3333 0xffff5555ffff7777
+ load $9 0xffff2222ffff4444 0xffff6666ffff8888
+ pintoh $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111222233334444 0x5555666677778888
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $6 0x01237fff45677fff 0x89ab8000cdef8000
+ load $7 0x00017fff00017fff 0x00017fff00018000
+ load $8 0x0000000000007fff 0x00000000ffff8000
+ load $9 0x00000000ffff8000 0x0000000000007fff
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmaddh $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x3fff80003ffe8001 0xc000000040007fff
+ checkHI 0x000001233fff8000 0xffff89abc0000000
+ checkLO 0x000045673ffe8001 0xffffcdef40007fff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $6 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $7 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $8 0x0123456700000000 0x89abcdefffffffff
+ load $9 0x012345677fffffff 0x89abcdef80000000
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmadduw $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x400000007fffffff 0x3ffffffe80000001
+ checkHI 0x0000000040000000 0x000000003ffffffe
+ checkLO 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000001
+ load $6 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $7 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $8 0x01234567ffffffff 0x89abcdef00000000
+ load $9 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmadduw $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x3fffffff80000000 0x3fffffff80000000
+ checkHI 0x000000003fffffff 0x000000003fffffff
+ checkLO 0xffffffff80000000 0xffffffff80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $6 0x0123456780000000 0X89ABCDEF7FFFFFFF
+ load $7 0x0123456780000000 0X89ABCDEF7FFFFFFF
+ load $8 0x0123456700000000 0X89ABCDEFFFFFFFFF
+ load $9 0X012345677FFFFFFF 0X89ABCDEF80000000
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmaddw $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x400000007fffffff 0x3ffffffe80000001
+ checkHI 0x0000000040000000 0x000000003FFFFFFE
+ checkLO 0x000000007fffffff 0xffffffff80000001
+ load $6 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $7 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $8 0x01234567ffffffff 0x89abcdef00000000
+ load $9 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmaddw $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x3fffffff80000000 0x3fffffff80000000
+ checkHI 0x000000003fffffff 0x000000003fffffff
+ checkLO 0xffffffff80000000 0xffffffff80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0xffff1111ffff2222 0xffff5555ffff6666
+ load $8 0xffff3333ffff4444 0xffff7777ffff8888
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmfhl.lh $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111222233334444 0x5555666677778888
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0xffffffff11111111 0xffffffff33333333
+ load $8 0xffffffff22222222 0xffffffff44444444
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmfhl.lw $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111111122222222 0x3333333344444444
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x7fffffffffff0000 0xffffffff00007fff
+ load $8 0x0007ffffffffffff 0xffff00007fffffff
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x7fff80007fffffff 0xffff7fff80007fff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffff7fffffff
+ load $8 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmfhl.slw $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0xffffffffffffffff 0x000000007fffffff
+ load $7 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffff7fffffff
+ load $8 0xffffffff00000000 0xffffffffffffffff
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmfhl.slw $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0xffffffff80000000 0x000000007fffffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x11111111ffffffff 0x33333333ffffffff
+ load $8 0x22222222ffffffff 0x44444444ffffffff
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmfhl.uw $10 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111111122222222 0x3333333344444444
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $6 0x01237fff45677fff 0x89ab8000cdef8000
+ load $7 0x00017fff00017fff 0x00017fff00018000
+ load $8 0x000001237fffffff 0xffff89ab7fffffff
+ load $9 0x0000456780000000 0xffffcdef80000000
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmsubh $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x4000fffe4000ffff 0xbfff7fff40000000
+ checkHI 0x000000004000fffe 0x00000000bfff7fff
+ checkLO 0x000000004000ffff 0x0000000040000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $7 0x11111111ffffffff 0x33333333ffffffff
+ load $8 0x55555555ffffffff 0x77777777ffffffff
+ pmthi $7
+ pmtlo $8
+ nop
+ nop
+ load $7 0x2222222266666666 0x4444444488888888
+ pmthl.lw $7
+ checkHI 0x1111111122222222 0x3333333344444444
+ checkLO 0x5555555566666666 0x7777777788888888
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x1234ffff2b3c8000 0x33947fff37bc7fff
+ load $9 0x0001ffff00028000 0x00037fff00048000
+ pmulth $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x0000000140000000 0x3fff0001c0008000
+ checkHI 0x0000123400000001 0x00009abc3fff0001
+ checkLO 0x0000567840000000 0x0000def0c0008000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0xffffffff7fffffff 0x0000000080000000
+ load $9 0x00000000ffffffff 0x00000000ffffffff
+ pmultuw $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x7ffffffe80000001 0x7fffffff80000000
+ checkHI 0x000000007ffffffe 0x000000007fffffff
+ checkLO 0xffffffff80000001 0xffffffff80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0xffffffff7fffffff 0x0000000080000000
+ load $9 0x10000000ffffffff 0x00000000ffffffff
+ pmultw $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0xffffffff80000001 0x0000000080000000
+ checkHI 0xffffffffffffffff 0x0000000000000000
+ checkLO 0xffffffff80000001 0xffffffff80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x80a8a8a880a8a8a8 0x80a8a8a880a8a8a8
+ ppac5 $10, $8
+ check10 0x0000D6B50000D6B5 0x0000D6B50000D6B5
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0010000F000E000D 0x000C000B000A0009
+ load $9 0x0008000700060005 0x0004000300020001
+ ppacb $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x100F0E0D0C0B0A09 0x0807060504030201
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0010000F000E000D 0x000C000B000A0009
+ load $9 0x0008000700060005 0x0004000300020001
+ ppach $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x000F000D000B0009 0x0007000500030001
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0010000F000E000D 0x000C000B000A0009
+ load $9 0x0008000700060005 0x0004000300020001
+ ppacw $10, $8, $9
+ check10 0x000E000D000A0009 0x0006000500020001
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x3333333311111111 0x2222222244444444
+ prot3w $10,$8 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x1111111122222222 0x3333333344444444
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x00000000ffffffff 0x00000000ffffffff
+ load $9 0x000000000000001f 0x000000000000001f
+ psllvw $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0xffffffff80000000 0xffffffff80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x000000007fffffff 0x0000000080000000
+ load $9 0x0000000000000008 0x0000000000000008
+ psravw $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x00000000007fffff 0xffffffffff800000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0200250148026b03 0x8efcb1fdd4fef780
+ load $9 0x0180028003810482 0x057c067d077e087f
+ psubsb $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x017f237f457f677f 0x8980ab80cd80ef80
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0124000045690001 0x89aefffecdf3ffff
+ load $9 0x0001800000028000 0x00037ffe00047fff
+ psubsh $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x01237fff45677fff 0x89ab8000cdef8000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0123456800000000 0x89abcdf1ffffffff
+ load $9 0x0000000180000000 0x000000027fffffff
+ psubsw $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x012345677fffffff 0x89abcdef80000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0200250148026b03 0x8e04b105d406f77f
+ load $9 0x0101020203030404 0x0505060607070880
+ psubub $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x0100230045006700 0x8900ab00cd00ef00
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0124000045690001 0x89ae0002cdf30003
+ load $9 0x0001000100020002 0x0003000300040004
+ psubuh $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x0123000045670000 0x89ab0000cdef0000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $8 0x0123456800000000 0x89abcdf100000001
+ load $9 0x0000000100000001 0x0000000200000002
+ psubuw $10,$8,$9
+ check10 0x0123456700000000 0x89abcdef00000000
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ load $6 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $7 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $8 0x0123456780000000 0x89abcdef7fffffff
+ load $9 0x0123456700000000 0x89abcdefffffffff
+ pmthi $8
+ pmtlo $9
+ nop
+ nop
+ pmsubw $10,$6,$7 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x4000000000000000 0x40000000fffffffe
+ checkHI 0x0000000040000000 0x0000000040000000
+ checkLO 0x0000000000000000 0xfffffffffffffffe
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+.include "t-macros.i"
+ start
+ mtsab $0,4
+ load $8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
+ load $9 0xffffffffffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
+ qfsrv $10,$8,$9 #Expectation:
+ check10 0x00000000ffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff
+ exit0
--- /dev/null
+ # The main body of code loops on the variable FLAG, waiting
+ # for it to be set. When set, the message `Tick' is displayed
+ # and the flag cleared.
+ # The interrupt handler, sets the global FLAG variable and
+ # then resumes normal execution.
+ .globl _start
+ .ent _start
+ .set noreorder
+ # Patch the interrupt handler, setting it to an instruction
+ # sequence that jumps to this programs interrupt code.
+ la $4, handler
+ la $5, +0xffffffffBFC00200 + 0x180
+ lw $6, 0($4) # BR $8
+ sw $6, 0($5)
+ lw $6, 4($4) # NOP
+ sw $6, 4($5)
+ # establish two global pointer registers:
+ la $8, flag # r8 contains the address of FLAG
+ la $9, real_handler # r9 contains the address of the
+ # real handler
+ # enable interrupt delivery
+ mfc0 $4, $12
+ nop ; nop ; nop
+ or $4, $4, 1
+ or $4, $4, 4 ; xor $4, $4, 4 # clear error level
+ mtc0 $4, $12
+ nop ; nop ; nop
+ lw $5, 0($8)
+ beq $5, $0, loop
+ nop
+ # FLAG set, print the message Tick by calling
+ # write (1, str, 6)
+ sw $0, 0($8)
+ li $4, 1
+ la $5, str
+ li $6, 6
+ la $2,+0xffffffffbfc00504
+ lw $2, 0($2)
+ jal $2
+ nop
+ j loop
+ nop
+ # Instruction sequence that jumps to
+ # the real handler (address in r9).
+handler: j $9
+ nop
+ # local interrupt handler, set FLAG and return
+ li $10, 1
+ sw $10, 0($8) # flag = 1
+ eret
+ nop
+ .end _start
+ .word 0
+str: .asciiz "Tick\r\n"