#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/mem.h"
+#include "libs/fst/fstapi.h"
#include <ctime>
std::vector<Mem> memories;
dict<Wire*, pair<int, Const>> vcd_database;
+ dict<Wire*, pair<fstHandle, Const>> fst_database;
SimInstance(SimShared *shared, Module *module, Cell *instance = nullptr, SimInstance *parent = nullptr) :
shared(shared), module(module), instance(instance), parent(parent), sigmap(module)
for (auto child : children)
+ void write_fst_header(struct fstContext *f)
+ {
+ fstWriterSetScope(f, FST_ST_VCD_MODULE, stringf("%s",log_id(name())).c_str(), nullptr);
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ {
+ if (shared->hide_internal && wire->name[0] == '$')
+ continue;
+ fstHandle id = fstWriterCreateVar(f, FST_VT_VCD_WIRE, FST_VD_IMPLICIT, GetSize(wire),
+ stringf("%s%s", wire->name[0] == '$' ? "\\" : "", log_id(wire)).c_str(), 0);
+ fst_database[wire] = make_pair(id, Const());
+ }
+ for (auto child : children)
+ child.second->write_fst_header(f);
+ fstWriterSetUpscope(f);
+ }
+ void write_fst_step(struct fstContext *f)
+ {
+ for (auto &it : fst_database)
+ {
+ Wire *wire = it.first;
+ Const value = get_state(wire);
+ fstHandle id = it.second.first;
+ if (it.second.second == value)
+ continue;
+ it.second.second = value;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ for (int i = GetSize(value)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ switch (value[i]) {
+ case State::S0: ss << "0"; break;
+ case State::S1: ss << "1"; break;
+ case State::Sx: ss << "x"; break;
+ default: ss << "z";
+ }
+ }
+ fstWriterEmitValueChange(f, id, ss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ for (auto child : children)
+ child.second->write_fst_step(f);
+ }
struct SimWorker : SimShared
SimInstance *top = nullptr;
std::ofstream vcdfile;
+ struct fstContext *fstfile = nullptr;
pool<IdString> clock, clockn, reset, resetn;
std::string timescale;
void write_vcd_header()
- if (!vcdfile.is_open())
- return;
vcdfile << stringf("$version %s $end\n", yosys_version_str);
std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
void write_vcd_step(int t)
- if (!vcdfile.is_open())
- return;
vcdfile << stringf("#%d\n", t);
+ void write_fst_header()
+ {
+ std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
+ fstWriterSetDate(fstfile, asctime(std::localtime(&t)));
+ fstWriterSetVersion(fstfile, yosys_version_str);
+ if (!timescale.empty())
+ fstWriterSetTimescaleFromString(fstfile, timescale.c_str());
+ fstWriterSetPackType(fstfile, FST_WR_PT_FASTLZ);
+ fstWriterSetRepackOnClose(fstfile, 1);
+ top->write_fst_header(fstfile);
+ }
+ void write_fst_step(int t)
+ {
+ fstWriterEmitTimeChange(fstfile, t);
+ top->write_fst_step(fstfile);
+ }
+ void write_output_header()
+ {
+ if (vcdfile.is_open())
+ write_vcd_header();
+ if (fstfile)
+ write_fst_header();
+ }
+ void write_output_step(int t)
+ {
+ if (vcdfile.is_open())
+ write_vcd_step(t);
+ if (fstfile)
+ write_fst_step(t);
+ }
+ void write_output_end()
+ {
+ if (fstfile)
+ fstWriterClose(fstfile);
+ }
void update()
while (1)
- write_vcd_header();
- write_vcd_step(0);
+ write_output_header();
+ write_output_step(0);
for (int cycle = 0; cycle < numcycles; cycle++)
set_inports(clockn, State::S1);
- write_vcd_step(10*cycle + 5);
+ write_output_step(10*cycle + 5);
if (debug)
log("\n===== %d =====\n", 10*cycle + 10);
- write_vcd_step(10*cycle + 10);
+ write_output_step(10*cycle + 10);
- write_vcd_step(10*numcycles + 2);
+ write_output_step(10*numcycles + 2);
+ write_output_end();
if (writeback) {
pool<Module*> wbmods;
log(" -vcd <filename>\n");
log(" write the simulation results to the given VCD file\n");
+ log(" -fst <filename>\n");
+ log(" write the simulation results to the given FST file\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -clock <portname>\n");
log(" name of top-level clock input\n");
+ if (args[argidx] == "-fst" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ std::string fst_filename = args[++argidx];
+ rewrite_filename(fst_filename);
+ worker.fstfile = (struct fstContext *)fstWriterCreate(fst_filename.c_str(),1);
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-n" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
numcycles = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());