if (options::solveBVAsInt() != options::SolveBVAsIntMode::OFF)
- // after running bv-to-int, we need to immediately run
- // theory-preprocess and ite-removal so that newlly created
- // terms and assertions are normalized (e.g., div is expanded).
- d_passes["theory-preprocess"]->apply(&assertions);
// Since this pass is not robust for the information tracking necessary for
Debug("smt") << " assertions : " << assertions.size() << endl;
+ if (options::earlyIteRemoval())
d_smtStats.d_numAssertionsPre += assertions.size();
Chat() << "re-simplifying assertions..." << endl;
ScopeCounter depth(d_simplifyAssertionsDepth);
noConflict &= simplifyAssertions(assertions);
- if (noConflict)
- {
- // Need to fix up assertion list to maintain invariants:
- // Let Sk be the set of Skolem variables introduced by ITE's. Let <_sk be
- // the order in which these variables were introduced during ite removal.
- // For each skolem variable sk, let iteExpr = iteMap(sk) be the ite expr
- // mapped to by sk.
- // cache for expression traversal
- unordered_map<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction> cache;
- IteSkolemMap& iskMap = assertions.getIteSkolemMap();
- // First, find all skolems that appear in the substitution map - their
- // associated iteExpr will need to be moved to the main assertion set
- set<TNode> skolemSet;
- SubstitutionMap& top_level_substs =
- d_preprocessingPassContext->getTopLevelSubstitutions().get();
- SubstitutionMap::iterator pos = top_level_substs.begin();
- for (; pos != top_level_substs.end(); ++pos)
- {
- collectSkolems(iskMap, (*pos).first, skolemSet, cache);
- collectSkolems(iskMap, (*pos).second, skolemSet, cache);
- }
- // We need to ensure:
- // 1. iteExpr has the form (ite cond (sk = t) (sk = e))
- // 2. if some sk' in Sk appears in cond, t, or e, then sk' <_sk sk
- // If either of these is violated, we must add iteExpr as a proper
- // assertion
- IteSkolemMap::iterator it = iskMap.begin();
- IteSkolemMap::iterator iend = iskMap.end();
- std::vector<Node> newConj;
- vector<TNode> toErase;
- for (; it != iend; ++it)
- {
- if (skolemSet.find((*it).first) == skolemSet.end())
- {
- TNode iteExpr = assertions[(*it).second];
- if (iteExpr.getKind() == ITE && iteExpr[1].getKind() == EQUAL
- && iteExpr[1][0] == (*it).first && iteExpr[2].getKind() == EQUAL
- && iteExpr[2][0] == (*it).first)
- {
- cache.clear();
- bool bad =
- checkForBadSkolems(iskMap, iteExpr[0], (*it).first, cache);
- bad = bad
- || checkForBadSkolems(
- iskMap, iteExpr[1][1], (*it).first, cache);
- bad = bad
- || checkForBadSkolems(
- iskMap, iteExpr[2][1], (*it).first, cache);
- if (!bad)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- // Move this iteExpr into the main assertions
- newConj.push_back(assertions[(*it).second]);
- assertions.replace((*it).second, d_true);
- toErase.push_back((*it).first);
- }
- if (!newConj.empty())
- {
- while (!toErase.empty())
- {
- iskMap.erase(toErase.back());
- toErase.pop_back();
- }
- size_t index = assertions.getRealAssertionsEnd() - 1;
- Node newAssertion = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(newConj);
- assertions.conjoin(index, newAssertion);
- }
- // TODO(b/1256): For some reason this is needed for some benchmarks, such
- // as
- // QF_AUFBV/dwp_formulas/try5_small_difret_functions_dwp_tac.re_node_set_remove_at.il.dwp.smt2
- d_passes["ite-removal"]->apply(&assertions);
- d_passes["apply-substs"]->apply(&assertions);
- }
<< "ProcessAssertions::processAssertions() : post-repeat-simplify"
<< endl;
<< endl;
Debug("smt") << " assertions : " << assertions.size() << endl;
+ // ensure rewritten
+ d_passes["rewrite"]->apply(&assertions);
+ // apply theory preprocess
// Must remove ITEs again since theory preprocessing may introduce them.
// Notice that we alternatively could ensure that the theory-preprocess
// pass above calls TheoryPreprocess::preprocess instead of
// TheoryPreprocess::theoryPreprocess, as the former also does ITE removal.
+ // This is needed because when solving incrementally, removeITEs may
+ // introduce skolems that were solved for earlier and thus appear in the
+ // substitution map.
+ d_passes["apply-substs"]->apply(&assertions);
if (options::bitblastMode() == options::BitblastMode::EAGER)
Debug("smt") << " assertions : " << assertions.size() << endl;
- // Theory preprocessing
- bool doEarlyTheoryPp = !options::arithRewriteEq();
- if (doEarlyTheoryPp)
- {
- d_passes["theory-preprocess"]->apply(&assertions);
- }
// ITE simplification
if (options::doITESimp()
&& (d_simplifyAssertionsDepth <= 1 || options::doITESimpOnRepeat()))
-void ProcessAssertions::collectSkolems(
- IteSkolemMap& iskMap,
- TNode n,
- set<TNode>& skolemSet,
- unordered_map<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction>& cache)
- unordered_map<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction>::iterator it;
- it = cache.find(n);
- if (it != cache.end())
- {
- return;
- }
- size_t sz = n.getNumChildren();
- if (sz == 0)
- {
- if (iskMap.find(n) != iskMap.end())
- {
- skolemSet.insert(n);
- }
- cache[n] = true;
- return;
- }
- size_t k = 0;
- for (; k < sz; ++k)
- {
- collectSkolems(iskMap, n[k], skolemSet, cache);
- }
- cache[n] = true;
-bool ProcessAssertions::checkForBadSkolems(
- IteSkolemMap& iskMap,
- TNode n,
- TNode skolem,
- unordered_map<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction>& cache)
- unordered_map<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction>::iterator it;
- it = cache.find(n);
- if (it != cache.end())
- {
- return (*it).second;
- }
- size_t sz = n.getNumChildren();
- if (sz == 0)
- {
- IteSkolemMap::iterator iit = iskMap.find(n);
- bool bad = false;
- if (iit != iskMap.end())
- {
- if (!((*iit).first < n))
- {
- bad = true;
- }
- }
- cache[n] = bad;
- return bad;
- }
- size_t k = 0;
- for (; k < sz; ++k)
- {
- if (checkForBadSkolems(iskMap, n[k], skolem, cache))
- {
- cache[n] = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- cache[n] = false;
- return false;
} // namespace smt
} // namespace CVC4