cpu: Remove the InOrderCPU from the tree
authorAndreas Hansson <andreas.hansson@arm.com>
Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:46:35 +0000 (12:46 -0400)
committerAndreas Hansson <andreas.hansson@arm.com>
Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:46:35 +0000 (12:46 -0400)
This patch takes the final step in removing the InOrderCPU from the
tree. Rest in peace.

The MinorCPU is now used to model an in-order microarchitecture, and
long term the MinorCPU will eventually be renamed InOrderCPU.

62 files changed:
src/cpu/inorder/InOrderCPU.py [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/InOrderTrace.py [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/SConscript [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/SConsopts [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/comm.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/cpu.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/cpu.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/inorder_cpu_builder.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.9stage.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/mem_dep_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.hh [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.cc [deleted file]
src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/InOrderCPU.py b/src/cpu/inorder/InOrderCPU.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dddcbbc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
-# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
-# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# Authors: Korey Sewell
-from m5.params import *
-from m5.proxy import *
-from BaseCPU import BaseCPU
-from BranchPredictor import *
-class ThreadModel(Enum):
-    vals = ['Single', 'SMT', 'SwitchOnCacheMiss']
-class InOrderCPU(BaseCPU):
-    type = 'InOrderCPU'
-    cxx_header = "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-    activity = Param.Unsigned(0, "Initial count")
-    @classmethod
-    def memory_mode(cls):
-        return 'timing'
-    @classmethod
-    def require_caches(cls):
-        return True
-    @classmethod
-    def support_take_over(cls):
-        return True
-    threadModel = Param.ThreadModel('SMT', "Multithreading model (SE-MODE only)")
-    cachePorts = Param.Unsigned(2, "Cache Ports")
-    stageWidth = Param.Unsigned(4, "Stage width")
-    fetchBuffSize = Param.Unsigned(4, "Fetch Buffer Size (Number of Cache Blocks Stored)")
-    memBlockSize = Param.Unsigned(64, "Memory Block Size")
-    stageTracing = Param.Bool(False, "Enable tracing of each stage in CPU")
-    multLatency = Param.Cycles(1, "Latency for Multiply Operations")
-    multRepeatRate = Param.Cycles(1, "Repeat Rate for Multiply Operations")
-    div8Latency = Param.Cycles(1, "Latency for 8-bit Divide Operations")
-    div8RepeatRate = Param.Cycles(1, "Repeat Rate for 8-bit Divide Operations")
-    div16Latency = Param.Cycles(1, "Latency for 16-bit Divide Operations")
-    div16RepeatRate = Param.Cycles(1, "Repeat Rate for 16-bit Divide Operations")
-    div24Latency = Param.Cycles(1, "Latency for 24-bit Divide Operations")
-    div24RepeatRate = Param.Cycles(1, "Repeat Rate for 24-bit Divide Operations")
-    div32Latency = Param.Cycles(1, "Latency for 32-bit Divide Operations")
-    div32RepeatRate = Param.Cycles(1, "Repeat Rate for 32-bit Divide Operations")
-    branchPred = Param.BranchPredictor(TournamentBP(numThreads =
-                                                       Parent.numThreads),
-                                       "Branch Predictor")
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/InOrderTrace.py b/src/cpu/inorder/InOrderTrace.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fd4e00e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
-# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
-# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# Authors: Korey Sewell
-from m5.SimObject import SimObject
-from m5.params import *
-from InstTracer import InstTracer
-class InOrderTrace(InstTracer):
-    type = 'InOrderTrace'
-    cxx_class = 'Trace::InOrderTrace'
-    cxx_header = "cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh"
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/SConscript b/src/cpu/inorder/SConscript
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c540644..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode:python -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
-# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
-# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# Authors: Korey Sewell
-if 'InOrderCPU' in env['CPU_MODELS']:
-        SimObject('InOrderCPU.py')
-        SimObject('InOrderTrace.py')
-        DebugFlag('ResReqCount')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderStage')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderStall')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderCPU')
-        DebugFlag('RegDepMap')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderDynInst')
-        DebugFlag('Resource')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderAGEN')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderFetchSeq')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderTLB')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderCachePort')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderBPred')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderDecode')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderExecute')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderInstBuffer')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderUseDef')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderMDU')
-        DebugFlag('InOrderGraduation')
-        DebugFlag('ThreadModel')
-        DebugFlag('RefCount')
-        DebugFlag('AddrDep')
-        DebugFlag('SkedCache')
-        CompoundFlag('InOrderCPUAll', [ 'InOrderStage', 'InOrderStall', 'InOrderCPU',
-               'InOrderMDU', 'InOrderAGEN', 'InOrderFetchSeq', 'InOrderTLB', 'InOrderBPred',
-               'InOrderDecode', 'InOrderExecute', 'InOrderInstBuffer', 'InOrderUseDef',
-               'InOrderGraduation', 'InOrderCachePort', 'RegDepMap', 'Resource',
-               'InOrderStall','ThreadModel', 'AddrDep'])
-        Source('inorder_dyn_inst.cc')
-        Source('inorder_cpu_builder.cc')
-        Source('inorder_trace.cc')
-        Source('pipeline_stage.cc')
-        Source('first_stage.cc')
-        Source('resource.cc')
-        Source('resources/agen_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/execution_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/branch_predictor.cc')
-        Source('resources/cache_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/fetch_unit.cc')      
-        Source('resources/use_def.cc')
-        Source('resources/decode_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/inst_buffer.cc')
-        Source('resources/graduation_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/fetch_seq_unit.cc')
-        Source('resources/mult_div_unit.cc')
-        Source('resource_pool.cc')
-        Source('resource_sked.cc')
-        Source('reg_dep_map.cc')
-        Source('thread_state.cc')
-        Source('thread_context.cc')
-        Source('cpu.cc')
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/SConsopts b/src/cpu/inorder/SConsopts
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6b8917..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode:python -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
-# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
-# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# Authors: Korey Sewell
-CpuModel('InOrderCPU', default=True)
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/comm.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/comm.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c2c97cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#ifndef __CPU_INORDER_COMM_HH__
-#define __CPU_INORDER_COMM_HH__
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "base/types.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
-/** Struct that defines the information passed from in between stages */
-/** This information mainly goes forward through the pipeline. */
-struct InterStageStruct {
-    //@todo: probably should make this a list since the amount of
-    //       instructions that get passed forward per cycle is
-    //       really dependent on issue width, CPI, etc.
-    std::vector<ThePipeline::DynInstPtr> insts;
-    // Add any information that needs to be passed forward to stages
-    // below ...
-/** Struct that defines all backwards communication. */
-struct TimeStruct {
-    struct StageComm {
-        bool squash;
-        InstSeqNum doneSeqNum;
-        bool uncached;
-        ThePipeline::DynInstPtr uncachedLoad;
-        StageComm()
-            : squash(false), doneSeqNum(0), uncached(false), uncachedLoad(NULL)
-        { }
-    };
-    StageComm stageInfo[ThePipeline::NumStages][ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    bool stageBlock[ThePipeline::NumStages][ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    bool stageUnblock[ThePipeline::NumStages][ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    TimeStruct()
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < ThePipeline::NumStages; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; j++) {
-                stageBlock[i][j] = false;
-                stageUnblock[i][j] = false;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#endif //__CPU_INORDER_COMM_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/cpu.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/cpu.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86a44ab..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1922 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "arch/utility.hh"
-#include "base/bigint.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_context.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh"
-#include "cpu/activity.hh"
-#include "cpu/base.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/quiesce_event.hh"
-#include "cpu/reg_class.hh"
-#include "cpu/simple_thread.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
-#include "debug/Activity.hh"
-#include "debug/Drain.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderCachePort.hh"
-#include "debug/Interrupt.hh"
-#include "debug/Quiesce.hh"
-#include "debug/RefCount.hh"
-#include "debug/SkedCache.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/full_system.hh"
-#include "sim/process.hh"
-#include "sim/stat_control.hh"
-#include "sim/system.hh"
-#include "arch/alpha/osfpal.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-InOrderCPU::CachePort::CachePort(CacheUnit *_cacheUnit,
-                                 const std::string& name) :
-    MasterPort(_cacheUnit->name() + name, _cacheUnit->cpu),
-    cacheUnit(_cacheUnit)
-{ }
-InOrderCPU::CachePort::recvTimingResp(Packet *pkt)
-    if (pkt->isError())
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Got error packet back for address: %x\n",
-                pkt->getAddr());
-    else
-        cacheUnit->processCacheCompletion(pkt);
-    return true;
-    cacheUnit->recvRetry();
-InOrderCPU::TickEvent::TickEvent(InOrderCPU *c)
-  : Event(CPU_Tick_Pri), cpu(c)
-{ }
-    cpu->tick();
-const char *
-InOrderCPU::TickEvent::description() const
-    return "InOrderCPU tick event";
-InOrderCPU::CPUEvent::CPUEvent(InOrderCPU *_cpu, CPUEventType e_type,
-                               const Fault &fault, ThreadID _tid,
-                               DynInstPtr inst, CPUEventPri event_pri)
-    : Event(event_pri), cpu(_cpu)
-    setEvent(e_type, fault, _tid, inst);
-std::string InOrderCPU::eventNames[NumCPUEvents] =
-    "ActivateThread",
-    "ActivateNextReadyThread",
-    "DeactivateThread",
-    "HaltThread",
-    "SuspendThread",
-    "Trap",
-    "Syscall",
-    "SquashFromMemStall",
-    "UpdatePCs"
-    switch (cpuEventType)
-    {
-      case ActivateThread:
-        cpu->activateThread(tid);
-        cpu->resPool->activateThread(tid);
-        break;
-      case ActivateNextReadyThread:
-        cpu->activateNextReadyThread();
-        break;
-      case DeactivateThread:
-        cpu->deactivateThread(tid);
-        cpu->resPool->deactivateThread(tid);
-        break;
-      case HaltThread:
-        cpu->haltThread(tid);
-        cpu->resPool->deactivateThread(tid);
-        break;
-      case SuspendThread: 
-        cpu->suspendThread(tid);
-        cpu->resPool->suspendThread(tid);
-        break;
-      case SquashFromMemStall:
-        cpu->squashDueToMemStall(inst->squashingStage, inst->seqNum, tid);
-        cpu->resPool->squashDueToMemStall(inst, inst->squashingStage,
-                                          inst->seqNum, tid);
-        break;
-      case Trap:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Trapping CPU\n");
-        cpu->trap(fault, tid, inst);
-        cpu->resPool->trap(fault, tid, inst);
-        cpu->trapPending[tid] = false;
-        break;
-      case Syscall:
-        cpu->syscall(inst->syscallNum, tid);
-        cpu->resPool->trap(fault, tid, inst);
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized Event Type %s", eventNames[cpuEventType]);    
-    }
-    cpu->cpuEventRemoveList.push(this);
-const char *
-InOrderCPU::CPUEvent::description() const
-    return "InOrderCPU event";
-InOrderCPU::CPUEvent::scheduleEvent(Cycles delay)
-    assert(!scheduled() || squashed());
-    cpu->reschedule(this, cpu->clockEdge(delay), true);
-    if (scheduled())
-        squash();
-InOrderCPU::InOrderCPU(Params *params)
-    : BaseCPU(params),
-      cpu_id(params->cpu_id),
-      coreType("default"),
-      _status(Idle),
-      tickEvent(this),
-      stageWidth(params->stageWidth),
-      resPool(new ResourcePool(this, params)),
-      isa(numThreads, NULL),
-      timeBuffer(2 , 2),
-      dataPort(resPool->getDataUnit(), ".dcache_port"),
-      instPort(resPool->getInstUnit(), ".icache_port"),
-      removeInstsThisCycle(false),
-      activityRec(params->name, NumStages, 10, params->activity),
-      system(params->system),
-#ifdef DEBUG
-      cpuEventNum(0),
-      resReqCount(0),
-#endif // DEBUG
-      drainCount(0),
-      stageTracing(params->stageTracing),
-      lastRunningCycle(0),
-      instsPerSwitch(0)
-    cpu_params = params;
-    // Resize for Multithreading CPUs
-    thread.resize(numThreads);
-    ThreadID active_threads = params->workload.size();
-    if (FullSystem) {
-        active_threads = 1;
-    } else {
-        active_threads = params->workload.size();
-        if (active_threads > MaxThreads) {
-            panic("Workload Size too large. Increase the 'MaxThreads'"
-                  "in your InOrder implementation or "
-                  "edit your workload size.");
-        }
-        if (active_threads > 1) {
-            threadModel = (InOrderCPU::ThreadModel) params->threadModel;
-            if (threadModel == SMT) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Setting Thread Model to SMT.\n");
-            } else if (threadModel == SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Setting Thread Model to "
-                        "Switch On Cache Miss\n");
-            }
-        } else {
-            threadModel = Single;
-        }
-    }
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) {
-        isa[tid] = params->isa[tid];
-        pc[tid].set(0);
-        lastCommittedPC[tid].set(0);
-        if (FullSystem) {
-            // SMT is not supported in FS mode yet.
-            assert(numThreads == 1);
-            thread[tid] = new Thread(this, 0, NULL);
-        } else {
-            if (tid < (ThreadID)params->workload.size()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Workload[%i] process is %#x\n",
-                        tid, params->workload[tid]->progName());
-                thread[tid] =
-                    new Thread(this, tid, params->workload[tid]);
-            } else {
-                //Allocate Empty thread so M5 can use later
-                //when scheduling threads to CPU
-                Process* dummy_proc = params->workload[0];
-                thread[tid] = new Thread(this, tid, dummy_proc);
-            }
-            // Eventually set this with parameters...
-            asid[tid] = tid;
-        }
-        // Setup the TC that will serve as the interface to the threads/CPU.
-        InOrderThreadContext *tc = new InOrderThreadContext;
-        tc->cpu = this;
-        tc->thread = thread[tid];
-        // Setup quiesce event.
-        this->thread[tid]->quiesceEvent = new EndQuiesceEvent(tc);
-        // Give the thread the TC.
-        thread[tid]->tc = tc;
-        thread[tid]->setFuncExeInst(0);
-        globalSeqNum[tid] = 1;
-        // Add the TC to the CPU's list of TC's.
-        this->threadContexts.push_back(tc);
-    }
-    // Initialize TimeBuffer Stage Queues
-    for (int stNum=0; stNum < NumStages - 1; stNum++) {
-        stageQueue[stNum] = new StageQueue(NumStages, NumStages);
-        stageQueue[stNum]->id(stNum);
-    }
-    // Set Up Pipeline Stages
-    for (int stNum=0; stNum < NumStages; stNum++) {
-        if (stNum == 0)
-            pipelineStage[stNum] = new FirstStage(params, stNum);
-        else
-            pipelineStage[stNum] = new PipelineStage(params, stNum);
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->setCPU(this);
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->setActiveThreads(&activeThreads);
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer);
-        // Take Care of 1st/Nth stages
-        if (stNum > 0)
-            pipelineStage[stNum]->setPrevStageQueue(stageQueue[stNum - 1]);
-        if (stNum < NumStages - 1)
-            pipelineStage[stNum]->setNextStageQueue(stageQueue[stNum]);
-    }
-    // Initialize thread specific variables
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) {
-        archRegDepMap[tid].setCPU(this);
-        nonSpecInstActive[tid] = false;
-        nonSpecSeqNum[tid] = 0;
-        squashSeqNum[tid] = MaxAddr;
-        lastSquashCycle[tid] = 0;
-        memset(intRegs[tid], 0, sizeof(intRegs[tid]));
-        memset(floatRegs.i[tid], 0, sizeof(floatRegs.i[tid]));
-        memset(ccRegs[tid], 0, sizeof(ccRegs[tid]));
-        isa[tid]->clear();
-        // Define dummy instructions and resource requests to be used.
-        dummyInst[tid] = new InOrderDynInst(this, 
-                                            thread[tid], 
-                                            0, 
-                                            tid, 
-                                            asid[tid]);
-        dummyReq[tid] = new ResourceRequest(resPool->getResource(0));
-        if (FullSystem) {
-            // Use this dummy inst to force squashing behind every instruction
-            // in pipeline
-            dummyTrapInst[tid] = new InOrderDynInst(this, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
-            dummyTrapInst[tid]->seqNum = 0;
-            dummyTrapInst[tid]->squashSeqNum = 0;
-            dummyTrapInst[tid]->setTid(tid);
-        }
-        trapPending[tid] = false;
-    }
-    // InOrderCPU always requires an interrupt controller.
-    if (!params->switched_out && !interrupts) {
-        fatal("InOrderCPU %s has no interrupt controller.\n"
-              "Ensure createInterruptController() is called.\n", name());
-    }
-    dummyReqInst = new InOrderDynInst(this, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
-    dummyReqInst->setSquashed();
-    dummyReqInst->resetInstCount();
-    dummyBufferInst = new InOrderDynInst(this, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
-    dummyBufferInst->setSquashed();
-    dummyBufferInst->resetInstCount();
-    endOfSkedIt = skedCache.end();
-    frontEndSked = createFrontEndSked();
-    faultSked = createFaultSked();
-    lastRunningCycle = curCycle();
-    lockAddr = 0;
-    lockFlag = false;
-    // Schedule First Tick Event, CPU will reschedule itself from here on out.
-    scheduleTickEvent(Cycles(0));
-    delete resPool;
-    SkedCacheIt sked_it = skedCache.begin();
-    SkedCacheIt sked_end = skedCache.end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        delete (*sked_it).second;
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    skedCache.clear();
-m5::hash_map<InOrderCPU::SkedID, ThePipeline::RSkedPtr> InOrderCPU::skedCache;
-    RSkedPtr res_sked = new ResourceSked();
-    int stage_num = 0;
-    StageScheduler F(res_sked, stage_num++);
-    StageScheduler D(res_sked, stage_num++);
-    // FETCH
-    F.needs(FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::AssignNextPC);
-    F.needs(ICache, FetchUnit::InitiateFetch);
-    // DECODE
-    D.needs(ICache, FetchUnit::CompleteFetch);
-    D.needs(Decode, DecodeUnit::DecodeInst);
-    D.needs(BPred, BranchPredictor::PredictBranch);
-    D.needs(FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::UpdateTargetPC);
-    DPRINTF(SkedCache, "Resource Sked created for instruction Front End\n");
-    return res_sked;
-    RSkedPtr res_sked = new ResourceSked();
-    StageScheduler W(res_sked, NumStages - 1);
-    W.needs(Grad, GraduationUnit::CheckFault);
-    DPRINTF(SkedCache, "Resource Sked created for instruction Faults\n");
-    return res_sked;
-InOrderCPU::createBackEndSked(DynInstPtr inst)
-    RSkedPtr res_sked = lookupSked(inst);
-    if (res_sked != NULL) {
-        DPRINTF(SkedCache, "Found %s in sked cache.\n",
-                inst->instName());
-        return res_sked;
-    } else {
-        res_sked = new ResourceSked();
-    }
-    int stage_num = ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage;
-    StageScheduler X(res_sked, stage_num++);
-    StageScheduler M(res_sked, stage_num++);
-    StageScheduler W(res_sked, stage_num++);
-    if (!inst->staticInst) {
-        warn_once("Static Instruction Object Not Set. Can't Create"
-                  " Back End Schedule");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // EXECUTE
-    X.needs(RegManager, UseDefUnit::MarkDestRegs);
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numSrcRegs(); idx++) {
-        if (!idx || !inst->isStore()) {
-            X.needs(RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, idx);
-        }
-    }
-    //@todo: schedule non-spec insts to operate on this cycle
-    // as long as all previous insts are done
-    if ( inst->isNonSpeculative() ) {
-        // skip execution of non speculative insts until later
-    } else if ( inst->isMemRef() ) {
-        if ( inst->isLoad() ) {
-            X.needs(AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr);
-        }
-    } else if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp || inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-        X.needs(MDU, MultDivUnit::StartMultDiv);
-    } else {
-        X.needs(ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst);
-    }
-    // MEMORY
-    if (!inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-        if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp || inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-            M.needs(MDU, MultDivUnit::EndMultDiv);
-        }
-        if ( inst->isLoad() ) {
-            M.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateReadData);
-            if (inst->splitInst)
-                M.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitRead);
-        } else if ( inst->isStore() ) {
-            for (int i = 1; i < inst->numSrcRegs(); i++ ) {
-                M.needs(RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, i);
-            }
-            M.needs(AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr);
-            M.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateWriteData);
-            if (inst->splitInst)
-                M.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-        if ( inst->isLoad() ) {
-            W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteReadData);
-            if (inst->splitInst)
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitRead);
-        } else if ( inst->isStore() ) {
-            W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteWriteData);
-            if (inst->splitInst)
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitWrite);
-        }
-    } else {
-        // Finally, Execute Speculative Data
-        if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-            if (inst->isLoad()) {
-                W.needs(AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr);
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateReadData);
-                if (inst->splitInst)
-                    W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitRead);
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteReadData);
-                if (inst->splitInst)
-                    W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitRead);
-            } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-                if ( inst->numSrcRegs() >= 2 ) {
-                    W.needs(RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, 1);
-                }
-                W.needs(AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr);
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateWriteData);
-                if (inst->splitInst)
-                    W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite);
-                W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteWriteData);
-                if (inst->splitInst)
-                    W.needs(DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitWrite);
-            }
-        } else {
-            W.needs(ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst);
-        }
-    }
-    W.needs(Grad, GraduationUnit::CheckFault);
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numDestRegs(); idx++) {
-        W.needs(RegManager, UseDefUnit::WriteDestReg, idx);
-    }
-    if (inst->isControl())
-        W.needs(BPred, BranchPredictor::UpdatePredictor);
-    W.needs(Grad, GraduationUnit::GraduateInst);
-    // Insert Back Schedule into our cache of
-    // resource schedules
-    addToSkedCache(inst, res_sked);
-    DPRINTF(SkedCache, "Back End Sked Created for instruction: %s (%08p)\n",
-            inst->instName(), inst->getMachInst());
-    res_sked->print();
-    return res_sked;
-    /* Register the Resource Pool's stats here.*/
-    resPool->regStats();
-    /* Register for each Pipeline Stage */
-    for (int stage_num=0; stage_num < ThePipeline::NumStages; stage_num++) {
-        pipelineStage[stage_num]->regStats();
-    }
-    /* Register any of the InOrderCPU's stats here.*/
-    instsPerCtxtSwitch
-        .name(name() + ".instsPerContextSwitch")
-        .desc("Instructions Committed Per Context Switch")
-        .prereq(instsPerCtxtSwitch);
-    numCtxtSwitches
-        .name(name() + ".contextSwitches")
-        .desc("Number of context switches");
-    comLoads
-        .name(name() + ".comLoads")
-        .desc("Number of Load instructions committed");
-    comStores
-        .name(name() + ".comStores")
-        .desc("Number of Store instructions committed");
-    comBranches
-        .name(name() + ".comBranches")
-        .desc("Number of Branches instructions committed");
-    comNops
-        .name(name() + ".comNops")
-        .desc("Number of Nop instructions committed");
-    comNonSpec
-        .name(name() + ".comNonSpec")
-        .desc("Number of Non-Speculative instructions committed");
-    comInts
-        .name(name() + ".comInts")
-        .desc("Number of Integer instructions committed");
-    comFloats
-        .name(name() + ".comFloats")
-        .desc("Number of Floating Point instructions committed");
-    timesIdled
-        .name(name() + ".timesIdled")
-        .desc("Number of times that the entire CPU went into an idle state and"
-              " unscheduled itself")
-        .prereq(timesIdled);
-    idleCycles
-        .name(name() + ".idleCycles")
-        .desc("Number of cycles cpu's stages were not processed");
-    runCycles
-        .name(name() + ".runCycles")
-        .desc("Number of cycles cpu stages are processed.");
-    activity
-        .name(name() + ".activity")
-        .desc("Percentage of cycles cpu is active")
-        .precision(6);
-    activity = (runCycles / numCycles) * 100;
-    threadCycles
-        .init(numThreads)
-        .name(name() + ".threadCycles")
-        .desc("Total Number of Cycles A Thread Was Active in CPU (Per-Thread)");
-    smtCycles
-        .name(name() + ".smtCycles")
-        .desc("Total number of cycles that the CPU was in SMT-mode");
-    committedInsts
-        .init(numThreads)
-        .name(name() + ".committedInsts")
-        .desc("Number of Instructions committed (Per-Thread)");
-    committedOps
-        .init(numThreads)
-        .name(name() + ".committedOps")
-        .desc("Number of Ops committed (Per-Thread)");
-    smtCommittedInsts
-        .init(numThreads)
-        .name(name() + ".smtCommittedInsts")
-        .desc("Number of SMT Instructions committed (Per-Thread)");
-    totalCommittedInsts
-        .name(name() + ".committedInsts_total")
-        .desc("Number of Instructions committed (Total)");
-    cpi
-        .name(name() + ".cpi")
-        .desc("CPI: Cycles Per Instruction (Per-Thread)")
-        .precision(6);
-    cpi = numCycles / committedInsts;
-    smtCpi
-        .name(name() + ".smt_cpi")
-        .desc("CPI: Total SMT-CPI")
-        .precision(6);
-    smtCpi = smtCycles / smtCommittedInsts;
-    totalCpi
-        .name(name() + ".cpi_total")
-        .desc("CPI: Total CPI of All Threads")
-        .precision(6);
-    totalCpi = numCycles / totalCommittedInsts;
-    ipc
-        .name(name() + ".ipc")
-        .desc("IPC: Instructions Per Cycle (Per-Thread)")
-        .precision(6);
-    ipc =  committedInsts / numCycles;
-    smtIpc
-        .name(name() + ".smt_ipc")
-        .desc("IPC: Total SMT-IPC")
-        .precision(6);
-    smtIpc = smtCommittedInsts / smtCycles;
-    totalIpc
-        .name(name() + ".ipc_total")
-        .desc("IPC: Total IPC of All Threads")
-        .precision(6);
-        totalIpc =  totalCommittedInsts / numCycles;
-    BaseCPU::regStats();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "\n\nInOrderCPU: Ticking main, InOrderCPU.\n");
-    ++numCycles;
-    checkForInterrupts();
-    bool pipes_idle = true;
-    //Tick each of the stages
-    for (int stNum=NumStages - 1; stNum >= 0 ; stNum--) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->tick();
-        pipes_idle = pipes_idle && pipelineStage[stNum]->idle;
-    }
-    if (pipes_idle)
-        idleCycles++;
-    else
-        runCycles++;
-    // Now advance the time buffers one tick
-    timeBuffer.advance();
-    for (int sqNum=0; sqNum < NumStages - 1; sqNum++) {
-        stageQueue[sqNum]->advance();
-    }
-    activityRec.advance();
-    // Any squashed events, or insts then remove them now
-    cleanUpRemovedEvents();
-    cleanUpRemovedInsts();
-    // Re-schedule CPU for this cycle
-    if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) {
-        if (_status == SwitchedOut) {
-            // increment stat
-            lastRunningCycle = curCycle();
-        } else if (!activityRec.active()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "sleeping CPU.\n");
-            lastRunningCycle = curCycle();
-            timesIdled++;
-        } else {
-            //Tick next_tick = curTick() + cycles(1);
-            //tickEvent.schedule(next_tick);
-            schedule(&tickEvent, clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Scheduled CPU for next tick @ %i.\n", 
-                    clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
-        }
-    }
-    tickThreadStats();
-    updateThreadPriority();
-    BaseCPU::init();
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) {
-        // Set noSquashFromTC so that the CPU doesn't squash when initially
-        // setting up registers.
-        thread[tid]->noSquashFromTC = true;
-        // Initialise the ThreadContext's memory proxies
-        thread[tid]->initMemProxies(thread[tid]->getTC());
-    }
-    if (FullSystem && !params()->switched_out) {
-        for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) {
-            ThreadContext *src_tc = threadContexts[tid];
-            TheISA::initCPU(src_tc, src_tc->contextId());
-        }
-    }
-    // Clear noSquashFromTC.
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid)
-        thread[tid]->noSquashFromTC = false;
-    // Call Initializiation Routine for Resource Pool
-    resPool->init();
-InOrderCPU::verifyMemoryMode() const
-    if (!system->isTimingMode()) {
-        fatal("The in-order CPU requires the memory system to be in "
-              "'timing' mode.\n");
-    }
-InOrderCPU::hwrei(ThreadID tid)
-    // Need to clear the lock flag upon returning from an interrupt.
-    setMiscRegNoEffect(AlphaISA::MISCREG_LOCKFLAG, false, tid);
-    thread[tid]->kernelStats->hwrei();
-    // FIXME: XXX check for interrupts? XXX
-    return NoFault;
-InOrderCPU::simPalCheck(int palFunc, ThreadID tid)
-    if (this->thread[tid]->kernelStats)
-        this->thread[tid]->kernelStats->callpal(palFunc,
-                                                this->threadContexts[tid]);
-    switch (palFunc) {
-      case PAL::halt:
-        halt();
-        if (--System::numSystemsRunning == 0)
-            exitSimLoop("all cpus halted");
-        break;
-      case PAL::bpt:
-      case PAL::bugchk:
-        if (this->system->breakpoint())
-            return false;
-        break;
-    }
-    return true;
-    for (int i = 0; i < threadContexts.size(); i++) {
-        ThreadContext *tc = threadContexts[i];
-        if (interrupts->checkInterrupts(tc)) {
-            Fault interrupt = interrupts->getInterrupt(tc);
-            if (interrupt != NoFault) {
-                DPRINTF(Interrupt, "Processing Intterupt for [tid:%i].\n",
-                        tc->threadId());
-                ThreadID tid = tc->threadId();
-                interrupts->updateIntrInfo(tc);
-                // Squash from Last Stage in Pipeline
-                unsigned last_stage = NumStages - 1;
-                dummyTrapInst[tid]->squashingStage = last_stage;
-                pipelineStage[last_stage]->setupSquash(dummyTrapInst[tid],
-                                                       tid);
-                // By default, setupSquash will always squash from stage + 1
-                pipelineStage[BackEndStartStage - 1]->setupSquash(dummyTrapInst[tid],
-                                                                  tid);
-                // Schedule Squash Through-out Resource Pool
-                resPool->scheduleEvent(
-                    (InOrderCPU::CPUEventType)ResourcePool::SquashAll,
-                    dummyTrapInst[tid], Cycles(0));
-                // Finally, Setup Trap to happen at end of cycle
-                trapContext(interrupt, tid, dummyTrapInst[tid]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Check if there are any outstanding interrupts
-    return interrupts->getInterrupt(threadContexts[0]);
-InOrderCPU::processInterrupts(const Fault &interrupt)
-    // Check for interrupts here.  For now can copy the code that
-    // exists within isa_fullsys_traits.hh.  Also assume that thread 0
-    // is the one that handles the interrupts.
-    // @todo: Possibly consolidate the interrupt checking code.
-    // @todo: Allow other threads to handle interrupts.
-    assert(interrupt != NoFault);
-    interrupts->updateIntrInfo(threadContexts[0]);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Interrupt %s being handled\n", interrupt->name());
-    // Note: Context ID ok here? Impl. of FS mode needs to revisit this
-    trap(interrupt, threadContexts[0]->contextId(), dummyBufferInst);
-InOrderCPU::trapContext(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst,
-                        Cycles delay)
-    scheduleCpuEvent(Trap, fault, tid, inst, delay);
-    trapPending[tid] = true;
-InOrderCPU::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst)
-    fault->invoke(tcBase(tid), inst->staticInst);
-    removePipelineStalls(tid);
-InOrderCPU::squashFromMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid,
-                               Cycles delay)
-    scheduleCpuEvent(SquashFromMemStall, NoFault, tid, inst, delay);
-InOrderCPU::squashDueToMemStall(int stage_num, InstSeqNum seq_num,
-                                ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Squashing Pipeline Stages Due to Memory Stall...\n");
-    // Squash all instructions in each stage including 
-    // instruction that caused the squash (seq_num - 1)
-    // NOTE: The stage bandwidth needs to be cleared so thats why
-    //       the stalling instruction is squashed as well. The stalled
-    //       instruction is previously placed in another intermediate buffer
-    //       while it's stall is being handled.
-    InstSeqNum squash_seq_num = seq_num - 1;
-    for (int stNum=stage_num; stNum >= 0 ; stNum--) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->squashDueToMemStall(squash_seq_num, tid);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::scheduleCpuEvent(CPUEventType c_event, const Fault &fault,
-                             ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst, 
-                             Cycles delay, CPUEventPri event_pri)
-    CPUEvent *cpu_event = new CPUEvent(this, c_event, fault, tid, inst,
-                                       event_pri);
-    Tick sked_tick = clockEdge(delay);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Scheduling CPU Event (%s) for cycle %i, [tid:%i].\n",
-            eventNames[c_event], curTick() + delay, tid);
-    schedule(cpu_event, sked_tick);
-    // Broadcast event to the Resource Pool
-    // Need to reset tid just in case this is a dummy instruction
-    inst->setTid(tid);        
-    // @todo: Is this really right? Should the delay not be passed on?
-    resPool->scheduleEvent(c_event, inst, Cycles(0), 0, tid);
-InOrderCPU::isThreadActive(ThreadID tid)
-  list<ThreadID>::iterator isActive =
-      std::find(activeThreads.begin(), activeThreads.end(), tid);
-    return (isActive != activeThreads.end());
-InOrderCPU::isThreadReady(ThreadID tid)
-  list<ThreadID>::iterator isReady =
-      std::find(readyThreads.begin(), readyThreads.end(), tid);
-    return (isReady != readyThreads.end());
-InOrderCPU::isThreadSuspended(ThreadID tid)
-  list<ThreadID>::iterator isSuspended =
-      std::find(suspendedThreads.begin(), suspendedThreads.end(), tid);
-    return (isSuspended != suspendedThreads.end());
-    if (readyThreads.size() >= 1) {          
-        ThreadID ready_tid = readyThreads.front();
-        // Activate in Pipeline
-        activateThread(ready_tid);                        
-        // Activate in Resource Pool
-        resPool->activateThread(ready_tid);
-        list<ThreadID>::iterator ready_it =
-            std::find(readyThreads.begin(), readyThreads.end(), ready_tid);
-        readyThreads.erase(ready_it);                        
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,
-                "Attempting to activate new thread, but No Ready Threads to"
-                "activate.\n");
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,
-                "Unable to switch to next active thread.\n");
-    }        
-InOrderCPU::activateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    if (isThreadSuspended(tid)) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,
-                "Removing [tid:%i] from suspended threads list.\n", tid);
-        list<ThreadID>::iterator susp_it =
-            std::find(suspendedThreads.begin(), suspendedThreads.end(), 
-                      tid);
-        suspendedThreads.erase(susp_it);                        
-    }
-    if (threadModel == SwitchOnCacheMiss &&
-        numActiveThreads() == 1) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,
-                "Ignoring activation of [tid:%i], since [tid:%i] is "
-                "already running.\n", tid, activeThreadId());
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"Placing [tid:%i] on ready threads list\n", 
-                tid);        
-        readyThreads.push_back(tid);
-    } else if (!isThreadActive(tid)) {                
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,
-                "Adding [tid:%i] to active threads list.\n", tid);
-        activeThreads.push_back(tid);
-        activateThreadInPipeline(tid);
-        thread[tid]->lastActivate = curTick();            
-        tcBase(tid)->setStatus(ThreadContext::Active);    
-        wakeCPU();
-        numCtxtSwitches++;        
-    }
-InOrderCPU::activateThreadInPipeline(ThreadID tid)
-    for (int stNum=0; stNum < NumStages; stNum++) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->activateThread(tid);
-    }    
-InOrderCPU::deactivateContext(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"[tid:%i]: Deactivating ...\n", tid);
-    scheduleCpuEvent(DeactivateThread, NoFault, tid, dummyInst[tid]);
-    // Be sure to signal that there's some activity so the CPU doesn't
-    // deschedule itself.
-    activityRec.activity();
-    _status = Running;
-InOrderCPU::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "[tid:%i]: Calling deactivate thread.\n", tid);
-    if (isThreadActive(tid)) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"[tid:%i]: Removing from active threads list\n",
-                tid);
-        list<ThreadID>::iterator thread_it =
-            std::find(activeThreads.begin(), activeThreads.end(), tid);
-        removePipelineStalls(*thread_it);
-        activeThreads.erase(thread_it);
-        // Ideally, this should be triggered from the
-        // suspendContext/Thread functions
-        tcBase(tid)->setStatus(ThreadContext::Suspended);    
-    }
-    assert(!isThreadActive(tid));    
-InOrderCPU::removePipelineStalls(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"[tid:%i]: Removing all pipeline stalls\n",
-            tid);
-    for (int stNum = 0; stNum < NumStages ; stNum++) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->removeStalls(tid);
-    }
-    if (activeThreads.size() > 1)
-    {
-        //e.g. Move highest priority to end of thread list
-        list<ThreadID>::iterator list_begin = activeThreads.begin();
-        unsigned high_thread = *list_begin;
-        activeThreads.erase(list_begin);
-        activeThreads.push_back(high_thread);
-    }
-inline void
-    /** Keep track of cycles that each thread is active */
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator thread_it = activeThreads.begin();
-    while (thread_it != activeThreads.end()) {
-        threadCycles[*thread_it]++;
-        thread_it++;
-    }
-    // Keep track of cycles where SMT is active
-    if (activeThreads.size() > 1) {
-        smtCycles++;
-    }
-InOrderCPU::activateContext(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"[tid:%i]: Activating ...\n", tid);
-    scheduleCpuEvent(ActivateThread, NoFault, tid, dummyInst[tid]);
-    // Be sure to signal that there's some activity so the CPU doesn't
-    // deschedule itself.
-    activityRec.activity();
-    _status = Running;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU,"Activating next ready thread\n");
-    scheduleCpuEvent(ActivateNextReadyThread, NoFault, 0/*tid*/, dummyInst[0], 
-                     Cycles(0), ActivateNextReadyThread_Pri);
-    // Be sure to signal that there's some activity so the CPU doesn't
-    // deschedule itself.
-    activityRec.activity();
-    _status = Running;
-InOrderCPU::haltContext(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "[tid:%i]: Calling Halt Context...\n", tid);
-    scheduleCpuEvent(HaltThread, NoFault, tid, dummyInst[tid]);
-    activityRec.activity();
-InOrderCPU::haltThread(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "[tid:%i]: Placing on Halted Threads List...\n", tid);
-    deactivateThread(tid);
-    squashThreadInPipeline(tid);   
-    haltedThreads.push_back(tid);    
-    tcBase(tid)->setStatus(ThreadContext::Halted);    
-    if (threadModel == SwitchOnCacheMiss) {        
-        activateNextReadyContext();    
-    }
-InOrderCPU::suspendContext(ThreadID tid)
-    scheduleCpuEvent(SuspendThread, NoFault, tid, dummyInst[tid]);
-InOrderCPU::suspendThread(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "[tid:%i]: Placing on Suspended Threads List...\n",
-            tid);
-    deactivateThread(tid);
-    suspendedThreads.push_back(tid);    
-    thread[tid]->lastSuspend = curTick();    
-    tcBase(tid)->setStatus(ThreadContext::Suspended);    
-InOrderCPU::squashThreadInPipeline(ThreadID tid)
-    //Squash all instructions in each stage
-    for (int stNum=NumStages - 1; stNum >= 0 ; stNum--) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->squash(0 /*seq_num*/, tid);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::getPipeStage(int stage_num)
-    return pipelineStage[stage_num];
-InOrderCPU::flattenRegIdx(RegIndex reg_idx, RegClass &reg_type, ThreadID tid)
-    RegIndex rel_idx;
-    reg_type = regIdxToClass(reg_idx, &rel_idx);
-    switch (reg_type) {
-      case IntRegClass:
-        return isa[tid]->flattenIntIndex(rel_idx);
-      case FloatRegClass:
-        return isa[tid]->flattenFloatIndex(rel_idx);
-      case MiscRegClass:
-        return rel_idx;
-      default:
-        panic("register %d out of range\n", reg_idx);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::readIntReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(IntRegs, "[tid:%i]: Reading Int. Reg %i as %x\n",
-            tid, reg_idx, intRegs[tid][reg_idx]);
-    return intRegs[tid][reg_idx];
-InOrderCPU::readFloatReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(FloatRegs, "[tid:%i]: Reading Float Reg %i as %x, %08f\n",
-            tid, reg_idx, floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx], floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx]);
-    return floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx];
-InOrderCPU::readFloatRegBits(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(FloatRegs, "[tid:%i]: Reading Float Reg %i as %x, %08f\n",
-            tid, reg_idx, floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx], floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx]);
-    return floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx];
-InOrderCPU::readCCReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(CCRegs, "[tid:%i]: Reading CC. Reg %i as %x\n",
-            tid, reg_idx, ccRegs[tid][reg_idx]);
-    return ccRegs[tid][reg_idx];
-    panic("readCCReg: ISA does not have CC regs\n");
-InOrderCPU::setIntReg(RegIndex reg_idx, uint64_t val, ThreadID tid)
-    if (reg_idx == TheISA::ZeroReg) {
-        DPRINTF(IntRegs, "[tid:%i]: Ignoring Setting of ISA-ZeroReg "
-                "(Int. Reg %i) to %x\n", tid, reg_idx, val);
-        return;
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(IntRegs, "[tid:%i]: Setting Int. Reg %i to %x\n",
-                tid, reg_idx, val);
-        intRegs[tid][reg_idx] = val;
-    }
-InOrderCPU::setFloatReg(RegIndex reg_idx, FloatReg val, ThreadID tid)
-    floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx] = val;
-    DPRINTF(FloatRegs, "[tid:%i]: Setting Float. Reg %i bits to "
-            "%x, %08f\n",
-            tid, reg_idx,
-            floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx],
-            floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx]);
-InOrderCPU::setFloatRegBits(RegIndex reg_idx, FloatRegBits val, ThreadID tid)
-    floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx] = val;
-    DPRINTF(FloatRegs, "[tid:%i]: Setting Float. Reg %i bits to "
-            "%x, %08f\n",
-            tid, reg_idx,
-            floatRegs.i[tid][reg_idx],
-            floatRegs.f[tid][reg_idx]);
-InOrderCPU::setCCReg(RegIndex reg_idx, CCReg val, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(CCRegs, "[tid:%i]: Setting CC. Reg %i to %x\n",
-            tid, reg_idx, val);
-    ccRegs[tid][reg_idx] = val;
-    panic("readCCReg: ISA does not have CC regs\n");
-InOrderCPU::readRegOtherThread(unsigned reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    // If Default value is set, then retrieve target thread
-    if (tid == InvalidThreadID) {
-        tid = TheISA::getTargetThread(tcBase(tid));
-    }
-    RegIndex rel_idx;
-    switch (regIdxToClass(reg_idx, &rel_idx)) {
-      case IntRegClass:
-        // Integer Register File
-        return readIntReg(rel_idx, tid);
-      case FloatRegClass:
-        // Float Register File
-        return readFloatRegBits(rel_idx, tid);
-      case MiscRegClass:
-        return readMiscReg(rel_idx, tid);  // Misc. Register File
-      default:
-        panic("register %d out of range\n", reg_idx);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::setRegOtherThread(unsigned reg_idx, const MiscReg &val,
-                              ThreadID tid)
-    // If Default value is set, then retrieve target thread
-    if (tid == InvalidThreadID) {
-        tid = TheISA::getTargetThread(tcBase(tid));
-    }
-    RegIndex rel_idx;
-    switch (regIdxToClass(reg_idx, &rel_idx)) {
-      case IntRegClass:
-        setIntReg(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case FloatRegClass:
-        setFloatRegBits(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case CCRegClass:
-        setCCReg(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case MiscRegClass:
-        setMiscReg(rel_idx, val, tid); // Misc. Register File
-        break;
-    }
-InOrderCPU::readMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid)
-    return isa[tid]->readMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg);
-InOrderCPU::readMiscReg(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid)
-    return isa[tid]->readMiscReg(misc_reg, tcBase(tid));
-InOrderCPU::setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val, ThreadID tid)
-    isa[tid]->setMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg, val);
-InOrderCPU::setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val, ThreadID tid)
-    isa[tid]->setMiscReg(misc_reg, val, tcBase(tid));
-InOrderCPU::addInst(DynInstPtr inst)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    instList[tid].push_back(inst);
-    return --(instList[tid].end());
-InOrderCPU::findInst(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    ListIt it = instList[tid].begin();
-    ListIt end = instList[tid].end();
-    while (it != end) {
-        if ((*it)->seqNum == seq_num)
-            return it;
-        else if ((*it)->seqNum > seq_num)
-            break;
-        it++;
-    }
-    return instList[tid].end();
-    // Set Average Stat Here, then reset to 0    
-    instsPerCtxtSwitch = instsPerSwitch;
-    instsPerSwitch = 0;
-    setDrainState(Drainable::Running);
-    if (switchedOut())
-        return;
-    DPRINTF(Drain, "Resuming...\n");
-    verifyMemoryMode();
-    assert(!tickEvent.scheduled());
-    // Activate threads and also signal the resource pool to activate
-    // the thread on all resources.
-    _status = Idle;
-    for (ThreadID i = 0; i < thread.size(); i++) {
-        if (thread[i]->status() == ThreadContext::Active) {
-            DPRINTF(Drain, "Activating thread: %i\n", i);
-            activateThread(i);
-            resPool->activateThread(i);
-            _status = Running;
-        }
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Switching out\n");
-    BaseCPU::switchOut();
-    activityRec.reset();
-    _status = SwitchedOut;
-InOrderCPU::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU)
-    BaseCPU::takeOverFrom(oldCPU);
-    // Call takeOverFrom() on each pipeline stage
-    for (int stNum=0; stNum < NumStages; stNum++) {
-        pipelineStage[stNum]->takeOverFrom();
-    }
-    assert(!tickEvent.scheduled());
-    // Copy over the current instruction sequence numbers if we are
-    // taking over from another InOrderCPU.
-    InOrderCPU *oldIOCPU = dynamic_cast<InOrderCPU*>(oldCPU);
-    if (oldIOCPU) {
-      for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++)
-        globalSeqNum[tid] = oldIOCPU->globalSeqNum[tid];
-    }
-    lastRunningCycle = curCycle();
-    _status = Idle;
-InOrderCPU::instDone(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid)
-    // Set the nextPC to be fetched if this is the last instruction
-    // committed
-    // ========
-    // This contributes to the precise state of the CPU
-    // which can be used when restoring a thread to the CPU after after any
-    // type of context switching activity (fork, exception, etc.)
-    TheISA::PCState comm_pc = inst->pcState();
-    lastCommittedPC[tid] = comm_pc;
-    TheISA::advancePC(comm_pc, inst->staticInst);
-    pcState(comm_pc, tid);
-    //@todo: may be unnecessary with new-ISA-specific branch handling code
-    if (inst->isControl()) {
-        thread[tid]->lastGradIsBranch = true;
-        thread[tid]->lastBranchPC = inst->pcState();
-        TheISA::advancePC(thread[tid]->lastBranchPC, inst->staticInst);
-    } else {
-        thread[tid]->lastGradIsBranch = false;
-    }
-    // Finalize Trace Data For Instruction
-    if (inst->traceData) {
-        //inst->traceData->setCycle(curTick());
-        inst->traceData->setFetchSeq(inst->seqNum);
-        //inst->traceData->setCPSeq(cpu->tcBase(tid)->numInst);
-        inst->traceData->dump();
-        delete inst->traceData;
-        inst->traceData = NULL;
-    }
-    // Increment active thread's instruction count
-    instsPerSwitch++;
-    // Increment thread-state's instruction count
-    thread[tid]->numInst++;
-    thread[tid]->numOp++;
-    // Increment thread-state's instruction stats
-    thread[tid]->numInsts++;
-    thread[tid]->numOps++;
-    // Count committed insts per thread stats
-    if (!inst->isMicroop() || inst->isLastMicroop()) {
-        committedInsts[tid]++;
-        // Count total insts committed stat
-        totalCommittedInsts++;
-    }
-    committedOps[tid]++;
-    // Count SMT-committed insts per thread stat
-    if (numActiveThreads() > 1) {
-        if (!inst->isMicroop() || inst->isLastMicroop())
-            smtCommittedInsts[tid]++;
-    }
-    // Instruction-Mix Stats
-    if (inst->isLoad()) {
-        comLoads++;
-    } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-        comStores++;
-    } else if (inst->isControl()) {
-        comBranches++;
-    } else if (inst->isNop()) {
-        comNops++;
-    } else if (inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-        comNonSpec++;
-    } else if (inst->isInteger()) {
-        comInts++;
-    } else if (inst->isFloating()) {
-        comFloats++;
-    }
-    // Check for instruction-count-based events.
-    comInstEventQueue[tid]->serviceEvents(thread[tid]->numOp);
-    // Finally, remove instruction from CPU
-    removeInst(inst);
-// currently unused function, but substitute repetitive code w/this function
-// call
-InOrderCPU::addToRemoveList(DynInstPtr inst)
-    removeInstsThisCycle = true;
-    if (!inst->isRemoveList()) {            
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Pushing instruction [tid:%i] PC %s "
-                "[sn:%lli] to remove list\n",
-                inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum);
-        inst->setRemoveList();        
-        removeList.push(inst->getInstListIt());
-    }  else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Ignoring instruction removal for [tid:%i] PC %s "
-                "[sn:%lli], already remove list\n",
-                inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::removeInst(DynInstPtr inst)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Removing graduated instruction [tid:%i] PC %s "
-            "[sn:%lli]\n",
-            inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum);
-    removeInstsThisCycle = true;
-    // Remove the instruction.
-    if (!inst->isRemoveList()) {            
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Pushing instruction [tid:%i] PC %s "
-                "[sn:%lli] to remove list\n",
-                inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum);
-        inst->setRemoveList();        
-        removeList.push(inst->getInstListIt());
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Ignoring instruction removal for [tid:%i] PC %s "
-                "[sn:%lli], already on remove list\n",
-                inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum);
-    }
-InOrderCPU::removeInstsUntil(const InstSeqNum &seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    //assert(!instList[tid].empty());
-    removeInstsThisCycle = true;
-    ListIt inst_iter = instList[tid].end();
-    inst_iter--;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Squashing instructions from CPU instruction "
-            "list that are from [tid:%i] and above [sn:%lli] (end=%lli).\n",
-            tid, seq_num, (*inst_iter)->seqNum);
-    while ((*inst_iter)->seqNum > seq_num) {
-        bool break_loop = (inst_iter == instList[tid].begin());
-        squashInstIt(inst_iter, tid);
-        inst_iter--;
-        if (break_loop)
-            break;
-    }
-inline void
-InOrderCPU::squashInstIt(const ListIt inst_it, ThreadID tid)
-    DynInstPtr inst = (*inst_it);
-    if (inst->threadNumber == tid) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Squashing instruction, "
-                "[tid:%i] [sn:%lli] PC %s\n",
-                inst->threadNumber,
-                inst->seqNum,
-                inst->pcState());
-        inst->setSquashed();
-        archRegDepMap[tid].remove(inst);
-        if (!inst->isRemoveList()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Pushing instruction [tid:%i] PC %s "
-                    "[sn:%lli] to remove list\n",
-                    inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(),
-                    inst->seqNum);
-            inst->setRemoveList();
-            removeList.push(inst_it);
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Ignoring instruction removal for [tid:%i]"
-                    " PC %s [sn:%lli], already on remove list\n",
-                    inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(),
-                    inst->seqNum);
-        }
-    }
-    while (!removeList.empty()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Removing instruction, "
-                "[tid:%i] [sn:%lli] PC %s\n",
-                (*removeList.front())->threadNumber,
-                (*removeList.front())->seqNum,
-               (*removeList.front())->pcState());
-        DynInstPtr inst = *removeList.front();
-        ThreadID tid = inst->threadNumber;
-        // Remove From Register Dependency Map, If Necessary
-        // archRegDepMap[tid].remove(inst);
-        // Clear if Non-Speculative
-        if (inst->staticInst &&
-            inst->seqNum == nonSpecSeqNum[tid] &&
-            nonSpecInstActive[tid]) {
-            nonSpecInstActive[tid] = false;
-        }
-        inst->onInstList = false;
-        instList[tid].erase(removeList.front());
-        removeList.pop();
-    }
-    removeInstsThisCycle = false;
-    while (!cpuEventRemoveList.empty()) {
-        Event *cpu_event = cpuEventRemoveList.front();
-        cpuEventRemoveList.pop();
-        delete cpu_event;
-    }
-    int num = 0;
-    ListIt inst_list_it = instList[0].begin();
-    cprintf("Dumping Instruction List\n");
-    while (inst_list_it != instList[0].end()) {
-        cprintf("Instruction:%i\nPC:%s\n[tid:%i]\n[sn:%lli]\nIssued:%i\n"
-                "Squashed:%i\n\n",
-                num, (*inst_list_it)->pcState(),
-                (*inst_list_it)->threadNumber,
-                (*inst_list_it)->seqNum, (*inst_list_it)->isIssued(),
-                (*inst_list_it)->isSquashed());
-        inst_list_it++;
-        ++num;
-    }
-    if (/*activityRec.active() || */tickEvent.scheduled()) {
-        DPRINTF(Activity, "CPU already running.\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    DPRINTF(Activity, "Waking up CPU\n");
-    Tick extra_cycles = curCycle() - lastRunningCycle;
-    if (extra_cycles != 0)
-        --extra_cycles;
-    idleCycles += extra_cycles;    
-    for (int stage_num = 0; stage_num < NumStages; stage_num++) {
-        pipelineStage[stage_num]->idleCycles += extra_cycles;
-    }    
-    numCycles += extra_cycles;
-    schedule(&tickEvent, clockEdge());
-// Lots of copied full system code...place into BaseCPU class?
-    if (thread[0]->status() != ThreadContext::Suspended)
-        return;
-    wakeCPU();
-    DPRINTF(Quiesce, "Suspended Processor woken\n");
-    threadContexts[0]->activate();
-InOrderCPU::syscallContext(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst,
-                           Cycles delay)
-    // Syscall must be non-speculative, so squash from last stage
-    unsigned squash_stage = NumStages - 1;
-    inst->setSquashInfo(squash_stage);
-    // Squash In Pipeline Stage
-    pipelineStage[squash_stage]->setupSquash(inst, tid);
-    // Schedule Squash Through-out Resource Pool
-    resPool->scheduleEvent(
-        (InOrderCPU::CPUEventType)ResourcePool::SquashAll, inst,
-        Cycles(0));
-    scheduleCpuEvent(Syscall, fault, tid, inst, delay, Syscall_Pri);
-InOrderCPU::syscall(int64_t callnum, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "[tid:%i] Executing syscall().\n\n", tid);
-    DPRINTF(Activity,"Activity: syscall() called.\n");
-    // Temporarily increase this by one to account for the syscall
-    // instruction.
-    ++(this->thread[tid]->funcExeInst);
-    // Execute the actual syscall.
-    this->thread[tid]->syscall(callnum);
-    // Decrease funcExeInst by one as the normal commit will handle
-    // incrementing it.
-    --(this->thread[tid]->funcExeInst);
-    // Clear Non-Speculative Block Variable
-    nonSpecInstActive[tid] = false;
-    CacheUnit *itb_res = resPool->getInstUnit();
-    return itb_res->tlb();
-    return resPool->getDataUnit()->tlb();
-TheISA::Decoder *
-InOrderCPU::getDecoderPtr(unsigned tid)
-    return resPool->getInstUnit()->decoder[tid];
-InOrderCPU::read(DynInstPtr inst, Addr addr,
-                 uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags)
-    return resPool->getDataUnit()->read(inst, addr, data, size, flags);
-InOrderCPU::write(DynInstPtr inst, uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                  Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *write_res)
-    return resPool->getDataUnit()->write(inst, data, size, addr, flags,
-                                         write_res);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/cpu.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/cpu.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b82aba7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,942 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 ARM Limited
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#ifndef __CPU_INORDER_CPU_HH__
-#define __CPU_INORDER_CPU_HH__
-#include <iostream>
-#include <list>
-#include <queue>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "arch/registers.hh"
-#include "arch/types.hh"
-#include "base/statistics.hh"
-#include "base/types.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh"
-#include "cpu/o3/dep_graph.hh"
-#include "cpu/o3/rename_map.hh"
-#include "cpu/activity.hh"
-#include "cpu/base.hh"
-#include "cpu/reg_class.hh"
-#include "cpu/simple_thread.hh"
-#include "cpu/timebuf.hh"
-#include "mem/packet.hh"
-#include "mem/port.hh"
-#include "mem/request.hh"
-#include "sim/eventq.hh"
-#include "sim/process.hh"
-class CacheUnit;
-class ThreadContext;
-class MemInterface;
-class MemObject;
-class Process;
-class ResourcePool;
-class InOrderCPU : public BaseCPU
-  protected:
-    typedef ThePipeline::Params Params;
-    typedef InOrderThreadState Thread;
-   //ISA TypeDefs
-    typedef TheISA::IntReg IntReg;
-    typedef TheISA::FloatReg FloatReg;
-    typedef TheISA::FloatRegBits FloatRegBits;
-    typedef TheISA::CCReg CCReg;
-    typedef TheISA::MiscReg MiscReg;
-    typedef TheISA::RegIndex RegIndex;
-    //DynInstPtr TypeDefs
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    typedef std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator ListIt;
-    //TimeBuffer TypeDefs
-    typedef TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> StageQueue;
-    friend class Resource;
-  public:
-    /** Constructs a CPU with the given parameters. */
-    InOrderCPU(Params *params);
-    /* Destructor */
-    ~InOrderCPU();
-    void verifyMemoryMode() const;
-    /** Return a reference to the data port. */
-    virtual MasterPort &getDataPort() { return dataPort; }
-    /** Return a reference to the instruction port. */
-    virtual MasterPort &getInstPort() { return instPort; }
-    /** CPU ID */
-    int cpu_id;
-    // SE Mode ASIDs
-    ThreadID asid[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Type of core that this is */
-    std::string coreType;
-    // Only need for SE MODE
-    enum ThreadModel {
-        Single,
-        SMT,
-        SwitchOnCacheMiss
-    };
-    ThreadModel threadModel;
-    int readCpuId() { return cpu_id; }
-    void setCpuId(int val) { cpu_id = val; }
-    Params *cpu_params;
-  public:
-    enum Status {
-        Running,
-        Idle,
-        Halted,
-        Blocked,
-        SwitchedOut
-    };
-    /** Overall CPU status. */
-    Status _status;
-  private:
-    /**
-     * CachePort class for the in-order CPU, interacting with a
-     * specific CacheUnit in the pipeline.
-     */
-    class CachePort : public MasterPort
-    {
-      private:
-        /** Pointer to cache unit */
-        CacheUnit *cacheUnit;
-      public:
-        /** Default constructor. */
-        CachePort(CacheUnit *_cacheUnit, const std::string& name);
-      protected:
-        /** Timing version of receive */
-        bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt);
-        /** Handles doing a retry of a failed timing request. */
-        void recvRetry();
-        /** Ignoring snoops for now. */
-        void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt) { }
-    };
-    /** Define TickEvent for the CPU */
-    class TickEvent : public Event
-    {
-      private:
-        /** Pointer to the CPU. */
-        InOrderCPU *cpu;
-      public:
-        /** Constructs a tick event. */
-        TickEvent(InOrderCPU *c);
-        /** Processes a tick event, calling tick() on the CPU. */
-        void process();
-        /** Returns the description of the tick event. */
-        const char *description() const;
-    };
-    /** The tick event used for scheduling CPU ticks. */
-    TickEvent tickEvent;
-    /** Schedule tick event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void scheduleTickEvent(Cycles delay)
-    {
-        assert(!tickEvent.scheduled() || tickEvent.squashed());
-        reschedule(&tickEvent, clockEdge(delay), true);
-    }
-    /** Unschedule tick event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void unscheduleTickEvent()
-    {
-        if (tickEvent.scheduled())
-            tickEvent.squash();
-    }
-  public:
-    // List of Events That can be scheduled from
-    // within the CPU.
-    // NOTE(1): The Resource Pool also uses this event list
-    // to schedule events broadcast to all resources interfaces
-    // NOTE(2): CPU Events usually need to schedule a corresponding resource
-    // pool event.
-    enum CPUEventType {
-        ActivateThread,
-        ActivateNextReadyThread,
-        DeactivateThread,
-        HaltThread,
-        SuspendThread,
-        Trap,
-        Syscall,
-        SquashFromMemStall,
-        UpdatePCs,
-        NumCPUEvents
-    };
-    static std::string eventNames[NumCPUEvents];
-    enum CPUEventPri {
-        InOrderCPU_Pri                 = Event::CPU_Tick_Pri,
-        Syscall_Pri                    = Event::CPU_Tick_Pri + 9,
-        ActivateNextReadyThread_Pri    = Event::CPU_Tick_Pri + 10
-    };
-    /** Define CPU Event */
-    class CPUEvent : public Event
-    {
-      protected:
-        InOrderCPU *cpu;
-      public:
-        CPUEventType cpuEventType;
-        ThreadID tid;
-        DynInstPtr inst;
-        Fault fault;
-        unsigned vpe;
-        short syscall_num;
-      public:
-        /** Constructs a CPU event. */
-        CPUEvent(InOrderCPU *_cpu, CPUEventType e_type, const Fault &fault,
-                 ThreadID _tid, DynInstPtr inst, CPUEventPri event_pri);
-        /** Set Type of Event To Be Scheduled */
-        void setEvent(CPUEventType e_type, const Fault &_fault, ThreadID _tid,
-                      DynInstPtr _inst)
-        {
-            fault = _fault;
-            cpuEventType = e_type;
-            tid = _tid;
-            inst = _inst;
-            vpe = 0;            
-        }
-        /** Processes a CPU event. */
-        void process();
-        /** Returns the description of the CPU event. */
-        const char *description() const;
-        /** Schedule Event */
-        void scheduleEvent(Cycles delay);
-        /** Unschedule This Event */
-        void unscheduleEvent();
-    };
-    /** Schedule a CPU Event */
-    void scheduleCpuEvent(CPUEventType cpu_event, const Fault &fault,
-                          ThreadID tid,
-                          DynInstPtr inst, Cycles delay = Cycles(0),
-                          CPUEventPri event_pri = InOrderCPU_Pri);
-  public:
-    /** Width (processing bandwidth) of each stage */
-    int stageWidth;
-    /** Interface between the CPU and CPU resources. */
-    ResourcePool *resPool;
-    /** Instruction used to signify that there is no *real* instruction in 
-        buffer slot */
-    DynInstPtr dummyInst[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    DynInstPtr dummyBufferInst;
-    DynInstPtr dummyReqInst;
-    DynInstPtr dummyTrapInst[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Used by resources to signify a denied access to a resource. */
-    ResourceRequest *dummyReq[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** The Pipeline Stages for the CPU */
-    PipelineStage *pipelineStage[ThePipeline::NumStages];
-    /** Program Counters */
-    TheISA::PCState pc[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Last Committed PC */
-    TheISA::PCState lastCommittedPC[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** The Register File for the CPU */
-    union {
-        FloatReg f[ThePipeline::MaxThreads][TheISA::NumFloatRegs];
-        FloatRegBits i[ThePipeline::MaxThreads][TheISA::NumFloatRegs];
-    } floatRegs;
-    TheISA::IntReg intRegs[ThePipeline::MaxThreads][TheISA::NumIntRegs];
-    TheISA::CCReg ccRegs[ThePipeline::MaxThreads][TheISA::NumCCRegs];
-    /** ISA state */
-    std::vector<TheISA::ISA *> isa;
-    /** Dependency Tracker for Integer & Floating Point Regs */
-    RegDepMap archRegDepMap[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Global communication structure */
-    TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> timeBuffer;
-    /** Communication structure that sits in between pipeline stages */
-    StageQueue *stageQueue[ThePipeline::NumStages-1];
-    TheISA::TLB *getITBPtr();
-    TheISA::TLB *getDTBPtr();
-    TheISA::Decoder *getDecoderPtr(unsigned tid);
-    /** Accessor Type for the SkedCache */
-    typedef uint32_t SkedID;
-    /** Cache of Instruction Schedule using the instruction's name as a key */
-    static m5::hash_map<SkedID, ThePipeline::RSkedPtr> skedCache;
-    typedef m5::hash_map<SkedID, ThePipeline::RSkedPtr>::iterator SkedCacheIt;
-    /** Initialized to last iterator in map, signifying a invalid entry
-        on map searches
-    */
-    SkedCacheIt endOfSkedIt;
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr frontEndSked;
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr faultSked;
-    /** Add a new instruction schedule to the schedule cache */
-    void addToSkedCache(DynInstPtr inst, ThePipeline::RSkedPtr inst_sked)
-    {
-        SkedID sked_id = genSkedID(inst);
-        assert(skedCache.find(sked_id) == skedCache.end());
-        skedCache[sked_id] = inst_sked;
-    }
-    /** Find a instruction schedule */
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr lookupSked(DynInstPtr inst)
-    {
-        SkedID sked_id = genSkedID(inst);
-        SkedCacheIt lookup_it = skedCache.find(sked_id);
-        if (lookup_it != endOfSkedIt) {
-            return (*lookup_it).second;
-        } else {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    static const uint8_t INST_OPCLASS                       = 26;
-    static const uint8_t INST_LOAD                          = 25;
-    static const uint8_t INST_STORE                         = 24;
-    static const uint8_t INST_CONTROL                       = 23;
-    static const uint8_t INST_NONSPEC                       = 22;
-    static const uint8_t INST_DEST_REGS                     = 18;
-    static const uint8_t INST_SRC_REGS                      = 14;
-    static const uint8_t INST_SPLIT_DATA                    = 13;
-    inline SkedID genSkedID(DynInstPtr inst)
-    {
-        SkedID id = 0;
-        id = (inst->opClass() << INST_OPCLASS) |
-            (inst->isLoad() << INST_LOAD) |
-            (inst->isStore() << INST_STORE) |
-            (inst->isControl() << INST_CONTROL) |
-            (inst->isNonSpeculative() << INST_NONSPEC) |
-            (inst->numDestRegs() << INST_DEST_REGS) |
-            (inst->numSrcRegs() << INST_SRC_REGS) |
-            (inst->splitInst << INST_SPLIT_DATA);
-        return id;
-    }
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr createFrontEndSked();
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr createFaultSked();
-    ThePipeline::RSkedPtr createBackEndSked(DynInstPtr inst);
-    class StageScheduler {
-      private:
-        ThePipeline::RSkedPtr rsked;
-        int stageNum;
-        int nextTaskPriority;
-      public:
-        StageScheduler(ThePipeline::RSkedPtr _rsked, int stage_num)
-            : rsked(_rsked), stageNum(stage_num),
-              nextTaskPriority(0)
-        { }
-        void needs(int unit, int request) {
-            rsked->push(new ScheduleEntry(
-                            stageNum, nextTaskPriority++, unit, request
-                            ));
-        }
-        void needs(int unit, int request, int param) {
-            rsked->push(new ScheduleEntry(
-                            stageNum, nextTaskPriority++, unit, request, param
-                            ));
-        }
-    };
-  private:
-    /** Data port. Note that it has to appear after the resPool. */
-    CachePort dataPort;
-    /** Instruction port. Note that it has to appear after the resPool. */
-    CachePort instPort;
-  public:
-    /** Registers statistics. */
-    void regStats();
-    /** Ticks CPU, calling tick() on each stage, and checking the overall
-     *  activity to see if the CPU should deschedule itself.
-     */
-    void tick();
-    /** Initialize the CPU */
-    void init();
-    /** HW return from error interrupt. */
-    Fault hwrei(ThreadID tid);
-    bool simPalCheck(int palFunc, ThreadID tid);
-    void checkForInterrupts();
-    /** Returns the Fault for any valid interrupt. */
-    Fault getInterrupts();
-    /** Processes any an interrupt fault. */
-    void processInterrupts(const Fault &interrupt);
-    /** Halts the CPU. */
-    void halt() { panic("Halt not implemented!\n"); }
-    /** Check if this address is a valid instruction address. */
-    bool validInstAddr(Addr addr) { return true; }
-    /** Check if this address is a valid data address. */
-    bool validDataAddr(Addr addr) { return true; }
-    /** Schedule a syscall on the CPU */
-    void syscallContext(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst,
-                        Cycles delay = Cycles(0));
-    /** Executes a syscall.*/
-    void syscall(int64_t callnum, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Schedule a trap on the CPU */
-    void trapContext(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst,
-                     Cycles delay = Cycles(0));
-    /** Perform trap to Handle Given Fault */
-    void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Schedule thread activation on the CPU */
-    void activateContext(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Add Thread to Active Threads List. */
-    void activateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Activate Thread In Each Pipeline Stage */
-    void activateThreadInPipeline(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Schedule Thread Activation from Ready List */
-    void activateNextReadyContext();
-    /** Add Thread From Ready List to Active Threads List. */
-    void activateNextReadyThread();
-    /** Schedule a thread deactivation on the CPU */
-    void deactivateContext(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Remove from Active Thread List */
-    void deactivateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Schedule a thread suspension on the CPU */
-  void suspendContext(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Suspend Thread, Remove from Active Threads List, Add to Suspend List */
-    void suspendThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Schedule a thread halt on the CPU */
-    void haltContext(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Halt Thread, Remove from Active Thread List, Place Thread on Halted 
-     *  Threads List 
-     */
-    void haltThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** squashFromMemStall() - sets up a squash event
-     *  squashDueToMemStall() - squashes pipeline
-     *  @note: maybe squashContext/squashThread would be better?
-     */
-    void squashFromMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid,
-                            Cycles delay = Cycles(0));
-    void squashDueToMemStall(int stage_num, InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);    
-    void removePipelineStalls(ThreadID tid);
-    void squashThreadInPipeline(ThreadID tid);
-    void squashBehindMemStall(int stage_num, InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);    
-    PipelineStage* getPipeStage(int stage_num);
-    int
-    contextId()
-    {
-        hack_once("return a bogus context id");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /** Update The Order In Which We Process Threads. */
-    void updateThreadPriority();
-    /** Switches a Pipeline Stage to Active. (Unused currently) */
-    void switchToActive(int stage_idx)
-    { /*pipelineStage[stage_idx]->switchToActive();*/ }
-    /** Get the current instruction sequence number, and increment it. */
-    InstSeqNum getAndIncrementInstSeq(ThreadID tid)
-    { return globalSeqNum[tid]++; }
-    /** Get the current instruction sequence number, and increment it. */
-    InstSeqNum nextInstSeqNum(ThreadID tid)
-    { return globalSeqNum[tid]; }
-    /** Increment Instruction Sequence Number */
-    void incrInstSeqNum(ThreadID tid)
-    { globalSeqNum[tid]++; }
-    /** Set Instruction Sequence Number */
-    void setInstSeqNum(ThreadID tid, InstSeqNum seq_num)
-    {
-        globalSeqNum[tid] = seq_num;
-    }
-    /** Get & Update Next Event Number */
-    InstSeqNum getNextEventNum()
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        return cpuEventNum++;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /** Register file accessors  */
-    uint64_t readIntReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid);
-    FloatReg readFloatReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid);
-    FloatRegBits readFloatRegBits(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid);
-    CCReg readCCReg(RegIndex reg_idx, ThreadID tid);
-    void setIntReg(RegIndex reg_idx, uint64_t val, ThreadID tid);
-    void setFloatReg(RegIndex reg_idx, FloatReg val, ThreadID tid);
-    void setFloatRegBits(RegIndex reg_idx, FloatRegBits val,  ThreadID tid);
-    void setCCReg(RegIndex reg_idx, CCReg val, ThreadID tid);
-    RegIndex flattenRegIdx(RegIndex reg_idx, RegClass &reg_type, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Reads a miscellaneous register. */
-    MiscReg readMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid = 0);
-    /** Reads a misc. register, including any side effects the read
-     * might have as defined by the architecture.
-     */
-    MiscReg readMiscReg(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid = 0);
-    /** Sets a miscellaneous register. */
-    void setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val,
-                            ThreadID tid = 0);
-    /** Sets a misc. register, including any side effects the write
-     * might have as defined by the architecture.
-     */
-    void setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val, ThreadID tid = 0);
-    /** Reads a int/fp/misc reg. from another thread depending on ISA-defined
-     *  target thread
-     */
-    uint64_t readRegOtherThread(unsigned misc_reg,
-                                ThreadID tid = InvalidThreadID);
-    /** Sets a int/fp/misc reg. from another thread depending on an ISA-defined
-     * target thread
-     */
-    void setRegOtherThread(unsigned misc_reg, const MiscReg &val,
-                           ThreadID tid);
-    /** Reads the commit PC of a specific thread. */
-    TheISA::PCState
-    pcState(ThreadID tid)
-    {
-        return pc[tid];
-    }
-    /** Sets the commit PC of a specific thread. */
-    void
-    pcState(const TheISA::PCState &newPC, ThreadID tid)
-    {
-        pc[tid] = newPC;
-    }
-    Addr instAddr(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].instAddr(); }
-    Addr nextInstAddr(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].nextInstAddr(); }
-    MicroPC microPC(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].microPC(); }
-    /** Function to add instruction onto the head of the list of the
-     *  instructions.  Used when new instructions are fetched.
-     */
-    ListIt addInst(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Find instruction on instruction list */
-    ListIt findInst(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Function to tell the CPU that an instruction has completed. */
-    void instDone(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Add Instructions to the CPU Remove List*/
-    void addToRemoveList(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Remove an instruction from CPU */
-    void removeInst(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Remove all instructions younger than the given sequence number. */
-    void removeInstsUntil(const InstSeqNum &seq_num,ThreadID tid);
-    /** Removes the instruction pointed to by the iterator. */
-    inline void squashInstIt(const ListIt inst_it, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Cleans up all instructions on the instruction remove list. */
-    void cleanUpRemovedInsts();
-    /** Cleans up all events on the CPU event remove list. */
-    void cleanUpRemovedEvents();
-    /** Debug function to print all instructions on the list. */
-    void dumpInsts();
-    /** Forwards an instruction read to the appropriate data
-     *  resource (indexes into Resource Pool thru "dataPortIdx")
-     */
-    Fault read(DynInstPtr inst, Addr addr,
-               uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags);
-    /** Forwards an instruction write. to the appropriate data
-     *  resource (indexes into Resource Pool thru "dataPortIdx")
-     */
-    Fault write(DynInstPtr inst, uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *write_res = NULL);
-  public:
-    /** Per-Thread List of all the instructions in flight. */
-    std::list<DynInstPtr> instList[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** List of all the instructions that will be removed at the end of this
-     *  cycle.
-     */
-    std::queue<ListIt> removeList;
-    bool trapPending[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** List of all the cpu event requests that will be removed at the end of
-     *  the current cycle.
-     */
-    std::queue<Event*> cpuEventRemoveList;
-    /** Records if instructions need to be removed this cycle due to
-     *  being retired or squashed.
-     */
-    bool removeInstsThisCycle;
-    /** True if there is non-speculative Inst Active In Pipeline. Lets any
-     * execution unit know, NOT to execute while the instruction is active.
-     */
-    bool nonSpecInstActive[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Instruction Seq. Num of current non-speculative instruction. */
-    InstSeqNum nonSpecSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Instruction Seq. Num of last instruction squashed in pipeline */
-    InstSeqNum squashSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Last Cycle that the CPU squashed instruction end. */
-    Tick lastSquashCycle[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    std::list<ThreadID> fetchPriorityList;
-  protected:
-    /** Active Threads List */
-    std::list<ThreadID> activeThreads;
-    /** Ready Threads List */
-    std::list<ThreadID> readyThreads;
-    /** Suspended Threads List */
-    std::list<ThreadID> suspendedThreads;
-    /** Halted Threads List */
-    std::list<ThreadID> haltedThreads;
-    /** Thread Status Functions */
-    bool isThreadActive(ThreadID tid);
-    bool isThreadReady(ThreadID tid);
-    bool isThreadSuspended(ThreadID tid);
-  private:
-    /** The activity recorder; used to tell if the CPU has any
-     * activity remaining or if it can go to idle and deschedule
-     * itself.
-     */
-    ActivityRecorder activityRec;
-  public:
-    /** Number of Active Threads in the CPU */
-    ThreadID numActiveThreads() { return activeThreads.size(); }
-    /** Thread id of active thread
-     *  Only used for SwitchOnCacheMiss model. 
-     *  Assumes only 1 thread active
-     */
-    ThreadID activeThreadId() 
-    { 
-        if (numActiveThreads() > 0)
-            return activeThreads.front();
-        else
-            return InvalidThreadID;
-    }
-    /** Records that there was time buffer activity this cycle. */
-    void activityThisCycle() { activityRec.activity(); }
-    /** Changes a stage's status to active within the activity recorder. */
-    void activateStage(const int idx)
-    { activityRec.activateStage(idx); }
-    /** Changes a stage's status to inactive within the activity recorder. */
-    void deactivateStage(const int idx)
-    { activityRec.deactivateStage(idx); }
-    /** Wakes the CPU, rescheduling the CPU if it's not already active. */
-    void wakeCPU();
-    virtual void wakeup();
-    /* LL/SC debug functionality
-    unsigned stCondFails;
-    unsigned readStCondFailures() 
-    { return stCondFails; }
-    unsigned setStCondFailures(unsigned st_fails) 
-    { return stCondFails = st_fails; }
-    */
-    /** Returns a pointer to a thread context. */
-    ThreadContext *tcBase(ThreadID tid = 0)
-    {
-        return thread[tid]->getTC();
-    }
-    /** Count the Total Instructions Committed in the CPU. */
-    virtual Counter totalInsts() const
-    {
-        Counter total(0);
-        for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < (ThreadID)thread.size(); tid++)
-            total += thread[tid]->numInst;
-        return total;
-    }
-    /** Count the Total Ops Committed in the CPU. */
-    virtual Counter totalOps() const
-    {
-        Counter total(0);
-        for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < (ThreadID)thread.size(); tid++)
-            total += thread[tid]->numOp;
-        return total;
-    }
-    /** Pointer to the system. */
-    System *system;
-    /** The global sequence number counter. */
-    InstSeqNum globalSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /** The global event number counter. */
-    InstSeqNum cpuEventNum;
-    /** Number of resource requests active in CPU **/
-    unsigned resReqCount;
-    Addr lockAddr;
-    /** Temporary fix for the lock flag, works in the UP case. */
-    bool lockFlag;
-    /** Counter of how many stages have completed draining */
-    int drainCount;
-    /** Pointers to all of the threads in the CPU. */
-    std::vector<Thread *> thread;
-    /** Per-Stage Instruction Tracing */
-    bool stageTracing;
-    /** The cycle that the CPU was last running, used for statistics. */
-    Tick lastRunningCycle;
-    void updateContextSwitchStats();    
-    unsigned instsPerSwitch;    
-    Stats::Average instsPerCtxtSwitch;    
-    Stats::Scalar numCtxtSwitches;
-    /** Resumes execution after a drain. */
-    void drainResume();
-    /** Switches out this CPU. */
-    virtual void switchOut();
-    /** Takes over from another CPU. */
-    virtual void takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU);
-    /** Update Thread , used for statistic purposes*/
-    inline void tickThreadStats();
-    /** Per-Thread Tick */
-    Stats::Vector threadCycles;
-    /** Tick for SMT */
-    Stats::Scalar smtCycles;
-    /** Stat for total number of times the CPU is descheduled. */
-    Stats::Scalar timesIdled;
-    /** Stat for total number of cycles the CPU spends descheduled or no
-     *  stages active.
-     */
-    Stats::Scalar idleCycles;
-    /** Stat for total number of cycles the CPU is active. */
-    Stats::Scalar runCycles;
-    /** Percentage of cycles a stage was active */
-    Stats::Formula activity;
-    /** Instruction Mix Stats */
-    Stats::Scalar comLoads;
-    Stats::Scalar comStores;
-    Stats::Scalar comBranches;
-    Stats::Scalar comNops;
-    Stats::Scalar comNonSpec;
-    Stats::Scalar comInts;
-    Stats::Scalar comFloats;
-    /** Stat for the number of committed instructions per thread. */
-    Stats::Vector committedInsts;
-    /** Stat for the number of committed ops per thread. */
-    Stats::Vector committedOps;
-    /** Stat for the number of committed instructions per thread. */
-    Stats::Vector smtCommittedInsts;
-    /** Stat for the total number of committed instructions. */
-    Stats::Scalar totalCommittedInsts;
-    /** Stat for the CPI per thread. */
-    Stats::Formula cpi;
-    /** Stat for the SMT-CPI per thread. */
-    Stats::Formula smtCpi;
-    /** Stat for the total CPI. */
-    Stats::Formula totalCpi;
-    /** Stat for the IPC per thread. */
-    Stats::Formula ipc;
-    /** Stat for the total IPC. */
-    Stats::Formula smtIpc;
-    /** Stat for the total IPC. */
-    Stats::Formula totalIpc;
-#endif // __CPU_O3_CPU_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f59e894..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "base/str.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStage.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderTrace.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-FirstStage::FirstStage(Params *params, unsigned stage_num)
-    : PipelineStage(params, stage_num), numFetchingThreads(1),
-      fetchPolicy(FirstStage::RoundRobin)
-    for(ThreadID tid = 0; tid < this->numThreads; tid++) {
-        stageStatus[tid] = Running;
-    }
-FirstStage::setCPU(InOrderCPU *cpu_ptr)
-    cpu = cpu_ptr;
-    fetchPriorityList = &cpu->fetchPriorityList;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Set CPU pointer.\n");
-FirstStage::squash(InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    // Set status to squashing.
-    //stageStatus[tid] = Squashing;
-    // Clear the instruction list and skid buffer in case they have any
-    // insts in them.
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Removing instructions from stage instruction "
-            "list.\n");
-    while (!skidBuffer[tid].empty()) {
-        if (skidBuffer[tid].front()->seqNum <= squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage,"[tid:%i]: Cannot remove [sn:%i] because "
-                    "it's <= squashing seqNum %i.\n",
-                    tid,
-                    skidBuffer[tid].front()->seqNum,
-                    squash_seq_num);
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Cannot remove incoming "
-                    "instructions before delay slot [sn:%i]. %i insts"
-                    "left.\n", tid, squash_seq_num,
-                    skidBuffer[tid].size());
-            break;
-        }
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Removing instruction, [sn:%i] "
-                "PC %s.\n", tid, skidBuffer[tid].front()->seqNum,
-                skidBuffer[tid].front()->pc);
-        skidBuffer[tid].pop_front();
-    }
-    // Now that squash has propagated to the first stage,
-    // Alert CPU to remove instructions from the CPU instruction list.
-    // @todo: Move this to the CPU object.
-    cpu->removeInstsUntil(squash_seq_num, tid);
-FirstStage::squashDueToMemStall(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    // Need to preserve the stalling instruction in first-stage
-    // since the squash() from first stage also removes
-    // the instruction from the CPU (removeInstsUntil). If that
-    // functionality gets changed then you can move this offset.
-    // (stalling instruction = seq_num + 1)
-    squash(seq_num+1, tid);
-FirstStage::processStage(bool &status_change)
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator threads = activeThreads->begin();
-    //Check stall and squash signals.
-    while (threads != activeThreads->end()) {
-        ThreadID tid = *threads++;
-        status_change =  checkSignalsAndUpdate(tid) || status_change;
-    }
-    while (instsProcessed < stageWidth)  {
-        ThreadID tid = getFetchingThread(fetchPolicy);
-        if (tid >= 0) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Processing [tid:%i]\n",tid);
-            processThread(status_change, tid);
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Done Processing [tid:%i]\n",tid);
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "No more threads to fetch from.\n");
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (instsProcessed > 0) {
-        ++runCycles;
-        idle = false;        
-    } else {
-        ++idleCycles;
-        idle = true;        
-    }
-//@TODO: Note in documentation, that when you make a pipeline stage change, 
-//then make sure you change the first stage too
-FirstStage::processInsts(ThreadID tid)
-    bool all_reqs_completed = true;
-    for (int insts_fetched = instsProcessed;
-         insts_fetched < stageWidth;
-         insts_fetched++) {
-        DynInstPtr inst;
-        bool new_inst = false;
-        if (!skidBuffer[tid].empty()) {
-            inst = skidBuffer[tid].front();
-        } else {
-            // Get new instruction.
-            new_inst = true;
-            inst = new InOrderDynInst(cpu,
-                                      cpu->thread[tid],
-                                      cpu->nextInstSeqNum(tid),
-                                      tid,
-                                      tid);
-            inst->traceData =
-                tracer->getInstRecord(ThePipeline::NumStages,
-                                      cpu->stageTracing,
-                                      cpu->thread[tid]->getTC());
-            inst->traceData = NULL;
-#endif      // TRACING_ON
-            // Add instruction to the CPU's list of instructions.
-            inst->setInstListIt(cpu->addInst(inst));
-            // Create Front-End Resource Schedule For Instruction
-            inst->setFrontSked(cpu->frontEndSked);
-        }
-        int reqs_processed = 0;            
-        all_reqs_completed = processInstSchedule(inst, reqs_processed);
-        // If the instruction isnt squashed & we've completed one request
-        // Then we can officially count this instruction toward the stage's 
-        // bandwidth count
-        if (reqs_processed > 0)
-            instsProcessed++;
-        if (!all_reqs_completed || !sendInstToNextStage(inst)) {
-            if (new_inst) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%u] Did not finish all "
-                        "requests for this stage. Keep in stage inst. "
-                        "list.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                skidBuffer[tid].push_back(inst);
-            }
-            block(tid);
-            break;
-        } else if (!skidBuffer[tid].empty()){
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%u] Finished all "
-                    "requests for this stage.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-            skidBuffer[tid].pop_front();
-        }
-    }
-    // Record that stage has written to the time buffer for activity
-    // tracking.
-    if (instsProcessed) {
-        wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
-    }
-FirstStage::getFetchingThread(FetchPriority &fetch_priority)
-    ThreadID num_active_threads = cpu->numActiveThreads();
-    if (num_active_threads > 1) {
-        switch (fetch_priority) {
-          case SingleThread:
-            return cpu->activeThreadId();
-          case RoundRobin:
-            return roundRobin();
-          default:
-            return InvalidThreadID;
-        }
-    } else if (num_active_threads == 1) {
-        ThreadID tid = *activeThreads->begin();
-        if (stageStatus[tid] == Running ||
-            stageStatus[tid] == Idle ||
-            stageStatus[tid] == Unblocking) {
-            return tid;
-        } else {
-            return InvalidThreadID;
-        }
-    } else {
-        return InvalidThreadID;
-    }    
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator pri_iter = fetchPriorityList->begin();
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator end      = fetchPriorityList->end();
-    ThreadID high_pri;
-    while (pri_iter != end) {
-        high_pri = *pri_iter;
-        assert(high_pri <= numThreads);
-        if (stageStatus[high_pri] == Running ||
-            stageStatus[high_pri] == Idle ||
-            stageStatus[high_pri] == Unblocking){
-            fetchPriorityList->erase(pri_iter);
-            fetchPriorityList->push_back(high_pri);
-            return high_pri;
-        }
-        pri_iter++;
-    }
-    return InvalidThreadID;
-    PipelineStage::takeOverFrom();
-    for(ThreadID tid = 0; tid < this->numThreads; tid++) {
-        stageStatus[tid] = Running;
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ae8b121..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/statistics.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/comm.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/timebuf.hh"
-class InOrderCPU;
-class FirstStage : public PipelineStage {
-  public:
-    FirstStage(ThePipeline::Params *params, unsigned stage_num);
-    /** Set Pointer to CPU */
-    void setCPU(InOrderCPU *cpu_ptr);
-    /** Evaluate Stage Info. & Execute Stage */
-    void processStage(bool &status_change);
-    /** Process All Instructions Available */
-    void processInsts(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash Instructions Above a Seq. Num */
-    void squash(InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    void squashDueToMemStall(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** There are no insts. coming from previous stages, so there is
-     *  no need to sort insts here
-     */
-    void sortInsts() {}
-    /** The number of fetching threads in the CPU */
-    int numFetchingThreads;
-    //@TODO: Add fetch priority information to a resource class...
-    /** Fetching Policy, Add new policies here.*/
-    enum FetchPriority {
-        SingleThread,
-        RoundRobin
-    };
-    /** Fetch policy. */
-    FetchPriority fetchPolicy;
-    /** List that has the threads organized by priority. */
-    std::list<ThreadID> *fetchPriorityList;
-    /** Return the next fetching thread */
-    ThreadID getFetchingThread(FetchPriority &fetch_priority);
-    /** Return next thread given Round Robin Policy for Thread Fetching */
-    ThreadID roundRobin();
-    /** Takes over from another CPU's thread. */
-    void takeOverFrom();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_cpu_builder.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_cpu_builder.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 569652b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <string>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/base.hh"
-#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
-#include "cpu/static_inst.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/full_system.hh"
-InOrderCPU *
-    ThreadID actual_num_threads;
-    if (FullSystem) {
-        // Full-system only supports a single thread for the moment.
-        actual_num_threads = 1;
-    } else {
-        actual_num_threads =
-            (numThreads >= workload.size()) ? numThreads : workload.size();
-        if (workload.size() == 0) {
-            fatal("Must specify at least one workload!");
-        }
-    }
-    numThreads = actual_num_threads;
-    return new InOrderCPU(this);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c64cf9d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/bigint.hh"
-#include "base/cp_annotate.hh"
-#include "base/cprintf.hh"
-#include "base/trace.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/reg_class.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderDynInst.hh"
-#include "mem/request.hh"
-#include "sim/full_system.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-InOrderDynInst::InOrderDynInst(InOrderCPU *cpu,
-                               InOrderThreadState *state,
-                               InstSeqNum seq_num,
-                               ThreadID tid,
-                               unsigned _asid)
-  : seqNum(seq_num), squashSeqNum(0), threadNumber(tid), asid(_asid),
-    virtProcNumber(0), staticInst(NULL), traceData(NULL), cpu(cpu),
-    thread(state), fault(NoFault), memData(NULL), loadData(0),
-    storeData(0), effAddr(0), physEffAddr(0), memReqFlags(0),
-    readyRegs(0), pc(0), predPC(0), memAddr(0), nextStage(0),
-    memTime(0), splitMemData(NULL), splitMemReq(NULL), totalSize(0),
-    split2ndSize(0), split2ndAddr(0), split2ndAccess(false),
-    split2ndDataPtr(NULL), split2ndFlags(0), splitInst(false),
-    splitFinishCnt(0), split2ndStoreDataPtr(NULL), splitInstSked(false),
-    inFrontEnd(true), frontSked(NULL), backSked(NULL),
-    squashingStage(0), predictTaken(false), procDelaySlotOnMispred(false),
-    fetchMemReq(NULL), dataMemReq(NULL), instEffAddr(0), eaCalcDone(false),
-    lqIdx(0), sqIdx(0), onInstList(false)
-    for(int i = 0; i < MaxInstSrcRegs; i++) {
-        _readySrcRegIdx[i] = false;
-        _srcRegIdx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    for(int j = 0; j < MaxInstDestRegs; j++) {
-      _destRegIdx[j] = 0;
-      _prevDestRegIdx[j] = 0;
-    }
-    ++instcount;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "DynInst: [tid:%i] [sn:%lli] Instruction created."
-            " (active insts: %i)\n", threadNumber, seqNum, instcount);
-int InOrderDynInst::instcount = 0;
-InOrderDynInst::cpuId() const
-    return cpu->cpuId();
-InOrderDynInst::setStaticInst(StaticInstPtr si)
-    staticInst = si;
-    for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
-        _destRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->destRegIdx(i);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numSrcRegs(); i++) {
-        _srcRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->srcRegIdx(i);
-        this->_readySrcRegIdx[i] = 0;
-    }
-    inFrontEnd = true;
-    fetchMemReq = NULL;
-    dataMemReq = NULL;
-    splitMemData = NULL;
-    split2ndAddr = 0;
-    split2ndAccess = false;
-    splitInst = false;
-    splitInstSked = false;    
-    splitFinishCnt = 0;
-    effAddr = 0;
-    physEffAddr = 0;
-    readyRegs = 0;
-    nextStage = 0;
-    status.reset();
-    memAddrReady = false;
-    eaCalcDone = false;
-    predictTaken = false;
-    procDelaySlotOnMispred = false;
-    lqIdx = -1;
-    sqIdx = -1;
-    // Also make this a parameter, or perhaps get it from xc or cpu.
-    asid = 0;
-    virtProcNumber = 0;
-    // Initialize the fault to be NoFault.
-    fault = NoFault;
-    // Make sure to have the renamed register entries set to the same
-    // as the normal register entries.  It will allow the IQ to work
-    // without any modifications.
-    if (this->staticInst) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
-            _destRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->destRegIdx(i);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numSrcRegs(); i++) {
-            _srcRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->srcRegIdx(i);
-            this->_readySrcRegIdx[i] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    // Update Instruction Count for this instruction
-    if (instcount > 100) {
-        fatal("Number of Active Instructions in CPU is too high. "
-                "(Not Dereferencing Ptrs. Correctly?)\n");
-    }
-    instcount = 0;
-    if (traceData)
-        delete traceData;
-    if (splitMemData)
-        delete [] splitMemData;
-    fault = NoFault;
-    --instcount;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "DynInst: [tid:%i] [sn:%lli] Instruction destroyed"
-            " (active insts: %i)\n", threadNumber, seqNum, instcount);
-InOrderDynInst::setStaticInst(StaticInstPtr &static_inst)
-    this->staticInst = static_inst;
-    // Make sure to have the renamed register entries set to the same
-    // as the normal register entries.  It will allow the IQ to work
-    // without any modifications.
-    if (this->staticInst) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
-            _destRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->destRegIdx(i);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < this->staticInst->numSrcRegs(); i++) {
-            _srcRegIdx[i] = this->staticInst->srcRegIdx(i);
-            this->_readySrcRegIdx[i] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    // @todo: Pretty convoluted way to avoid squashing from happening
-    // when using the TC during an instruction's execution
-    // (specifically for instructions that have side-effects that use
-    // the TC).  Fix this.
-    bool no_squash_from_TC = this->thread->noSquashFromTC;
-    this->thread->noSquashFromTC = true;
-    this->fault = this->staticInst->execute(this, this->traceData);
-    this->thread->noSquashFromTC = no_squash_from_TC;
-    return this->fault;
-    this->fault = this->staticInst->eaComp(this, this->traceData);
-    return this->fault;
-    // @todo: Pretty convoluted way to avoid squashing from happening
-    // when using the TC during an instruction's execution
-    // (specifically for instructions that have side-effects that use
-    // the TC).  Fix this.
-    bool no_squash_from_TC = this->thread->noSquashFromTC;
-    this->thread->noSquashFromTC = true;
-    this->fault = this->staticInst->initiateAcc(this, this->traceData);
-    this->thread->noSquashFromTC = no_squash_from_TC;
-    return this->fault;
-InOrderDynInst::completeAcc(Packet *pkt)
-    this->fault = this->staticInst->completeAcc(pkt, this, this->traceData);
-    return this->fault;
-    return initiateAcc();
-    // Can only do a hwrei when in pal mode.
-    if (!(this->instAddr() & 0x3))
-        return std::make_shared<AlphaISA::UnimplementedOpcodeFault>();
-    // Set the next PC based on the value of the EXC_ADDR IPR.
-    AlphaISA::PCState pc = this->pcState();
-    pc.npc(this->cpu->readMiscRegNoEffect(AlphaISA::IPR_EXC_ADDR,
-                                          this->threadNumber));
-    this->pcState(pc);
-    if (CPA::available()) {
-        ThreadContext *tc = this->cpu->tcBase(this->threadNumber);
-        CPA::cpa()->swAutoBegin(tc, this->nextInstAddr());
-    }
-    // Tell CPU to clear any state it needs to if a hwrei is taken.
-    this->cpu->hwrei(this->threadNumber);
-    return NoFault;
-InOrderDynInst::trap(const Fault &fault)
-    this->cpu->trap(fault, this->threadNumber, this);
-InOrderDynInst::simPalCheck(int palFunc)
-    panic("simPalCheck called, but PAL only exists in Alpha!\n");
-    return this->cpu->simPalCheck(palFunc, this->threadNumber);
-InOrderDynInst::syscall(int64_t callnum)
-    if (FullSystem)
-        panic("Syscall emulation isn't available in FS mode.\n");
-    syscallNum = callnum;
-    cpu->syscallContext(NoFault, this->threadNumber, this);
-InOrderDynInst::setSquashInfo(unsigned stage_num)
-    squashingStage = stage_num;
-    // If it's a fault, then we need to squash
-    // the faulting instruction too. Squash
-    // functions squash above a seqNum, so we
-    // decrement here for that case
-    if (fault != NoFault) {
-        squashSeqNum = seqNum - 1;
-        return;
-    } else
-        squashSeqNum = seqNum;
-    if (staticInst && isControl()) {
-        TheISA::PCState nextPC = pc;
-        TheISA::advancePC(nextPC, staticInst);
-        // Check to see if we should squash after the
-        // branch or after a branch delay slot.
-        if (pc.nextInstAddr() == pc.instAddr() + sizeof(MachInst))
-            squashSeqNum = seqNum + 1;
-        else
-            squashSeqNum = seqNum;
-    }
-InOrderDynInst::releaseReq(ResourceRequest* req)
-    std::list<ResourceRequest*>::iterator list_it = reqList.begin();
-    std::list<ResourceRequest*>::iterator list_end = reqList.end();
-    while(list_it != list_end) {
-        if((*list_it)->getResIdx() == req->getResIdx() &&
-           (*list_it)->getSlot() == req->getSlot()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Done with request "
-                    "to %s.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, req->res->name());
-            reqList.erase(list_it);
-            return;
-        }
-        list_it++;
-    }
-    panic("Releasing Res. Request That Isnt There!\n");
-/** Records an integer source register being set to a value. */
-InOrderDynInst::setIntSrc(int idx, uint64_t val)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] Int being set "
-            "to %#x.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx, val);
-    instSrc[idx].intVal = val;
-/** Records an fp register being set to a value. */
-InOrderDynInst::setFloatSrc(int idx, FloatReg val)
-    instSrc[idx].fpVal.f = val;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] FP being set "
-            "to %x, %08f...%08f\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx,
-            instSrc[idx].fpVal.i, instSrc[idx].fpVal.f, val);
-/** Records an fp register being set to an integer value. */
-InOrderDynInst::setFloatRegBitsSrc(int idx, FloatRegBits val)
-    instSrc[idx].fpVal.i = val;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] FPBits being set "
-            "to %x, %08f...%x\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx,
-            instSrc[idx].fpVal.i, instSrc[idx].fpVal.f, val);
-/** Reads a integer register. */
-InOrderDynInst::readIntRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] IntVal read as %#x.\n",
-            threadNumber, seqNum, idx, instSrc[idx].intVal);
-    return instSrc[idx].intVal;
-/** Reads a FP register. */
-InOrderDynInst::readFloatRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] FPVal being read "
-            "as %x, %08f.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx,
-            instSrc[idx].fpVal.i, instSrc[idx].fpVal.f);
-    return instSrc[idx].fpVal.f;
-/** Reads a FP register as a integer. */
-InOrderDynInst::readFloatRegOperandBits(const StaticInst *si, int idx)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] [src:%i] FPBits being read "
-            "as %x, %08f.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx,
-            instSrc[idx].fpVal.i, instSrc[idx].fpVal.f);
-    return instSrc[idx].fpVal.i;
-/** Reads a miscellaneous register. */
-InOrderDynInst::readMiscReg(int misc_reg)
-    return this->cpu->readMiscReg(misc_reg, threadNumber);
-/** Reads a misc. register, including any side-effects the read
- * might have as defined by the architecture.
- */
-InOrderDynInst::readMiscRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Misc. Reg Source Value %i"
-            " read as %#x.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx,
-            instSrc[idx].intVal);
-    return instSrc[idx].intVal;
-/** Sets a misc. register, including any side-effects the write
- * might have as defined by the architecture.
- */
-InOrderDynInst::setMiscRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx,
-                       const MiscReg &val)
-    instResult[idx].type = Integer;
-    instResult[idx].res.intVal = val;
-    instResult[idx].tick = curTick();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Setting Misc Reg. Operand %i "
-            "being set to %#x.\n", threadNumber, seqNum, idx, val);
-InOrderDynInst::readRegOtherThread(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    if (tid == -1) {
-        tid = TheISA::getTargetThread(this->cpu->tcBase(threadNumber));
-    }
-    RegIndex rel_idx;
-    switch (regIdxToClass(reg_idx, &rel_idx)) {
-      case IntRegClass:
-        return this->cpu->readIntReg(rel_idx, tid);
-      case FloatRegClass:
-        return this->cpu->readFloatRegBits(rel_idx, tid);
-      case MiscRegClass:
-        return this->cpu->readMiscReg(rel_idx, tid);  // Misc. Register File
-      default:
-        panic("register %d out of range\n", reg_idx);
-    }
-/** Sets a Integer register. */
-InOrderDynInst::setIntRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, IntReg val)
-    instResult[idx].type = Integer;
-    instResult[idx].res.intVal = val;
-    instResult[idx].tick = curTick();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Setting Result Int Reg. %i "
-            "being set to %#x (result-tick:%i).\n",
-            threadNumber, seqNum, idx, val, instResult[idx].tick);
-/** Sets a FP register. */
-InOrderDynInst::setFloatRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, FloatReg val)
-    instResult[idx].type = Float;
-    instResult[idx].res.fpVal.f = val;
-    instResult[idx].tick = curTick();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Result Float Reg. %i "
-            "being set to %#x, %08f (result-tick:%i).\n",
-            threadNumber, seqNum, idx, val, val, instResult[idx].tick);
-/** Sets a FP register as a integer. */
-InOrderDynInst::setFloatRegOperandBits(const StaticInst *si, int idx,
-                              FloatRegBits val)
-    instResult[idx].type = FloatBits;
-    instResult[idx].res.fpVal.i = val;
-    instResult[idx].tick = curTick();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Result Float Reg. Bits %i "
-            "being set to %#x (result-tick:%i).\n",
-            threadNumber, seqNum, idx, val, instResult[idx].tick);
-/** Sets a misc. register, including any side-effects the write
- * might have as defined by the architecture.
- */
-/* Alter this if/when wanting to *speculate* on Miscellaneous registers */
-InOrderDynInst::setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val)
-    this->cpu->setMiscReg(misc_reg, val, threadNumber);
-InOrderDynInst::setRegOtherThread(int reg_idx, MiscReg val, ThreadID tid)
-    if (tid == InvalidThreadID) {
-        tid = TheISA::getTargetThread(this->cpu->tcBase(threadNumber));
-    }
-    RegIndex rel_idx;
-    switch (regIdxToClass(reg_idx, &rel_idx)) {
-      case IntRegClass:
-        this->cpu->setIntReg(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case FloatRegClass:
-        this->cpu->setFloatRegBits(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case CCRegClass:
-        this->cpu->setCCReg(rel_idx, val, tid);
-        break;
-      case MiscRegClass:
-        this->cpu->setMiscReg(rel_idx, val, tid); // Misc. Register File
-        break;
-    }
-InOrderDynInst::readMem(Addr addr, uint8_t *data,
-                        unsigned size, unsigned flags)
-    return cpu->read(this, addr, data, size, flags);
-InOrderDynInst::writeMem(uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                         Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res)
-    return cpu->write(this, data, size, addr, flags, res);
-    cprintf("T%d : %#08d `", threadNumber, pc.instAddr());
-    cout << staticInst->disassemble(pc.instAddr());
-    cprintf("'\n");
-InOrderDynInst::dump(std::string &outstring)
-    std::ostringstream s;
-    s << "T" << threadNumber << " : " << pc << " "
-      << staticInst->disassemble(pc.instAddr());
-    outstring = s.str();
-InOrderDynInst::armMonitor(Addr address) {
-    cpu->armMonitor(address);
-InOrderDynInst::mwait(PacketPtr pkt) {
-    return cpu->mwait(pkt);
-InOrderDynInst::mwaitAtomic(ThreadContext *tc)
-    return cpu->mwaitAtomic(tc, cpu->getDTBPtr());
-AddressMonitor *
-    return cpu->getCpuAddrMonitor();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ebb7bf9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1090 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Kevin Lim
- *          Korey Sewell
- */
-#include <bitset>
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "arch/mt.hh"
-#include "arch/types.hh"
-#include "arch/utility.hh"
-#include "base/trace.hh"
-#include "base/types.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/exec_context.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_sked.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
-#include "cpu/op_class.hh"
-#include "cpu/static_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderDynInst.hh"
-#include "mem/packet.hh"
-#include "sim/system.hh"
-#include "arch/alpha/ev5.hh"
- * @file
- * Defines a dynamic instruction context for a inorder CPU model.
- */
-// Forward declaration.
-class ResourceRequest;
-class Packet;
-class InOrderDynInst : public ExecContext, public RefCounted
-  public:
-    // Binary machine instruction type.
-    typedef TheISA::MachInst MachInst;
-    // Extended machine instruction type
-    typedef TheISA::ExtMachInst ExtMachInst;
-    // Logical register index type.
-    typedef TheISA::RegIndex RegIndex;
-    // Integer register type.
-    typedef TheISA::IntReg IntReg;
-    // Floating point register type.
-    typedef TheISA::FloatReg FloatReg;
-    // Floating point register type.
-    typedef TheISA::FloatRegBits FloatRegBits;
-    // Condition code register type.
-    typedef TheISA::CCReg CCReg;
-    // Floating point register type.
-    typedef TheISA::MiscReg MiscReg;
-    typedef short int PhysRegIndex;
-    /** The refcounted DynInst pointer to be used.  In most cases this is
-     *  what should be used, and not DynInst*.
-     */
-    typedef RefCountingPtr<InOrderDynInst> DynInstPtr;
-    // The list of instructions iterator type.
-    typedef std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator ListIt;
-    enum {
-        MaxInstSrcRegs = TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs,        /// Max source regs
-        MaxInstDestRegs = TheISA::MaxInstDestRegs       /// Max dest regs
-    };
-  public:
-    /** BaseDynInst constructor given a binary instruction.
-     *  @param seq_num The sequence number of the instruction.
-     *  @param cpu Pointer to the instruction's CPU.
-     *  NOTE: Must set Binary Instrution through Member Function
-     */
-    InOrderDynInst(InOrderCPU *cpu, InOrderThreadState *state,
-                   InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid, unsigned asid = 0);
-    /** InOrderDynInst destructor. */
-    ~InOrderDynInst();
-  public:
-    /** The sequence number of the instruction. */
-    InstSeqNum seqNum;
-    /** If this instruction is squashing, the number should we squash behind. */
-    InstSeqNum squashSeqNum;
-    enum Status {
-        RegDepMapEntry,          /// Instruction is entered onto the RegDepMap
-        IqEntry,                 /// Instruction is in the IQ
-        RobEntry,                /// Instruction is in the ROB
-        LsqEntry,                /// Instruction is in the LSQ
-        Completed,               /// Instruction has completed
-        ResultReady,             /// Instruction has its result
-        CanIssue,                /// Instruction can issue and execute
-        Issued,                  /// Instruction has issued
-        Executed,                /// Instruction has executed
-        CanCommit,               /// Instruction can commit
-        AtCommit,                /// Instruction has reached commit
-        Committed,               /// Instruction has committed
-        Squashed,                /// Instruction is squashed
-        SquashedInIQ,            /// Instruction is squashed in the IQ
-        SquashedInLSQ,           /// Instruction is squashed in the LSQ
-        SquashedInROB,           /// Instruction is squashed in the ROB
-        RecoverInst,             /// Is a recover instruction
-        BlockingInst,            /// Is a blocking instruction
-        ThreadsyncWait,          /// Is a thread synchronization instruction
-        SerializeBefore,         /// Needs to serialize on
-                                 /// instructions ahead of it
-        SerializeAfter,          /// Needs to serialize instructions behind it
-        SerializeHandled,        /// Serialization has been handled
-        RemoveList,               /// Is Instruction on Remove List?
-        NumStatus
-    };
-    /** The status of this BaseDynInst.  Several bits can be set. */
-    std::bitset<NumStatus> status;
-    /** The thread this instruction is from. */
-    short threadNumber;
-    /** data address space ID, for loads & stores. */
-    short asid;
-    /** The virtual processor number */
-    short virtProcNumber;
-    /** The StaticInst used by this BaseDynInst. */
-    StaticInstPtr staticInst;
-    /** InstRecord that tracks this instructions. */
-    Trace::InOrderTraceRecord *traceData;
-    /** Pointer to the Impl's CPU object. */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-    /** Pointer to the thread state. */
-    InOrderThreadState *thread;
-    /** The kind of fault this instruction has generated. */
-    Fault fault;
-    /** The memory request. */
-    Request *req;
-    /** Pointer to the data for the memory access. */
-    uint8_t *memData;
-    /**  Data used for a store for operation. */
-    uint64_t loadData;
-    /**  Data used for a store for operation. */
-    uint64_t storeData;
-    /** List of active resource requests for this instruction */
-    std::list<ResourceRequest*> reqList;
-    /** The effective virtual address (lds & stores only). */
-    Addr effAddr;
-    /** The effective physical address. */
-    Addr physEffAddr;
-    /** The memory request flags (from translation). */
-    unsigned memReqFlags;
-    /** How many source registers are ready. */
-    unsigned readyRegs;
-    enum ResultType {
-        None,
-        Integer,
-        Float,
-        FloatBits,
-        Double
-    };
-    /** An instruction src/dest has to be one of these types */
-    struct InstValue {
-        IntReg intVal;
-        union {
-            FloatReg f;
-            FloatRegBits i;
-        } fpVal;
-        InstValue()
-        {
-            intVal = 0;
-            fpVal.i = 0;
-        }
-    };
-    /** Result of an instruction execution */
-    struct InstResult {
-        ResultType type;
-        InstValue res;
-        Tick tick;
-        InstResult()
-          : type(None), tick(0)
-        { }
-    };
-    /** The source of the instruction; assumes for now that there's only one
-     *  destination register.
-     */
-    InstValue instSrc[MaxInstSrcRegs];
-    /** The result of the instruction; assumes for now that there's only one
-     *  destination register.
-     */
-    InstResult instResult[MaxInstDestRegs];
-    /** PC of this instruction. */
-    TheISA::PCState pc;
-    /** Predicted next PC. */
-    TheISA::PCState predPC;
-    /** Address to get/write data from/to */
-    /* Fetching address when inst. starts, Data address for load/store after fetch*/
-    Addr memAddr;
-    /** Whether or not the source register is ready.
-     *  @todo: Not sure this should be here vs the derived class.
-     */
-    bool _readySrcRegIdx[MaxInstSrcRegs];
-    /** Flattened register index of the destination registers of this
-     *  instruction.
-     */
-    TheISA::RegIndex _flatDestRegIdx[TheISA::MaxInstDestRegs];
-    /** Flattened register index of the source registers of this
-     *  instruction.
-     */
-    TheISA::RegIndex _flatSrcRegIdx[TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs];
-    /** Physical register index of the destination registers of this
-     *  instruction.
-     */
-    PhysRegIndex _destRegIdx[MaxInstDestRegs];
-    /** Physical register index of the source registers of this
-     *  instruction.
-     */
-    PhysRegIndex _srcRegIdx[MaxInstSrcRegs];
-    /** Physical register index of the previous producers of the
-     *  architected destinations.
-     */
-    PhysRegIndex _prevDestRegIdx[MaxInstDestRegs];
-    int nextStage;
-  private:
-    /** Function to initialize variables in the constructors. */
-    void initVars();
-  public:
-    Tick memTime;
-    PacketDataPtr splitMemData;
-    RequestPtr splitMemReq;    
-    int totalSize;
-    int split2ndSize;
-    Addr split2ndAddr;
-    bool split2ndAccess;
-    uint8_t split2ndData;
-    PacketDataPtr split2ndDataPtr;
-    unsigned split2ndFlags;
-    bool splitInst;
-    int splitFinishCnt;
-    uint64_t *split2ndStoreDataPtr;    
-    bool splitInstSked;
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    std::string instName()
-    { return (staticInst) ? staticInst->getName() : "undecoded-inst"; }
-    void setStaticInst(StaticInstPtr si);
-    ExtMachInst getMachInst() { return staticInst->machInst; }
-    /** Sets the StaticInst. */
-    void setStaticInst(StaticInstPtr &static_inst);
-    /** Sets the sequence number. */
-    void setSeqNum(InstSeqNum seq_num) { seqNum = seq_num; }
-    /** Sets the ASID. */
-    void setASID(short addr_space_id) { asid = addr_space_id; }
-    /** Reads the thread id. */
-    short readTid() { return threadNumber; }
-    /** Sets the thread id. */
-    void setTid(ThreadID tid) { threadNumber = tid; }
-    void setVpn(int id) { virtProcNumber = id; }
-    int readVpn() { return virtProcNumber; }
-    /** Sets the pointer to the thread state. */
-    void setThreadState(InOrderThreadState *state) { thread = state; }
-    /** Returns the thread context. */
-    ThreadContext *tcBase() { return thread->getTC(); }
-    /** Returns the fault type. */
-    Fault getFault() { return fault; }
-    /** Read this CPU's ID. */
-    int cpuId() const;
-    /** Read this context's system-wide ID **/
-    int contextId() const { return thread->contextId(); }
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //  INSTRUCTION TYPES -  Forward checks to StaticInst object.
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    bool isNop()          const { return staticInst->isNop(); }
-    bool isMemRef()       const { return staticInst->isMemRef(); }
-    bool isLoad()         const { return staticInst->isLoad(); }
-    bool isStore()        const { return staticInst->isStore(); }
-    bool isStoreConditional() const
-    { return staticInst->isStoreConditional(); }
-    bool isInstPrefetch() const { return staticInst->isInstPrefetch(); }
-    bool isDataPrefetch() const { return staticInst->isDataPrefetch(); }
-    bool isInteger()      const { return staticInst->isInteger(); }
-    bool isFloating()     const { return staticInst->isFloating(); }
-    bool isControl()      const { return staticInst->isControl(); }
-    bool isCall()         const { return staticInst->isCall(); }
-    bool isReturn()       const { return staticInst->isReturn(); }
-    bool isDirectCtrl()   const { return staticInst->isDirectCtrl(); }
-    bool isIndirectCtrl() const { return staticInst->isIndirectCtrl(); }
-    bool isCondCtrl()     const { return staticInst->isCondCtrl(); }
-    bool isUncondCtrl()   const { return staticInst->isUncondCtrl(); }
-    bool isCondDelaySlot() const { return staticInst->isCondDelaySlot(); }
-    bool isThreadSync()   const { return staticInst->isThreadSync(); }
-    bool isSerializing()  const { return staticInst->isSerializing(); }
-    bool isSerializeBefore() const
-    { return staticInst->isSerializeBefore() || status[SerializeBefore]; }
-    bool isSerializeAfter() const
-    { return staticInst->isSerializeAfter() || status[SerializeAfter]; }
-    bool isMemBarrier()   const { return staticInst->isMemBarrier(); }
-    bool isWriteBarrier() const { return staticInst->isWriteBarrier(); }
-    bool isNonSpeculative() const { return staticInst->isNonSpeculative(); }
-    bool isQuiesce() const { return staticInst->isQuiesce(); }
-    bool isIprAccess() const { return staticInst->isIprAccess(); }
-    bool isUnverifiable() const { return staticInst->isUnverifiable(); }
-    bool isSyscall() const
-    { return staticInst->isSyscall(); }
-    bool isMicroop() const { return staticInst->isMicroop(); }
-    bool isLastMicroop() const { return staticInst->isLastMicroop(); }
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef ThePipeline::RSkedPtr RSkedPtr;
-    bool inFrontEnd;
-    RSkedPtr frontSked;
-    RSkedIt frontSked_end;
-    RSkedPtr backSked;
-    RSkedIt backSked_end;
-    RSkedIt curSkedEntry;
-    void setFrontSked(RSkedPtr front_sked)
-    {
-        frontSked = front_sked;
-        frontSked_end.init(frontSked);
-        frontSked_end = frontSked->end();
-        //DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "Set FrontSked End to : %x \n" ,
-        //        frontSked_end.getIt()/*, frontSked->end()*/);
-        //assert(frontSked_end == frontSked->end());
-        // This initializes instruction to be able
-        // to walk the resource schedule
-        curSkedEntry.init(frontSked);
-        curSkedEntry = frontSked->begin();
-    }
-    void setBackSked(RSkedPtr back_sked)
-    {
-        backSked = back_sked;
-        backSked_end.init(backSked);
-        backSked_end = backSked->end();
-    }
-    void setNextStage(int stage_num) { nextStage = stage_num; }
-    int getNextStage() { return nextStage; }
-    /** Print Resource Schedule */
-    void printSked()
-    {
-        if (frontSked != NULL) {
-            frontSked->print();
-        }
-        if (backSked != NULL) {
-            backSked->print();
-        }
-    }
-    /** Return Next Resource Stage To Be Used */
-    int nextResStage()
-    {
-        assert((inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry != frontSked_end) ||
-               (!inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry != backSked_end));
-        return curSkedEntry->stageNum;
-    }
-    /** Return Next Resource To Be Used */
-    int nextResource()
-    {
-        assert((inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry != frontSked_end) ||
-               (!inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry != backSked_end));
-        return curSkedEntry->resNum;
-    }
-    /** Finish using a schedule entry, increment to next entry */
-    bool finishSkedEntry()
-    {
-        curSkedEntry++;
-        if (inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry == frontSked_end) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[sn:%i] Switching to "
-                  "back end schedule.\n", seqNum);
-          assert(backSked != NULL);
-          curSkedEntry.init(backSked);
-          curSkedEntry = backSked->begin();
-          inFrontEnd = false;
-        } else if (!inFrontEnd && curSkedEntry == backSked_end) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[sn:%i] Next Stage: %i "
-                "Next Resource: %i.\n", seqNum, curSkedEntry->stageNum,
-                curSkedEntry->resNum);
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Release a Resource Request (Currently Unused) */
-    void releaseReq(ResourceRequest* req);
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Returns the opclass of this instruction. */
-    OpClass opClass() const { return staticInst->opClass(); }
-    /** Executes the instruction.*/
-    Fault execute();
-    unsigned curResSlot;
-    unsigned getCurResSlot() { return curResSlot; }
-    void setCurResSlot(unsigned slot_num) { curResSlot = slot_num; }
-    /** Calls a syscall. */
-    /** Calls hardware return from error interrupt. */
-    Fault hwrei();
-    /** Traps to handle specified fault. */
-    void trap(const Fault &fault);
-    bool simPalCheck(int palFunc);
-    short syscallNum;
-    /** Emulates a syscall. */
-    void syscall(int64_t callnum);
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Read the PC of this instruction. */
-    TheISA::PCState pcState() const { return pc; }
-    /** Sets the PC of this instruction. */
-    void pcState(const TheISA::PCState &_pc) { pc = _pc; }
-    const Addr instAddr() { return pc.instAddr(); }
-    const Addr nextInstAddr() { return pc.nextInstAddr(); }
-    const MicroPC microPC() { return pc.microPC(); }
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Set the predicted target of this current instruction. */
-    void setPredTarg(const TheISA::PCState &predictedPC)
-    { predPC = predictedPC; }
-    /** Returns the predicted target of the branch. */
-    TheISA::PCState readPredTarg() { return predPC; }
-    /** Returns the predicted PC immediately after the branch. */
-    Addr predInstAddr() { return predPC.instAddr(); }
-    /** Returns the predicted PC two instructions after the branch */
-    Addr predNextInstAddr() { return predPC.nextInstAddr(); }
-    /** Returns the predicted micro PC after the branch */
-    Addr readPredMicroPC() { return predPC.microPC(); }
-    /** Returns whether the instruction was predicted taken or not. */
-    bool predTaken() { return predictTaken; }
-    /** Returns whether the instruction mispredicted. */
-    bool
-    mispredicted()
-    {
-        TheISA::PCState nextPC = pc;
-        TheISA::advancePC(nextPC, staticInst);
-        return !(nextPC == predPC);
-    }
-    /** Returns the branch target address. */
-    TheISA::PCState branchTarget() const
-    { return staticInst->branchTarget(pc); }
-    /** Checks whether or not this instruction has had its branch target
-     *  calculated yet.  For now it is not utilized and is hacked to be
-     *  always false.
-     *  @todo: Actually use this instruction.
-     */
-    bool doneTargCalc() { return false; }
-    void setBranchPred(bool prediction) { predictTaken = prediction; }
-    int squashingStage;
-    bool predictTaken;
-    bool procDelaySlotOnMispred;
-    void setSquashInfo(unsigned stage_num);
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////
-    Fault readMem(Addr addr, uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags);
-    Fault writeMem(uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                   Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res);
-    /** Initiates a memory access - Calculate Eff. Addr & Initiate Memory
-     *  Access Only valid for memory operations.
-     */
-    Fault initiateAcc();
-    /** Completes a memory access - Only valid for memory operations. */
-    Fault completeAcc(Packet *pkt);
-    /** Calculates Eff. Addr.  part of a memory instruction.  */
-    Fault calcEA();
-    /** Read Effective Address from instruction & do memory access */
-    Fault memAccess();
-    RequestPtr fetchMemReq;
-    RequestPtr dataMemReq;
-    bool memAddrReady;
-    bool validMemAddr()
-    { return memAddrReady; }
-    void setMemAddr(Addr addr)
-    { memAddr = addr; memAddrReady = true;}
-    void unsetMemAddr()
-    { memAddrReady = false;}
-    Addr getMemAddr()
-    { return memAddr; }
-    /** Sets the effective address. */
-    void setEA(Addr ea) { instEffAddr = ea; eaCalcDone = true; }
-    /** Returns the effective address. */
-    Addr getEA() const { return instEffAddr; }
-    /** Returns whether or not the eff. addr. calculation has been completed.*/
-    bool doneEACalc() { return eaCalcDone; }
-    /** Returns whether or not the eff. addr. source registers are ready.
-     *  Assume that src registers 1..n-1 are the ones that the
-     *  EA calc depends on.  (i.e. src reg 0 is the source of the data to be
-     *  stored)
-     */
-    bool eaSrcsReady()
-    {
-        for (int i = 1; i < numSrcRegs(); ++i) {
-            if (!_readySrcRegIdx[i])
-                return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Returns the number of source registers. */
-    int8_t numSrcRegs() const { return staticInst->numSrcRegs(); }
-    /** Returns the number of destination registers. */
-    int8_t numDestRegs() const { return staticInst->numDestRegs(); }
-    // the following are used to track physical register usage
-    // for machines with separate int & FP reg files
-    int8_t numFPDestRegs()  const { return staticInst->numFPDestRegs(); }
-    int8_t numIntDestRegs() const { return staticInst->numIntDestRegs(); }
-    /** Returns the logical register index of the i'th destination register. */
-    RegIndex destRegIdx(int i) const { return staticInst->destRegIdx(i); }
-    /** Returns the logical register index of the i'th source register. */
-    RegIndex srcRegIdx(int i) const { return staticInst->srcRegIdx(i); }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Returns the physical register index of the i'th destination
-     *  register.
-     */
-    PhysRegIndex renamedDestRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return _destRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Returns the physical register index of the i'th source register. */
-    PhysRegIndex renamedSrcRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return _srcRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Flattens a source architectural register index into a logical index.
-     */
-    void flattenSrcReg(int idx, TheISA::RegIndex flattened_src)
-    {
-        _flatSrcRegIdx[idx] = flattened_src;
-    }
-    /** Flattens a destination architectural register index into a logical
-     * index.
-     */
-    void flattenDestReg(int idx, TheISA::RegIndex flattened_dest)
-    {
-        _flatDestRegIdx[idx] = flattened_dest;
-    }
-    /** Returns the flattened register index of the i'th destination
-     *  register.
-     */
-    TheISA::RegIndex flattenedDestRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return _flatDestRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Returns the flattened register index of the i'th source register */
-    TheISA::RegIndex flattenedSrcRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return _flatSrcRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Returns the physical register index of the previous physical register
-     *  that remapped to the same logical register index.
-     */
-    PhysRegIndex prevDestRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return _prevDestRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Returns if a source register is ready. */
-    bool isReadySrcRegIdx(int idx) const
-    {
-        return this->_readySrcRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    /** Records that one of the source registers is ready. */
-    void markSrcRegReady()
-    {
-        if (++readyRegs == numSrcRegs()) {
-            status.set(CanIssue);
-        }
-    }
-    /** Marks a specific register as ready. */
-    void markSrcRegReady(RegIndex src_idx)
-    {
-        _readySrcRegIdx[src_idx] = true;
-        markSrcRegReady();
-    }
-    /** Renames a destination register to a physical register.  Also records
-     *  the previous physical register that the logical register mapped to.
-     */
-    void renameDestReg(int idx,
-                       PhysRegIndex renamed_dest,
-                       PhysRegIndex previous_rename)
-    {
-        _destRegIdx[idx] = renamed_dest;
-        _prevDestRegIdx[idx] = previous_rename;
-    }
-    /** Renames a source logical register to the physical register which
-     *  has/will produce that logical register's result.
-     *  @todo: add in whether or not the source register is ready.
-     */
-    void renameSrcReg(int idx, PhysRegIndex renamed_src)
-    {
-        _srcRegIdx[idx] = renamed_src;
-    }
-    PhysRegIndex readDestRegIdx(int idx)
-    {
-        return _destRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    void setDestRegIdx(int idx, PhysRegIndex dest_idx)
-    {
-        _destRegIdx[idx] = dest_idx;
-    }
-    int getDestIdxNum(PhysRegIndex dest_idx)
-    {
-        for (int i=0; i < staticInst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
-            if (_flatDestRegIdx[i] == dest_idx)
-                return i;
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PhysRegIndex readSrcRegIdx(int idx)
-    {
-        return _srcRegIdx[idx];
-    }
-    void setSrcRegIdx(int idx, PhysRegIndex src_idx)
-    {
-        _srcRegIdx[idx] = src_idx;
-    }
-    int getSrcIdxNum(PhysRegIndex src_idx)
-    {
-        for (int i=0; i < staticInst->numSrcRegs(); i++) {
-            if (_srcRegIdx[i] == src_idx)
-                return i;
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Functions that sets an integer or floating point
-     *  source register to a value. */
-    void setIntSrc(int idx, uint64_t val);
-    void setFloatSrc(int idx, FloatReg val);
-    void setFloatRegBitsSrc(int idx, TheISA::FloatRegBits val);
-    TheISA::IntReg* getIntSrcPtr(int idx) { return &instSrc[idx].intVal; }
-    uint64_t readIntSrc(int idx) { return instSrc[idx].intVal; }
-    /** These Instructions read a integer/float/misc. source register
-     *  value in the instruction. The instruction's execute function will
-     *  call these and it is the interface that is used by the ISA descr.
-     *  language (which is why the name isnt readIntSrc(...)) Note: That
-     *  the source reg. value is set using the setSrcReg() function.
-     */
-    IntReg readIntRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, ThreadID tid);
-    IntReg readIntRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx) {
-        return readIntRegOperand(si, idx, 0);
-    }
-    FloatReg readFloatRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx);
-    TheISA::FloatRegBits readFloatRegOperandBits(const StaticInst *si, int idx);
-    MiscReg readMiscReg(int misc_reg);
-    MiscReg readMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg);
-    MiscReg readMiscRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx);
-    MiscReg readMiscRegOperandNoEffect(const StaticInst *si, int idx);
-    /** Returns the result value instruction. */
-    ResultType resultType(int idx)
-    {
-        return instResult[idx].type;
-    }
-    IntReg readIntResult(int idx)
-    {
-        return instResult[idx].res.intVal;
-    }
-    FloatReg readFloatResult(int idx)
-    {
-       return instResult[idx].res.fpVal.f;
-    }
-    FloatRegBits readFloatBitsResult(int idx)
-    {
-       return instResult[idx].res.fpVal.i;
-    }
-    CCReg readCCResult(int idx)
-    {
-       return instResult[idx].res.intVal;
-    }
-    Tick readResultTime(int idx) { return instResult[idx].tick; }
-    IntReg* getIntResultPtr(int idx) { return &instResult[idx].res.intVal; }
-    /** This is the interface that an instruction will use to write
-     *  it's destination register.
-     */
-    void setIntRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, IntReg val);
-    void setFloatRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, FloatReg val);
-    void setFloatRegOperandBits(const StaticInst *si, int idx,
-            TheISA::FloatRegBits val);
-    void setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val);
-    void setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val);
-    void setMiscRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, const MiscReg &val);
-    void setMiscRegOperandNoEffect(const StaticInst *si, int idx,
-                                   const MiscReg &val);
-    MiscReg readRegOtherThread(int idx, ThreadID tid);
-    void setRegOtherThread(int idx, MiscReg val, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Returns the number of consecutive store conditional failures. */
-    unsigned int readStCondFailures() const
-    { return thread->storeCondFailures; }
-    /** Sets the number of consecutive store conditional failures. */
-    void setStCondFailures(unsigned int sc_failures)
-    { thread->storeCondFailures = sc_failures; }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Sets this instruction as entered on the CPU Reg Dep Map */
-    void setRegDepEntry() { status.set(RegDepMapEntry); }
-    /** Unsets this instruction as entered on the CPU Reg Dep Map */
-    void clearRegDepEntry() { status.reset(RegDepMapEntry); }
-    /** Returns whether or not the entry is on the CPU Reg Dep Map */
-    bool isRegDepEntry() const { return status[RegDepMapEntry]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as entered on the CPU Reg Dep Map */
-    void setRemoveList() { status.set(RemoveList); }
-    /** Returns whether or not the entry is on the CPU Reg Dep Map */
-    bool isRemoveList() const { return status[RemoveList]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as completed. */
-    void setCompleted() { status.set(Completed); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction is completed. */
-    bool isCompleted() const { return status[Completed]; }
-    /** Marks the result as ready. */
-    void setResultReady() { status.set(ResultReady); }
-    /** Returns whether or not the result is ready. */
-    bool isResultReady() const { return status[ResultReady]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as ready to issue. */
-    void setCanIssue() { status.set(CanIssue); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction is ready to issue. */
-    bool readyToIssue() const { return status[CanIssue]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as issued from the IQ. */
-    void setIssued() { status.set(Issued); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction has issued. */
-    bool isIssued() const { return status[Issued]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as executed. */
-    void setExecuted() { status.set(Executed); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction has executed. */
-    bool isExecuted() const { return status[Executed]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as ready to commit. */
-    void setCanCommit() { status.set(CanCommit); }
-    /** Clears this instruction as being ready to commit. */
-    void clearCanCommit() { status.reset(CanCommit); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction is ready to commit. */
-    bool readyToCommit() const { return status[CanCommit]; }
-    void setAtCommit() { status.set(AtCommit); }
-    bool isAtCommit() { return status[AtCommit]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as committed. */
-    void setCommitted() { status.set(Committed); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction is committed. */
-    bool isCommitted() const { return status[Committed]; }
-    /** Sets this instruction as squashed. */
-    void setSquashed() { status.set(Squashed); }
-    /** Returns whether or not this instruction is squashed. */
-    bool isSquashed() const { return status[Squashed]; }
-    /** Temporarily sets this instruction as a serialize before instruction. */
-    void setSerializeBefore() { status.set(SerializeBefore); }
-    /** Clears the serializeBefore part of this instruction. */
-    void clearSerializeBefore() { status.reset(SerializeBefore); }
-    /** Checks if this serializeBefore is only temporarily set. */
-    bool isTempSerializeBefore() { return status[SerializeBefore]; }
-    /** Temporarily sets this instruction as a serialize after instruction. */
-    void setSerializeAfter() { status.set(SerializeAfter); }
-    /** Clears the serializeAfter part of this instruction.*/
-    void clearSerializeAfter() { status.reset(SerializeAfter); }
-    /** Checks if this serializeAfter is only temporarily set. */
-    bool isTempSerializeAfter() { return status[SerializeAfter]; }
-    /** Sets the serialization part of this instruction as handled. */
-    void setSerializeHandled() { status.set(SerializeHandled); }
-    /** Checks if the serialization part of this instruction has been
-     *  handled.  This does not apply to the temporary serializing
-     *  state; it only applies to this instruction's own permanent
-     *  serializing state.
-     */
-    bool isSerializeHandled() { return status[SerializeHandled]; }
-  private:
-    /** Instruction effective address.
-     *  @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
-     */
-    Addr instEffAddr;
-    /** Whether or not the effective address calculation is completed.
-     *  @todo: Consider if this is necessary or not.
-     */
-    bool eaCalcDone;
-  public:
-    /** Load queue index. */
-    int16_t lqIdx;
-    /** Store queue index. */
-    int16_t sqIdx;
-    /** Iterator pointing to this BaseDynInst in the list of all insts. */
-    ListIt instListIt;
-    bool onInstList;
-    /** Returns iterator to this instruction in the list of all insts. */
-    ListIt getInstListIt() { return instListIt; }
-    /** Sets iterator for this instruction in the list of all insts. */
-    void setInstListIt(ListIt _instListIt) { onInstList = true; instListIt = _instListIt; }
-    /** Count of total number of dynamic instructions. */
-    static int instcount;
-    void resetInstCount();
-    /** Dumps out contents of this BaseDynInst. */
-    void dump();
-    /** Dumps out contents of this BaseDynInst into given string. */
-    void dump(std::string &outstring);
-    //inline int curCount() { return curCount(); }
-    CCReg readCCRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx) {
-        panic("readCCRegOperand unimplemented");
-    }
-    void setCCRegOperand(const StaticInst *si, int idx, CCReg val) {
-        panic("setCCRegOperand unimplemented");
-    }
-    void setPredicate(bool val) {
-        panic("setPredicate unimplemented");
-    }
-    bool readPredicate() {
-        panic("readPredicate unimplemented");
-    }
-    void demapPage(Addr vaddr, uint64_t asn) {
-        panic("demapPage unimplemented");
-    }
-  public:
-    // monitor/mwait funtions
-    void armMonitor(Addr address);
-    bool mwait(PacketPtr pkt);
-    void mwaitAtomic(ThreadContext *tc);
-    AddressMonitor *getAddrMonitor();
-#endif // __CPU_BASE_DYN_INST_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8edb5b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- */
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/static_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
-#include "debug/ExecEnable.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderTrace.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-namespace Trace {
-inline void
-Trace::InOrderTraceRecord::dumpTicks(std::ostream &outs)
-  if (!stageTrace) {
-    ccprintf(outs, "%7d: ", when);
-  } else {
-    ccprintf(outs, "");
-    for (int i=0; i < stageCycle.size(); i++) {
-        if (i < stageCycle.size() - 1)
-            outs << dec << stageCycle[i] << "-";
-        else
-            outs << dec << stageCycle[i] << ":";
-    }
-  }
-InOrderTraceRecord *
-InOrderTrace::getInstRecord(unsigned num_stages, bool stage_tracing,
-        ThreadContext *tc)
-    if (!Debug::ExecEnable)
-        return NULL;
-    if (!Trace::enabled)
-        return NULL;
-    return new InOrderTraceRecord(num_stages, stage_tracing, tc, 0);
-InOrderTraceRecord *
-InOrderTrace::getInstRecord(Tick when, ThreadContext *tc,
-        const StaticInstPtr staticInst, TheISA::PCState _pc,
-        const StaticInstPtr macroStaticInst)
-    return new InOrderTraceRecord(ThePipeline::NumStages, true, tc, _pc);
-} // namespace Trace
-//  ExeTracer Simulation Object
-Trace::InOrderTrace *
-    return new Trace::InOrderTrace(this);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/inorder_trace.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bb90f30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- */
-#include "base/trace.hh"
-#include "base/types.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/static_inst.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderTrace.hh"
-#include "sim/insttracer.hh"
-class ThreadContext;
-namespace Trace {
-class InOrderTraceRecord : public ExeTracerRecord
-  public:
-    InOrderTraceRecord(unsigned num_stages, bool _stage_tracing,
-           ThreadContext *_thread, TheISA::PCState _pc)
-        : ExeTracerRecord(0, _thread, NULL, _pc)
-    {
-        stageTrace = _stage_tracing;
-        stageCycle.resize(num_stages);
-    }
-    // Trace stage-by-stage execution of instructions.
-    bool stageTrace;
-    std::vector<Tick> stageCycle;
-    void dumpTicks(std::ostream &outs);
-    void
-    setStageCycle(int num_stage, Tick cur_cycle)
-    {
-        if (stageTrace) {
-            stageCycle[num_stage] = cur_cycle;
-        } else {
-            when = cur_cycle;
-        }
-    }
-    void
-    setStaticInst(const StaticInstPtr &_staticInst)
-    {
-        staticInst = _staticInst;
-    }
-    void setPC(TheISA::PCState _pc) { pc = _pc; }
-class InOrderTrace : public InstTracer
-  public:
-    InOrderTrace(const InOrderTraceParams *p) : InstTracer(p)
-    {}
-    InOrderTraceRecord *
-    getInstRecord(unsigned num_stages, bool stage_tracing, ThreadContext *tc);
-    InOrderTraceRecord *getInstRecord(Tick when, ThreadContext *tc,
-            const StaticInstPtr staticInst, TheISA::PCState pc,
-            const StaticInstPtr macroStaticInst = NULL);
-} // namespace Trace
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5e94c66..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1125 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "base/str.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/Activity.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStage.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-#include "debug/ThreadModel.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-PipelineStage::PipelineStage(Params *params, unsigned stage_num)
-    : stageNum(stage_num), stageWidth(params->stageWidth),
-      numThreads(ThePipeline::MaxThreads), _status(Inactive),
-      stageBufferMax(params->stageWidth),
-      prevStageValid(false), nextStageValid(false), idle(false)
-    init(params);
-   for(ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) {
-       skidBuffer[tid].clear();
-       stalls[tid].resources.clear();
-   }
-PipelineStage::init(Params *params)
-    for(ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) {
-        stageStatus[tid] = Idle;
-        for (int stNum = 0; stNum < NumStages; stNum++) {
-            stalls[tid].stage[stNum] = false;
-        }
-        stalls[tid].resources.clear();
-        if (stageNum < BackEndStartStage)
-            lastStallingStage[tid] = BackEndStartStage - 1;
-        else
-            lastStallingStage[tid] = NumStages - 1;
-    }
-    if ((InOrderCPU::ThreadModel) params->threadModel ==
-        InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-        switchedOutBuffer.resize(ThePipeline::MaxThreads);
-        switchedOutValid.resize(ThePipeline::MaxThreads);
-    }
-PipelineStage::name() const
-     return cpu->name() + ".stage" + to_string(stageNum);
-   idleCycles
-        .name(name() + ".idleCycles")
-       .desc("Number of cycles 0 instructions are processed.");
-    runCycles
-        .name(name() + ".runCycles")
-        .desc("Number of cycles 1+ instructions are processed.");
-    utilization
-        .name(name() + ".utilization")
-        .desc("Percentage of cycles stage was utilized (processing insts).")
-        .precision(6);
-    utilization = (runCycles / cpu->numCycles) * 100;
-PipelineStage::setCPU(InOrderCPU *cpu_ptr)
-    cpu = cpu_ptr;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Set CPU pointer.\n");
-    tracer = dynamic_cast<Trace::InOrderTrace *>(cpu->getTracer());
-PipelineStage::setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Setting time buffer pointer.\n");
-    timeBuffer = tb_ptr;
-    // Setup wire to write information back to fetch.
-    // @todo: should this be writing to the next stage => -1 and reading from is (0)???
-    toPrevStages = timeBuffer->getWire(0);
-    // Create wires to get information from proper places in time buffer.
-    fromNextStages = timeBuffer->getWire(-1);
-PipelineStage::setPrevStageQueue(TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *prev_stage_ptr)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Setting previous stage queue pointer.\n");
-    prevStageQueue = prev_stage_ptr;
-    // Setup wire to read information from fetch queue.
-    prevStage = prevStageQueue->getWire(-1);
-    prevStageValid = true;
-PipelineStage::setNextStageQueue(TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *next_stage_ptr)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Setting next stage pointer.\n");
-    nextStageQueue = next_stage_ptr;
-    // Setup wire to write information to proper place in stage queue.
-    nextStage = nextStageQueue->getWire(0);
-    nextStageValid = true;
-PipelineStage::setActiveThreads(list<ThreadID> *at_ptr)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Setting active threads list pointer.\n");
-    activeThreads = at_ptr;
-/*inline void
-   if (_status == Inactive) {
-        DPRINTF(Activity, "Activating stage.\n");
-        cpu->activateStage(stageNum);
-        _status = Active;
-    }
-    // Stage can immediately switch out.
-    panic("Switching Out of Stages Unimplemented");
-    _status = Inactive;
-    // Be sure to reset state and clear out any old instructions.
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) {
-        stageStatus[tid] = Idle;
-        for (int stNum = 0; stNum < NumStages; stNum++) {
-            stalls[tid].stage[stNum] = false;
-        }
-        stalls[tid].resources.clear();
-        skidBuffer[tid].clear();
-    }
-    wroteToTimeBuffer = false;
-PipelineStage::checkStall(ThreadID tid) const
-    bool ret_val = false;
-    // Only check pipeline stall from stage directly following this stage
-    if (nextStageValid && stalls[tid].stage[stageNum + 1]) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage,"[tid:%i]: Stall fom Stage %i detected.\n",
-                tid, stageNum + 1);
-        ret_val = true;
-    }
-    if (!stalls[tid].resources.empty()) {
-        string stall_src;
-        for (int i=0; i < stalls[tid].resources.size(); i++) {
-            stall_src += stalls[tid].resources[i]->res->name() + ":";
-        }
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage,"[tid:%i]: Stall fom resources (%s) detected.\n",
-                tid, stall_src);
-        ret_val = true;
-    }
-    return ret_val;
-PipelineStage::removeStalls(ThreadID tid)
-    for (int st_num = 0; st_num < NumStages; st_num++) {
-        if (stalls[tid].stage[st_num]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Removing stall from stage %i.\n",
-                    st_num);
-            stalls[tid].stage[st_num] = false;
-        }
-        if (toPrevStages->stageBlock[st_num][tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Removing pending block from stage %i.\n",
-                    st_num);
-            toPrevStages->stageBlock[st_num][tid] = false;
-        }
-        if (fromNextStages->stageBlock[st_num][tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Removing pending block from stage %i.\n",
-                    st_num);
-            fromNextStages->stageBlock[st_num][tid] = false;
-        }
-    }
-    stalls[tid].resources.clear();
-inline bool
-    return prevStage->insts.size() > 0;
-PipelineStage::isBlocked(ThreadID tid)
-    return stageStatus[tid] == Blocked;
-PipelineStage::block(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%d]: Blocking, sending block signal back to "
-            "previous stages.\n", tid);
-    // If the stage status is blocked or unblocking then stage has not yet
-    // signalled fetch to unblock. In that case, there is no need to tell
-    // fetch to block.
-    if (stageStatus[tid] != Blocked) {
-        if (stageStatus[tid] != Unblocking) {
-            wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
-        }
-        stageStatus[tid] = Blocked;
-        if (prevStageValid) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%d]: Stage %i setting block signal.\n",
-                    tid, stageNum);
-            toPrevStages->stageBlock[stageNum][tid] = true;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-PipelineStage::blockDueToBuffer(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%d]: Blocking instructions from passing to "
-            "next stage.\n", tid);
-    if (stageStatus[tid] != Blocked) {
-        if (stageStatus[tid] != Unblocking) {
-            wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
-        }
-        // Set the status to Blocked.
-        stageStatus[tid] = Blocked;
-    }
-PipelineStage::unblock(ThreadID tid)
-    // @todo: Shouldnt this be if any available slots are open???
-    // Stage is done unblocking only if the skid buffer is empty.
-    if (skidBuffer[tid].empty()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Done unblocking.\n", tid);
-        if (prevStageValid)
-            toPrevStages->stageUnblock[stageNum][tid] = true;
-        wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
-        stageStatus[tid] = Running;
-        return true;
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Currently unblocking.\n", tid);
-    return false;
-PipelineStage::setupSquash(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid)
-    if (cpu->lastSquashCycle[tid] == curTick() &&
-        cpu->squashSeqNum[tid] < inst->seqNum){
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Ignoring [sn:%i] branch squash signal due to "
-                "another stage's squash signal for after [sn:%i].\n", 
-                inst->seqNum, cpu->squashSeqNum[tid]);
-    } else {
-        InstSeqNum squash_seq_num = inst->squashSeqNum;
-        unsigned squash_stage = (nextStageValid) ? stageNum + 1
-            : stageNum;
-        toPrevStages->stageInfo[squash_stage][tid].squash = true;
-        toPrevStages->stageInfo[squash_stage][tid].doneSeqNum =
-            squash_seq_num;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Setting up squashing after "
-                "[sn:%i], due to [sn:%i] %s. Squash-Start-Stage:%i\n",
-                tid, squash_seq_num, inst->seqNum, inst->instName(),
-                squash_stage);
-        // Save squash num for later stage use
-        cpu->lastSquashCycle[tid] = curTick();
-        cpu->squashSeqNum[tid] = squash_seq_num;
-    }
-PipelineStage::squashDueToMemStall(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    squash(seq_num, tid);    
-PipelineStage::squashPrevStageInsts(InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Removing instructions from "
-            "incoming stage queue.\n", tid);
-    int insts_from_prev_stage = prevStage->insts.size();
-    for (int i=0; i < insts_from_prev_stage; i++) {
-        if (prevStage->insts[i]->threadNumber == tid &&
-            prevStage->insts[i]->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Squashing instruction, "
-                    "[sn:%i] PC %s.\n",
-                    tid,
-                    prevStage->insts[i]->seqNum,
-                    prevStage->insts[i]->pcState());
-            prevStage->insts[i]->setSquashed();
-            prevStage->insts[i] = cpu->dummyBufferInst;
-        }
-    }
-PipelineStage::squash(InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    // Set status to squashing.
-    stageStatus[tid] = Squashing;
-    squashPrevStageInsts(squash_seq_num, tid);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Removing instructions from incoming stage"
-            " skidbuffer.\n", tid);
-    //@TODO: Walk Through List Using iterator and remove
-    //       all instructions over the value
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator cur_it = skidBuffer[tid].begin();
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator end_it = skidBuffer[tid].end();
-    while (cur_it != end_it) {
-        if ((*cur_it)->seqNum <= squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Cannot remove skidBuffer "
-                    "instructions (starting w/[sn:%i]) before "
-                    "[sn:%i]. %i insts left.\n", tid, 
-                    (*cur_it)->seqNum, squash_seq_num,
-                    skidBuffer[tid].size());
-            cur_it++;
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Removing instruction, [sn:%i] "
-                    " PC %s.\n", tid, (*cur_it)->seqNum, (*cur_it)->pc);
-            (*cur_it)->setSquashed();
-            cur_it = skidBuffer[tid].erase(cur_it);
-        }
-    }
-    unsigned total = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; i++) {
-        total += skidBuffer[i].size();
-    }
-    int avail = stageBufferMax - total;
-    assert(avail >= 0);
-    return avail;
-PipelineStage::canSendInstToStage(unsigned stage_num)
-    bool buffer_avail = false;
-    if (cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->prevStageValid) {
-        buffer_avail = cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->stageBufferAvail() -
-            cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num-1]->nextStage->insts.size() >= 1;
-    }
-    if (!buffer_avail && nextStageQueueValid(stage_num)) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: No room in stage %i buffer.\n", 
-                stageNum + 1);
-    }
-    return buffer_avail;
-    int total = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; i++) {
-        total += skidBuffer[i].size();
-    }
-    return total;
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator threads = activeThreads->begin();
-    while (threads != activeThreads->end()) {
-        if (!skidBuffer[*threads++].empty())
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-    bool any_unblocking = false;
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator threads = activeThreads->begin();
-    while (threads != activeThreads->end()) {
-        ThreadID tid = *threads++;
-        if (stageStatus[tid] == Unblocking) {
-            any_unblocking = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // Stage will have activity if it's unblocking.
-    if (any_unblocking) {
-        if (_status == Inactive) {
-            _status = Active;
-            DPRINTF(Activity, "Activating stage.\n");
-            cpu->activateStage(stageNum);
-        }
-    } else {
-        // If it's not unblocking, then stage will not have any internal
-        // activity.  Switch it to inactive.
-        if (_status == Active) {
-            _status = Inactive;
-            DPRINTF(Activity, "Deactivating stage.\n");
-            cpu->deactivateStage(stageNum);
-        }
-    }
-PipelineStage::activateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    if (cpu->threadModel == InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-        if (!switchedOutValid[tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i] No instruction available in "
-                    "switch out buffer.\n", tid);        
-        } else {
-            DynInstPtr inst = switchedOutBuffer[tid];
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage,"[tid:%i]: Re-Inserting [sn:%lli] PC:%s into"
-                    " stage skidBuffer %i\n", tid, inst->seqNum,
-                    inst->pcState(), inst->threadNumber);
-            // Make instruction available for pipeline processing
-            skidBuffer[tid].push_back(inst);
-            // Update PC so that we start fetching after this instruction to
-            // prevent "double"-execution of instructions
-            cpu->resPool->scheduleEvent((InOrderCPU::CPUEventType)
-                                        ResourcePool::UpdateAfterContextSwitch, 
-                                        inst, Cycles(0), 0, tid);
-            // Clear switchout buffer
-            switchedOutBuffer[tid] = NULL;
-            switchedOutValid[tid] = false;            
-            // Update any CPU stats based off context switches
-            cpu->updateContextSwitchStats();            
-        }        
-    }
-    if (prevStageValid) {
-        assert(prevStage->insts.size() <= stageWidth);
-        int insts_from_prev_stage = prevStage->insts.size();
-        int insts_from_cur_stage = skidSize();
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "%i insts available from stage buffer %i. Stage "
-                "currently has %i insts from last cycle.\n",
-                insts_from_prev_stage, prevStageQueue->id(),
-                insts_from_cur_stage);
-        int inserted_insts = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < insts_from_prev_stage; i++) {
-            if (prevStage->insts[i]->isSquashed()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Ignoring squashed [sn:%i], "
-                        "not inserting into stage buffer.\n",
-                    prevStage->insts[i]->readTid(),
-                    prevStage->insts[i]->seqNum);
-                continue;
-            }
-            ThreadID tid = prevStage->insts[i]->threadNumber;
-            if (inserted_insts + insts_from_cur_stage == stageWidth) {
-               DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Stage %i has accepted all insts "
-                       "possible for this tick. Placing [sn:%i] in stage %i skidBuffer\n",
-                       stageNum, prevStage->insts[i]->seqNum, stageNum - 1);
-                cpu->pipelineStage[stageNum - 1]->
-                    skidBuffer[tid].push_front(prevStage->insts[i]);
-                int prev_stage = stageNum - 1;
-                if (cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->stageStatus[tid] == Running ||
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->stageStatus[tid] == Idle) {
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->stageStatus[tid] = Unblocking;
-                }
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: Inserting [sn:%i] into stage "
-                        "buffer.\n", prevStage->insts[i]->readTid(),
-                        prevStage->insts[i]->seqNum);
-                skidBuffer[tid].push_back(prevStage->insts[i]);
-            }
-            prevStage->insts[i] = cpu->dummyBufferInst;
-            inserted_insts++;
-        }
-    }
-PipelineStage::readStallSignals(ThreadID tid)
-    for (int stage_idx = stageNum+1; stage_idx <= lastStallingStage[tid];
-         stage_idx++) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i] Reading stall signals from Stage "
-                "%i. Block:%i Unblock:%i.\n",
-                tid,
-                stage_idx,
-                fromNextStages->stageBlock[stage_idx][tid],
-                fromNextStages->stageUnblock[stage_idx][tid]);
-        // Check for Stage Blocking Signal
-        if (fromNextStages->stageBlock[stage_idx][tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i] Stall from stage %i set.\n", tid,
-                    stage_idx);
-            stalls[tid].stage[stage_idx] = true;
-        }
-        // Check for Stage Unblocking Signal
-        if (fromNextStages->stageUnblock[stage_idx][tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i] Stall from stage %i unset.\n", tid,
-                    stage_idx);
-            stalls[tid].stage[stage_idx] = false;
-        }
-    }
-PipelineStage::checkSignalsAndUpdate(ThreadID tid)
-    // Check if there's a squash signal, squash if there is.
-    // Check stall signals, block if necessary.
-    // If status was blocked
-    //     Check if stall conditions have passed
-    //         if so then go to unblocking
-    // If status was Squashing
-    //     check if squashing is not high.  Switch to running this cycle.
-    // Update the per thread stall statuses.
-    readStallSignals(tid);
-    // Check for squash from later pipeline stages
-    for (int stage_idx=stageNum; stage_idx < NumStages; stage_idx++) {
-        if (fromNextStages->stageInfo[stage_idx][tid].squash) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Squashing instructions due to "
-                    "squash from stage %u.\n", tid, stage_idx);
-            InstSeqNum squash_seq_num = fromNextStages->
-                stageInfo[stage_idx][tid].doneSeqNum;
-            squash(squash_seq_num, tid);
-            break; //return true;
-        }
-    }
-    if (checkStall(tid)) {
-        return block(tid);
-    }
-    if (stageStatus[tid] == Blocked) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Done blocking, switching to "
-                "unblocking.\n", tid);
-        stageStatus[tid] = Unblocking;
-        unblock(tid);
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (stageStatus[tid] == Squashing) {
-        if (!skidBuffer[tid].empty()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Done squashing, switching to "
-                    "unblocking.\n", tid);
-            stageStatus[tid] = Unblocking;
-        } else {
-            // Switch status to running if stage isn't being told to block or
-            // squash this cycle.
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Done squashing, switching to "
-                    "running.\n", tid);
-            stageStatus[tid] = Running;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    // If we've reached this point, we have not gotten any signals that
-    // cause stage to change its status.  Stage remains the same as before.*/
-    return false;
-    idle = false;
-    wroteToTimeBuffer = false;
-    bool status_change = false;
-    sortInsts();
-    instsProcessed = 0;
-    processStage(status_change);
-    if (status_change) {
-        updateStatus();
-    }
-    if (wroteToTimeBuffer) {
-        DPRINTF(Activity, "Activity this cycle.\n");
-        cpu->activityThisCycle();
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "\n\n");
-PipelineStage::setResStall(ResReqPtr res_req, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Inserting stall from %s.\n", res_req->res->name());
-    stalls[tid].resources.push_back(res_req);
-PipelineStage::unsetResStall(ResReqPtr res_req, ThreadID tid)
-    // Search through stalls to find stalling request and then
-    // remove it
-    vector<ResReqPtr>::iterator req_it = stalls[tid].resources.begin();
-    vector<ResReqPtr>::iterator req_end = stalls[tid].resources.end();
-    while (req_it != req_end) {
-        if( (*req_it)->res ==  res_req->res && // Same Resource
-            (*req_it)->inst ==  res_req->inst && // Same Instruction
-            (*req_it)->getSlot() ==  res_req->getSlot()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Clearing stall by %s.\n",
-                    tid, res_req->res->name());
-            stalls[tid].resources.erase(req_it);
-            break;
-        }
-        req_it++;
-    }
-    if (stalls[tid].resources.size() == 0) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: There are no remaining resource"
-                "stalls.\n", tid);
-    }
-// @TODO: Update How we handled threads in CPU. Maybe threads shouldnt be 
-// handled one at a time, but instead first come first serve by instruction?
-// Questions are how should a pipeline stage handle thread-specific stalls &
-// pipeline squashes
-PipelineStage::processStage(bool &status_change)
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator threads = activeThreads->begin();
-    //Check stall and squash signals.
-    while (threads != activeThreads->end()) {
-        ThreadID tid = *threads++;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage,"Processing [tid:%i]\n",tid);
-        status_change =  checkSignalsAndUpdate(tid) || status_change;
-        processThread(status_change, tid);
-    }
-    if (nextStageValid) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "%i insts now available for stage %i.\n",
-                nextStage->insts.size(), stageNum + 1);
-    }
-    if (instsProcessed > 0) {
-        ++runCycles;
-        idle = false;        
-    } else {
-        ++idleCycles;        
-        idle = true;        
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "%i left in stage %i incoming buffer.\n", skidSize(),
-            stageNum);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "%i available in stage %i incoming buffer.\n", 
-            stageBufferAvail(), stageNum);
-PipelineStage::processThread(bool &status_change, ThreadID tid)
-    // If status is Running or idle,
-    //     call processInsts()
-    // If status is Unblocking,
-    //     buffer any instructions coming from fetch
-   //     continue trying to empty skid buffer
-    //     check if stall conditions have passed
-    // Stage should try to process as many instructions as its bandwidth
-    // will allow, as long as it is not currently blocked.
-    if (stageStatus[tid] == Running ||
-        stageStatus[tid] == Idle) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Not blocked, so attempting to run "
-                "stage.\n",tid);
-        processInsts(tid);
-    } else if (stageStatus[tid] == Unblocking) {
-        // Make sure that the skid buffer has something in it if the
-        // status is unblocking.
-        assert(!skidsEmpty());
-        // If the status was unblocking, then instructions from the skid
-        // buffer were used.  Remove those instructions and handle
-        // the rest of unblocking.
-        processInsts(tid);
-        status_change = unblock(tid) || status_change;
-    }
-PipelineStage::processInsts(ThreadID tid)
-    // Instructions can come either from the skid buffer or the list of
-    // instructions coming from fetch, depending on stage's status.
-    int insts_available = skidBuffer[tid].size();
-    std::list<DynInstPtr> &insts_to_stage = skidBuffer[tid];
-    if (insts_available == 0) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Nothing to do, breaking out"
-                " early.\n",tid);
-        return;
-    }
-    DynInstPtr inst;
-    bool last_req_completed = true;
-    while (insts_available > 0 &&
-           instsProcessed < stageWidth &&
-           last_req_completed) {
-        assert(!insts_to_stage.empty());
-        inst = insts_to_stage.front();
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Processing instruction [sn:%lli] "
-                "%s with PC %s\n", tid, inst->seqNum,
-                inst->instName(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        if (inst->isSquashed()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Instruction %i with PC %s is "
-                    "squashed, skipping.\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum, inst->pcState());
-            insts_to_stage.pop_front();
-            --insts_available;
-            continue;
-        }
-        int reqs_processed = 0;        
-        last_req_completed = processInstSchedule(inst, reqs_processed);
-        // If the instruction isnt squashed & we've completed one request
-        // Then we can officially count this instruction toward the stage's 
-        // bandwidth count
-        if (reqs_processed > 0)
-            instsProcessed++;
-        // Don't let instruction pass to next stage if it hasnt completed
-        // all of it's requests for this stage.
-        if (!last_req_completed)
-            continue;
-        // Send to Next Stage or Break Loop
-        if (nextStageValid && !sendInstToNextStage(inst)) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] unable to proceed to stage"
-                    " %i.\n", tid, inst->seqNum,inst->nextStage);
-            break;
-        }
-        insts_to_stage.pop_front();
-        --insts_available;
-    }
-    // If we didn't process all instructions, then we will need to block
-    // and put all those instructions into the skid buffer.
-    if (!insts_to_stage.empty()) {
-        blockDueToBuffer(tid);
-    }
-    // Record that stage has written to the time buffer for activity
-    // tracking.
-    if (instsProcessed) {
-        wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
-    }
-PipelineStage::processInstSchedule(DynInstPtr inst,int &reqs_processed)
-    bool last_req_completed = true;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    if (inst->nextResStage() == stageNum) {
-        int res_stage_num = inst->nextResStage();
-        while (res_stage_num == stageNum) {
-            int res_num = inst->nextResource();
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: sending request to %s."
-                    "\n", tid, inst->seqNum, cpu->resPool->name(res_num));
-            ResReqPtr req = cpu->resPool->request(res_num, inst);
-            assert(req->valid);
-            bool req_completed = req->isCompleted();
-            bool done_in_pipeline = false;
-            if (req_completed) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] request to %s "
-                        "completed.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, 
-                        cpu->resPool->name(res_num));
-                reqs_processed++;                
-                req->stagePasses++;                
-                done_in_pipeline = inst->finishSkedEntry();
-                if (done_in_pipeline) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] finished "
-                            "in pipeline.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                }
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] request to %s failed."
-                        "\n", tid, inst->seqNum, cpu->resPool->name(res_num));
-                last_req_completed = false;
-                if (req->isMemStall() && 
-                    cpu->threadModel == InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-                    // Save Stalling Instruction
-                    DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] Detected cache "
-                            "miss.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "Inserting [tid:%i][sn:%i] into "
-                            "switch out buffer.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                    switchedOutBuffer[tid] = inst;
-                    switchedOutValid[tid] = true;
-                    // Remove Thread From Pipeline & Resource Pool
-                    inst->squashingStage = stageNum;
-                    inst->squashSeqNum = inst->seqNum;
-                    cpu->squashFromMemStall(inst, tid);  
-                    // Switch On Cache Miss
-                    //=====================
-                    // Suspend Thread at end of cycle
-                    DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "Suspending [tid:%i] due to cache "
-                            "miss.\n", tid);
-                    cpu->suspendContext(tid);                    
-                    // Activate Next Ready Thread at end of cycle
-                    DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "Attempting to activate next ready "
-                            "thread due to cache miss.\n");
-                    cpu->activateNextReadyContext();
-                }
-            }
-            // If this request is no longer needs to take up bandwidth in the
-            // resource, go ahead and free that bandwidth up
-            if (req->doneInResource) {
-                req->freeSlot();
-            }
-            // No longer need to process this instruction if the last
-            // request it had wasn't completed or if there is nothing
-            // else for it to do in the pipeline
-            if (done_in_pipeline || !req_completed) {
-                break;
-            }
-            res_stage_num = inst->nextResStage();
-        }
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Instruction [sn:%i] with PC %s "
-                " needed no resources in stage %i.\n",
-                tid, inst->seqNum, inst->pcState(), stageNum);
-    }
-    return last_req_completed;
-PipelineStage::nextStageQueueValid(int stage_num)
-    return cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->nextStageValid;
-PipelineStage::sendInstToNextStage(DynInstPtr inst)
-    // Update Next Stage Variable in Instruction
-    // NOTE: Some Resources will update this nextStage var. to
-    // for bypassing, so can't always assume nextStage=stageNum+1
-    if (inst->nextStage == stageNum)
-        inst->nextStage++;
-    bool success = false;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    int next_stage = inst->nextStage;
-    int prev_stage = next_stage - 1;
-    assert(next_stage >= 1);
-    assert(prev_stage >= 0);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Attempting to send instructions to "
-            "stage %u.\n", tid, stageNum+1);
-    if (!canSendInstToStage(inst->nextStage)) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: Could not send instruction to "
-                "stage %u.\n", tid, stageNum+1);
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (nextStageQueueValid(inst->nextStage - 1)) {
-        if (inst->seqNum > cpu->squashSeqNum[tid] &&
-            curTick() == cpu->lastSquashCycle[tid]) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: squashed, skipping "
-                    "insertion into stage %i queue.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, 
-                    inst->nextStage);
-        } else {
-            if (nextStageValid) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u] %i slots available in next "
-                        "stage buffer.\n", tid, 
-                        cpu->pipelineStage[next_stage]->stageBufferAvail());
-            }
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: being placed into  "
-                    "index %i of stage buffer %i queue.\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum,
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->nextStage->insts.size(),
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->nextStageQueue->id());
-            // Place instructions in inter-stage communication struct for next
-            // pipeline stage to read next cycle
-            cpu->pipelineStage[prev_stage]->nextStage->insts.push_back(inst);
-            success = true;
-            // Take note of trace data for this inst & stage
-            if (inst->traceData) {
-                //@todo: exec traces are broke. fix them
-                inst->traceData->setStageCycle(stageNum, curTick());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return success;
-    cprintf("Insts in Stage %i skidbuffers\n",stageNum);
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; tid++) {
-        std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator cur_it =  skidBuffer[tid].begin();
-        std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator end_it =  skidBuffer[tid].end();
-        while (cur_it != end_it) {
-            DynInstPtr inst = (*cur_it);
-            cprintf("Inst. PC:%s\n[tid:%i]\n[sn:%i]\n\n",
-                    inst->pcState(), inst->threadNumber, inst->seqNum);
-            cur_it++;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_stage.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 478561a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/statistics.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/comm.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/timebuf.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-class InOrderCPU;
-class PipelineStage
-  protected:
-    typedef ThePipeline::Params Params;
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    /** Overall stage status. Used to determine if the CPU can
-     * deschedule itself due to a lack of activity.
-     */
-    enum StageStatus {
-        Active,
-        Inactive
-    };
-    /** Individual thread status. */
-    enum ThreadStatus {
-        Running,
-        Idle,
-        StartSquash,
-        Squashing,
-        Blocked,
-        Unblocking,
-        MemWaitResponse,
-        MemWaitRetry,
-        MemAccessComplete
-    };
-  protected:
-    /** The Number of This Pipeline Stage */
-    unsigned stageNum;
-    /** The width of stage, in instructions. */
-    unsigned stageWidth;
-    /** Number of Threads*/
-    ThreadID numThreads;
-    /** Stage status. */
-    StageStatus _status;
-    /** Per-thread status. */
-    ThreadStatus stageStatus[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-  public:
-    PipelineStage(Params *params, unsigned stage_num);
-    virtual ~PipelineStage();
-    /** PipelineStage initialization. */
-    void init(Params *params);
-    /** Returns the name of stage. */
-    std::string name() const;
-    /** Registers statistics. */
-    void regStats();
-    /** Sets CPU pointer. */
-    void setCPU(InOrderCPU *cpu_ptr);
-    /** Sets the main backwards communication time buffer pointer. */
-    void setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr);
-    /** Sets pointer to time buffer coming from fetch. */
-    void setPrevStageQueue(TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *prev_stage_ptr);
-    /** Sets pointer to time buffer used to communicate to the next stage. */
-    void setNextStageQueue(TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *next_stage_ptr);
-    /** Sets pointer to list of active threads. */
-    void setActiveThreads(std::list<ThreadID> *at_ptr);
-    bool nextStageQueueValid(int stage_num);
-    bool isBlocked(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Changes the status of this stage to active, and indicates this
-     * to the CPU.
-     */
-    //inline void switchToActive();
-    /** Changes the status of this stage to inactive, and indicates
-     * this to the CPU.
-     */
-    //inline void switchToInactive();
-    /** Switches out the stage stage. */
-    void switchOut();
-    /** Takes over from another CPU's thread. */
-    virtual void takeOverFrom();
-    /** Ticks stage, processing all input signals and executing as many
-     *  instructions as possible.
-     */
-    void tick();
-    /** Set a resource stall in the pipeline-stage */
-    void setResStall(ResReqPtr res_req, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Unset a resource stall in the pipeline-stage */
-    void unsetResStall(ResReqPtr res_req, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Remove all stall signals for a particular thread; */
-    void removeStalls(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Is there room in the stage buffer? */
-    int stageBufferAvail();
-  protected:
-    /** Evaluate Stage Conditions and then process stage */
-    virtual void processStage(bool &status_change);
-    /** Determines what to do based on stage's current status.
-     * @param status_change stage() sets this variable if there was a status
-     * change (ie switching from from blocking to unblocking).
-     * @param tid Thread id to stage instructions from.
-     */
-    void processThread(bool &status_change, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Processes instructions from fetch and passes them on to rename.
-     * Decoding of instructions actually happens when they are created in
-     * fetch, so this function mostly checks if PC-relative branches are
-     * correct.
-     */
-    virtual void processInsts(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Process all resources on an instruction's resource schedule */
-    bool processInstSchedule(DynInstPtr inst, int &reqs_processed);
-    /** Is there room in the next stage buffer for this instruction? */
-    bool canSendInstToStage(unsigned stage_num);
-    /** Send an instruction to the next stage buffer */
-    bool sendInstToNextStage(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Total size of all skid buffers */
-    int skidSize();
-    /** Returns if all of the skid buffers are empty. */
-    bool skidsEmpty();
-    /** Updates overall stage status based on all of the threads' statuses. */
-    void updateStatus();
-    /** Separates instructions from fetch into individual lists of instructions
-     * sorted by thread.
-     */
-    void sortInsts();
-    /** Reads all stall signals from the backwards communication timebuffer. */
-    void readStallSignals(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Checks all input signals and updates stage's status appropriately. */
-    bool checkSignalsAndUpdate(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Checks all stall signals, and returns if any are true. */
-    bool checkStall(ThreadID tid) const;
-    /** Returns if there any instructions from the previous stage
-     * on this cycle.
-     */
-    inline bool prevStageInstsValid();
-    /** Switches stage to blocking, and signals back that stage has
-     * become blocked.
-     * @return Returns true if there is a status change.
-     */
-    bool block(ThreadID tid);
-    void blockDueToBuffer(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Switches stage to unblocking if the skid buffer is empty, and
-     * signals back that stage has unblocked.
-     * @return Returns true if there is a status change.
-     */
-    bool unblock(ThreadID tid);
-  public:
-    void activateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Setup Squashing Information to be passed back thru the pipeline */
-    void setupSquash(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid);
-    virtual void squashDueToMemStall(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Perform squash of instructions above seq_num */
-    virtual void squash(InstSeqNum squash_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash instructions from stage buffer  */
-    void squashPrevStageInsts(InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    void dumpInsts();
-  protected:
-    /** CPU interface. */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-    Trace::InOrderTrace *tracer;
-    /** List of active thread ids */
-    std::list<ThreadID> *activeThreads;
-    /** Buffer of instructions switched out to mem-stall. 
-     *  Only used when using SwitchOnCacheMiss threading model
-     *  Used as 1-to-1 mapping between ThreadID and Entry. 
-     */
-    std::vector<DynInstPtr> switchedOutBuffer;
-    std::vector<bool> switchedOutValid;
-    /** Instructions that we've processed this tick
-     *  NOTE: "Processed" means completed at least 1 instruction request 
-     */
-    unsigned instsProcessed;    
-    /** Skid buffer between previous stage and this one. */
-    std::list<DynInstPtr> skidBuffer[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Instruction used to signify that there is no *real* instruction in
-     *  buffer slot */
-    DynInstPtr dummyBufferInst;
-    /** SeqNum of Squashing Branch Delay Instruction (used for MIPS) */
-    Addr bdelayDoneSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Tells when their is a pending delay slot inst. to send
-     *  to rename. If there is, then wait squash after the next
-     *  instruction (used for MIPS).
-     */
-    bool squashAfterDelaySlot[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Instruction used for squashing branch (used for MIPS) */
-    DynInstPtr squashInst[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Maximum size of the inter-stage buffer connecting the previous stage to
-     *  this stage (which we call a skid buffer) */
-    unsigned stageBufferMax;
-    /** Variable that tracks if stage has written to the time buffer this
-     * cycle. Used to tell CPU if there is activity this cycle.
-     */
-    bool wroteToTimeBuffer;
-    /** Index of instructions being sent to the next stage. */
-    unsigned toNextStageIndex;
-    /** The last stage that this particular stage should look for stalls */
-    int lastStallingStage[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Time buffer interface. */
-    TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *timeBuffer;
-  public:
-    /** Wire to get rename's output from backwards time buffer. */
-    TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromNextStages;
-    /** Wire to get iew's information from backwards time buffer. */
-    TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire toPrevStages;
-    /** Instruction queue linking previous stage */
-    TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *prevStageQueue;
-    /** Wire to get the previous stage's. */
-    TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct>::wire prevStage;
-    /** Instruction queue linking next stage */
-    TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct> *nextStageQueue;
-    /** Wire to write to the next stage */
-    TimeBuffer<InterStageStruct>::wire nextStage;
-    /** Is Previous Stage Valid? */
-    bool prevStageValid;
-    /** Is Next Stage Valid? */
-    bool nextStageValid;
-    bool idle;
-    /** Source of possible stalls. */
-    struct Stalls {
-        bool stage[ThePipeline::NumStages];
-        std::vector<ResReqPtr> resources;
-    };
-    /** Tracks stage/resource stalls */
-    Stalls stalls[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Number of cycles 0 instruction(s) are processed. */
-    Stats::Scalar idleCycles;
-    /** Number of cycles 1+ instructions are processed. */
-    Stats::Scalar runCycles;
-    /** Percentage of cycles 1+ instructions are processed. */
-    Stats::Formula utilization;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f15a3cb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-using namespace std;
-namespace ThePipeline {
-//@TODO: create my own Instruction Schedule Class
-//that operates as a Priority QUEUE
-int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num)
-    int cur_pri = 20;
-    /*
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_it = inst->resSched.begin();
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_end = inst->resSched.end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        if (sked_it.top()->stageNum == stage_num) {
-            cur_pri = sked_it.top()->priority;
-        }
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    */
-    return cur_pri;
-void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    int stNum = 0;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // IF - Stage 0
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::AssignNextPC));
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, ITLB,     TLBUnit::FetchLookup));
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, ICache,   CacheUnit::InitiateFetch));
-    //
-    // DE - Stage 1
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    stNum++; stPri = 0;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, ICache,   CacheUnit::CompleteFetch));
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, Decode,   DecodeUnit::DecodeInst));
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, BPred,    BranchPredictor::PredictBranch));
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::UpdateTargetPC));
-bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    if (!inst->staticInst) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    int stNum = BackEndStartStage;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // EX - Stage 2
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numSrcRegs(); idx++) {
-        if (!idx || !inst->isStore())
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, idx));
-    }
-    if ( inst->isNonSpeculative() ) {
-        // skip execution of non speculative insts until later
-    } else if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr));
-        if ( inst->isLoad() ) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DTLB, TLBUnit::DataLookup));
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateReadData));
-        }
-    } else {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-    }
-    //
-    // MEM - Stage 3
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    stPri = 0; stNum++;
-    if ( inst->isStore() ) { // for store, need src reg at this point
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, 1));
-    }
-    if ( inst->isLoad() ) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteReadData));
-    } else if ( inst->isStore() ) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DTLB, TLBUnit::DataLookup));
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateWriteData));
-    }
-    //
-    // WB - Stage 4
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    stPri = 0; stNum++;
-    if (inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-        if (inst->isMemRef())
-            fatal("Schedule doesnt handle Non-Speculative Memory Instructions.\n");
-        if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp || inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, MDU, MultDivUnit::MultDiv));
-        } else {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-        }
-    }
-    if ( inst->isStore() )
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteWriteData));
-    // Write Back to Register File
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numDestRegs(); idx++) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, RegManager, UseDefUnit::WriteDestReg, idx));
-    }
-    // Graduate Instructions
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, Grad, GraduationUnit::GraduateInst));
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.5stage.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5f15875..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-class InOrderDynInst;
-/* This Namespace contains constants, typedefs, functions and
- * objects specific to the Pipeline Implementation.
- */
-namespace ThePipeline {
-    // Pipeline Constants
-    const unsigned NumStages = 5;
-    const unsigned MaxThreads = 3;
-    const unsigned StageWidth = 1;
-    const unsigned BackEndStartStage = 2;
-    // Enumerated List of Resources The Pipeline Uses
-    enum ResourceList {
-       FetchSeq = 0,
-       ITLB,
-       ICache,
-       Decode,
-       BPred,
-       FetchBuff,
-       RegManager,
-       AGEN,
-       ExecUnit,
-       DTLB,
-       DCache,
-       Grad,
-       FetchBuff2
-    };
-    // Expand this as necessary for your inter stage buffer sizes
-    static const unsigned interStageBuffSize[] = {
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 0 - 1 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 1 - 2 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 2 - 3 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 3 - 4 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 4 - 5 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 5 - 6 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 6 - 7 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 7 - 8 */
-        StageWidth  /* Stage 8 - 9 */
-    };
-    typedef InOrderCPUParams Params;
-    typedef RefCountingPtr<InOrderDynInst> DynInstPtr;
-    //////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////
-    struct ScheduleEntry {
-        ScheduleEntry(int stage_num, int _priority, int res_num, int _cmd = 0,
-                      int _idx = 0) :
-            stageNum(stage_num), resNum(res_num), cmd(_cmd),
-            idx(_idx), priority(_priority)
-        { }
-        virtual ~ScheduleEntry(){}
-        // Stage number to perform this service.
-        int stageNum;
-        // Resource ID to access
-        int resNum;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned cmd;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned idx;
-        // Some Resources May Need Priority?
-        int priority;
-    };
-    struct entryCompare {
-        bool operator()(const ScheduleEntry* lhs, const ScheduleEntry* rhs) const
-        {
-            // Prioritize first by stage number that the resource is needed
-            if (lhs->stageNum > rhs->stageNum) {
-                return true;
-            } else if (lhs->stageNum == rhs->stageNum) {
-                /*if (lhs->resNum > rhs->resNum) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                  }*/
-                if (lhs->priority > rhs->priority) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    typedef std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-                                         entryCompare> ResSchedule;
-    void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e8ff3ac..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-using namespace std;
-namespace ThePipeline {
-//@TODO: create my own Instruction Schedule Class
-//that operates as a Priority QUEUE
-int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num)
-    int cur_pri = 20;
-    /*
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_it = inst->resSched.begin();
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_end = inst->resSched.end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        if (sked_it.top()->stageNum == stage_num) {
-            cur_pri = sked_it.top()->priority;
-        }
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    */
-    return cur_pri;
-void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    int stNum = 0;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // Stage 0
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::AssignNextPC));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ITLB, TLBUnit::FetchLookup));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ICache, CacheUnit::InitiateFetch));
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-    //
-    // Stage 1
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ICache, CacheUnit::CompleteFetch));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, Decode, DecodeUnit::DecodeInst));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, BPred, BranchPredictor::PredictBranch));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::UpdateTargetPC));
-    stPri++;
-    if (inst->readTid() == 0)
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchBuff, InstBuffer::ScheduleOrBypass));
-    else //if (inst->readTid() == 1)
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchBuff2, InstBuffer::ScheduleOrBypass));
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-    //
-    // Stage 2
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    if (!inst->staticInst) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    std::string name = inst->staticInst->getName();
-    int stNum = BackEndStartStage;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // Stage 3
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Set When Source Registers Should be read - Stage 4
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numSrcRegs(); idx++) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, idx));
-    }
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 4
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr));
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 5
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Execution Unit
-    if (!inst->isNonSpeculative() && !inst->isMemRef()) {
-        if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp || inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, MDU, MultDivUnit::MultDiv));
-        } else {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-        }
-    }
-    stPri++;
-    // DCache Initiate Access
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DTLB, TLBUnit::DataLookup));
-        stPri++;
-        if (inst->isLoad()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateReadData));
-        } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateWriteData));
-        }
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 6
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // DCache Complete Access
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        if (inst->isLoad()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteReadData));
-        } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteWriteData));
-        }
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 7
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 8
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // NonSpeculative Execution
-    if (inst->isNonSpeculative() ) {
-        if (inst->isMemRef())
-            fatal("Schedule doesnt handle Non-Speculative Memory Instructions.\n");
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-        stPri++;
-    }
-    // Write Back to Register File
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numDestRegs(); idx++) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, RegManager, UseDefUnit::WriteDestReg, idx));
-        stPri++;
-    }
-    // Graduate Instructions
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, Grad, GraduationUnit::GraduateInst));
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dce99f6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-class InOrderDynInst;
-/* This Namespace contains constants, typedefs, functions and
- * objects specific to the Pipeline Implementation.
- */
-namespace ThePipeline {
-    // Pipeline Constants
-    const unsigned NumStages = 9;
-    const unsigned MaxThreads = 3;
-    const unsigned StageWidth = 2;
-    const unsigned BackEndStartStage = 3;
-    // Use this to over-ride default stage widths
-    static std::map<unsigned, unsigned> stageBufferSizes;
-    //static unsigned interStageBuffSize[NumStages];
-    static const unsigned interStageBuffSize[NumStages] = {
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 0 - 1 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 1 - 2 */
-        4,          /* Stage 2 - 3 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 3 - 4 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 4 - 5 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 5 - 6 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 6 - 7 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 7 - 8 */
-        StageWidth  /* Stage 8 - 9 */
-    };
-    // Enumerated List of Resources The Pipeline Uses
-    enum ResourceList {
-       FetchSeq = 0,
-       ITLB,
-       ICache,
-       Decode,
-       BPred,
-       FetchBuff,
-       RegManager,
-       AGEN,
-       ExecUnit,
-       DTLB,
-       DCache,
-       Grad,
-       FetchBuff2
-    };
-    typedef InOrderCPUParams Params;
-    typedef RefCountingPtr<InOrderDynInst> DynInstPtr;
-//void initPipelineTraits();
-    //////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////
-    struct ScheduleEntry {
-        ScheduleEntry(int stage_num, int _priority, int res_num, int _cmd = 0,
-                      int _idx = 0) :
-            stageNum(stage_num), resNum(res_num), cmd(_cmd),
-            idx(_idx), priority(_priority)
-        { }
-        virtual ~ScheduleEntry(){}
-        // Stage number to perform this service.
-        int stageNum;
-        // Resource ID to access
-        int resNum;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned cmd;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned idx;
-        // Some Resources May Need Priority?
-        int priority;
-    };
-    struct entryCompare {
-        bool operator()(const ScheduleEntry* lhs, const ScheduleEntry* rhs) const
-        {
-            // Prioritize first by stage number that the resource is needed
-            if (lhs->stageNum > rhs->stageNum) {
-                return true;
-            } else if (lhs->stageNum == rhs->stageNum) {
-                /*if (lhs->resNum > rhs->resNum) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                  }*/
-                if (lhs->priority > rhs->priority) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    typedef std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-                                         entryCompare> ResSchedule;
-    void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 68c1d0e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-using namespace std;
-namespace ThePipeline {
-//@TODO: create my own Instruction Schedule Class
-//that operates as a Priority QUEUE
-int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num)
-    int cur_pri = 20;
-    /*
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_it = inst->resSched.begin();
-    std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-        entryCompare>::iterator sked_end = inst->resSched.end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        if (sked_it.top()->stageNum == stage_num) {
-            cur_pri = sked_it.top()->priority;
-        }
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    */
-    return cur_pri;
-void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    int stNum = 0;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // Stage 0
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::AssignNextPC));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ITLB, TLBUnit::FetchLookup));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ICache, CacheUnit::InitiateFetch));
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-    //
-    // Stage 1
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ICache, CacheUnit::CompleteFetch));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, Decode, DecodeUnit::DecodeInst));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, BPred, BranchPredictor::PredictBranch));
-    stPri++;
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, FetchSeq, FetchSeqUnit::UpdateTargetPC));
-    stPri++;
-    int fetch_buff_num = FetchBuff + inst->readTid();
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, fetch_buff_num, InstBuffer::ScheduleOrBypass));
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-    //
-    // Stage 2
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stNum++;
-    stPri = 0;
-bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst)
-    if (!inst->staticInst) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    std::string name = inst->staticInst->getName();
-    int stNum = BackEndStartStage;
-    int stPri = 0;
-    // Get Pointer to Instuction's Schedule
-    ResSchedule *inst_sched = &inst->resSched;
-    //
-    // Stage 3
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Set When Source Registers Should be read - Stage 4
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numSrcRegs(); idx++) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, RegManager, UseDefUnit::ReadSrcReg, idx));
-    }
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 4
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, AGEN, AGENUnit::GenerateAddr));
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 5
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Execution Unit
-    if (!inst->isNonSpeculative() && !inst->isMemRef()) {
-        //if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp || inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-            //inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri++, MDU, MultDivUnit::MultDiv));
-            //} else {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-            //}
-    }
-    stPri++;
-    // DCache Initiate Access
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DTLB, TLBUnit::DataLookup));
-        stPri++;
-        if (inst->isLoad()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateReadData));
-        } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::InitiateWriteData));
-        }
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 6
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // DCache Complete Access
-    if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-        if (inst->isLoad()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteReadData));
-        } else if (inst->isStore()) {
-            inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, DCache, CacheUnit::CompleteWriteData));
-        }
-    }
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 7
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    //
-    // Stage 8
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // NonSpeculative Execution
-    if (inst->isNonSpeculative() ) {
-        if (inst->isMemRef())
-            fatal("Schedule doesnt handle Non-Speculative Memory Instructions.\n");
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, ExecUnit, ExecutionUnit::ExecuteInst));
-        stPri++;
-    }
-    // Write Back to Register File
-    for (int idx=0; idx < inst->numDestRegs(); idx++) {
-        inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, RegManager, UseDefUnit::WriteDestReg, idx));
-        stPri++;
-    }
-    // Graduate Instructions
-    inst_sched->push(new ScheduleEntry(stNum, stPri, Grad, GraduationUnit::GraduateInst));
-    stPri++;
-    // Reset Priority / Update Next Stage Number
-    stPri = 0;
-    stNum++;
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.9stage.smt2.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 97759b5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-class InOrderDynInst;
-/* This Namespace contains constants, typedefs, functions and
- * objects specific to the Pipeline Implementation.
- */
-namespace ThePipeline {
-    // Pipeline Constants
-    const unsigned NumStages = 9;
-    const unsigned MaxThreads = 2;
-    const unsigned StageWidth = 1;
-    const unsigned BackEndStartStage = 3;
-    // Use this to over-ride default stage widths
-    static std::map<unsigned, unsigned> stageBufferSizes;
-    //static unsigned interStageBuffSize[NumStages];
-    static const unsigned interStageBuffSize[NumStages] = {
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 0 - 1 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 1 - 2 */
-        MaxThreads * 4,          /* Stage 2 - 3 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 3 - 4 */
-        MaxThreads * 4, /* Stage 4 - 5 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 5 - 6 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 6 - 7 */
-        StageWidth, /* Stage 7 - 8 */
-        MaxThreads  /* Stage 8 - 9 */
-    };
-    // Enumerated List of Resources The Pipeline Uses
-    enum ResourceList {
-       FetchSeq = 0,
-       ITLB,
-       ICache,
-       Decode,
-       BPred,
-       RegManager,
-       AGEN,
-       ExecUnit,
-       DTLB,
-       DCache,
-       Grad,
-       FetchBuff,
-       FetchBuff2
-    };
-    typedef InOrderCPUParams Params;
-    typedef RefCountingPtr<InOrderDynInst> DynInstPtr;
-//void initPipelineTraits();
-    //////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////
-    struct ScheduleEntry {
-        ScheduleEntry(int stage_num, int _priority, int res_num, int _cmd = 0,
-                      int _idx = 0) :
-            stageNum(stage_num), resNum(res_num), cmd(_cmd),
-            idx(_idx), priority(_priority)
-        { }
-        virtual ~ScheduleEntry(){}
-        // Stage number to perform this service.
-        int stageNum;
-        // Resource ID to access
-        int resNum;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned cmd;
-        // See specific resource for meaning
-        unsigned idx;
-        // Some Resources May Need Priority?
-        int priority;
-    };
-    struct entryCompare {
-        bool operator()(const ScheduleEntry* lhs, const ScheduleEntry* rhs) const
-        {
-            // Prioritize first by stage number that the resource is needed
-            if (lhs->stageNum > rhs->stageNum) {
-                return true;
-            } else if (lhs->stageNum == rhs->stageNum) {
-                /*if (lhs->resNum > rhs->resNum) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                  }*/
-                if (lhs->priority > rhs->priority) {
-                  return true;
-                } else {
-                  return false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    typedef std::priority_queue<ScheduleEntry*, std::vector<ScheduleEntry*>,
-                                         entryCompare> ResSchedule;
-    void createFrontEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    bool createBackEndSchedule(DynInstPtr &inst);
-    int getNextPriority(DynInstPtr &inst, int stage_num);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5df6136..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <queue>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/base.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-class InOrderDynInst;
-class ScheduleEntry;
-class ResourceSked;
-/* This Namespace contains constants, typedefs, functions and
- * objects specific to the Pipeline Implementation.
- */
-namespace ThePipeline {
-    // Pipeline Constants
-    const unsigned NumStages = 5;
-    const ThreadID MaxThreads = 1;
-    const unsigned BackEndStartStage = 2;
-    // List of Resources The Pipeline Uses
-    enum ResourceId {
-       FetchSeq = 0,
-       ICache,
-       Decode,
-       BPred,
-       FetchBuff,
-       RegManager,
-       AGEN,
-       ExecUnit,
-       MDU,
-       DCache,
-       Grad,
-       FetchBuff2
-    };
-    typedef InOrderCPUParams Params;
-    typedef RefCountingPtr<InOrderDynInst> DynInstPtr;
-    //////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////
-    typedef ResourceSked ResSchedule;
-    typedef ResourceSked* RSkedPtr;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a64d2fb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh"
-#include "debug/RegDepMap.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-RegDepMap::RegDepMap(int size)
-    regMap.resize(NumRegClasses);
-    regMap[IntRegClass].resize(NumIntRegs);
-    regMap[FloatRegClass].resize(NumFloatRegs);
-    regMap[MiscRegClass].resize(NumMiscRegs);
-    clear();
-    return cpu->name() + ".RegDepMap";
-RegDepMap::setCPU(InOrderCPU *_cpu)
-    cpu = _cpu;
-    for (int i = 0; i < regMap.size(); i++) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < regMap[j].size(); j++)
-            regMap[i][j].clear();
-        regMap[i].clear();
-    }
-    regMap.clear();
-RegDepMap::insert(DynInstPtr inst)
-    int dest_regs = inst->numDestRegs();
-    DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "Setting Output Dependencies for [sn:%i] "
-            ", %s (dest. regs = %i).\n",
-            inst->seqNum,
-            inst->instName(),
-            dest_regs);
-    for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs; i++) {
-        RegClass reg_type;
-        TheISA::RegIndex raw_idx = inst->destRegIdx(i);
-        TheISA::RegIndex flat_idx = cpu->flattenRegIdx(raw_idx,
-                                                       reg_type,
-                                                       inst->threadNumber);
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] #%i flattened %i to %i.\n",
-                inst->seqNum, i, raw_idx, flat_idx);
-        inst->flattenDestReg(i, flat_idx);
-        if (flat_idx == TheISA::ZeroReg && reg_type == IntRegClass) {
-            DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i]: Ignoring Insert-Dependency tracking for "
-                    "ISA-ZeroReg (Int. Reg %i).\n", inst->seqNum,
-                    flat_idx);
-            continue;
-        }
-        insert(reg_type, flat_idx, inst);
-    }
-RegDepMap::insert(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "Inserting [sn:%i] onto %s dep. list for "
-            "reg. idx %i.\n", inst->seqNum, RegClassStrings[reg_type],
-            idx);
-    regMap[reg_type][idx].push_back(inst);
-    inst->setRegDepEntry();
-RegDepMap::remove(DynInstPtr inst)
-    if (inst->isRegDepEntry()) {
-        int dest_regs = inst->numDestRegs();
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "Removing [sn:%i]'s entries from reg. dep. map. for "
-                ", %s (dest. regs = %i).\n",
-                inst->seqNum,
-                inst->instName(),
-                dest_regs);
-        for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs; i++) {
-            RegIndex flat_idx = inst->flattenedDestRegIdx(i);
-            RegClass reg_type = regIdxToClass(inst->destRegIdx(i));
-            // Merge Dyn Inst & CPU Result Types
-            if (flat_idx == TheISA::ZeroReg &&
-                reg_type == IntRegClass) {
-                DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i]: Ignoring Remove-Dependency tracking for "
-                        "ISA-ZeroReg (Int. Reg %i).\n", inst->seqNum,
-                        flat_idx);
-                continue;
-            }
-            remove(reg_type, flat_idx, inst);
-        }
-        inst->clearRegDepEntry();
-    }
-RegDepMap::remove(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = regMap[reg_type][idx].begin();
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end = regMap[reg_type][idx].end();
-    while (list_it != list_end) {
-        if((*list_it) == inst) {
-            DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "Removing [sn:%i] from %s dep. list for "
-                    "reg. idx %i.\n", inst->seqNum, RegClassStrings[reg_type],
-                    idx);
-            regMap[reg_type][idx].erase(list_it);
-            return;
-        }
-        list_it++;
-    }
-    panic("[sn:%i] Did not find entry for %i, type:%i\n", inst->seqNum, idx, reg_type);
-RegDepMap::removeFront(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-   std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = regMap[reg_type][idx].begin();
-   DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[tid:%u]: Removing dependency entry on reg. idx "
-           "%i for [sn:%i].\n", inst->readTid(), idx, inst->seqNum);
-   assert(list_it != regMap[reg_type][idx].end());
-   assert(inst == (*list_it));
-   regMap[reg_type][idx].erase(list_it);
-RegDepMap::canRead(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    if (regMap[reg_type][idx].size() == 0)
-        return true;
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = regMap[reg_type][idx].begin();
-    if (inst->seqNum <= (*list_it)->seqNum) {
-        return true;
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] Can't read from RegFile, [sn:%i] has "
-                "not written it's value back yet.\n",
-                inst->seqNum, (*list_it)->seqNum);
-        return false;
-    }
-RegDepMap::canForward(uint8_t reg_type, unsigned reg_idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = regMap[reg_type][reg_idx].begin();
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end = regMap[reg_type][reg_idx].end();
-    DynInstPtr forward_inst = NULL;
-    // Look for instruction immediately in front of requestor to supply
-    // data
-    while (list_it != list_end &&
-           (*list_it)->seqNum < inst->seqNum) {
-        forward_inst = (*list_it);
-        list_it++;
-    }
-    if (forward_inst) {
-        int dest_reg_idx = forward_inst->getDestIdxNum(reg_idx);
-        assert(dest_reg_idx != -1);
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] Found potential forwarding value for reg %i "
-                " w/ [sn:%i] dest. reg. #%i\n",
-                inst->seqNum, reg_idx, forward_inst->seqNum, dest_reg_idx);
-        if (forward_inst->isExecuted() &&
-            forward_inst->readResultTime(dest_reg_idx) < curTick()) {
-            return forward_inst;
-        } else {
-            if (!forward_inst->isExecuted()) {
-                DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] Can't get value through "
-                        "forwarding, [sn:%i] %s has not been executed yet.\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, forward_inst->seqNum, forward_inst->instName());
-            } else if (forward_inst->readResultTime(dest_reg_idx) >= curTick()) {
-                DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] Can't get value through "
-                        "forwarding, [sn:%i] executed on tick:%i.\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, forward_inst->seqNum,
-                        forward_inst->readResultTime(dest_reg_idx));
-            }
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] No instruction found to forward from.\n",
-                inst->seqNum);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-RegDepMap::canWrite(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    if (regMap[reg_type][idx].size() == 0)
-        return true;
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = regMap[reg_type][idx].begin();
-    if (inst->seqNum <= (*list_it)->seqNum) {
-        return true;
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(RegDepMap, "[sn:%i] Can't write from RegFile: [sn:%i] "
-                "has not written it's value back yet.\n", inst->seqNum,
-                (*list_it)->seqNum);
-    }
-    return false;
-    for (int reg_type = 0; reg_type < NumRegClasses; reg_type++) {
-        for (int idx=0; idx < regMap.size(); idx++) {
-            if (regMap[idx].size() > 0) {
-                cprintf("Reg #%i (size:%i): ", idx, regMap[reg_type][idx].size());
-                std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it =
-                    regMap[reg_type][idx].begin();
-                std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end =
-                    regMap[reg_type][idx].end();
-                while (list_it != list_end) {
-                    cprintf("[sn:%i] ", (*list_it)->seqNum);
-                    list_it++;
-                }
-                cprintf("\n");
-            }
-        }
-    }    
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b7219cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-class RegDepMap
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    typedef TheISA::RegIndex RegIndex;
-    RegDepMap(int size = TheISA::TotalNumRegs);
-    ~RegDepMap();
-    std::string name();
-    void setCPU(InOrderCPU *_cpu);
-    /** Clear the Entire Map */
-    void clear();
-    /** Insert all of a instruction's destination registers into map*/
-    void insert(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Remove all of a instruction's destination registers into map*/
-    void remove(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Remove Front instruction from a destination register */
-    void removeFront(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Is the current instruction able to read from this
-     *  destination register?
-     */
-    bool canRead(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Is the current instruction able to get a forwarded value from
-     *  another instruction for this destination register?
-     */
-    DynInstPtr canForward(uint8_t reg_type, unsigned reg_idx,
-                          DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** find an instruction to forward/bypass a value from */
-    DynInstPtr findBypassInst(RegIndex idx);
-    /** Is the current instruction able to write to this
-     *  destination register?
-     */
-    bool canWrite(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Size of Dependency of Map */
-    int depSize(RegIndex idx);
-    void dump();
-  private:
-    /** Insert an instruction into a specific destination register index
-     *  onto map.
-     */
-    void insert(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Remove a specific instruction and dest. register index from map */
-    void remove(uint8_t reg_type, RegIndex idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    typedef std::vector<std::list<DynInstPtr> > DepMap;
-    std::vector<DepMap> regMap;
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resource.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c732b85..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/str.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/ExecFaulting.hh"
-#include "debug/RefCount.hh"
-#include "debug/ResReqCount.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace std;
-Resource::Resource(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                   Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu)
-    : resName(res_name), id(res_id),
-      width(res_width), latency(res_latency), cpu(_cpu),
-      resourceEvent(NULL)
-    reqs.resize(width);
-    // Use to deny a instruction a resource.
-    deniedReq = new ResourceRequest(this);
-    deniedReq->valid = true;
-    if (resourceEvent) {
-        delete [] resourceEvent;
-    }
-    delete deniedReq;
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        delete reqs[i];
-    }
-    // If the resource has a zero-cycle (no latency)
-    // function, then no reason to have events
-    // that will process them for the right tick
-    if (latency > Cycles(0))
-      resourceEvent = new ResourceEvent[width];
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
-      reqs[i] = new ResourceRequest(this);
-    initSlots();
-    // Add available slot numbers for resource
-    for (int slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < width; slot_idx++) {
-        availSlots.push_back(slot_idx);
-        if (resourceEvent) {
-            resourceEvent[slot_idx].init(this, slot_idx);
-        }
-    }
-    return cpu->name() + "."  + resName;
-    return availSlots.size();
-    return width - availSlots.size();
-Resource::freeSlot(int slot_idx)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "Deallocating [slot:%i].\n",
-            slot_idx);
-    // Put slot number on this resource's free list
-    availSlots.push_back(slot_idx);
-    // Invalidate Request & Reset it's flags
-    reqs[slot_idx]->clearRequest();
-Resource::findSlot(DynInstPtr inst)
-    int slot_num = -1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        if (reqs[i]->valid &&
-            reqs[i]->getInst()->seqNum == inst->seqNum) {
-            slot_num = reqs[i]->getSlot();
-        }
-    }
-    return slot_num;
-Resource::getSlot(DynInstPtr inst)
-    int slot_num = -1;
-    if (slotsAvail() != 0) {
-        slot_num = availSlots[0];
-        vector<int>::iterator vect_it = availSlots.begin();
-        assert(slot_num == *vect_it);
-        availSlots.erase(vect_it);
-    }
-    return slot_num;
-Resource::request(DynInstPtr inst)
-    // See if the resource is already serving this instruction.
-    // If so, use that request;
-    bool try_request = false;
-    int slot_num = -1;
-    int stage_num;
-    ResReqPtr inst_req = findRequest(inst);
-    if (inst_req) {
-        // If some preprocessing has to be done on instruction
-        // that has already requested once, then handle it here.
-        // update the 'try_request' variable if we should
-        // re-execute the request.
-        requestAgain(inst, try_request);
-        slot_num = inst_req->getSlot();
-        stage_num = inst_req->getStageNum();
-    } else {
-        // Get new slot # for instruction
-        slot_num = getSlot(inst);
-        if (slot_num != -1) {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Allocating [slot:%i] for [tid:%i]: [sn:%i]\n",
-                    slot_num, inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-            // Get Stage # from Schedule Entry
-            stage_num = inst->curSkedEntry->stageNum;
-            unsigned cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd;
-            // Generate Resource Request
-            inst_req = getRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num, cmd);
-            if (inst->staticInst) {
-                DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] requesting this "
-                        "resource.\n",
-                        inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: instruction requesting this "
-                        "resource.\n",
-                        inst->readTid());
-            }
-            try_request = true;
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "No slot available for [tid:%i]: [sn:%i]\n",
-                    inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-        }
-    }
-    if (try_request) {
-        // Schedule execution of resource
-        scheduleExecution(slot_num);
-    } else {
-        inst_req = deniedReq;
-        rejectRequest(inst);
-    }
-    return inst_req;
-Resource::requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &do_request)
-    do_request = true;
-    if (inst->staticInst) {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] requesting this resource "
-                "again.\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: requesting this resource again.\n",
-                inst->readTid());
-    }
-Resource::getRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx,
-                     int slot_num, unsigned cmd)
-    reqs[slot_num]->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num, cmd);
-    return reqs[slot_num];
-Resource::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        if (reqs[i]->valid &&
-            reqs[i]->getInst() == inst) {
-            return reqs[i];
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-Resource::rejectRequest(DynInstPtr inst)
-    DPRINTF(RefCount, "[tid:%i]: Unable to grant request for [sn:%i].\n",
-            inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-Resource::execute(int slot_idx)
-    //@todo: have each resource print out command their executing
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: Executing %s resource.\n",
-            reqs[slot_idx]->getTid(), name());
-    reqs[slot_idx]->setCompleted(true);
-    reqs[slot_idx]->done();
-Resource::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    // In the most basic case, deactivation means squashing everything
-    // from a particular thread
-    DynInstPtr dummy_inst = new InOrderDynInst(cpu, NULL, 0, tid, tid);
-    squash(dummy_inst, 0, 0, tid);
-Resource::setupSquash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, ThreadID tid)
-    // Squash In Pipeline Stage
-    cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->setupSquash(inst, tid);
-    // Schedule Squash Through-out Resource Pool
-    cpu->resPool->scheduleEvent(
-        (InOrderCPU::CPUEventType)ResourcePool::SquashAll, inst,
-        Cycles(0));
-Resource::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num,
-                 ThreadID tid)
-    //@todo: check squash seq num before squashing. can save time going
-    //       through this function.
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        ResReqPtr req_ptr = reqs[i];
-        DynInstPtr inst = req_ptr->getInst();
-        if (req_ptr->valid &&
-            inst->readTid() == tid &&
-            inst->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: Squashing [sn:%i].\n",
-                    req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(),
-                    req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-            req_ptr->setSquashed();
-            int req_slot_num = req_ptr->getSlot();
-            if (latency > Cycles(0)) {
-                if (resourceEvent[req_slot_num].scheduled())
-                    unscheduleEvent(req_slot_num);
-            }
-            freeSlot(req_slot_num);
-        }
-    }
-Resource::squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                              InstSeqNum squash_seq_num,
-                              ThreadID tid)
-    squash(inst, stage_num, squash_seq_num, tid);    
-Resource::squashThenTrap(int stage_num, DynInstPtr inst)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    inst->setSquashInfo(stage_num);
-    setupSquash(inst, stage_num, tid);
-    if (inst->traceData) {
-        if (inst->staticInst &&
-            inst->fault != NoFault && DTRACE(ExecFaulting)) {
-            inst->traceData->setStageCycle(stage_num, curTick());
-            inst->traceData->setFetchSeq(inst->seqNum);
-            inst->traceData->dump();
-        }
-        delete inst->traceData;
-        inst->traceData = NULL;
-    }
-    cpu->trapContext(inst->fault, tid, inst);
-Resource::scheduleExecution(int slot_num)
-    if (latency > Cycles(0)) {
-        scheduleEvent(slot_num, latency);
-    } else {
-        execute(slot_num);
-    }
-Resource::scheduleEvent(int slot_idx, Cycles delay)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: Scheduling event for [sn:%i] on tick %i.\n",
-            reqs[slot_idx]->inst->readTid(),
-            reqs[slot_idx]->inst->seqNum,
-            cpu->clockEdge(delay));
-    resourceEvent[slot_idx].scheduleEvent(delay);
-Resource::scheduleEvent(DynInstPtr inst, Cycles delay)
-    int slot_idx = findSlot(inst);
-    if(slot_idx != -1)
-        resourceEvent[slot_idx].scheduleEvent(delay);
-    return slot_idx;
-Resource::unscheduleEvent(int slot_idx)
-    resourceEvent[slot_idx].unscheduleEvent();
-Resource::unscheduleEvent(DynInstPtr inst)
-    int slot_idx = findSlot(inst);
-    if(slot_idx != -1)
-        resourceEvent[slot_idx].unscheduleEvent();
-    return slot_idx;
-int ResourceRequest::resReqID = 0;
-int ResourceRequest::maxReqCount = 0;
-ResourceRequest::ResourceRequest(Resource *_res)
-    : res(_res), inst(NULL), stagePasses(0), valid(false), doneInResource(false),
-      completed(false), squashed(false), processing(false),
-      memStall(false)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        res->cpu->resReqCount--;
-        DPRINTF(ResReqCount, "Res. Req %i deleted. resReqCount=%i.\n", reqID, 
-                res->cpu->resReqCount);
-        inst = NULL;
-    return csprintf("%s[slot:%i]:", res->name(), slotNum);
-ResourceRequest::setRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                            int res_idx, int slot_num, unsigned _cmd)
-    valid = true;
-    inst = _inst;
-    stageNum = stage_num;
-    resIdx = res_idx;
-    slotNum = slot_num;
-    cmd = _cmd;
-    valid = false;
-    inst = NULL;
-    stagePasses = 0;
-    completed = false;
-    doneInResource = false;
-    squashed = false;
-    memStall = false;
-    assert(res);
-    // Free Slot So Another Instruction Can Use This Resource
-    res->freeSlot(slotNum);
-ResourceRequest::done(bool completed)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "done with request from "
-            "[sn:%i] [tid:%i].\n",
-            inst->seqNum, inst->readTid());
-    setCompleted(completed);
-    doneInResource = true;
-    : Event((Event::Priority)Resource_Event_Pri)
-{ }
-ResourceEvent::ResourceEvent(Resource *res, int slot_idx)
-  : Event((Event::Priority)Resource_Event_Pri), resource(res),
-      slotIdx(slot_idx)
-{ }
-ResourceEvent::init(Resource *res, int slot_idx)
-    resource = res;
-    slotIdx = slot_idx;
-    resource->execute(slotIdx);
-const char *
-ResourceEvent::description() const
-    string desc = resource->name() + "-event:slot[" + to_string(slotIdx)
-        + "]";
-    return desc.c_str();
-ResourceEvent::scheduleEvent(Cycles delay)
-    assert(!scheduled() || squashed());
-    resource->cpu->reschedule(this,
-                              resource->cpu->clockEdge(delay), true);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resource.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eaecc28..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/types.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
-#include "sim/eventq.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
-class Event;
-class InOrderCPU;
-class ResourceEvent;
-class ResourceRequest;
-typedef ResourceRequest ResReq;
-typedef ResourceRequest* ResReqPtr;
-class CacheRequest;
-typedef CacheRequest* CacheReqPtr;
-class Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    friend class ResourceEvent;
-    friend class ResourceRequest;
-  public:
-    Resource(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-             Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu);
-    virtual ~Resource();
-    /** Return name of this resource */
-    virtual std::string name();
-    /** Return ID for this resource */
-    int getId() { return id; }
-    /** Any extra initiliazation stuff can be set up using this function that
-     * should get called before the simulation starts (tick 0)
-     */
-    virtual void init();    
-    virtual void initSlots();
-    /** Register Stats for this resource */
-    virtual void regStats() { }
-    /** Resources that care about thread activation override this. */
-    virtual void activateThread(ThreadID tid) { }
-    /** Deactivate Thread. Default action is to squash all instructions
-     *  from deactivated thread.
-     */
-    virtual void deactivateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Resources that care about thread activation override this. */
-    virtual void suspendThread(ThreadID tid) { }
-    /** Will be called the cycle before a context switch. Any bookkeeping
-     *  that needs to be kept for that, can be done here
-     */
-    virtual void updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid) { }    
-    /** Resources that care when an instruction has been graduated
-     *  can override this
-     */
-    virtual void instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid) { }
-    /** Post-processsing for Trap Generated from this instruction */
-    virtual void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst) { }
-    /** Request usage of this resource. Returns a ResourceRequest object
-     *  with all the necessary resource information
-     */
-    virtual ResourceRequest* request(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Get the next available slot in this resource. Instruction is passed
-     *  so that resources can check the instruction before allocating a slot
-     *  if necessary.
-     */
-    virtual int getSlot(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Find the slot that this instruction is using in a resource */
-    virtual int findSlot(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Free a resource slot */
-    virtual void freeSlot(int slot_idx);
-    /** Request usage of a resource for this instruction. If this instruction 
-     *  already has made this request to this resource, and that request is 
-     *  uncompleted this function will just return that request
-     */
-    virtual ResourceRequest* getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                                        int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                                        unsigned cmd);
-    /** Schedule Execution of This Resource For A Given Slot*/
-    void scheduleExecution(int slot_idx);
-    /** Execute the function of this resource. The Default is action
-     *  is to do nothing. More specific models will derive from this
-     *  class and define their own execute function.
-     */
-    virtual void execute(int slot_idx);
-    /** Fetch on behalf of an instruction. Will check to see
-     *  if instruction is actually in resource before
-     *  trying to fetch. Needs to be defined for derived units.
-     */
-    virtual Fault doFetchAccess(DynInstPtr inst)
-    { panic("doFetchAccess undefined for %s", name()); return NoFault; }
-    /** Read/Write on behalf of an instruction. Will check to see
-     *  if instruction is actually in resource before
-     *  trying to do access.Needs to be defined for derived units.
-     */
-    virtual void doCacheAccess(DynInstPtr inst, uint64_t *write_result = NULL,
-                               CacheReqPtr split_req = NULL)
-    { panic("doCacheAccess undefined for %s", name()); }
-    /** Setup Squash to be sent out to pipeline and resource pool */
-    void setupSquash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash All Requests After This Seq Num */
-    virtual void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                        InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash Requests Due to a Memory Stall (By Default, same as "squash" */
-    virtual void squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                                     InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Handle Squash & Trap that occured from an instruction in a resource */
-    void squashThenTrap(int stage_num, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** The number of instructions available that this resource can
-     *  can still process
-     */
-    int slotsAvail();
-    /** The number of instructions using this resource */
-    int slotsInUse();
-    /** Schedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void scheduleEvent(int slot_idx, Cycles delay);
-    /** Find instruction in list, Schedule resource event, regardless of its 
-     *  current state. */
-    bool scheduleEvent(DynInstPtr inst, Cycles delay);
-    /** Unschedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void unscheduleEvent(int slot_idx);
-    /** Unschedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    bool unscheduleEvent(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Find the request that corresponds to this instruction */
-    virtual ResReqPtr findRequest(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** */
-    void rejectRequest(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Request a Resource again. Some resources have to special process this
-     *  in subsequent accesses.
-     */
-    virtual void requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &try_request);
-    /** Return Latency of Resource */
-    /*  Can be overridden for complex cases */
-    virtual Cycles getLatency(int slot_num) { return latency; }
-  protected:
-    /** The name of this resource */
-    std::string resName;
-    /** ID of the resource. The Resource Pool uses this # to identify this
-     *  resource.
-     */
-    int id;
-    /** The number of instructions the resource can simultaneously
-     *  process.
-     */
-    int width;
-    /** Constant latency for this resource.
-     *  Note: Dynamic latency resources set this to 0 and
-     *  manage the latency themselves
-     */
-    const Cycles latency;
-  public:
-    /** List of all Requests the Resource is Servicing. Each request
-        represents part of the resource's bandwidth
-    */
-    std::vector<ResReqPtr> reqs;
-    /** A list of all the available execution slots for this resource.
-     *  This correlates with the actual resource event idx.
-     */
-    std::vector<int> availSlots;
-    /** The CPU(s) that this resource interacts with */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-  protected:
-    /** The resource event used for scheduling resource slots on the
-     *  event queue
-     */
-    ResourceEvent *resourceEvent;
-    /** Default denied resource request pointer*/
-    ResReqPtr deniedReq;
-class ResourceEvent : public Event
-  public:
-    /** Pointer to the Resource this is an event for */
-    Resource *resource;
-    /// Resource events that come before other associated CPU events
-    /// (for InOrderCPU model).
-    /// check src/sim/eventq.hh for more event priorities.
-    enum InOrderPriority {
-        Resource_Event_Pri = 45
-    };
-    /** The Resource Slot that this event is servicing */
-    int slotIdx;
-    /** Constructs a resource event. */
-    ResourceEvent();
-    ResourceEvent(Resource *res, int slot_idx);
-    virtual ~ResourceEvent() { }
-    /** Initialize data for this resource event. */
-    virtual void init(Resource *res, int slot_idx);
-    /** Processes a resource event. */
-    virtual void process();
-    /** Returns the description of the resource event. */
-    const char *description() const;
-    /** Set slot idx for event */
-    void setSlot(int slot) { slotIdx = slot; }
-    /** Schedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void scheduleEvent(Cycles delay);
-    /** Unschedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void unscheduleEvent()
-    {
-        if (scheduled())
-            squash();
-    }
-class ResourceRequest
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    static int resReqID;
-    static int maxReqCount;
-    friend class Resource;
-  public:
-    ResourceRequest(Resource *_res);
-    virtual ~ResourceRequest();
-    std::string name();
-    int reqID;
-    void setRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                    int res_idx, int slot_num, unsigned _cmd);
-    virtual void clearRequest();
-    /** Acknowledge that this is a request is done and remove
-     *  from resource.
-     */
-    void done(bool completed = true);
-    void freeSlot();
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Get Resource Index */
-    int getResIdx() { return resIdx; }
-    /** Get Slot Number */
-    int getSlot() { return slotNum; }
-    bool hasSlot()  { return slotNum >= 0; }     
-    /** Get Stage Number */
-    int getStageNum() { return stageNum; }
-    /** Set/Get Thread Ids */
-    void setTid(ThreadID _tid) { tid = _tid; }
-    ThreadID getTid() { return tid; }
-    /** Instruction this request is for */
-    DynInstPtr getInst() { return inst; }
-    /** Data from this request. Overridden by Resource-Specific Request
-     *  Objects
-     */
-    virtual PacketDataPtr getData() { return NULL; }
-    /** Pointer to Resource that is being used */
-    Resource *res;
-    /** Instruction being used */
-    DynInstPtr inst;
-    /** Not guaranteed to be set, used for debugging */
-    InstSeqNum seqNum;
-    /** Command For This Resource */
-    unsigned cmd;
-    short stagePasses;
-    bool valid;
-    bool doneInResource;
-    ////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    ////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Get/Set Completed variables */
-    bool isCompleted() { return completed; }
-    void setCompleted(bool cond = true) { completed = cond; }
-    /** Get/Set Squashed variables */
-    bool isSquashed() { return squashed; }
-    void setSquashed() { squashed = true; }
-    /** Get/Set IsProcessing variables */
-    bool isProcessing() { return processing; }
-    void setProcessing(bool cond = true) { processing = cond; }
-    /** Get/Set IsWaiting variables */
-    bool isMemStall() { return memStall; }
-    void setMemStall(bool stall = true) { memStall = stall; }
-  protected:
-    /** Resource Identification */
-    ThreadID tid;
-    int stageNum;
-    int resIdx;
-    int slotNum;
-    /** Resource Request Status */
-    bool completed;
-    bool squashed;
-    bool processing;
-    bool memStall;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.9stage.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.9stage.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d231aaf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-ResourcePool::ResourcePool(InOrderCPU *_cpu, InOrderCPUParams *params)
-    : cpu(_cpu), instUnit(NULL), dataUnit(NULL)
-    //@todo: use this function to instantiate the resources in resource pool. This will help in the
-    //auto-generation of this pipeline model.
-    //ThePipeline::addResources(resources, memObjects);
-    // Declare Resource Objects
-    // name - id - bandwidth - latency - CPU - Parameters
-    // --------------------------------------------------
-    resources.push_back(new FetchSeqUnit("fetch_seq_unit", FetchSeq,
-            StageWidth * 2, 0, _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new TLBUnit("itlb", ITLB, StageWidth, 0, _cpu, params));
-    // Keep track of the instruction fetch unit so we can easily
-    // provide a pointer to it in the CPU.
-    instUnit = new FetchUnit("icache_port", ICache,
-                             StageWidth * MaxThreads, 0, _cpu,
-                             params);
-    resources.push_back(instUnit);
-    resources.push_back(new DecodeUnit("decode_unit", Decode, StageWidth, 0,
-            _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new BranchPredictor("branch_predictor", BPred,
-            StageWidth, 0, _cpu, params));
-    for (int i = 0; i < params->numberOfThreads; i++) {
-        char fbuff_name[20];
-        sprintf(fbuff_name, "fetch_buffer_t%i", i);
-        resources.push_back(new InstBuffer(fbuff_name, FetchBuff + i, 4, 0,
-                _cpu, params));
-    }
-    resources.push_back(new UseDefUnit("regfile_manager", RegManager,
-            StageWidth * MaxThreads, 0, _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new AGENUnit("agen_unit", AGEN, StageWidth, 0, _cpu,
-            params));
-    resources.push_back(new ExecutionUnit("execution_unit", ExecUnit,
-            StageWidth, 0, _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new MultDivUnit("mult_div_unit", MDU, 5, 0, _cpu,
-            params));
-    resources.push_back(new TLBUnit("dtlb", DTLB, StageWidth, 0, _cpu, params));
-    // Keep track of the data load/store unit so we can easily provide
-    // a pointer to it in the CPU.
-    dataUnit = new CacheUnit("dcache_port", DCache,
-                             StageWidth * MaxThreads, 0, _cpu,
-                             params);
-    resources.push_back(dataUnit);
-    resources.push_back(new GraduationUnit("graduation_unit", Grad,
-            StageWidth * MaxThreads, 0, _cpu, params));
-    for (int i=0; i < resources.size(); i++) {
-        resources[i]->init();
-    }
-    return cpu->name() + ".ResourcePool";
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "Registering Stats Throughout Resource Pool.\n");
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->regStats();
-    }
-ResourcePool::request(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    //Make Sure This is a valid resource ID
-    assert(res_idx >= 0 && res_idx < resources.size());
-    return resources[res_idx]->request(inst);
-ResourcePool::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int res_idx, InstSeqNum done_seq_num,
-                     ThreadID tid)
-    resources[res_idx]->squash(inst, ThePipeline::NumStages-1, done_seq_num, tid);
-ResourcePool::slotsAvail(int res_idx)
-    return resources[res_idx]->slotsAvail();
-ResourcePool::slotsInUse(int res_idx)
-    return resources[res_idx]->slotsInUse();
-ResourcePool::scheduleEvent(InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type, DynInstPtr inst,
-                            int delay,  int res_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    assert(delay >= 0);
-    ResPoolEvent *res_pool_event = new ResPoolEvent(this);
-    switch (e_type)
-    {
-      case InOrderCPU::ActivateThread:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Activate Thread Resource Pool Event for tick %i.\n",
-                    curTick() + delay);
-            res_pool_event->setEvent(e_type,
-                                     inst,
-                                     inst->squashingStage,
-                                     inst->squashSeqNum,
-                                     inst->readTid());
-            res_pool_event->schedule(curTick() + cpu->cycles(delay));
-        }
-        break;
-      case InOrderCPU::SuspendThread:
-      case InOrderCPU::DeallocateThread:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Deactivate Thread Resource Pool Event for tick %i.\n",
-                    curTick() + delay);
-            res_pool_event->setEvent(e_type,
-                                     inst,
-                                     inst->squashingStage,
-                                     inst->squashSeqNum,
-                                     tid);
-            res_pool_event->schedule(curTick() + cpu->cycles(delay));
-        }
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::InstGraduated:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Inst-Graduated Resource Pool Event for tick %i.\n",
-                    curTick() + delay);
-            res_pool_event->setEvent(e_type,
-                                     inst,
-                                     inst->squashingStage,
-                                     inst->seqNum,
-                                     inst->readTid());
-            res_pool_event->schedule(curTick() + cpu->cycles(delay));
-        }
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::SquashAll:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Squash Resource Pool Event for tick %i.\n",
-                    curTick() + delay);
-            res_pool_event->setEvent(e_type,
-                                     inst,
-                                     inst->squashingStage,
-                                     inst->squashSeqNum,
-                                     inst->readTid());
-            res_pool_event->schedule(curTick() + cpu->cycles(delay));
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Ignoring Unrecognized CPU Event Type #%i.\n", e_type);
-        ; // If Resource Pool doesnt recognize event, we ignore it.
-    }
-ResourcePool::unscheduleEvent(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    resources[res_idx]->unscheduleEvent(inst);
-ResourcePool::squashAll(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                        InstSeqNum done_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Stage %i squashing all instructions above [sn:%i].\n",
-            stage_num, tid, done_seq_num);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->squash(inst, stage_num, done_seq_num, tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::activateAll(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Thread Activation to all resources.\n",
-            tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->activateThread(tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::deactivateAll(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Thread Deactivation to all resources.\n",
-            tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->deactivateThread(tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting [sn:%i] graduation to all resources.\n",
-            tid, seq_num);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->instGraduated(seq_num, tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::ResPoolEvent::ResPoolEvent(ResourcePool *_resPool)
-    : Event(&mainEventQueue, CPU_Tick_Pri),
-      resPool(_resPool)
-{ eventType = (InOrderCPU::CPUEventType) Default; }
-    switch (eventType)
-    {
-      case InOrderCPU::ActivateThread:
-        resPool->activateAll(tid);
-        break;
-      case InOrderCPU::SuspendThread:
-      case InOrderCPU::DeallocateThread:
-        resPool->deactivateAll(tid);
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::InstGraduated:
-        resPool->instGraduated(seqNum, tid);
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::SquashAll:
-        resPool->squashAll(inst, stageNum, seqNum, tid);
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized Event Type");
-    }
-    resPool->cpu->cpuEventRemoveList.push(this);
-const char *
-    return "Resource Pool event";
-/** Schedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-ResourcePool::ResPoolEvent::scheduleEvent(int delay)
-    if (squashed())
-        reschedule(curTick() + resPool->cpu->cycles(delay));
-    else if (!scheduled())
-        schedule(curTick() + resPool->cpu->cycles(delay));
-/** Unschedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    if (scheduled())
-        squash();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e0f2323..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-ResourcePool::ResourcePool(InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : cpu(_cpu), instUnit(NULL), dataUnit(NULL)
-    //@todo: use this function to instantiate the resources in resource pool. 
-    //This will help in the auto-generation of this pipeline model.
-    //ThePipeline::addResources(resources, memObjects);
-    int stage_width = cpu->stageWidth;
-    // Declare Resource Objects
-    // name - id - bandwidth - latency - CPU - Parameters
-    // --------------------------------------------------
-    resources.push_back(new FetchSeqUnit("fetch_seq_unit", FetchSeq,
-                                         stage_width * 2, Cycles(0),
-                                         _cpu, params));
-    // Keep track of the instruction fetch unit so we can easily
-    // provide a pointer to it in the CPU.
-    instUnit = new FetchUnit("icache_port", ICache,
-                             stage_width * 2 + MaxThreads, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                             params);
-    resources.push_back(instUnit);
-    resources.push_back(new DecodeUnit("decode_unit", Decode,
-                                       stage_width, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                                       params));
-    resources.push_back(new BranchPredictor("branch_predictor", BPred,
-                                            stage_width, Cycles(0),
-                                            _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new InstBuffer("fetch_buffer_t0", FetchBuff, 4,
-                                       Cycles(0), _cpu, params));
-    resources.push_back(new UseDefUnit("regfile_manager", RegManager,
-                                       stage_width * 3, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                                       params));
-    resources.push_back(new AGENUnit("agen_unit", AGEN,
-                                     stage_width, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                                     params));
-    resources.push_back(new ExecutionUnit("execution_unit", ExecUnit,
-                                          stage_width, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                                          params));
-    resources.push_back(new MultDivUnit("mult_div_unit", MDU,
-                                        stage_width * 2, Cycles(0),
-                                        _cpu, params));
-    // Keep track of the data load/store unit so we can easily provide
-    // a pointer to it in the CPU.
-    dataUnit = new CacheUnit("dcache_port", DCache,
-                             stage_width * 2 + MaxThreads, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                             params);
-    resources.push_back(dataUnit);
-    gradObjects.push_back(BPred);
-    resources.push_back(new GraduationUnit("graduation_unit", Grad,
-                                           stage_width, Cycles(0), _cpu,
-                                           params));
-    resources.push_back(new InstBuffer("fetch_buffer_t1", FetchBuff2, 4,
-                                       Cycles(0), _cpu, params));
-    cout << "Deleting resources ..." << endl;
-    for (int i=0; i < resources.size(); i++) {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Deleting resource: %s.\n", resources[i]->name());
-        delete resources[i];
-    }    
-    for (int i=0; i < resources.size(); i++) {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Initializing resource: %s.\n", 
-                resources[i]->name());
-        resources[i]->init();
-    }
-    return cpu->name() + ".ResourcePool";
-    for (int i=0; i < resources.size(); i++) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderDynInst, "Res:%i %s\n",
-                i, resources[i]->name());
-    }
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "Registering Stats Throughout Resource Pool.\n");
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->regStats();
-    }
-ResourcePool::getResIdx(const ThePipeline::ResourceId &res_id)
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        if (resources[idx]->getId() == res_id)
-            return idx;
-    }
-    // todo: change return value to int and return a -1 here
-    //       maybe even have enumerated type
-    //       panic for now...
-    panic("Can't find resource idx for: %i\n", res_id);
-    return 0;
-ResourcePool::request(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    //Make Sure This is a valid resource ID
-    assert(res_idx >= 0 && res_idx < resources.size());
-    return resources[res_idx]->request(inst);
-ResourcePool::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int res_idx, InstSeqNum done_seq_num,
-                     ThreadID tid)
-    resources[res_idx]->squash(inst, ThePipeline::NumStages-1, done_seq_num, 
-                               tid);
-ResourcePool::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Trap to all "
-            "resources.\n", tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++)
-        resources[idx]->trap(fault, tid, inst);
-ResourcePool::slotsAvail(int res_idx)
-    return resources[res_idx]->slotsAvail();
-ResourcePool::slotsInUse(int res_idx)
-    return resources[res_idx]->slotsInUse();
-//@todo: split this function and call this version schedulePoolEvent
-//       and use this scheduleEvent for scheduling a specific event on 
-//       a resource
-//@todo: For arguments that arent being used in a ResPoolEvent, a dummyParam
-//       or some typedef can be used to signify what's important info
-//       to the event construction
-ResourcePool::scheduleEvent(InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type, DynInstPtr inst,
-                            Cycles delay,  int res_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    assert(delay >= 0);
-    Tick when = cpu->clockEdge(delay);
-    switch ((int)e_type)
-    {
-      case ResourcePool::InstGraduated:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Inst-Graduated Resource Pool "
-                    "Event for tick %i.\n", curTick() + delay);
-            ResPoolEventPri grad_pri = ResGrad_Pri;
-            ResPoolEvent *res_pool_event = 
-                new ResPoolEvent(this,
-                                 e_type,
-                                 inst,
-                                 inst->squashingStage,
-                                 inst->seqNum,
-                                 inst->readTid(),
-                                 grad_pri);
-            cpu->schedule(res_pool_event, when);
-        }
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::SquashAll:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling Squash Resource Pool Event for "
-                    "tick %i.\n", curTick() + delay);
-            ResPoolEventPri squash_pri = ResSquash_Pri;
-            ResPoolEvent *res_pool_event = 
-                new ResPoolEvent(this,
-                                 e_type,
-                                 inst,
-                                 inst->squashingStage,
-                                 inst->squashSeqNum,
-                                 inst->readTid(),
-                                 squash_pri);
-            cpu->schedule(res_pool_event, when);
-        }
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::UpdateAfterContextSwitch:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(Resource, "Scheduling UpdatePC Resource Pool Event "
-                    "for tick %i.\n",
-                    curTick() + delay);
-            ResPoolEvent *res_pool_event = new ResPoolEvent(this,
-                                                            e_type,
-                                                            inst,
-                                                            inst->squashingStage,
-                                                            inst->seqNum,
-                                                            inst->readTid());
-            cpu->schedule(res_pool_event, when);
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Ignoring Unrecognized CPU Event (%s).\n", 
-                InOrderCPU::eventNames[e_type]);
-    }
-ResourcePool::unscheduleEvent(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst)
-    resources[res_idx]->unscheduleEvent(inst);
-ResourcePool::squashAll(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                        InstSeqNum done_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Squash All Event "
-            " starting w/stage %i for all instructions above [sn:%i].\n",
-             tid, stage_num, done_seq_num);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->squash(inst, stage_num, done_seq_num, tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                             InstSeqNum done_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting SquashDueToMemStall Event"
-            " starting w/stage %i for all instructions above [sn:%i].\n",
-            tid, stage_num, done_seq_num);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->squashDueToMemStall(inst, stage_num, done_seq_num, 
-                                            tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::activateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    bool do_activate = cpu->threadModel != InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss ||
-        cpu->numActiveThreads() < 1 ||
-        cpu->activeThreadId() == tid;
-    if (do_activate) {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Thread Activation to all "
-                    "resources.\n", tid);
-        int num_resources = resources.size();
-        for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-            resources[idx]->activateThread(tid);
-        }
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Ignoring Thread Activation to all "
-                    "resources.\n", tid);
-     }
-ResourcePool::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Thread Deactivation to all "
-            "resources.\n", tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->deactivateThread(tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::suspendThread(ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Thread Suspension to all "
-            "resources.\n", tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->suspendThread(tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting [sn:%i] graduation to "
-            "appropriate resources.\n", tid, seq_num);
-    int num_resources = gradObjects.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[gradObjects[idx]]->instGraduated(seq_num, tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i] Broadcasting Update PC to all resources.\n",
-            tid);
-    int num_resources = resources.size();
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < num_resources; idx++) {
-        resources[idx]->updateAfterContextSwitch(inst, tid);
-    }
-ResourcePool::ResPoolEvent::ResPoolEvent(ResourcePool *_resPool,
-                                         InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type,
-                                         DynInstPtr _inst,
-                                         int stage_num,
-                                         InstSeqNum seq_num,
-                                         ThreadID _tid,
-                                         ResPoolEventPri res_pri)
-    : Event(res_pri), resPool(_resPool),
-      eventType(e_type), inst(_inst), seqNum(seq_num),
-      stageNum(stage_num), tid(_tid)
-{ }
-    switch ((int)eventType)
-    {
-      case ResourcePool::InstGraduated:
-        resPool->instGraduated(seqNum, tid);
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::SquashAll:
-        resPool->squashAll(inst, stageNum, seqNum, tid);
-        break;
-      case ResourcePool::UpdateAfterContextSwitch:
-        resPool->updateAfterContextSwitch(inst, tid);
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized Event Type");
-    }
-    resPool->cpu->cpuEventRemoveList.push(this);
-const char *
-ResourcePool::ResPoolEvent::description() const
-    return "Resource Pool event";
-/** Schedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-ResourcePool::ResPoolEvent::scheduleEvent(Cycles delay)
-    InOrderCPU *cpu = resPool->cpu;
-    assert(!scheduled() || squashed());
-    cpu->reschedule(this, cpu->clockEdge(delay), true);
-/** Unschedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    if (scheduled())
-        squash();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9e3198e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/eventq.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
-class CacheUnit;
-class Event;
-class FetchUnit;
-class ResourceEvent;
-class ResourcePool {
-  public:
-    typedef InOrderDynInst::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    // List of Resource Pool Events that extends
-    // the list started by the CPU
-    // NOTE(1): Resource Pool also uses event list
-    // CPUEventType defined in inorder/cpu.hh
-    enum ResPoolEventType {
-        InstGraduated = InOrderCPU::NumCPUEvents,
-        SquashAll,
-        UpdateAfterContextSwitch,
-        Default
-    };
-    enum ResPoolEventPri {
-        ResPool_Pri =  InOrderCPU::InOrderCPU_Pri - 5,
-        ResGrad_Pri,
-        ResSquash_Pri
-    };
-    class ResPoolEvent : public Event
-    {
-      protected:
-        /** Resource Pool */
-        ResourcePool *resPool;
-      public:
-        InOrderCPU::CPUEventType eventType;
-        DynInstPtr inst;
-        InstSeqNum seqNum;
-        int stageNum;
-        ThreadID tid;
-      public:
-        /** Constructs a resource event. */
-        ResPoolEvent(ResourcePool *_resPool,
-                     InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type,
-                     DynInstPtr _inst,
-                     int stage_num,
-                     InstSeqNum seq_num,
-                     ThreadID _tid,
-                     ResPoolEventPri res_pri = ResPool_Pri);
-        /** Set Type of Event To Be Scheduled */
-        void setEvent(InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type,
-                      DynInstPtr _inst,
-                      int stage_num,
-                      InstSeqNum seq_num,
-                      ThreadID _tid)
-        {
-            eventType = e_type;
-            inst = _inst;
-            seqNum = seq_num;
-            stageNum = stage_num;
-            tid = _tid;
-        }
-        /** Processes a resource event. */
-        void process();
-        /** Returns the description of the resource event. */
-        const char *description() const;
-        /** Schedule Event */
-        void scheduleEvent(Cycles delay);
-        /** Unschedule This Event */
-        void unscheduleEvent();
-    };
-  public:
-    ResourcePool(InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    virtual ~ResourcePool();
-    std::string name();
-    std::string name(int res_idx) { return resources[res_idx]->name(); }
-    void init();
-    void print();
-    /** Register Statistics in All Resources */
-    void regStats();
-    /** Returns a specific resource. */
-    unsigned getResIdx(const ThePipeline::ResourceId &res_id);
-    /** Returns a pointer to a resource */
-    Resource* getResource(int res_idx) { return resources[res_idx]; }
-    /** Request usage of this resource. Returns -1 if not granted and
-     *  a positive request tag if granted.
-     */
-    ResReqPtr request(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Squash The Resource */
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int res_idx, InstSeqNum done_seq_num,
-                ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash All Resources in Pool after Done Seq. Num */
-    void squashAll(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                   InstSeqNum done_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Squash Resources in Pool after a memory stall 
-     *  NOTE: Only use during Switch-On-Miss Thread model
-     */    
-    void squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                             InstSeqNum done_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Activate Thread in all resources */
-    void activateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** De-Activate Thread in all resources */
-    void deactivateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Suspend Thread in all resources */
-    void suspendThread(ThreadID tid);
-    /** Broadcast Context Switch Update to all resources */
-    void updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Broadcast graduation to all resources */
-    void instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Broadcast trap to all resources */
-    void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** The number of instructions available that a resource can
-     *  can still process.
-     */
-    int slotsAvail(int res_idx);
-    /** The number of instructions using a resource */
-    int slotsInUse(int res_idx);
-    /** Schedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void scheduleEvent(InOrderCPU::CPUEventType e_type, DynInstPtr inst = NULL,
-                       Cycles delay = Cycles(0), int res_idx = 0,
-                       ThreadID tid = 0);
-   /** UnSchedule resource event, regardless of its current state. */
-    void unscheduleEvent(int res_idx, DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Tasks to perform when simulation starts */
-    virtual void startup() { }
-    /** The CPU(s) that this resource interacts with */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-    DynInstPtr dummyInst[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /**
-     * Get a pointer to the (always present) instruction fetch unit.
-     *
-     * @return the instruction unit
-     */
-    FetchUnit *getInstUnit() const { return instUnit; }
-    /**
-     * Get a pointer to the (always present) data load/store unit.
-     *
-     * @return the data cache unit
-     */
-    CacheUnit *getDataUnit() const { return dataUnit; }
-  private:
-    /** The instruction fetch unit. */
-    FetchUnit *instUnit;
-    /** The data load/store unit. */
-    CacheUnit *dataUnit;
-    std::vector<Resource *> resources;
-    /** Resources that need to be updated on an inst. graduation */
-    std::vector<int> gradObjects;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e52ed8f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_sked.hh"
-#include "debug/SkedCache.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-    stages.resize(NumStages);
-    assert(!stages[0].empty());
-    curSkedEntry = stages[0].begin();
-    int total = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < stages.size(); i++) {
-        total += stages[i].size();
-    }
-    return total;
-    return size() == 0;
-    int num_stages = stages.size();
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) {
-        if (stages[i].size() > 0)
-            return stages[i].begin();
-    }
-    return stages[num_stages - 1].end();
-    int num_stages = stages.size();
-    return stages[num_stages - 1].end();
-ResourceSked::end(int stage_num)
-    return stages[stage_num].end();
-ResourceSked::find(int stage_num, int cmd)
-    SkedIt stage_it = stages[stage_num].begin();
-    SkedIt stage_end = stages[stage_num].end();
-    while (stage_it != stage_end) {
-        if ((*stage_it)->cmd == cmd)
-            return stage_it;
-        stage_it++;
-    }
-    return stages[stage_num].end();
-    assert(size() > 0);
-    return *curSkedEntry;
-    int stage_num = (*curSkedEntry)->stageNum;
-    stages[stage_num].erase(curSkedEntry);
-    if (!stages[stage_num].empty()) {
-        curSkedEntry = stages[stage_num].begin();
-    } else {
-        int next_stage = stage_num + 1;
-        while (next_stage < NumStages) {
-            if (stages[next_stage].empty()) {
-                next_stage++;
-            } else {
-                curSkedEntry = stages[next_stage].begin();
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-ResourceSked::push(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry)
-    int stage_num = sked_entry->stageNum;
-    assert(stage_num < NumStages);
-    SkedIt pri_iter = findIterByPriority(sked_entry, stage_num);
-    stages[stage_num].insert(pri_iter, sked_entry);
-ResourceSked::pushBefore(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry, int sked_cmd,
-                         int sked_cmd_idx)
-    int stage_num = sked_entry->stageNum;
-    assert(stage_num < NumStages);
-    SkedIt pri_iter = findIterByCommand(sked_entry, stage_num,
-                                        sked_cmd, sked_cmd_idx);
-    assert(pri_iter != stages[stage_num].end() &&
-           "Could not find command to insert in front of.");
-    stages[stage_num].insert(pri_iter, sked_entry);
-ResourceSked::findIterByPriority(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry, int stage_num)
-    if (stages[stage_num].empty()) {
-        return stages[stage_num].end();
-    }
-    int priority = sked_entry->priority;
-    SkedIt sked_it = stages[stage_num].begin();
-    SkedIt sked_end = stages[stage_num].end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        if ((*sked_it)->priority > priority)
-            break;
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    return sked_it;
-ResourceSked::findIterByCommand(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry, int stage_num,
-                                int sked_cmd, int sked_cmd_idx)
-    if (stages[stage_num].empty()) {
-        return stages[stage_num].end();
-    }
-    SkedIt sked_it = stages[stage_num].begin();
-    SkedIt sked_end = stages[stage_num].end();
-    while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-        if ((*sked_it)->cmd == sked_cmd &&
-            (sked_cmd_idx != -1) ? (*sked_it)->idx == sked_cmd_idx : true)
-            break;
-        sked_it++;
-    }
-    return sked_it;
-    for (int i = 0; i < stages.size(); i++) {
-        //ccprintf(cerr, "Stage %i\n====\n", i);
-        SkedIt sked_it = stages[i].begin();
-        SkedIt sked_end = stages[i].end();
-        while (sked_it != sked_end) {
-            DPRINTF(SkedCache, "\t stage:%i res:%i cmd:%i idx:%i\n",
-                    (*sked_it)->stageNum,
-                    (*sked_it)->resNum,
-                    (*sked_it)->cmd,
-                    (*sked_it)->idx);
-            sked_it++;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resource_sked.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c44c2d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-/** ScheduleEntry class represents a single function that an instruction
-    wants to do at any pipeline stage. For example, if an instruction
-    needs to be decoded and do a branch prediction all in one stage
-    then each of those tasks would need it's own ScheduleEntry.
-    Each schedule entry corresponds to some resource that the instruction
-    wants to interact with.
-    The file pipeline_traits.cc shows how a typical instruction schedule is
-    made up of these schedule entries.
-class ScheduleEntry {
-  public:
-    ScheduleEntry(int stage_num, int _priority, int res_num, int _cmd = 0,
-                  int _idx = 0) :
-        stageNum(stage_num), resNum(res_num), cmd(_cmd),
-        idx(_idx), priority(_priority)
-    { }
-    /** Stage number to perform this service. */
-    int stageNum;
-    /** Resource ID to access */
-    int resNum;
-    /** See specific resource for meaning */
-    unsigned cmd;
-    /** See specific resource for meaning */
-    unsigned idx;
-    /** Some Resources May Need Priority */
-    int priority;
-/** The ResourceSked maintains the complete schedule
-    for an instruction. That schedule includes what
-    resources an instruction wants to acquire at each
-    pipeline stage and is represented by a collection
-    of ScheduleEntry objects (described above) that
-    must be executed in-order.
-    In every pipeline stage, the InOrder model will
-    process all entries on the resource schedule for
-    that stage and then send the instruction to the next
-    stage if and only if the instruction successfully
-    completed each ScheduleEntry.
-class ResourceSked {
-  public:
-    typedef std::list<ScheduleEntry*>::iterator SkedIt;
-    typedef std::vector<std::list<ScheduleEntry*> > StageList;
-    ResourceSked();
-    /** Initializee the current entry pointer to
-        pipeline stage 0 and the 1st schedule entry
-    */
-    void init();
-    /** Goes through the remaining stages on the schedule
-        and sums all the remaining entries left to be
-        processed
-    */
-    int size();
-    /** Is the schedule empty? */
-    bool empty();
-    /** Beginning Entry of this schedule */
-    SkedIt begin();
-    /** Ending Entry of this schedule */
-    SkedIt end();
-    /** Ending Entry of a specified stage */
-    SkedIt end(int stage_num);
-    /** Find a schedule entry based on stage and command */
-    SkedIt find(int stage_num, int cmd);
-    /** What is the next task for this instruction schedule? */
-    ScheduleEntry* top();
-    /** Top() Task is completed, remove it from schedule */
-    void pop();
-    /** Add To Schedule based on stage num and priority of
-        Schedule Entry
-    */
-    void push(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry);
-    /** Add Schedule Entry to be in front of another Entry */
-    void pushBefore(ScheduleEntry* sked_entry, int sked_cmd, int sked_cmd_idx);
-    /** Print what's left on the instruction schedule */
-    void print();
-    StageList *getStages()
-    {
-        return &stages;
-    }
-  private:
-    /** Current Schedule Entry Pointer */
-    SkedIt curSkedEntry;
-    /** The Stage-by-Stage Resource Schedule:
-        Resized to Number of Stages in the constructor
-    */
-    StageList stages;
-    /** Find a place to insert the instruction using  the
-        schedule entries priority
-    */
-    SkedIt findIterByPriority(ScheduleEntry *sked_entry, int stage_num);
-    /** Find a place to insert the instruction using a particular command
-        to look for.
-    */
-    SkedIt findIterByCommand(ScheduleEntry *sked_entry, int stage_num,
-                             int sked_cmd, int sked_cmd_idx = -1);
-/** Wrapper class around the SkedIt iterator in the Resource Sked so that
-    we can use ++ operator to automatically go to the next available
-    resource schedule entry but otherwise maintain same functionality
-    as a normal iterator.
-class RSkedIt
-  public:
-    RSkedIt()
-        : curStage(0), numStages(0)
-    { }
-    /** init() must be called before the use of any other member
-        in the RSkedIt class.
-    */
-    void init(ResourceSked* rsked)
-    {
-        stages = rsked->getStages();
-        numStages = stages->size();
-    }
-    /* Update the encapsulated "myIt" iterator, but only
-       update curStage/curStage_end if the iterator is valid.
-       The iterator could be invalid in the case where
-       someone is saving the end of a list (i.e. std::list->end())
-    */
-    RSkedIt operator=(ResourceSked::SkedIt const &rhs)
-    {
-        myIt = rhs;
-        if (myIt != (*stages)[numStages-1].end()) {
-            curStage = (*myIt)->stageNum;
-            curStage_end = (*stages)[curStage].end();
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    /** Increment to the next entry in current stage.
-        If no more entries then find the next stage that has
-        resource schedule to complete.
-        If no more stages, then return the end() iterator from
-        the last stage to indicate we are done.
-    */
-    RSkedIt &operator++(int unused)
-    {
-        if (++myIt == curStage_end) {
-            curStage++;
-            while (curStage < numStages) {
-                if ((*stages)[curStage].empty()) {
-                    curStage++;
-                } else {
-                    myIt = (*stages)[curStage].begin();
-                    curStage_end = (*stages)[curStage].end();
-                    return *this;
-                }
-            }
-            myIt = (*stages)[numStages - 1].end();
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    /** The "pointer" operator can be used on a RSkedIt and it
-        will use the encapsulated iterator
-    */
-    ScheduleEntry* operator->()
-    {
-        return *myIt;
-    }
-    /** Dereferencing a RSKedIt will access the encapsulated
-        iterator
-    */
-    ScheduleEntry* operator*()
-    {
-        return *myIt;
-    }
-    /** Equality for RSkedIt only compares the "myIt" iterators,
-        as the other members are just ancillary
-    */
-    bool operator==(RSkedIt const &rhs)
-    {
-        return this->myIt == rhs.myIt;
-    }
-    /** Inequality for RSkedIt only compares the "myIt" iterators,
-        as the other members are just ancillary
-    */
-    bool operator!=(RSkedIt const &rhs)
-    {
-        return this->myIt != rhs.myIt;
-    }
-    /* The == and != operator overloads should be sufficient
-       here if need otherwise direct access to the schedule
-       iterator, then this can be used */
-    ResourceSked::SkedIt getIt()
-    {
-        return myIt;
-    }
-  private:
-    /** Schedule Iterator that this class is encapsulating */
-    ResourceSked::SkedIt myIt;
-    /** Ptr to resource schedule that the 'myIt' iterator
-        belongs to
-    */
-    ResourceSked::StageList *stages;
-    /**  The last iterator in the current stage. */
-    ResourceSked::SkedIt curStage_end;
-    /** Current Stage that "myIt" refers to. */
-    int curStage;
-    /** Number of stages in the "*stages" object. */
-    int numStages;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f978b2f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderAGEN.hh"
-AGENUnit::AGENUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                   Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                   ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-{ }
-    agens
-        .name(name() + ".agens")
-        .desc("Number of Address Generations");
-    Resource::regStats();
-AGENUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* agen_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    InstSeqNum seq_num = inst->seqNum;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderAGEN,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        agen_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (agen_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case GenerateAddr:
-        {
-            // Load/Store Instruction
-            if (inst->isMemRef()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderAGEN,
-                        "[tid:%i] Generating Address for [sn:%i] (%s).\n",
-                        tid, seq_num, inst->staticInst->getName());
-                inst->fault = inst->calcEA();
-                inst->setMemAddr(inst->getEA());
-                DPRINTF(InOrderAGEN,
-                    "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] Effective address calculated as: %#x\n",
-                    tid, seq_num, inst->getEA());
-                if (inst->fault == NoFault) {
-                    agen_req->done();
-                } else {
-                    fatal("%s encountered while calculating address [sn:%i] %s",
-                          inst->fault->name(), seq_num, inst->instName());
-                }
-                agens++;
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderAGEN,
-                        "[tid:] Ignoring non-memory instruction [sn:%i]\n",
-                        tid, seq_num);
-                agen_req->done();
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72c8a13..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class AGENUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef InOrderDynInst::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    AGENUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-             Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-             ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    enum Command {
-        GenerateAddr
-    };
-    virtual void execute(int slot_num);
-    void regStats();
-  protected:
-    Stats::Scalar agens;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 50d3847..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderBPred.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStage.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-BranchPredictor::BranchPredictor(std::string res_name, int res_id,
-                                 int res_width, Cycles res_latency,
-                                 InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                                 ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu),
-      branchPred(params->branchPred)
-    instSize = sizeof(MachInst);
-    predictedTaken
-        .name(name() + ".predictedTaken")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Predicted As Taken (True).");
-    predictedNotTaken
-        .name(name() + ".predictedNotTaken")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Predicted As Not Taken (False).");
-    Resource::regStats();
-BranchPredictor::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* bpred_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = bpred_req->inst;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderBPred,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        bpred_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!inst->isControl()) {
-        DPRINTF(Resource, "Ignoring %s, not a control inst.\n",
-                inst->instName());
-        bpred_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    InstSeqNum seq_num = inst->seqNum;
-    switch (bpred_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case PredictBranch:
-        {
-            if (inst->seqNum > cpu->squashSeqNum[tid] &&
-                curTick() == cpu->lastSquashCycle[tid]) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: squashed, "
-                        "skipping prediction \n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-            } else {
-                TheISA::PCState instPC = inst->pcState();
-                TheISA::PCState pred_PC = inst->pcState();
-                TheISA::advancePC(pred_PC, inst->staticInst);
-                if (inst->isControl()) {
-                    // If not, the pred_PC be updated to pc+8
-                    // If predicted, the pred_PC will be updated to new target
-                    // value
-                    bool predict_taken = branchPred->predictInOrder(
-                                            inst->staticInst, inst->seqNum,
-                                            inst->asid, instPC, pred_PC, tid);
-                    if (predict_taken) {
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderBPred, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Branch "
-                                "predicted true.\n", tid, seq_num);
-                        predictedTaken++;
-                    } else {
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderBPred, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Branch "
-                                "predicted false.\n", tid, seq_num);
-                        predictedNotTaken++;
-                    }
-                    inst->setBranchPred(predict_taken);
-                }
-                //@todo: Check to see how hw_rei is handled here...how does
-                //PC,NPC get updated to compare mispredict against???
-                inst->setPredTarg(pred_PC);
-                DPRINTF(InOrderBPred, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: %s Predicted PC is "
-                        "%s.\n", tid, seq_num, inst->instName(), pred_PC);
-            }
-            bpred_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      case UpdatePredictor:
-        {
-            if (inst->seqNum > cpu->squashSeqNum[tid] &&
-                curTick() == cpu->lastSquashCycle[tid]) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStage, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: squashed, "
-                        "skipping branch predictor update \n",
-                        tid, inst->seqNum);
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderBPred, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Updating "
-                        "Branch Predictor.\n",
-                        tid, seq_num);
-                branchPred->update(seq_num, tid);
-            }
-            bpred_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-BranchPredictor::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int squash_stage,
-                        InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    InstSeqNum bpred_squash_num = inst->seqNum;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderBPred, "[tid:%i][sn:%i] Squashing...\n", tid,
-            bpred_squash_num);
-    // update due to branch resolution
-    if (squash_stage >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) {
-        branchPred->squash(bpred_squash_num, inst->pcState(),
-                           inst->pcState().branching(), tid);
-    } else {
-    // update due to predicted taken branch
-        branchPred->squash(bpred_squash_num, tid);
-    }
-BranchPredictor::instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    branchPred->update(seq_num, tid);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e2b7fba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/pred/bpred_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class BranchPredictor : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    enum Command {
-        PredictBranch,
-        UpdatePredictor
-    };
-  public:
-    BranchPredictor(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                    Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                    ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    void regStats();
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                        InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    void instGraduated(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-  protected:
-    /** List of instructions this resource is currently
-     *  processing.
-     */
-    BPredUnit *branchPred;
-    int instSize;
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    Stats::Scalar predictedTaken;
-    Stats::Scalar predictedNotTaken;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 78b8035..0000000
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@@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "arch/locked_mem.hh"
-#include "arch/utility.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/Activity.hh"
-#include "debug/AddrDep.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderCachePort.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderTLB.hh"
-#include "debug/LLSC.hh"
-#include "debug/RefCount.hh"
-#include "debug/ThreadModel.hh"
-#include "mem/request.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-static std::string
-printMemData(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size)
-    std::stringstream dataStr;
-    for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
-        ccprintf(dataStr, "%02x", data[pos]);
-    }
-    return dataStr.str();
-CacheUnit::CacheUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                     Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                     ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu),
-      cachePort(NULL), cachePortBlocked(false)
-    // Hard-Code Selection For Now
-    if (res_id == ICache)
-        _tlb = params->itb;
-    else if (res_id == DCache)
-        _tlb = params->dtb;
-    else
-        fatal("Unrecognized TLB name passed by user");
-    // Note that the CPU port is not yet instantiated (as it is done
-    // after the resource pool), we delay setting the cachePort
-    // pointer until init().
-    for (int i=0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
-        tlbBlocked[i] = false;
-        tlbBlockSeqNum[i] = 0;
-    }
-    return _tlb;
-    // Get the appropriate port from the CPU based on the resource name.
-    if (id == ICache) {
-        cachePort = &cpu->getInstPort();
-    } else if (id == DCache) {
-        cachePort = &cpu->getDataPort();
-    }
-    assert(cachePort != NULL);
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        reqs[i] = new CacheRequest(this);
-    }
-    cacheBlkSize = cpu->cacheLineSize();
-    cacheBlkMask = cacheBlkSize  - 1;
-    initSlots();
-CacheUnit::getSlot(DynInstPtr inst)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    if (tlbBlocked[tid]) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // For a Split-Load, the instruction would have processed once already
-    // causing the address to be unset.
-    if (!inst->validMemAddr() && !inst->splitInst) {
-        panic("[tid:%i][sn:%i] Mem. Addr. must be set before requesting "
-              "cache access\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-    }
-    int new_slot = Resource::getSlot(inst);
-    inst->memTime = curTick();
-    //@note: add back in if you want speculative loads/store capability
-    //setAddrDependency(inst);
-    return new_slot;
-CacheUnit::setAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst)
-    Addr req_addr = inst->getMemAddr();
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    addrList[tid].push_back(req_addr);
-    addrMap[tid][req_addr] = inst->seqNum;
-    DPRINTF(AddrDep,
-            "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Address %08p added to dependency list (size=%i)\n",
-            inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, req_addr, addrList[tid].size());
-    //@NOTE: 10 is an arbitrarily "high" number, but to be exact
-    //       we would need to know the # of outstanding accesses
-    //       a priori. Information like fetch width, stage width,
-    //       fetch buffer, and the branch resolution stage would be
-    //       useful for the icache_port. For the dcache port, the #
-    //       of outstanding cache accesses (mshrs) would be a good
-    //       sanity check here.
-    //assert(addrList[tid].size() < 10);
-CacheUnit::removeAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    Addr mem_addr = inst->getMemAddr();
-    inst->unsetMemAddr();
-    // Erase from Address List
-    std::list<Addr>::iterator list_it = find(addrList[tid].begin(),
-                                          addrList[tid].end(),
-                                          mem_addr);
-    assert(list_it != addrList[tid].end() || inst->splitInst);
-    if (list_it != addrList[tid].end()) {
-        DPRINTF(AddrDep,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Address %08p removed from dependency "
-                "list\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, (*list_it));
-        addrList[tid].erase(list_it);
-        // Erase From Address Map (Used for Debugging)
-        addrMap[tid].erase(addrMap[tid].find(mem_addr));
-    }
-CacheUnit::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        CacheRequest* cache_req =
-            dynamic_cast<CacheRequest*>(reqs[i]);
-        assert(cache_req);
-        if (cache_req->valid &&
-            cache_req->getInst() == inst &&
-            cache_req->instIdx == inst->curSkedEntry->idx) {
-            return cache_req;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CacheUnit::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int idx)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        CacheRequest* cache_req =
-            dynamic_cast<CacheRequest*>(reqs[i]);
-        assert(cache_req);
-        if (cache_req->valid &&
-            cache_req->getInst() == inst &&
-            cache_req->instIdx == idx) {
-            return cache_req;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CacheUnit::getRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx,
-                     int slot_num, unsigned cmd)
-    ScheduleEntry* sched_entry = *inst->curSkedEntry;
-    CacheRequest* cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheRequest*>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    if (!inst->validMemAddr()) {
-        panic("Mem. Addr. must be set before requesting cache access\n");
-    }
-    MemCmd::Command pkt_cmd;
-    switch (sched_entry->cmd)
-    {
-      case InitSecondSplitRead:
-        pkt_cmd = MemCmd::ReadReq;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: Read request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->split2ndAddr);
-        break;
-      case InitiateReadData:
-        pkt_cmd = MemCmd::ReadReq;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: Read request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr());
-        break;
-      case InitSecondSplitWrite:
-        pkt_cmd = MemCmd::WriteReq;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: Write request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->split2ndAddr);
-        break;
-      case InitiateWriteData:
-        pkt_cmd = MemCmd::WriteReq;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: Write request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr());
-        break;
-      default:
-        panic("%i: Unexpected request type (%i) to %s", curTick(),
-              sched_entry->cmd, name());
-    }
-    cache_req->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num,
-                          sched_entry->cmd, pkt_cmd,
-                          inst->curSkedEntry->idx);
-    return cache_req;
-CacheUnit::requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &service_request)
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(findRequest(inst));
-    assert(cache_req);
-    // Check to see if this instruction is requesting the same command
-    // or a different one
-    if (cache_req->cmd != inst->curSkedEntry->cmd &&
-        cache_req->instIdx == inst->curSkedEntry->idx) {
-        // If different, then update command in the request
-        cache_req->cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Updating the command for this "
-                "instruction\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-        service_request = true;
-    } else if (inst->curSkedEntry->idx != CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitRead &&
-               inst->curSkedEntry->idx != CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite) {
-        // If same command, just check to see if memory access was completed
-        // but dont try to re-execute
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: requesting this resource again\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-        service_request = true;
-    }
-CacheUnit::setupMemRequest(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req,
-                           int acc_size, int flags)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    Addr aligned_addr = inst->getMemAddr();
-    if (!cache_req->is2ndSplit()) {
-        if (cache_req->memReq == NULL) {
-            cache_req->memReq =
-                new Request(cpu->asid[tid], aligned_addr, acc_size, flags,
-                            cpu->dataMasterId(),
-                            inst->instAddr(),
-                            cpu->readCpuId(), //@todo: use context id
-                            tid);
-        }
-    } else {
-        assert(inst->splitInst);
-        if (inst->splitMemReq == NULL) {
-            inst->splitMemReq = new Request(cpu->asid[tid], 
-                                            inst->split2ndAddr,
-                                            acc_size, 
-                                            flags, 
-                                            cpu->dataMasterId(),
-                                            inst->instAddr(),
-                                            cpu->readCpuId(), 
-                                            tid);
-        }
-        cache_req->memReq = inst->splitMemReq;
-    }
-CacheUnit::doTLBAccess(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req, int acc_size,
-                       int flags, TheISA::TLB::Mode tlb_mode)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    setupMemRequest(inst, cache_req, acc_size, flags);
-    //@todo: HACK: the DTB expects the correct PC in the ThreadContext
-    //       but how if the memory accesses are speculative? Shouldn't
-    //       we send along the requestor's PC to the translate functions?
-    ThreadContext *tc = cpu->thread[tid]->getTC();
-    PCState old_pc = tc->pcState();
-    tc->pcState() = inst->pcState();
-    inst->fault =
-        _tlb->translateAtomic(cache_req->memReq, tc, tlb_mode);
-    tc->pcState() = old_pc;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: %s encountered while translating "
-                "addr:%08p for [sn:%i].\n", tid, inst->fault->name(),
-                cache_req->memReq->getVaddr(), inst->seqNum);
-        tlbBlocked[tid] = true;
-        tlbBlockSeqNum[tid] = inst->seqNum;
-        // Make sure nothing gets executed until after this faulting
-        // instruction gets handled.
-        inst->setSerializeAfter();
-        // Mark it as complete so it can pass through next stage.
-        // Fault Handling will happen at commit/graduation
-        cache_req->setCompleted();
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] virt. addr %08p translated "
-                "to phys. addr:%08p.\n", tid, inst->seqNum,
-                cache_req->memReq->getVaddr(),
-                cache_req->memReq->getPaddr());
-    }
-CacheUnit::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst)
-    tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-CacheUnit::read(DynInstPtr inst, Addr addr,
-                uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags)
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(findRequest(inst));
-    assert(cache_req && "Can't Find Instruction for Read!");
-    // The block size of our peer
-    unsigned blockSize = cacheBlkSize;
-    //The size of the data we're trying to read.
-    int fullSize = size;
-    inst->totalSize = size;
-    if (inst->traceData) {
-        inst->traceData->setMem(addr, size, flags);
-    }
-    if (inst->split2ndAccess) {     
-        size = inst->split2ndSize;
-        cache_req->splitAccess = true;        
-        cache_req->split2ndAccess = true;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Read Access (2 of 2) for "
-                "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr(),
-                inst->split2ndAddr);
-    }  
-    //The address of the second part of this access if it needs to be split
-    //across a cache line boundary.
-    Addr secondAddr = roundDown(addr + size - 1, blockSize);
-    if (secondAddr > addr && !inst->split2ndAccess) {
-        if (!inst->splitInst) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%i: sn[%i] Split Read Access (1 of 2) for "
-                    "(%#x, %#x).\n", curTick(), inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr);
-            unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum();
-            unsigned cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd;
-            // 1. Make A New Inst. Schedule w/Split Read/Complete Entered on
-            // the schedule
-            // ==============================
-            // 2. Reassign curSkedPtr to current command (InitiateRead) on new
-            // schedule
-            // ==============================
-            inst->splitInst = true;
-            inst->setBackSked(cpu->createBackEndSked(inst));
-            inst->curSkedEntry = inst->backSked->find(stage_num, cmd);
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] Retrying Split Read "
-                    "Access (1 of 2) for (%#x, %#x).\n", inst->readTid(),
-                    inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr);
-        }
-        // Save All "Total" Split Information
-        // ==============================
-        inst->splitMemData = new uint8_t[size];
-        // Split Information for First Access
-        // ==============================
-        size = secondAddr - addr;
-        cache_req->splitAccess = true;
-        // Split Information for Second Access
-        // ==============================
-        inst->split2ndSize = addr + fullSize - secondAddr;
-        inst->split2ndAddr = secondAddr;            
-        inst->split2ndDataPtr = inst->splitMemData + size;
-        inst->split2ndFlags = flags;        
-    }
-    doTLBAccess(inst, cache_req, size, flags, TheISA::TLB::Read);
-    if (inst->fault == NoFault) {
-        if (!cache_req->splitAccess) {            
-            cache_req->reqData = new uint8_t[size];
-            doCacheAccess(inst, NULL);
-        } else {
-            if (!inst->split2ndAccess) {                
-                cache_req->reqData = inst->splitMemData;
-            } else {
-                cache_req->reqData = inst->split2ndDataPtr;                
-            }
-            doCacheAccess(inst, NULL, cache_req);            
-        }        
-    }
-    return inst->fault;
-CacheUnit::write(DynInstPtr inst, uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                 Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *write_res)
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(findRequest(inst));
-    assert(cache_req && "Can't Find Instruction for Write!");
-    // The block size of our peer
-    unsigned blockSize = cacheBlkSize;
-    //The size of the data we're trying to write.
-    int fullSize = size;
-    inst->totalSize = size;
-    if (inst->traceData)
-        inst->traceData->setMem(addr, size, flags);
-    if (inst->split2ndAccess) {     
-        size = inst->split2ndSize;
-        cache_req->splitAccess = true;        
-        cache_req->split2ndAccess = true;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Write Access (2 of 2) for "
-                "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr(),
-                inst->split2ndAddr);
-    }  
-    //The address of the second part of this access if it needs to be split
-    //across a cache line boundary.
-    Addr secondAddr = roundDown(addr + size - 1, blockSize);
-    if (secondAddr > addr && !inst->split2ndAccess) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Write Access (1 of 2) for "
-                "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr);
-        // Save All "Total" Split Information
-        // ==============================
-        inst->splitInst = true;        
-        if (!inst->splitInstSked) {
-            assert(0 && "Split Requests Not Supported for Now...");
-            // Schedule Split Read/Complete for Instruction
-            // ==============================
-            int stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum();
-            RSkedPtr inst_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ?
-                inst->backSked : inst->frontSked;
-            // this is just an arbitrarily high priority to ensure that this
-            // gets pushed to the back of the list
-            int stage_pri = 20;
-            int isplit_cmd = CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite;
-            inst_sked->push(new
-                            ScheduleEntry(stage_num,
-                                          stage_pri,
-                                          cpu->resPool->getResIdx(DCache),
-                                          isplit_cmd,
-                                          1));
-            int csplit_cmd = CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitWrite;
-            inst_sked->push(new
-                            ScheduleEntry(stage_num + 1,
-                                          1/*stage_pri*/,
-                                          cpu->resPool->getResIdx(DCache),
-                                          csplit_cmd,
-                                          1));
-            inst->splitInstSked = true;
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] sn:%i] Retrying Split Read "
-                    "Access (1 of 2) for (%#x, %#x).\n",
-                    inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr);                   
-        }
-        // Split Information for First Access
-        // ==============================
-        size = secondAddr - addr;
-        cache_req->splitAccess = true;
-        // Split Information for Second Access
-        // ==============================
-        inst->split2ndSize = addr + fullSize - secondAddr;
-        inst->split2ndAddr = secondAddr;            
-        inst->split2ndFlags = flags;        
-        inst->splitInstSked = true;
-    }    
-    doTLBAccess(inst, cache_req, size, flags, TheISA::TLB::Write);
-    if (inst->fault == NoFault) {
-        if (!cache_req->splitAccess) {
-            cache_req->reqData = new uint8_t[size];
-            memcpy(cache_req->reqData, data, size);
-            //inst->split2ndStoreDataPtr = cache_req->reqData;
-            //inst->split2ndStoreDataPtr += size;
-            doCacheAccess(inst, write_res);
-        } else {            
-            doCacheAccess(inst, write_res, cache_req);            
-        }        
-    }
-    return inst->fault;
-CacheUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    assert(cache_req);
-    if (cachePortBlocked &&
-        (cache_req->cmd == InitiateReadData ||
-         cache_req->cmd == InitiateWriteData ||
-         cache_req->cmd == InitSecondSplitRead ||
-         cache_req->cmd == InitSecondSplitWrite)) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Cache Port Blocked. Cannot Access\n");
-        cache_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    }
-    DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->getMemAddr());
-        finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (inst->isSquashed()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected squashed instruction "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-        finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        return;
-    }
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    std::string acc_type = "write";
-    switch (cache_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case InitiateReadData:
-        acc_type = "read";
-      case InitiateWriteData:
-        if (cachePortBlocked) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Cache Port Blocked. Cannot Access\n");
-            cache_req->done(false);
-            return;
-        }
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating data %s access to %s for "
-                "addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, acc_type, name(),
-                cache_req->inst->getMemAddr());
-        inst->setCurResSlot(slot_num);
-        if (inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch()) {
-            inst->execute();
-        } else {
-            inst->initiateAcc();
-        }
-        break;
-      case InitSecondSplitRead:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating split data read access to %s "
-                "for addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, name(),
-                cache_req->inst->split2ndAddr);
-        inst->split2ndAccess = true;
-        assert(inst->split2ndAddr != 0);
-        read(inst, inst->split2ndAddr, &inst->split2ndData,
-             inst->totalSize, inst->split2ndFlags);
-        break;
-      case InitSecondSplitWrite:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating split data write access to %s "
-                "for addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, name(),
-                cache_req->inst->getMemAddr());
-        inst->split2ndAccess = true;
-        assert(inst->split2ndAddr != 0);
-        write(inst, &inst->split2ndData, inst->totalSize,
-              inst->split2ndAddr, inst->split2ndFlags, NULL);
-        break;
-      case CompleteReadData:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Data Read Access\n",
-                tid, inst->seqNum);
-        //@todo: timing translations need to check here...
-        assert(!inst->isInstPrefetch() && "Can't Handle Inst. Prefecthes");
-        if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete() || inst->isDataPrefetch()) {
-            finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n",
-                    tid, cache_req->inst->getMemAddr());
-            cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-            cache_req->setMemStall(true);            
-        }
-        break;
-      case CompleteWriteData:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Data Write Access\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum);
-            //@todo: check that timing translation is finished here
-            RequestPtr mem_req = cache_req->memReq;
-            if (mem_req->isCondSwap() || mem_req->isLLSC() || mem_req->isSwap()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Detected Conditional Store Inst.\n");
-                if (!cache_req->isMemAccComplete()) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n",
-                            tid, cache_req->inst->getMemAddr());
-                    cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-                    cache_req->setMemStall(true);
-                    return;
-                } else {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "Mem Acc Completed\n");
-                }
-            }
-            if (cache_req->isMemAccPending()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Store Instruction Pending Completion.\n");
-                cache_req->dataPkt->reqData = cache_req->reqData;
-                cache_req->dataPkt->memReq = cache_req->memReq;
-            } else
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Store Instruction Finished Completion.\n");
-            //@todo: if split inst save data
-            finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        }
-        break;
-      case CompleteSecondSplitRead:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Split Data Read "
-                "Access\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-        //@todo: check that timing translation is finished here
-        assert(!inst->isInstPrefetch() && "Can't Handle Inst. Prefecthes");
-        if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete() || inst->isDataPrefetch()) {
-            finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n",
-                    tid, cache_req->inst->split2ndAddr);
-            cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-            cache_req->setMemStall(true);            
-        }
-        break;
-      case CompleteSecondSplitWrite:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Split Data Write "
-                "Access\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-        //@todo: illegal to have a unaligned cond.swap or llsc?
-        assert(!cache_req->memReq->isSwap() && !cache_req->memReq->isCondSwap()
-               && !cache_req->memReq->isLLSC());
-        if (cache_req->isMemAccPending()) {
-            cache_req->dataPkt->reqData = cache_req->reqData;
-            cache_req->dataPkt->memReq = cache_req->memReq;
-        }
-        //@todo: check that timing translation is finished here
-        finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-CacheUnit::finishCacheUnitReq(DynInstPtr inst, CacheRequest *cache_req)
-    //@note: add back in for speculative load/store capability
-    //removeAddrDependency(inst);
-    cache_req->setMemStall(false);
-    cache_req->done();
-CacheUnit::buildDataPacket(CacheRequest *cache_req)
-    MemCmd cmd;
-    if (cache_req->pktCmd == MemCmd::ReadReq) {
-        cmd = Packet::makeReadCmd(cache_req->memReq);
-    } else {
-        assert(cache_req->pktCmd == MemCmd::WriteReq);
-        cmd = Packet::makeWriteCmd(cache_req->memReq);
-    }
-    cache_req->dataPkt = new CacheReqPacket(cache_req, cmd,
-                                            cache_req->instIdx);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[slot:%i]: Slot marked for %x\n",
-            cache_req->getSlot(),
-            cache_req->dataPkt->getAddr());
-    cache_req->dataPkt->hasSlot = true;
-    cache_req->dataPkt->dataStatic(cache_req->reqData);
-CacheUnit::doCacheAccess(DynInstPtr inst, uint64_t *write_res,
-                         CacheReqPtr split_req)
-    Fault fault = NoFault;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    bool do_access = true;  // flag to suppress cache access
-    // Special Handling if this is a split request
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req;
-    if (split_req == NULL)
-        cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(reqs[inst->getCurResSlot()]);
-    else {
-        cache_req = split_req;
-        assert(0);
-    }
-    // Make a new packet inside the CacheRequest object
-    assert(cache_req);
-    buildDataPacket(cache_req);
-    // Special Handling for LL/SC or Compare/Swap
-     bool is_write = cache_req->dataPkt->isWrite();
-     RequestPtr mem_req = cache_req->dataPkt->req;
-     if (is_write) {
-         DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                 "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Storing data: %s\n",
-                 tid, inst->seqNum,
-                 printMemData(cache_req->dataPkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(),
-                              cache_req->dataPkt->getSize()));
-        if (mem_req->isCondSwap()) {
-             assert(write_res);
-             cache_req->memReq->setExtraData(*write_res);
-         }
-        if (mem_req->isLLSC()) {
-            assert(cache_req->inst->isStoreConditional());
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Evaluating Store Conditional access\n");
-            do_access = TheISA::handleLockedWrite(inst.get(), mem_req, cacheBlkSize);
-        }
-     }
-    // Finally, go ahead and make the access if we can...
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] attempting to access cache for addr %08p\n",
-            tid, inst->seqNum, cache_req->dataPkt->getAddr());
-    if (do_access) {
-        if (!cachePort->sendTimingReq(cache_req->dataPkt)) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] cannot access cache, because port "
-                    "is blocked. now waiting to retry request\n", tid, 
-                    inst->seqNum);
-            delete cache_req->dataPkt;
-            cache_req->dataPkt = NULL;
-            delete cache_req->memReq;
-            cache_req->memReq = NULL;
-            cache_req->done(false);
-            cachePortBlocked = true;
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] is now waiting for cache response\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum);
-            cache_req->setCompleted();
-            cache_req->setMemAccPending();
-            cachePortBlocked = false;
-        }
-    } else if (mem_req->isLLSC()){
-        // Store-Conditional instructions complete even if they "failed"
-        assert(cache_req->inst->isStoreConditional());
-        cache_req->setCompleted(true);
-        DPRINTF(LLSC,
-                "[tid:%i]: T%i Ignoring Failed Store Conditional Access\n",
-                tid, tid);
-        processCacheCompletion(cache_req->dataPkt);
-    } else {
-        delete cache_req->dataPkt;
-        cache_req->dataPkt = NULL;
-        delete cache_req->memReq;
-        cache_req->memReq = NULL;
-        // Make cache request again since access due to
-        // inability to access
-        DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: \n");
-        cache_req->done(false);
-    }
-CacheUnit::processSquash(CacheReqPacket *cache_pkt)
-    // The resource may no longer be actively servicing this
-    // packet. Scenarios like a store that has been sent to the
-    // memory system or access that's been squashed. If that's
-    // the case, we can't access the request slot because it
-    // will be either invalid or servicing another request.
-    if (!cache_pkt->hasSlot) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "%x does not have a slot in unit, ignoring.\n",
-                cache_pkt->getAddr());
-        if (cache_pkt->reqData) {
-            delete [] cache_pkt->reqData;
-            cache_pkt->reqData = NULL;
-        }
-        if (cache_pkt->memReq) {
-            delete cache_pkt->memReq;
-            cache_pkt->memReq = NULL;
-        }
-        delete cache_pkt;
-        cache_pkt = NULL;
-        cpu->wakeCPU();
-        return true;
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%x has slot %i\n",
-                cache_pkt->getAddr(), cache_pkt->cacheReq->getSlot());
-    }
-    // It's possible that the request is squashed but the
-    // packet is still acknowledged by the resource. Squashes
-    // should happen at the end of the cycles and trigger the
-    // code above, but if not, this would handle any timing
-    // variations due to diff. user parameters.
-    if (cache_pkt->cacheReq->isSquashed()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "Ignoring completion of squashed access, [tid:%i] [sn:%i]\n",
-                cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(),
-                cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum);
-        cache_pkt->cacheReq->setMemAccPending(false);
-        cache_pkt->cacheReq->freeSlot();
-        delete cache_pkt;
-        cache_pkt = NULL;
-        cpu->wakeCPU();
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-CacheUnit::processCacheCompletion(PacketPtr pkt)
-    //@todo: use packet sender state instead of deriving from packet class to
-    //  get special state
-    CacheReqPacket* cache_pkt = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPacket*>(pkt);
-    assert(cache_pkt);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Finished request for %x\n", pkt->getAddr());
-    if (processSquash(cache_pkt))
-        return;
-    CacheRequest *cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(
-        findRequest(cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst(), cache_pkt->instIdx));
-    if (!cache_req) {
-        panic("[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Can't find slot for cache access to "
-              "addr. %08p\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(),
-              cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum,
-              cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->getMemAddr());
-    }
-    assert(cache_req);
-    assert(cache_req == cache_pkt->cacheReq);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: [slot:%i] Waking from cache access (vaddr.%08p, paddr:%08p)\n",
-            cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(),
-            cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum,
-            cache_req->getSlot(),
-            cache_pkt->req->getVaddr(),
-            cache_pkt->req->getPaddr());
-    // Get resource request info
-    unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum();
-    DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = cache_req->inst->readTid();
-    assert(!cache_req->isSquashed());
-    assert(inst->staticInst && inst->isMemRef());
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Processing cache access\n",
-            tid, inst->seqNum);
-    PacketPtr split_pkt = NULL;
-    if (inst->splitInst) {
-        inst->splitFinishCnt++;
-        if (inst->splitFinishCnt == 2) {
-            cache_req->memReq->setVirt(0/*inst->tid*/,
-                                       inst->getMemAddr(),
-                                       inst->totalSize,
-                                       0,
-                                       cpu->dataMasterId(),
-                                       0);
-            split_pkt = new Packet(cache_req->memReq, cache_req->pktCmd);
-            split_pkt->dataStatic(inst->splitMemData);
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Completing Split Access.\n");
-            inst->completeAcc(split_pkt);
-        }
-    } else {
-        inst->completeAcc(cache_pkt);
-    }
-    inst->setExecuted();
-    if (inst->isLoad()) {
-        assert(cache_pkt->isRead());
-        if (cache_pkt->req->isLLSC()) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%u]: Handling Load-Linked for [sn:%u]\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum);
-            TheISA::handleLockedRead(inst.get(), cache_pkt->req);
-        }
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Bytes loaded were: %s\n",
-                tid, inst->seqNum,
-                (split_pkt) ? printMemData(split_pkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(),
-                                           split_pkt->getSize()) :
-                              printMemData(cache_pkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(),
-                                           cache_pkt->getSize()));
-    } else if(inst->isStore()) {
-        assert(cache_pkt->isWrite());
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Bytes stored were: %s\n",
-                tid, inst->seqNum,
-                (split_pkt) ? printMemData(split_pkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(),
-                                           split_pkt->getSize()) :
-                              printMemData(cache_pkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(),
-                                           cache_pkt->getSize()));
-    }
-    if (split_pkt) {
-        delete split_pkt;
-        split_pkt = NULL;
-    }
-    cache_req->setMemAccPending(false);
-    cache_req->setMemAccCompleted();
-    if (cache_req->isMemStall() &&
-        cpu->threadModel == InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u] Waking up from Cache Miss.\n",
-                tid);
-        cpu->activateContext(tid);
-        DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "Activating [tid:%i] after return from cache"
-                "miss.\n", tid);
-    }
-    // Wake up the CPU (if it went to sleep and was waiting on this
-    // completion event).
-    cpu->wakeCPU();
-    DPRINTF(Activity, "[tid:%u] Activating %s due to cache completion\n",
-            tid, cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->name());
-    cpu->switchToActive(stage_num);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Unblocking Cache Port. \n");
-    assert(cachePortBlocked);
-    // Clear the cache port for use again
-    cachePortBlocked = false;
-    cpu->wakeCPU();
-    : ResourceEvent()
-{ }
-    DynInstPtr inst = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->inst;
-    int stage_num = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->getStageNum();
-    ThreadID tid = inst->threadNumber;
-    CacheReqPtr req_ptr = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(resource->reqs[slotIdx]);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "Waking up from TLB Miss caused by [sn:%i].\n",
-            inst->seqNum);
-    CacheUnit* tlb_res = dynamic_cast<CacheUnit*>(resource);
-    assert(tlb_res);
-    //@todo: eventually, we should do a timing translation w/
-    //       hw page table walk on tlb miss
-    DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "Handling Fault %s : [sn:%i] %x\n", inst->fault->name(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr());
-    inst->fault->invoke(tlb_res->cpu->tcBase(tid), inst->staticInst);
-    tlb_res->tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-    tlb_res->cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->
-        unsetResStall(tlb_res->reqs[slotIdx], tid);
-    req_ptr->tlbStall = false;
-    //@todo: timing translation needs to have some type of independent
-    //       info regarding if it's squashed or not so we can
-    //       free up the resource if a request gets squashed in the middle
-    //       of a table walk
-    if (req_ptr->isSquashed()) {
-        req_ptr->freeSlot();
-    }
-    tlb_res->cpu->wakeCPU();
-CacheUnit::squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                               InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    // If squashing due to memory stall, then we do NOT want to 
-    // squash the instruction that caused the stall so we
-    // increment the sequence number here to prevent that.
-    //
-    // NOTE: This is only for the SwitchOnCacheMiss Model
-    // NOTE: If you have multiple outstanding misses from the same
-    //       thread then you need to reevaluate this code
-    // NOTE: squash should originate from 
-    //       pipeline_stage.cc:processInstSchedule
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Squashing above [sn:%u]\n", 
-            squash_seq_num + 1);
-    squash(inst, stage_num, squash_seq_num + 1, tid);    
-CacheUnit::squashCacheRequest(CacheReqPtr req_ptr)
-    DynInstPtr inst =  req_ptr->getInst();
-    req_ptr->setSquashed();
-    inst->setSquashed();
-    //@note: add back in for speculative load/store capability
-    /*if (inst->validMemAddr()) {
-        DPRINTF(AddrDep, "Squash of [tid:%i] [sn:%i], attempting to "
-                "remove addr. %08p dependencies.\n",
-                inst->readTid(),
-                inst->seqNum,
-                inst->getMemAddr());
-        removeAddrDependency(inst);
-    }*/
-CacheUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                  InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    if (tlbBlocked[tid] &&
-        tlbBlockSeqNum[tid] > squash_seq_num) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Releasing TLB Block due to "
-                " squash after [sn:%i].\n", squash_seq_num);
-        tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        ResReqPtr req_ptr = reqs[i];
-        if (req_ptr->valid &&
-            req_ptr->getInst()->readTid() == tid &&
-            req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%i] Squashing request from [sn:%i]\n",
-                    req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(), req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-            if (req_ptr->isSquashed()) {
-                DPRINTF(AddrDep, "Request for [tid:%i] [sn:%i] already "
-                        "squashed, ignoring squash process.\n",
-                        req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(),
-                        req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-                continue;                
-            }
-            CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(req_ptr);
-            assert(cache_req);
-            squashCacheRequest(cache_req);
-            int req_slot_num = req_ptr->getSlot();
-            if (cache_req->tlbStall) {
-                tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-                int stall_stage = reqs[req_slot_num]->getStageNum();
-                cpu->pipelineStage[stall_stage]->
-                    unsetResStall(reqs[req_slot_num], tid);
-            }
-            if (cache_req->isMemAccPending()) {
-                cache_req->dataPkt->reqData = cache_req->reqData;
-                cache_req->dataPkt->memReq = cache_req->memReq;
-            }
-            if (!cache_req->tlbStall)
-                freeSlot(req_slot_num);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!memAccPending) {
-        if (reqData && !splitAccess)
-            delete [] reqData;
-        if (memReq)
-            delete memReq;
-        if (dataPkt)
-            delete dataPkt;
-    } else {
-        if (dataPkt)
-            dataPkt->hasSlot = false;
-    }
-    memReq = NULL;
-    reqData = NULL;
-    dataPkt = NULL;
-    memAccComplete = false;
-    memAccPending = false;
-    tlbStall = false;
-    splitAccess = false;
-    splitAccessNum = -1;
-    split2ndAccess = false;
-    instIdx = 0;
-    fetchBufferFill = false;
-    ResourceRequest::clearRequest();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 11eb9dd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/tlb.hh"
-#include "base/hashmap.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "mem/packet.hh"
-#include "mem/packet_access.hh"
-#include "mem/port.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
-class CacheReqPacket;
-typedef CacheReqPacket* CacheReqPktPtr;
-class CacheUnit : public Resource
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    CacheUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-              Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-              ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    enum Command {
-        InitiateReadData,
-        CompleteReadData,
-        InitiateWriteData,
-        CompleteWriteData,
-        InitSecondSplitRead,
-        InitSecondSplitWrite,
-        CompleteSecondSplitRead,
-        CompleteSecondSplitWrite
-    };
-  public:
-    void init();
-    ResourceRequest* getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                                int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                                unsigned cmd);
-    ResReqPtr findRequest(DynInstPtr inst);
-    ResReqPtr findRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int idx);
-    void requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &try_request);
-    virtual int getSlot(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Executes one of the commands from the "Command" enum */
-    virtual void execute(int slot_num);
-    virtual void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    void squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                             InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    virtual void squashCacheRequest(CacheReqPtr req_ptr);
-    /** After memory request is completedd in the cache, then do final
-        processing to complete the request in the CPU.
-    */
-    virtual void processCacheCompletion(PacketPtr pkt);
-    /** Create request that will interface w/TLB and Memory objects */
-    virtual void setupMemRequest(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req,
-                                 int acc_size, int flags);
-    void finishCacheUnitReq(DynInstPtr inst, CacheRequest *cache_req);
-    void buildDataPacket(CacheRequest *cache_req);
-    bool processSquash(CacheReqPacket *cache_pkt);
-    void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst);
-    void recvRetry();
-    Fault read(DynInstPtr inst, Addr addr,
-               uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags);
-    Fault write(DynInstPtr inst, uint8_t *data, unsigned size,
-                Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res);
-    void doTLBAccess(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req, int acc_size,
-                      int flags,  TheISA::TLB::Mode tlb_mode);
-    /** Read/Write on behalf of an instruction.
-     *  curResSlot needs to be a valid value in instruction.
-     */
-    void doCacheAccess(DynInstPtr inst, uint64_t *write_result=NULL,
-                        CacheReqPtr split_req=NULL);
-    uint64_t getMemData(Packet *packet);
-    void setAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst);
-    virtual void removeAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst);
-  protected:
-    /** Cache interface. */
-    MasterPort *cachePort;
-    bool cachePortBlocked;
-    std::list<Addr> addrList[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    m5::hash_map<Addr, InstSeqNum> addrMap[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-  public:
-    int cacheBlkSize;
-    int cacheBlkMask;
-    /** Align a PC to the start of the Cache block. */
-    Addr cacheBlockAlign(Addr addr)
-    {
-        return (addr & ~(cacheBlkMask));
-    }
-    bool tlbBlocked[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    InstSeqNum tlbBlockSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    TheISA::TLB* tlb();
-    TheISA::TLB *_tlb;
-class CacheUnitEvent : public ResourceEvent {
-  public:
-    const std::string name() const
-    {
-        return "CacheUnitEvent";
-    }
-    /** Constructs a resource event. */
-    CacheUnitEvent();
-    virtual ~CacheUnitEvent() {}
-    /** Processes a resource event. */
-    void process();
-//@todo: Move into CacheUnit Class for private access to "valid" field
-class CacheRequest : public ResourceRequest
-  public:
-    CacheRequest(CacheUnit *cres)
-        :  ResourceRequest(cres), memReq(NULL), reqData(NULL),
-           dataPkt(NULL), memAccComplete(false),
-           memAccPending(false), tlbStall(false), splitAccess(false),
-           splitAccessNum(-1), split2ndAccess(false),
-           fetchBufferFill(false)
-    { }
-    virtual ~CacheRequest()
-    {
-        if (reqData && !splitAccess)
-            delete [] reqData;
-    }
-    void setRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num, int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                    unsigned _cmd, MemCmd::Command pkt_cmd, int idx)
-    {
-        pktCmd = pkt_cmd;
-        instIdx = idx;
-        ResourceRequest::setRequest(_inst, stage_num, res_idx, slot_num, _cmd);
-    }
-    void clearRequest();
-    virtual PacketDataPtr getData()
-    { return reqData; }
-    void
-    setMemAccCompleted(bool completed = true)
-    {
-        memAccComplete = completed;
-    }
-    bool is2ndSplit() 
-    {
-        return split2ndAccess;
-    }
-    bool isMemAccComplete() { return memAccComplete; }
-    void setMemAccPending(bool pending = true) { memAccPending = pending; }
-    bool isMemAccPending() { return memAccPending; }
-    //Make this data private/protected!
-    MemCmd pktCmd;
-    RequestPtr memReq;
-    PacketDataPtr reqData;
-    CacheReqPacket *dataPkt;
-    bool memAccComplete;
-    bool memAccPending;
-    bool tlbStall;
-    bool splitAccess;
-    int splitAccessNum;
-    bool split2ndAccess;
-    int instIdx;    
-    /** Should we expect block from cache access or fetch buffer? */
-    bool fetchBufferFill;
-class CacheReqPacket : public Packet
-  public:
-    CacheReqPacket(CacheRequest *_req,
-                   MemCmd _cmd, int _idx = 0)
-        : Packet(&(*_req->memReq), _cmd), cacheReq(_req),
-          instIdx(_idx), hasSlot(false), reqData(NULL), memReq(NULL)
-    {
-    }
-    CacheRequest *cacheReq;
-    int instIdx;
-    bool hasSlot;
-    PacketDataPtr reqData;
-    RequestPtr memReq;
-#endif //__CPU_CACHE_UNIT_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7b7eccd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderDecode.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-using namespace std;
-DecodeUnit::DecodeUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                       Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                       ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < MaxThreads; tid++) {
-        regDepMap[tid] = &cpu->archRegDepMap[tid];
-    }
-DecodeUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* decode_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    switch (decode_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case DecodeInst:
-        {
-            if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-                inst->setBackSked(cpu->faultSked);
-                DPRINTF(InOrderDecode,"[tid:%i]: Fault found for instruction [sn:%i]\n",
-                        inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-            } else {
-                assert(!inst->staticInst->isMacroop());
-                inst->setBackSked(cpu->createBackEndSked(inst));
-                DPRINTF(InOrderDecode,"Decoded instruction [sn:%i]: %s : 0x%x\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, inst->instName(),
-                        inst->staticInst->machInst);
-            }
-            if (inst->backSked != NULL) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderDecode,
-                    "[tid:%i]: Back End Schedule created for %s  [sn:%i].\n",
-                        inst->readTid(), inst->instName(), inst->seqNum);
-                decode_req->done();
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(Resource,
-                    "[tid:%i] Static Inst not available to decode.\n",
-                        inst->readTid());
-                DPRINTF(Resource,
-                    "Unable to create schedule for instruction [sn:%i] \n",
-                    inst->seqNum);
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: \n");
-                decode_req->done(false);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 65f82a9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class DecodeUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    DecodeUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-               Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-               ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    enum Command {
-        DecodeInst
-    };
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    RegDepMap *regDepMap[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-  protected:
-    /** @todo: Add Resource Stats Here */
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 296d512..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/Fault.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderExecute.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "sim/full_system.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-ExecutionUnit::ExecutionUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                             Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                             ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu),
-      lastExecuteTick(0), lastControlTick(0)
-{ }
-    predictedTakenIncorrect
-        .name(name() + ".predictedTakenIncorrect")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Incorrectly Predicted As Taken.");
-    predictedNotTakenIncorrect
-        .name(name() + ".predictedNotTakenIncorrect")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Incorrectly Predicted As Not Taken).");
-    executions
-        .name(name() + ".executions")
-        .desc("Number of Instructions Executed.");
-    predictedIncorrect
-        .name(name() + ".mispredicted")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Incorrectly Predicted");
-    predictedCorrect
-        .name(name() + ".predicted")
-        .desc("Number of Branches Incorrectly Predicted");
-    mispredictPct
-        .name(name() + ".mispredictPct")
-        .desc("Percentage of Incorrect Branches Predicts")
-        .precision(6);
-    mispredictPct = (predictedIncorrect / 
-                     (predictedCorrect + predictedIncorrect)) * 100;
-    Resource::regStats();
-ExecutionUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* exec_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderExecute,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        exec_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    Fault fault = NoFault;
-    Tick cur_tick = curTick();
-    unsigned stage_num = exec_req->getStageNum();
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    InstSeqNum seq_num = inst->seqNum;
-    switch (exec_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case ExecuteInst:
-        {
-            if (inst->isNop()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] [PC:%s] Ignoring execution"
-                        "of %s.\n", inst->readTid(), seq_num, inst->pcState(),
-                        inst->instName());
-                inst->setExecuted();
-                exec_req->done();
-                return;
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i] Executing [sn:%i] [PC:%s] %s.\n",
-                        inst->readTid(), seq_num, inst->pcState(), inst->instName());
-            }
-            if (cur_tick != lastExecuteTick) {
-                lastExecuteTick = cur_tick;
-            }
-            //@todo: handle address generation here
-            assert(!inst->isMemRef());
-            if (inst->isControl()) {
-                if (lastControlTick == cur_tick) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "Can not Execute More than One Control "
-                            "Inst Per Cycle. Blocking Request.\n");
-                    exec_req->done(false);
-                    return;
-                }
-                lastControlTick = curTick();
-                // Evaluate Branch
-                fault = inst->execute();
-                // Should unconditional control , pc relative count as an
-                // execution??? Probably not.
-                executions++;
-                if (fault == NoFault) {
-                    inst->setExecuted();
-                    if (inst->mispredicted()) {
-                        assert(inst->isControl());
-                        // Set up Squash Generated By this Misprediction
-                        TheISA::PCState pc = inst->pcState();
-                        TheISA::advancePC(pc, inst->staticInst);
-                        inst->setPredTarg(pc);
-                        inst->setSquashInfo(stage_num);
-                        setupSquash(inst, stage_num, tid);
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Squashing from "
-                                "stage %i. Redirecting  fetch to %s.\n", tid,
-                                inst->seqNum, stage_num, pc);
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Branch"
-                                " misprediction at %s\n", tid, inst->pcState());
-                        if (inst->predTaken()) {
-                            predictedTakenIncorrect++;
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] %s ..."
-                                    "PC %s ... Mispredicts! "
-                                    "(Prediction: Taken)\n",
-                                    tid, inst->seqNum,
-                                    inst->staticInst->disassemble(
-                                        inst->instAddr()),
-                                    inst->pcState());
-                        } else {
-                            predictedNotTakenIncorrect++;
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] %s ..."
-                                    "PC %s ... Mispredicts! "
-                                    "(Prediction: Not Taken)\n",
-                                    tid, inst->seqNum,
-                                    inst->staticInst->disassemble(
-                                        inst->instAddr()),
-                                    inst->pcState());
-                        }
-                        predictedIncorrect++;
-                    } else {
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Prediction"
-                                "Correct.\n", inst->readTid(), seq_num);
-                        predictedCorrect++;
-                    }
-                    exec_req->done();
-                } else {
-                    DPRINTF(Fault, "[tid:%i]:[sn:%i]: Fault %s found\n",
-                            inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, fault->name());
-                    inst->fault = fault;
-                    exec_req->done();
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Regular ALU instruction
-                fault = inst->execute();
-                executions++;
-                if (fault == NoFault) {
-                    inst->setExecuted();
-                    for (int didx = 0; didx < inst->numDestRegs(); didx++)
-                        if (inst->resultType(didx) == InOrderDynInst::Float ||
-                            inst->resultType(didx) == InOrderDynInst::FloatBits ||
-                            inst->resultType(didx) == InOrderDynInst::Double)
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Dest result %i "
-                                    "of FP execution is %08f (%x).\n", inst->readTid(),
-                                    seq_num, didx, inst->readFloatResult(didx),
-                                    inst->readFloatBitsResult(didx));
-                        else
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Dest result %i "
-                                    "of Int execution is 0x%x.\n", inst->readTid(),
-                                    seq_num, didx, inst->readIntResult(didx));
-                    if (!FullSystem) {
-                        // The Syscall might change the PC, so conservatively
-                        // squash everything behing it
-                        if (inst->isSyscall()) {
-                            inst->setSquashInfo(stage_num);
-                            setupSquash(inst, stage_num, tid);
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderExecute, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: had a %s "
-                            "fault.\n", inst->readTid(), seq_num, fault->name());
-                    DPRINTF(Fault, "[tid:%i]:[sn:%i]: Fault %s found\n",
-                            inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, fault->name());
-                    inst->fault = fault;
-                }
-                exec_req->done();
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e87a05c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/func_unit.hh"
-class ExecutionUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    enum Command {
-        ExecuteInst
-    };
-  public:
-    ExecutionUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                  Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                  ThePipeline::Params *params);
-  public:
-    void regStats();
-    /** Execute the function of this resource. The Default is action
-     *  is to do nothing. More specific models will derive from this
-     *  class and define their own execute function.
-     */
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-  protected:
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    Stats::Scalar predictedTakenIncorrect;
-    Stats::Scalar predictedNotTakenIncorrect;
-    Stats::Scalar predictedIncorrect;
-    Stats::Scalar predictedCorrect;
-    Stats::Formula mispredictPct;
-    Stats::Scalar executions;
-    Tick lastExecuteTick;
-    Tick lastControlTick;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ead4953..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderFetchSeq.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-FetchSeqUnit::FetchSeqUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                           Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                           ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu),
-      instSize(sizeof(MachInst))
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; tid++) {
-        pcValid[tid] = false;
-        pcBlockStage[tid] = 0;
-        //@todo: Use CPU's squashSeqNum here instead of maintaining our own
-        // state
-        squashSeqNum[tid] = (InstSeqNum)-1;
-        lastSquashCycle[tid] = 0;
-    }
-    delete [] resourceEvent;
-    resourceEvent = new FetchSeqEvent[width];
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        reqs[i] = new ResourceRequest(this);
-    }
-    initSlots();
-FetchSeqUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* fs_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = fs_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    int stage_num = fs_req->getStageNum();
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        fs_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (fs_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case AssignNextPC:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Current PC is %s\n", tid,
-                    pc[tid]);
-            if (pcValid[tid]) {
-                inst->pcState(pc[tid]);
-                inst->setMemAddr(pc[tid].instAddr());
-                // Advance to next PC (typically PC + 4)
-                pc[tid].advance();
-                inst->setSeqNum(cpu->getAndIncrementInstSeq(tid));
-                DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Assigning [sn:%i] to "
-                        "PC %s\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->pcState());
-                fs_req->done();
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: NPC not valid\n", tid);
-                fs_req->done(false);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      case UpdateTargetPC:
-        {
-            assert(!inst->isCondDelaySlot()  &&
-                   "Not Handling Conditional Delay Slot");
-            if (inst->isControl()) {
-                if (inst->isReturn() && !inst->predTaken()) {
-                    // If it's a return, then we must wait for resolved address.
-                    // The Predictor will mark a return a false as "not taken"
-                    // if there is no RAS entry
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%d]: Setting block signal "
-                            "for stage %i.\n",
-                            tid, stage_num);
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->
-                        toPrevStages->stageBlock[stage_num][tid] = true;
-                    pcValid[tid] = false;
-                    pcBlockStage[tid] = stage_num;
-                } else if (inst->predTaken()) {
-                    // Taken Control
-                    inst->setSquashInfo(stage_num);
-                    setupSquash(inst, stage_num, tid);
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i] Setting up squash to "
-                            "start from stage %i, after [sn:%i].\n",
-                            tid, stage_num, inst->squashSeqNum);
-                }
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Ignoring branch "
-                        "target update since then is not a control "
-                        "instruction.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-            }
-            fs_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-FetchSeqUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int squash_stage,
-                     InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Updating due to squash from %s (%s) "
-            "stage %i.\n", tid, inst->instName(), inst->pcState(),
-            squash_stage);
-    if (lastSquashCycle[tid] == curTick() &&
-        squashSeqNum[tid] <= squash_seq_num) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Ignoring squash from stage %i, "
-                "since there is an outstanding squash that is older.\n",
-                tid, squash_stage);
-    } else {
-        squashSeqNum[tid] = squash_seq_num;
-        lastSquashCycle[tid] = curTick();
-        if (inst->staticInst) {
-            if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-                // A Trap Caused This Fault and will update the pc state
-                // when done trapping
-                DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i] Blocking due to fault @ "
-                        "[sn:%i].%s %s \n", tid, inst->seqNum,
-                        inst->instName(), inst->pcState());
-                pcValid[tid] = false;
-            } else {
-                TheISA::PCState nextPC;
-                assert(inst->staticInst);
-                if (inst->isControl()) {
-                    nextPC = inst->readPredTarg();
-                    // If we are already fetching this PC then advance to next PC
-                    // =======
-                    // This should handle ISAs w/delay slots and annulled delay
-                    // slots to figure out which is the next PC to fetch after
-                    // a mispredict
-                    DynInstPtr bdelay_inst = NULL;
-                    ListIt bdelay_it;
-                    if (inst->onInstList) {
-                        bdelay_it = inst->getInstListIt();
-                        bdelay_it++;
-                    } else {
-                        InstSeqNum branch_delay_num = inst->seqNum + 1;
-                        bdelay_it = cpu->findInst(branch_delay_num, tid);
-                    }
-                    if (bdelay_it != cpu->instList[tid].end()) {
-                        bdelay_inst = (*bdelay_it);
-                    }
-                    if (bdelay_inst) {
-                        if (bdelay_inst->pc.instAddr() == nextPC.instAddr()) {
-                            bdelay_inst->pc = nextPC;
-                            advancePC(nextPC, inst->staticInst);
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "Advanced PC to %s\n", nextPC);
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    nextPC = inst->pcState();
-                    advancePC(nextPC, inst->staticInst);
-                }
-                DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Setting PC to %s.\n",
-                        tid, nextPC);
-                pc[tid] = nextPC;
-                // Unblock Any Stages Waiting for this information to be updated ...
-                if (!pcValid[tid]) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%d]: Setting unblock signal "
-                            "for stage %i.\n",
-                            tid, pcBlockStage[tid]);
-                    // Need to use "fromNextStages" instead of "toPrevStages"
-                    // because the timebuffer will have already have advanced
-                    // in the tick function and this squash function will happen after
-                    // the tick
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[pcBlockStage[tid]]->
-                        fromNextStages->stageUnblock[pcBlockStage[tid]][tid] = true;
-                }
-                pcValid[tid] = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    Resource::squash(inst, squash_stage, squash_seq_num, tid);
-    : ResourceEvent()
-{ }
-    FetchSeqUnit* fs_res = dynamic_cast<FetchSeqUnit*>(resource);
-    assert(fs_res);
-    for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
-        fs_res->pc[i] = fs_res->cpu->pcState(i);
-        DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Setting PC: %s.\n",
-                fs_res->pc[i]);
-        fs_res->pcValid[i] = true;
-    }
-FetchSeqUnit::activateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    pcValid[tid] = true;
-    pc[tid] = cpu->pcState(tid);
-    cpu->fetchPriorityList.push_back(tid);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Reading PC: %s.\n",
-            tid, pc[tid]);
-FetchSeqUnit::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid)
-    pcValid[tid] = false;
-    pcBlockStage[tid] = 0;
-    squashSeqNum[tid] = (InstSeqNum)-1;
-    lastSquashCycle[tid] = 0;
-    list<ThreadID>::iterator thread_it = find(cpu->fetchPriorityList.begin(),
-                                              cpu->fetchPriorityList.end(),
-                                              tid);
-    if (thread_it != cpu->fetchPriorityList.end())
-        cpu->fetchPriorityList.erase(thread_it);
-FetchSeqUnit::suspendThread(ThreadID tid)
-    deactivateThread(tid);    
-FetchSeqUnit::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst)
-    pcValid[tid] = true;
-    pc[tid] = cpu->pcState(tid);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Trap updating to PC: "
-            "%s.\n", tid, pc[tid]);
-FetchSeqUnit::updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid)
-    pcValid[tid] = true;
-    if (cpu->thread[tid]->lastGradIsBranch) {
-        /** This function assumes that the instruction causing the context
-         *  switch was right after the branch. Thus, if it's not, then
-         *  we are updating incorrectly here
-         */
-        assert(cpu->nextInstAddr(tid) == inst->instAddr());
-        pc[tid] = cpu->thread[tid]->lastBranchPC;
-    } else {
-        pc[tid] = inst->pcState();
-    }
-    assert(inst->staticInst);
-    advancePC(pc[tid], inst->staticInst);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Updating PCs due to Context Switch."
-            "Assigning  PC: %s.\n", tid, pc[tid]);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a8db85b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class FetchSeqUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    typedef std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator ListIt;
-    enum Command {
-        AssignNextPC,
-        UpdateTargetPC
-    };
-  public:
-    FetchSeqUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                 Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                 ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    ~FetchSeqUnit();
-    void init();
-    void activateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    void deactivateThread(ThreadID tid);
-    void suspendThread(ThreadID tid);
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Update to correct PC from a squash */
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int squash_stage,
-                InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Update to correct PC from a trap */
-    void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst);
-  protected:
-    unsigned instSize;
-    bool pcValid[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    int pcBlockStage[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    TheISA::PCState pc[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Squash Seq. Nums*/
-    InstSeqNum squashSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** Squash Seq. Nums*/
-    Tick lastSquashCycle[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** @todo: Add Resource Stats Here */
-  public:
-    class FetchSeqEvent : public ResourceEvent {
-      public:
-        /** Constructs a resource event. */
-        FetchSeqEvent();
-        ~FetchSeqEvent() {}
-        /** Processes a resource event. */
-        void process();
-    };
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 13864e5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "arch/locked_mem.hh"
-#include "arch/utility.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "debug/Activity.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderCachePort.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "debug/RefCount.hh"
-#include "debug/ThreadModel.hh"
-#include "mem/request.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-FetchUnit::FetchUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                     Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                     ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : CacheUnit(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu, params),
-      instSize(sizeof(TheISA::MachInst)), fetchBuffSize(params->fetchBuffSize)
-    for (int tid = 0; tid < MaxThreads; tid++)
-        decoder[tid] = new Decoder;
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = fetchBuffer.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator end_it = fetchBuffer.end();
-    while (fetch_it != end_it) {
-        delete (*fetch_it)->block;
-        delete *fetch_it;
-        fetch_it++;
-    }
-    fetchBuffer.clear();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator pend_it = pendingFetch.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator pend_end = pendingFetch.end();
-    while (pend_it != pend_end) {
-        if ((*pend_it)->block) {
-            delete (*pend_it)->block;
-        }
-        delete *pend_it;
-        pend_it++;
-    }
-    pendingFetch.clear();
-FetchUnit::createMachInst(std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it,
-                          DynInstPtr inst)
-    Addr block_addr = cacheBlockAlign(inst->getMemAddr());
-    Addr fetch_addr = inst->getMemAddr();
-    unsigned fetch_offset = (fetch_addr - block_addr) / instSize;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    TheISA::PCState instPC = inst->pcState();
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Creating instruction [sn:%i] w/fetch data @"
-            "addr:%08p block:%08p\n", inst->seqNum, fetch_addr, block_addr);
-    assert((*fetch_it)->valid);
-    TheISA::MachInst *fetchInsts =
-        reinterpret_cast<TheISA::MachInst *>((*fetch_it)->block);
-    MachInst mach_inst =
-        TheISA::gtoh(fetchInsts[fetch_offset]);
-    decoder[tid]->moreBytes(instPC, inst->instAddr(), mach_inst);
-    assert(decoder[tid]->instReady());
-    inst->setStaticInst(decoder[tid]->decode(instPC));
-    inst->pcState(instPC);
-FetchUnit::removeAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst)
-    inst->unsetMemAddr();
-FetchUnit::getRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx,
-                     int slot_num, unsigned cmd)
-    ScheduleEntry* sched_entry = *inst->curSkedEntry;
-    CacheRequest* cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheRequest*>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    if (!inst->validMemAddr()) {
-        panic("Mem. Addr. must be set before requesting cache access\n");
-    }
-    assert(sched_entry->cmd == InitiateFetch);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%i]: Fetch request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n",
-            inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr());
-    cache_req->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num,
-                          sched_entry->cmd, MemCmd::ReadReq,
-                          inst->curSkedEntry->idx);
-    return cache_req;
-FetchUnit::setupMemRequest(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req,
-                           int acc_size, int flags)
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    Addr aligned_addr = cacheBlockAlign(inst->getMemAddr());
-    if (cache_req->memReq == NULL) {
-        cache_req->memReq =
-            new Request(tid, aligned_addr, acc_size, flags,
-                        cpu->instMasterId(), inst->instAddr(), cpu->readCpuId(),
-                        tid);
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Created memReq @%x, ->%x\n",
-                inst->seqNum, &cache_req->memReq, cache_req->memReq);
-    }
-FetchUnit::findBlock(std::list<FetchBlock*> &fetch_blocks, int asid,
-                     Addr block_addr)
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = fetch_blocks.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator end_it = fetch_blocks.end();
-    while (fetch_it != end_it) {
-        if ((*fetch_it)->asid == asid &&
-            (*fetch_it)->addr == block_addr) {
-            return fetch_it;
-        }
-        fetch_it++;
-    }
-    return fetch_it;
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = fetchBuffer.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator end_it = fetchBuffer.end();
-    while (fetch_it != end_it) {
-        if ((*fetch_it)->cnt == 0) {
-            return fetch_it;
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Block %08p has %i insts pending.\n",
-                    (*fetch_it)->addr, (*fetch_it)->cnt);
-        }
-        fetch_it++;
-    }
-    return fetch_it;
-FetchUnit::markBlockUsed(std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator block_it)
-    // Move block from whatever location it is in fetch buffer
-    // to the back (represents most-recently-used location)
-    if (block_it != fetchBuffer.end()) {
-        FetchBlock *mru_blk = *block_it;
-        fetchBuffer.erase(block_it);
-        fetchBuffer.push_back(mru_blk);
-    }
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = fetchBuffer.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator end_it = fetchBuffer.end();
-    int cnt = 0;
-    while (fetch_it != end_it) {
-        if ((*fetch_it)->cnt > 0)
-            cnt++;
-        fetch_it++;
-    }
-    return cnt;
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = fetchBuffer.begin();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator end_it = fetchBuffer.end();
-    while (fetch_it != end_it) {
-        if ((*fetch_it)->block) {
-            delete [] (*fetch_it)->block;
-        }
-        delete *fetch_it;
-        fetch_it++;
-    }
-    fetchBuffer.clear();
-FetchUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    assert(cache_req);
-    if (cachePortBlocked && cache_req->cmd == InitiateFetch) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Cache Port Blocked. Cannot Access\n");
-        cache_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    }
-    DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    Addr block_addr = cacheBlockAlign(inst->getMemAddr());
-    int asid = cpu->asid[tid];
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                cacheBlockAlign(inst->getMemAddr()));
-        finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (cache_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case InitiateFetch:
-        {
-            // Check to see if we've already got this request buffered
-            // or pending to be buffered
-            bool do_fetch = true;
-            int total_pending = pendingFetch.size() + blocksInUse();
-            std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator pending_it;
-            pending_it = findBlock(pendingFetch, asid, block_addr);
-            if (pending_it != pendingFetch.end()) {
-                (*pending_it)->cnt++;
-                do_fetch = false;
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%08p is a pending fetch block "
-                        "(pending:%i).\n", block_addr,
-                        (*pending_it)->cnt);
-            } else if (total_pending < fetchBuffSize) {
-                std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator buff_it;
-                buff_it = findBlock(fetchBuffer, asid, block_addr);
-                if (buff_it != fetchBuffer.end()) {
-                    (*buff_it)->cnt++;
-                    do_fetch = false;
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%08p is in fetch buffer "
-                            "(pending:%i).\n", block_addr, (*buff_it)->cnt);
-                }
-            }
-            if (!do_fetch) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Inst. [sn:%i] marked to be filled "
-                        "through fetch buffer.\n", inst->seqNum);
-                cache_req->fetchBufferFill = true;
-                cache_req->setCompleted(true);
-                return;
-            }
-            // Check to see if there is room in the fetchbuffer for this instruction.
-            // If not, block this request.
-            if (total_pending >= fetchBuffSize) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "No room available in fetch buffer.\n");
-                cache_req->done(false);
-                return;
-            }
-            doTLBAccess(inst, cache_req, cacheBlkSize, Request::INST_FETCH, TheISA::TLB::Execute);
-            if (inst->fault == NoFault) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                        "[tid:%u]: Initiating fetch access to %s for "
-                        "addr:%#x (block:%#x)\n", tid, name(),
-                        cache_req->inst->getMemAddr(), block_addr);
-                cache_req->reqData = new uint8_t[cacheBlkSize];
-                inst->setCurResSlot(slot_num);
-                doCacheAccess(inst);
-                if (cache_req->isMemAccPending()) {
-                    pendingFetch.push_back(new FetchBlock(asid, block_addr));
-                    // mark replacement block
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-      case CompleteFetch:
-        if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->getMemAddr());
-            finishCacheUnitReq(inst, cache_req);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (cache_req->fetchBufferFill) {
-            // Block request if it's depending on a previous fetch, but it hasnt made it yet
-            std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it = findBlock(fetchBuffer, asid, block_addr);
-            if (fetch_it == fetchBuffer.end()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%#x not available yet\n",
-                        block_addr);
-                cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-                return;
-            }
-            // Make New Instruction
-            createMachInst(fetch_it, inst);
-            if (inst->traceData) {
-                inst->traceData->setStaticInst(inst->staticInst);
-                inst->traceData->setPC(inst->pcState());
-            }
-            // FetchBuffer Book-Keeping
-            (*fetch_it)->cnt--;
-            assert((*fetch_it)->cnt >= 0);
-            markBlockUsed(fetch_it);
-            cache_req->done();
-            return;
-        }
-        if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete()) {
-            if (fetchBuffer.size() >= fetchBuffSize) {
-                // If there is no replacement block, then we'll just have
-                // to wait till that gets cleared before satisfying the fetch
-                // for this instruction
-                std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator repl_it  =
-                    findReplacementBlock();
-                if (repl_it == fetchBuffer.end()) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Unable to find replacement block"
-                            " and complete fetch.\n");
-                    cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-                    return;
-                }
-                delete [] (*repl_it)->block;
-                delete *repl_it;
-                fetchBuffer.erase(repl_it);
-            }
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                    "[tid:%i]: Completing Fetch Access for [sn:%i]\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum);
-            // Make New Instruction
-            std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it  =
-                findBlock(pendingFetch, asid, block_addr);
-            assert(fetch_it != pendingFetch.end());
-            assert((*fetch_it)->valid);
-            createMachInst(fetch_it, inst);
-            if (inst->traceData) {
-                inst->traceData->setStaticInst(inst->staticInst);
-                inst->traceData->setPC(inst->pcState());
-            }
-            // Update instructions waiting on new fetch block
-            FetchBlock *new_block = (*fetch_it);
-            new_block->cnt--;
-            assert(new_block->cnt >= 0);
-            // Finally, update FetchBuffer w/Pending Block into the
-            // MRU location
-            pendingFetch.erase(fetch_it);
-            fetchBuffer.push_back(new_block);
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: Instruction [sn:%i] is: %s\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum,
-                    inst->staticInst->disassemble(inst->instAddr()));
-            inst->unsetMemAddr();
-            cache_req->done();
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-                     "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Unable to Complete Fetch Access\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum);
-            DPRINTF(InOrderStall,
-                    "STALL: [tid:%i]: Fetch miss from %08p\n",
-                    tid, cache_req->inst->instAddr());
-            cache_req->setCompleted(false);
-            // NOTE: For SwitchOnCacheMiss ThreadModel, we *don't* switch on
-            //       fetch miss, but we could ...
-            // cache_req->setMemStall(true);
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-FetchUnit::processCacheCompletion(PacketPtr pkt)
-    // Cast to correct packet type
-    // @todo: use pkt Sender state here to be consistent with other
-    // cpu models
-    CacheReqPacket* cache_pkt = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPacket*>(pkt);
-    assert(cache_pkt);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Finished request for %x\n",
-            cache_pkt->getAddr());
-    if (processSquash(cache_pkt))
-        return;
-    Addr block_addr = cacheBlockAlign(cache_pkt->cacheReq->
-                                      getInst()->getMemAddr());
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Waking from fetch access to addr:%#x(phys:%#x), size:%i\n",
-            cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(),
-            cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum,
-            block_addr, cache_pkt->getAddr(), cache_pkt->getSize());
-    // Cast to correct request type
-    CacheRequest *cache_req = dynamic_cast<CacheReqPtr>(
-        findRequest(cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst(), cache_pkt->instIdx));
-    if (!cache_req) {
-        panic("[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Can't find slot for fetch access to "
-              "addr. %08p\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(),
-              cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum,
-              block_addr);
-    }
-    // Get resource request info
-    unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum();
-    DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = cache_req->inst->readTid();
-    short asid = cpu->asid[tid];
-    assert(!cache_req->isSquashed());
-    assert(inst->curSkedEntry->cmd == CompleteFetch);
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort,
-            "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Processing fetch access for block %#x\n",
-            tid, inst->seqNum, block_addr);
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator pend_it = findBlock(pendingFetch, asid,
-                                                         block_addr);
-    assert(pend_it != pendingFetch.end());
-    // Copy Data to pendingFetch queue...
-    (*pend_it)->block = new uint8_t[cacheBlkSize];
-    memcpy((*pend_it)->block, cache_pkt->getConstPtr<uint8_t>(), cacheBlkSize);
-    (*pend_it)->valid = true;
-    cache_req->setMemAccPending(false);
-    cache_req->setMemAccCompleted();
-    if (cache_req->isMemStall() &&
-        cpu->threadModel == InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u] Waking up from Cache Miss.\n",
-                tid);
-        cpu->activateContext(tid);
-        DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "Activating [tid:%i] after return from cache"
-                "miss.\n", tid);
-    }
-    // Wake up the CPU (if it went to sleep and was waiting on this
-    // completion event).
-    cpu->wakeCPU();
-    DPRINTF(Activity, "[tid:%u] Activating %s due to cache completion\n",
-            tid, cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->name());
-    cpu->switchToActive(stage_num);
-FetchUnit::squashCacheRequest(CacheReqPtr req_ptr)
-    DynInstPtr inst = req_ptr->getInst();
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    Addr block_addr = cacheBlockAlign(inst->getMemAddr());
-    int asid = cpu->asid[tid];
-    // Check Fetch Buffer (or pending fetch) for this block and
-    // update pending counts
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator buff_it = findBlock(fetchBuffer,
-                                                         asid,
-                                                         block_addr);
-    if (buff_it != fetchBuffer.end()) {
-        (*buff_it)->cnt--;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Removing Pending Access "
-                "for Fetch Buffer block %08p (cnt=%i)\n", inst->seqNum,
-                block_addr, (*buff_it)->cnt);
-        assert((*buff_it)->cnt >= 0);
-    } else {
-        std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator block_it = findBlock(pendingFetch,
-                                                              asid,
-                                                              block_addr);
-        if (block_it != pendingFetch.end()) {
-            (*block_it)->cnt--;
-            DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Removing Pending Access "
-                    "for Pending Buffer Block %08p (cnt=%i)\n",
-                    inst->seqNum,
-                    block_addr, (*block_it)->cnt);
-            assert((*block_it)->cnt >= 0);
-            if ((*block_it)->cnt == 0) {
-                if ((*block_it)->block) {
-                    delete [] (*block_it)->block;
-                }
-                delete *block_it;
-                pendingFetch.erase(block_it);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    CacheUnit::squashCacheRequest(req_ptr);
-FetchUnit::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst)
-    //@todo: per thread?
-    decoder[tid]->reset();
-    //@todo: squash using dummy inst seq num
-    squash(NULL, NumStages - 1, 0, tid);
-    //@todo: make sure no blocks are in use
-    assert(blocksInUse() == 0);
-    assert(pendingFetch.size() == 0);
-    //@todo: clear pendingFetch and fetchBuffer
-    clearFetchBuffer();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d727210..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/decoder.hh"
-#include "arch/tlb.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "mem/packet.hh"
-#include "mem/packet_access.hh"
-#include "mem/port.hh"
-#include "params/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
-class FetchUnit : public CacheUnit
-  public:
-    FetchUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-              Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-              ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    virtual ~FetchUnit();
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    typedef TheISA::ExtMachInst ExtMachInst;
-    struct FetchBlock {
-        int asid;
-        Addr addr;
-        uint8_t *block;
-        short cnt;
-        bool valid;
-        FetchBlock(int _asid, Addr _addr)
-            : asid(_asid), addr(_addr), block(NULL), cnt(1), valid(false)
-        { }
-    };
-    /** Actions that this resource can take on an instruction */
-    enum Command {
-        InitiateFetch,
-        CompleteFetch
-    };
-    ResourceRequest* getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                                int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                                unsigned cmd);
-    /** Executes one of the commands from the "Command" enum */
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr inst);
-    TheISA::Decoder *decoder[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-  private:
-    void squashCacheRequest(CacheReqPtr req_ptr);
-    void createMachInst(std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator fetch_it,
-                        DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** After memory request is completed, then turn the fetched data
-        into an instruction.
-    */
-    void processCacheCompletion(PacketPtr pkt);
-    /** Create request that will interface w/TLB and Memory objects */
-    virtual void setupMemRequest(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req,
-                                 int acc_size, int flags);
-    /** Align a PC to the start of an I-cache block. */
-    Addr cacheBlockAlignPC(Addr addr)
-    {
-        return (addr & ~(cacheBlkMask));
-    }
-    void removeAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst);
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator findReplacementBlock();
-    std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator findBlock(std::list<FetchBlock*>
-                                               &fetch_blocks, int asid,
-                                               Addr block_addr);
-    void markBlockUsed(std::list<FetchBlock*>::iterator block_it);
-    int blocksInUse();
-    void clearFetchBuffer();
-    int instSize;
-    int fetchBuffSize;
-    /** Valid Cache Blocks*/
-    std::list<FetchBlock*> fetchBuffer;
-    /** Cache lines that are pending */
-    std::list<FetchBlock*> pendingFetch;
-#endif //__CPU_FETCH_UNIT_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ea63527..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderGraduation.hh"
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-GraduationUnit::GraduationUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                               Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                               ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; tid++) {
-        nonSpecInstActive[tid] = &cpu->nonSpecInstActive[tid];
-        nonSpecSeqNum[tid] = &cpu->nonSpecSeqNum[tid];
-        lastNonSpecTick[tid] = 0;
-        lastFaultTick[tid] = 0;
-    }
-GraduationUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* grad_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    int stage_num = inst->curSkedEntry->stageNum;
-    Tick cur_tick = curTick();
-    //@todo: not the common case, anyway we can move this
-    //       check to the stage and just ignore instructions
-    //       after?
-    if (lastNonSpecTick[tid] == cur_tick) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation, "Unable to graduate [sn:%i]. "
-                "Only 1 nonspec inst. per cycle can graduate.\n");
-        grad_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    }
-    //@todo: use trap Pending
-    if (cpu->trapPending[tid]) {
-        //if (lastFaultTick[tid] == cur_tick) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation, "Unable to graduate [sn:%i]. "
-                "Only 1 fault can be handled per tick.\n");
-        grad_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (grad_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case CheckFault:
-        {
-            // Handle Any Faults Before Graduating Instruction
-            if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: fault %s found for %s\n",
-                        tid, inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                        inst->instName());
-                squashThenTrap(stage_num, inst);
-                lastFaultTick[tid] = cur_tick;
-                grad_req->done(false);
-                return;
-            }
-            DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i]: No fault found for %s\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum, inst->instName());
-            grad_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      case GraduateInst:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation,
-                    "[tid:%i]:[sn:%i]: Graduating instruction %s.\n",
-                    tid, inst->seqNum, inst->staticInst->disassemble(inst->instAddr()));
-            // Release Non-Speculative "Block" on instructions that could not
-            // execute because there was a non-speculative inst. active.
-            // @TODO: Fix this functionality. Probably too conservative.
-            //        Maybe it should be, non-spec. insts should block other
-            //        non-spec insts because they can potentially be reading
-            //        system state that will be changed by the 1st non-spec inst.
-            if (inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-                *nonSpecInstActive[tid] = false;
-                DPRINTF(InOrderGraduation,
-                        "[tid:%i] Non-speculative inst [sn:%i] graduated\n",
-                        tid, inst->seqNum);
-                lastNonSpecTick[tid] = cur_tick;
-            }
-            if (inst->traceData) {
-                inst->traceData->setStageCycle(stage_num, cur_tick);
-            }
-            // Tell CPU that instruction is finished processing
-            cpu->instDone(inst, tid);
-            grad_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 69d3322..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class GraduationUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    enum Command {
-        CheckFault,
-        GraduateInst
-    };
-  public:
-    GraduationUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                   Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                   ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-  protected:
-    Tick lastNonSpecTick[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    Tick lastFaultTick[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    bool *nonSpecInstActive[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    InstSeqNum *nonSpecSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1901105..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderInstBuffer.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-InstBuffer::InstBuffer(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                       Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                       ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-{ }
-    instsBypassed
-        .name(name() + ".instsBypassed")
-        .desc("Number of Instructions Bypassed.")
-        .prereq(instsBypassed);    
-    Resource::regStats();
-InstBuffer::execute(int slot_idx)
-    ResReqPtr ib_req = reqs[slot_idx];
-    DynInstPtr inst = ib_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    int stage_num = ib_req->getStageNum();
-    switch (ib_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case ScheduleOrBypass:
-        {
-            int next_stage = stage_num + 1;
-            int bypass_stage = stage_num + 2;
-            bool do_bypass = true;
-            if (!instList.empty()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i "
-                        "because buffer isn't empty.\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, next_stage);
-                do_bypass = false;
-            } else if(cpu->pipelineStage[bypass_stage]->isBlocked(tid)) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i "
-                        "because stage %i is blocking.\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, next_stage);
-                do_bypass = false;
-            } else if(cpu->pipelineStage[bypass_stage]->
-                      stageBufferAvail() <= 0) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i "
-                        "because there is no room in stage %i incoming stage "
-                        "buffer.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage);
-                do_bypass = false;
-            }
-            if (!do_bypass) { // SCHEDULE USAGE OF BUFFER
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Scheduling [sn:%i] for buffer "
-                        "insertion in stage %i\n",
-                        inst->seqNum, next_stage);
-                // Add to schedule: Insert into buffer in next stage
-                int stage_pri = 20;
-                RSkedPtr insert_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ?
-                    inst->backSked : inst->frontSked;
-                insert_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(next_stage,
-                                                      stage_pri,
-                                                      id,
-                                                      InstBuffer::InsertInst));
-                // Add to schedule: Remove from buffer in next next (bypass)
-                // stage
-                stage_pri = 20;
-                RSkedPtr bypass_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ?
-                    inst->backSked : inst->frontSked;
-               bypass_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(bypass_stage,
-                                                      stage_pri,
-                                                      id,
-                                                      InstBuffer::RemoveInst));
-            } else {         // BYPASS BUFFER & NEXT STAGE
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Setting [sn:%i] to bypass stage "
-                        "%i and enter stage %i.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage,
-                        bypass_stage);
-                inst->setNextStage(bypass_stage);
-                instsBypassed++;
-            }
-            ib_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      case InsertInst:
-        {
-            bool inserted = false;
-            if (instList.size() < width) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Inserting [sn:%i] into "
-                        "buffer.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                insert(inst);
-                inserted = true;
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Denying [sn:%i] request "
-                        "because buffer is full.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-                std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = instList.begin();
-                std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end = instList.end();
-                while (list_it != list_end) {
-                    DPRINTF(Resource,"Serving [tid:%i] [sn:%i].\n",
-                            (*list_it)->readTid(), (*list_it)->seqNum);
-                    list_it++;
-                }
-            }
-            ib_req->done(inserted);
-        }
-        break;
-      case RemoveInst:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Removing [sn:%i] from "
-                    "buffer.\n", tid, inst->seqNum);
-            remove(inst);
-            ib_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Buffer now contains %i insts.\n",
-            instList.size());
-InstBuffer::insert(DynInstPtr inst)
-    instList.push_back(inst);
-InstBuffer::remove(DynInstPtr inst)
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = instList.begin();
-    std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end = instList.end();
-    while (list_it != list_end) {
-        if((*list_it) == inst) {
-            instList.erase(list_it);
-            break;
-        }
-        list_it++;
-    }
-InstBuffer::pop(ThreadID tid)
-    instList.pop_front();
-InstBuffer::top(ThreadID tid)
-    return instList.front();
-InstBuffer::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                   InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    queue<list<DynInstPtr>::iterator> remove_list;
-    list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_it = instList.begin();
-    list<DynInstPtr>::iterator list_end = instList.end();
-    // Collect All Instructions to be Removed in Remove List
-    while (list_it != list_end) {
-        if((*list_it)->readTid() == tid &&
-           (*list_it)->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-            (*list_it)->setSquashed();
-            remove_list.push(list_it);
-        }
-        list_it++;
-    }
-    // Removed Instructions from InstList & Clear Remove List
-    while (!remove_list.empty()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Removing squashed [sn:%i] from "
-                "buffer.\n", tid, (*remove_list.front())->seqNum);
-        instList.erase(remove_list.front());
-        remove_list.pop();
-    }
-    Resource::squash(inst, stage_num, squash_seq_num, tid);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 78ef900..0000000
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@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class InstBuffer : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    enum Command {
-        InsertInst,
-        InsertAddr,
-        RemoveInst,
-        RemoveAddr,
-        ScheduleOrBypass
-    };
-  public:
-    InstBuffer(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-               Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-               ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    void regStats();
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void insert(DynInstPtr inst);
-    void remove(DynInstPtr inst);
-    void pop(ThreadID tid);
-    DynInstPtr top(ThreadID tid);
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                        InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid);
-  protected:
-    /** List of instructions this resource is currently
-     *  processing.
-     */
-    std::list<DynInstPtr> instList;
-  public:
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    //
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /** Number of Instruction Requests the Resource Processes */
-    Stats::Scalar instsBypassed;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mem_dep_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mem_dep_unit.hh
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index 4e512de..0000000
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-class MemDepUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    MemDepUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-               Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu);
-    virtual ~MemDepUnit() {}
-    virtual void execute(int slot_num);
-  protected:
-    Tick lastCycleGrad;
-    int numCycleGrad;
-   bool *nonSpecInstActive[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    InstSeqNum *nonSpecSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    /** @todo: Add Resource Stats Here */
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5a4d4bb..0000000
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@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh"
-#include "cpu/op_class.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderMDU.hh"
-#include "debug/Resource.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-MultDivUnit::MultDivUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                         Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                         ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu),
-      multRepeatRate(params->multRepeatRate),
-      multLatency(params->multLatency),
-      div8RepeatRate(params->div8RepeatRate),
-      div8Latency(params->div8Latency),
-      div16RepeatRate(params->div16RepeatRate),
-      div16Latency(params->div16Latency),
-      div24RepeatRate(params->div24RepeatRate),
-      div24Latency(params->div24Latency),
-      div32RepeatRate(params->div32RepeatRate),
-      div32Latency(params->div32Latency),
-      lastMDUCycle(0), lastOpType(No_OpClass)
-{ }
-    multiplies
-        .name(name() + ".multiplies")
-        .desc("Number of Multipy Operations Executed");
-    divides
-        .name(name() + ".divides")
-        .desc("Number of Divide Operations Executed");
-    Resource::regStats();
-    // Set Up Resource Events to Appropriate Resource BandWidth
-    resourceEvent = new MDUEvent[width];
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        reqs[i] = new ResourceRequest(this);
-    }
-    initSlots();
-//@TODO: Should we push this behavior into base-class to generically
-//       accomodate all multicyle resources?
-MultDivUnit::requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &service_request)
-    ResReqPtr mult_div_req = findRequest(inst);
-    assert(mult_div_req);
-    service_request = true;
-    // Check to see if this instruction is requesting the same command
-    // or a different one
-    if (mult_div_req->cmd != inst->curSkedEntry->cmd) {
-        // If different, then update command in the request
-        mult_div_req->cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd;
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Updating the command for this "
-                "instruction\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-    } else {
-        // If same command, just check to see if access was completed
-        // but dont try to re-execute
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: requesting this resource again\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum);
-    }
-MultDivUnit::getSlot(DynInstPtr inst)
-    // If MDU already has instruction, return current slot.
-    int slot_num = findSlot(inst);
-    // If we have this instruction's request already then return
-    if (slot_num != -1 &&         
-        inst->curSkedEntry->cmd == reqs[slot_num]->cmd)
-        return slot_num;
-    unsigned repeat_rate = 0;
-    /** Enforce MDU dependencies after a multiply is seen last */
-    if (lastOpType == IntMultOp) {
-        repeat_rate = multRepeatRate;
-    }
-    /** Enforce dependencies after a divide is seen last */
-    if (lastOpType == IntDivOp) {
-        switch (lastDivSize) {
-          case 8:
-            repeat_rate = div8RepeatRate;
-            break;
-          case 16:
-            repeat_rate = div16RepeatRate;
-            break;
-          case 24:
-            repeat_rate = div24RepeatRate;
-            break;
-          case 32:
-            repeat_rate = div32RepeatRate;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (lastMDUCycle + repeat_rate > curTick()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "MDU not ready to process another inst. until %i, "
-                "denying request.\n", lastMDUCycle + repeat_rate);
-        return -1;
-    } else {
-        int rval = Resource::getSlot(inst);
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "MDU request should pass: %i.\n",
-                rval);
-        if (rval != -1) {            
-            lastMDUCycle = curTick();
-            lastOpType = inst->opClass();
-            lastInstName = inst->staticInst->getName();
-        }
-        return rval;
-    }
-MultDivUnit::getDivOpSize(DynInstPtr inst)
-    // Get RT Register from instruction (index #1)
-    uint32_t div_op = inst->readIntSrc(1);
-    if (div_op <= 0xFF) {
-        return 8;
-    } else if (div_op <= 0xFFFF) {
-        return 16;
-    } else if (div_op <= 0xFFFFFF) {
-        return 24;
-    } else {
-        return 32;
-    }
-MultDivUnit::execute(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* mult_div_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        mult_div_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "Executing [sn:%i] ...\n", slot_num);
-    switch (mult_div_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case StartMultDiv:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "Start MDU called ...\n");
-            OpClass op_class = inst->opClass();
-            if (op_class == IntMultOp) {
-                scheduleEvent(slot_num, multLatency);
-            } else if (op_class == IntDivOp) {
-                int op_size = getDivOpSize(inst);
-                switch (op_size)
-                {
-                  case 8:
-                    scheduleEvent(slot_num, div8Latency);
-                    break;
-                  case 16:
-                    scheduleEvent(slot_num, div16Latency);
-                    break;
-                  case 24:
-                    scheduleEvent(slot_num, div24Latency);
-                    break;
-                  case 32:
-                    scheduleEvent(slot_num, div32Latency);
-                    break;
-                }
-                lastDivSize = op_size;
-            }
-            // Allow to pass through to next stage while
-            // event processes
-            mult_div_req->setProcessing();
-            mult_div_req->setCompleted();
-        }
-        break;
-      case MultDiv:
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "Execute MDU called ...\n");        
-        exeMulDiv(slot_num);        
-        mult_div_req->done();
-        break;
-      case EndMultDiv:
-        //@TODO: Why not allow high-latency requests to sleep
-        //      within stage until event wakes up????
-        //      Seems wasteful to continually check to see if
-        //      this is done when we have a event in parallel
-        //      counting down the time
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "End MDU called ...\n");    
-            if (!mult_div_req->isProcessing()) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "Mult/Div finished.\n");                    
-                mult_div_req->done();            
-            } else {                
-                mult_div_req->setCompleted(false);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-MultDivUnit::exeMulDiv(int slot_num)
-    ResourceRequest* mult_div_req = reqs[slot_num];
-    DynInstPtr inst = reqs[slot_num]->inst;
-    inst->fault = inst->execute();
-    if (inst->opClass() == IntMultOp) {
-        multiplies++;
-    } else if (inst->opClass() == IntDivOp) {
-        divides++;
-    }
-    if (inst->fault == NoFault) {
-        inst->setExecuted();
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "[tid:%i]: The result of execution is 0x%x.\n",
-                inst->readTid(), inst->readIntResult(0));
-    } else {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: had a %s "
-                "fault.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name());
-    }    
-    mult_div_req->setProcessing(false);
-    cpu->wakeCPU();
-MultDivUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num,
-                 ThreadID tid)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        ResReqPtr req_ptr = reqs[i];
-        DynInstPtr inst = req_ptr->getInst();
-        if (req_ptr->valid &&
-            inst->readTid() == tid &&
-            inst->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "[tid:%i]: Squashing [sn:%i].\n",
-                    req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(),
-                    req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-            req_ptr->setSquashed();
-            int req_slot_num = req_ptr->getSlot();
-            if (req_ptr->isProcessing())
-                DPRINTF(InOrderMDU, "[tid:%i]: Squashed [sn:%i], but "
-                        "waiting for MDU operation to complete.\n",
-                        req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(),
-                        req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-            else
-                freeSlot(req_slot_num);
-        }
-    }
-    : ResourceEvent()
-{ }
-    MultDivUnit* mdu_res = reinterpret_cast<MultDivUnit*>(resource);
-    mdu_res->exeMulDiv(slotIdx);
-    ResourceRequest* mult_div_req = resource->reqs[slotIdx];
-    if (mult_div_req->isSquashed())
-        mdu_res->freeSlot(slotIdx);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.hh
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index d855dbb..0000000
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@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/func_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/op_class.hh"
-class MDUEvent;
-class MultDivUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    enum Command {
-        StartMultDiv,
-        EndMultDiv,
-        MultDiv
-    };
-  public:
-    MultDivUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                ThePipeline::Params *params);
-  public:
-    /** Override default Resource getSlot(). Will only getSlot if
-     *  valid mult/div sequence is being maintained
-     */
-    int getSlot(DynInstPtr inst);
-    void init();
-    /** Get Operand Size For A Division Operation */
-    int getDivOpSize(DynInstPtr inst);
-    /** Override default Resource execute */
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void exeMulDiv(int slot_num);    
-    /** Register extra resource stats */
-    void regStats();
-    void requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &try_request);
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num,
-                ThreadID tid);
-  protected:
-    /** Latency & Repeat Rate for Multiply Insts */
-    unsigned multRepeatRate;
-    Cycles multLatency;
-    /** Latency & Repeat Rate for 8-bit Divide Insts */
-    unsigned div8RepeatRate;
-    Cycles div8Latency;
-    /** Latency & Repeat Rate for 16-bit Divide Insts */
-    unsigned div16RepeatRate;
-    Cycles div16Latency;
-    /** Latency & Repeat Rate for 24-bit Divide Insts */
-    unsigned div24RepeatRate;
-    Cycles div24Latency;
-    /** Latency & Repeat Rate for 32-bit Divide Insts */
-    unsigned div32RepeatRate;
-    Cycles div32Latency;
-    /** Last cycle that MDU was used */
-    Tick lastMDUCycle;
-    /** Last type of instruction MDU started processing */
-    OpClass lastOpType;
-    /** Last Division Operand of instruction MDU was processing */
-    uint32_t lastDivSize;
-    /** Last instruction name the MDU used */
-    std::string lastInstName;
-    /** Number of Multiplies */
-    Stats::Scalar multiplies;
-    /** Number of Divides */
-    Stats::Scalar divides;
-    MDUEvent *mduEvent;    
-class MDUEvent : public ResourceEvent
-  public:
-    MDUEvent();
-    ~MDUEvent() { }
-    void process();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/resource_list.hh
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/agen_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/branch_predictor.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/decode_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/execution_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/graduation_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/mult_div_unit.hh"
-// The TLBUnit is only needed with the 9-stage pipe and is
-// triggering a gcc LTO bug
-//#include "cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.hh"
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c2619f1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-TLBUnit::TLBUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                 Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                 ThePipeline::Params *params)
-: Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-    // Hard-Code Selection For Now
-    if (res_name == "I-TLB")
-        _tlb = params->itb;
-    else if (res_name == "D-TLB")
-        _tlb = params->dtb;
-    else
-        fatal("Unrecognized TLB name passed by user");
-    for (int i=0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
-        tlbBlocked[i] = false;
-    }
-    return _tlb;
-    resourceEvent = new TLBUnitEvent[width];
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        reqs[i] = new TLBUnitRequest(this);
-    }
-    initSlots();
-TLBUnit::getSlot(DynInstPtr inst)
-    if (tlbBlocked[inst->threadNumber]) {
-        return -1;
-    } else {
-        return Resource::getSlot(inst);
-    }
-TLBUnit::getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                            int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                            unsigned cmd)
-    TLBUnitRequest *tlb_req = dynamic_cast<TLBUnitRequest*>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    tlb_req->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num, cmd);
-    return ud_req;
-TLBUnit::execute(int slot_idx)
-    // After this is working, change this to a reinterpret cast
-    // for performance considerations
-    TLBUnitRequest* tlb_req = dynamic_cast<TLBUnitRequest*>(reqs[slot_idx]);
-    assert(tlb_req != 0x0);
-    DynInstPtr inst = tlb_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    InstSeqNum seq_num = inst->seqNum;
-    int stage_num = tlb_req->getStageNum();
-    tlb_req->fault = NoFault;
-    assert(cpu->thread[tid]->getTC() != 0x0);
-    assert(cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num] != 0x0);
-    switch (tlb_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case FetchLookup:
-        {
-            tlb_req->fault =
-                _tlb->translateAtomic(tlb_req->memReq,
-                                      cpu->thread[tid]->getTC(), TheISA::TLB::Execute);
-            if (tlb_req->fault != NoFault) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: %s encountered while translating "
-                        "addr:%08p for [sn:%i].\n", tid, tlb_req->fault->name(),
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getVaddr(), seq_num);
-                DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "slot:%i sn:%i schedule event.\n", slot_idx, seq_num);
-                cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->setResStall(tlb_req, tid);
-                tlbBlocked[tid] = true;
-                scheduleEvent(slot_idx, 1);
-                // @TODO: SHOULDNT BREAK EXECUTION at misspeculated PC Fault
-                // Let CPU handle the fault
-                cpu->trap(tlb_req->fault, tid);
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] virt. addr %08p translated "
-                        "to phys. addr:%08p.\n", tid, seq_num,
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getVaddr(),
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getPaddr());
-                tlb_req->done();
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      case DataReadLookup:
-      case DataWriteLookup:
-        {
-            DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Attempting to translate %08p.\n",
-                    tid, seq_num, tlb_req->memReq->getVaddr());
-            TheISA::TLB::Mode tlb_mode = (tlb_req->cmd == DataReadLookup) ?
-                TheISA::TLB::Read : TheISA::TLB::Write;
-            tlb_req->fault =
-                _tlb->translateAtomic(tlb_req->memReq,
-                                      cpu->thread[tid]->getTC(), tlb_mode);
-            if (tlb_req->fault != NoFault) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: %s encountered while translating "
-                        "addr:%08p for [sn:%i] %s.\n", tid, tlb_req->fault->name(),
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getVaddr(), seq_num, inst->instName());
-                if (inst->isDataPrefetch()) {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "Ignoring %s fault for data prefetch\n",
-                            tlb_req->fault->name());
-                    tlb_req->fault = NoFault;
-                    tlb_req->done();
-                } else {
-                    cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->setResStall(tlb_req, tid);
-                    tlbBlocked[tid] = true;
-                    scheduleEvent(slot_idx, 1);
-                    // Let CPU handle the fault
-                    cpu->trap(tlb_req->fault, tid, inst);
-                }
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] virt. addr %08p translated "
-                        "to phys. addr:%08p.\n", tid, seq_num,
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getVaddr(),
-                        tlb_req->memReq->getPaddr());
-                tlb_req->done();
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-    : ResourceEvent()
-{ }
-    DynInstPtr inst = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->inst;
-    int stage_num = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->getStageNum();
-    ThreadID tid = inst->threadNumber;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "Waking up from TLB Miss caused by [sn:%i].\n",
-            inst->seqNum);
-    TLBUnit* tlb_res = dynamic_cast<TLBUnit*>(resource);
-    assert(tlb_res);
-    tlb_res->tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-    tlb_res->cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->
-        unsetResStall(tlb_res->reqs[slotIdx], tid);
-TLBUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num,
-                   InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        ResReqPtr req_ptr = reqs[i];
-         if (req_ptr->valid &&
-             req_ptr->getInst()->readTid() == tid &&
-             req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum > squash_seq_num) {
-             DPRINTF(Resource, "[tid:%i]: Squashing [sn:%i].\n",
-                     req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(),
-                     req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum);
-             req_ptr->setSquashed();
-             int req_slot_num = req_ptr->getSlot();
-             tlbBlocked[tid] = false;
-             int stall_stage = reqs[req_slot_num]->getStageNum();
-             cpu->pipelineStage[stall_stage]->
-                 unsetResStall(reqs[req_slot_num], tid);
-             if (resourceEvent[req_slot_num].scheduled())
-                 unscheduleEvent(req_slot_num);
-             freeSlot(req_slot_num);
-         }
-     }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/tlb_unit.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 916f675..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-class TLBUnit : public Resource
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    enum TLBCommand {
-        FetchLookup,
-        DataReadLookup,
-        DataWriteLookup
-    };
-  public:
-    TLBUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-            Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-            ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    virtual ~TLBUnit() {}
-    void init();
-    int getSlot(DynInstPtr inst);
-    virtual ResourceRequest* getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                                        int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                                        unsigned cmd);
-    virtual void execute(int slot_num);
-    void squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num,
-                ThreadID tid);
-    bool tlbBlocked[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    TheISA::TLB* tlb();
-  protected:
-    /** List of instructions this resource is currently
-     *  processing.
-     */
-    std::list<DynInstPtr> instList;
-    TheISA::TLB *_tlb;
-class TLBUnitEvent : public ResourceEvent {
-  public:
-    /** Constructs a resource event. */
-    TLBUnitEvent();
-    virtual ~TLBUnitEvent() {}
-    /** Processes a resource event. */
-    virtual void process();
-class TLBUnitRequest : public ResourceRequest {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-  public:
-    TLBUnitRequest(TLBUnit *res)
-        : ResourceRequest(res), memReq(NULL)
-    {
-    }
-    RequestPtr memReq;
-    void setRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                    unsigned _cmd)
-    {
-        Addr aligned_addr;
-        int req_size;
-        unsigned flags;
-        if (_cmd == TLBUnit::FetchLookup) {
-            aligned_addr = inst->getMemAddr();
-            req_size = sizeof(TheISA::MachInst);
-            flags = 0;
-            inst->fetchMemReq = new Request(inst->readTid(), aligned_addr,
-                                            req_size, flags,
-                                            res->cpu->instMasterId(),
-                                            inst->instAddr(),
-                                            res->cpu->readCpuId(),
-                                            inst->readTid());
-            memReq = inst->fetchMemReq;
-        } else {
-            aligned_addr = inst->getMemAddr();;
-            req_size = 0; //inst->getMemAccSize();
-            flags = 0; //inst->getMemFlags();
-            if (req_size == 0 && (inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch())) {
-                req_size = 8;
-            }
-            inst->dataMemReq = new Request(inst->readTid(), aligned_addr,
-                                           req_size, flags,
-                                           res->cpu->dataMasterId(),
-                                           inst->instAddr(),
-                                           res->cpu->readCpuId(),
-                                           inst->readTid());
-            memReq = inst->dataMemReq;
-        }
-        ResourceRequest::setRequest(inst, stage_num, res_idx, slot_num, _cmd);
-    }
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5a871d0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderStall.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderUseDef.hh"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace TheISA;
-using namespace ThePipeline;
-UseDefUnit::UseDefUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-                       Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-                       ThePipeline::Params *params)
-    : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu)
-    for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; tid++) {
-        nonSpecInstActive[tid] = &cpu->nonSpecInstActive[tid];
-        nonSpecSeqNum[tid] = &cpu->nonSpecSeqNum[tid];
-        serializeOnNextInst[tid] =  false;
-        serializeAfterSeqNum[tid] = 0;
-        regDepMap[tid] = &cpu->archRegDepMap[tid];
-    }
-    uniqueRegsPerSwitch
-        .name(name() + ".uniqueRegsPerSwitch")
-        .desc("Number of Unique Registers Needed Per Context Switch")
-        .prereq(uniqueRegsPerSwitch);
-    intRegFileReads
-        .name(name() + ".intRegFileReads")
-        .desc("Number of Reads from Int. Register File");
-    intRegFileWrites
-        .name(name() + ".intRegFileWrites")
-        .desc("Number of Writes to Int. Register File");
-    intRegFileAccs
-        .name(name() + ".intRegFileAccesses")
-        .desc("Total Accesses (Read+Write) to the Int. Register File");
-    intRegFileAccs = intRegFileReads + intRegFileWrites;
-    floatRegFileReads
-        .name(name() + ".floatRegFileReads")
-        .desc("Number of Reads from FP Register File");
-    floatRegFileWrites
-        .name(name() + ".floatRegFileWrites")
-        .desc("Number of Writes to FP Register File");
-    floatRegFileAccs
-        .name(name() + ".floatRegFileAccesses")
-        .desc("Total Accesses (Read+Write) to the FP Register File");
-    floatRegFileAccs = floatRegFileReads + floatRegFileWrites;
-    //@todo: add miscreg reads/writes
-    //       add forwarding by type???
-    regForwards
-        .name(name() + ".regForwards")
-        .desc("Number of Registers Read Through Forwarding Logic");
-    Resource::regStats();
-    // Set Up Resource Events to Appropriate Resource BandWidth
-    if (latency > Cycles(0)) {
-        resourceEvent = new ResourceEvent[width];
-    } else {
-        resourceEvent = NULL;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        reqs[i] = new UseDefRequest(this);
-    }
-    initSlots();
-UseDefUnit::getRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx,
-                     int slot_num, unsigned cmd)
-    UseDefRequest *ud_req = dynamic_cast<UseDefRequest*>(reqs[slot_num]);
-    ud_req->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num, cmd,
-                       inst->curSkedEntry->idx);
-    return ud_req;
-UseDefUnit::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst)
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
-        UseDefRequest* ud_req =
-            dynamic_cast<UseDefRequest*>(reqs[i]);
-        assert(ud_req);
-        if (ud_req->valid &&
-            ud_req->getInst() == inst &&
-            ud_req->cmd == inst->curSkedEntry->cmd &&
-            ud_req->useDefIdx == inst->curSkedEntry->idx) {
-            return ud_req;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-UseDefUnit::execute(int slot_idx)
-    UseDefRequest* ud_req = dynamic_cast<UseDefRequest*>(reqs[slot_idx]);
-    DynInstPtr inst = ud_req->inst;
-    ThreadID tid = inst->readTid();
-    InstSeqNum seq_num = inst->seqNum;
-    int ud_idx = ud_req->useDefIdx;
-    if (serializeOnNextInst[tid] &&
-        seq_num > serializeAfterSeqNum[tid]) {
-        inst->setSerializeBefore();
-        serializeOnNextInst[tid] = false;
-    }
-    if ((inst->isIprAccess() || inst->isSerializeBefore()) &&
-        cpu->instList[tid].front() != inst) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Serialize before instruction encountered."
-                " Blocking until pipeline is clear.\n", tid, seq_num);
-        ud_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    } else if (inst->isStoreConditional() || inst->isSerializeAfter()) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Serialize after instruction encountered."
-                " Blocking until pipeline is clear.\n", tid, seq_num);
-        serializeOnNextInst[tid] = true;
-        serializeAfterSeqNum[tid] = seq_num;
-    }
-    if (inst->fault != NoFault) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef,
-                "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Detected %s fault @ %x. Forwarding to "
-                "next stage.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->fault->name(),
-                inst->pcState());
-        ud_req->done();
-        return;
-    }
-    // If there is a non-speculative instruction
-    // in the pipeline then stall instructions here
-    // ---
-    if (*nonSpecInstActive[tid] && seq_num > *nonSpecSeqNum[tid]) {
-        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] cannot execute because"
-                "there is non-speculative instruction [sn:%i] has not "
-                "graduated.\n", tid, seq_num, *nonSpecSeqNum[tid]);
-        ud_req->done(false);
-        return;
-    } else if (inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
-        *nonSpecInstActive[tid] = true;
-        *nonSpecSeqNum[tid] = seq_num;
-    }
-    switch (ud_req->cmd)
-    {
-      case ReadSrcReg:
-        {
-            RegClass reg_type;
-            RegIndex reg_idx = inst->_srcRegIdx[ud_idx];
-            RegIndex flat_idx = cpu->flattenRegIdx(reg_idx, reg_type, tid);
-            inst->flattenSrcReg(ud_idx, flat_idx);
-            if (flat_idx == TheISA::ZeroReg && reg_type == IntRegClass) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Ignoring Reading of ISA-ZeroReg "
-                        "(Int. Reg %i).\n", tid, inst->seqNum, flat_idx);
-                ud_req->done();
-                return;
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Attempting to read source "
-                        "register idx %i (reg #%i, flat#%i).\n",
-                        tid, seq_num, ud_idx, reg_idx, flat_idx);
-            }
-            if (regDepMap[tid]->canRead(reg_type, flat_idx, inst)) {
-                switch (reg_type)
-                {
-                  case IntRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueIntRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Reading Int Reg %i"
-                                " (%i) from Register File:0x%x.\n",
-                                tid, seq_num,
-                                reg_idx, flat_idx,
-                                cpu->readIntReg(flat_idx,inst->readTid()));
-                        inst->setIntSrc(ud_idx,
-                                        cpu->readIntReg(flat_idx,
-                                                        inst->readTid()));
-                        intRegFileReads++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  case FloatRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueFloatRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Reading Float Reg %i"
-                                " (%i) from Register File:%x (%08f).\n",
-                                tid, seq_num,
-                                reg_idx - FP_Reg_Base, flat_idx,
-                                cpu->readFloatRegBits(flat_idx,
-                                                      inst->readTid()),
-                                cpu->readFloatReg(flat_idx,
-                                                  inst->readTid()));
-                        inst->setFloatSrc(ud_idx,
-                                          cpu->readFloatReg(flat_idx,
-                                                            inst->readTid()));
-                        inst->setFloatRegBitsSrc(ud_idx,
-                                                 cpu->readFloatRegBits(flat_idx,
-                                                                       inst->readTid()));
-                        floatRegFileReads++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  case MiscRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueMiscRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Reading Misc Reg %i "
-                                " (%i) from Register File:0x%x.\n",
-                                tid, seq_num,
-                                reg_idx - Misc_Reg_Base, flat_idx,
-                                cpu->readMiscReg(flat_idx,
-                                inst->readTid()));
-                        inst->setIntSrc(ud_idx,
-                                        cpu->readMiscReg(flat_idx,
-                                                         inst->readTid()));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  default:
-                    panic("Invalid Register Type: %i", reg_type);
-                }
-                ud_req->done();
-            } else {
-                // Look for forwarding opportunities
-                DynInstPtr forward_inst = regDepMap[tid]->canForward(reg_type,
-                                                                     flat_idx,
-                                                                     inst);
-                if (forward_inst) {
-                    int dest_reg_idx =
-                        forward_inst->getDestIdxNum(flat_idx);
-                    switch (reg_type)
-                    {
-                      case IntRegClass:
-                        {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: Forwarding dest."
-                                    " reg %i (%i), value 0x%x from "
-                                    "[sn:%i] to [sn:%i] source #%x.\n",
-                                    tid, reg_idx, flat_idx,
-                                    forward_inst->readIntResult(dest_reg_idx),
-                                    forward_inst->seqNum, 
-                                    inst->seqNum, ud_idx);
-                            inst->setIntSrc(ud_idx, 
-                                            forward_inst->
-                                            readIntResult(dest_reg_idx));
-                        }
-                        break;
-                      case FloatRegClass:
-                        {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: Forwarding dest."
-                                    " reg %i (%i) value 0x%x from "
-                                    "[sn:%i] to [sn:%i] source #%i.\n",
-                                    tid, reg_idx - FP_Reg_Base, flat_idx,
-                                    forward_inst->readFloatResult(dest_reg_idx),
-                                    forward_inst->seqNum, inst->seqNum, ud_idx);
-                            inst->setFloatSrc(ud_idx,
-                                              forward_inst->
-                                              readFloatResult(dest_reg_idx));
-                        }
-                        break;
-                      case MiscRegClass:
-                        {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: Forwarding dest."
-                                    " reg %i (%i) value 0x%x from "
-                                    "[sn:%i] to [sn:%i] source #%i.\n",
-                                    tid, reg_idx - Misc_Reg_Base, flat_idx,
-                                    forward_inst->readIntResult(dest_reg_idx),
-                                    forward_inst->seqNum, 
-                                    inst->seqNum, ud_idx);
-                            inst->setIntSrc(ud_idx, 
-                                            forward_inst->
-                                            readIntResult(dest_reg_idx));
-                        }
-                        break;
-                      default:
-                        panic("Invalid Register Type: %i", reg_type);
-                    }
-                    regForwards++;
-                    ud_req->done();
-                } else {
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: Source register idx: %i "
-                            "is not ready to read.\n",
-                            tid, reg_idx);
-                    DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: waiting to read "
-                            "register (idx=%i)\n",
-                            tid, reg_idx);
-                    ud_req->done(false);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      case WriteDestReg:
-        {
-            RegClass reg_type;
-            RegIndex reg_idx = inst->_destRegIdx[ud_idx];
-            RegIndex flat_idx = cpu->flattenRegIdx(reg_idx, reg_type, tid);
-            if (flat_idx == TheISA::ZeroReg && reg_type == IntRegClass) {
-                DPRINTF(IntRegs, "[tid:%i]: Ignoring Writing of ISA-ZeroReg "
-                        "(Int. Reg %i)\n", tid, flat_idx);
-                ud_req->done();
-                return;
-            }
-            if (regDepMap[tid]->canWrite(reg_type, flat_idx, inst)) {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Flattening register idx %i "
-                        "(%i) and Attempting to write to Register File.\n",
-                        tid, seq_num, reg_idx, flat_idx);
-                switch (reg_type)
-                {
-                  case IntRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueIntRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Writing Int. Result "
-                                "0x%x to register idx %i (%i).\n",
-                                tid, seq_num, inst->readIntResult(ud_idx),
-                                reg_idx, flat_idx);
-                        // Remove Dependencies
-                        regDepMap[tid]->removeFront(reg_type, flat_idx, inst);
-                        cpu->setIntReg(flat_idx,
-                                       inst->readIntResult(ud_idx),
-                                       inst->readTid());
-                        intRegFileWrites++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  case FloatRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueFloatRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        // Remove Reg. Dependecny Block on this Register
-                        regDepMap[tid]->removeFront(reg_type, flat_idx, inst);
-                        if (inst->resultType(ud_idx) == 
-                            InOrderDynInst::FloatBits) {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Writing FP-Bits "
-                                    "Result %08f (bits:0x%x) to register "
-                                    "idx %i (%i).\n",
-                                    tid, seq_num,
-                                    inst->readFloatResult(ud_idx), 
-                                    inst->readFloatBitsResult(ud_idx),
-                                    reg_idx - FP_Reg_Base, flat_idx);
-                            // Check for FloatRegBits Here
-                            cpu->setFloatRegBits(flat_idx,
-                                                 inst->readFloatBitsResult(ud_idx),
-                                                 inst->readTid());
-                        } else if (inst->resultType(ud_idx) == 
-                                   InOrderDynInst::Float) {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Writing Float "
-                                    "Result %08f (bits:0x%x) to register "
-                                    "idx %i (%i).\n",
-                                    tid, seq_num, inst->readFloatResult(ud_idx),
-                                    inst->readIntResult(ud_idx), 
-                                    reg_idx - FP_Reg_Base, flat_idx);
-                            cpu->setFloatReg(flat_idx,
-                                             inst->readFloatResult(ud_idx),
-                                             inst->readTid());
-                        } else if (inst->resultType(ud_idx) == 
-                                   InOrderDynInst::Double) {
-                            DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Writing Double "
-                                    "Result %08f (bits:0x%x) to register "
-                                    "idx %i (%i).\n",
-                                    tid, seq_num,
-                                    inst->readFloatResult(ud_idx), 
-                                    inst->readIntResult(ud_idx), 
-                                    reg_idx - FP_Reg_Base, flat_idx);
-                            cpu->setFloatReg(flat_idx,
-                                             inst->readFloatResult(ud_idx),
-                                             inst->readTid());
-                        } else {
-                            panic("Result Type Not Set For [sn:%i] %s.\n", 
-                                  inst->seqNum, inst->instName());
-                        }
-                        floatRegFileWrites++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  case MiscRegClass:
-                    {
-                        uniqueMiscRegMap[flat_idx] = true;
-                        DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: Writing Misc. 0x%x "
-                                "to register idx %i.\n",
-                                tid, inst->readIntResult(ud_idx), reg_idx - Misc_Reg_Base);
-                        // Remove Dependencies
-                        regDepMap[tid]->removeFront(reg_type, flat_idx, inst);
-                        cpu->setMiscReg(flat_idx,
-                                    inst->readIntResult(ud_idx),
-                                        inst->readTid());
-                    }
-                    break;
-                  default:
-                    panic("Invalid Register Type: %i", reg_type);
-                }
-                ud_req->done();
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF(InOrderUseDef, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Dest. register idx: %i is "
-                        "not ready to write.\n",
-                        tid, seq_num, reg_idx);
-                DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: waiting to write "
-                        "register (idx=%i)\n",
-                        tid, reg_idx);
-                ud_req->done(false);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-      case MarkDestRegs:
-        {
-            regDepMap[tid]->insert(inst);
-            ud_req->done();
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName);
-    }
-UseDefUnit::updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid)
-    uniqueRegsPerSwitch = uniqueIntRegMap.size() + uniqueFloatRegMap.size()
-        + uniqueMiscRegMap.size();
-    uniqueIntRegMap.clear();
-    uniqueFloatRegMap.clear();
-    uniqueMiscRegMap.clear();
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/resources/use_def.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9eb5163..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "cpu/inorder/first_stage.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/inorder_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/reg_dep_map.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/resource.hh"
-#include "cpu/func_unit.hh"
-class UseDefUnit : public Resource {
-  public:
-    typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-    typedef TheISA::RegIndex RegIndex;
-    enum Command {
-        ReadSrcReg,
-        WriteDestReg,
-        MarkDestRegs
-    };
-  public:
-    UseDefUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width,
-               Cycles res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu,
-               ThePipeline::Params *params);
-    void init();
-    ResourceRequest* getRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num,
-                                        int res_idx, int slot_num,
-                                        unsigned cmd);
-    ResReqPtr findRequest(DynInstPtr inst);
-    void execute(int slot_num);
-    void updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid);    
-    void regStats();
-  protected:
-    RegDepMap *regDepMap[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    bool *nonSpecInstActive[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    InstSeqNum *nonSpecSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    bool serializeOnNextInst[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    InstSeqNum serializeAfterSeqNum[ThePipeline::MaxThreads];
-    Stats::Average uniqueRegsPerSwitch;
-    std::map<RegIndex, bool> uniqueIntRegMap;
-    std::map<RegIndex, bool> uniqueFloatRegMap;
-    std::map<RegIndex, bool> uniqueMiscRegMap;
-  public:
-    class UseDefRequest : public ResourceRequest {
-      public:
-        typedef ThePipeline::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
-      public:
-        UseDefRequest(UseDefUnit *res)
-            : ResourceRequest(res)
-        { }
-        int useDefIdx;
-        void setRequest(DynInstPtr _inst, int stage_num, int res_idx,
-                        int slot_num, unsigned _cmd, int idx)
-        {
-            useDefIdx = idx;
-            ResourceRequest::setRequest(_inst, stage_num, res_idx, slot_num,
-                                        _cmd);
-        }
-    };
-  protected:
-    /** Int. Register File Reads */
-    Stats::Scalar intRegFileReads;
-    /** Int. Register File Writes */
-    Stats::Scalar intRegFileWrites;
-    /** Int. Register File Total Accesses (Read+Write) */
-    Stats::Formula intRegFileAccs;
-    /** Float Register File Reads */
-    Stats::Scalar floatRegFileReads;
-    /** Float Register File Writes */
-    Stats::Scalar floatRegFileWrites;
-    /** Float Register File Total Accesses (Read+Write) */
-    Stats::Formula floatRegFileAccs;
-    /** Source Register Forwarding */
-    Stats::Scalar regForwards;
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1fc66d8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_context.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "debug/InOrderCPU.hh"
-#include "sim/full_system.hh"
-using namespace TheISA;
-    return thread->getVirtProxy();
-    thread->dumpFuncProfile();
-    return thread->lastActivate;
-    return thread->lastSuspend;
-    thread->profileClear();
-    thread->profileSample();
-InOrderThreadContext::takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *old_context)
-    ::takeOverFrom(*this, *old_context);
-    thread->funcExeInst = old_context->readFuncExeInst();
-    thread->noSquashFromTC = false;
-    thread->trapPending = false;
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Calling activate on Thread Context %d\n",
-            getThreadNum());
-    if (thread->status() == ThreadContext::Active)
-        return;
-    thread->setStatus(ThreadContext::Active);
-    cpu->activateContext(thread->threadId());
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Calling suspend on Thread Context %d\n",
-            getThreadNum());
-    if (thread->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended)
-        return;
-    thread->setStatus(ThreadContext::Suspended);
-    cpu->suspendContext(thread->threadId());
-    DPRINTF(InOrderCPU, "Calling halt on Thread Context %d\n",
-            getThreadNum());
-    if (thread->status() == ThreadContext::Halted)
-        return;
-    thread->setStatus(ThreadContext::Halted);
-    cpu->haltContext(thread->threadId());
-InOrderThreadContext::regStats(const std::string &name)
-    if (FullSystem) {
-        thread->kernelStats = new TheISA::Kernel::Statistics(cpu->system);
-        thread->kernelStats->regStats(name + ".kern");
-    }
-InOrderThreadContext::copyArchRegs(ThreadContext *src_tc)
-    TheISA::copyRegs(src_tc, this);
-    cpu->isa[thread->threadId()]->clear();
-InOrderThreadContext::readIntReg(int reg_idx)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenIntIndex(reg_idx);
-    return cpu->readIntReg(reg_idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readFloatReg(int reg_idx)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenFloatIndex(reg_idx);
-    return cpu->readFloatReg(reg_idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readFloatRegBits(int reg_idx)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenFloatIndex(reg_idx);
-    return cpu->readFloatRegBits(reg_idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readCCReg(int reg_idx)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenCCIndex(reg_idx);
-    return cpu->readCCReg(reg_idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readRegOtherThread(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid)
-    return cpu->readRegOtherThread(reg_idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setIntReg(int reg_idx, uint64_t val)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenIntIndex(reg_idx);
-    cpu->setIntReg(reg_idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setFloatReg(int reg_idx, FloatReg val)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenFloatIndex(reg_idx);
-    cpu->setFloatReg(reg_idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setFloatRegBits(int reg_idx, FloatRegBits val)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenFloatIndex(reg_idx);
-    cpu->setFloatRegBits(reg_idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setCCReg(int reg_idx, CCReg val)
-    ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    reg_idx = cpu->isa[tid]->flattenCCIndex(reg_idx);
-    cpu->setCCReg(reg_idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setRegOtherThread(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val,
-                                        ThreadID tid)
-    cpu->setRegOtherThread(misc_reg, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val)
-    cpu->setMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg, val, thread->threadId());
-InOrderThreadContext::setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val)
-    cpu->setMiscReg(misc_reg, val, thread->threadId());
-InOrderThreadContext::readIntRegFlat(int idx)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    return cpu->readIntReg(idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setIntRegFlat(int idx, uint64_t val)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    cpu->setIntReg(idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readFloatRegFlat(int idx)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    return cpu->readFloatReg(idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setFloatRegFlat(int idx, FloatReg val)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    cpu->setFloatReg(idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readFloatRegBitsFlat(int idx)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    return cpu->readFloatRegBits(idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setFloatRegBitsFlat(int idx, FloatRegBits val)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    cpu->setFloatRegBits(idx, val, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::readCCRegFlat(int idx)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    return cpu->readCCReg(idx, tid);
-InOrderThreadContext::setCCRegFlat(int idx, CCReg val)
-    const ThreadID tid = thread->threadId();
-    cpu->setCCReg(idx, val, tid);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/thread_context.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 022beaa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "config/the_isa.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
-#include "arch/kernel_stats.hh"
-class EndQuiesceEvent;
-class CheckerCPU;
-namespace Kernel {
-    class Statistics;
- * Derived ThreadContext class for use with the InOrderCPU.  It
- * provides the interface for any external objects to access a
- * single thread's state and some general CPU state.  Any time
- * external objects try to update state through this interface,
- * the CPU will create an event to squash all in-flight
- * instructions in order to ensure state is maintained correctly.
- * It must be defined specifically for the InOrderCPU because
- * not all architectural state is located within the O3ThreadState
- * (such as the commit PC, and registers), and specific actions
- * must be taken when using this interface (such as squashing all
- * in-flight instructions when doing a write to this interface).
- */
-class InOrderThreadContext : public ThreadContext
-  public:
-    InOrderThreadContext() { }
-    /** Pointer to the CPU. */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-    /** Pointer to the thread state that this TC corrseponds to. */
-    InOrderThreadState *thread;
-    /** Returns a pointer to the ITB. */
-    /** @TODO: PERF: Should we bind this to a pointer in constructor? */
-    TheISA::TLB *getITBPtr() { return cpu->getITBPtr(); }
-    /** Returns a pointer to the DTB. */
-    /** @TODO: PERF: Should we bind this to a pointer in constructor? */
-    TheISA::TLB *getDTBPtr() { return cpu->getDTBPtr(); }
-    /** Currently InOrder model does not support CheckerCPU, this is
-     *  merely here for supporting compilation of gem5 with the Checker
-     *  as a runtime option
-     */
-    CheckerCPU *getCheckerCpuPtr() { return NULL; }
-    TheISA::Decoder *
-    getDecoderPtr()
-    {
-        return cpu->getDecoderPtr(thread->contextId());
-    }
-    System *getSystemPtr() { return cpu->system; }
-    /** Returns a pointer to this CPU. */
-    BaseCPU *getCpuPtr() { return cpu; }
-    /** Returns a pointer to this CPU. */
-    std::string getCpuName() { return cpu->name(); }
-    /** Reads this CPU's ID. */
-    int cpuId() const { return cpu->cpuId(); }
-    /** Reads this CPU's Socket ID. */
-    uint32_t socketId() const { return cpu->socketId(); }
-    int contextId() const { return thread->contextId(); }
-    void setContextId(int id) { thread->setContextId(id); }
-    /** Returns this thread's ID number. */
-    int threadId() const { return thread->threadId(); }
-    void setThreadId(int id) { return thread->setThreadId(id); }
-    uint64_t readMicroPC()
-    { return 0; }
-    void setMicroPC(uint64_t val) { };
-    uint64_t readNextMicroPC()
-    { return 0; }
-    void setNextMicroPC(uint64_t val) { };
-    /** Returns a pointer to this thread's kernel statistics. */
-    TheISA::Kernel::Statistics *getKernelStats()
-    { return thread->kernelStats; }
-    PortProxy &getPhysProxy() { return thread->getPhysProxy(); }
-    FSTranslatingPortProxy &getVirtProxy();
-    void initMemProxies(ThreadContext *tc)
-    { thread->initMemProxies(tc); }
-    /** Dumps the function profiling information.
-     * @todo: Implement.
-     */
-    void dumpFuncProfile();
-    /** Reads the last tick that this thread was activated on. */
-    Tick readLastActivate();
-    /** Reads the last tick that this thread was suspended on. */
-    Tick readLastSuspend();
-    /** Clears the function profiling information. */
-    void profileClear();
-    /** Samples the function profiling information. */
-    void profileSample();
-    /** Returns pointer to the quiesce event. */
-    EndQuiesceEvent *getQuiesceEvent()
-    {
-        return this->thread->quiesceEvent;
-    }
-    SETranslatingPortProxy &getMemProxy() { return thread->getMemProxy(); }
-    /** Returns a pointer to this thread's process. */
-    Process *getProcessPtr() { return thread->getProcessPtr(); }
-    /** Returns this thread's status. */
-    Status status() const { return thread->status(); }
-    /** Sets this thread's status. */
-    void setStatus(Status new_status)
-    { thread->setStatus(new_status); }
-    /** Set the status to Active. */
-    void activate();
-    /** Set the status to Suspended. */
-    void suspend();
-    /** Set the status to Halted. */
-    void halt();
-    /** Takes over execution of a thread from another CPU. */
-    void takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *old_context);
-    /** Registers statistics associated with this TC. */
-    void regStats(const std::string &name);
-    /** Returns this thread's ID number. */
-    int getThreadNum() { return thread->threadId(); }
-    /** Copies the architectural registers from another TC into this TC. */
-    void copyArchRegs(ThreadContext *src_tc);
-    /** Resets all architectural registers to 0. */
-    void clearArchRegs();
-    /** Reads an integer register. */
-    uint64_t readIntReg(int reg_idx);
-    FloatReg readFloatReg(int reg_idx);
-    FloatRegBits readFloatRegBits(int reg_idx);
-    CCReg readCCReg(int reg_idx);
-    uint64_t readRegOtherThread(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid);
-    /** Sets an integer register to a value. */
-    void setIntReg(int reg_idx, uint64_t val);
-    void setFloatReg(int reg_idx, FloatReg val);
-    void setFloatRegBits(int reg_idx, FloatRegBits val);
-    void setCCReg(int reg_idx, CCReg val);
-    void setRegOtherThread(int misc_reg,
-                                   const MiscReg &val,
-                                   ThreadID tid);
-    /** Reads this thread's PC. */
-    TheISA::PCState pcState()
-    { return cpu->pcState(thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Sets this thread's PC. */
-    void pcState(const TheISA::PCState &val)
-    { cpu->pcState(val, thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Needs to be implemented for future CheckerCPU support.
-     *  See O3CPU for examples on how to integrate Checker.
-     */
-    void pcStateNoRecord(const TheISA::PCState &val)
-    {}
-    Addr instAddr()
-    { return cpu->instAddr(thread->threadId()); }
-    Addr nextInstAddr()
-    { return cpu->nextInstAddr(thread->threadId()); }
-    MicroPC microPC()
-    { return cpu->microPC(thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Reads a miscellaneous register. */
-    MiscReg readMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg)
-    { return cpu->readMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg, thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Reads a misc. register, including any side-effects the
-     * read might have as defined by the architecture. */
-    MiscReg readMiscReg(int misc_reg)
-    { return cpu->readMiscReg(misc_reg, thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Sets a misc. register. */
-    void setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val);
-    /** Sets a misc. register, including any side-effects the
-     * write might have as defined by the architecture. */
-    void setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val);
-    int flattenIntIndex(int reg)
-    { return cpu->isa[thread->threadId()]->flattenIntIndex(reg); }
-    int flattenFloatIndex(int reg)
-    { return cpu->isa[thread->threadId()]->flattenFloatIndex(reg); }
-    int flattenCCIndex(int reg)
-    { return cpu->isa[thread->threadId()]->flattenCCIndex(reg); }
-    int flattenMiscIndex(int reg)
-    { return cpu->isa[thread->threadId()]->flattenMiscIndex(reg); }
-    void activateContext()
-    { cpu->activateContext(thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Returns the number of consecutive store conditional failures. */
-    // @todo: Figure out where these store cond failures should go.
-    unsigned readStCondFailures()
-    { return thread->storeCondFailures; }
-    /** Sets the number of consecutive store conditional failures. */
-    void setStCondFailures(unsigned sc_failures)
-    { thread->storeCondFailures = sc_failures; }
-    /** Executes a syscall in SE mode. */
-    void syscall(int64_t callnum)
-    { return cpu->syscall(callnum, thread->threadId()); }
-    /** Reads the funcExeInst counter. */
-    Counter readFuncExeInst() { return thread->funcExeInst; }
-    void changeRegFileContext(unsigned param,
-                                      unsigned val)
-    { panic("Not supported!"); }
-    uint64_t readIntRegFlat(int idx);
-    void setIntRegFlat(int idx, uint64_t val);
-    FloatReg readFloatRegFlat(int idx);
-    void setFloatRegFlat(int idx, FloatReg val);
-    FloatRegBits readFloatRegBitsFlat(int idx);
-    void setFloatRegBitsFlat(int idx, FloatRegBits val);
-    CCReg readCCRegFlat(int idx);
-    void setCCRegFlat(int idx, CCReg val);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.cc b/src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.cc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 040e292..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Korey Sewell
- *
- */
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh"
-#include "cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh"
-#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
-using namespace TheISA;
-    std::ostream *os = simout.create(csprintf("profile.%s.dat", cpu->name()));
-    profile->dump(tc, *os);
diff --git a/src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh b/src/cpu/inorder/thread_state.hh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4472bf1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Kevin Lim
- */
-#include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
-#include "base/callback.hh"
-#include "base/output.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
-#include "cpu/thread_state.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
-class EndQuiesceEvent;
-class Event;
-class FunctionalMemory;
-class FunctionProfile;
-class InOrderCPU;
-class Process;
-class ProfileNode;
- * Class that has various thread state, such as the status, the
- * current instruction being processed, whether or not the thread has
- * a trap pending or is being externally updated, the ThreadContext
- * pointer, etc.  It also handles anything related to a specific
- * thread's process, such as syscalls and checking valid addresses.
- */
-class InOrderThreadState : public ThreadState {
-    typedef ThreadContext::Status Status;
-  private:
-    /** Pointer to the CPU. */
-    InOrderCPU *cpu;
-  public:
-    /* This variable controls if writes to a thread context should cause a all
-     * dynamic/speculative state to be thrown away. Nominally this is the
-     * desired behavior because the external thread context write has updated
-     * some state that could be used by an inflight instruction, however there
-     * are some cases like in a fault/trap handler where this behavior would
-     * lead to successive restarts and forward progress couldn't be made. This
-     * variable controls if the squashing will occur.
-     */
-    bool noSquashFromTC;
-    /** Whether or not the thread is currently waiting on a trap, and
-     * thus able to be externally updated without squashing.
-     */
-    bool trapPending;
-    InOrderThreadState(InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThreadID _thread_num,
-                       Process *_process)
-        : ThreadState(reinterpret_cast<BaseCPU*>(_cpu), _thread_num,
-                      _process),
-          cpu(_cpu), noSquashFromTC(false), trapPending(false),
-          lastGradIsBranch(false)
-    { }
-    /** Handles the syscall. */
-    void syscall(int64_t callnum) { process->syscall(callnum, tc); }
-    void dumpFuncProfile();    
-    /** Pointer to the ThreadContext of this thread. */
-    ThreadContext *tc;
-    /** Returns a pointer to the TC of this thread. */
-    ThreadContext *getTC() { return tc; }
-    /** Is last instruction graduated a branch? */
-    bool lastGradIsBranch;
-    TheISA::PCState lastBranchPC;