const struct util_format_description *format_desc =
- uint32_t depth = depth0;
- /* linear dimensions: */
- uint32_t lwidth = width0;
- uint32_t lheight = height0;
- /* tile_mode dimensions: */
- uint32_t twidth = util_next_power_of_two(lwidth);
- uint32_t theight = util_next_power_of_two(lheight);
int ta = layout->cpp;
/* The z16/r16 formats seem to not play by the normal tiling rules: */
for (uint32_t level = 0; level < mip_levels; level++) {
+ uint32_t depth = u_minify(depth0, level);
struct fdl_slice *slice = &layout->slices[level];
struct fdl_slice *ubwc_slice = &layout->ubwc_slices[level];
uint32_t tile_mode = fdl_tile_mode(layout, level);
/* tiled levels of 3D textures are rounded up to PoT dimensions: */
if (is_3d && tile_mode) {
- width = twidth;
- height = theight;
+ width = u_minify(util_next_power_of_two(width0), level);
+ height = u_minify(util_next_power_of_two(height0), level);
} else {
- width = lwidth;
- height = lheight;
+ width = u_minify(width0, level);
+ height = u_minify(height0, level);
uint32_t aligned_height = height;
uint32_t pitchalign;
ubwc_slice->offset = layout->ubwc_layer_size;
layout->ubwc_layer_size += ubwc_slice->size0;
- depth = u_minify(depth, 1);
- lwidth = u_minify(lwidth, 1);
- lheight = u_minify(lheight, 1);
- twidth = u_minify(twidth, 1);
- theight = u_minify(theight, 1);
if (layout->layer_first) {