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+Theory Reference: Strings
+cvc5 supports all operators of the `SMT-LIB standard for strings
+<https://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-UnicodeStrings.shtml>`_. It additionally
+supports some non-standard operators that are described below.
+.. code-block::
+ * (str.indexof_re String RegLan Int Int)
+ Let w₂ = ⟦str.substr⟧(w, i, |w| - i)
+ - ⟦str.indexof_re⟧(w, L, i) = -1 if no substring of w₂ is in L or i < 0
+ - ⟦str.indexof_re⟧(w, L, i) = |u₁|
+ where u₁, w₁ are the shortest words such that
+ - w₂ = u₁w₁u₂
+ - w₁ ∈ L
+ if some substring of w₂ is in L and i > 0
+ * (str.update String Int String)
+ - ⟦str.update⟧(w, i, w₂) = w if i < 0 or i >= |w|
+ - ⟦str.update⟧(w, i, w₂) = u₁u₂u₃
+ where
+ - w = u₁w₃u₃
+ - |w₃| = |u₂|
+ - |u₁| = i
+ - u₂u₄ = w₂
+ - |u₂| = min(|w₂|, |w| - i) otherwise
+ * (str.rev String String)
+ ⟦str.rev⟧(w) is the string obtained by reversing w, e.g.,
+ ⟦str.rev⟧("abc") = "cba".
+ * (str.to_lower String String)
+ ⟦str.to_lower⟧(w) = w₂
+ where
+ - |w| = |w₂|
+ - the i-th character ri in w₂ is:
+ code(ri) = code(si) + ite(65 <= code(si) <= 90, 32, 0)
+ where si is the i-th character in w
+ Note: This operator performs the case conversion for the ASCII portion of
+ Unicode only.
+ * (str.to_upper String String)
+ ⟦str.to_upper⟧(w) = w₂
+ where
+ - |w| = |w₂|
+ - the i-th character ri in w₂ is:
+ code(ri) = code(si) - ite(97 <= code(si) <= 122, 32, 0)
+ where si is the i-th character in w
+ Note: This operator performs the case conversion for the ASCII portion of
+ Unicode only.