#include "genX_pipeline_util.h"
-static void
-gen7_emit_rs_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
- const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *info,
- const struct anv_graphics_pipeline_create_info *extra)
- struct GENX(3DSTATE_SF) sf = {
- GENX(3DSTATE_SF_header),
- /* LegacyGlobalDepthBiasEnable */
- .StatisticsEnable = true,
- .FrontFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode],
- .BackFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode],
- .ViewportTransformEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist),
- .FrontWinding = vk_to_gen_front_face[info->frontFace],
- /* bool AntiAliasingEnable; */
- .CullMode = vk_to_gen_cullmode[info->cullMode],
- /* uint32_t LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth; */
- .ScissorRectangleEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist),
- /* uint32_t MultisampleRasterizationMode; */
- /* bool LastPixelEnable; */
- .TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0,
- .LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0,
- .TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1,
- /* uint32_t AALineDistanceMode; */
- /* uint32_t VertexSubPixelPrecisionSelect; */
- .PointWidthSource = Vertex,
- .PointWidth = 1.0,
- .GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = info->depthBiasEnable,
- .GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = info->depthBiasEnable,
- .GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = info->depthBiasEnable,
- };
- GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, &pipeline->gen7.sf, &sf);
VkDevice _device,
emit_vertex_input(pipeline, pCreateInfo->pVertexInputState, extra);
- gen7_emit_rs_state(pipeline, pCreateInfo->pRasterizationState, extra);
+ emit_rs_state(pipeline, pCreateInfo->pRasterizationState, extra);
emit_ds_state(pipeline, pCreateInfo->pDepthStencilState, pass, subpass);
-static void
-emit_rs_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
- const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *info,
- const struct anv_graphics_pipeline_create_info *extra)
- struct GENX(3DSTATE_SF) sf = {
- GENX(3DSTATE_SF_header),
- };
- sf.ViewportTransformEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist);
- sf.StatisticsEnable = true;
- sf.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
- sf.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
- sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
- sf.PointWidthSource = Vertex;
- sf.PointWidth = 1.0;
- GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.sf, &sf);
- struct GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER) raster = {
- };
- /* For details on 3DSTATE_RASTER multisample state, see the BSpec table
- * "Multisample Modes State".
- */
- raster.DXMultisampleRasterizationEnable = true;
- raster.ForcedSampleCount = FSC_NUMRASTSAMPLES_0;
- raster.ForceMultisampling = false;
- raster.FrontWinding = vk_to_gen_front_face[info->frontFace];
- raster.CullMode = vk_to_gen_cullmode[info->cullMode];
- raster.FrontFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode];
- raster.BackFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode];
- raster.ScissorRectangleEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist);
-#if GEN_GEN == 8
- raster.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
- /* GEN9+ splits ViewportZClipTestEnable into near and far enable bits */
- raster.ViewportZFarClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
- raster.ViewportZNearClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
- raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = info->depthBiasEnable;
- raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = info->depthBiasEnable;
- raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = info->depthBiasEnable;
- GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.raster, &raster);
static void
emit_ms_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *info)
+static void
+emit_rs_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+ const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *info,
+ const struct anv_graphics_pipeline_create_info *extra)
+ struct GENX(3DSTATE_SF) sf = {
+ GENX(3DSTATE_SF_header),
+ };
+ sf.ViewportTransformEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist);
+ sf.StatisticsEnable = true;
+ sf.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
+ sf.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
+ sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
+ sf.PointWidthSource = Vertex;
+ sf.PointWidth = 1.0;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+ struct GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER) raster = {
+ };
+# define raster sf
+ /* For details on 3DSTATE_RASTER multisample state, see the BSpec table
+ * "Multisample Modes State".
+ */
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+ raster.DXMultisampleRasterizationEnable = true;
+ raster.ForcedSampleCount = FSC_NUMRASTSAMPLES_0;
+ raster.ForceMultisampling = false;
+ raster.FrontWinding = vk_to_gen_front_face[info->frontFace];
+ raster.CullMode = vk_to_gen_cullmode[info->cullMode];
+ raster.FrontFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode];
+ raster.BackFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[info->polygonMode];
+ raster.ScissorRectangleEnable = !(extra && extra->use_rectlist);
+#if GEN_GEN >= 9
+ /* GEN9+ splits ViewportZClipTestEnable into near and far enable bits */
+ raster.ViewportZFarClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+ raster.ViewportZNearClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+#elif GEN_GEN >= 8
+ raster.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+ raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = info->depthBiasEnable;
+ raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = info->depthBiasEnable;
+ raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = info->depthBiasEnable;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+ GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.sf, &sf);
+ GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.raster, &raster);
+# undef raster
+ GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, &pipeline->gen7.sf, &sf);
static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_logic_op[] = {