-\frame{\frametitle{What options are available (at time of writing)?}
+\frame{\frametitle{What options are available (at time of writing)? [1]}
+ \vspace{6pt}
+ {\bf Commercial licensed}:
+ \vspace{4pt}
- \item Commercial licensed. Cost: unknown. Flexibility: unknown.
- Language: unknown. Capability for auto-generation of Docs:
- unknown. Capability for auto-generation of ancillary
- resources: unknown.
- Suitability for wide range of systems: unknown.
- \vspace{4pt}
- \\
- Suitability for saving RISC-V ecosystem money: { \bf NONE }\\
- Suitability for collaboration: {\bf ZERO} (i.e. don't bother)
- \item SiFive IOF. License: Good! Flexibility: not so good.
- Language: chisel3. Capability for auto-generation of Docs:
- none. Capability for auto-generation of ancillary resources: partial.
- Suitability for wide range of systems: not so good.
- \vspace{4pt}
- \\
- Suitability for saving RISC-V ecosystem money: { \bf Low }\\
- Suitability for collaboration: {\bf GOOD} (but: written in Chisel3)
- \item \bf{Summary: NO suitable Libre-licensed pinmux code exists}
+ \item Cost: unknown.
+ \item Flexibility: unknown.
+ \item Language: unknown.
+ \item Capability for auto-generation of Docs: unknown.
+ \item Capability for auto-generation of ancillary resources: unknown.
+ \item Suitability for wide range of systems: unknown.
+ \vspace{10pt}
+ \item Suitability for saving RISC-V ecosystem money: {\bf NONE }
+ \item Suitability for collaboration: {\bf ZERO} (i.e. don't bother)
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{What options are available (at time of writing)? [2]}
+ \vspace{6pt}
+ {\bf SiFive IOF (Freedom E310, Unleashed U540)}:
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item License: Good!
+ \item Flexibility: not so good.
+ \item Language: chisel3.
+ \item Capability for auto-generation of Docs: none.
+ \item Capability for auto-generation of ancillary resources: partial.
+ \item Suitability for wide range of systems: not so good.
+ \vspace{10pt}
+ \item Suitability for saving RISC-V ecosystem money: {\bf Low }\\
+ \item Suitability for collaboration: {\bf GOOD} (but: written in Chisel3)
+\frame{\frametitle{What options are available (at time of writing)? [3]}
+ \vspace{10pt}
+ \begin{center}
+ {\Huge
+ None. No suitable\vspace{20pt}\\
+ Libre-licensed\vspace{20pt}\\
+ pinmux exists\vspace{20pt}
+ }
+ \\
+ (which is really weird, given how there's so many libre UART,
+ SPI and other peripheral libraries, even libre-licensed PCIe and
+ SATA PHYs and even USB3 Pipe, hence the reason for this initiative)
+ \end{center}
\frame{\frametitle{Associated Extras}