--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+ *
+ * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+ //# define YYSTYPE lexval
+# include <iostream>
+# include "compiler.h"
+# include "parse_misc.h"
+# include "parse_api.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+# include <cctype>
+# include <cstring>
+# include "lexor_keyword.h"
+# include "discipline.h"
+# include <list>
+# define YY_USER_INIT reset_lexor();
+# define yylval VLlval
+# define YY_NO_INPUT
+ * Lexical location information is passed in the yylloc variable to th
+ * parser. The file names, strings, are kept in a list so that I can
+ * re-use them. The set_file_name function will return a pointer to
+ * the name as it exists in the list (and delete the passed string.)
+ * If the name is new, it will be added to the list.
+ */
+extern YYLTYPE yylloc;
+char* strdupnew(char const *str)
+ return str ? strcpy(new char [strlen(str)+1], str) : 0;
+static const char* set_file_name(char*text)
+ perm_string path = filename_strings.make(text);
+ delete[]text;
+ /* Check this file name with the list of library file
+ names. If there is a match, then turn on the
+ pform_library_flag. This is how the parser knows that
+ modules declared in this file are library modules. */
+ pform_library_flag = library_file_map[path];
+ return path;
+void reset_lexor();
+static void line_directive();
+static void line_directive2();
+static void reset_all();
+verinum*make_unsized_binary(const char*txt);
+verinum*make_undef_highz_dec(const char*txt);
+verinum*make_unsized_dec(const char*txt);
+verinum*make_unsized_octal(const char*txt);
+verinum*make_unsized_hex(const char*txt);
+static int dec_buf_div2(char *buf);
+static void process_timescale(const char*txt);
+static void process_ucdrive(const char*txt);
+static list<int> keyword_mask_stack;
+static int comment_enter;
+static bool in_module = false;
+static bool in_UDP = false;
+bool in_celldefine = false;
+UCDriveType uc_drive = UCD_NONE;
+ * The parser sometimes needs to indicate to the lexor that the next
+ * identifier needs to be understood in the context of a package. The
+ * parser feeds back that left context with calls to the
+ * lex_in_package_scope.
+ */
+static PPackage* in_package_scope = 0;
+void lex_in_package_scope(PPackage*pkg)
+ in_package_scope = pkg;
+W [ \t\b\f\r]+
+S [afpnumkKMGT]
+TU [munpf]
+ /* Recognize the various line directives. */
+^"#line"[ \t]+.+ { line_directive(); }
+^[ \t]?"`line"[ \t]+.+ { line_directive2(); }
+[ \t\b\f\r] { ; }
+\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; }
+ /* C++ style comments start with / / and run to the end of the
+ current line. These are very easy to handle. The meta-comments
+ format is a little more tricky to handle, but do what we can. */
+ /* The lexor detects "// synthesis translate_on/off" meta-comments,
+ we handle them here by turning on/off a flag. The pform uses
+ that flag to attach implicit attributes to "initial" and
+ "always" statements. */
+"//"{W}*"synthesis"{W}+"translate_on"{W}*\n { pform_mc_translate_on(true); }
+"//"{W}*"synthesis"{W}+"translate_off"{W}*\n { pform_mc_translate_on(false); }
+"//" { comment_enter = YY_START; BEGIN(LCOMMENT); }
+<LCOMMENT>. { yymore(); }
+<LCOMMENT>\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; BEGIN(comment_enter); }
+ /* The contents of C-style comments are ignored, like white space. */
+"/*" { comment_enter = YY_START; BEGIN(CCOMMENT); }
+<CCOMMENT>. { ; }
+<CCOMMENT>\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; }
+<CCOMMENT>"*/" { BEGIN(comment_enter); }
+"(*" { return K_PSTAR; }
+"*)" { return K_STARP; }
+".*" { return K_DOTSTAR; }
+"<<" { return K_LS; }
+"<<<" { return K_LS; /* Note: Functionally, <<< is the same as <<. */}
+">>" { return K_RS; }
+">>>" { return K_RSS; }
+"**" { return K_POW; }
+"<=" { return K_LE; }
+">=" { return K_GE; }
+"=>" { return K_EG; }
+"+=>"|"-=>" {
+ /*
+ * Resolve the ambiguity between the += assignment
+ * operator and +=> polarity edge path operator
+ *
+ * +=> should be treated as two separate tokens '+' and
+ * '=>' (K_EG), therefore we only consume the first
+ * character of the matched pattern i.e. either + or -
+ * and push back the rest of the matches text (=>) in
+ * the input stream.
+ */
+ yyless(1);
+ return yytext[0];
+ }
+"*>" { return K_SG; }
+"==" { return K_EQ; }
+"!=" { return K_NE; }
+"===" { return K_CEQ; }
+"!==" { return K_CNE; }
+"==?" { return K_WEQ; }
+"!=?" { return K_WNE; }
+"||" { return K_LOR; }
+"&&" { return K_LAND; }
+"&&&" { return K_TAND; }
+"~|" { return K_NOR; }
+"~^" { return K_NXOR; }
+"^~" { return K_NXOR; }
+"~&" { return K_NAND; }
+"->" { return K_TRIGGER; }
+"+:" { return K_PO_POS; }
+"-:" { return K_PO_NEG; }
+"<+" { return K_CONTRIBUTE; }
+"+=" { return K_PLUS_EQ; }
+"-=" { return K_MINUS_EQ; }
+"*=" { return K_MUL_EQ; }
+"/=" { return K_DIV_EQ; }
+"%=" { return K_MOD_EQ; }
+"&=" { return K_AND_EQ; }
+"|=" { return K_OR_EQ; }
+"^=" { return K_XOR_EQ; }
+"<<=" { return K_LS_EQ; }
+">>=" { return K_RS_EQ; }
+"<<<=" { return K_LS_EQ; }
+">>>=" { return K_RSS_EQ; }
+"++" { return K_INCR; }
+"--" {return K_DECR; }
+"'{" { return K_LP; }
+"::" { return K_SCOPE_RES; }
+ /* Watch out for the tricky case of (*). Cannot parse this as "(*"
+ and ")", but since I know that this is really ( * ), replace it
+ with "*" and return that. */
+"("{W}*"*"{W}*")" { return '*'; }
+<EDGES>"]" { BEGIN(0); return yytext[0]; }
+[}{;:\[\],()#=.@&!?<>%|^~+*/-] { return yytext[0]; }
+<CSTRING>\\\\ { yymore(); /* Catch \\, which is a \ escaping itself */ }
+<CSTRING>\\\" { yymore(); /* Catch \", which is an escaped quote */ }
+<CSTRING>\n { BEGIN(0);
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Missing close quote of string.");
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ return STRING; }
+<CSTRING>\" { BEGIN(0);
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ yylval.text[strlen(yytext)-1] = 0;
+ return STRING; }
+<CSTRING>. { yymore(); }
+ /* The UDP Table is a unique lexical environment. These are most
+ tokens that we can expect in a table. */
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?0\) { return '_'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?1\) { return '+'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?[xX]\) { return '%'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?\?\) { return '*'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(01\) { return 'r'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(0[xX]\) { return 'Q'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(b[xX]\) { return 'q'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(b0\) { return 'f'; /* b0 is 10|00, but only 10 is meaningful */}
+<UDPTABLE>\(b1\) { return 'r'; /* b1 is 11|01, but only 01 is meaningful */}
+<UDPTABLE>\(0\?\) { return 'P'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(10\) { return 'f'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(1[xX]\) { return 'M'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(1\?\) { return 'N'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]0\) { return 'F'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]1\) { return 'R'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]\?\) { return 'B'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[bB] { return 'b'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[lL] { return 'l'; /* IVL extension */ }
+<UDPTABLE>[hH] { return 'h'; /* IVL extension */ }
+<UDPTABLE>[fF] { return 'f'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[rR] { return 'r'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[xX] { return 'x'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[nN] { return 'n'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[pP] { return 'p'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[01\?\*\-:;] { return yytext[0]; }
+<EDGES>"01" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"0x" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"0z" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"10" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"1x" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"1z" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"x0" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"x1" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"z0" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"z1" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]* {
+ int rc = lexor_keyword_code(yytext, yyleng);
+ switch (rc) {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ if (strncmp(yylval.text,"PATHPULSE$", 10) == 0)
+ break;
+ case K_edge:
+ break;
+ case K_module:
+ case K_macromodule:
+ in_module = true;
+ break;
+ case K_endmodule:
+ in_module = false;
+ break;
+ case K_primitive:
+ in_UDP = true;
+ break;
+ case K_endprimitive:
+ in_UDP = false;
+ break;
+ case K_table:
+ break;
+ default:
+ yylval.text = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Special case: If this is part of a scoped name, then check
+ the package for identifier details. For example, if the
+ source file is foo::bar, the parse.y will note the
+ PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER and "::" token and mark the
+ "in_package_scope" variable. Then this lexor will see the
+ identifier here and interpret it in the package scope. */
+ if (in_package_scope) {
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(in_package_scope, yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ in_package_scope = 0;
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a discipline, then return this as
+ a DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER and return the discipline as the
+ value instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_verilog_ams_flag) {
+ perm_string tmp = lex_strings.make(yylval.text);
+ map<perm_string,ivl_discipline_t>::iterator cur = disciplines.find(tmp);
+ if (cur != disciplines.end()) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.discipline = (*cur).second;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a previously declared package, then
+ return this as a PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (PPackage*pkg = pform_test_package_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.package = pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a previously declared type, then
+ return this as a TYPE_IDENTIFIER instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+\\[^ \t\b\f\r\n]+ {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext+1);
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (PPackage*pkg = pform_test_package_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.package = pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ return IDENTIFIER;
+ }
+\$([a-zA-Z0-9$_]+) {
+ /* The 1364-1995 timing checks. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$hold") == 0)
+ return K_Shold;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$nochange") == 0)
+ return K_Snochange;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$period") == 0)
+ return K_Speriod;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$recovery") == 0)
+ return K_Srecovery;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$setup") == 0)
+ return K_Ssetup;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$setuphold") == 0)
+ return K_Ssetuphold;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$skew") == 0)
+ return K_Sskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$width") == 0)
+ return K_Swidth;
+ /* The new 1364-2001 timing checks. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$fullskew") == 0)
+ return K_Sfullskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$recrem") == 0)
+ return K_Srecrem;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$removal") == 0)
+ return K_Sremoval;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$timeskew") == 0)
+ return K_Stimeskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$attribute") == 0)
+ return KK_attribute;
+ if (gn_system_verilog() && strcmp(yytext,"$unit") == 0) {
+ yylval.package = pform_units.back();
+ }
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+\'[sS]?[dD][ \t]*[0-9][0-9_]* {
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_dec(yytext);
+ return BASED_NUMBER;
+\'[sS]?[dD][ \t]*[xzXZ?]_* {
+ yylval.number = make_undef_highz_dec(yytext);
+ return BASED_NUMBER;
+\'[sS]?[bB][ \t]*[0-1xzXZ?][0-1xzXZ?_]* {
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_binary(yytext);
+ return BASED_NUMBER;
+\'[sS]?[oO][ \t]*[0-7xzXZ?][0-7xzXZ?_]* {
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_octal(yytext);
+ return BASED_NUMBER;
+\'[sS]?[hH][ \t]*[0-9a-fA-FxzXZ?][0-9a-fA-FxzXZ?_]* {
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_hex(yytext);
+ return BASED_NUMBER;
+\'[01xzXZ] {
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": warning: "
+ << "Using SystemVerilog 'N bit vector. Use at least "
+ << "-g2005-sv to remove this warning." << endl;
+ }
+ generation_t generation_save = generation_flag;
+ generation_flag = GN_VER2005_SV;
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_binary(yytext);
+ generation_flag = generation_save;
+ return UNBASED_NUMBER; }
+ /* Decimal numbers are the usual. But watch out for the UDPTABLE
+ mode, where there are no decimal numbers. Reject the match if we
+ are in the UDPTABLE state. */
+[0-9][0-9_]* {
+ } else {
+ yylval.number = make_unsized_dec(yytext);
+ based_size = yylval.number->as_ulong();
+ return DEC_NUMBER;
+ }
+ /* This rule handles scaled time values for SystemVerilog. */
+[0-9][0-9_]*(\.[0-9][0-9_]*)?{TU}?s {
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ return TIME_LITERAL;
+ } else REJECT; }
+ /* These rules handle the scaled real literals from Verilog-AMS. The
+ value is a number with a single letter scale factor. If
+ verilog-ams is not enabled, then reject this rule. If it is
+ enabled, then collect the scale and use it to scale the value. */
+[0-9][0-9_]*\.[0-9][0-9_]*/{S} {
+ if (!gn_verilog_ams_flag) REJECT;
+ yymore(); }
+[0-9][0-9_]*/{S} {
+ if (!gn_verilog_ams_flag) REJECT;
+ yymore(); }
+ size_t token_len = strlen(yytext);
+ char*tmp = new char[token_len + 5];
+ int scale = 0;
+ strcpy(tmp, yytext);
+ switch (tmp[token_len-1]) {
+ case 'a': scale = -18; break; /* atto- */
+ case 'f': scale = -15; break; /* femto- */
+ case 'p': scale = -12; break; /* pico- */
+ case 'n': scale = -9; break; /* nano- */
+ case 'u': scale = -6; break; /* micro- */
+ case 'm': scale = -3; break; /* milli- */
+ case 'k': scale = 3; break; /* kilo- */
+ case 'K': scale = 3; break; /* kilo- */
+ case 'M': scale = 6; break; /* mega- */
+ case 'G': scale = 9; break; /* giga- */
+ case 'T': scale = 12; break; /* tera- */
+ default: assert(0); break;
+ }
+ snprintf(tmp+token_len-1, 5, "e%d", scale);
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(tmp);
+ delete[]tmp;
+ BEGIN(0);
+ return REALTIME; }
+[0-9][0-9_]*\.[0-9][0-9_]*([Ee][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)? {
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(yytext);
+ return REALTIME; }
+[0-9][0-9_]*[Ee][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]* {
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(yytext);
+ return REALTIME; }
+ /* Notice and handle the `timescale directive. */
+^{W}?`timescale { BEGIN(PPTIMESCALE); }
+<PPTIMESCALE>.* { process_timescale(yytext); }
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`timescale directive can not be inside a module "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+ /* Notice and handle the `celldefine and `endcelldefine directives. */
+^{W}?`celldefine{W}? { in_celldefine = true; }
+^{W}?`endcelldefine{W}? { in_celldefine = false; }
+ /* Notice and handle the resetall directive. */
+^{W}?`resetall{W}? {
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`resetall directive can not be inside a module "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ } else if (in_UDP) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`resetall directive can not be inside a UDP "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ } else {
+ reset_all();
+ } }
+ /* Notice and handle the `unconnected_drive directive. */
+^{W}?`unconnected_drive { BEGIN(PPUCDRIVE); }
+<PPUCDRIVE>.* { process_ucdrive(yytext); }
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`unconnected_drive directive can not be inside a "
+ "module definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+^{W}?`nounconnected_drive{W}? {
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`nounconnected_drive directive can not be inside a "
+ "module definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ uc_drive = UCD_NONE; }
+ /* These are directives that I do not yet support. I think that IVL
+ should handle these, not an external preprocessor. */
+ /* From 1364-2005 Chapter 19. */
+^{W}?`pragme{W}?.* { }
+ /* From 1364-2005 Annex D. */
+^{W}?`default_decay_time{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`default_trireg_strength{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_distributed{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_path{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_unit{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_zero{W}?.* { }
+ /* From other places. */
+^{W}?`disable_portfaults{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`enable_portfaults{W}?.* { }
+`endprotect { }
+^{W}?`nosuppress_faults{W}?.* { }
+`protect { }
+^{W}?`suppress_faults{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`uselib{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`begin_keywords{W}? { BEGIN(PPBEGIN_KEYWORDS); }
+<PPBEGIN_KEYWORDS>\"[a-zA-Z0-9 -\.]*\".* {
+ keyword_mask_stack.push_front(lexor_keyword_mask);
+ char*word = yytext+1;
+ char*tail = strchr(word, '"');
+ tail[0] = 0;
+ if (strcmp(word,"1364-1995") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2001") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001_CONFIG;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2001-noconfig") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2005") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2005") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2009") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2009;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2012") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2009
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2012;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"VAMS-2.3") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Ignoring unknown keywords string: %s\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line, word);
+ }
+ BEGIN(0);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Malformed keywords specification: %s\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line, yytext);
+ BEGIN(0);
+ }
+^{W}?`end_keywords{W}?.* {
+ if (!keyword_mask_stack.empty()) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = keyword_mask_stack.front();
+ keyword_mask_stack.pop_front();
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Mismatched end_keywords directive\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Notice and handle the default_nettype directive. The lexor
+ detects the default_nettype keyword, and the second part of the
+ rule collects the rest of the line and processes it. We only need
+ to look for the first work, and interpret it. */
+`default_nettype{W}? { BEGIN(PPDEFAULT_NETTYPE); }
+ NetNet::Type net_type;
+ size_t wordlen = strcspn(yytext, " \t\f\r\n");
+ yytext[wordlen] = 0;
+ /* Add support for other wire types and better error detection. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"wire") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri0") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI0;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri1") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI1;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"wand") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WAND;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"triand") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRIAND;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"wor") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WOR;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"trior") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRIOR;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"none") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ } else {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line
+ << ": error: Net type " << yytext
+ << " is not a valid (or supported)"
+ << " default net type." << endl;
+ net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ pform_set_default_nettype(net_type, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+ /* These are directives that are not supported by me and should have
+ been handled by an external preprocessor such as ivlpp. */
+^{W}?`define{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `define not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`else{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `else not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`elsif{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `elsif not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`endif{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `endif not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`ifdef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `ifdef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`ifndef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `ifndef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^`include{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `include not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^`undef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `undef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+`{W} { cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ << "Stray tic (`) here. Perhaps you put white space" << endl;
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": : "
+ << "between the tic and preprocessor directive?"
+ << endl;
+ error_count += 1; }
+. { return yytext[0]; }
+ /* Final catchall. something got lost or mishandled. */
+ /* XXX Should we tell the user something about the lexical state? */
+<*>.|\n { cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line
+ << ": error: unmatched character (";
+ if (isprint(yytext[0]))
+ cerr << yytext[0];
+ else
+ cerr << "hex " << hex << ((unsigned char) yytext[0]);
+ cerr << ")" << endl;
+ error_count += 1; }
+ * The UDP state table needs some slightly different treatment by the
+ * lexor. The level characters are normally accepted as other things,
+ * so the parser needs to switch my mode when it believes in needs to.
+ */
+void lex_end_table()
+static unsigned truncate_to_integer_width(verinum::V*bits, unsigned size)
+ if (size <= integer_width) return size;
+ verinum::V pad = bits[size-1];
+ if (pad == verinum::V1) pad = verinum::V0;
+ for (unsigned idx = integer_width; idx < size; idx += 1) {
+ if (bits[idx] != pad) {
+ yywarn(yylloc, "Unsized numeric constant truncated to integer width.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return integer_width;
+verinum*make_unsized_binary(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ bool single_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert((tolower(*ptr) == 'b') || gn_system_verilog());
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 'b') {
+ ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ assert(sign_flag == false);
+ single_flag = true;
+ }
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 1;
+ if (size == 0) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Numeric literal has no digits in it.");
+ verinum*out = new verinum();
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ out->is_single(single_flag);
+ return out;
+ }
+ if ((based_size > 0) && (size > based_size)) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized binary constant.");
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case '1':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::V1;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c\n", ptr[0]);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ out->is_single(single_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+verinum*make_unsized_octal(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'o');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 3;
+ if (based_size > 0) {
+ int rem = based_size % 3;
+ if (rem != 0) based_size += 3 - rem;
+ if (size > based_size) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized octal constant.");
+ }
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ unsigned val;
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ val = *ptr - '0';
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+verinum*make_unsized_hex(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'h');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 4;
+ if (based_size > 0) {
+ int rem = based_size % 4;
+ if (rem != 0) based_size += 4 - rem;
+ if (size > based_size) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized hex constant.");
+ }
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ unsigned val;
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ val = *ptr - '0';
+ bits[--idx] = (val&8) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
+ val = tolower(*ptr) - 'a' + 10;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&8) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+/* Divide the integer given by the string by 2. Return the remainder bit. */
+static int dec_buf_div2(char *buf)
+ int partial;
+ int len = strlen(buf);
+ char *dst_ptr;
+ int pos;
+ partial = 0;
+ pos = 0;
+ /* dst_ptr overwrites buf, but all characters that are overwritten
+ were already used by the reader. */
+ dst_ptr = buf;
+ while(buf[pos] == '0')
+ ++pos;
+ for(; pos<len; ++pos){
+ if (buf[pos]=='_')
+ continue;
+ assert(isdigit(buf[pos]));
+ partial= partial*10 + (buf[pos]-'0');
+ if (partial >= 2){
+ *dst_ptr = partial/2 + '0';
+ partial = partial & 1;
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ else{
+ *dst_ptr = '0';
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // If result of division was zero string, it should remain that way.
+ // Don't eat the last zero...
+ if (dst_ptr == buf){
+ *dst_ptr = '0';
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ *dst_ptr = 0;
+ return partial;
+/* Support a single x, z or ? as a decimal constant (from 1364-2005). */
+verinum* make_undef_highz_dec(const char* ptr)
+ bool signed_flag = false;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ /* The number may have decorations of the form 'sd<code>,
+ possibly with space between the d and the <code>.
+ Also, the 's' is optional, and marks the number as signed. */
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ signed_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'd');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ /* Process the code. */
+ verinum::V* bits = new verinum::V[1];
+ switch (*ptr) {
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ bits[0] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z':
+ case '?':
+ bits[0] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr == '_') ptr += 1;
+ assert(*ptr == 0);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, 1, false);
+ out->has_sign(signed_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+ * Making a decimal number is much easier than the other base numbers
+ * because there are no z or x values to worry about. It is much
+ * harder than other base numbers because the width needed in bits is
+ * hard to calculate.
+ */
+verinum*make_unsized_dec(const char*ptr)
+ char buf[4096];
+ bool signed_flag = false;
+ unsigned idx;
+ if (ptr[0] == '\'') {
+ /* The number has decorations of the form 'sd<digits>,
+ possibly with space between the d and the <digits>.
+ Also, the 's' is optional, and marks the number as
+ signed. */
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ signed_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'd');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ /* ... or an undecorated decimal number is passed
+ it. These numbers are treated as signed decimal. */
+ assert(isdigit(*ptr));
+ signed_flag = true;
+ }
+ /* Copy the digits into a buffer that I can use to do in-place
+ decimal divides. */
+ idx = 0;
+ while ((idx < sizeof buf) && (*ptr != 0)) {
+ if (*ptr == '_') {
+ ptr += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ buf[idx++] = *ptr++;
+ }
+ if (idx == sizeof buf) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Ridiculously long"
+ " decimal constant will be truncated!\n");
+ idx -= 1;
+ }
+ buf[idx] = 0;
+ unsigned tmp_size = idx * 4 + 1;
+ verinum::V *bits = new verinum::V[tmp_size];
+ idx = 0;
+ while (idx < tmp_size) {
+ int rem = dec_buf_div2(buf);
+ bits[idx++] = (rem == 1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ }
+ assert(strcmp(buf, "0") == 0);
+ /* Now calculate the minimum number of bits needed to
+ represent this unsigned number. */
+ unsigned size = tmp_size;
+ while ((size > 1) && (bits[size-1] == verinum::V0))
+ size -= 1;
+ /* Now account for the signedness. Don't leave a 1 in the high
+ bit if this is a signed number. */
+ if (signed_flag && (bits[size-1] == verinum::V1)) {
+ size += 1;
+ assert(size <= tmp_size);
+ }
+ /* Since we never have the real number of bits that a decimal
+ number represents we do not check for extra bits. */
+// if (based_size > 0) { }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*res = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ res->has_sign(signed_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return res;
+ * Convert the string to a time unit or precision.
+ * Returns true on failure.
+ */
+static bool get_timescale_const(const char *&cp, int &res, bool is_unit)
+ /* Check for the 1 digit. */
+ if (*cp != '1') {
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit constant "
+ "(1st digit)");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision constant "
+ "(1st digit)");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Check the number of zeros after the 1. */
+ res = strspn(cp, "0");
+ if (res > 2) {
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit constant "
+ "(number of zeros)");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision constant "
+ "(number of zeros)");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ cp += res;
+ /* Skip any space between the digits and the scaling string. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Now process the scaling string. */
+ if (strncmp("s", cp, 1) == 0) {
+ res -= 0;
+ cp += 1;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ms", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 3;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("us", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 6;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ns", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 9;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ps", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 12;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("fs", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 15;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit scale");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision scale");
+ }
+ return true;
+ * process either a pull0 or a pull1.
+ */
+static void process_ucdrive(const char*txt)
+ UCDriveType ucd = UCD_NONE;
+ const char*cp = txt + strspn(txt, " \t");
+ /* Skip the space after the `unconnected_drive directive. */
+ if (cp == txt) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Space required after `unconnected_drive "
+ "directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for the pull keyword. */
+ if (strncmp("pull", cp, 4) != 0) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "pull required for `unconnected_drive "
+ "directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 4;
+ if (*cp == '0') ucd = UCD_PULL0;
+ else if (*cp == '1') ucd = UCD_PULL1;
+ else {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`unconnected_drive does not support 'pull" << *cp
+ << "'." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `unconnected_drive directive (extra "
+ "garbage after precision).");
+ return;
+ }
+ uc_drive = ucd;
+ * The timescale parameter has the form:
+ * " <num> xs / <num> xs"
+ */
+static void process_timescale(const char*txt)
+ const char*cp = txt + strspn(txt, " \t");
+ /* Skip the space after the `timescale directive. */
+ if (cp == txt) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Space required after `timescale directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ int unit = 0;
+ int prec = 0;
+ /* Get the time units. */
+ if (get_timescale_const(cp, unit, true)) return;
+ /* Skip any space after the time units, the '/' and any
+ * space after the '/'. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (*cp != '/') {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "`timescale separator '/' appears to be missing.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Get the time precision. */
+ if (get_timescale_const(cp, prec, false)) return;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale directive (extra garbage "
+ "after precision).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The time unit must be greater than or equal to the precision. */
+ if (unit < prec) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "error: `timescale unit must not be less than "
+ "the precision.");
+ return;
+ }
+ pform_set_timescale(unit, prec, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+int yywrap()
+ return 1;
+ * The line directive matches lines of the form #line "foo" N and
+ * calls this function. Here I parse out the file name and line
+ * number, and change the yylloc to suite.
+ */
+static void line_directive()
+ char *cpr;
+ /* Skip any leading space. */
+ char *cp = strchr(yytext, '#');
+ /* Skip the #line directive. */
+ assert(strncmp(cp, "#line", 5) == 0);
+ cp += 5;
+ /* Skip the space after the #line directive. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Find the starting " and skip it. */
+ char*fn_start = strchr(cp, '"');
+ if (cp != fn_start) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (file name start).");
+ return;
+ }
+ fn_start += 1;
+ /* Find the last ". */
+ char*fn_end = strrchr(fn_start, '"');
+ if (!fn_end) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (file name end).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy the file name and assign it to yylloc. */
+ char*buf = new char[fn_end-fn_start+1];
+ strncpy(buf, fn_start, fn_end-fn_start);
+ buf[fn_end-fn_start] = 0;
+ /* Skip the space after the file name. */
+ cp = fn_end;
+ cp += 1;
+ cpr = cp;
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (missing space after "
+ "file name).");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Get the line number and verify that it is correct. */
+ unsigned long lineno = strtoul(cp, &cpr, 10);
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid line number for #line directive.");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Verify that only space is left. */
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if ((size_t)(cpr-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (extra garbage after "
+ "line number).");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Now we can assign the new values to yyloc. */
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(buf);
+ yylloc.first_line = lineno;
+ * The line directive matches lines of the form `line N "foo" M and
+ * calls this function. Here I parse out the file name and line
+ * number, and change the yylloc to suite. M is ignored.
+ */
+static void line_directive2()
+ char *cpr;
+ /* Skip any leading space. */
+ char *cp = strchr(yytext, '`');
+ /* Skip the `line directive. */
+ assert(strncmp(cp, "`line", 5) == 0);
+ cp += 5;
+ /* strtoul skips leading space. */
+ unsigned long lineno = strtoul(cp, &cpr, 10);
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid line number for `line directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ lineno -= 1;
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Skip the space between the line number and the file name. */
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (missing space after "
+ "line number).");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Find the starting " and skip it. */
+ char*fn_start = strchr(cp, '"');
+ if (cp != fn_start) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (file name start).");
+ return;
+ }
+ fn_start += 1;
+ /* Find the last ". */
+ char*fn_end = strrchr(fn_start, '"');
+ if (!fn_end) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (file name end).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Skip the space after the file name. */
+ cp = fn_end + 1;
+ cpr = cp;
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (missing space after "
+ "file name).");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Check that the level is correct, we do not need the level. */
+ if (strspn(cp, "012") != 1) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid level for `line directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (extra garbage after "
+ "level).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy the file name and assign it and the line number to yylloc. */
+ char*buf = new char[fn_end-fn_start+1];
+ strncpy(buf, fn_start, fn_end-fn_start);
+ buf[fn_end-fn_start] = 0;
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(buf);
+ yylloc.first_line = lineno;
+ * Reset all compiler directives. This will be called when a `resetall
+ * directive is encountered or when a new compilation unit is started.
+ */
+static void reset_all()
+ pform_set_default_nettype(NetNet::WIRE, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ in_celldefine = false;
+ uc_drive = UCD_NONE;
+ pform_set_timescale(def_ts_units, def_ts_prec, 0, 0);
+extern FILE*vl_input;
+void reset_lexor()
+ yyrestart(vl_input);
+ yylloc.first_line = 1;
+ /* Announce the first file name. */
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(strdupnew(vl_file.c_str()));
+ if (separate_compilation) {
+ reset_all();
+ if (!keyword_mask_stack.empty()) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = keyword_mask_stack.back();
+ keyword_mask_stack.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ * Modern version of flex (>=2.5.9) can clean up the scanner data.
+ */
+void destroy_lexor()
+ yylex_destroy();
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+ *
+ * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+from ply import lex
+# for timescales (regex subst patterns)
+W = r'[ \t\b\f\r]+'
+S = r'[afpnumkKMGT]'
+TU r'[munpf]'
+ /* Recognize the various line directives. */
+^"#line"[ \t]+.+ { line_directive(); }
+^[ \t]?"`line"[ \t]+.+ { line_directive2(); }
+[ \t\b\f\r] { ; }
+\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; }
+ /* C++ style comments start with / / and run to the end of the
+ current line. These are very easy to handle. The meta-comments
+ format is a little more tricky to handle, but do what we can. */
+ /* The lexor detects "// synthesis translate_on/off" meta-comments,
+ we handle them here by turning on/off a flag. The pform uses
+ that flag to attach implicit attributes to "initial" and
+ "always" statements. */
+"//"{W}*"synthesis"{W}+"translate_on"{W}*\n { pform_mc_translate_on(true); }
+"//"{W}*"synthesis"{W}+"translate_off"{W}*\n { pform_mc_translate_on(false); }
+"//" { comment_enter = YY_START; BEGIN(LCOMMENT); }
+<LCOMMENT>. { yymore(); }
+<LCOMMENT>\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; BEGIN(comment_enter); }
+ /* The contents of C-style comments are ignored, like white space. */
+"/*" { comment_enter = YY_START; BEGIN(CCOMMENT); }
+<CCOMMENT>. { ; }
+<CCOMMENT>\n { yylloc.first_line += 1; }
+<CCOMMENT>"*/" { BEGIN(comment_enter); }
+states = (#('module', 'exclusive'),
+ ('timescale', 'exclusive'),)
+from parse_tokens import tokens
+tokens += ['timescale', 'LITERAL', 'IDENTIFIER', 'DEC_NUMBER', 'BASED_NUMBER',
+def t_ccomment(t):
+ r'/\*(.|\n)*?\*/'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
+t_ignore_cppcomment = r'//.*'
+t_ignore = ' \t\n'
+t_K_PSTAR = r"\(\*"
+t_K_STARP = r"\*\)"
+t_K_DOTSTAR = r"\.\*"
+t_K_LS = r"(<<|<<<)"
+t_K_RS = r">>"
+t_K_RSS = r">>>"
+t_K_POW = r"\*\*"
+t_K_LE = r"<="
+t_K_GE = r">="
+t_K_EG = r"=>"
+"+=>"|"-=>" {
+ /*
+ * Resolve the ambiguity between the += assignment
+ * operator and +=> polarity edge path operator
+ *
+ * +=> should be treated as two separate tokens '+' and
+ * '=>' (K_EG), therefore we only consume the first
+ * character of the matched pattern i.e. either + or -
+ * and push back the rest of the matches text (=>) in
+ * the input stream.
+ */
+ yyless(1);
+ return yytext[0];
+ }
+t_K_SG = r"\*>"
+t_K_EQ = r"=="
+t_K_NE = r"!="
+t_K_CEQ = r"==="
+t_K_CNE = r"!=="
+t_K_WEQ = r"==\?"
+t_K_WNE = r"!=\?"
+t_K_LOR = r"\|\|"
+t_K_LAND = r"\&\&"
+t_K_TAND = r"\&\&\&"
+t_K_NOR = r"\~\|"
+t_K_NXOR = r"(\~\^|\^\~)"
+t_K_NAND = r"\~\&"
+t_K_TRIGGER = r"\->"
+t_K_PO_POS = r"\+:"
+t_K_PO_NEG = r"\-:"
+t_K_CONTRIBUTE = r"<\+"
+t_K_PLUS_EQ = r"\+="
+t_K_MINUS_EQ = r"\-="
+t_K_MUL_EQ = r"\*="
+t_K_DIV_EQ = r"\/="
+t_K_MOD_EQ = r"\%="
+t_K_AND_EQ = r"\&="
+t_K_OR_EQ = r"\|="
+t_K_XOR_EQ = r"\^="
+t_K_LS_EQ = r"(<<=|<<<=)"
+t_K_RS_EQ = r">>="
+t_K_RSS_EQ = r">>>="
+t_K_INCR = r"\+\+"
+t_K_DECR = r"\\--"
+t_K_LP = r"\'\{"
+t_K_SCOPE_RES = r"::"
+tokens += [ 'K_PSTAR', 'K_STARP', 'K_DOTSTAR', 'K_LS',
+ 'K_RS', 'K_RSS', 'K_POW', 'K_LE', 'K_GE', 'K_EG', 'K_SG',
+ 'K_EQ', 'K_NE', 'K_CEQ', 'K_CNE', 'K_WEQ', 'K_WNE',
+ 'K_LOR', 'K_LAND', 'K_TAND', 'K_NOR', 'K_NXOR',
+ 'K_AND_EQ', 'K_OR_EQ', 'K_XOR_EQ', 'K_LS_EQ', 'K_RS_EQ',
+ 'K_RSS_EQ', 'K_INCR', 'K_DECR', 'K_LP',
+ ]
+lexor_keyword_code = {
+ "above" : 'K_above',
+ "abs" : 'K_abs',
+ "absdelay" : 'K_absdelay',
+ "abstol" : 'K_abstol',
+ "accept_on" : 'K_accept_on',
+ "access" : 'K_access',
+ "acos" : 'K_acos',
+ "acosh" : 'K_acosh',
+ "ac_stim" : 'K_ac_stim',
+ "alias" : 'K_alias',
+ "aliasparam" : 'K_aliasparam',
+ "always" : 'K_always',
+ "always_comb" : 'K_always_comb',
+ "always_ff" : 'K_always_ff',
+ "always_latch" : 'K_always_latch',
+ "analog" : 'K_analog',
+ "analysis" : 'K_analysis',
+ "and" : 'K_and',
+ "asin" : 'K_asin',
+ "asinh" : 'K_asinh',
+ "assert" : 'K_assert',
+ "assign" : 'K_assign',
+ "assume" : 'K_assume',
+ "atan" : 'K_atan',
+ "atan2" : 'K_atan2',
+ "atanh" : 'K_atanh',
+ "automatic" : 'K_automatic',
+ "before" : 'K_before',
+ "begin" : 'K_begin',
+ "bind" : 'K_bind',
+ "bins" : 'K_bins',
+ "binsof" : 'K_binsof',
+ "bit" : 'K_bit',
+ "branch" : 'K_branch',
+ "break" : 'K_break',
+ "bool" : 'K_bool',
+ "buf" : 'K_buf',
+ "bufif0" : 'K_bufif0',
+ "bufif1" : 'K_bufif1',
+ "byte" : 'K_byte',
+ "case" : 'K_case',
+ "casex" : 'K_casex',
+ "casez" : 'K_casez',
+ "ceil" : 'K_ceil',
+ "cell" : 'K_cell',
+ "chandle" : 'K_chandle',
+ "checker" : 'K_checker',
+ "class" : 'K_class',
+ "clocking" : 'K_clocking',
+ "cmos" : 'K_cmos',
+ "config" : 'K_config',
+ "connect" : 'K_connect',
+ "connectmodule" : 'K_connectmodule',
+ "connectrules" : 'K_connectrules',
+ "const" : 'K_const',
+ "constraint" : 'K_constraint',
+ "context" : 'K_context',
+ "continue" : 'K_continue',
+ "continuous" : 'K_continuous',
+ "cos" : 'K_cos',
+ "cosh" : 'K_cosh',
+ "cover" : 'K_cover',
+ "covergroup" : 'K_covergroup',
+ "coverpoint" : 'K_coverpoint',
+ "cross" : 'K_cross',
+ "ddt" : 'K_ddt',
+ "ddt_nature" : 'K_ddt_nature',
+ "ddx" : 'K_ddx',
+ "deassign" : 'K_deassign',
+ "default" : 'K_default',
+ "defparam" : 'K_defparam',
+ "design" : 'K_design',
+ "disable" : 'K_disable',
+ "discipline" : 'K_discipline',
+ "discrete" : 'K_discrete',
+ "dist" : 'K_dist',
+ "do" : 'K_do',
+ "domain" : 'K_domain',
+ "driver_update" : 'K_driver_update',
+ "edge" : 'K_edge',
+ "else" : 'K_else',
+ "end" : 'K_end',
+ "endcase" : 'K_endcase',
+ "endchecker" : 'K_endchecker',
+ "endconfig" : 'K_endconfig',
+ "endclass" : 'K_endclass',
+ "endclocking" : 'K_endclocking',
+ "endconnectrules" : 'K_endconnectrules',
+ "enddiscipline" : 'K_enddiscipline',
+ "endfunction" : 'K_endfunction',
+ "endgenerate" : 'K_endgenerate',
+ "endgroup" : 'K_endgroup',
+ "endinterface" : 'K_endinterface',
+ "endmodule" : 'K_endmodule',
+ "endnature" : 'K_endnature',
+ "endpackage" : 'K_endpackage',
+ "endparamset" : 'K_endparamset',
+ "endprimitive" : 'K_endprimitive',
+ "endprogram" : 'K_endprogram',
+ "endproperty" : 'K_endproperty',
+ "endspecify" : 'K_endspecify',
+ "endsequence" : 'K_endsequence',
+ "endtable" : 'K_endtable',
+ "endtask" : 'K_endtask',
+ "enum" : 'K_enum',
+ "event" : 'K_event',
+ "eventually" : 'K_eventually',
+ "exclude" : 'K_exclude',
+ "exp" : 'K_exp',
+ "expect" : 'K_expect',
+ "export" : 'K_export',
+ "extends" : 'K_extends',
+ "extern" : 'K_extern',
+ "final" : 'K_final',
+ "final_step" : 'K_final_step',
+ "first_match" : 'K_first_match',
+ "flicker_noise" : 'K_flicker_noise',
+ "floor" : 'K_floor',
+ "flow" : 'K_flow',
+ "for" : 'K_for',
+ "foreach" : 'K_foreach',
+ "force" : 'K_force',
+ "forever" : 'K_forever',
+ "fork" : 'K_fork',
+ "forkjoin" : 'K_forkjoin',
+ "from" : 'K_from',
+ "function" : 'K_function',
+ "generate" : 'K_generate',
+ "genvar" : 'K_genvar',
+ "global" : 'K_global',
+ "ground" : 'K_ground',
+ "highz0" : 'K_highz0',
+ "highz1" : 'K_highz1',
+ "hypot" : 'K_hypot',
+ "idt" : 'K_idt',
+ "idtmod" : 'K_idtmod',
+ "idt_nature" : 'K_idt_nature',
+ "if" : 'K_if',
+ "iff" : 'K_iff',
+ "ifnone" : 'K_ifnone',
+ "ignore_bins" : 'K_ignore_bins',
+ "illegal_bins" : 'K_illegal_bins',
+ "implies" : 'K_implies',
+ "implements" : 'K_implements',
+ "import" : 'K_import',
+ "incdir" : 'K_incdir',
+ "include" : 'K_include',
+ "inf" : 'K_inf',
+ "initial" : 'K_initial',
+ "initial_step" : 'K_initial_step',
+ "inout" : 'K_inout',
+ "input" : 'K_input',
+ "inside" : 'K_inside',
+ "instance" : 'K_instance',
+ "int" : 'K_int',
+ "integer" : 'K_integer',
+ "interconnect" : 'K_interconnect',
+ "interface" : 'K_interface',
+ "intersect" : 'K_intersect',
+ "join" : 'K_join',
+ "join_any" : 'K_join_any',
+ "join_none" : 'K_join_none',
+ "laplace_nd" : 'K_laplace_nd',
+ "laplace_np" : 'K_laplace_np',
+ "laplace_zd" : 'K_laplace_zd',
+ "laplace_zp" : 'K_laplace_zp',
+ "large" : 'K_large',
+ "last_crossing" : 'K_last_crossing',
+ "let" : 'K_let',
+ "liblist" : 'K_liblist',
+ "library" : 'K_library',
+ "limexp" : 'K_limexp',
+ "ln" : 'K_ln',
+ "local" : 'K_local',
+ "localparam" : 'K_localparam',
+ "log" : 'K_log',
+ # This is defined by SystemVerilog 1800-2005 and as an Icarus extension.'
+ "logic" : 'K_logic',
+ "longint" : 'K_longint',
+ "macromodule" : 'K_macromodule',
+ "matches" : 'K_matches',
+ "max" : 'K_max',
+ "medium" : 'K_medium',
+ "merged" : 'K_merged',
+ "min" : 'K_min',
+ "modport" : 'K_modport',
+ "module" : 'K_module',
+ "nand" : 'K_nand',
+ "nature" : 'K_nature',
+ "negedge" : 'K_negedge',
+ "net_resolution" : 'K_net_resolution',
+ "nettype" : 'K_nettype',
+ "new" : 'K_new',
+ "nexttime" : 'K_nexttime',
+ "nmos" : 'K_nmos',
+ "noise_table" : 'K_noise_table',
+ "nor" : 'K_nor',
+ "noshowcancelled" : 'K_noshowcancelled',
+ "not" : 'K_not',
+ "notif0" : 'K_notif0',
+ "notif1" : 'K_notif1',
+ "null" : 'K_null',
+ "or" : 'K_or',
+ "output" : 'K_output',
+ "package" : 'K_package',
+ "packed" : 'K_packed',
+ "parameter" : 'K_parameter',
+ "paramset" : 'K_paramset',
+ "pmos" : 'K_pmos',
+ "posedge" : 'K_posedge',
+ "potential" : 'K_potential',
+ "pow" : 'K_pow',
+ "primitive" : 'K_primitive',
+ "priority" : 'K_priority',
+ "program" : 'K_program',
+ "property" : 'K_property',
+ "protected" : 'K_protected',
+ "pull0" : 'K_pull0',
+ "pull1" : 'K_pull1',
+ "pulldown" : 'K_pulldown',
+ "pullup" : 'K_pullup',
+ "pulsestyle_onevent" : 'K_pulsestyle_onevent',
+ "pulsestyle_ondetect" : 'K_pulsestyle_ondetect',
+ "pure" : 'K_pure',
+ "rand" : 'K_rand',
+ "randc" : 'K_randc',
+ "randcase" : 'K_randcase',
+ "randsequence" : 'K_randsequence',
+ "rcmos" : 'K_rcmos',
+ "real" : 'K_real',
+ "realtime" : 'K_realtime',
+ "ref" : 'K_ref',
+ "reg" : 'K_reg',
+ "reject_on" : 'K_reject_on',
+ "release" : 'K_release',
+ "repeat" : 'K_repeat',
+ "resolveto" : 'K_resolveto',
+ "restrict" : 'K_restrict',
+ "return" : 'K_return',
+ "rnmos" : 'K_rnmos',
+ "rpmos" : 'K_rpmos',
+ "rtran" : 'K_rtran',
+ "rtranif0" : 'K_rtranif0',
+ "rtranif1" : 'K_rtranif1',
+ "s_always" : 'K_s_always',
+ "s_eventually" : 'K_s_eventually',
+ "s_nexttime" : 'K_s_nexttime',
+ "s_until" : 'K_s_until',
+ "s_until_with" : 'K_s_until_with',
+ "scalared" : 'K_scalared',
+ "sequence" : 'K_sequence',
+ "shortint" : 'K_shortint',
+ "shortreal" : 'K_shortreal',
+ "showcancelled" : 'K_showcancelled',
+ "signed" : 'K_signed',
+ "sin" : 'K_sin',
+ "sinh" : 'K_sinh',
+ "slew" : 'K_slew',
+ "small" : 'K_small',
+ "soft" : 'K_soft',
+ "solve" : 'K_solve',
+ "specify" : 'K_specify',
+ "specparam" : 'K_specparam',
+ "split" : 'K_split',
+ "sqrt" : 'K_sqrt',
+ "static" : 'K_static',
+ # This is defined by both SystemVerilog 1800-2005 and Verilog-AMS 2.3',
+ "string" : 'K_string',
+ "strong" : 'K_strong',
+ "strong0" : 'K_strong0',
+ "strong1" : 'K_strong1',
+ "struct" : 'K_struct',
+ "super" : 'K_super',
+ "supply0" : 'K_supply0',
+ "supply1" : 'K_supply1',
+ "sync_accept_on" : 'K_sync_accept_on',
+ "sync_reject_on" : 'K_sync_reject_on',
+ "table" : 'K_table',
+ "tagged" : 'K_tagged',
+ "tan" : 'K_tan',
+ "tanh" : 'K_tanh',
+ "task" : 'K_task',
+ "this" : 'K_this',
+ "throughout" : 'K_throughout',
+ "time" : 'K_time',
+ "timeprecision" : 'K_timeprecision',
+ "timer" : 'K_timer',
+ "timeunit" : 'K_timeunit',
+ "tran" : 'K_tran',
+ "tranif0" : 'K_tranif0',
+ "tranif1" : 'K_tranif1',
+ "transition" : 'K_transition',
+ "tri" : 'K_tri',
+ "tri0" : 'K_tri0',
+ "tri1" : 'K_tri1',
+ "triand" : 'K_triand',
+ "trior" : 'K_trior',
+ "trireg" : 'K_trireg',
+ "type" : 'K_type',
+ "typedef" : 'K_typedef',
+ "union" : 'K_union',
+ "unique" : 'K_unique',
+ "unique0" : 'K_unique',
+ "units" : 'K_units',
+ # Reserved for future use!',
+ "unsigned" : 'K_unsigned',
+ "until" : 'K_until',
+ "until_with" : 'K_until_with',
+ "untyped" : 'K_untyped',
+ "use" : 'K_use',
+ "uwire" : 'K_uwire',
+ "var" : 'K_var',
+ "vectored" : 'K_vectored',
+ "virtual" : 'K_virtual',
+ "void" : 'K_void',
+ "wait" : 'K_wait',
+ "wait_order" : 'K_wait_order',
+ "wand" : 'K_wand',
+ "weak" : 'K_weak',
+ "weak0" : 'K_weak0',
+ "weak1" : 'K_weak1',
+ "while" : 'K_while',
+ "white_noise" : 'K_white_noise',
+ "wildcard" : 'K_wildcard',
+ "wire" : 'K_wire',
+ "with" : 'K_with',
+ "within" : 'K_within',
+ # This is the name originally proposed for uwire and is deprecated!',
+ "wone" : 'K_wone',
+ "wor" : 'K_wor',
+ # This is defined by Verilog-AMS 2.3 and as an Icarus extension.',
+ "wreal" : 'K_wreal',
+ "xnor" : 'K_xnor',
+ "xor" : 'K_xor',
+ "zi_nd" : 'K_zi_nd',
+ "zi_np" : 'K_zi_np',
+ "zi_zd" : 'K_zi_zd',
+ "zi_zp" : 'K_zi_zp',
+literals = [ '[', '}', '{', ';', ':', '[', ']', ',', '(', ')',
+ '#', '=', '.', '@', '&', '!', '?', '<', '>', '%',
+ '|', '^', '~', '+', '*', '/', '-']
+ /* Watch out for the tricky case of (*). Cannot parse this as "(*"
+ and ")", but since I know that this is really ( * ), replace it
+ with "*" and return that. */
+"("{W}*"*"{W}*")" { return '*'; }
+<EDGES>"]" { BEGIN(0); return yytext[0]; }
+[}{;:\[\],()#=.@&!?<>%|^~+*/-] { return yytext[0]; }
+<CSTRING>\\\\ { yymore(); /* Catch \\, which is a \ escaping itself */ }
+<CSTRING>\\\" { yymore(); /* Catch \", which is an escaped quote */ }
+<CSTRING>\n { BEGIN(0);
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Missing close quote of string.");
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ return STRING; }
+<CSTRING>\" { BEGIN(0);
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ yylval.text[strlen(yytext)-1] = 0;
+ return STRING; }
+<CSTRING>. { yymore(); }
+ /* The UDP Table is a unique lexical environment. These are most
+ tokens that we can expect in a table. */
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?0\) { return '_'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?1\) { return '+'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?[xX]\) { return '%'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(\?\?\) { return '*'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(01\) { return 'r'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(0[xX]\) { return 'Q'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(b[xX]\) { return 'q'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(b0\) { return 'f'; /* b0 is 10|00, but only 10 is meaningful */}
+<UDPTABLE>\(b1\) { return 'r'; /* b1 is 11|01, but only 01 is meaningful */}
+<UDPTABLE>\(0\?\) { return 'P'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(10\) { return 'f'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(1[xX]\) { return 'M'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\(1\?\) { return 'N'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]0\) { return 'F'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]1\) { return 'R'; }
+<UDPTABLE>\([xX]\?\) { return 'B'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[bB] { return 'b'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[lL] { return 'l'; /* IVL extension */ }
+<UDPTABLE>[hH] { return 'h'; /* IVL extension */ }
+<UDPTABLE>[fF] { return 'f'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[rR] { return 'r'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[xX] { return 'x'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[nN] { return 'n'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[pP] { return 'p'; }
+<UDPTABLE>[01\?\*\-:;] { return yytext[0]; }
+<EDGES>"01" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"0x" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"0z" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"10" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"1x" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"1z" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"x0" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"x1" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"z0" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+<EDGES>"z1" { return K_edge_descriptor; }
+def t_module_end(t):
+ r'endmodule'
+ code = t.lexer.lexdata[t.modulestart:t.lexpos]
+ t.type = 'INITIAL'
+ t.value = code
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
+ return t
+t_module_ignore = ' \t'
+def t_LITERAL(t):
+ r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*'
+ word = t.value
+ print ("literal", word)
+ keyword = lexor_keyword_code.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER')
+ #if keyword in ['K_module', 'K_macromodule']:
+ # t.lexer.modulestart = t.lexpos+len(t.value)
+ # t.lexer.begin('module')
+ if keyword == 'IDENTIFIER':
+ t.type = 'IDENTIFIER'
+ t.value = keyword
+ return t
+ t.type = keyword
+ return t
+ switch (rc) {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ if (strncmp(yylval.text,"PATHPULSE$", 10) == 0)
+ break;
+ case K_edge:
+ break;
+ case K_primitive:
+ in_UDP = true;
+ break;
+ case K_endprimitive:
+ in_UDP = false;
+ break;
+ case K_table:
+ break;
+ default:
+ yylval.text = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Special case: If this is part of a scoped name, then check
+ the package for identifier details. For example, if the
+ source file is foo::bar, the parse.y will note the
+ PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER and "::" token and mark the
+ "in_package_scope" variable. Then this lexor will see the
+ identifier here and interpret it in the package scope. */
+ if (in_package_scope) {
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(in_package_scope, yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ in_package_scope = 0;
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a discipline, then return this as
+ a DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER and return the discipline as the
+ value instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_verilog_ams_flag) {
+ perm_string tmp = lex_strings.make(yylval.text);
+ map<perm_string,ivl_discipline_t>::iterator cur = disciplines.find(tmp);
+ if (cur != disciplines.end()) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.discipline = (*cur).second;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a previously declared package, then
+ return this as a PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (PPackage*pkg = pform_test_package_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.package = pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this identifier names a previously declared type, then
+ return this as a TYPE_IDENTIFIER instead. */
+ if (rc == IDENTIFIER && gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+\\[^ \t\b\f\r\n]+ {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext+1);
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (PPackage*pkg = pform_test_package_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ delete[]yylval.text;
+ yylval.package = pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ if (data_type_t*type = pform_test_type_identifier(yylval.text)) {
+ yylval.type_identifier.text = yylval.text;
+ yylval.type_identifier.type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ return IDENTIFIER;
+ }
+\$([a-zA-Z0-9$_]+) {
+ /* The 1364-1995 timing checks. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$hold") == 0)
+ return K_Shold;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$nochange") == 0)
+ return K_Snochange;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$period") == 0)
+ return K_Speriod;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$recovery") == 0)
+ return K_Srecovery;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$setup") == 0)
+ return K_Ssetup;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$setuphold") == 0)
+ return K_Ssetuphold;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$skew") == 0)
+ return K_Sskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$width") == 0)
+ return K_Swidth;
+ /* The new 1364-2001 timing checks. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$fullskew") == 0)
+ return K_Sfullskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$recrem") == 0)
+ return K_Srecrem;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$removal") == 0)
+ return K_Sremoval;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$timeskew") == 0)
+ return K_Stimeskew;
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"$attribute") == 0)
+ return KK_attribute;
+ if (gn_system_verilog() && strcmp(yytext,"$unit") == 0) {
+ yylval.package = pform_units.back();
+ }
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+def t_dec_number(t):
+ r'\'[sS]?[dD][ \t]*[0-9][0-9_]*'
+ t.type = 'BASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_dec(yytext);
+ return t
+def t_undef_highz_dec(t):
+ r'\'[sS]?[dD][ \t]*[xzXZ?]_*'
+ t.type = 'BASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_undef_highz_dec(yytext);
+ return t
+def t_based_make_unsized_binary(t):
+ r'\'[sS]?[bB][ \t]*[0-1xzXZ?][0-1xzXZ?_]*'
+ t.type = 'BASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_binary(yytext);
+ return t
+def t_make_unsized_octal(t):
+ r'\'[sS]?[oO][ \t]*[0-7xzXZ?][0-7xzXZ?_]*'
+ t.type = 'BASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_octal(yytext);
+ return t
+def t_make_unsized_hex(t):
+ r'\'[sS]?[hH][ \t]*[0-9a-fA-FxzXZ?][0-9a-fA-FxzXZ?_]*'
+ t.type = 'BASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_hex(yytext);
+ return t
+def t_unbased_make_unsized_binary(t):
+ r'\'[01xzXZ]'
+ t.type = 'UNBASED_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_binary(yytext);
+ return t
+ /* Decimal numbers are the usual. But watch out for the UDPTABLE
+ mode, where there are no decimal numbers. Reject the match if we
+ are in the UDPTABLE state. */
+ } else {
+def t_make_unsized_dec(t):
+ r'[0-9][0-9_]*'
+ t.type = 'DEC_NUMBER'
+ #t.value = word # make_unsized_dec(yytext);
+ #based_size = yylval.number->as_ulong();
+ return t
+ /* Notice and handle the `timescale directive. */
+def t_timescale(t):
+ #r'^{W}?`timescale'
+ r'`timescale'
+ t.lexer.timestart = t.lexpos+len(t.value)
+ t.lexer.push_state('timescale')
+#t_timescale_ignore_toeol = r'.+\n'
+t_timescale_ignore = ' \t'
+#t_timescale_ignore_whitespace = r'\s+'
+#t_code_ignore = ""
+def t_timescale_end(t):
+ r'.+\n'
+ code = t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexer.timestart:t.lexpos]
+ t.type = 'timescale'
+ t.value = code
+ t.lexer.pop_state()
+ print "match", code
+ return t
+<PPTIMESCALE>.* { process_timescale(yytext); }
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`timescale directive can not be inside a module "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+ /* This rule handles scaled time values for SystemVerilog. */
+[0-9][0-9_]*(\.[0-9][0-9_]*)?{TU}?s {
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yylval.text = strdupnew(yytext);
+ return TIME_LITERAL;
+ } else REJECT; }
+ /* These rules handle the scaled real literals from Verilog-AMS. The
+ value is a number with a single letter scale factor. If
+ verilog-ams is not enabled, then reject this rule. If it is
+ enabled, then collect the scale and use it to scale the value. */
+[0-9][0-9_]*\.[0-9][0-9_]*/{S} {
+ if (!gn_verilog_ams_flag) REJECT;
+ yymore(); }
+[0-9][0-9_]*/{S} {
+ if (!gn_verilog_ams_flag) REJECT;
+ yymore(); }
+ size_t token_len = strlen(yytext);
+ char*tmp = new char[token_len + 5];
+ int scale = 0;
+ strcpy(tmp, yytext);
+ switch (tmp[token_len-1]) {
+ case 'a': scale = -18; break; /* atto- */
+ case 'f': scale = -15; break; /* femto- */
+ case 'p': scale = -12; break; /* pico- */
+ case 'n': scale = -9; break; /* nano- */
+ case 'u': scale = -6; break; /* micro- */
+ case 'm': scale = -3; break; /* milli- */
+ case 'k': scale = 3; break; /* kilo- */
+ case 'K': scale = 3; break; /* kilo- */
+ case 'M': scale = 6; break; /* mega- */
+ case 'G': scale = 9; break; /* giga- */
+ case 'T': scale = 12; break; /* tera- */
+ default: assert(0); break;
+ }
+ snprintf(tmp+token_len-1, 5, "e%d", scale);
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(tmp);
+ delete[]tmp;
+ BEGIN(0);
+ return REALTIME; }
+[0-9][0-9_]*\.[0-9][0-9_]*([Ee][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*)? {
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(yytext);
+ return REALTIME; }
+[0-9][0-9_]*[Ee][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]* {
+ yylval.realtime = new verireal(yytext);
+ return REALTIME; }
+ /* Notice and handle the `celldefine and `endcelldefine directives. */
+^{W}?`celldefine{W}? { in_celldefine = true; }
+^{W}?`endcelldefine{W}? { in_celldefine = false; }
+ /* Notice and handle the resetall directive. */
+^{W}?`resetall{W}? {
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`resetall directive can not be inside a module "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ } else if (in_UDP) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`resetall directive can not be inside a UDP "
+ "definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ } else {
+ reset_all();
+ } }
+ /* Notice and handle the `unconnected_drive directive. */
+^{W}?`unconnected_drive { BEGIN(PPUCDRIVE); }
+<PPUCDRIVE>.* { process_ucdrive(yytext); }
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`unconnected_drive directive can not be inside a "
+ "module definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+^{W}?`nounconnected_drive{W}? {
+ if (in_module) {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`nounconnected_drive directive can not be inside a "
+ "module definition." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ uc_drive = UCD_NONE; }
+ /* These are directives that I do not yet support. I think that IVL
+ should handle these, not an external preprocessor. */
+ /* From 1364-2005 Chapter 19. */
+^{W}?`pragme{W}?.* { }
+ /* From 1364-2005 Annex D. */
+^{W}?`default_decay_time{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`default_trireg_strength{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_distributed{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_path{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_unit{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`delay_mode_zero{W}?.* { }
+ /* From other places. */
+^{W}?`disable_portfaults{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`enable_portfaults{W}?.* { }
+`endprotect { }
+^{W}?`nosuppress_faults{W}?.* { }
+`protect { }
+^{W}?`suppress_faults{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`uselib{W}?.* { }
+^{W}?`begin_keywords{W}? { BEGIN(PPBEGIN_KEYWORDS); }
+<PPBEGIN_KEYWORDS>\"[a-zA-Z0-9 -\.]*\".* {
+ keyword_mask_stack.push_front(lexor_keyword_mask);
+ char*word = yytext+1;
+ char*tail = strchr(word, '"');
+ tail[0] = 0;
+ if (strcmp(word,"1364-1995") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2001") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001_CONFIG;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2001-noconfig") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1364-2005") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2005") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2009") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2009;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"1800-2012") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2005
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2009
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1800_2012;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"VAMS-2.3") == 0) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = GN_KEYWORDS_1364_1995
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2001
+ |GN_KEYWORDS_1364_2005
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Ignoring unknown keywords string: %s\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line, word);
+ }
+ BEGIN(0);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Malformed keywords specification: %s\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line, yytext);
+ BEGIN(0);
+ }
+^{W}?`end_keywords{W}?.* {
+ if (!keyword_mask_stack.empty()) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = keyword_mask_stack.front();
+ keyword_mask_stack.pop_front();
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Mismatched end_keywords directive\n",
+ yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Notice and handle the default_nettype directive. The lexor
+ detects the default_nettype keyword, and the second part of the
+ rule collects the rest of the line and processes it. We only need
+ to look for the first work, and interpret it. */
+`default_nettype{W}? { BEGIN(PPDEFAULT_NETTYPE); }
+ NetNet::Type net_type;
+ size_t wordlen = strcspn(yytext, " \t\f\r\n");
+ yytext[wordlen] = 0;
+ /* Add support for other wire types and better error detection. */
+ if (strcmp(yytext,"wire") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri0") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI0;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"tri1") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRI1;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"wand") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WAND;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"triand") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRIAND;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"wor") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::WOR;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"trior") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::TRIOR;
+ } else if (strcmp(yytext,"none") == 0) {
+ net_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ } else {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line
+ << ": error: Net type " << yytext
+ << " is not a valid (or supported)"
+ << " default net type." << endl;
+ net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ pform_set_default_nettype(net_type, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ }
+ yylloc.first_line += 1;
+ BEGIN(0); }
+ /* These are directives that are not supported by me and should have
+ been handled by an external preprocessor such as ivlpp. */
+^{W}?`define{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `define not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`else{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `else not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`elsif{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `elsif not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`endif{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `endif not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`ifdef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `ifdef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^{W}?`ifndef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `ifndef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^`include{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `include not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+^`undef{W}?.* {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line <<
+ ": warning: `undef not supported. Use an external preprocessor."
+ << endl;
+ }
+`{W} { cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ << "Stray tic (`) here. Perhaps you put white space" << endl;
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": : "
+ << "between the tic and preprocessor directive?"
+ << endl;
+ error_count += 1; }
+. { return yytext[0]; }
+ /* Final catchall. something got lost or mishandled. */
+ /* XXX Should we tell the user something about the lexical state? */
+<*>.|\n { cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line
+ << ": error: unmatched character (";
+ if (isprint(yytext[0]))
+ cerr << yytext[0];
+ else
+ cerr << "hex " << hex << ((unsigned char) yytext[0]);
+ cerr << ")" << endl;
+ error_count += 1; }
+ * The UDP state table needs some slightly different treatment by the
+ * lexor. The level characters are normally accepted as other things,
+ * so the parser needs to switch my mode when it believes in needs to.
+ */
+void lex_end_table()
+static unsigned truncate_to_integer_width(verinum::V*bits, unsigned size)
+ if (size <= integer_width) return size;
+ verinum::V pad = bits[size-1];
+ if (pad == verinum::V1) pad = verinum::V0;
+ for (unsigned idx = integer_width; idx < size; idx += 1) {
+ if (bits[idx] != pad) {
+ yywarn(yylloc, "Unsized numeric constant truncated to integer width.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return integer_width;
+verinum*make_unsized_binary(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ bool single_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert((tolower(*ptr) == 'b') || gn_system_verilog());
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 'b') {
+ ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ assert(sign_flag == false);
+ single_flag = true;
+ }
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 1;
+ if (size == 0) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Numeric literal has no digits in it.");
+ verinum*out = new verinum();
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ out->is_single(single_flag);
+ return out;
+ }
+ if ((based_size > 0) && (size > based_size)) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized binary constant.");
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case '1':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::V1;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c\n", ptr[0]);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ out->is_single(single_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+verinum*make_unsized_octal(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'o');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 3;
+ if (based_size > 0) {
+ int rem = based_size % 3;
+ if (rem != 0) based_size += 3 - rem;
+ if (size > based_size) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized octal constant.");
+ }
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ unsigned val;
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ val = *ptr - '0';
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+verinum*make_unsized_hex(const char*txt)
+ bool sign_flag = false;
+ const char*ptr = txt;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ sign_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'h');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ unsigned size = 0;
+ for (const char*idx = ptr ; *idx ; idx += 1)
+ if (*idx != '_') size += 4;
+ if (based_size > 0) {
+ int rem = based_size % 4;
+ if (rem != 0) based_size += 4 - rem;
+ if (size > based_size) yywarn(yylloc,
+ "extra digits given for sized hex constant.");
+ }
+ verinum::V*bits = new verinum::V[size];
+ unsigned idx = size;
+ while (*ptr) {
+ unsigned val;
+ switch (ptr[0]) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ val = *ptr - '0';
+ bits[--idx] = (val&8) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
+ val = tolower(*ptr) - 'a' + 10;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&8) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&4) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&2) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ bits[--idx] = (val&1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ break;
+ case 'x': case 'X':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z': case 'Z': case '?':
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ bits[--idx] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ out->has_sign(sign_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+/* Divide the integer given by the string by 2. Return the remainder bit. */
+static int dec_buf_div2(char *buf)
+ int partial;
+ int len = strlen(buf);
+ char *dst_ptr;
+ int pos;
+ partial = 0;
+ pos = 0;
+ /* dst_ptr overwrites buf, but all characters that are overwritten
+ were already used by the reader. */
+ dst_ptr = buf;
+ while(buf[pos] == '0')
+ ++pos;
+ for(; pos<len; ++pos){
+ if (buf[pos]=='_')
+ continue;
+ assert(isdigit(buf[pos]));
+ partial= partial*10 + (buf[pos]-'0');
+ if (partial >= 2){
+ *dst_ptr = partial/2 + '0';
+ partial = partial & 1;
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ else{
+ *dst_ptr = '0';
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // If result of division was zero string, it should remain that way.
+ // Don't eat the last zero...
+ if (dst_ptr == buf){
+ *dst_ptr = '0';
+ ++dst_ptr;
+ }
+ *dst_ptr = 0;
+ return partial;
+/* Support a single x, z or ? as a decimal constant (from 1364-2005). */
+verinum* make_undef_highz_dec(const char* ptr)
+ bool signed_flag = false;
+ assert(*ptr == '\'');
+ /* The number may have decorations of the form 'sd<code>,
+ possibly with space between the d and the <code>.
+ Also, the 's' is optional, and marks the number as signed. */
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ signed_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'd');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ /* Process the code. */
+ verinum::V* bits = new verinum::V[1];
+ switch (*ptr) {
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ bits[0] = verinum::Vx;
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z':
+ case '?':
+ bits[0] = verinum::Vz;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr == '_') ptr += 1;
+ assert(*ptr == 0);
+ verinum*out = new verinum(bits, 1, false);
+ out->has_sign(signed_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return out;
+ * Making a decimal number is much easier than the other base numbers
+ * because there are no z or x values to worry about. It is much
+ * harder than other base numbers because the width needed in bits is
+ * hard to calculate.
+ */
+verinum*make_unsized_dec(const char*ptr)
+ char buf[4096];
+ bool signed_flag = false;
+ unsigned idx;
+ if (ptr[0] == '\'') {
+ /* The number has decorations of the form 'sd<digits>,
+ possibly with space between the d and the <digits>.
+ Also, the 's' is optional, and marks the number as
+ signed. */
+ ptr += 1;
+ if (tolower(*ptr) == 's') {
+ signed_flag = true;
+ ptr += 1;
+ }
+ assert(tolower(*ptr) == 'd');
+ ptr += 1;
+ while (*ptr && ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')))
+ ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ /* ... or an undecorated decimal number is passed
+ it. These numbers are treated as signed decimal. */
+ assert(isdigit(*ptr));
+ signed_flag = true;
+ }
+ /* Copy the digits into a buffer that I can use to do in-place
+ decimal divides. */
+ idx = 0;
+ while ((idx < sizeof buf) && (*ptr != 0)) {
+ if (*ptr == '_') {
+ ptr += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ buf[idx++] = *ptr++;
+ }
+ if (idx == sizeof buf) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Ridiculously long"
+ " decimal constant will be truncated!\n");
+ idx -= 1;
+ }
+ buf[idx] = 0;
+ unsigned tmp_size = idx * 4 + 1;
+ verinum::V *bits = new verinum::V[tmp_size];
+ idx = 0;
+ while (idx < tmp_size) {
+ int rem = dec_buf_div2(buf);
+ bits[idx++] = (rem == 1) ? verinum::V1 : verinum::V0;
+ }
+ assert(strcmp(buf, "0") == 0);
+ /* Now calculate the minimum number of bits needed to
+ represent this unsigned number. */
+ unsigned size = tmp_size;
+ while ((size > 1) && (bits[size-1] == verinum::V0))
+ size -= 1;
+ /* Now account for the signedness. Don't leave a 1 in the high
+ bit if this is a signed number. */
+ if (signed_flag && (bits[size-1] == verinum::V1)) {
+ size += 1;
+ assert(size <= tmp_size);
+ }
+ /* Since we never have the real number of bits that a decimal
+ number represents we do not check for extra bits. */
+// if (based_size > 0) { }
+ if (gn_strict_expr_width_flag && (based_size == 0))
+ size = truncate_to_integer_width(bits, size);
+ verinum*res = new verinum(bits, size, false);
+ res->has_sign(signed_flag);
+ delete[]bits;
+ return res;
+ * Convert the string to a time unit or precision.
+ * Returns true on failure.
+ */
+static bool get_timescale_const(const char *&cp, int &res, bool is_unit)
+ /* Check for the 1 digit. */
+ if (*cp != '1') {
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit constant "
+ "(1st digit)");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision constant "
+ "(1st digit)");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Check the number of zeros after the 1. */
+ res = strspn(cp, "0");
+ if (res > 2) {
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit constant "
+ "(number of zeros)");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision constant "
+ "(number of zeros)");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ cp += res;
+ /* Skip any space between the digits and the scaling string. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Now process the scaling string. */
+ if (strncmp("s", cp, 1) == 0) {
+ res -= 0;
+ cp += 1;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ms", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 3;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("us", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 6;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ns", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 9;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("ps", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 12;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ } else if (strncmp("fs", cp, 2) == 0) {
+ res -= 15;
+ cp += 2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (is_unit) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale unit scale");
+ } else {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale precision scale");
+ }
+ return true;
+ * process either a pull0 or a pull1.
+ */
+static void process_ucdrive(const char*txt)
+ UCDriveType ucd = UCD_NONE;
+ const char*cp = txt + strspn(txt, " \t");
+ /* Skip the space after the `unconnected_drive directive. */
+ if (cp == txt) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Space required after `unconnected_drive "
+ "directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for the pull keyword. */
+ if (strncmp("pull", cp, 4) != 0) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "pull required for `unconnected_drive "
+ "directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 4;
+ if (*cp == '0') ucd = UCD_PULL0;
+ else if (*cp == '1') ucd = UCD_PULL1;
+ else {
+ cerr << yylloc.text << ":" << yylloc.first_line << ": error: "
+ "`unconnected_drive does not support 'pull" << *cp
+ << "'." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `unconnected_drive directive (extra "
+ "garbage after precision).");
+ return;
+ }
+ uc_drive = ucd;
+ * The timescale parameter has the form:
+ * " <num> xs / <num> xs"
+ */
+static void process_timescale(const char*txt)
+ const char*cp = txt + strspn(txt, " \t");
+ /* Skip the space after the `timescale directive. */
+ if (cp == txt) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Space required after `timescale directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ int unit = 0;
+ int prec = 0;
+ /* Get the time units. */
+ if (get_timescale_const(cp, unit, true)) return;
+ /* Skip any space after the time units, the '/' and any
+ * space after the '/'. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (*cp != '/') {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "`timescale separator '/' appears to be missing.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Get the time precision. */
+ if (get_timescale_const(cp, prec, false)) return;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `timescale directive (extra garbage "
+ "after precision).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The time unit must be greater than or equal to the precision. */
+ if (unit < prec) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "error: `timescale unit must not be less than "
+ "the precision.");
+ return;
+ }
+ pform_set_timescale(unit, prec, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+int yywrap()
+ return 1;
+ * The line directive matches lines of the form #line "foo" N and
+ * calls this function. Here I parse out the file name and line
+ * number, and change the yylloc to suite.
+ */
+static void line_directive()
+ char *cpr;
+ /* Skip any leading space. */
+ char *cp = strchr(yytext, '#');
+ /* Skip the #line directive. */
+ assert(strncmp(cp, "#line", 5) == 0);
+ cp += 5;
+ /* Skip the space after the #line directive. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ /* Find the starting " and skip it. */
+ char*fn_start = strchr(cp, '"');
+ if (cp != fn_start) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (file name start).");
+ return;
+ }
+ fn_start += 1;
+ /* Find the last ". */
+ char*fn_end = strrchr(fn_start, '"');
+ if (!fn_end) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (file name end).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy the file name and assign it to yylloc. */
+ char*buf = new char[fn_end-fn_start+1];
+ strncpy(buf, fn_start, fn_end-fn_start);
+ buf[fn_end-fn_start] = 0;
+ /* Skip the space after the file name. */
+ cp = fn_end;
+ cp += 1;
+ cpr = cp;
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (missing space after "
+ "file name).");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Get the line number and verify that it is correct. */
+ unsigned long lineno = strtoul(cp, &cpr, 10);
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid line number for #line directive.");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Verify that only space is left. */
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if ((size_t)(cpr-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid #line directive (extra garbage after "
+ "line number).");
+ delete[] buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Now we can assign the new values to yyloc. */
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(buf);
+ yylloc.first_line = lineno;
+ * The line directive matches lines of the form `line N "foo" M and
+ * calls this function. Here I parse out the file name and line
+ * number, and change the yylloc to suite. M is ignored.
+ */
+static void line_directive2()
+ char *cpr;
+ /* Skip any leading space. */
+ char *cp = strchr(yytext, '`');
+ /* Skip the `line directive. */
+ assert(strncmp(cp, "`line", 5) == 0);
+ cp += 5;
+ /* strtoul skips leading space. */
+ unsigned long lineno = strtoul(cp, &cpr, 10);
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid line number for `line directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ lineno -= 1;
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Skip the space between the line number and the file name. */
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (missing space after "
+ "line number).");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Find the starting " and skip it. */
+ char*fn_start = strchr(cp, '"');
+ if (cp != fn_start) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (file name start).");
+ return;
+ }
+ fn_start += 1;
+ /* Find the last ". */
+ char*fn_end = strrchr(fn_start, '"');
+ if (!fn_end) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (file name end).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Skip the space after the file name. */
+ cp = fn_end + 1;
+ cpr = cp;
+ cpr += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (cp == cpr) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (missing space after "
+ "file name).");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp = cpr;
+ /* Check that the level is correct, we do not need the level. */
+ if (strspn(cp, "012") != 1) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid level for `line directive.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cp += 1;
+ /* Verify that only space and/or a single line comment is left. */
+ cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
+ if (strncmp(cp, "//", 2) != 0 &&
+ (size_t)(cp-yytext) != strlen(yytext)) {
+ VLerror(yylloc, "Invalid `line directive (extra garbage after "
+ "level).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy the file name and assign it and the line number to yylloc. */
+ char*buf = new char[fn_end-fn_start+1];
+ strncpy(buf, fn_start, fn_end-fn_start);
+ buf[fn_end-fn_start] = 0;
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(buf);
+ yylloc.first_line = lineno;
+ * Reset all compiler directives. This will be called when a `resetall
+ * directive is encountered or when a new compilation unit is started.
+ */
+static void reset_all()
+ pform_set_default_nettype(NetNet::WIRE, yylloc.text, yylloc.first_line);
+ in_celldefine = false;
+ uc_drive = UCD_NONE;
+ pform_set_timescale(def_ts_units, def_ts_prec, 0, 0);
+extern FILE*vl_input;
+void reset_lexor()
+ yyrestart(vl_input);
+ yylloc.first_line = 1;
+ /* Announce the first file name. */
+ yylloc.text = set_file_name(strdupnew(vl_file.c_str()));
+ if (separate_compilation) {
+ reset_all();
+ if (!keyword_mask_stack.empty()) {
+ lexor_keyword_mask = keyword_mask_stack.back();
+ keyword_mask_stack.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ * Modern version of flex (>=2.5.9) can clean up the scanner data.
+ */
+void destroy_lexor()
+ yylex_destroy();
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+def t_timescale_error(t):
+ print("%d: Timescale error '%s'" % (t.lexer.lineno, t.value[0]))
+ print(t.value)
+ raise RuntimeError
+def t_module_error(t):
+ print("%d: Module error '%s'" % (t.lexer.lineno, t.value[0]))
+ print(t.value)
+ raise RuntimeError
+def t_error(t):
+ print("%d: Illegal character '%s'" % (t.lexer.lineno, t.value[0]))
+ print(t.value)
+ t.lexer.skip(1)
+tokens = list(set(tokens))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ lex.runmain()
--- /dev/null
+# %{
+# /*
+# * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+# * Copyright CERN 2012-2013 / Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+# *
+# * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+# * and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
+# * General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# * any later version.
+# *
+# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# * GNU General Public License for more details.
+# *
+# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# */
+# # include "config.h"
+# # include "parse_misc.h"
+# # include "compiler.h"
+# # include "pform.h"
+# # include "Statement.h"
+# # include "PSpec.h"
+# # include <stack>
+# # include <cstring>
+# # include <sstream>
+# class PSpecPath;
+# extern void lex_end_table();
+# static list<pform_range_t>* param_active_range = 0;
+# static bool param_active_signed = false;
+# static ivl_variable_type_t param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+# /* Port declaration lists use this structure for context. */
+# static struct {
+# NetNet::Type port_net_type;
+# NetNet::PortType port_type;
+# data_type_t* data_type;
+# } port_declaration_context = {NetNet::NONE, NetNet::NOT_A_PORT, 0};
+# /* Modport port declaration lists use this structure for context. */
+# enum modport_port_type_t { MP_NONE, MP_SIMPLE, MP_TF, MP_CLOCKING };
+# static struct {
+# modport_port_type_t type;
+# union {
+# NetNet::PortType direction;
+# bool is_import;
+# };
+# } last_modport_port = { MP_NONE, {NetNet::NOT_A_PORT}};
+# /* The task and function rules need to briefly hold the pointer to the
+# task/function that is currently in progress. */
+# static PTask* current_task = 0;
+# static PFunction* current_function = 0;
+# static stack<PBlock*> current_block_stack;
+# /* The variable declaration rules need to know if a lifetime has been
+# specified. */
+# static LexicalScope::lifetime_t var_lifetime;
+# static pform_name_t* pform_create_this(void)
+# {
+# name_component_t name (perm_string::literal("@"));
+# pform_name_t*res = new pform_name_t;
+# res->push_back(name);
+# return res;
+# }
+# static pform_name_t* pform_create_super(void)
+# {
+# name_component_t name (perm_string::literal("#"));
+# pform_name_t*res = new pform_name_t;
+# res->push_back(name);
+# return res;
+# }
+# /* This is used to keep track of the extra arguments after the notifier
+# * in the $setuphold and $recrem timing checks. This allows us to print
+# * a warning message that the delayed signals will not be created. We
+# * need to do this since not driving these signals creates real
+# * simulation issues. */
+# static unsigned args_after_notifier;
+# /* The rules sometimes push attributes into a global context where
+# sub-rules may grab them. This makes parser rules a little easier to
+# write in some cases. */
+# static list<named_pexpr_t>*attributes_in_context = 0;
+# /* Later version of bison (including 1.35) will not compile in stack
+# extension if the output is compiled with C++ and either the YYSTYPE
+# or YYLTYPE are provided by the source code. However, I can get the
+# old behavior back by defining these symbols. */
+# # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
+# # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
+# /* Recent version of bison expect that the user supply a
+# YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro that makes up a yylloc value from existing
+# values. I need to supply an explicit version to account for the
+# text field, that otherwise won't be copied.
+# The YYLLOC_DEFAULT blends the file range for the tokens of Rhs
+# rule, which has N tokens.
+# */
+# # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) do { \
+# if (N) { \
+# (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \
+# (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \
+# (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \
+# (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \
+# (Current).text = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).text; \
+# } else { \
+# (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
+# (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
+# (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
+# (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
+# (Current).text = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).text; \
+# } \
+# } while (0)
+# /*
+# * These are some common strength pairs that are used as defaults when
+# * the user is not otherwise specific.
+# */
+# static const struct str_pair_t pull_strength = { IVL_DR_PULL, IVL_DR_PULL };
+# static const struct str_pair_t str_strength = { IVL_DR_STRONG, IVL_DR_STRONG };
+# static list<pform_port_t>* make_port_list(char*id, list<pform_range_t>*udims, PExpr*expr)
+# {
+# list<pform_port_t>*tmp = new list<pform_port_t>;
+# tmp->push_back(pform_port_t(lex_strings.make(id), udims, expr));
+# delete[]id;
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# static list<pform_port_t>* make_port_list(list<pform_port_t>*tmp,
+# char*id, list<pform_range_t>*udims, PExpr*expr)
+# {
+# tmp->push_back(pform_port_t(lex_strings.make(id), udims, expr));
+# delete[]id;
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# list<pform_range_t>* make_range_from_width(uint64_t wid)
+# {
+# pform_range_t range;
+# range.first = new PENumber(new verinum(wid-1, integer_width));
+# range.second = new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)0, integer_width));
+# list<pform_range_t>*rlist = new list<pform_range_t>;
+# rlist->push_back(range);
+# return rlist;
+# }
+# static list<perm_string>* list_from_identifier(char*id)
+# {
+# list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+# tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make(id));
+# delete[]id;
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# static list<perm_string>* list_from_identifier(list<perm_string>*tmp, char*id)
+# {
+# tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make(id));
+# delete[]id;
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# list<pform_range_t>* copy_range(list<pform_range_t>* orig)
+# {
+# list<pform_range_t>*copy = 0;
+# if (orig)
+# copy = new list<pform_range_t> (*orig);
+# return copy;
+# }
+# template <class T> void append(vector<T>&out, const vector<T>&in)
+# {
+# for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < in.size() ; idx += 1)
+# out.push_back(in[idx]);
+# }
+# /*
+# * Look at the list and pull null pointers off the end.
+# */
+# static void strip_tail_items(list<PExpr*>*lst)
+# {
+# while (! lst->empty()) {
+# if (lst->back() != 0)
+# return;
+# lst->pop_back();
+# }
+# }
+# /*
+# * This is a shorthand for making a PECallFunction that takes a single
+# * arg. This is used by some of the code that detects built-ins.
+# */
+# static PECallFunction*make_call_function(perm_string tn, PExpr*arg)
+# {
+# vector<PExpr*> parms(1);
+# parms[0] = arg;
+# PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, parms);
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# static PECallFunction*make_call_function(perm_string tn, PExpr*arg1, PExpr*arg2)
+# {
+# vector<PExpr*> parms(2);
+# parms[0] = arg1;
+# parms[1] = arg2;
+# PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, parms);
+# return tmp;
+# }
+# static list<named_pexpr_t>* make_named_numbers(perm_string name, long first, long last, PExpr*val =0)
+# {
+# list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+# named_pexpr_t tmp;
+# // We are counting up.
+# if (first <= last) {
+# for (long idx = first ; idx <= last ; idx += 1) {
+# ostringstream buf;
+# buf << name.str() << idx << ends;
+# tmp.name = lex_strings.make(buf.str());
+# tmp.parm = val;
+# val = 0;
+# lst->push_back(tmp);
+# }
+# // We are counting down.
+# } else {
+# for (long idx = first ; idx >= last ; idx -= 1) {
+# ostringstream buf;
+# buf << name.str() << idx << ends;
+# tmp.name = lex_strings.make(buf.str());
+# tmp.parm = val;
+# val = 0;
+# lst->push_back(tmp);
+# }
+# }
+# return lst;
+# }
+# static list<named_pexpr_t>* make_named_number(perm_string name, PExpr*val =0)
+# {
+# list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+# named_pexpr_t tmp;
+# tmp.name = name;
+# tmp.parm = val;
+# lst->push_back(tmp);
+# return lst;
+# }
+# static long check_enum_seq_value(const YYLTYPE&loc, verinum *arg, bool zero_ok)
+# {
+# long value = 1;
+# // We can never have an undefined value in an enumeration name
+# // declaration sequence.
+# if (! arg->is_defined()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: undefined value used in enum name sequence.");
+# // We can never have a negative value in an enumeration name
+# // declaration sequence.
+# } else if (arg->is_negative()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: negative value used in enum name sequence.");
+# } else {
+# value = arg->as_ulong();
+# // We cannot have a zero enumeration name declaration count.
+# if (! zero_ok && (value == 0)) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: zero count used in enum name sequence.");
+# value = 1;
+# }
+# }
+# return value;
+# }
+# static void current_task_set_statement(const YYLTYPE&loc, vector<Statement*>*s)
+# {
+# if (s == 0) {
+# /* if the statement list is null, then the parser
+# detected the case that there are no statements in the
+# task. If this is SystemVerilog, handle it as an
+# an empty block. */
+# if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: Support for empty tasks requires SystemVerilog.");
+# }
+# PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+# FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+# current_task->set_statement(tmp);
+# return;
+# }
+# assert(s);
+# /* An empty vector represents one or more null statements. Handle
+# this as a simple null statement. */
+# if (s->empty())
+# return;
+# /* A vector of 1 is handled as a simple statement. */
+# if (s->size() == 1) {
+# current_task->set_statement((*s)[0]);
+# return;
+# }
+# if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+# }
+# PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+# FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+# tmp->set_statement(*s);
+# current_task->set_statement(tmp);
+# }
+# static void current_function_set_statement(const YYLTYPE&loc, vector<Statement*>*s)
+# {
+# if (s == 0) {
+# /* if the statement list is null, then the parser
+# detected the case that there are no statements in the
+# task. If this is SystemVerilog, handle it as an
+# an empty block. */
+# if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: Support for empty functions requires SystemVerilog.");
+# }
+# PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+# FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+# current_function->set_statement(tmp);
+# return;
+# }
+# assert(s);
+# /* An empty vector represents one or more null statements. Handle
+# this as a simple null statement. */
+# if (s->empty())
+# return;
+# /* A vector of 1 is handled as a simple statement. */
+# if (s->size() == 1) {
+# current_function->set_statement((*s)[0]);
+# return;
+# }
+# if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+# yyerror(loc, "error: Function body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+# }
+# PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+# FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+# tmp->set_statement(*s);
+# current_function->set_statement(tmp);
+# }
+# %}
+('tokens = ', "['IDENTIFIER', 'SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER', 'STRING', 'TIME_LITERAL', 'TYPE_IDENTIFIER', 'PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER', 'DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER', 'PATHPULSE_IDENTIFIER', 'BASED_NUMBER', 'DEC_NUMBER', 'UNBASED_NUMBER', 'REALTIME', 'K_PLUS_EQ', 'K_MINUS_EQ', 'K_INCR', 'K_DECR', 'K_LE', 'K_GE', 'K_EG', 'K_EQ', 'K_NE', 'K_CEQ', 'K_CNE', 'K_WEQ', 'K_WNE', 'K_LP', 'K_LS', 'K_RS', 'K_RSS', 'K_SG', 'K_CONTRIBUTE', 'K_PO_POS', 'K_PO_NEG', 'K_POW', 'K_PSTAR', 'K_STARP', 'K_DOTSTAR', 'K_LOR', 'K_LAND', 'K_NAND', 'K_NOR', 'K_NXOR', 'K_TRIGGER', 'K_SCOPE_RES', 'K_edge_descriptor', 'K_always', 'K_and', 'K_assign', 'K_begin', 'K_buf', 'K_bufif0', 'K_bufif1', 'K_case', 'K_casex', 'K_casez', 'K_cmos', 'K_deassign', 'K_default', 'K_defparam', 'K_disable', 'K_edge', 'K_else', 'K_end', 'K_endcase', 'K_endfunction', 'K_endmodule', 'K_endprimitive', 'K_endspecify', 'K_endtable', 'K_endtask', 'K_event', 'K_for', 'K_force', 'K_forever', 'K_fork', 'K_function', 'K_highz0', 'K_highz1', 'K_if', 'K_ifnone', 'K_initial', 'K_inout', 'K_input', 'K_integer', 'K_join', 'K_large', 'K_macromodule', 'K_medium', 'K_module', 'K_nand', 'K_negedge', 'K_nmos', 'K_nor', 'K_not', 'K_notif0', 'K_notif1', 'K_or', 'K_output', 'K_parameter', 'K_pmos', 'K_posedge', 'K_primitive', 'K_pull0', 'K_pull1', 'K_pulldown', 'K_pullup', 'K_rcmos', 'K_real', 'K_realtime', 'K_reg', 'K_release', 'K_repeat', 'K_rnmos', 'K_rpmos', 'K_rtran', 'K_rtranif0', 'K_rtranif1', 'K_scalared', 'K_small', 'K_specify', 'K_specparam', 'K_strong0', 'K_strong1', 'K_supply0', 'K_supply1', 'K_table', 'K_task', 'K_time', 'K_tran', 'K_tranif0', 'K_tranif1', 'K_tri', 'K_tri0', 'K_tri1', 'K_triand', 'K_trior', 'K_trireg', 'K_vectored', 'K_wait', 'K_wand', 'K_weak0', 'K_weak1', 'K_while', 'K_wire', 'K_wor', 'K_xnor', 'K_xor', 'K_Shold', 'K_Snochange', 'K_Speriod', 'K_Srecovery', 'K_Ssetup', 'K_Ssetuphold', 'K_Sskew', 'K_Swidth', 'KK_attribute', 'K_bool', 'K_logic', 'K_automatic', 'K_endgenerate', 'K_generate', 'K_genvar', 'K_localparam', 'K_noshowcancelled', 'K_pulsestyle_onevent', 'K_pulsestyle_ondetect', 'K_showcancelled', 'K_signed', 'K_unsigned', 'K_Sfullskew', 'K_Srecrem', 'K_Sremoval', 'K_Stimeskew', 'K_cell', 'K_config', 'K_design', 'K_endconfig', 'K_incdir', 'K_include', 'K_instance', 'K_liblist', 'K_library', 'K_use', 'K_wone', 'K_uwire', 'K_alias', 'K_always_comb', 'K_always_ff', 'K_always_latch', 'K_assert', 'K_assume', 'K_before', 'K_bind', 'K_bins', 'K_binsof', 'K_bit', 'K_break', 'K_byte', 'K_chandle', 'K_class', 'K_clocking', 'K_const', 'K_constraint', 'K_context', 'K_continue', 'K_cover', 'K_covergroup', 'K_coverpoint', 'K_cross', 'K_dist', 'K_do', 'K_endclass', 'K_endclocking', 'K_endgroup', 'K_endinterface', 'K_endpackage', 'K_endprogram', 'K_endproperty', 'K_endsequence', 'K_enum', 'K_expect', 'K_export', 'K_extends', 'K_extern', 'K_final', 'K_first_match', 'K_foreach', 'K_forkjoin', 'K_iff', 'K_ignore_bins', 'K_illegal_bins', 'K_import', 'K_inside', 'K_int', 'K_interface', 'K_intersect', 'K_join_any', 'K_join_none', 'K_local', 'K_longint', 'K_matches', 'K_modport', 'K_new', 'K_null', 'K_package', 'K_packed', 'K_priority', 'K_program', 'K_property', 'K_protected', 'K_pure', 'K_rand', 'K_randc', 'K_randcase', 'K_randsequence', 'K_ref', 'K_return', 'K_sequence', 'K_shortint', 'K_shortreal', 'K_solve', 'K_static', 'K_string', 'K_struct', 'K_super', 'K_tagged', 'K_this', 'K_throughout', 'K_timeprecision', 'K_timeunit', 'K_type', 'K_typedef', 'K_union', 'K_unique', 'K_var', 'K_virtual', 'K_void', 'K_wait_order', 'K_wildcard', 'K_with', 'K_within', 'K_accept_on', 'K_checker', 'K_endchecker', 'K_eventually', 'K_global', 'K_implies', 'K_let', 'K_nexttime', 'K_reject_on', 'K_restrict', 'K_s_always', 'K_s_eventually', 'K_s_nexttime', 'K_s_until', 'K_s_until_with', 'K_strong', 'K_sync_accept_on', 'K_sync_reject_on', 'K_unique0', 'K_until', 'K_until_with', 'K_untyped', 'K_weak', 'K_implements', 'K_interconnect', 'K_nettype', 'K_soft', 'K_above', 'K_abs', 'K_absdelay', 'K_abstol', 'K_access', 'K_acos', 'K_acosh', 'K_ac_stim', 'K_aliasparam', 'K_analog', 'K_analysis', 'K_asin', 'K_asinh', 'K_atan', 'K_atan2', 'K_atanh', 'K_branch', 'K_ceil', 'K_connect', 'K_connectmodule', 'K_connectrules', 'K_continuous', 'K_cos', 'K_cosh', 'K_ddt', 'K_ddt_nature', 'K_ddx', 'K_discipline', 'K_discrete', 'K_domain', 'K_driver_update', 'K_endconnectrules', 'K_enddiscipline', 'K_endnature', 'K_endparamset', 'K_exclude', 'K_exp', 'K_final_step', 'K_flicker_noise', 'K_floor', 'K_flow', 'K_from', 'K_ground', 'K_hypot', 'K_idt', 'K_idtmod', 'K_idt_nature', 'K_inf', 'K_initial_step', 'K_laplace_nd', 'K_laplace_np', 'K_laplace_zd', 'K_laplace_zp', 'K_last_crossing', 'K_limexp', 'K_ln', 'K_log', 'K_max', 'K_merged', 'K_min', 'K_nature', 'K_net_resolution', 'K_noise_table', 'K_paramset', 'K_potential', 'K_pow', 'K_resolveto', 'K_sin', 'K_sinh', 'K_slew', 'K_split', 'K_sqrt', 'K_tan', 'K_tanh', 'K_timer', 'K_transition', 'K_units', 'K_white_noise', 'K_wreal', 'K_zi_nd', 'K_zi_np', 'K_zi_zd', 'K_zi_zp', 'K_TAND', 'K_PLUS_EQ', 'K_MINUS_EQ', 'K_MUL_EQ', 'K_DIV_EQ', 'K_MOD_EQ', 'K_AND_EQ', 'K_OR_EQ', 'K_XOR_EQ', 'K_LS_EQ', 'K_RS_EQ', 'K_RSS_EQ', 'K_inside', 'K_LOR', 'K_LAND', 'K_NXOR', 'K_NOR', 'K_NAND', 'K_EQ', 'K_NE', 'K_CEQ', 'K_CNE', 'K_WEQ', 'K_WNE', 'K_GE', 'K_LE', 'K_LS', 'K_RS', 'K_RSS', 'K_POW', 'UNARY_PREC', 'less_than_K_else', 'K_else', 'K_exclude', 'no_timeunits_declaration', 'one_timeunits_declaration', 'K_timeunit', 'K_timeprecision']")
+('precedence = ', '[(\'right\', \'K_PLUS_EQ\', \'K_MINUS_EQ\', \'K_MUL_EQ\', \'K_DIV_EQ\', \'K_MOD_EQ\', \'K_AND_EQ\', \'K_OR_EQ\'), (\'right\', \'K_XOR_EQ\', \'K_LS_EQ\', \'K_RS_EQ\', \'K_RSS_EQ\'), (\'right\', "\'?\'", "\':\'", \'K_inside\'), (\'left\', \'K_LOR\'), (\'left\', \'K_LAND\'), (\'left\', "\'|\'"), (\'left\', "\'^\'", \'K_NXOR\', \'K_NOR\'), (\'left\', "\'&\'", \'K_NAND\'), (\'left\', \'K_EQ\', \'K_NE\', \'K_CEQ\', \'K_CNE\', \'K_WEQ\', \'K_WNE\'), (\'left\', \'K_GE\', \'K_LE\', "\'<\'", "\'>\'"), (\'left\', \'K_LS\', \'K_RS\', \'K_RSS\'), (\'left\', "\'+\'", "\'-\'"), (\'left\', "\'*\'", "\'/\'", "\'%\'"), (\'left\', \'K_POW\'), (\'left\', \'UNARY_PREC\'), (\'nonassoc\', \'less_than_K_else\'), (\'nonassoc\', \'K_else\'), (\'nonassoc\', "\'(\'"), (\'nonassoc\', \'K_exclude\'), (\'nonassoc\', \'no_timeunits_declaration\'), (\'nonassoc\', \'one_timeunits_declaration\'), (\'nonassoc\', \'K_timeunit\', \'K_timeprecision\')]')
+# -------------- RULES ----------------
+def p_source_text_1(p):
+ '''source_text : timeunits_declaration_opt _embed0_source_text description_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_source_text_2(p):
+ '''source_text : '''
+ print(p)
+def p__embed0_source_text(p):
+ '''_embed0_source_text : '''
+ # { pform_set_scope_timescale(yyloc); }
+def p_assertion_item_1(p):
+ '''assertion_item : concurrent_assertion_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_assignment_pattern_1(p):
+ '''assignment_pattern : K_LP expression_list_proper '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_assignment_pattern_2(p):
+ '''assignment_pattern : K_LP '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_block_identifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''block_identifier_opt : IDENTIFIER ':' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_identifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''block_identifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_declaration_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration : K_virtual_opt K_class lifetime_opt class_identifier class_declaration_extends_opt ';' _embed0_class_declaration class_items_opt K_endclass _embed1_class_declaration class_declaration_endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Wrap up the class.
+ # if ($11 && $4 && $4->name != $11) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: Class end label doesn't match class name.");
+ # delete[]$11;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed0_class_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_class_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_start_class_declaration(@2, $4, $5.type, $5.exprs, $3); }
+def p__embed1_class_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_class_declaration : '''
+ # { // Process a class.
+ # pform_end_class_declaration(@9);
+ # }
+def p_class_constraint_1(p):
+ '''class_constraint : constraint_prototype '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_constraint_2(p):
+ '''class_constraint : constraint_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_identifier_1(p):
+ '''class_identifier : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ # // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_identifier_2(p):
+ '''class_identifier : TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*>($1.type);
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "Type name \"%s\"is not a predeclared class name.", $1.text);
+ # }
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : ':' TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*> ($2.type);
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: class declaration endlabel \"%s\" is not a class name\n", $2.text);
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # $$ = strdupnew(tmp->name.str());
+ # }
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : ':' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_3(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : K_extends TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = $2.type;
+ # $$.exprs= 0;
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : K_extends TYPE_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = $2.type;
+ # $$.exprs = $4;
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_3(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = 0; $$.exprs = 0; }
+def p_class_items_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_items_opt : class_items '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_items_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_1(p):
+ '''class_items : class_items class_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_2(p):
+ '''class_items : class_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_item_1(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new _embed0_class_item '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' function_item_list_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction endnew_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { current_function->set_ports($6);
+ # pform_set_constructor_return(current_function);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@3, current_function);
+ # current_function_set_statement(@3, $10);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_2(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_class_property(@2, $1, $2, $3); }
+def p_class_item_3(p):
+ '''class_item : K_const class_item_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_class_property(@1, $2 | property_qualifier_t::make_const(), $3, $4); }
+def p_class_item_4(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt task_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* The task_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+def p_class_item_5(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt function_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* The function_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+def p_class_item_6(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+def p_class_item_7(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+def p_class_item_8(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_9(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_10(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $4;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_11(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $4;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_12(p):
+ '''class_item : class_constraint '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_item_13(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt data_type error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in variable names after data type.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_14(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt IDENTIFIER error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: %s doesn't name a type.", $2);
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_15(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new error K_endfunction endnew_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: I give up on this class constructor declaration.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_16(p):
+ '''class_item : error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: invalid class item.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_class_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_class_item : '''
+ # { assert(current_function==0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_constructor_scope(@3);
+ # }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_static '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_static(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_protected '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_protected(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_3(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_local '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_local(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_list_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_list : class_item_qualifier_list class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1 | $2; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_list_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_list : class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_opt : class_item_qualifier_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_none(); }
+def p_class_new_1(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $3;
+ # strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ # PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass(*expr_list);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_new_2(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmpi = new PEIdent(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmpi, @2);
+ # PENewCopy*tmp = new PENewCopy(tmpi);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_new_3(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_concurrent_assertion_item_1(p):
+ '''concurrent_assertion_item : block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' property_spec ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* */
+ # if (gn_assertions_flag) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: concurrent_assertion_item not supported."
+ # " Try -gno-assertion to turn this message off.");
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_concurrent_assertion_item_2(p):
+ '''concurrent_assertion_item : block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerrok;
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Error in property_spec of concurrent assertion item.");
+ # }
+def p_constraint_block_item_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list : constraint_block_item_list constraint_block_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_2(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list : constraint_block_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list_opt : constraint_block_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_declaration_1(p):
+ '''constraint_declaration : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' constraint_block_item_list_opt '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint declarations not supported."); }
+def p_constraint_declaration_2(p):
+ '''constraint_declaration : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' error '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in the constraint block item list."); }
+def p_constraint_expression_1(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_2(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression K_dist '{' '}' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_3(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression K_TRIGGER constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_4(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_5(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set K_else constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_6(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')' constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_list_1(p):
+ '''constraint_expression_list : constraint_expression_list constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_list_2(p):
+ '''constraint_expression_list : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_prototype_1(p):
+ '''constraint_prototype : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint prototypes not supported."); }
+def p_constraint_set_1(p):
+ '''constraint_set : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_set_2(p):
+ '''constraint_set : '{' constraint_expression_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_data_declaration_1(p):
+ '''data_declaration : attribute_list_opt data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { data_type_t*data_type = $2;
+ # if (data_type == 0) {
+ # data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ # }
+ # pform_makewire(@2, 0, str_strength, $3, NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG, data_type);
+ # }
+def p_data_type_1(p):
+ '''data_type : integer_vector_type unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { ivl_variable_type_t use_vtype = $1;
+ # bool reg_flag = false;
+ # if (use_vtype == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) {
+ # use_vtype = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # reg_flag = true;
+ # }
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(use_vtype, $2, $3);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = reg_flag;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_2(p):
+ '''data_type : non_integer_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*tmp = new real_type_t($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_3(p):
+ '''data_type : struct_data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (!$1->packed_flag) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "sorry: Unpacked structs not supported.");
+ # }
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_4(p):
+ '''data_type : enum_data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_5(p):
+ '''data_type : atom2_type signed_unsigned_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { atom2_type_t*tmp = new atom2_type_t($1, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_6(p):
+ '''data_type : K_integer signed_unsigned_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $2, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = true;
+ # tmp->integer_flag = true;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_7(p):
+ '''data_type : K_time '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(64);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = !gn_system_verilog();
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_8(p):
+ '''data_type : TYPE_IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) {
+ # parray_type_t*tmp = new parray_type_t($1.type, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else $$ = $1.type;
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_9(p):
+ '''data_type : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES _embed0_data_type TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_in_package_scope(0);
+ # $$ = $4.type;
+ # delete[]$4.text;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_10(p):
+ '''data_type : K_string '''
+ print(p)
+ # { string_type_t*tmp = new string_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_data_type(p):
+ '''_embed0_data_type : '''
+ # { lex_in_package_scope($1); }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_1(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_2(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : signing dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $1, $2);
+ # tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_3(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : dimensions '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, $1);
+ # tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_4(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_or_void_1(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit_or_void : data_type_or_implicit '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_or_void_2(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit_or_void : K_void '''
+ print(p)
+ # { void_type_t*tmp = new void_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_description_1(p):
+ '''description : module '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_2(p):
+ '''description : udp_primitive '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_3(p):
+ '''description : config_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_4(p):
+ '''description : nature_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_5(p):
+ '''description : package_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_6(p):
+ '''description : discipline_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_7(p):
+ '''description : package_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_8(p):
+ '''description : KK_attribute '(' IDENTIFIER ',' STRING ',' STRING ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp3 = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # pform_set_type_attrib(tmp3, $5, $7);
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_description_list_1(p):
+ '''description_list : description '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_list_2(p):
+ '''description_list : description_list description '''
+ print(p)
+def p_endnew_opt_1(p):
+ '''endnew_opt : ':' K_new '''
+ print(p)
+def p_endnew_opt_2(p):
+ '''endnew_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_dynamic_array_new_1(p):
+ '''dynamic_array_new : K_new '[' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new PENewArray($3, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+def p_dynamic_array_new_2(p):
+ '''dynamic_array_new : K_new '[' expression ']' '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new PENewArray($3, $6);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+def p_for_step_1(p):
+ '''for_step : lpvalue '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_for_step_2(p):
+ '''for_step : inc_or_dec_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_compressed_assign_from_inc_dec(@1, $1); }
+def p_for_step_3(p):
+ '''for_step : compressed_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_function_declaration_1(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER ';' _embed0_function_declaration function_item_list statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction _embed1_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($11) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$11) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$11;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_function_declaration_2(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER _embed2_function_declaration '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction _embed3_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($14) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$14) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$14;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_function_declaration_3(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER error K_endfunction _embed4_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($8) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$8) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$8;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_function_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_function == 0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_function_declaration : '''
+ # { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ # current_function->set_return($3);
+ # current_function_set_statement($8? @8 : @4, $8);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+def p__embed2_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed2_function_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_function == 0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed3_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed3_function_declaration : '''
+ # { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ # current_function->set_return($3);
+ # current_function_set_statement($11? @11 : @4, $11);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # if ($7==0 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@4, "error: Empty parenthesis syntax requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed4_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed4_function_declaration : '''
+ # { /* */
+ # if (current_function) {
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+ # assert(current_function == 0);
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Syntax error defining function.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_import_export_1(p):
+ '''import_export : K_import '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_import_export_2(p):
+ '''import_export : K_export '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_implicit_class_handle_1(p):
+ '''implicit_class_handle : K_this '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_create_this(); }
+def p_implicit_class_handle_2(p):
+ '''implicit_class_handle : K_super '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_create_super(); }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_1(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : K_INCR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('I', $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_2(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : lpvalue K_INCR %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('i', $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_3(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : K_DECR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('D', $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_4(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : lpvalue K_DECR %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('d', $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inside_expression_1(p):
+ '''inside_expression : expression K_inside '{' open_range_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: \"inside\" expressions not supported yet.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_integer_vector_type_1(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_reg '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_NO_TYPE; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_2(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_bit '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_3(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_logic '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_LOGIC; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_4(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_bool '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; }
+def p_join_keyword_1(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_PAR; }
+def p_join_keyword_2(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join_none '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_NONE; }
+def p_join_keyword_3(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join_any '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_ANY; }
+def p_jump_statement_1(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_break ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: break statements not supported.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_jump_statement_2(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_return ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn(0);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_jump_statement_3(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_return expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_lifetime_1(p):
+ '''lifetime : K_automatic '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::AUTOMATIC; }
+def p_lifetime_2(p):
+ '''lifetime : K_static '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::STATIC; }
+def p_lifetime_opt_1(p):
+ '''lifetime_opt : lifetime '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_lifetime_opt_2(p):
+ '''lifetime_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::INHERITED; }
+def p_loop_statement_1(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForStatement*tmp = new PForStatement($3, $5, $7, $9, $11);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_2(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' data_type IDENTIFIER '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')' _embed0_loop_statement statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t tmp_hident;
+ # tmp_hident.push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($4)));
+ #
+ # PEIdent*tmp_ident = pform_new_ident(tmp_hident);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp_ident, @4);
+ #
+ # PForStatement*tmp_for = new PForStatement(tmp_ident, $6, $8, $10, $13);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp_for, @1);
+ #
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list (1);
+ # tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ # PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ # $$ = tmp_blk;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_3(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_forever statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForever*tmp = new PForever($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_4(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_repeat '(' expression ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PRepeat*tmp = new PRepeat($3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_5(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_while '(' expression ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PWhile*tmp = new PWhile($3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_6(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' expression ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PDoWhile*tmp = new PDoWhile($5, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_7(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')' _embed1_loop_statement statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForeach*tmp_for = pform_make_foreach(@1, $3, $5, $9);
+ #
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list(1);
+ # tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ # PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ # $$ = tmp_blk;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_8(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop step assignment.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_9(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' error ';' for_step ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop condition expression.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_10(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Incomprehensible for loop.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_11(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_while '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in while loop condition.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_12(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' error ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in do/while loop condition.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_13(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' error ']' ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in foreach loop variables list.");
+ # }
+def p__embed0_loop_statement(p):
+ '''_embed0_loop_statement : '''
+ # { static unsigned for_counter = 0;
+ # char for_block_name [64];
+ # snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_for_loop%u", for_counter);
+ # for_counter += 1;
+ # PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ #
+ # list<decl_assignment_t*>assign_list;
+ # decl_assignment_t*tmp_assign = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp_assign->name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ # assign_list.push_back(tmp_assign);
+ # pform_makewire(@4, 0, str_strength, &assign_list, NetNet::REG, $3);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_loop_statement(p):
+ '''_embed1_loop_statement : '''
+ # { static unsigned foreach_counter = 0;
+ # char for_block_name[64];
+ # snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_foreach%u", foreach_counter);
+ # foreach_counter += 1;
+ #
+ # PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ #
+ # pform_make_foreach_declarations(@1, $5);
+ # }
+def p_list_of_variable_decl_assignments_1(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_decl_assignments : variable_decl_assignment '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = new list<decl_assignment_t*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_variable_decl_assignments_2(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_decl_assignments : list_of_variable_decl_assignments ',' variable_decl_assignment '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_1(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # if ($2) {
+ # tmp->index = *$2;
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_2(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # tmp->expr .reset($3);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_3(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER '=' K_new '(' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # PENewClass*expr = new PENewClass;
+ # FILE_NAME(expr, @3);
+ # tmp->expr .reset(expr);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_variables_1(p):
+ '''loop_variables : loop_variables ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_variables_2(p):
+ '''loop_variables : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_method_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''method_qualifier : K_virtual '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''method_qualifier : class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''method_qualifier_opt : method_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''method_qualifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from ply import *
+ yacc.yacc()
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+ * Copyright CERN 2012-2013 / Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+ *
+ * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+# include "parse_misc.h"
+# include "compiler.h"
+# include "pform.h"
+# include "Statement.h"
+# include "PSpec.h"
+# include <stack>
+# include <cstring>
+# include <sstream>
+class PSpecPath;
+extern void lex_end_table();
+static list<pform_range_t>* param_active_range = 0;
+static bool param_active_signed = false;
+static ivl_variable_type_t param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+/* Port declaration lists use this structure for context. */
+static struct {
+ NetNet::Type port_net_type;
+ NetNet::PortType port_type;
+ data_type_t* data_type;
+} port_declaration_context = {NetNet::NONE, NetNet::NOT_A_PORT, 0};
+/* Modport port declaration lists use this structure for context. */
+enum modport_port_type_t { MP_NONE, MP_SIMPLE, MP_TF, MP_CLOCKING };
+static struct {
+ modport_port_type_t type;
+ union {
+ NetNet::PortType direction;
+ bool is_import;
+ };
+} last_modport_port = { MP_NONE, {NetNet::NOT_A_PORT}};
+/* The task and function rules need to briefly hold the pointer to the
+ task/function that is currently in progress. */
+static PTask* current_task = 0;
+static PFunction* current_function = 0;
+static stack<PBlock*> current_block_stack;
+/* The variable declaration rules need to know if a lifetime has been
+ specified. */
+static LexicalScope::lifetime_t var_lifetime;
+static pform_name_t* pform_create_this(void)
+ name_component_t name (perm_string::literal("@"));
+ pform_name_t*res = new pform_name_t;
+ res->push_back(name);
+ return res;
+static pform_name_t* pform_create_super(void)
+ name_component_t name (perm_string::literal("#"));
+ pform_name_t*res = new pform_name_t;
+ res->push_back(name);
+ return res;
+/* This is used to keep track of the extra arguments after the notifier
+ * in the $setuphold and $recrem timing checks. This allows us to print
+ * a warning message that the delayed signals will not be created. We
+ * need to do this since not driving these signals creates real
+ * simulation issues. */
+static unsigned args_after_notifier;
+/* The rules sometimes push attributes into a global context where
+ sub-rules may grab them. This makes parser rules a little easier to
+ write in some cases. */
+static list<named_pexpr_t>*attributes_in_context = 0;
+/* Later version of bison (including 1.35) will not compile in stack
+ extension if the output is compiled with C++ and either the YYSTYPE
+ or YYLTYPE are provided by the source code. However, I can get the
+ old behavior back by defining these symbols. */
+/* Recent version of bison expect that the user supply a
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro that makes up a yylloc value from existing
+ values. I need to supply an explicit version to account for the
+ text field, that otherwise won't be copied.
+ The YYLLOC_DEFAULT blends the file range for the tokens of Rhs
+ rule, which has N tokens.
+# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) do { \
+ if (N) { \
+ (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \
+ (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \
+ (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \
+ (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \
+ (Current).text = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).text; \
+ } else { \
+ (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
+ (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
+ (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
+ (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
+ (Current).text = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).text; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ * These are some common strength pairs that are used as defaults when
+ * the user is not otherwise specific.
+ */
+static const struct str_pair_t pull_strength = { IVL_DR_PULL, IVL_DR_PULL };
+static const struct str_pair_t str_strength = { IVL_DR_STRONG, IVL_DR_STRONG };
+static list<pform_port_t>* make_port_list(char*id, list<pform_range_t>*udims, PExpr*expr)
+ list<pform_port_t>*tmp = new list<pform_port_t>;
+ tmp->push_back(pform_port_t(lex_strings.make(id), udims, expr));
+ delete[]id;
+ return tmp;
+static list<pform_port_t>* make_port_list(list<pform_port_t>*tmp,
+ char*id, list<pform_range_t>*udims, PExpr*expr)
+ tmp->push_back(pform_port_t(lex_strings.make(id), udims, expr));
+ delete[]id;
+ return tmp;
+list<pform_range_t>* make_range_from_width(uint64_t wid)
+ pform_range_t range;
+ range.first = new PENumber(new verinum(wid-1, integer_width));
+ range.second = new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)0, integer_width));
+ list<pform_range_t>*rlist = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ rlist->push_back(range);
+ return rlist;
+static list<perm_string>* list_from_identifier(char*id)
+ list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make(id));
+ delete[]id;
+ return tmp;
+static list<perm_string>* list_from_identifier(list<perm_string>*tmp, char*id)
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make(id));
+ delete[]id;
+ return tmp;
+list<pform_range_t>* copy_range(list<pform_range_t>* orig)
+ list<pform_range_t>*copy = 0;
+ if (orig)
+ copy = new list<pform_range_t> (*orig);
+ return copy;
+template <class T> void append(vector<T>&out, const vector<T>&in)
+ for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < in.size() ; idx += 1)
+ out.push_back(in[idx]);
+ * Look at the list and pull null pointers off the end.
+ */
+static void strip_tail_items(list<PExpr*>*lst)
+ while (! lst->empty()) {
+ if (lst->back() != 0)
+ return;
+ lst->pop_back();
+ }
+ * This is a shorthand for making a PECallFunction that takes a single
+ * arg. This is used by some of the code that detects built-ins.
+ */
+static PECallFunction*make_call_function(perm_string tn, PExpr*arg)
+ vector<PExpr*> parms(1);
+ parms[0] = arg;
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, parms);
+ return tmp;
+static PECallFunction*make_call_function(perm_string tn, PExpr*arg1, PExpr*arg2)
+ vector<PExpr*> parms(2);
+ parms[0] = arg1;
+ parms[1] = arg2;
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, parms);
+ return tmp;
+static list<named_pexpr_t>* make_named_numbers(perm_string name, long first, long last, PExpr*val =0)
+ list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ named_pexpr_t tmp;
+ // We are counting up.
+ if (first <= last) {
+ for (long idx = first ; idx <= last ; idx += 1) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << name.str() << idx << ends;
+ tmp.name = lex_strings.make(buf.str());
+ tmp.parm = val;
+ val = 0;
+ lst->push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ // We are counting down.
+ } else {
+ for (long idx = first ; idx >= last ; idx -= 1) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << name.str() << idx << ends;
+ tmp.name = lex_strings.make(buf.str());
+ tmp.parm = val;
+ val = 0;
+ lst->push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ return lst;
+static list<named_pexpr_t>* make_named_number(perm_string name, PExpr*val =0)
+ list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ named_pexpr_t tmp;
+ tmp.name = name;
+ tmp.parm = val;
+ lst->push_back(tmp);
+ return lst;
+static long check_enum_seq_value(const YYLTYPE&loc, verinum *arg, bool zero_ok)
+ long value = 1;
+ // We can never have an undefined value in an enumeration name
+ // declaration sequence.
+ if (! arg->is_defined()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: undefined value used in enum name sequence.");
+ // We can never have a negative value in an enumeration name
+ // declaration sequence.
+ } else if (arg->is_negative()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: negative value used in enum name sequence.");
+ } else {
+ value = arg->as_ulong();
+ // We cannot have a zero enumeration name declaration count.
+ if (! zero_ok && (value == 0)) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: zero count used in enum name sequence.");
+ value = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+static void current_task_set_statement(const YYLTYPE&loc, vector<Statement*>*s)
+ if (s == 0) {
+ /* if the statement list is null, then the parser
+ detected the case that there are no statements in the
+ task. If this is SystemVerilog, handle it as an
+ an empty block. */
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: Support for empty tasks requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+ current_task->set_statement(tmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(s);
+ /* An empty vector represents one or more null statements. Handle
+ this as a simple null statement. */
+ if (s->empty())
+ return;
+ /* A vector of 1 is handled as a simple statement. */
+ if (s->size() == 1) {
+ current_task->set_statement((*s)[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+ tmp->set_statement(*s);
+ current_task->set_statement(tmp);
+static void current_function_set_statement(const YYLTYPE&loc, vector<Statement*>*s)
+ if (s == 0) {
+ /* if the statement list is null, then the parser
+ detected the case that there are no statements in the
+ task. If this is SystemVerilog, handle it as an
+ an empty block. */
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: Support for empty functions requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+ current_function->set_statement(tmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(s);
+ /* An empty vector represents one or more null statements. Handle
+ this as a simple null statement. */
+ if (s->empty())
+ return;
+ /* A vector of 1 is handled as a simple statement. */
+ if (s->size() == 1) {
+ current_function->set_statement((*s)[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(loc, "error: Function body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, loc);
+ tmp->set_statement(*s);
+ current_function->set_statement(tmp);
+%union {
+ bool flag;
+ char letter;
+ int int_val;
+ /* text items are C strings allocated by the lexor using
+ strdup. They can be put into lists with the texts type. */
+ char*text;
+ list<perm_string>*perm_strings;
+ list<pform_port_t>*port_list;
+ vector<pform_tf_port_t>* tf_ports;
+ pform_name_t*pform_name;
+ ivl_discipline_t discipline;
+ hname_t*hier;
+ list<string>*strings;
+ struct str_pair_t drive;
+ PCase::Item*citem;
+ svector<PCase::Item*>*citems;
+ lgate*gate;
+ svector<lgate>*gates;
+ Module::port_t *mport;
+ LexicalScope::range_t* value_range;
+ vector<Module::port_t*>*mports;
+ named_number_t* named_number;
+ list<named_number_t>* named_numbers;
+ named_pexpr_t*named_pexpr;
+ list<named_pexpr_t>*named_pexprs;
+ struct parmvalue_t*parmvalue;
+ list<pform_range_t>*ranges;
+ PExpr*expr;
+ list<PExpr*>*exprs;
+ svector<PEEvent*>*event_expr;
+ NetNet::Type nettype;
+ PGBuiltin::Type gatetype;
+ NetNet::PortType porttype;
+ ivl_variable_type_t vartype;
+ PBlock::BL_TYPE join_keyword;
+ PWire*wire;
+ vector<PWire*>*wires;
+ PEventStatement*event_statement;
+ Statement*statement;
+ vector<Statement*>*statement_list;
+ net_decl_assign_t*net_decl_assign;
+ enum_type_t*enum_type;
+ decl_assignment_t*decl_assignment;
+ list<decl_assignment_t*>*decl_assignments;
+ struct_member_t*struct_member;
+ list<struct_member_t*>*struct_members;
+ struct_type_t*struct_type;
+ data_type_t*data_type;
+ class_type_t*class_type;
+ real_type_t::type_t real_type;
+ property_qualifier_t property_qualifier;
+ PPackage*package;
+ struct {
+ char*text;
+ data_type_t*type;
+ } type_identifier;
+ struct {
+ data_type_t*type;
+ list<PExpr*>*exprs;
+ } class_declaration_extends;
+ verinum* number;
+ verireal* realtime;
+ PSpecPath* specpath;
+ list<index_component_t> *dimensions;
+ LexicalScope::lifetime_t lifetime;
+%token <type_identifier> TYPE_IDENTIFIER
+%token <package> PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER
+%token <discipline> DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER
+%token <realtime> REALTIME
+ /* K_CONTRIBUTE is <+, the contribution assign. */
+%token K_SCOPE_RES
+%token K_edge_descriptor
+ /* The base tokens from 1364-1995. */
+%token K_always K_and K_assign K_begin K_buf K_bufif0 K_bufif1 K_case
+%token K_casex K_casez K_cmos K_deassign K_default K_defparam K_disable
+%token K_edge K_else K_end K_endcase K_endfunction K_endmodule
+%token K_endprimitive K_endspecify K_endtable K_endtask K_event K_for
+%token K_force K_forever K_fork K_function K_highz0 K_highz1 K_if
+%token K_ifnone K_initial K_inout K_input K_integer K_join K_large
+%token K_macromodule K_medium K_module K_nand K_negedge K_nmos K_nor
+%token K_not K_notif0 K_notif1 K_or K_output K_parameter K_pmos K_posedge
+%token K_primitive K_pull0 K_pull1 K_pulldown K_pullup K_rcmos K_real
+%token K_realtime K_reg K_release K_repeat K_rnmos K_rpmos K_rtran
+%token K_rtranif0 K_rtranif1 K_scalared K_small K_specify K_specparam
+%token K_strong0 K_strong1 K_supply0 K_supply1 K_table K_task K_time
+%token K_tran K_tranif0 K_tranif1 K_tri K_tri0 K_tri1 K_triand K_trior
+%token K_trireg K_vectored K_wait K_wand K_weak0 K_weak1 K_while K_wire
+%token K_wor K_xnor K_xor
+%token K_Shold K_Snochange K_Speriod K_Srecovery K_Ssetup K_Ssetuphold
+%token K_Sskew K_Swidth
+ /* Icarus specific tokens. */
+%token KK_attribute K_bool K_logic
+ /* The new tokens from 1364-2001. */
+%token K_automatic K_endgenerate K_generate K_genvar K_localparam
+%token K_noshowcancelled K_pulsestyle_onevent K_pulsestyle_ondetect
+%token K_showcancelled K_signed K_unsigned
+%token K_Sfullskew K_Srecrem K_Sremoval K_Stimeskew
+ /* The 1364-2001 configuration tokens. */
+%token K_cell K_config K_design K_endconfig K_incdir K_include K_instance
+%token K_liblist K_library K_use
+ /* The new tokens from 1364-2005. */
+%token K_wone K_uwire
+ /* The new tokens from 1800-2005. */
+%token K_alias K_always_comb K_always_ff K_always_latch K_assert
+%token K_assume K_before K_bind K_bins K_binsof K_bit K_break K_byte
+%token K_chandle K_class K_clocking K_const K_constraint K_context
+%token K_continue K_cover K_covergroup K_coverpoint K_cross K_dist K_do
+%token K_endclass K_endclocking K_endgroup K_endinterface K_endpackage
+%token K_endprogram K_endproperty K_endsequence K_enum K_expect K_export
+%token K_extends K_extern K_final K_first_match K_foreach K_forkjoin
+%token K_iff K_ignore_bins K_illegal_bins K_import K_inside K_int
+ /* Icarus already has defined "logic" above! */
+%token K_interface K_intersect K_join_any K_join_none K_local
+%token K_longint K_matches K_modport K_new K_null K_package K_packed
+%token K_priority K_program K_property K_protected K_pure K_rand K_randc
+%token K_randcase K_randsequence K_ref K_return K_sequence K_shortint
+%token K_shortreal K_solve K_static K_string K_struct K_super
+%token K_tagged K_this K_throughout K_timeprecision K_timeunit K_type
+%token K_typedef K_union K_unique K_var K_virtual K_void K_wait_order
+%token K_wildcard K_with K_within
+ /* The new tokens from 1800-2009. */
+%token K_accept_on K_checker K_endchecker K_eventually K_global K_implies
+%token K_let K_nexttime K_reject_on K_restrict K_s_always K_s_eventually
+%token K_s_nexttime K_s_until K_s_until_with K_strong K_sync_accept_on
+%token K_sync_reject_on K_unique0 K_until K_until_with K_untyped K_weak
+ /* The new tokens from 1800-2012. */
+%token K_implements K_interconnect K_nettype K_soft
+ /* The new tokens for Verilog-AMS 2.3. */
+%token K_above K_abs K_absdelay K_abstol K_access K_acos K_acosh
+ /* 1800-2005 has defined "assert" above! */
+%token K_ac_stim K_aliasparam K_analog K_analysis K_asin K_asinh
+%token K_atan K_atan2 K_atanh K_branch K_ceil K_connect K_connectmodule
+%token K_connectrules K_continuous K_cos K_cosh K_ddt K_ddt_nature K_ddx
+%token K_discipline K_discrete K_domain K_driver_update K_endconnectrules
+%token K_enddiscipline K_endnature K_endparamset K_exclude K_exp
+%token K_final_step K_flicker_noise K_floor K_flow K_from K_ground
+%token K_hypot K_idt K_idtmod K_idt_nature K_inf K_initial_step
+%token K_laplace_nd K_laplace_np K_laplace_zd K_laplace_zp
+%token K_last_crossing K_limexp K_ln K_log K_max K_merged K_min K_nature
+%token K_net_resolution K_noise_table K_paramset K_potential K_pow
+ /* 1800-2005 has defined "string" above! */
+%token K_resolveto K_sin K_sinh K_slew K_split K_sqrt K_tan K_tanh
+%token K_timer K_transition K_units K_white_noise K_wreal
+%token K_zi_nd K_zi_np K_zi_zd K_zi_zp
+%type <flag> from_exclude block_item_decls_opt
+%type <number> number pos_neg_number
+%type <flag> signing unsigned_signed_opt signed_unsigned_opt
+%type <flag> import_export
+%type <flag> K_packed_opt K_reg_opt K_static_opt K_virtual_opt
+%type <flag> udp_reg_opt edge_operator
+%type <drive> drive_strength drive_strength_opt dr_strength0 dr_strength1
+%type <letter> udp_input_sym udp_output_sym
+%type <text> udp_input_list udp_sequ_entry udp_comb_entry
+%type <perm_strings> udp_input_declaration_list
+%type <strings> udp_entry_list udp_comb_entry_list udp_sequ_entry_list
+%type <strings> udp_body
+%type <perm_strings> udp_port_list
+%type <wires> udp_port_decl udp_port_decls
+%type <statement> udp_initial udp_init_opt
+%type <expr> udp_initial_expr_opt
+%type <text> register_variable net_variable event_variable endlabel_opt class_declaration_endlabel_opt
+%type <perm_strings> register_variable_list net_variable_list event_variable_list
+%type <perm_strings> list_of_identifiers loop_variables
+%type <port_list> list_of_port_identifiers list_of_variable_port_identifiers
+%type <net_decl_assign> net_decl_assign net_decl_assigns
+%type <mport> port port_opt port_reference port_reference_list
+%type <mport> port_declaration
+%type <mports> list_of_ports module_port_list_opt list_of_port_declarations module_attribute_foreign
+%type <value_range> parameter_value_range parameter_value_ranges
+%type <value_range> parameter_value_ranges_opt
+%type <expr> tf_port_item_expr_opt value_range_expression
+%type <named_pexprs> enum_name_list enum_name
+%type <enum_type> enum_data_type
+%type <tf_ports> function_item function_item_list function_item_list_opt
+%type <tf_ports> task_item task_item_list task_item_list_opt
+%type <tf_ports> tf_port_declaration tf_port_item tf_port_item_list tf_port_list tf_port_list_opt
+%type <named_pexpr> modport_simple_port port_name parameter_value_byname
+%type <named_pexprs> port_name_list parameter_value_byname_list
+%type <named_pexpr> attribute
+%type <named_pexprs> attribute_list attribute_instance_list attribute_list_opt
+%type <citem> case_item
+%type <citems> case_items
+%type <gate> gate_instance
+%type <gates> gate_instance_list
+%type <pform_name> hierarchy_identifier implicit_class_handle
+%type <expr> assignment_pattern expression expr_mintypmax
+%type <expr> expr_primary_or_typename expr_primary
+%type <expr> class_new dynamic_array_new
+%type <expr> inc_or_dec_expression inside_expression lpvalue
+%type <expr> branch_probe_expression streaming_concatenation
+%type <expr> delay_value delay_value_simple
+%type <exprs> delay1 delay3 delay3_opt delay_value_list
+%type <exprs> expression_list_with_nuls expression_list_proper
+%type <exprs> cont_assign cont_assign_list
+%type <decl_assignment> variable_decl_assignment
+%type <decl_assignments> list_of_variable_decl_assignments
+%type <data_type> data_type data_type_or_implicit data_type_or_implicit_or_void
+%type <data_type> simple_type_or_string
+%type <class_type> class_identifier
+%type <struct_member> struct_union_member
+%type <struct_members> struct_union_member_list
+%type <struct_type> struct_data_type
+%type <class_declaration_extends> class_declaration_extends_opt
+%type <property_qualifier> class_item_qualifier property_qualifier
+%type <property_qualifier> class_item_qualifier_list property_qualifier_list
+%type <property_qualifier> class_item_qualifier_opt property_qualifier_opt
+%type <property_qualifier> random_qualifier
+%type <ranges> variable_dimension
+%type <ranges> dimensions_opt dimensions
+%type <nettype> net_type net_type_opt
+%type <gatetype> gatetype switchtype
+%type <porttype> port_direction port_direction_opt
+%type <vartype> bit_logic bit_logic_opt
+%type <vartype> integer_vector_type
+%type <parmvalue> parameter_value_opt
+%type <event_expr> event_expression_list
+%type <event_expr> event_expression
+%type <event_statement> event_control
+%type <statement> statement statement_item statement_or_null
+%type <statement> compressed_statement
+%type <statement> loop_statement for_step jump_statement
+%type <statement> procedural_assertion_statement
+%type <statement_list> statement_or_null_list statement_or_null_list_opt
+%type <statement> analog_statement
+%type <join_keyword> join_keyword
+%type <letter> spec_polarity
+%type <perm_strings> specify_path_identifiers
+%type <specpath> specify_simple_path specify_simple_path_decl
+%type <specpath> specify_edge_path specify_edge_path_decl
+%type <real_type> non_integer_type
+%type <int_val> atom2_type
+%type <int_val> module_start module_end
+%type <lifetime> lifetime lifetime_opt
+%token K_TAND
+%right '?' ':' K_inside
+%left K_LOR
+%left K_LAND
+%left '|'
+%left '^' K_NXOR K_NOR
+%left '&' K_NAND
+%left K_GE K_LE '<' '>'
+%left K_LS K_RS K_RSS
+%left '+' '-'
+%left '*' '/' '%'
+%left K_POW
+ /* to resolve dangling else ambiguity. */
+%nonassoc less_than_K_else
+%nonassoc K_else
+ /* to resolve exclude (... ambiguity */
+%nonassoc '('
+%nonassoc K_exclude
+ /* to resolve timeunits declaration/redeclaration ambiguity */
+%nonassoc no_timeunits_declaration
+%nonassoc one_timeunits_declaration
+%nonassoc K_timeunit K_timeprecision
+ /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ /* source_text ::= [ timeunits_declaration ] { description } */
+ : timeunits_declaration_opt
+ { pform_set_scope_timescale(yyloc); }
+ description_list
+ | /* empty */
+ ;
+assertion_item /* IEEE1800-2012: A.6.10 */
+ : concurrent_assertion_item
+ ;
+assignment_pattern /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.7.1 */
+ : K_LP expression_list_proper '}'
+ { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_LP '}'
+ { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Some rules have a ... [ block_identifier ':' ] ... part. This
+ implements it in a LALR way. */
+block_identifier_opt /* */
+ |
+ ;
+class_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ : K_virtual_opt K_class lifetime_opt class_identifier class_declaration_extends_opt ';'
+ { pform_start_class_declaration(@2, $4, $5.type, $5.exprs, $3); }
+ class_items_opt K_endclass
+ { // Process a class.
+ pform_end_class_declaration(@9);
+ }
+ class_declaration_endlabel_opt
+ { // Wrap up the class.
+ if ($11 && $4 && $4->name != $11) {
+ yyerror(@11, "error: Class end label doesn't match class name.");
+ delete[]$11;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+class_constraint /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.8 */
+ : constraint_prototype
+ | constraint_declaration
+ ;
+ { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*>($1.type);
+ if (tmp == 0) {
+ yyerror(@1, "Type name \"%s\"is not a predeclared class name.", $1.text);
+ }
+ delete[]$1.text;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The endlabel after a class declaration is a little tricky because
+ the class name is detected by the lexor as a TYPE_IDENTIFIER if it
+ does indeed match a name. */
+ { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*> ($2.type);
+ if (tmp == 0) {
+ yyerror(@2, "error: class declaration endlabel \"%s\" is not a class name\n", $2.text);
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ $$ = strdupnew(tmp->name.str());
+ }
+ delete[]$2.text;
+ }
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ /* This rule implements [ extends class_type ] in the
+ class_declaration. It is not a rule of its own in the LRM.
+ Note that for this to be correct, the identifier after the
+ extends keyword must be a class name. Therefore, match
+ TYPE_IDENTIFIER instead of IDENTIFIER, and this rule will return
+ a data_type. */
+class_declaration_extends_opt /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ { $$.type = $2.type;
+ $$.exprs= 0;
+ delete[]$2.text;
+ }
+ | K_extends TYPE_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { $$.type = $2.type;
+ $$.exprs = $4;
+ delete[]$2.text;
+ }
+ |
+ { $$.type = 0; $$.exprs = 0; }
+ ;
+ /* The class_items_opt and class_items rules together implement the
+ rule snippet { class_item } (zero or more class_item) of the
+ class_declaration. */
+class_items_opt /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ : class_items
+ |
+ ;
+class_items /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ : class_items class_item
+ | class_item
+ ;
+class_item /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.8 */
+ /* IEEE1800 A.1.8: class_constructor_declaration */
+ : method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new
+ { assert(current_function==0);
+ current_function = pform_push_constructor_scope(@3);
+ }
+ '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';'
+ function_item_list_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt
+ K_endfunction endnew_opt
+ { current_function->set_ports($6);
+ pform_set_constructor_return(current_function);
+ pform_set_this_class(@3, current_function);
+ current_function_set_statement(@3, $10);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_function = 0;
+ }
+ /* Class properties... */
+ | property_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';'
+ { pform_class_property(@2, $1, $2, $3); }
+ | K_const class_item_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';'
+ { pform_class_property(@1, $2 | property_qualifier_t::make_const(), $3, $4); }
+ /* Class methods... */
+ | method_qualifier_opt task_declaration
+ { /* The task_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+ | method_qualifier_opt function_declaration
+ { /* The function_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+ /* External class method definitions... */
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $5;
+ }
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void
+ IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $5;
+ }
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $4;
+ }
+ | K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $4;
+ }
+ /* Class constraints... */
+ | class_constraint
+ /* Here are some error matching rules to help recover from various
+ syntax errors within a class declaration. */
+ | property_qualifier_opt data_type error ';'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in variable names after data type.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | property_qualifier_opt IDENTIFIER error ';'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: %s doesn't name a type.", $2);
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new error K_endfunction endnew_opt
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: I give up on this class constructor declaration.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: invalid class item.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ ;
+class_item_qualifier /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.8 */
+ : K_static { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_static(); }
+ | K_protected { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_protected(); }
+ | K_local { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_local(); }
+ ;
+ : class_item_qualifier_list class_item_qualifier { $$ = $1 | $2; }
+ | class_item_qualifier { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ : class_item_qualifier_list { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_none(); }
+ ;
+class_new /* IEEE1800-2005 A.2.4 */
+ : K_new '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $3;
+ strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass(*expr_list);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_new hierarchy_identifier
+ { PEIdent*tmpi = new PEIdent(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmpi, @2);
+ PENewCopy*tmp = new PENewCopy(tmpi);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_new
+ { PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The concurrent_assertion_item pulls together the
+ concurrent_assertion_statement and checker_instantiation rules. */
+concurrent_assertion_item /* IEEE1800-2012 A.2.10 */
+ : block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' property_spec ')' statement_or_null
+ { /* */
+ if (gn_assertions_flag) {
+ yyerror(@2, "sorry: concurrent_assertion_item not supported."
+ " Try -gno-assertion to turn this message off.");
+ }
+ }
+ | block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' error ')' statement_or_null
+ { yyerrok;
+ yyerror(@2, "error: Error in property_spec of concurrent assertion item.");
+ }
+ ;
+constraint_block_item /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.9 */
+ : constraint_expression
+ ;
+ : constraint_block_item_list constraint_block_item
+ | constraint_block_item
+ ;
+ :
+ | constraint_block_item_list
+ ;
+constraint_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.9 */
+ : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' constraint_block_item_list_opt '}'
+ { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint declarations not supported."); }
+ /* Error handling rules... */
+ | K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' error '}'
+ { yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in the constraint block item list."); }
+ ;
+constraint_expression /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.9 */
+ : expression ';'
+ | expression K_dist '{' '}' ';'
+ | expression K_TRIGGER constraint_set
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set %prec less_than_K_else
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set K_else constraint_set
+ | K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')' constraint_set
+ ;
+constraint_expression_list /* */
+ : constraint_expression_list constraint_expression
+ | constraint_expression
+ ;
+constraint_prototype /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.9 */
+ : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint prototypes not supported."); }
+ ;
+constraint_set /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.9 */
+ : constraint_expression
+ | '{' constraint_expression_list '}'
+ ;
+data_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.1.3 */
+ : attribute_list_opt data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';'
+ { data_type_t*data_type = $2;
+ if (data_type == 0) {
+ data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ }
+ pform_makewire(@2, 0, str_strength, $3, NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG, data_type);
+ }
+ ;
+data_type /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : integer_vector_type unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt
+ { ivl_variable_type_t use_vtype = $1;
+ bool reg_flag = false;
+ if (use_vtype == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) {
+ use_vtype = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ reg_flag = true;
+ }
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(use_vtype, $2, $3);
+ tmp->reg_flag = reg_flag;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | non_integer_type
+ { real_type_t*tmp = new real_type_t($1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | struct_data_type
+ { if (!$1->packed_flag) {
+ yyerror(@1, "sorry: Unpacked structs not supported.");
+ }
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | enum_data_type
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | atom2_type signed_unsigned_opt
+ { atom2_type_t*tmp = new atom2_type_t($1, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_integer signed_unsigned_opt
+ { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $2, pd);
+ tmp->reg_flag = true;
+ tmp->integer_flag = true;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_time
+ { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(64);
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, pd);
+ tmp->reg_flag = !gn_system_verilog();
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | TYPE_IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { if ($2) {
+ parray_type_t*tmp = new parray_type_t($1.type, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else $$ = $1.type;
+ delete[]$1.text;
+ }
+ { lex_in_package_scope($1); }
+ { lex_in_package_scope(0);
+ $$ = $4.type;
+ delete[]$4.text;
+ }
+ | K_string
+ { string_type_t*tmp = new string_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The data_type_or_implicit rule is a little more complex then the
+ rule documented in the IEEE format syntax in order to allow for
+ signaling the special case that the data_type is completely
+ absent. The context may need that information to decide to resort
+ to left context. */
+data_type_or_implicit /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : data_type
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | signing dimensions_opt
+ { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $1, $2);
+ tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | dimensions
+ { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, $1);
+ tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : data_type_or_implicit
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | K_void
+ { void_type_t*tmp = new void_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* NOTE: The "module" rule of the description combines the
+ module_declaration, program_declaration, and interface_declaration
+ rules from the standard description. */
+description /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ : module
+ | udp_primitive
+ | config_declaration
+ | nature_declaration
+ | package_declaration
+ | discipline_declaration
+ | package_item
+ | KK_attribute '(' IDENTIFIER ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
+ { perm_string tmp3 = lex_strings.make($3);
+ pform_set_type_attrib(tmp3, $5, $7);
+ delete[] $3;
+ delete[] $5;
+ }
+ ;
+ : description
+ | description_list description
+ ;
+ /* This implements the [ : IDENTIFIER ] part of the constructor
+ rule documented in IEEE1800-2005: A.1.8 */
+endnew_opt : ':' K_new | ;
+ /* The dynamic_array_new rule is kinda like an expression, but it is
+ treated differently by rules that use this "expression". Watch out! */
+dynamic_array_new /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.4 */
+ : K_new '[' expression ']'
+ { $$ = new PENewArray($3, 0);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ | K_new '[' expression ']' '(' expression ')'
+ { $$ = new PENewArray($3, $6);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ ;
+for_step /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.8 */
+ : lpvalue '=' expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | inc_or_dec_expression
+ { $$ = pform_compressed_assign_from_inc_dec(@1, $1); }
+ | compressed_statement
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ /* The function declaration rule matches the function declaration
+ header, then pushes the function scope. This causes the
+ definitions in the func_body to take on the scope of the function
+ instead of the module. */
+function_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.6 */
+ : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { assert(current_function == 0);
+ current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ }
+ function_item_list statement_or_null_list_opt
+ K_endfunction
+ { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ current_function->set_return($3);
+ current_function_set_statement($8? @8 : @4, $8);
+ pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_function = 0;
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ if ($11) {
+ if (strcmp($4,$11) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@11, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "function name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@11, "error: Function end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$11;
+ }
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ | K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER
+ { assert(current_function == 0);
+ current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ }
+ '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';'
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt
+ K_endfunction
+ { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ current_function->set_return($3);
+ current_function_set_statement($11? @11 : @4, $11);
+ pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_function = 0;
+ if ($7==0 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@4, "error: Empty parenthesis syntax requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ if ($14) {
+ if (strcmp($4,$14) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@14, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "function name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@14, "error: Function end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$14;
+ }
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ /* Detect and recover from some errors. */
+ | K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER error K_endfunction
+ { /* */
+ if (current_function) {
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_function = 0;
+ }
+ assert(current_function == 0);
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Syntax error defining function.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ if ($8) {
+ if (strcmp($4,$8) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match function name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: Function end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$8;
+ }
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ ;
+import_export /* IEEE1800-2012: A.2.9 */
+ : K_import { $$ = true; }
+ | K_export { $$ = false; }
+ ;
+implicit_class_handle /* IEEE1800-2005: A.8.4 */
+ : K_this { $$ = pform_create_this(); }
+ | K_super { $$ = pform_create_super(); }
+ ;
+ /* SystemVerilog adds support for the increment/decrement
+ expressions, which look like a++, --a, etc. These are primaries
+ but are in their own rules because they can also be
+ statements. Note that the operator can only take l-value
+ expressions. */
+inc_or_dec_expression /* IEEE1800-2005: A.4.3 */
+ : K_INCR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('I', $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_INCR %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('i', $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_DECR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('D', $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_DECR %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('d', $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+inside_expression /* IEEE1800-2005 A.8.3 */
+ : expression K_inside '{' open_range_list '}'
+ { yyerror(@2, "sorry: \"inside\" expressions not supported yet.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+integer_vector_type /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : K_reg { $$ = IVL_VT_NO_TYPE; } /* Usually a synonym for logic. */
+ | K_bit { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; }
+ | K_logic { $$ = IVL_VT_LOGIC; }
+ | K_bool { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; } /* Icarus Verilog xtypes extension */
+ ;
+join_keyword /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.3 */
+ : K_join
+ { $$ = PBlock::BL_PAR; }
+ | K_join_none
+ { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_NONE; }
+ | K_join_any
+ { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_ANY; }
+ ;
+jump_statement /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.5 */
+ : K_break ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: break statements not supported.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | K_return ';'
+ { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn(0);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_return expression ';'
+ { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+lifetime /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.1.3 */
+ : K_automatic { $$ = LexicalScope::AUTOMATIC; }
+ | K_static { $$ = LexicalScope::STATIC; }
+ ;
+lifetime_opt /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.1.3 */
+ : lifetime { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = LexicalScope::INHERITED; }
+ ;
+ /* Loop statements are kinds of statements. */
+loop_statement /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.8 */
+ : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')'
+ statement_or_null
+ { PForStatement*tmp = new PForStatement($3, $5, $7, $9, $11);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ // Handle for_variable_declaration syntax by wrapping the for(...)
+ // statement in a synthetic named block. We can name the block
+ // after the variable that we are creating, that identifier is
+ // safe in the controlling scope.
+ | K_for '(' data_type IDENTIFIER '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')'
+ { static unsigned for_counter = 0;
+ char for_block_name [64];
+ snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_for_loop%u", for_counter);
+ for_counter += 1;
+ PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ list<decl_assignment_t*>assign_list;
+ decl_assignment_t*tmp_assign = new decl_assignment_t;
+ tmp_assign->name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ assign_list.push_back(tmp_assign);
+ pform_makewire(@4, 0, str_strength, &assign_list, NetNet::REG, $3);
+ }
+ statement_or_null
+ { pform_name_t tmp_hident;
+ tmp_hident.push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($4)));
+ PEIdent*tmp_ident = pform_new_ident(tmp_hident);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp_ident, @4);
+ PForStatement*tmp_for = new PForStatement(tmp_ident, $6, $8, $10, $13);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp_for, @1);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list (1);
+ tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ $$ = tmp_blk;
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ | K_forever statement_or_null
+ { PForever*tmp = new PForever($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_repeat '(' expression ')' statement_or_null
+ { PRepeat*tmp = new PRepeat($3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_while '(' expression ')' statement_or_null
+ { PWhile*tmp = new PWhile($3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' expression ')' ';'
+ { PDoWhile*tmp = new PDoWhile($5, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ // When matching a foreach loop, implicitly create a named block
+ // to hold the definitions for the index variables.
+ | K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')'
+ { static unsigned foreach_counter = 0;
+ char for_block_name[64];
+ snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_foreach%u", foreach_counter);
+ foreach_counter += 1;
+ PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ pform_make_foreach_declarations(@1, $5);
+ }
+ statement_or_null
+ { PForeach*tmp_for = pform_make_foreach(@1, $3, $5, $9);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list(1);
+ tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ $$ = tmp_blk;
+ }
+ /* Error forms for loop statements. */
+ | K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' error ')'
+ statement_or_null
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop step assignment.");
+ }
+ | K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' error ';' for_step ')'
+ statement_or_null
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop condition expression.");
+ }
+ | K_for '(' error ')' statement_or_null
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Incomprehensible for loop.");
+ }
+ | K_while '(' error ')' statement_or_null
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Error in while loop condition.");
+ }
+ | K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' error ')' ';'
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Error in do/while loop condition.");
+ }
+ | K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' error ']' ')' statement_or_null
+ { $$ = 0;
+ yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in foreach loop variables list.");
+ }
+ ;
+/* TODO: Replace register_variable_list with list_of_variable_decl_assignments. */
+list_of_variable_decl_assignments /* IEEE1800-2005 A.2.3 */
+ : variable_decl_assignment
+ { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = new list<decl_assignment_t*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | list_of_variable_decl_assignments ',' variable_decl_assignment
+ { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+variable_decl_assignment /* IEEE1800-2005 A.2.3 */
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ if ($2) {
+ tmp->index = *$2;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ tmp->expr .reset($3);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '=' K_new '(' ')'
+ { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ PENewClass*expr = new PENewClass;
+ FILE_NAME(expr, @3);
+ tmp->expr .reset(expr);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+loop_variables /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.8 */
+ : loop_variables ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+method_qualifier /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.8 */
+ : K_virtual
+ | class_item_qualifier
+ ;
+ : method_qualifier
+ |
+ ;
+modport_declaration /* IEEE1800-2012: A.2.9 */
+ : K_modport
+ { if (!pform_in_interface())
+ yyerror(@1, "error: modport declarations are only allowed "
+ "in interfaces.");
+ }
+ modport_item_list ';'
+ : modport_item
+ | modport_item_list ',' modport_item
+ ;
+ { pform_start_modport_item(@1, $1); }
+ '(' modport_ports_list ')'
+ { pform_end_modport_item(@1); }
+ ;
+ /* The modport_ports_list is a LALR(2) grammar. When the parser sees a
+ ',' it needs to look ahead to the next token to decide whether it is
+ a continuation of the preceding modport_ports_declaration, or the
+ start of a new modport_ports_declaration. bison only supports LALR(1),
+ so we have to handcraft a mini parser for this part of the syntax.
+ last_modport_port holds the state for this mini parser.*/
+ : modport_ports_declaration
+ | modport_ports_list ',' modport_ports_declaration
+ | modport_ports_list ',' modport_simple_port
+ { if (last_modport_port.type == MP_SIMPLE) {
+ pform_add_modport_port(@3, last_modport_port.direction,
+ $3->name, $3->parm);
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@3, "error: modport expression not allowed here.");
+ }
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | modport_ports_list ',' modport_tf_port
+ { if (last_modport_port.type != MP_TF)
+ yyerror(@3, "error: task/function declaration not allowed here.");
+ }
+ | modport_ports_list ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { if (last_modport_port.type == MP_SIMPLE) {
+ pform_add_modport_port(@3, last_modport_port.direction,
+ lex_strings.make($3), 0);
+ } else if (last_modport_port.type != MP_TF) {
+ yyerror(@3, "error: list of identifiers not allowed here.");
+ }
+ delete[] $3;
+ }
+ | modport_ports_list ','
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not allowed"); }
+ ;
+ : attribute_list_opt port_direction IDENTIFIER
+ { last_modport_port.type = MP_SIMPLE;
+ last_modport_port.direction = $2;
+ pform_add_modport_port(@3, $2, lex_strings.make($3), 0);
+ delete[] $3;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt port_direction modport_simple_port
+ { last_modport_port.type = MP_SIMPLE;
+ last_modport_port.direction = $2;
+ pform_add_modport_port(@3, $2, $3->name, $3->parm);
+ delete $3;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt import_export IDENTIFIER
+ { last_modport_port.type = MP_TF;
+ last_modport_port.is_import = $2;
+ yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport task/function ports are not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $3;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt import_export modport_tf_port
+ { last_modport_port.type = MP_TF;
+ last_modport_port.is_import = $2;
+ yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport task/function ports are not yet supported.");
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_clocking IDENTIFIER
+ { last_modport_port.type = MP_CLOCKING;
+ last_modport_port.direction = NetNet::NOT_A_PORT;
+ yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport clocking declaration is not yet supported.");
+ delete[] $3;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')'
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = $4;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ | K_task IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')'
+ | K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER
+ | K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')'
+ ;
+non_integer_type /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : K_real { $$ = real_type_t::REAL; }
+ | K_realtime { $$ = real_type_t::REAL; }
+ | K_shortreal { $$ = real_type_t::SHORTREAL; }
+ ;
+number : BASED_NUMBER
+ { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+ { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+ { $$ = pform_verinum_with_size($1,$2, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ based_size = 0; }
+ { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Unbased SystemVerilog literal cannot have "
+ "a size.");
+ $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+ ;
+open_range_list /* IEEE1800-2005 A.2.11 */
+ : open_range_list ',' value_range
+ | value_range
+ ;
+package_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.2 */
+ : K_package lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { pform_start_package_declaration(@1, $3, $2); }
+ timeunits_declaration_opt
+ { pform_set_scope_timescale(@1); }
+ package_item_list_opt
+ K_endpackage endlabel_opt
+ { pform_end_package_declaration(@1);
+ // If an end label is present make sure it match the package name.
+ if ($10) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$10) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@10, "error: End label doesn't match package name");
+ }
+ delete[]$10;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ | package_import_list
+ ;
+ : package_import_declaration
+ | package_import_list package_import_declaration
+ ;
+package_import_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005 A.2.1.3 */
+ : K_import package_import_item_list ';'
+ { }
+ ;
+ { pform_package_import(@2, $1, $3);
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ { pform_package_import(@2, $1, 0);
+ }
+ ;
+ : package_import_item_list',' package_import_item
+ | package_import_item
+ ;
+package_item /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.10 */
+ : timeunits_declaration
+ | K_parameter param_type parameter_assign_list ';'
+ | K_localparam param_type localparam_assign_list ';'
+ | type_declaration
+ | function_declaration
+ | task_declaration
+ | data_declaration
+ | class_declaration
+ ;
+ : package_item_list package_item
+ | package_item
+ ;
+package_item_list_opt : package_item_list | ;
+port_direction /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.3 */
+ : K_input { $$ = NetNet::PINPUT; }
+ | K_output { $$ = NetNet::POUTPUT; }
+ | K_inout { $$ = NetNet::PINOUT; }
+ | K_ref
+ { $$ = NetNet::PREF;
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Reference ports (ref) require SystemVerilog.");
+ $$ = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ /* port_direction_opt is used in places where the port direction is
+ optional. The default direction is selected by the context,
+ which needs to notice the PIMPLICIT direction. */
+ : port_direction { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = NetNet::PIMPLICIT; }
+ ;
+property_expr /* IEEE1800-2012 A.2.10 */
+ : expression
+ ;
+procedural_assertion_statement /* IEEE1800-2012 A.6.10 */
+ : K_assert '(' expression ')' statement %prec less_than_K_else
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | K_assert '(' expression ')' K_else statement
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | K_assert '(' expression ')' statement K_else statement
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The property_qualifier rule is as literally described in the LRM,
+ but the use is usually as { property_qualifier }, which is
+ implemented by the property_qualifier_opt rule below. */
+property_qualifier /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.8 */
+ : class_item_qualifier
+ | random_qualifier
+ ;
+property_qualifier_opt /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.8: ... { property_qualifier } */
+ : property_qualifier_list { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_none(); }
+ ;
+property_qualifier_list /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.8 */
+ : property_qualifier_list property_qualifier { $$ = $1 | $2; }
+ | property_qualifier { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ /* The property_spec rule uses some helper rules to implement this
+ rule from the LRM:
+ [ clocking_event ] [ disable iff ( expression_or_dist ) ] property_expr
+ This does it is a YACC friendly way. */
+property_spec /* IEEE1800-2012 A.2.10 */
+ : clocking_event_opt property_spec_disable_iff_opt property_expr
+ ;
+property_spec_disable_iff_opt /* */
+ : K_disable K_iff '(' expression ')'
+ |
+ ;
+random_qualifier /* IEEE1800-2005 A.1.8 */
+ : K_rand { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_rand(); }
+ | K_randc { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_randc(); }
+ ;
+ /* real and realtime are exactly the same so save some code
+ * with a common matching rule. */
+ : K_real
+ | K_realtime
+ ;
+signing /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : K_signed { $$ = true; }
+ | K_unsigned { $$ = false; }
+ ;
+simple_type_or_string /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.2.1 */
+ : integer_vector_type
+ { ivl_variable_type_t use_vtype = $1;
+ bool reg_flag = false;
+ if (use_vtype == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) {
+ use_vtype = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ reg_flag = true;
+ }
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(use_vtype, false, 0);
+ tmp->reg_flag = reg_flag;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | non_integer_type
+ { real_type_t*tmp = new real_type_t($1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | atom2_type
+ { atom2_type_t*tmp = new atom2_type_t($1, true);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_integer
+ { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, true, pd);
+ tmp->reg_flag = true;
+ tmp->integer_flag = true;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_time
+ { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(64);
+ vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, pd);
+ tmp->reg_flag = !gn_system_verilog();
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { $$ = $1.type;
+ delete[]$1.text;
+ }
+ { lex_in_package_scope($1); }
+ { lex_in_package_scope(0);
+ $$ = $4.type;
+ delete[]$4.text;
+ }
+ | K_string
+ { string_type_t*tmp = new string_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+statement /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.4 */
+ : attribute_list_opt statement_item
+ { pform_bind_attributes($2->attributes, $1);
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Many places where statements are allowed can actually take a
+ statement or a null statement marked with a naked semi-colon. */
+statement_or_null /* IEEE1800-2005: A.6.4 */
+ : statement
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | attribute_list_opt ';'
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : expression
+ ;
+ : stream_expression_list ',' stream_expression
+ | stream_expression
+ ;
+ : K_LS
+ | K_RS
+ ;
+streaming_concatenation /* IEEE1800-2005: A.8.1 */
+ : '{' stream_operator '{' stream_expression_list '}' '}'
+ { /* streaming concatenation is a SystemVerilog thing. */
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@2, "sorry: Streaming concatenation not supported.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@2, "error: Streaming concatenation requires SystemVerilog");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The task declaration rule matches the task declaration
+ header, then pushes the function scope. This causes the
+ definitions in the task_body to take on the scope of the task
+ instead of the module. */
+task_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.7 */
+ : K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { assert(current_task == 0);
+ current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ }
+ task_item_list_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt
+ K_endtask
+ { current_task->set_ports($6);
+ current_task_set_statement(@3, $7);
+ pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_task = 0;
+ if ($7 && $7->size() > 1 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@7, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete $7;
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ // module.
+ if ($10) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$10) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@10, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@10, "error: Task end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$10;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER '('
+ { assert(current_task == 0);
+ current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ }
+ tf_port_list ')' ';'
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt
+ K_endtask
+ { current_task->set_ports($6);
+ current_task_set_statement(@3, $10);
+ pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_task = 0;
+ if ($10) delete $10;
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ // module.
+ if ($13) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$13) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@13, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@13, "error: Task end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$13;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER '(' ')' ';'
+ { assert(current_task == 0);
+ current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ }
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ statement_or_null_list
+ K_endtask
+ { current_task->set_ports(0);
+ current_task_set_statement(@3, $9);
+ pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ if (! current_task->method_of()) {
+ cerr << @3 << ": warning: task definition for \"" << $3
+ << "\" has an empty port declaration list!" << endl;
+ }
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_task = 0;
+ if ($9->size() > 1 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@9, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete $9;
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ // module.
+ if ($12) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$12) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@12, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@12, "error: Task end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$12;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER error K_endtask
+ {
+ if (current_task) {
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ current_task = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ // module.
+ if ($7) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$7) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@7, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@7, "error: Task end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$7;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+tf_port_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.7 */
+ : port_direction K_reg_opt unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1,
+ $2 ? IVL_VT_LOGIC :
+ $3, $4, $5);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* When the port is an integer, infer a signed vector of the integer
+ shape. Generate a range ([31:0]) to make it work. */
+ | port_direction K_integer list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { list<pform_range_t>*range_stub = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_LOGIC, true,
+ range_stub, $3, true);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Ports can be time with a width of [63:0] (unsigned). */
+ | port_direction K_time list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { list<pform_range_t>*range_stub = make_range_from_width(64);
+ vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_LOGIC, false,
+ range_stub, $3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Ports can be real or realtime. */
+ | port_direction real_or_realtime list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_REAL, true,
+ 0, $3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Ports can be string. */
+ | port_direction K_string list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_STRING, true,
+ 0, $3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* These rules for tf_port_item are slightly expanded from the
+ strict rules in the LRM to help with LALR parsing.
+ NOTE: Some of these rules should be folded into the "data_type"
+ variant which uses the data_type rule to match data type
+ declarations. That some rules do not use the data_type production
+ is a consequence of legacy. */
+tf_port_item /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.7 */
+ : port_direction_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt tf_port_item_expr_opt
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp;
+ NetNet::PortType use_port_type = $1;
+ if ((use_port_type == NetNet::PIMPLICIT) && (gn_system_verilog() || ($2 == 0)))
+ use_port_type = port_declaration_context.port_type;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ list<perm_string>* ilist = list_from_identifier($3);
+ if (use_port_type == NetNet::PIMPLICIT) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: missing task/function port direction.");
+ use_port_type = NetNet::PINPUT; // for error recovery
+ }
+ if (($2 == 0) && ($1==NetNet::PIMPLICIT)) {
+ // Detect special case this is an undecorated
+ // identifier and we need to get the declaration from
+ // left context.
+ if ($4 != 0) {
+ yyerror(@4, "internal error: How can there be an unpacked range here?\n");
+ }
+ tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@3, use_port_type,
+ port_declaration_context.data_type,
+ ilist);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, the decorations for this identifier
+ // indicate the type. Save the type for any right
+ // context that may come later.
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = use_port_type;
+ if ($2 == 0) {
+ $2 = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ FILE_NAME($2, @3);
+ }
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = $2;
+ tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@3, use_port_type, $2, ilist);
+ }
+ if ($4 != 0) {
+ pform_set_reg_idx(name, $4);
+ }
+ $$ = tmp;
+ if ($5) {
+ assert(tmp->size()==1);
+ tmp->front().defe = $5;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Rules to match error cases... */
+ | port_direction_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER error
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: Error in task/function port item after port name %s.", $3);
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* This rule matches the [ = <expression> ] part of the tf_port_item rules. */
+ : '=' expression
+ { if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Task/function default arguments require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+tf_port_list /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.7 */
+ : { port_declaration_context.port_type = gn_system_verilog() ? NetNet::PINPUT : NetNet::PIMPLICIT;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = 0;
+ }
+ tf_port_item_list
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+ : tf_port_item_list ',' tf_port_item
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp;
+ if ($1 && $3) {
+ size_t s1 = $1->size();
+ tmp = $1;
+ tmp->resize(tmp->size()+$3->size());
+ for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $3->size() ; idx += 1)
+ tmp->at(s1+idx) = $3->at(idx);
+ delete $3;
+ } else if ($1) {
+ tmp = $1;
+ } else {
+ tmp = $3;
+ }
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | tf_port_item
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ /* Rules to handle some errors in tf_port_list items. */
+ | error ',' tf_port_item
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in task/function port declaration.");
+ $$ = $3;
+ }
+ | tf_port_item_list ','
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not allowed.");
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | tf_port_item_list ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: ';' is an invalid port declaration separator.");
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+timeunits_declaration /* IEEE1800-2005: A.1.2 */
+ : K_timeunit TIME_LITERAL ';'
+ { pform_set_timeunit($2, allow_timeunit_decl); }
+ | K_timeunit TIME_LITERAL '/' TIME_LITERAL ';'
+ { bool initial_decl = allow_timeunit_decl && allow_timeprec_decl;
+ pform_set_timeunit($2, initial_decl);
+ pform_set_timeprec($4, initial_decl);
+ }
+ | K_timeprecision TIME_LITERAL ';'
+ { pform_set_timeprec($2, allow_timeprec_decl); }
+ ;
+ /* Allow zero, one, or two declarations. The second declaration might
+ be a repeat declaration, but the pform functions take care of that. */
+ : /* empty */ %prec no_timeunits_declaration
+ | timeunits_declaration %prec one_timeunits_declaration
+ | timeunits_declaration timeunits_declaration
+ ;
+value_range /* IEEE1800-2005: A.8.3 */
+ : expression
+ { }
+ | '[' expression ':' expression ']'
+ { }
+ ;
+variable_dimension /* IEEE1800-2005: A.2.5 */
+ : '[' expression ':' expression ']'
+ { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ pform_range_t index ($2,$4);
+ tmp->push_back(index);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '[' expression ']'
+ { // SystemVerilog canonical range
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ warn_count += 1;
+ cerr << @2 << ": warning: Use of SystemVerilog [size] dimension. "
+ << "Use at least -g2005-sv to remove this warning." << endl;
+ }
+ list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ pform_range_t index;
+ index.first = new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)0, integer_width));
+ index.second = new PEBinary('-', $2, new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)1, integer_width)));
+ tmp->push_back(index);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '[' ']'
+ { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ pform_range_t index (0,0);
+ tmp->push_back(index);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '[' '$' ']'
+ { // SystemVerilog queue
+ list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ pform_range_t index (new PENull,0);
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror("error: Queue declarations require SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ tmp->push_back(index);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : lifetime
+ { if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: overriding the default variable lifetime "
+ "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ } else if ($1 != pform_peek_scope()->default_lifetime) {
+ yyerror(@1, "sorry: overriding the default variable lifetime "
+ "is not yet supported.");
+ }
+ var_lifetime = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Verilog-2001 supports attribute lists, which can be attached to a
+ variety of different objects. The syntax inside the (* *) is a
+ comma separated list of names or names with assigned values. */
+ : attribute_instance_list
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : K_PSTAR K_STARP { $$ = 0; }
+ | K_PSTAR attribute_list K_STARP { $$ = $2; }
+ | attribute_instance_list K_PSTAR K_STARP { $$ = $1; }
+ | attribute_instance_list K_PSTAR attribute_list K_STARP
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ if (tmp) {
+ tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else $$ = $3;
+ }
+ ;
+ : attribute_list ',' attribute
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | attribute
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ tmp->parm = 0;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ named_pexpr_t*tmp2 = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp2->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ tmp2->parm = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp2;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The block_item_decl is used in function definitions, task
+ definitions, module definitions and named blocks. Wherever a new
+ scope is entered, the source may declare new registers and
+ integers. This rule matches those declarations. The containing
+ rule has presumably set up the scope. */
+ /* variable declarations. Note that data_type can be 0 if we are
+ recovering from an error. */
+ : data_type register_variable_list ';'
+ { if ($1) pform_set_data_type(@1, $1, $2, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ }
+ | variable_lifetime data_type register_variable_list ';'
+ { if ($2) pform_set_data_type(@2, $2, $3, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ var_lifetime = LexicalScope::INHERITED;
+ }
+ | K_reg data_type register_variable_list ';'
+ { if ($2) pform_set_data_type(@2, $2, $3, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ }
+ | variable_lifetime K_reg data_type register_variable_list ';'
+ { if ($3) pform_set_data_type(@3, $3, $4, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ var_lifetime = LexicalScope::INHERITED;
+ }
+ | K_event event_variable_list ';'
+ { if ($2) pform_make_events($2, @1.text, @1.first_line);
+ }
+ | K_parameter param_type parameter_assign_list ';'
+ | K_localparam param_type localparam_assign_list ';'
+ /* Blocks can have type declarations. */
+ | type_declaration
+ /* Recover from errors that happen within variable lists. Use the
+ trailing semi-colon to resync the parser. */
+ | K_integer error ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in integer variable list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_time error ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in time variable list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_parameter error ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in parameter list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_localparam error ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error localparam list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ ;
+ : block_item_decl
+ | block_item_decls block_item_decl
+ ;
+ : block_item_decls { $$ = true; }
+ | { $$ = false; }
+ ;
+ /* Type declarations are parsed here. The rule actions call pform
+ functions that add the declaration to the current lexical scope. */
+ : K_typedef data_type IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt ';'
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ pform_set_typedef(name, $2, $4);
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ /* If the IDENTIFIER already is a typedef, it is possible for this
+ code to override the definition, but only if the typedef is
+ inherited from a different scope. */
+ | K_typedef data_type TYPE_IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3.text);
+ if (pform_test_type_identifier_local(name)) {
+ yyerror(@3, "error: Typedef identifier \"%s\" is already a type name.", $3.text);
+ } else {
+ pform_set_typedef(name, $2, NULL);
+ }
+ delete[]$3.text;
+ }
+ /* These are forward declarations... */
+ | K_typedef K_class IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | K_typedef K_enum IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Enum forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+ | K_typedef K_struct IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Struct forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+ | K_typedef K_union IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Union forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+ | K_typedef IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ | K_typedef error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in typedef clause.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The structure for an enumeration data type is the keyword "enum",
+ followed by the enumeration values in curly braces. Also allow
+ for an optional base type. The default base type is "int", but it
+ can be any of the integral or vector types. */
+ : K_enum '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($3);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = true;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width(32));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ | K_enum atom2_type signed_unsigned_opt '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($5);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width($2));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ | K_enum K_integer signed_unsigned_opt '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($5);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = true;
+ enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width(integer_width));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ | K_enum K_logic unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ | K_enum K_reg unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ | K_enum K_bit unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}'
+ { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ $$ = enum_type;
+ }
+ ;
+ : enum_name
+ { $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | enum_name_list ',' enum_name
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = $1;
+ lst->splice(lst->end(), *$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = lst;
+ }
+ ;
+ : number
+ { $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | '-' number
+ { verinum tmp = -(*($2));
+ *($2) = tmp;
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ ;
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = make_named_number(name);
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ']'
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ long count = check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, false);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = make_named_numbers(name, 0, count-1);
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ':' pos_neg_number ']'
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ $$ = make_named_numbers(name, check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, true),
+ check_enum_seq_value(@1, $5, true));
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = make_named_number(name, $3);
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ']' '=' expression
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ long count = check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, false);
+ $$ = make_named_numbers(name, 0, count-1, $6);
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ':' pos_neg_number ']' '=' expression
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ $$ = make_named_numbers(name, check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, true),
+ check_enum_seq_value(@1, $5, true), $8);
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ }
+ ;
+ : K_struct K_packed_opt '{' struct_union_member_list '}'
+ { struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ tmp->union_flag = false;
+ tmp->members .reset($4);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_union K_packed_opt '{' struct_union_member_list '}'
+ { struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ tmp->union_flag = true;
+ tmp->members .reset($4);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_struct K_packed_opt '{' error '}'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in struct member list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ tmp->union_flag = false;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_union K_packed_opt '{' error '}'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in union member list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ tmp->union_flag = true;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* This is an implementation of the rule snippet:
+ struct_union_member { struct_union_member }
+ that is used in the rule matching struct and union types
+ in IEEE 1800-2012 A.2.2.1. */
+ : struct_union_member_list struct_union_member
+ { list<struct_member_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | struct_union_member
+ { list<struct_member_t*>*tmp = new list<struct_member_t*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+struct_union_member /* IEEE 1800-2012 A.2.2.1 */
+ : attribute_list_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';'
+ { struct_member_t*tmp = new struct_member_t;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ tmp->type .reset($2);
+ tmp->names .reset($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "Error in struct/union member.");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ : expression_list_proper ':' statement_or_null
+ { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ tmp->expr = *$1;
+ tmp->stat = $3;
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_default ':' statement_or_null
+ { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ tmp->stat = $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_default statement_or_null
+ { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ tmp->stat = $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | error ':' statement_or_null
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Incomprehensible case expression.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ ;
+ : case_items case_item
+ { svector<PCase::Item*>*tmp;
+ tmp = new svector<PCase::Item*>(*$1, $2);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | case_item
+ { svector<PCase::Item*>*tmp = new svector<PCase::Item*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '(' K_small ')'
+ | '(' K_medium ')'
+ | '(' K_large ')'
+ ;
+ : charge_strength
+ |
+ ;
+ : hierarchy_identifier '=' expression
+ { pform_set_defparam(*$1, $3);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : defparam_assign
+ | dimensions defparam_assign
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: defparam may not include a range.");
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | defparam_assign_list ',' defparam_assign
+ ;
+ : '#' delay_value_simple
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' '(' delay_value ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '#' delay_value_simple
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' '(' delay_value ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' '(' delay_value ',' delay_value ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ tmp->push_back($5);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' '(' delay_value ',' delay_value ',' delay_value ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ tmp->push_back($5);
+ tmp->push_back($7);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : delay3 { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : delay_value
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | delay_value_list ',' delay_value
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : expression
+ { PExpr*tmp = $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression ':' expression ':' expression
+ { $$ = pform_select_mtm_expr($1, $3, $5); }
+ ;
+ { verinum*tmp = $1;
+ if (tmp == 0) {
+ yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ $$ = new PENumber(tmp);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ based_size = 0;
+ }
+ { verireal*tmp = $1;
+ if (tmp == 0) {
+ yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ $$ = new PEFNumber(tmp);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ }
+ { PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($1));
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ { int unit;
+ based_size = 0;
+ $$ = 0;
+ if ($1 == 0 || !get_time_unit($1, unit))
+ yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ else {
+ double p = pow(10.0,
+ (double)(unit - pform_get_timeunit()));
+ double time = atof($1) * p;
+ verireal *v = new verireal(time);
+ $$ = new PEFNumber(v);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The discipline and nature declarations used to take no ';' after
+ the identifier. The 2.3 LRM adds the ';', but since there are
+ programs written to the 2.1 and 2.2 standard that don't, we
+ choose to make the ';' optional in this context. */
+optional_semicolon : ';' | ;
+ : K_discipline IDENTIFIER optional_semicolon
+ { pform_start_discipline($2); }
+ discipline_items K_enddiscipline
+ { pform_end_discipline(@1); delete[] $2; }
+ ;
+ : discipline_items discipline_item
+ | discipline_item
+ ;
+ : K_domain K_discrete ';'
+ { pform_discipline_domain(@1, IVL_DIS_DISCRETE); }
+ | K_domain K_continuous ';'
+ { pform_discipline_domain(@1, IVL_DIS_CONTINUOUS); }
+ | K_potential IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { pform_discipline_potential(@1, $2); delete[] $2; }
+ | K_flow IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { pform_discipline_flow(@1, $2); delete[] $2; }
+ ;
+ : K_nature IDENTIFIER optional_semicolon
+ { pform_start_nature($2); }
+ nature_items
+ K_endnature
+ { pform_end_nature(@1); delete[] $2; }
+ ;
+ : nature_items nature_item
+ | nature_item
+ ;
+ : K_units '=' STRING ';'
+ { delete[] $3; }
+ | K_abstol '=' expression ';'
+ | K_access '=' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { pform_nature_access(@1, $3); delete[] $3; }
+ | K_idt_nature '=' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { delete[] $3; }
+ | K_ddt_nature '=' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { delete[] $3; }
+ ;
+ : K_config IDENTIFIER ';'
+ K_design lib_cell_identifiers ';'
+ list_of_config_rule_statements
+ K_endconfig
+ { cerr << @1 << ": sorry: config declarations are not supported and "
+ "will be skipped." << endl;
+ delete[] $2;
+ }
+ ;
+ : /* The BNF implies this can be blank, but I'm not sure exactly what
+ * this means. */
+ | lib_cell_identifiers lib_cell_id
+ ;
+ : /* config rules are optional. */
+ | list_of_config_rule_statements config_rule_statement
+ ;
+ : K_default K_liblist list_of_libraries ';'
+ | K_instance hierarchy_identifier K_liblist list_of_libraries ';'
+ { delete $2; }
+ | K_instance hierarchy_identifier K_use lib_cell_id opt_config ';'
+ { delete $2; }
+ | K_cell lib_cell_id K_liblist list_of_libraries ';'
+ | K_cell lib_cell_id K_use lib_cell_id opt_config ';'
+ ;
+ : /* The use clause takes an optional :config. */
+ | ':' K_config
+ ;
+ { delete[] $1; }
+ { delete[] $1; delete[] $3; }
+ ;
+ : /* A NULL library means use the parents cell library. */
+ | list_of_libraries IDENTIFIER
+ { delete[] $2; }
+ ;
+ : '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = $2.str0;
+ $$.str1 = $4.str1;
+ }
+ | '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = $4.str0;
+ $$.str1 = $2.str1;
+ }
+ | '(' dr_strength0 ',' K_highz1 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = $2.str0;
+ $$.str1 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ }
+ | '(' dr_strength1 ',' K_highz0 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ $$.str1 = $2.str1;
+ }
+ | '(' K_highz1 ',' dr_strength0 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = $4.str0;
+ $$.str1 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ }
+ | '(' K_highz0 ',' dr_strength1 ')'
+ { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ $$.str1 = $4.str1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : drive_strength { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_STRONG; $$.str1 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+ ;
+ : K_supply0 { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_SUPPLY; }
+ | K_strong0 { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+ | K_pull0 { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_PULL; }
+ | K_weak0 { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_WEAK; }
+ ;
+ : K_supply1 { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_SUPPLY; }
+ | K_strong1 { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+ | K_pull1 { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_PULL; }
+ | K_weak1 { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_WEAK; }
+ ;
+clocking_event_opt /* */
+ : event_control
+ |
+ ;
+event_control /* A.K.A. clocking_event */
+ : '@' hierarchy_identifier
+ { PEIdent*tmpi = new PEIdent(*$2);
+ PEEvent*tmpe = new PEEvent(PEEvent::ANYEDGE, tmpi);
+ PEventStatement*tmps = new PEventStatement(tmpe);
+ FILE_NAME(tmps, @1);
+ $$ = tmps;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | '@' '(' event_expression_list ')'
+ { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement(*$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '@' '(' error ')'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed event control expression.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ : event_expression
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | event_expression_list K_or event_expression
+ { svector<PEEvent*>*tmp = new svector<PEEvent*>(*$1, *$3);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | event_expression_list ',' event_expression
+ { svector<PEEvent*>*tmp = new svector<PEEvent*>(*$1, *$3);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : K_posedge expression
+ { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::POSEDGE, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ $$ = tl;
+ }
+ | K_negedge expression
+ { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::NEGEDGE, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ $$ = tl;
+ }
+ | expression
+ { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::ANYEDGE, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ $$ = tl;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* A branch probe expression applies a probe function (potential or
+ flow) to a branch. The branch may be implicit as a pair of nets
+ or explicit as a named branch. Elaboration will check that the
+ function name really is a nature attribute identifier. */
+ { $$ = pform_make_branch_probe_expression(@1, $1, $3, $5); }
+ { $$ = pform_make_branch_probe_expression(@1, $1, $3); }
+ ;
+ : expr_primary_or_typename
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | inc_or_dec_expression
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | inside_expression
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | '+' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { $$ = $3; }
+ | '-' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('-', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '~' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('~', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '&' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('&', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '!' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('!', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '|' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('|', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '^' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('^', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '~' '&' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '&' is not a valid expression. "
+ "Please use operator '~&' instead.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | '~' '|' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '|' is not a valid expression. "
+ "Please use operator '~|' instead.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | '~' '^' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '^' is not a valid expression. "
+ "Please use operator '~^' instead.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | K_NAND attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('A', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_NOR attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('N', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_NXOR attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('X', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '!' error %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Operand of unary ! "
+ "is not a primary expression.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | '^' error %prec UNARY_PREC
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Operand of reduction ^ "
+ "is not a primary expression.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | expression '^' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('^', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_POW attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBPower('p', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '*' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('*', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '/' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('/', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '%' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('%', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '+' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('+', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '-' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('-', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '&' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('&', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '|' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('|', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_NAND attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('A', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_NOR attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('O', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_NXOR attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('X', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '<' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('<', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '>' attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('>', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_LS attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('l', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_RS attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('r', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_RSS attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('R', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_EQ attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('e', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_CEQ attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('E', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_WEQ attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('w', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_LE attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('L', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_GE attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('G', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_NE attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('n', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_CNE attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('N', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_WNE attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('W', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_LOR attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBLogic('o', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression K_LAND attribute_list_opt expression
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBLogic('a', $1, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression '?' attribute_list_opt expression ':' expression
+ { PETernary*tmp = new PETernary($1, $4, $6);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : expression
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | expression ':' expression ':' expression
+ { switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ case MIN:
+ $$ = $1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ break;
+ case TYP:
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = $3;
+ delete $5;
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = $5;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (min_typ_max_warn > 0) {
+ cerr << $$->get_fileline() << ": warning: choosing ";
+ switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ case MIN:
+ cerr << "min";
+ break;
+ case TYP:
+ cerr << "typ";
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ cerr << "max";
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr << " expression." << endl;
+ min_typ_max_warn -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Many contexts take a comma separated list of expressions. Null
+ expressions can happen anywhere in the list, so there are two
+ extra rules in expression_list_with_nuls for parsing and
+ installing those nulls.
+ The expression_list_proper rules do not allow null items in the
+ expression list, so can be used where nul expressions are not allowed. */
+ : expression_list_with_nuls ',' expression
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ |
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back(0);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression_list_with_nuls ','
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(0);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : expression_list_proper ',' expression
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | expression
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : expr_primary
+ /* There are a few special cases (notably $bits argument) where the
+ expression may be a type name. Let the elaborator sort this out. */
+ { PETypename*tmp = new PETypename($1.type);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1.text;
+ }
+ ;
+ : number
+ { assert($1);
+ PENumber*tmp = new PENumber($1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { PEFNumber*tmp = new PEFNumber($1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { PEString*tmp = new PEString($1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { int unit;
+ based_size = 0;
+ $$ = 0;
+ if ($1 == 0 || !get_time_unit($1, unit))
+ yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ else {
+ double p = pow(10.0, (double)(unit - pform_get_timeunit()));
+ double time = atof($1) * p;
+ verireal *v = new verireal(time);
+ $$ = new PEFNumber(v);
+ FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ }
+ }
+ { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ /* The hierarchy_identifier rule matches simple identifiers as well as
+ indexed arrays and part selects */
+ | hierarchy_identifier
+ { PEIdent*tmp = pform_new_ident(*$1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES hierarchy_identifier
+ { $$ = pform_package_ident(@2, $1, $3);
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ /* An identifier followed by an expression list in parentheses is a
+ function call. If a system identifier, then a system function
+ call. It can also be a call to a class method (function). */
+ | hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $3;
+ strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ PECallFunction*tmp = pform_make_call_function(@1, *$1, *expr_list);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ while (! $3->empty()) {
+ t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ $3->pop_front();
+ }
+ list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $5;
+ strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ PECallFunction*tmp = pform_make_call_function(@1, *t_name, *expr_list);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_proper ')'
+ { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, *$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_proper ')'
+ { perm_string use_name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction($1, use_name, *$5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ const vector<PExpr*>empty;
+ PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, empty);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Empty function argument list requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ }
+ | implicit_class_handle
+ { PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*$1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier
+ { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ while (! $3->empty()) {
+ t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ $3->pop_front();
+ }
+ PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*t_name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Many of the VAMS built-in functions are available as builtin
+ functions with $system_function equivalents. */
+ | K_acos '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$acos");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_acosh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$acosh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_asin '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$asin");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_asinh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$asinh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_atan '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atan");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_atanh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atanh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_atan2 '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atan2");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_ceil '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$ceil");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_cos '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$cos");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_cosh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$cosh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_exp '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$exp");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_floor '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$floor");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_hypot '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$hypot");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_ln '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$ln");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_log '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$log10");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_pow '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$pow");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_sin '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sin");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_sinh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sinh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_sqrt '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sqrt");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_tan '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$tan");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_tanh '(' expression ')'
+ { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$tanh");
+ PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* These mathematical functions are conveniently expressed as unary
+ and binary expressions. They behave much like unary/binary
+ operators, even though they are parsed as functions. */
+ | K_abs '(' expression ')'
+ { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('m', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_max '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('M', $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_min '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('m', $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Parenthesized expressions are primaries. */
+ | '(' expr_mintypmax ')'
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ /* Various kinds of concatenation expressions. */
+ | '{' expression_list_proper '}'
+ { PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '{' expression '{' expression_list_proper '}' '}'
+ { PExpr*rep = $2;
+ PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$4, rep);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $4;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '{' expression '{' expression_list_proper '}' error '}'
+ { PExpr*rep = $2;
+ PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$4, rep);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $4;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ yyerror(@5, "error: Syntax error between internal '}' "
+ "and closing '}' of repeat concatenation.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | '{' '}'
+ { // This is the empty queue syntax.
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ list<PExpr*> empty_list;
+ PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(empty_list);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Concatenations are not allowed to be empty.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Cast expressions are primaries */
+ | expr_primary "'" '(' expression ')'
+ { PExpr*base = $4;
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ PECastSize*tmp = new PECastSize($1, base);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Size cast requires SystemVerilog.");
+ $$ = base;
+ }
+ }
+ | simple_type_or_string "'" '(' expression ')'
+ { PExpr*base = $4;
+ if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ PECastType*tmp = new PECastType($1, base);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Type cast requires SystemVerilog.");
+ $$ = base;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Aggregate literals are primaries. */
+ | assignment_pattern
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ /* SystemVerilog supports streaming concatenation */
+ | streaming_concatenation
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | K_null
+ { PENull*tmp = new PENull;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* A function_item_list borrows the task_port_item run to match
+ declarations of ports. We check later to make sure there are no
+ output or inout ports actually used.
+ The function_item is the same as tf_item_declaration. */
+ : function_item_list { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : function_item
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | function_item_list function_item
+ { /* */
+ if ($1 && $2) {
+ vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = $1;
+ size_t s1 = tmp->size();
+ tmp->resize(s1 + $2->size());
+ for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ tmp->at(s1+idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ } else if ($1) {
+ $$ = $1;
+ } else {
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ : tf_port_declaration
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | block_item_decl
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ /* A gate_instance is a module instantiation or a built in part
+ type. In any case, the gate has a set of connections to ports. */
+ : IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = $3;
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = $4;
+ tmp->range = rng->front();
+ rng->pop_front();
+ assert(rng->empty());
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete rng;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ tmp->name = "";
+ tmp->parms = $2;
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Degenerate modules can have no ports. */
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = 0;
+ tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ tmp->range = rng->front();
+ rng->pop_front();
+ assert(rng->empty());
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete rng;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Modules can also take ports by port-name expressions. */
+ | IDENTIFIER '(' port_name_list ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = 0;
+ tmp->parms_by_name = $3;
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' port_name_list ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = 0;
+ tmp->parms_by_name = $4;
+ tmp->range = rng->front();
+ rng->pop_front();
+ assert(rng->empty());
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete rng;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '(' error ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = 0;
+ tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in instance port "
+ "expression(s).");
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' error ')'
+ { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ tmp->name = $1;
+ tmp->parms = 0;
+ tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ tmp->file = @1.text;
+ tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ yyerror(@3, "error: Syntax error in instance port "
+ "expression(s).");
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : gate_instance_list ',' gate_instance
+ { svector<lgate>*tmp1 = $1;
+ lgate*tmp2 = $3;
+ svector<lgate>*out = new svector<lgate> (*tmp1, *tmp2);
+ delete tmp1;
+ delete tmp2;
+ $$ = out;
+ }
+ | gate_instance
+ { svector<lgate>*tmp = new svector<lgate>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = *$1;
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : K_and { $$ = PGBuiltin::AND; }
+ | K_nand { $$ = PGBuiltin::NAND; }
+ | K_or { $$ = PGBuiltin::OR; }
+ | K_nor { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOR; }
+ | K_xor { $$ = PGBuiltin::XOR; }
+ | K_xnor { $$ = PGBuiltin::XNOR; }
+ | K_buf { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUF; }
+ | K_bufif0 { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUFIF0; }
+ | K_bufif1 { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUFIF1; }
+ | K_not { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOT; }
+ | K_notif0 { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOTIF0; }
+ | K_notif1 { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOTIF1; }
+ ;
+ : K_nmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::NMOS; }
+ | K_rnmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::RNMOS; }
+ | K_pmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::PMOS; }
+ | K_rpmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::RPMOS; }
+ | K_cmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::CMOS; }
+ | K_rcmos { $$ = PGBuiltin::RCMOS; }
+ | K_tran { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRAN; }
+ | K_rtran { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRAN; }
+ | K_tranif0 { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRANIF0; }
+ | K_tranif1 { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRANIF1; }
+ | K_rtranif0 { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRANIF0; }
+ | K_rtranif1 { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRANIF1; }
+ ;
+ /* A general identifier is a hierarchical name, with the right most
+ name the base of the identifier. This rule builds up a
+ hierarchical name from the left to the right, forming a list of
+ names. */
+ { $$ = new pform_name_t;
+ $$->push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($1)));
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '.' IDENTIFIER
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($3)));
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '[' expression ']'
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '[' '$' ']'
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@3, "error: Last element expression ($) "
+ "requires SystemVerilog. Try enabling SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT_LAST;
+ itmp.msb = 0;
+ itmp.lsb = 0;
+ tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '[' expression ':' expression ']'
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_PART;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ itmp.lsb = $5;
+ tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '[' expression K_PO_POS expression ']'
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ itmp.lsb = $5;
+ tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '[' expression K_PO_NEG expression ']'
+ { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_IDX_DO;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ itmp.lsb = $5;
+ tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* This is a list of identifiers. The result is a list of strings,
+ each one of the identifiers in the list. These are simple,
+ non-hierarchical names separated by ',' characters. */
+ { $$ = list_from_identifier($1); }
+ | list_of_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { $$ = list_from_identifier($1, $3); }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, 0); }
+ | list_of_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, 0); }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, 0); }
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, $4); }
+ | list_of_variable_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, 0); }
+ | list_of_variable_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression
+ { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, $6); }
+ ;
+ /* The list_of_ports and list_of_port_declarations rules are the
+ port list formats for module ports. The list_of_ports_opt rule is
+ only used by the module start rule.
+ The first, the list_of_ports, is the 1364-1995 format, a list of
+ port names, including .name() syntax.
+ The list_of_port_declarations the 1364-2001 format, an in-line
+ declaration of the ports.
+ In both cases, the list_of_ports and list_of_port_declarations
+ returns an array of Module::port_t* items that include the name
+ of the port internally and externally. The actual creation of the
+ nets/variables is done in the declaration, whether internal to
+ the port list or in amongst the module items. */
+ : port_opt
+ { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp
+ = new vector<Module::port_t*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | list_of_ports ',' port_opt
+ { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : port_declaration
+ { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp
+ = new vector<Module::port_t*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | list_of_port_declarations ',' port_declaration
+ { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | list_of_port_declarations ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @3.text,
+ @3.first_line);
+ vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(ptmp);
+ /* Get the port declaration details, the port type
+ and what not, from context data stored by the
+ last port_declaration rule. */
+ pform_module_define_port(@3, name,
+ port_declaration_context.port_type,
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type,
+ port_declaration_context.data_type, 0);
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | list_of_port_declarations ','
+ {
+ yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not "
+ "allowed.");
+ }
+ | list_of_port_declarations ';'
+ {
+ yyerror(@2, "error: ';' is an invalid port declaration "
+ "separator.");
+ }
+ ;
+ : attribute_list_opt K_input net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ data_type_t*use_type = $4;
+ if ($6) use_type = new uarray_type_t(use_type, $6);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINPUT, $3, use_type, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = $3;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ delete[]$5;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt
+ K_input K_wreal IDENTIFIER
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ @2.first_line);
+ real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINPUT,
+ NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ delete[]$4;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_inout net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINOUT, $3, $4, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = $3;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ delete[]$5;
+ if ($6) {
+ yyerror(@6, "sorry: Inout ports with unpacked dimensions not supported.");
+ delete $6;
+ }
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt
+ K_inout K_wreal IDENTIFIER
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ @2.first_line);
+ real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINOUT,
+ NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ delete[]$4;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_output net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ data_type_t*use_dtype = $4;
+ if ($6) use_dtype = new uarray_type_t(use_dtype, $6);
+ NetNet::Type use_type = $3;
+ if (use_type == NetNet::IMPLICIT) {
+ if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ else if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT;
+ else
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ // The SystemVerilog types that can show up as
+ // output ports are implicitly (on the inside)
+ // variables because "reg" is not valid syntax
+ // here.
+ } else if (dynamic_cast<atom2_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ } else if (dynamic_cast<struct_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ } else if (enum_type_t*etype = dynamic_cast<enum_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ if(etype->base_type == IVL_VT_LOGIC)
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ }
+ }
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, use_dtype, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::POUTPUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = use_type;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ delete[]$5;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt
+ K_output K_wreal IDENTIFIER
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ @2.first_line);
+ real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT,
+ NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::POUTPUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ delete[]$4;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_output net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ NetNet::Type use_type = $3;
+ if (use_type == NetNet::IMPLICIT) {
+ if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ else
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ } else {
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ }
+ }
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, $4, $1);
+ port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ port_declaration_context.port_net_type = use_type;
+ port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ pform_make_var_init(@5, name, $7);
+ delete[]$5;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : net_type { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = NetNet::IMPLICIT; }
+ ;
+ /*
+ * The signed_opt rule will return "true" if K_signed is present,
+ * for "false" otherwise. This rule corresponds to the declaration
+ * defaults for reg/bit/logic.
+ *
+ * The signed_unsigned_opt rule with match K_signed or K_unsigned
+ * and return true or false as appropriate. The default is
+ * "true". This corresponds to the declaration defaults for
+ * byte/shortint/int/longint.
+ */
+ : K_signed { $$ = true; }
+ | K_unsigned { $$ = false; }
+ | { $$ = false; }
+ ;
+ : K_signed { $$ = true; }
+ | K_unsigned { $$ = false; }
+ | { $$ = true; }
+ ;
+ /*
+ * In some places we can take any of the 4 2-value atom-type
+ * names. All the context needs to know if that type is its width.
+ */
+ : K_byte { $$ = 8; }
+ | K_shortint { $$ = 16; }
+ | K_int { $$ = 32; }
+ | K_longint { $$ = 64; }
+ ;
+ /* An lpvalue is the expression that can go on the left side of a
+ procedural assignment. This rule handles only procedural
+ assignments. It is more limited than the general expr_primary
+ rule to reflect the rules for assignment l-values. */
+ : hierarchy_identifier
+ { PEIdent*tmp = pform_new_ident(*$1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier
+ { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ while (!$3->empty()) {
+ t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ $3->pop_front();
+ }
+ PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*t_name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | '{' expression_list_proper '}'
+ { PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | streaming_concatenation
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: streaming concatenation not supported in l-values.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Continuous assignments have a list of individual assignments. */
+ : lpvalue '=' expression
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : cont_assign_list ',' cont_assign
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | cont_assign
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ /* This is the global structure of a module. A module is a start
+ section, with optional ports, then an optional list of module
+ items, and finally an end marker. */
+ : attribute_list_opt module_start lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER
+ { pform_startmodule(@2, $4, $2==K_program, $2==K_interface, $3, $1); }
+ module_package_import_list_opt
+ module_parameter_port_list_opt
+ module_port_list_opt
+ module_attribute_foreign ';'
+ { pform_module_set_ports($8); }
+ timeunits_declaration_opt
+ { pform_set_scope_timescale(@2); }
+ module_item_list_opt
+ module_end
+ { Module::UCDriveType ucd;
+ // The lexor detected `unconnected_drive directives and
+ // marked what it found in the uc_drive variable. Use that
+ // to generate a UCD flag for the module.
+ switch (uc_drive) {
+ case UCD_NONE:
+ default:
+ ucd = Module::UCD_NONE;
+ break;
+ case UCD_PULL0:
+ ucd = Module::UCD_PULL0;
+ break;
+ case UCD_PULL1:
+ ucd = Module::UCD_PULL1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check that program/endprogram and module/endmodule
+ // keywords match.
+ if ($2 != $15) {
+ switch ($2) {
+ case K_module:
+ yyerror(@15, "error: module not closed by endmodule.");
+ break;
+ case K_program:
+ yyerror(@15, "error: program not closed by endprogram.");
+ break;
+ case K_interface:
+ yyerror(@15, "error: interface not closed by endinterface.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pform_endmodule($4, in_celldefine, ucd);
+ }
+ endlabel_opt
+ { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ // module.
+ if ($17) {
+ if (strcmp($4,$17) != 0) {
+ switch ($2) {
+ case K_module:
+ yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "module name.");
+ break;
+ case K_program:
+ yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "program name.");
+ break;
+ case K_interface:
+ yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "interface name.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($2 == K_module) && (! gn_system_verilog())) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: Module end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$17;
+ }
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Modules start with a module/macromodule, program, or interface
+ keyword, and end with a endmodule, endprogram, or endinterface
+ keyword. The syntax for modules programs, and interfaces is
+ almost identical, so let semantics sort out the differences. */
+ : K_module { $$ = K_module; }
+ | K_macromodule { $$ = K_module; }
+ | K_program { $$ = K_program; }
+ | K_interface { $$ = K_interface; }
+ ;
+ : K_endmodule { $$ = K_module; }
+ | K_endprogram { $$ = K_program; }
+ | K_endinterface { $$ = K_interface; }
+ ;
+ : ':' IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : K_PSTAR IDENTIFIER K_integer IDENTIFIER '=' STRING ';' K_STARP { $$ = 0; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : '(' list_of_ports ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ | '(' list_of_port_declarations ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ | '(' error ')'
+ { yyerror(@2, "Errors in port declarations.");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Module declarations include optional ANSI style module parameter
+ ports. These are simply advance ways to declare parameters, so
+ that the port declarations may use them. */
+ :
+ | '#' '(' module_parameter_port_list ')'
+ ;
+ : K_parameter param_type parameter_assign
+ | module_parameter_port_list ',' parameter_assign
+ | module_parameter_port_list ',' K_parameter param_type parameter_assign
+ ;
+ /* Modules can contain further sub-module definitions. */
+ : module
+ | attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit delay3_opt net_variable_list ';'
+ { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ if (data_type == 0) {
+ data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ }
+ pform_set_data_type(@2, data_type, $5, $2, $1);
+ if ($4 != 0) {
+ yyerror(@2, "sorry: net delays not supported.");
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_wreal delay3 net_variable_list ';'
+ { real_type_t*tmpt = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ pform_set_data_type(@2, tmpt, $4, NetNet::WIRE, $1);
+ if ($3 != 0) {
+ yyerror(@3, "sorry: net delays not supported.");
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_wreal net_variable_list ';'
+ { real_type_t*tmpt = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ pform_set_data_type(@2, tmpt, $3, NetNet::WIRE, $1);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ /* Very similar to the rule above, but this takes a list of
+ net_decl_assigns, which are <name> = <expr> assignment
+ declarations. */
+ | attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit delay3_opt net_decl_assigns ';'
+ { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ if (data_type == 0) {
+ data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ }
+ pform_makewire(@2, $4, str_strength, $5, $2, data_type);
+ if ($1) {
+ yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* This form doesn't have the range, but does have strengths. This
+ gives strength to the assignment drivers. */
+ | attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit drive_strength net_decl_assigns ';'
+ { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ if (data_type == 0) {
+ data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ }
+ pform_makewire(@2, 0, $4, $5, $2, data_type);
+ if ($1) {
+ yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_wreal net_decl_assigns ';'
+ { real_type_t*data_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ pform_makewire(@2, 0, str_strength, $3, NetNet::WIRE, data_type);
+ if ($1) {
+ yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ }
+ | K_trireg charge_strength_opt dimensions_opt delay3_opt list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "sorry: trireg nets not supported.");
+ delete $3;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ /* The next two rules handle port declarations that include a net type, e.g.
+ input wire signed [h:l] <list>;
+ This creates the wire and sets the port type all at once. */
+ | attribute_list_opt port_direction net_type data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';'
+ { pform_module_define_port(@2, $5, $2, $3, $4, $1); }
+ | attribute_list_opt port_direction K_wreal list_of_port_identifiers ';'
+ { real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, $2, NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ }
+ /* The next three rules handle port declarations that include a variable
+ type, e.g.
+ output reg signed [h:l] <list>;
+ and also handle incomplete port declarations, e.g.
+ input signed [h:l] <list>;
+ */
+ | attribute_list_opt K_inout data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';'
+ { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ }
+ if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::PINOUT, $3, $1);
+ else
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::PINOUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_input data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';'
+ { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ }
+ if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::PINPUT, $3, $1);
+ else
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::PINPUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_output data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_port_identifiers ';'
+ { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ else if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ else
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ // The SystemVerilog types that can show up as
+ // output ports are implicitly (on the inside)
+ // variables because "reg" is not valid syntax
+ // here.
+ } else if (dynamic_cast<atom2_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ } else if (dynamic_cast<struct_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ } else if (enum_type_t*etype = dynamic_cast<enum_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ if(etype->base_type == IVL_VT_LOGIC)
+ use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ }
+ if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::POUTPUT, $3, $1);
+ else
+ pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt port_direction net_type data_type_or_implicit error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ if ($1) delete $1;
+ if ($4) delete $4;
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_inout data_type_or_implicit error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ if ($1) delete $1;
+ if ($3) delete $3;
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_input data_type_or_implicit error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ if ($1) delete $1;
+ if ($3) delete $3;
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_output data_type_or_implicit error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ if ($1) delete $1;
+ if ($3) delete $3;
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ /* Maybe this is a discipline declaration? If so, then the lexor
+ will see the discipline name as an identifier. We match it to the
+ discipline or type name semantically. */
+ | DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { pform_attach_discipline(@1, $1, $2); }
+ /* block_item_decl rule is shared with task blocks and named
+ begin/end. Careful to pass attributes to the block_item_decl. */
+ | attribute_list_opt { attributes_in_context = $1; } block_item_decl
+ { delete attributes_in_context;
+ attributes_in_context = 0;
+ }
+ /* */
+ | K_defparam
+ { if (pform_in_interface())
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Parameter overrides are not allowed "
+ "in interfaces.");
+ }
+ defparam_assign_list ';'
+ /* Most gate types have an optional drive strength and optional
+ two/three-value delay. These rules handle the different cases.
+ We check that the actual number of delays is correct later. */
+ | attribute_list_opt gatetype gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, 0, $3, $1); }
+ | attribute_list_opt gatetype delay3 gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, $3, $4, $1); }
+ | attribute_list_opt gatetype drive_strength gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, $3, 0, $4, $1); }
+ | attribute_list_opt gatetype drive_strength delay3 gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, $3, $4, $5, $1); }
+ /* The switch type gates do not support a strength. */
+ | attribute_list_opt switchtype gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, 0, $3, $1); }
+ | attribute_list_opt switchtype delay3 gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, $3, $4, $1); }
+ /* Pullup and pulldown devices cannot have delays, and their
+ strengths are limited. */
+ | K_pullup gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, pull_strength, 0, $2, 0); }
+ | K_pulldown gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, pull_strength, 0, $2, 0); }
+ | K_pullup '(' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $3, 0, $5, 0); }
+ | K_pullup '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $3, 0, $7, 0); }
+ | K_pullup '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $5, 0, $7, 0); }
+ | K_pulldown '(' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $3, 0, $5, 0); }
+ | K_pulldown '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $5, 0, $7, 0); }
+ | K_pulldown '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';'
+ { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $3, 0, $7, 0); }
+ /* This rule handles instantiations of modules and user defined
+ primitives. These devices to not have delay lists or strengths,
+ but then can have parameter lists. */
+ | attribute_list_opt
+ IDENTIFIER parameter_value_opt gate_instance_list ';'
+ { perm_string tmp1 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ pform_make_modgates(@2, tmp1, $3, $4, $1);
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt
+ IDENTIFIER parameter_value_opt error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid module instantiation");
+ delete[]$2;
+ if ($1) delete $1;
+ }
+ /* Continuous assignment can have an optional drive strength, then
+ an optional delay3 that applies to all the assignments in the
+ cont_assign_list. */
+ | K_assign drive_strength_opt delay3_opt cont_assign_list ';'
+ { pform_make_pgassign_list($4, $3, $2, @1.text, @1.first_line); }
+ /* Always and initial items are behavioral processes. */
+ | attribute_list_opt K_always statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_always_comb statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_COMB, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_always_ff statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_FF, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_always_latch statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_LATCH, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_initial statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_INITIAL, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_final statement_item
+ { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_FINAL, $3, $1);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ }
+ | attribute_list_opt K_analog analog_statement
+ { pform_make_analog_behavior(@2, IVL_PR_ALWAYS, $3); }
+ | attribute_list_opt assertion_item
+ | timeunits_declaration
+ | class_declaration
+ | task_declaration
+ | function_declaration
+ /* A generate region can contain further module items. Actually, it
+ is supposed to be limited to certain kinds of module items, but
+ the semantic tests will check that for us. Do check that the
+ generate/endgenerate regions do not nest. Generate schemes nest,
+ but generate regions do not. */
+ | K_generate generate_item_list_opt K_endgenerate
+ { // Test for bad nesting. I understand it, but it is illegal.
+ if (pform_parent_generate()) {
+ cerr << @1 << ": error: Generate/endgenerate regions cannot nest." << endl;
+ cerr << @1 << ": : Try removing optional generate/endgenerate keywords," << endl;
+ cerr << @1 << ": : or move them to surround the parent generate scheme." << endl;
+ error_count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ | K_genvar list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { pform_genvars(@1, $2); }
+ | K_for '(' IDENTIFIER '=' expression ';'
+ expression ';'
+ IDENTIFIER '=' expression ')'
+ { pform_start_generate_for(@1, $3, $5, $7, $9, $11); }
+ generate_block
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ | generate_if
+ generate_block_opt
+ K_else
+ { pform_start_generate_else(@1); }
+ generate_block
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ | generate_if
+ generate_block_opt %prec less_than_K_else
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ | K_case '(' expression ')'
+ { pform_start_generate_case(@1, $3); }
+ generate_case_items
+ K_endcase
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ | modport_declaration
+ | package_import_declaration
+ /* 1364-2001 and later allow specparam declarations outside specify blocks. */
+ | attribute_list_opt K_specparam
+ { if (pform_in_interface())
+ yyerror(@1, "error: specparam declarations are not allowed "
+ "in interfaces.");
+ }
+ specparam_decl ';'
+ /* specify blocks are parsed but ignored. */
+ | K_specify
+ { if (pform_in_interface())
+ yyerror(@1, "error: specify blocks are not allowed "
+ "in interfaces.");
+ }
+ specify_item_list_opt K_endspecify
+ | K_specify error K_endspecify
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in specify block");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ /* These rules match various errors that the user can type into
+ module items. These rules try to catch them at a point where a
+ reasonable error message can be produced. */
+ | error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: invalid module item.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_assign error '=' expression ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in left side "
+ "of continuous assignment.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_assign error ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in "
+ "continuous assignment");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_function error K_endfunction endlabel_opt
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: I give up on this "
+ "function definition.");
+ if ($4) {
+ if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@4, "error: Function end names require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ /* These rules are for the Icarus Verilog specific $attribute
+ extensions. Then catch the parameters of the $attribute keyword. */
+ | KK_attribute '(' IDENTIFIER ',' STRING ',' STRING ')' ';'
+ { perm_string tmp3 = lex_strings.make($3);
+ perm_string tmp5 = lex_strings.make($5);
+ pform_set_attrib(tmp3, tmp5, $7);
+ delete[] $3;
+ delete[] $5;
+ }
+ | KK_attribute '(' error ')' ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed $attribute parameter list."); }
+ ;
+ : module_item_list module_item
+ | module_item
+ ;
+ : module_item_list
+ |
+ ;
+generate_if : K_if '(' expression ')' { pform_start_generate_if(@1, $3); } ;
+ : generate_case_items generate_case_item
+ | generate_case_item
+ ;
+ : expression_list_proper ':' { pform_generate_case_item(@1, $1); } generate_block_opt
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ | K_default ':' { pform_generate_case_item(@1, 0); } generate_block_opt
+ { pform_endgenerate(); }
+ ;
+ : module_item
+ /* Handle some anachronistic syntax cases. */
+ | K_begin generate_item_list_opt K_end
+ { /* Detect and warn about anachronistic begin/end use */
+ if (generation_flag > GN_VER2001 && warn_anachronisms) {
+ warn_count += 1;
+ cerr << @1 << ": warning: Anachronistic use of begin/end to surround generate schemes." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ | K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER {
+ pform_start_generate_nblock(@1, $3);
+ } generate_item_list_opt K_end
+ { /* Detect and warn about anachronistic named begin/end use */
+ if (generation_flag > GN_VER2001 && warn_anachronisms) {
+ warn_count += 1;
+ cerr << @1 << ": warning: Anachronistic use of named begin/end to surround generate schemes." << endl;
+ }
+ pform_endgenerate();
+ }
+ ;
+ : generate_item_list generate_item
+ | generate_item
+ ;
+ : generate_item_list
+ |
+ ;
+ /* A generate block is the thing within a generate scheme. It may be
+ a single module item, an anonymous block of module items, or a
+ named module item. In all cases, the meat is in the module items
+ inside, and the processing is done by the module_item rules. We
+ only need to take note here of the scope name, if any. */
+ : module_item
+ | K_begin generate_item_list_opt K_end
+ | K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER generate_item_list_opt K_end endlabel_opt
+ { pform_generate_block_name($3);
+ if ($6) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$6) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@6, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "begin name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@6, "error: Begin end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$6;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+generate_block_opt : generate_block | ';' ;
+ /* A net declaration assignment allows the programmer to combine the
+ net declaration and the continuous assignment into a single
+ statement.
+ Note that the continuous assignment statement is generated as a
+ side effect, and all I pass up is the name of the l-value. */
+ : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { net_decl_assign_t*tmp = new net_decl_assign_t;
+ tmp->next = tmp;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ tmp->expr = $3;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : net_decl_assigns ',' net_decl_assign
+ { net_decl_assign_t*tmp = $1;
+ $3->next = tmp->next;
+ tmp->next = $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | net_decl_assign
+ { $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : K_logic { $$ = IVL_VT_LOGIC; }
+ | K_bool { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; /* Icarus misc */}
+ | K_bit { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; /* IEEE1800 / IEEE1364-2009 */}
+ ;
+ : bit_logic
+ | { $$ = IVL_VT_NO_TYPE; }
+ ;
+ : K_wire { $$ = NetNet::WIRE; }
+ | K_tri { $$ = NetNet::TRI; }
+ | K_tri1 { $$ = NetNet::TRI1; }
+ | K_supply0 { $$ = NetNet::SUPPLY0; }
+ | K_wand { $$ = NetNet::WAND; }
+ | K_triand { $$ = NetNet::TRIAND; }
+ | K_tri0 { $$ = NetNet::TRI0; }
+ | K_supply1 { $$ = NetNet::SUPPLY1; }
+ | K_wor { $$ = NetNet::WOR; }
+ | K_trior { $$ = NetNet::TRIOR; }
+ | K_wone { $$ = NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE;
+ cerr << @1.text << ":" << @1.first_line << ": warning: "
+ "'wone' is deprecated, please use 'uwire' "
+ "instead." << endl;
+ }
+ | K_uwire { $$ = NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE; }
+ ;
+ : bit_logic_opt unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt
+ { param_active_range = $3;
+ param_active_signed = $2;
+ if (($1 == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) && ($3 != 0))
+ param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ else
+ param_active_type = $1;
+ }
+ | K_integer
+ { param_active_range = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ param_active_signed = true;
+ param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ }
+ | K_time
+ { param_active_range = make_range_from_width(64);
+ param_active_signed = false;
+ param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ }
+ | real_or_realtime
+ { param_active_range = 0;
+ param_active_signed = true;
+ param_active_type = IVL_VT_REAL;
+ }
+ | atom2_type
+ { param_active_range = make_range_from_width($1);
+ param_active_signed = true;
+ param_active_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ }
+ { pform_set_param_from_type(@1, $1.type, $1.text, param_active_range,
+ param_active_signed, param_active_type);
+ delete[]$1.text;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* parameter and localparam assignment lists are broken into
+ separate BNF so that I can call slightly different parameter
+ handling code. localparams parse the same as parameters, they
+ just behave differently when someone tries to override them. */
+ : parameter_assign
+ | parameter_assign_list ',' parameter_assign
+ ;
+ : localparam_assign
+ | localparam_assign_list ',' localparam_assign
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER '=' expression parameter_value_ranges_opt
+ { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ pform_set_parameter(@1, lex_strings.make($1), param_active_type,
+ param_active_signed, param_active_range, tmp, $4);
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ pform_set_localparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1), param_active_type,
+ param_active_signed, param_active_range, tmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ ;
+parameter_value_ranges_opt : parameter_value_ranges { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = 0; } ;
+ : parameter_value_ranges parameter_value_range
+ { $$ = $2; $$->next = $1; }
+ | parameter_value_range
+ { $$ = $1; $$->next = 0; }
+ ;
+ : from_exclude '[' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ']'
+ { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, false, $3, false, $5); }
+ | from_exclude '[' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ')'
+ { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, false, $3, true, $5); }
+ | from_exclude '(' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ']'
+ { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, true, $3, false, $5); }
+ | from_exclude '(' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ')'
+ { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, true, $3, true, $5); }
+ | K_exclude expression
+ { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range(true, false, $2, false, $2); }
+ ;
+ : expression { $$ = $1; }
+ | K_inf { $$ = 0; }
+ | '+' K_inf { $$ = 0; }
+ | '-' K_inf { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+from_exclude : K_from { $$ = false; } | K_exclude { $$ = true; } ;
+ /* The parameters of a module instance can be overridden by writing
+ a list of expressions in a syntax much like a delay list. (The
+ difference being the list can have any length.) The pform that
+ attaches the expression list to the module checks that the
+ expressions are constant.
+ Although the BNF in IEEE1364-1995 implies that parameter value
+ lists must be in parentheses, in practice most compilers will
+ accept simple expressions outside of parentheses if there is only
+ one value, so I'll accept simple numbers here. This also catches
+ the case of a UDP with a single delay value, so we need to accept
+ real values as well as decimal ones.
+ The parameter value by name syntax is OVI enhancement BTF-B06 as
+ approved by WG1364 on 6/28/1998. */
+ : '#' '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')'
+ { struct parmvalue_t*tmp = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ tmp->by_order = $3;
+ tmp->by_name = 0;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' '(' parameter_value_byname_list ')'
+ { struct parmvalue_t*tmp = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ tmp->by_order = 0;
+ tmp->by_name = $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '#' DEC_NUMBER
+ { assert($2);
+ PENumber*tmp = new PENumber($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ struct parmvalue_t*lst = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ lst->by_order = new list<PExpr*>;
+ lst->by_order->push_back(tmp);
+ lst->by_name = 0;
+ $$ = lst;
+ based_size = 0;
+ }
+ | '#' REALTIME
+ { assert($2);
+ PEFNumber*tmp = new PEFNumber($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ struct parmvalue_t*lst = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ lst->by_order = new list<PExpr*>;
+ lst->by_order->push_back(tmp);
+ lst->by_name = 0;
+ $$ = lst;
+ }
+ | '#' error
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in parameter value "
+ "assignment list.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')'
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = $4;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '.' IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = 0;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : parameter_value_byname
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | parameter_value_byname_list ',' parameter_value_byname
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The port (of a module) is a fairly complex item. Each port is
+ handled as a Module::port_t object. A simple port reference has a
+ name and a PExpr object, but more complex constructs are possible
+ where the name can be attached to a list of PWire objects.
+ The port_reference returns a Module::port_t, and so does the
+ port_reference_list. The port_reference_list may have built up a
+ list of PWires in the port_t object, but it is still a single
+ Module::port_t object.
+ The port rule below takes the built up Module::port_t object and
+ tweaks its name as needed. */
+ : port_reference
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ /* This syntax attaches an external name to the port reference so
+ that the caller can bind by name to non-trivial port
+ references. The port_t object gets its PWire from the
+ port_reference, but its name from the IDENTIFIER. */
+ | '.' IDENTIFIER '(' port_reference ')'
+ { Module::port_t*tmp = $4;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* A port can also be a concatenation of port references. In this
+ case the port does not have a name available to the outside, only
+ positional parameter passing is possible here. */
+ | '{' port_reference_list '}'
+ { Module::port_t*tmp = $2;
+ tmp->name = perm_string();
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* This attaches a name to a port reference concatenation list so
+ that parameter passing be name is possible. */
+ | '.' IDENTIFIER '(' '{' port_reference_list '}' ')'
+ { Module::port_t*tmp = $5;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : port { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ /* The port_name rule is used with a module is being *instantiated*,
+ and not when it is being declared. See the port rule if you are
+ looking for the ports of a module declaration. */
+ : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')'
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = $4;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '.' IDENTIFIER '(' error ')'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: invalid port connection expression.");
+ named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = 0;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '.' IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = 0;
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ tmp->parm = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($2), true);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp->parm, @1);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ tmp->name = lex_strings.make("*");
+ tmp->parm = 0;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : port_name_list ',' port_name
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | port_name
+ { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* A port reference is an internal (to the module) name of the port,
+ possibly with a part of bit select to attach it to specific bits
+ of a signal fully declared inside the module.
+ The parser creates a PEIdent for every port reference, even if the
+ signal is bound to different ports. The elaboration figures out
+ the mess that this creates. The port_reference (and the
+ port_reference_list below) puts the port reference PEIdent into the
+ port_t object to pass it up to the module declaration code. */
+ { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @1.text, @1.first_line);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' expression ':' expression ']'
+ { index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_PART;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ itmp.lsb = $5;
+ name_component_t ntmp (lex_strings.make($1));
+ ntmp.index.push_back(itmp);
+ pform_name_t pname;
+ pname.push_back(ntmp);
+ PEIdent*wtmp = new PEIdent(pname);
+ FILE_NAME(wtmp, @1);
+ Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ ptmp->name = perm_string();
+ ptmp->expr.push_back(wtmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' expression ']'
+ { index_component_t itmp;
+ itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT;
+ itmp.msb = $3;
+ itmp.lsb = 0;
+ name_component_t ntmp (lex_strings.make($1));
+ ntmp.index.push_back(itmp);
+ pform_name_t pname;
+ pname.push_back(ntmp);
+ PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(pname);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ ptmp->name = perm_string();
+ ptmp->expr.push_back(tmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' error ']'
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: invalid port bit select");
+ Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ PEIdent*wtmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($1));
+ FILE_NAME(wtmp, @1);
+ ptmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ ptmp->expr.push_back(wtmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = ptmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : port_reference
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | port_reference_list ',' port_reference
+ { Module::port_t*tmp = $1;
+ append(tmp->expr, $3->expr);
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The range is a list of variable dimensions. */
+ : { $$ = 0; }
+ | dimensions { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ : variable_dimension
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | dimensions variable_dimension
+ { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = $1;
+ if ($2) {
+ tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$2);
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* The register_variable rule is matched only when I am parsing
+ variables in a "reg" definition. I therefore know that I am
+ creating registers and I do not need to let the containing rule
+ handle it. The register variable list simply packs them together
+ so that bit ranges can be assigned. */
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::REG,
+ pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression
+ { if (pform_peek_scope()->var_init_needs_explicit_lifetime()
+ && (var_lifetime == LexicalScope::INHERITED)) {
+ cerr << @3 << ": warning: Static variable initialization requires "
+ "explicit lifetime in this context." << endl;
+ warn_count += 1;
+ }
+ perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::REG,
+ pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ pform_make_var_init(@1, name, $4);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : register_variable
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | register_variable_list ',' register_variable
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::IMPLICIT,
+ pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : net_variable
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | net_variable_list ',' net_variable
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt
+ { if ($2) {
+ yyerror(@2, "sorry: event arrays are not supported.");
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ : event_variable
+ { $$ = list_from_identifier($1); }
+ | event_variable_list ',' event_variable
+ { $$ = list_from_identifier($1, $3); }
+ ;
+ : K_specparam specparam_decl ';'
+ | specify_simple_path_decl ';'
+ { pform_module_specify_path($1);
+ }
+ | specify_edge_path_decl ';'
+ { pform_module_specify_path($1);
+ }
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' specify_simple_path_decl ';'
+ { PSpecPath*tmp = $5;
+ if (tmp) {
+ tmp->conditional = true;
+ tmp->condition = $3;
+ }
+ pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ }
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' specify_edge_path_decl ';'
+ { PSpecPath*tmp = $5;
+ if (tmp) {
+ tmp->conditional = true;
+ tmp->condition = $3;
+ }
+ pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ }
+ | K_ifnone specify_simple_path_decl ';'
+ { PSpecPath*tmp = $2;
+ if (tmp) {
+ tmp->conditional = true;
+ tmp->condition = 0;
+ }
+ pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ }
+ | K_ifnone specify_edge_path_decl ';'
+ { yyerror(@1, "Sorry: ifnone with an edge-sensitive path is "
+ "not supported.");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ | K_Sfullskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ delete $9;
+ }
+ | K_Shold '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Snochange '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ delete $9;
+ }
+ | K_Speriod '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value
+ spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $5;
+ }
+ | K_Srecovery '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Srecrem '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ delete $9;
+ }
+ | K_Sremoval '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Ssetup '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Ssetuphold '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ delete $9;
+ }
+ | K_Sskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Stimeskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event
+ ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Swidth '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' expression
+ spec_notifier_opt ')' ';'
+ { delete $5;
+ delete $7;
+ }
+ | K_Swidth '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ')' ';'
+ { delete $5;
+ }
+ | K_pulsestyle_onevent specify_path_identifiers ';'
+ { delete $2;
+ }
+ | K_pulsestyle_ondetect specify_path_identifiers ';'
+ { delete $2;
+ }
+ | K_showcancelled specify_path_identifiers ';'
+ { delete $2;
+ }
+ | K_noshowcancelled specify_path_identifiers ';'
+ { delete $2;
+ }
+ ;
+ : specify_item
+ | specify_item_list specify_item
+ ;
+ : /* empty */
+ { }
+ | specify_item_list
+ { }
+ : specify_edge_path '=' '(' delay_value_list ')'
+ { $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, $4); }
+ | specify_edge_path '=' delay_value_simple
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, tmp);
+ }
+ ;
+edge_operator : K_posedge { $$ = true; } | K_negedge { $$ = false; } ;
+ : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_EG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')'
+ { int edge_flag = 0;
+ $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $2, $3, false, $6, $8); }
+ | '(' edge_operator specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_EG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')'
+ { int edge_flag = $2? 1 : -1;
+ $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $3, $4, false, $7, $9);}
+ | '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_SG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')'
+ { int edge_flag = 0;
+ $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $2, $3, true, $6, $8); }
+ | '(' edge_operator specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_SG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')'
+ { int edge_flag = $2? 1 : -1;
+ $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $3, $4, true, $7, $9); }
+ ;
+ : K_PO_POS
+ | K_PO_NEG
+ | ':'
+ ;
+ : specify_simple_path '=' '(' delay_value_list ')'
+ { $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, $4); }
+ | specify_simple_path '=' delay_value_simple
+ { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ tmp->push_back($3);
+ $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, tmp);
+ }
+ | specify_simple_path '=' '(' error ')'
+ { yyerror(@3, "Syntax error in delay value list.");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_EG specify_path_identifiers ')'
+ { $$ = pform_make_specify_path(@1, $2, $3, false, $5); }
+ | '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity
+ K_SG specify_path_identifiers ')'
+ { $$ = pform_make_specify_path(@1, $2, $3, true, $5); }
+ | '(' error ')'
+ { yyerror(@1, "Invalid simple path");
+ yyerrok;
+ }
+ ;
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary ']'
+ { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ yywarn(@4, "Bit selects are not currently supported "
+ "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ }
+ list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary polarity_operator expr_primary ']'
+ { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ yywarn(@4, "Part selects are not currently supported "
+ "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ }
+ list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary ']'
+ { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ yywarn(@4, "Bit selects are not currently supported "
+ "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ }
+ list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ | specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary polarity_operator expr_primary ']'
+ { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ yywarn(@4, "Part selects are not currently supported "
+ "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ }
+ list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ pform_set_specparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1),
+ param_active_range, tmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | IDENTIFIER '=' expression ':' expression ':' expression
+ { PExpr*tmp = 0;
+ switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ case MIN:
+ tmp = $3;
+ delete $5;
+ delete $7;
+ break;
+ case TYP:
+ delete $3;
+ tmp = $5;
+ delete $7;
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ tmp = $7;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (min_typ_max_warn > 0) {
+ cerr << tmp->get_fileline() << ": warning: choosing ";
+ switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ case MIN:
+ cerr << "min";
+ break;
+ case TYP:
+ cerr << "typ";
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ cerr << "max";
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr << " expression." << endl;
+ min_typ_max_warn -= 1;
+ }
+ pform_set_specparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1),
+ param_active_range, tmp);
+ delete[]$1;
+ }
+ | PATHPULSE_IDENTIFIER '=' expression
+ { delete[]$1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | PATHPULSE_IDENTIFIER '=' '(' expression ',' expression ')'
+ { delete[]$1;
+ delete $4;
+ delete $6;
+ }
+ ;
+ : specparam
+ | specparam_list ',' specparam
+ ;
+ : specparam_list
+ | dimensions
+ { param_active_range = $1; }
+ specparam_list
+ { param_active_range = 0; }
+ ;
+ : '+' { $$ = '+'; }
+ | '-' { $$ = '-'; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : K_posedge expression
+ { delete $2; }
+ | K_negedge expression
+ { delete $2; }
+ | K_posedge expr_primary K_TAND expression
+ { delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | K_negedge expr_primary K_TAND expression
+ { delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | K_edge '[' edge_descriptor_list ']' expr_primary
+ { delete $5; }
+ | K_edge '[' edge_descriptor_list ']' expr_primary K_TAND expression
+ { delete $5;
+ delete $7;
+ }
+ | expr_primary K_TAND expression
+ { delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | expr_primary
+ { delete $1; }
+ ;
+ /* The edge_descriptor is detected by the lexor as the various
+ 2-letter edge sequences that are supported here. For now, we
+ don't care what they are, because we do not yet support specify
+ edge events. */
+ : edge_descriptor_list ',' K_edge_descriptor
+ | K_edge_descriptor
+ ;
+ : /* empty */
+ { }
+ | spec_notifier
+ { }
+ ;
+ : ','
+ { args_after_notifier = 0; }
+ | ',' hierarchy_identifier
+ { args_after_notifier = 0; delete $2; }
+ | spec_notifier ','
+ { args_after_notifier += 1; }
+ | spec_notifier ',' hierarchy_identifier
+ { args_after_notifier += 1;
+ if (args_after_notifier >= 3) {
+ cerr << @3 << ": warning: timing checks are not supported "
+ "and delayed signal \"" << *$3
+ << "\" will not be driven." << endl;
+ }
+ delete $3; }
+ /* How do we match this path? */
+ { args_after_notifier = 0; delete[]$1; }
+ ;
+statement_item /* This is roughly statement_item in the LRM */
+ /* assign and deassign statements are procedural code to do
+ structural assignments, and to turn that structural assignment
+ off. This is stronger than any other assign, but weaker than the
+ force assignments. */
+ : K_assign lpvalue '=' expression ';'
+ { PCAssign*tmp = new PCAssign($2, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_deassign lpvalue ';'
+ { PDeassign*tmp = new PDeassign($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Force and release statements are similar to assignments,
+ syntactically, but they will be elaborated differently. */
+ | K_force lpvalue '=' expression ';'
+ { PForce*tmp = new PForce($2, $4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_release lpvalue ';'
+ { PRelease*tmp = new PRelease($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* begin-end blocks come in a variety of forms, including named and
+ anonymous. The named blocks can also carry their own reg
+ variables, which are placed in the scope created by the block
+ name. These are handled by pushing the scope name, then matching
+ the declarations. The scope is popped at the end of the block. */
+ | K_begin K_end
+ { PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* In SystemVerilog an unnamed block can contain variable declarations. */
+ | K_begin
+ { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(0, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ }
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ { if ($3) {
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror("error: Variable declaration in unnamed block "
+ "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* If there are no declarations in the scope then just delete it. */
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ statement_or_null_list K_end
+ { PBlock*tmp;
+ if ($3) {
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ } else {
+ tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ }
+ if ($5) tmp->set_statement(*$5);
+ delete $5;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER
+ { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope($3, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ }
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt K_end endlabel_opt
+ { pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ if ($6) tmp->set_statement(*$6);
+ delete $6;
+ if ($8) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$8) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match begin name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: Begin end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$8;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* fork-join blocks are very similar to begin-end blocks. In fact,
+ from the parser's perspective there is no real difference. All we
+ need to do is remember that this is a parallel block so that the
+ code generator can do the right thing. */
+ | K_fork join_keyword
+ { PBlock*tmp = new PBlock($2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* In SystemVerilog an unnamed block can contain variable declarations. */
+ | K_fork
+ { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(0, PBlock::BL_PAR);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ }
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ { if ($3) {
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror("error: Variable declaration in unnamed block "
+ "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* If there are no declarations in the scope then just delete it. */
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ statement_or_null_list join_keyword
+ { PBlock*tmp;
+ if ($3) {
+ pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ tmp->set_join_type($6);
+ } else {
+ tmp = new PBlock($6);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ }
+ if ($5) tmp->set_statement(*$5);
+ delete $5;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_fork ':' IDENTIFIER
+ { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope($3, PBlock::BL_PAR);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ }
+ block_item_decls_opt
+ statement_or_null_list_opt join_keyword endlabel_opt
+ { pform_pop_scope();
+ assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ current_block_stack.pop();
+ tmp->set_join_type($7);
+ if ($6) tmp->set_statement(*$6);
+ delete $6;
+ if ($8) {
+ if (strcmp($3,$8) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match fork name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@8, "error: Fork end labels require "
+ "SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$8;
+ }
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_disable hierarchy_identifier ';'
+ { PDisable*tmp = new PDisable(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_disable K_fork ';'
+ { pform_name_t tmp_name;
+ PDisable*tmp = new PDisable(tmp_name);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_TRIGGER hierarchy_identifier ';'
+ { PTrigger*tmp = new PTrigger(*$2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | procedural_assertion_statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | loop_statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | jump_statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | K_case '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase
+ { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQ, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_casex '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase
+ { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQX, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_casez '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase
+ { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQZ, $3, $5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_case '(' expression ')' error K_endcase
+ { yyerrok; }
+ | K_casex '(' expression ')' error K_endcase
+ { yyerrok; }
+ | K_casez '(' expression ')' error K_endcase
+ { yyerrok; }
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' statement_or_null %prec less_than_K_else
+ { PCondit*tmp = new PCondit($3, $5, 0);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_if '(' expression ')' statement_or_null K_else statement_or_null
+ { PCondit*tmp = new PCondit($3, $5, $7);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_if '(' error ')' statement_or_null %prec less_than_K_else
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed conditional expression.");
+ $$ = $5;
+ }
+ | K_if '(' error ')' statement_or_null K_else statement_or_null
+ { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed conditional expression.");
+ $$ = $5;
+ }
+ /* SystemVerilog adds the compressed_statement */
+ | compressed_statement ';'
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ /* increment/decrement expressions can also be statements. When used
+ as statements, we can rewrite a++ as a += 1, and so on. */
+ | inc_or_dec_expression ';'
+ { $$ = pform_compressed_assign_from_inc_dec(@1, $1); }
+ /* */
+ | delay1 statement_or_null
+ { PExpr*del = $1->front();
+ assert($1->size() == 1);
+ delete $1;
+ PDelayStatement*tmp = new PDelayStatement(del, $2);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | event_control statement_or_null
+ { PEventStatement*tmp = $1;
+ if (tmp == 0) {
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Invalid event control.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ tmp->set_statement($2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ | '@' '*' statement_or_null
+ { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->set_statement($3);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | '@' '(' '*' ')' statement_or_null
+ { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement;
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ tmp->set_statement($5);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Various assignment statements */
+ | lpvalue '=' expression ';'
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | error '=' expression ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "Syntax in assignment statement l-value.");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = new PNoop;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_LE expression ';'
+ { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | error K_LE expression ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "Syntax in assignment statement l-value.");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = new PNoop;
+ }
+ | lpvalue '=' delay1 expression ';'
+ { PExpr*del = $3->front(); $3->pop_front();
+ assert($3->empty());
+ PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,del,$4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_LE delay1 expression ';'
+ { PExpr*del = $3->front(); $3->pop_front();
+ assert($3->empty());
+ PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,del,$4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue '=' event_control expression ';'
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,0,$3,$4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue '=' K_repeat '(' expression ')' event_control expression ';'
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$5,$7,$8);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ tmp->set_lineno(@1.first_line);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_LE event_control expression ';'
+ { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,0,$3,$4);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_LE K_repeat '(' expression ')' event_control expression ';'
+ { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,$5,$7,$8);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* The IEEE1800 standard defines dynamic_array_new assignment as a
+ different rule from regular assignment. That implies that the
+ dynamic_array_new is not an expression in general, which makes
+ some sense. Elaboration should make sure the lpvalue is an array name. */
+ | lpvalue '=' dynamic_array_new ';'
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* The class new and dynamic array new expressions are special, so
+ sit in rules of their own. */
+ | lpvalue '=' class_new ';'
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_wait '(' expression ')' statement_or_null
+ { PEventStatement*tmp;
+ PEEvent*etmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::POSITIVE, $3);
+ tmp = new PEventStatement(etmp);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ tmp->set_statement($5);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | K_wait K_fork ';'
+ { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement((PEEvent*)0);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';'
+ { PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(lex_strings.make($1), *$3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ { list<PExpr*>pt;
+ PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(lex_strings.make($1), pt);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';'
+ { PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, *$3);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier K_with '{' constraint_block_item_list_opt '}' ';'
+ { /* ....randomize with { <constraints> } */
+ if ($1 && peek_tail_name(*$1) == "randomize") {
+ if (!gn_system_verilog())
+ yyerror(@2, "error: Randomize with constraint requires SystemVerilog.");
+ else
+ yyerror(@2, "sorry: Randomize with constraint not supported.");
+ } else {
+ yyerror(@2, "error: Constraint block can only be applied to randomize method.");
+ }
+ list<PExpr*>pt;
+ PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(*$1, pt);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';'
+ { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ while (! $3->empty()) {
+ t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ $3->pop_front();
+ }
+ PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(*t_name, *$5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier ';'
+ { list<PExpr*>pt;
+ PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, pt);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ /* IEEE1800 A.1.8: class_constructor_declaration with a call to
+ parent constructor. Note that the implicit_class_handle must
+ be K_super ("this.new" makes little sense) but that would
+ cause a conflict. Anyhow, this statement must be in the
+ beginning of a constructor, but let the elaborator figure that
+ out. */
+ | implicit_class_handle '.' K_new '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';'
+ { PChainConstructor*tmp = new PChainConstructor(*$5);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | hierarchy_identifier '(' error ')' ';'
+ { yyerror(@3, "error: Syntax error in task arguments.");
+ list<PExpr*>pt;
+ PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, pt);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | error ';'
+ { yyerror(@2, "error: malformed statement");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = new PNoop;
+ }
+ ;
+ : lpvalue K_PLUS_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '+', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_MINUS_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '-', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_MUL_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '*', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_DIV_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '/', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_MOD_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '%', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_AND_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '&', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_OR_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '|', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_XOR_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '^', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_LS_EQ expression
+ { PAssign *tmp = new PAssign($1, 'l', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_RS_EQ expression
+ { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, 'r', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | lpvalue K_RSS_EQ expression
+ { PAssign *tmp = new PAssign($1, 'R', $3);
+ FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : statement_or_null_list
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : statement_or_null_list statement_or_null
+ { vector<Statement*>*tmp = $1;
+ if ($2) tmp->push_back($2);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | statement_or_null
+ { vector<Statement*>*tmp = new vector<Statement*>(0);
+ if ($1) tmp->push_back($1);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : branch_probe_expression K_CONTRIBUTE expression ';'
+ { $$ = pform_contribution_statement(@2, $1, $3); }
+ ;
+ /* Task items are, other than the statement, task port items and
+ other block items. */
+ : block_item_decl { $$ = new vector<pform_tf_port_t>(0); }
+ | tf_port_declaration { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ : task_item_list task_item
+ { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = $1;
+ size_t s1 = tmp->size();
+ tmp->resize(s1 + $2->size());
+ for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ tmp->at(s1 + idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | task_item
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ : task_item_list
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ |
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : tf_port_list { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ /* Note that the lexor notices the "table" keyword and starts
+ the UDPTABLE state. It needs to happen there so that all the
+ characters in the table are interpreted in that mode. It is still
+ up to this rule to take us out of the UDPTABLE state. */
+ : K_table udp_entry_list K_endtable
+ { lex_end_table();
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | K_table K_endtable
+ { lex_end_table();
+ yyerror(@1, "error: Empty UDP table.");
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ | K_table error K_endtable
+ { lex_end_table();
+ yyerror(@2, "Errors in UDP table");
+ yyerrok;
+ $$ = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_comb_entry_list
+ | udp_sequ_entry_list
+ ;
+ : udp_input_list ':' udp_output_sym ';'
+ { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+3];
+ strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ *tp++ = $3;
+ *tp++ = 0;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_comb_entry
+ { list<string>*tmp = new list<string>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | udp_comb_entry_list udp_comb_entry
+ { list<string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($2);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_sequ_entry
+ { list<string>*tmp = new list<string>;
+ tmp->push_back($1);
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | udp_sequ_entry_list udp_sequ_entry
+ { list<string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back($2);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_input_list ':' udp_input_sym ':' udp_output_sym ';'
+ { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+5];
+ strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ *tp++ = $3;
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ *tp++ = $5;
+ *tp++ = 0;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : K_initial IDENTIFIER '=' number ';'
+ { PExpr*etmp = new PENumber($4);
+ PEIdent*itmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($2));
+ PAssign*atmp = new PAssign(itmp, etmp);
+ FILE_NAME(atmp, @2);
+ delete[]$2;
+ $$ = atmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_initial { $$ = $1; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : udp_input_sym
+ { char*tmp = new char[2];
+ tmp[0] = $1;
+ tmp[1] = 0;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | udp_input_list udp_input_sym
+ { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+2];
+ strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ *tp++ = $2;
+ *tp++ = 0;
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+ : '0' { $$ = '0'; }
+ | '1' { $$ = '1'; }
+ | 'x' { $$ = 'x'; }
+ | '?' { $$ = '?'; }
+ | 'b' { $$ = 'b'; }
+ | '*' { $$ = '*'; }
+ | '%' { $$ = '%'; }
+ | 'f' { $$ = 'f'; }
+ | 'F' { $$ = 'F'; }
+ | 'l' { $$ = 'l'; }
+ | 'h' { $$ = 'h'; }
+ | 'B' { $$ = 'B'; }
+ | 'r' { $$ = 'r'; }
+ | 'R' { $$ = 'R'; }
+ | 'M' { $$ = 'M'; }
+ | 'n' { $$ = 'n'; }
+ | 'N' { $$ = 'N'; }
+ | 'p' { $$ = 'p'; }
+ | 'P' { $$ = 'P'; }
+ | 'Q' { $$ = 'Q'; }
+ | 'q' { $$ = 'q'; }
+ | '_' { $$ = '_'; }
+ | '+' { $$ = '+'; }
+ | DEC_NUMBER { yyerror(@1, "internal error: Input digits parse as decimal number!"); $$ = '0'; }
+ ;
+ : '0' { $$ = '0'; }
+ | '1' { $$ = '1'; }
+ | 'x' { $$ = 'x'; }
+ | '-' { $$ = '-'; }
+ | DEC_NUMBER { yyerror(@1, "internal error: Output digits parse as decimal number!"); $$ = '0'; }
+ ;
+ /* Port declarations create wires for the inputs and the output. The
+ makes for these ports are scoped within the UDP, so there is no
+ hierarchy involved. */
+ : K_input list_of_identifiers ';'
+ { $$ = pform_make_udp_input_ports($2); }
+ | K_output IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($2);
+ PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::IMPLICIT, NetNet::POUTPUT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ | K_reg IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($2);
+ PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::REG, NetNet::PIMPLICIT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ | K_reg K_output IDENTIFIER ';'
+ { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($3);
+ PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::REG, NetNet::POUTPUT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$3;
+ }
+ ;
+ : udp_port_decl
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ | udp_port_decls udp_port_decl
+ { vector<PWire*>*tmp = $1;
+ size_t s1 = $1->size();
+ tmp->resize(s1+$2->size());
+ for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ tmp->at(s1+idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ ;
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ delete[]$1;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ | udp_port_list ',' IDENTIFIER
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ delete[]$3;
+ $$ = tmp;
+ }
+ ;
+udp_reg_opt: K_reg { $$ = true; } | { $$ = false; };
+ : '=' expression { $$ = $2; }
+ | { $$ = 0; }
+ ;
+ : K_input IDENTIFIER
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($2));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ | udp_input_declaration_list ',' K_input IDENTIFIER
+ { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($4));
+ $$ = tmp;
+ delete[]$4;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* This is the syntax for primitives that uses the IEEE1364-1995
+ format. The ports are simply names in the port list, and the
+ declarations are in the body. */
+ : K_primitive IDENTIFIER '(' udp_port_list ')' ';'
+ udp_port_decls
+ udp_init_opt
+ udp_body
+ K_endprimitive endlabel_opt
+ { perm_string tmp2 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ pform_make_udp(tmp2, $4, $7, $9, $8,
+ @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ if ($11) {
+ if (strcmp($2,$11) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@11, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "primitive name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@11, "error: Primitive end labels "
+ "require SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$11;
+ }
+ delete[]$2;
+ }
+ /* This is the syntax for IEEE1364-2001 format definitions. The port
+ names and declarations are all in the parameter list. */
+ | K_primitive IDENTIFIER
+ '(' K_output udp_reg_opt IDENTIFIER udp_initial_expr_opt ','
+ udp_input_declaration_list ')' ';'
+ udp_body
+ K_endprimitive endlabel_opt
+ { perm_string tmp2 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ perm_string tmp6 = lex_strings.make($6);
+ pform_make_udp(tmp2, $5, tmp6, $7, $9, $12,
+ @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ if ($14) {
+ if (strcmp($2,$14) != 0) {
+ yyerror(@14, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ "primitive name");
+ }
+ if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ yyerror(@14, "error: Primitive end labels "
+ "require SystemVerilog.");
+ }
+ delete[]$14;
+ }
+ delete[]$2;
+ delete[]$6;
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Many keywords can be optional in the syntax, although their
+ presence is significant. This is a fairly common pattern so
+ collect those rules here. */
+K_packed_opt : K_packed { $$ = true; } | { $$ = false; } ;
+K_reg_opt : K_reg { $$ = true; } | { $$ = false; } ;
+K_static_opt : K_static { $$ = true; } | { $$ = false; } ;
+K_virtual_opt : K_virtual { $$ = true; } | { $$ = false; } ;
--- /dev/null
+# %{
+# /*
+# * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+# * Copyright CERN 2012-2013 / Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
+# *
+# * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+# * and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
+# * General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# * any later version.
+# *
+# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# * GNU General Public License for more details.
+# *
+# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# */
+from ply import *
+#from parse_tokens import tokens
+import lexor
+tokens = lexor.tokens # list(set(lexor.tokens).union(set(tokens)))
+literals = lexor.literals
+precedence = [\
+ ('right', 'K_PLUS_EQ', 'K_MINUS_EQ', 'K_MUL_EQ', 'K_DIV_EQ',
+ 'K_MOD_EQ', 'K_AND_EQ', 'K_OR_EQ'),
+ ('right', 'K_XOR_EQ', 'K_LS_EQ', 'K_RS_EQ', 'K_RSS_EQ'),
+ ('right', '?', ':', 'K_inside'),
+ ('left', 'K_LOR'),
+ ('left', 'K_LAND'),
+ ('left', '|'),
+ ('left', '^', 'K_NXOR', 'K_NOR'),
+ ('left', '&', 'K_NAND'),
+ ('left', 'K_EQ', 'K_NE', 'K_CEQ', 'K_CNE', 'K_WEQ', 'K_WNE'),
+ ('left', 'K_GE', 'K_LE', '<', '>'),
+ ('left', 'K_LS', 'K_RS', 'K_RSS'),
+ ('left', '+', '-'),
+ ('left', '*', '/', '%'),
+ ('left', 'K_POW'),
+ ('left', 'UNARY_PREC'),
+ ('nonassoc', 'less_than_K_else'),
+ ('nonassoc', 'K_else'),
+ ('nonassoc', '('),
+ ('nonassoc', 'K_exclude'),
+ ('nonassoc', 'no_timeunits_declaration'),
+ ('nonassoc', 'one_timeunits_declaration'),
+ ('nonassoc', 'K_timeunit', 'K_timeprecision')
+ ]
+# -------------- RULES ----------------
+#'''source_text : timeunits_declaration_opt _embed0_source_text description_list
+def p_source_text(p):
+ '''source_text : timeunits_declaration_opt _embed0_source_text description_list
+ '''
+ print(p)
+def p__embed0_source_text(p):
+ '''_embed0_source_text : '''
+ # { pform_set_scope_timescale(yyloc); }
+def p_assertion_item_1(p):
+ '''assertion_item : concurrent_assertion_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_assignment_pattern_1(p):
+ '''assignment_pattern : K_LP expression_list_proper '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_assignment_pattern_2(p):
+ '''assignment_pattern : K_LP '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEAssignPattern*tmp = new PEAssignPattern;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_block_identifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''block_identifier_opt : IDENTIFIER ':' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_identifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''block_identifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_declaration_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration : K_virtual_opt K_class lifetime_opt class_identifier class_declaration_extends_opt ';' _embed0_class_declaration class_items_opt K_endclass _embed1_class_declaration class_declaration_endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Wrap up the class.
+ # if ($11 && $4 && $4->name != $11) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: Class end label doesn't match class name.");
+ # delete[]$11;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed0_class_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_class_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_start_class_declaration(@2, $4, $5.type, $5.exprs, $3); }
+def p__embed1_class_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_class_declaration : '''
+ # { // Process a class.
+ # pform_end_class_declaration(@9);
+ # }
+def p_class_constraint_1(p):
+ '''class_constraint : constraint_prototype '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_constraint_2(p):
+ '''class_constraint : constraint_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_identifier_1(p):
+ '''class_identifier : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ # // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_identifier_2(p):
+ '''class_identifier : TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*>($1.type);
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "Type name \"%s\"is not a predeclared class name.", $1.text);
+ # }
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : ':' TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { class_type_t*tmp = dynamic_cast<class_type_t*> ($2.type);
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: class declaration endlabel \"%s\" is not a class name\n", $2.text);
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # $$ = strdupnew(tmp->name.str());
+ # }
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : ':' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_class_declaration_endlabel_opt_3(p):
+ '''class_declaration_endlabel_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : K_extends TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = $2.type;
+ # $$.exprs= 0;
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : K_extends TYPE_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = $2.type;
+ # $$.exprs = $4;
+ # delete[]$2.text;
+ # }
+def p_class_declaration_extends_opt_3(p):
+ '''class_declaration_extends_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.type = 0; $$.exprs = 0; }
+def p_class_items_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_items_opt : class_items '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_items_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_1(p):
+ '''class_items : class_items class_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_items_2(p):
+ '''class_items : class_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_item_1(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new _embed0_class_item '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' function_item_list_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction endnew_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { current_function->set_ports($6);
+ # pform_set_constructor_return(current_function);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@3, current_function);
+ # current_function_set_statement(@3, $10);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_2(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_class_property(@2, $1, $2, $3); }
+def p_class_item_3(p):
+ '''class_item : K_const class_item_qualifier_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_class_property(@1, $2 | property_qualifier_t::make_const(), $3, $4); }
+def p_class_item_4(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt task_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* The task_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+def p_class_item_5(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt function_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* The function_declaration rule puts this into the class */ }
+def p_class_item_6(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+def p_class_item_7(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External constructors are not yet supported."); }
+def p_class_item_8(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_9(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_10(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $4;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_11(p):
+ '''class_item : K_extern method_qualifier_opt K_task IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: External methods are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $4;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_12(p):
+ '''class_item : class_constraint '''
+ print(p)
+def p_class_item_13(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt data_type error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in variable names after data type.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_14(p):
+ '''class_item : property_qualifier_opt IDENTIFIER error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: %s doesn't name a type.", $2);
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_15(p):
+ '''class_item : method_qualifier_opt K_function K_new error K_endfunction endnew_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: I give up on this class constructor declaration.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_class_item_16(p):
+ '''class_item : error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: invalid class item.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_class_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_class_item : '''
+ # { assert(current_function==0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_constructor_scope(@3);
+ # }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_static '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_static(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_protected '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_protected(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_3(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier : K_local '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_local(); }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_list_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_list : class_item_qualifier_list class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1 | $2; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_list_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_list : class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_opt : class_item_qualifier_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_class_item_qualifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''class_item_qualifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_none(); }
+def p_class_new_1(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $3;
+ # strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ # PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass(*expr_list);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_new_2(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmpi = new PEIdent(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmpi, @2);
+ # PENewCopy*tmp = new PENewCopy(tmpi);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_class_new_3(p):
+ '''class_new : K_new '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PENewClass*tmp = new PENewClass;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_concurrent_assertion_item_1(p):
+ '''concurrent_assertion_item : block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' property_spec ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* */
+ # if (gn_assertions_flag) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: concurrent_assertion_item not supported."
+ # " Try -gno-assertion to turn this message off.");
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_concurrent_assertion_item_2(p):
+ '''concurrent_assertion_item : block_identifier_opt K_assert K_property '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerrok;
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Error in property_spec of concurrent assertion item.");
+ # }
+def p_constraint_block_item_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list : constraint_block_item_list constraint_block_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_2(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list : constraint_block_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_block_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''constraint_block_item_list_opt : constraint_block_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_declaration_1(p):
+ '''constraint_declaration : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' constraint_block_item_list_opt '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint declarations not supported."); }
+def p_constraint_declaration_2(p):
+ '''constraint_declaration : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER '{' error '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in the constraint block item list."); }
+def p_constraint_expression_1(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_2(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression K_dist '{' '}' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_3(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : expression K_TRIGGER constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_4(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_5(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_if '(' expression ')' constraint_set K_else constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_6(p):
+ '''constraint_expression : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')' constraint_set '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_list_1(p):
+ '''constraint_expression_list : constraint_expression_list constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_expression_list_2(p):
+ '''constraint_expression_list : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_prototype_1(p):
+ '''constraint_prototype : K_static_opt K_constraint IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: Constraint prototypes not supported."); }
+def p_constraint_set_1(p):
+ '''constraint_set : constraint_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_constraint_set_2(p):
+ '''constraint_set : '{' constraint_expression_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_data_declaration_1(p):
+ '''data_declaration : attribute_list_opt data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { data_type_t*data_type = $2;
+ # if (data_type == 0) {
+ # data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ # }
+ # pform_makewire(@2, 0, str_strength, $3, NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG, data_type);
+ # }
+def p_data_type_1(p):
+ '''data_type : integer_vector_type unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { ivl_variable_type_t use_vtype = $1;
+ # bool reg_flag = false;
+ # if (use_vtype == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) {
+ # use_vtype = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # reg_flag = true;
+ # }
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(use_vtype, $2, $3);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = reg_flag;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_2(p):
+ '''data_type : non_integer_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*tmp = new real_type_t($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_3(p):
+ '''data_type : struct_data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (!$1->packed_flag) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "sorry: Unpacked structs not supported.");
+ # }
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_4(p):
+ '''data_type : enum_data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_5(p):
+ '''data_type : atom2_type signed_unsigned_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { atom2_type_t*tmp = new atom2_type_t($1, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_6(p):
+ '''data_type : K_integer signed_unsigned_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $2, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = true;
+ # tmp->integer_flag = true;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_7(p):
+ '''data_type : K_time '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(64);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = !gn_system_verilog();
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_8(p):
+ '''data_type : TYPE_IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) {
+ # parray_type_t*tmp = new parray_type_t($1.type, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else $$ = $1.type;
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_9(p):
+ '''data_type : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES _embed0_data_type TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_in_package_scope(0);
+ # $$ = $4.type;
+ # delete[]$4.text;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_10(p):
+ '''data_type : K_string '''
+ print(p)
+ # { string_type_t*tmp = new string_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_data_type(p):
+ '''_embed0_data_type : '''
+ # { lex_in_package_scope($1); }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_1(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : data_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_2(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : signing dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, $1, $2);
+ # tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_3(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : dimensions '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, $1);
+ # tmp->implicit_flag = true;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_4(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_or_void_1(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit_or_void : data_type_or_implicit '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_data_type_or_implicit_or_void_2(p):
+ '''data_type_or_implicit_or_void : K_void '''
+ print(p)
+ # { void_type_t*tmp = new void_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_description_1(p):
+ '''description : module '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_2(p):
+ '''description : udp_primitive '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_3(p):
+ '''description : config_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_4(p):
+ '''description : nature_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_5(p):
+ '''description : package_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_6(p):
+ '''description : discipline_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_7(p):
+ '''description : package_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_8(p):
+ '''description : KK_attribute '(' IDENTIFIER ',' STRING ',' STRING ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp3 = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # pform_set_type_attrib(tmp3, $5, $7);
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_description_list_1(p):
+ '''description_list : description '''
+ print(p)
+def p_description_list_2(p):
+ '''description_list : description_list description '''
+ print(p)
+def p_endnew_opt_1(p):
+ '''endnew_opt : ':' K_new '''
+ print(p)
+def p_endnew_opt_2(p):
+ '''endnew_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_dynamic_array_new_1(p):
+ '''dynamic_array_new : K_new '[' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new PENewArray($3, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+def p_dynamic_array_new_2(p):
+ '''dynamic_array_new : K_new '[' expression ']' '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new PENewArray($3, $6);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+def p_for_step_1(p):
+ '''for_step : lpvalue '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_for_step_2(p):
+ '''for_step : inc_or_dec_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_compressed_assign_from_inc_dec(@1, $1); }
+def p_for_step_3(p):
+ '''for_step : compressed_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_function_declaration_1(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER ';' _embed0_function_declaration function_item_list statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction _embed1_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($11) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$11) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$11;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_function_declaration_2(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER _embed2_function_declaration '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' ';' block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endfunction _embed3_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($14) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$14) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$14;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_function_declaration_3(p):
+ '''function_declaration : K_function lifetime_opt data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER error K_endfunction _embed4_function_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name.
+ # if ($8) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$8) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match function name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: Function end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$8;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_function_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_function == 0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_function_declaration : '''
+ # { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ # current_function->set_return($3);
+ # current_function_set_statement($8? @8 : @4, $8);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+def p__embed2_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed2_function_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_function == 0);
+ # current_function = pform_push_function_scope(@1, $4, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed3_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed3_function_declaration : '''
+ # { current_function->set_ports($7);
+ # current_function->set_return($3);
+ # current_function_set_statement($11? @11 : @4, $11);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@4, current_function);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # if ($7==0 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@4, "error: Empty parenthesis syntax requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed4_function_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed4_function_declaration : '''
+ # { /* */
+ # if (current_function) {
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_function = 0;
+ # }
+ # assert(current_function == 0);
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Syntax error defining function.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_import_export_1(p):
+ '''import_export : K_import '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_import_export_2(p):
+ '''import_export : K_export '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_implicit_class_handle_1(p):
+ '''implicit_class_handle : K_this '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_create_this(); }
+def p_implicit_class_handle_2(p):
+ '''implicit_class_handle : K_super '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_create_super(); }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_1(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : K_INCR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('I', $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_2(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : lpvalue K_INCR %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('i', $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_3(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : K_DECR lpvalue %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('D', $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inc_or_dec_expression_4(p):
+ '''inc_or_dec_expression : lpvalue K_DECR %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('d', $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_inside_expression_1(p):
+ '''inside_expression : expression K_inside '{' open_range_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "sorry: \"inside\" expressions not supported yet.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_integer_vector_type_1(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_reg '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_NO_TYPE; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_2(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_bit '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_3(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_logic '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_LOGIC; }
+def p_integer_vector_type_4(p):
+ '''integer_vector_type : K_bool '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; }
+def p_join_keyword_1(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_PAR; }
+def p_join_keyword_2(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join_none '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_NONE; }
+def p_join_keyword_3(p):
+ '''join_keyword : K_join_any '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PBlock::BL_JOIN_ANY; }
+def p_jump_statement_1(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_break ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: break statements not supported.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_jump_statement_2(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_return ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn(0);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_jump_statement_3(p):
+ '''jump_statement : K_return expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PReturn*tmp = new PReturn($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_lifetime_1(p):
+ '''lifetime : K_automatic '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::AUTOMATIC; }
+def p_lifetime_2(p):
+ '''lifetime : K_static '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::STATIC; }
+def p_lifetime_opt_1(p):
+ '''lifetime_opt : lifetime '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_lifetime_opt_2(p):
+ '''lifetime_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = LexicalScope::INHERITED; }
+def p_loop_statement_1(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForStatement*tmp = new PForStatement($3, $5, $7, $9, $11);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_2(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' data_type IDENTIFIER '=' expression ';' expression ';' for_step ')' _embed0_loop_statement statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t tmp_hident;
+ # tmp_hident.push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($4)));
+ #
+ # PEIdent*tmp_ident = pform_new_ident(tmp_hident);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp_ident, @4);
+ #
+ # PForStatement*tmp_for = new PForStatement(tmp_ident, $6, $8, $10, $13);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp_for, @1);
+ #
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list (1);
+ # tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ # PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ # $$ = tmp_blk;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_3(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_forever statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForever*tmp = new PForever($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_4(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_repeat '(' expression ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PRepeat*tmp = new PRepeat($3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_5(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_while '(' expression ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PWhile*tmp = new PWhile($3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_6(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' expression ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PDoWhile*tmp = new PDoWhile($5, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_7(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' loop_variables ']' ')' _embed1_loop_statement statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForeach*tmp_for = pform_make_foreach(@1, $3, $5, $9);
+ #
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # vector<Statement*>tmp_for_list(1);
+ # tmp_for_list[0] = tmp_for;
+ # PBlock*tmp_blk = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp_blk->set_statement(tmp_for_list);
+ # $$ = tmp_blk;
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_8(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' expression ';' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop step assignment.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_9(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' lpvalue '=' expression ';' error ';' for_step ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in for loop condition expression.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_10(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_for '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Incomprehensible for loop.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_11(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_while '(' error ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in while loop condition.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_12(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_do statement_or_null K_while '(' error ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Error in do/while loop condition.");
+ # }
+def p_loop_statement_13(p):
+ '''loop_statement : K_foreach '(' IDENTIFIER '[' error ']' ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0;
+ # yyerror(@4, "error: Errors in foreach loop variables list.");
+ # }
+def p__embed0_loop_statement(p):
+ '''_embed0_loop_statement : '''
+ # { static unsigned for_counter = 0;
+ # char for_block_name [64];
+ # snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_for_loop%u", for_counter);
+ # for_counter += 1;
+ # PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ #
+ # list<decl_assignment_t*>assign_list;
+ # decl_assignment_t*tmp_assign = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp_assign->name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ # assign_list.push_back(tmp_assign);
+ # pform_makewire(@4, 0, str_strength, &assign_list, NetNet::REG, $3);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_loop_statement(p):
+ '''_embed1_loop_statement : '''
+ # { static unsigned foreach_counter = 0;
+ # char for_block_name[64];
+ # snprintf(for_block_name, sizeof for_block_name, "$ivl_foreach%u", foreach_counter);
+ # foreach_counter += 1;
+ #
+ # PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(for_block_name, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ #
+ # pform_make_foreach_declarations(@1, $5);
+ # }
+def p_list_of_variable_decl_assignments_1(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_decl_assignments : variable_decl_assignment '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = new list<decl_assignment_t*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_variable_decl_assignments_2(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_decl_assignments : list_of_variable_decl_assignments ',' variable_decl_assignment '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<decl_assignment_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_1(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # if ($2) {
+ # tmp->index = *$2;
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_2(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # tmp->expr .reset($3);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_decl_assignment_3(p):
+ '''variable_decl_assignment : IDENTIFIER '=' K_new '(' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { decl_assignment_t*tmp = new decl_assignment_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # PENewClass*expr = new PENewClass;
+ # FILE_NAME(expr, @3);
+ # tmp->expr .reset(expr);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_variables_1(p):
+ '''loop_variables : loop_variables ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_loop_variables_2(p):
+ '''loop_variables : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_method_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''method_qualifier : K_virtual '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''method_qualifier : class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''method_qualifier_opt : method_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_method_qualifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''method_qualifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_declaration_1(p):
+ '''modport_declaration : K_modport _embed0_modport_declaration modport_item_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p__embed0_modport_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_modport_declaration : '''
+ # { if (!pform_in_interface())
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: modport declarations are only allowed "
+ # "in interfaces.");
+ # }
+def p_modport_item_list_1(p):
+ '''modport_item_list : modport_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_item_list_2(p):
+ '''modport_item_list : modport_item_list ',' modport_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_item_1(p):
+ '''modport_item : IDENTIFIER _embed0_modport_item '(' modport_ports_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_end_modport_item(@1); }
+def p__embed0_modport_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_modport_item : '''
+ # { pform_start_modport_item(@1, $1); }
+def p_modport_ports_list_1(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_ports_list_2(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_list ',' modport_ports_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_ports_list_3(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_list ',' modport_simple_port '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (last_modport_port.type == MP_SIMPLE) {
+ # pform_add_modport_port(@3, last_modport_port.direction,
+ # $3->name, $3->parm);
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: modport expression not allowed here.");
+ # }
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_list_4(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_list ',' modport_tf_port '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (last_modport_port.type != MP_TF)
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: task/function declaration not allowed here.");
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_list_5(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_list ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (last_modport_port.type == MP_SIMPLE) {
+ # pform_add_modport_port(@3, last_modport_port.direction,
+ # lex_strings.make($3), 0);
+ # } else if (last_modport_port.type != MP_TF) {
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: list of identifiers not allowed here.");
+ # }
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_list_6(p):
+ '''modport_ports_list : modport_ports_list ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not allowed"); }
+def p_modport_ports_declaration_1(p):
+ '''modport_ports_declaration : attribute_list_opt port_direction IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { last_modport_port.type = MP_SIMPLE;
+ # last_modport_port.direction = $2;
+ # pform_add_modport_port(@3, $2, lex_strings.make($3), 0);
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_declaration_2(p):
+ '''modport_ports_declaration : attribute_list_opt port_direction modport_simple_port '''
+ print(p)
+ # { last_modport_port.type = MP_SIMPLE;
+ # last_modport_port.direction = $2;
+ # pform_add_modport_port(@3, $2, $3->name, $3->parm);
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_declaration_3(p):
+ '''modport_ports_declaration : attribute_list_opt import_export IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { last_modport_port.type = MP_TF;
+ # last_modport_port.is_import = $2;
+ # yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport task/function ports are not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_declaration_4(p):
+ '''modport_ports_declaration : attribute_list_opt import_export modport_tf_port '''
+ print(p)
+ # { last_modport_port.type = MP_TF;
+ # last_modport_port.is_import = $2;
+ # yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport task/function ports are not yet supported.");
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_modport_ports_declaration_5(p):
+ '''modport_ports_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_clocking IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { last_modport_port.type = MP_CLOCKING;
+ # last_modport_port.direction = NetNet::NOT_A_PORT;
+ # yyerror(@3, "sorry: modport clocking declaration is not yet supported.");
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_modport_simple_port_1(p):
+ '''modport_simple_port : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = $4;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_modport_tf_port_1(p):
+ '''modport_tf_port : K_task IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_tf_port_2(p):
+ '''modport_tf_port : K_task IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_tf_port_3(p):
+ '''modport_tf_port : K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+def p_modport_tf_port_4(p):
+ '''modport_tf_port : K_function data_type_or_implicit_or_void IDENTIFIER '(' tf_port_list_opt ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_non_integer_type_1(p):
+ '''non_integer_type : K_real '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = real_type_t::REAL; }
+def p_non_integer_type_2(p):
+ '''non_integer_type : K_realtime '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = real_type_t::REAL; }
+def p_non_integer_type_3(p):
+ '''non_integer_type : K_shortreal '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = real_type_t::SHORTREAL; }
+def p_number_1(p):
+ '''number : BASED_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+def p_number_2(p):
+ '''number : DEC_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+def p_number_3(p):
+ '''number : DEC_NUMBER BASED_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_verinum_with_size($1,$2, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # based_size = 0; }
+def p_number_4(p):
+ '''number : UNBASED_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+def p_number_5(p):
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Unbased SystemVerilog literal cannot have "
+ # "a size.");
+ # $$ = $1; based_size = 0;}
+def p_open_range_list_1(p):
+ '''open_range_list : open_range_list ',' value_range '''
+ print(p)
+def p_open_range_list_2(p):
+ '''open_range_list : value_range '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_declaration_1(p):
+ '''package_declaration : K_package lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER ';' _embed0_package_declaration timeunits_declaration_opt _embed1_package_declaration package_item_list_opt K_endpackage endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_end_package_declaration(@1);
+ # // If an end label is present make sure it match the package name.
+ # if ($10) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$10) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@10, "error: End label doesn't match package name");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$10;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_package_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_package_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_start_package_declaration(@1, $3, $2); }
+def p__embed1_package_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_package_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_set_scope_timescale(@1); }
+def p_module_package_import_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''module_package_import_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_package_import_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''module_package_import_list_opt : package_import_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_import_list_1(p):
+ '''package_import_list : package_import_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_import_list_2(p):
+ '''package_import_list : package_import_list package_import_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_import_declaration_1(p):
+ '''package_import_declaration : K_import package_import_item_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_package_import_item_1(p):
+ '''package_import_item : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_package_import(@2, $1, $3);
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_package_import_item_2(p):
+ '''package_import_item : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES '*' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_package_import(@2, $1, 0);
+ # }
+def p_package_import_item_list_1(p):
+ '''package_import_item_list : package_import_item_list ',' package_import_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_import_item_list_2(p):
+ '''package_import_item_list : package_import_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_1(p):
+ '''package_item : timeunits_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_2(p):
+ '''package_item : K_parameter param_type parameter_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_3(p):
+ '''package_item : K_localparam param_type localparam_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_4(p):
+ '''package_item : type_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_5(p):
+ '''package_item : function_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_6(p):
+ '''package_item : task_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_7(p):
+ '''package_item : data_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_8(p):
+ '''package_item : class_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_list_1(p):
+ '''package_item_list : package_item_list package_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_list_2(p):
+ '''package_item_list : package_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''package_item_list_opt : package_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_package_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''package_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_port_direction_1(p):
+ '''port_direction : K_input '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::PINPUT; }
+def p_port_direction_2(p):
+ '''port_direction : K_output '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::POUTPUT; }
+def p_port_direction_3(p):
+ '''port_direction : K_inout '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::PINOUT; }
+def p_port_direction_4(p):
+ '''port_direction : K_ref '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::PREF;
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Reference ports (ref) require SystemVerilog.");
+ # $$ = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_port_direction_opt_1(p):
+ '''port_direction_opt : port_direction '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_port_direction_opt_2(p):
+ '''port_direction_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::PIMPLICIT; }
+def p_property_expr_1(p):
+ '''property_expr : expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_procedural_assertion_statement_1(p):
+ '''procedural_assertion_statement : K_assert '(' expression ')' statement %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_procedural_assertion_statement_2(p):
+ '''procedural_assertion_statement : K_assert '(' expression ')' K_else statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_procedural_assertion_statement_3(p):
+ '''procedural_assertion_statement : K_assert '(' expression ')' statement K_else statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Simple immediate assertion statements not implemented.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_property_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''property_qualifier : class_item_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_property_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''property_qualifier : random_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+def p_property_qualifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''property_qualifier_opt : property_qualifier_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_property_qualifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''property_qualifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_none(); }
+def p_property_qualifier_list_1(p):
+ '''property_qualifier_list : property_qualifier_list property_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1 | $2; }
+def p_property_qualifier_list_2(p):
+ '''property_qualifier_list : property_qualifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_property_spec_1(p):
+ '''property_spec : clocking_event_opt property_spec_disable_iff_opt property_expr '''
+ print(p)
+def p_property_spec_disable_iff_opt_1(p):
+ '''property_spec_disable_iff_opt : K_disable K_iff '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_property_spec_disable_iff_opt_2(p):
+ '''property_spec_disable_iff_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_random_qualifier_1(p):
+ '''random_qualifier : K_rand '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_rand(); }
+def p_random_qualifier_2(p):
+ '''random_qualifier : K_randc '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = property_qualifier_t::make_randc(); }
+def p_real_or_realtime_1(p):
+ '''real_or_realtime : K_real '''
+ print(p)
+def p_real_or_realtime_2(p):
+ '''real_or_realtime : K_realtime '''
+ print(p)
+def p_signing_1(p):
+ '''signing : K_signed '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_signing_2(p):
+ '''signing : K_unsigned '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_1(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : integer_vector_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { ivl_variable_type_t use_vtype = $1;
+ # bool reg_flag = false;
+ # if (use_vtype == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) {
+ # use_vtype = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # reg_flag = true;
+ # }
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(use_vtype, false, 0);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = reg_flag;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_2(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : non_integer_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*tmp = new real_type_t($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_3(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : atom2_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { atom2_type_t*tmp = new atom2_type_t($1, true);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_4(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : K_integer '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, true, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = true;
+ # tmp->integer_flag = true;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_5(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : K_time '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*pd = make_range_from_width(64);
+ # vector_type_t*tmp = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, pd);
+ # tmp->reg_flag = !gn_system_verilog();
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_6(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1.type;
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_7(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES _embed0_simple_type_or_string TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_in_package_scope(0);
+ # $$ = $4.type;
+ # delete[]$4.text;
+ # }
+def p_simple_type_or_string_8(p):
+ '''simple_type_or_string : K_string '''
+ print(p)
+ # { string_type_t*tmp = new string_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_simple_type_or_string(p):
+ '''_embed0_simple_type_or_string : '''
+ # { lex_in_package_scope($1); }
+def p_statement_1(p):
+ '''statement : attribute_list_opt statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_bind_attributes($2->attributes, $1);
+ # $$ = $2;
+ # }
+def p_statement_or_null_1(p):
+ '''statement_or_null : statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_or_null_2(p):
+ '''statement_or_null : attribute_list_opt ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_stream_expression_1(p):
+ '''stream_expression : expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_stream_expression_list_1(p):
+ '''stream_expression_list : stream_expression_list ',' stream_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_stream_expression_list_2(p):
+ '''stream_expression_list : stream_expression '''
+ print(p)
+def p_stream_operator_1(p):
+ '''stream_operator : K_LS '''
+ print(p)
+def p_stream_operator_2(p):
+ '''stream_operator : K_RS '''
+ print(p)
+def p_streaming_concatenation_1(p):
+ '''streaming_concatenation : '{' stream_operator '{' stream_expression_list '}' '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* streaming concatenation is a SystemVerilog thing. */
+ # if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: Streaming concatenation not supported.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Streaming concatenation requires SystemVerilog");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_task_declaration_1(p):
+ '''task_declaration : K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER ';' _embed0_task_declaration task_item_list_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endtask _embed1_task_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ # // module.
+ # if ($10) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$10) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@10, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@10, "error: Task end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$10;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_task_declaration_2(p):
+ '''task_declaration : K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER '(' _embed2_task_declaration tf_port_list ')' ';' block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_endtask _embed3_task_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ # // module.
+ # if ($13) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$13) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@13, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@13, "error: Task end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$13;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_task_declaration_3(p):
+ '''task_declaration : K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER '(' ')' ';' _embed4_task_declaration block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list K_endtask _embed5_task_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ # // module.
+ # if ($12) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$12) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@12, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@12, "error: Task end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$12;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_task_declaration_4(p):
+ '''task_declaration : K_task lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER error K_endtask _embed6_task_declaration endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ # // module.
+ # if ($7) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$7) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@7, "error: End label doesn't match task name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@7, "error: Task end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$7;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_task_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_task == 0);
+ # current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed1_task_declaration : '''
+ # { current_task->set_ports($6);
+ # current_task_set_statement(@3, $7);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_task = 0;
+ # if ($7 && $7->size() > 1 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@7, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete $7;
+ # }
+def p__embed2_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed2_task_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_task == 0);
+ # current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed3_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed3_task_declaration : '''
+ # { current_task->set_ports($6);
+ # current_task_set_statement(@3, $10);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_task = 0;
+ # if ($10) delete $10;
+ # }
+def p__embed4_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed4_task_declaration : '''
+ # { assert(current_task == 0);
+ # current_task = pform_push_task_scope(@1, $3, $2);
+ # }
+def p__embed5_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed5_task_declaration : '''
+ # { current_task->set_ports(0);
+ # current_task_set_statement(@3, $9);
+ # pform_set_this_class(@3, current_task);
+ # if (! current_task->method_of()) {
+ # cerr << @3 << ": warning: task definition for \"" << $3
+ # << "\" has an empty port declaration list!" << endl;
+ # }
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_task = 0;
+ # if ($9->size() > 1 && !gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@9, "error: Task body with multiple statements requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete $9;
+ # }
+def p__embed6_task_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed6_task_declaration : '''
+ # {
+ # if (current_task) {
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # current_task = 0;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_declaration_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_declaration : port_direction K_reg_opt unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1,
+ # $2 ? IVL_VT_LOGIC :
+ # $3, $4, $5);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_declaration_2(p):
+ '''tf_port_declaration : port_direction K_integer list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*range_stub = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ # vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_LOGIC, true,
+ # range_stub, $3, true);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_declaration_3(p):
+ '''tf_port_declaration : port_direction K_time list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t>*range_stub = make_range_from_width(64);
+ # vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_LOGIC, false,
+ # range_stub, $3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_declaration_4(p):
+ '''tf_port_declaration : port_direction real_or_realtime list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_REAL, true,
+ # 0, $3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_declaration_5(p):
+ '''tf_port_declaration : port_direction K_string list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@1, $1, IVL_VT_STRING, true,
+ # 0, $3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_item : port_direction_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt tf_port_item_expr_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp;
+ # NetNet::PortType use_port_type = $1;
+ # if ((use_port_type == NetNet::PIMPLICIT) && (gn_system_verilog() || ($2 == 0)))
+ # use_port_type = port_declaration_context.port_type;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # list<perm_string>* ilist = list_from_identifier($3);
+ #
+ # if (use_port_type == NetNet::PIMPLICIT) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: missing task/function port direction.");
+ # use_port_type = NetNet::PINPUT; // for error recovery
+ # }
+ # if (($2 == 0) && ($1==NetNet::PIMPLICIT)) {
+ # // Detect special case this is an undecorated
+ # // identifier and we need to get the declaration from
+ # // left context.
+ # if ($4 != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@4, "internal error: How can there be an unpacked range here?\n");
+ # }
+ # tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@3, use_port_type,
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type,
+ # ilist);
+ #
+ # } else {
+ # // Otherwise, the decorations for this identifier
+ # // indicate the type. Save the type for any right
+ # // context that may come later.
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = use_port_type;
+ # if ($2 == 0) {
+ # $2 = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME($2, @3);
+ # }
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = $2;
+ # tmp = pform_make_task_ports(@3, use_port_type, $2, ilist);
+ # }
+ # if ($4 != 0) {
+ # pform_set_reg_idx(name, $4);
+ # }
+ #
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # if ($5) {
+ # assert(tmp->size()==1);
+ # tmp->front().defe = $5;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_2(p):
+ '''tf_port_item : port_direction_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER error '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Error in task/function port item after port name %s.", $3);
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_expr_opt_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_expr_opt : '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Task/function default arguments require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # $$ = $2;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_expr_opt_2(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_expr_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_tf_port_list_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_list : _embed0_tf_port_list tf_port_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p__embed0_tf_port_list(p):
+ '''_embed0_tf_port_list : '''
+ # { port_declaration_context.port_type = gn_system_verilog() ? NetNet::PINPUT : NetNet::PIMPLICIT;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = 0;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_list_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_list : tf_port_item_list ',' tf_port_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp;
+ # if ($1 && $3) {
+ # size_t s1 = $1->size();
+ # tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->resize(tmp->size()+$3->size());
+ # for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $3->size() ; idx += 1)
+ # tmp->at(s1+idx) = $3->at(idx);
+ # delete $3;
+ # } else if ($1) {
+ # tmp = $1;
+ # } else {
+ # tmp = $3;
+ # }
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_list_2(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_list : tf_port_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_tf_port_item_list_3(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_list : error ',' tf_port_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in task/function port declaration.");
+ # $$ = $3;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_list_4(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_list : tf_port_item_list ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not allowed.");
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_tf_port_item_list_5(p):
+ '''tf_port_item_list : tf_port_item_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: ';' is an invalid port declaration separator.");
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_timeunits_declaration_1(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration : K_timeunit TIME_LITERAL ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_set_timeunit($2, allow_timeunit_decl); }
+def p_timeunits_declaration_2(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration : K_timeunit TIME_LITERAL '/' TIME_LITERAL ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { bool initial_decl = allow_timeunit_decl && allow_timeprec_decl;
+ # pform_set_timeunit($2, initial_decl);
+ # pform_set_timeprec($4, initial_decl);
+ # }
+def p_timeunits_declaration_3(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration : K_timeprecision TIME_LITERAL ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_set_timeprec($2, allow_timeprec_decl); }
+def p_timeunits_declaration_opt_1(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration_opt : %prec no_timeunits_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_timeunits_declaration_opt_2(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration_opt : timeunits_declaration %prec one_timeunits_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_timeunits_declaration_opt_3(p):
+ '''timeunits_declaration_opt : timeunits_declaration timeunits_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_value_range_1(p):
+ '''value_range : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_value_range_2(p):
+ '''value_range : '[' expression ':' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_variable_dimension_1(p):
+ '''variable_dimension : '[' expression ':' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ # pform_range_t index ($2,$4);
+ # tmp->push_back(index);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_dimension_2(p):
+ '''variable_dimension : '[' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // SystemVerilog canonical range
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # warn_count += 1;
+ # cerr << @2 << ": warning: Use of SystemVerilog [size] dimension. "
+ # << "Use at least -g2005-sv to remove this warning." << endl;
+ # }
+ # list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ # pform_range_t index;
+ # index.first = new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)0, integer_width));
+ # index.second = new PEBinary('-', $2, new PENumber(new verinum((uint64_t)1, integer_width)));
+ # tmp->push_back(index);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_dimension_3(p):
+ '''variable_dimension : '[' ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ # pform_range_t index (0,0);
+ # tmp->push_back(index);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_dimension_4(p):
+ '''variable_dimension : '[' '$' ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // SystemVerilog queue
+ # list<pform_range_t> *tmp = new list<pform_range_t>;
+ # pform_range_t index (new PENull,0);
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror("error: Queue declarations require SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # tmp->push_back(index);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_variable_lifetime_1(p):
+ '''variable_lifetime : lifetime '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: overriding the default variable lifetime "
+ # "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # } else if ($1 != pform_peek_scope()->default_lifetime) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "sorry: overriding the default variable lifetime "
+ # "is not yet supported.");
+ # }
+ # var_lifetime = $1;
+ # }
+def p_attribute_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''attribute_list_opt : attribute_instance_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_attribute_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''attribute_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_attribute_instance_list_1(p):
+ '''attribute_instance_list : K_PSTAR K_STARP '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_attribute_instance_list_2(p):
+ '''attribute_instance_list : K_PSTAR attribute_list K_STARP '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_attribute_instance_list_3(p):
+ '''attribute_instance_list : attribute_instance_list K_PSTAR K_STARP '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_attribute_instance_list_4(p):
+ '''attribute_instance_list : attribute_instance_list K_PSTAR attribute_list K_STARP '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # if (tmp) {
+ # tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else $$ = $3;
+ # }
+def p_attribute_list_1(p):
+ '''attribute_list : attribute_list ',' attribute '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_attribute_list_2(p):
+ '''attribute_list : attribute '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_attribute_1(p):
+ '''attribute : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # tmp->parm = 0;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_attribute_2(p):
+ '''attribute : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ # named_pexpr_t*tmp2 = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp2->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # tmp2->parm = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp2;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_1(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : data_type register_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($1) pform_set_data_type(@1, $1, $2, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_2(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : variable_lifetime data_type register_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) pform_set_data_type(@2, $2, $3, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ # var_lifetime = LexicalScope::INHERITED;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_3(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_reg data_type register_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) pform_set_data_type(@2, $2, $3, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_4(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : variable_lifetime K_reg data_type register_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($3) pform_set_data_type(@3, $3, $4, NetNet::REG, attributes_in_context);
+ # var_lifetime = LexicalScope::INHERITED;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_5(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_event event_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) pform_make_events($2, @1.text, @1.first_line);
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_6(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_parameter param_type parameter_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_item_decl_7(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_localparam param_type localparam_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_item_decl_8(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : type_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_item_decl_9(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_integer error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in integer variable list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_10(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_time error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in time variable list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_11(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_parameter error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in parameter list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decl_12(p):
+ '''block_item_decl : K_localparam error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error localparam list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_block_item_decls_1(p):
+ '''block_item_decls : block_item_decl '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_item_decls_2(p):
+ '''block_item_decls : block_item_decls block_item_decl '''
+ print(p)
+def p_block_item_decls_opt_1(p):
+ '''block_item_decls_opt : block_item_decls '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_block_item_decls_opt_2(p):
+ '''block_item_decls_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_type_declaration_1(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef data_type IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, $2, $4);
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_type_declaration_2(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef data_type TYPE_IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3.text);
+ # if (pform_test_type_identifier_local(name)) {
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: Typedef identifier \"%s\" is already a type name.", $3.text);
+ #
+ # } else {
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, $2, NULL);
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3.text;
+ # }
+def p_type_declaration_3(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef K_class IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ # // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_type_declaration_4(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef K_enum IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Enum forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+def p_type_declaration_5(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef K_struct IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Struct forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+def p_type_declaration_6(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef K_union IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: Union forward declarations not supported yet."); }
+def p_type_declaration_7(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Create a synthetic typedef for the class name so that the
+ # // lexor detects the name as a type.
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # class_type_t*tmp = new class_type_t(name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # pform_set_typedef(name, tmp, NULL);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_type_declaration_8(p):
+ '''type_declaration : K_typedef error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in typedef clause.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_1(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($3);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = true;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ # enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width(32));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_2(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum atom2_type signed_unsigned_opt '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($5);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ # enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width($2));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_3(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum K_integer signed_unsigned_opt '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($5);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = true;
+ # enum_type->range.reset(make_range_from_width(integer_width));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_4(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum K_logic unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ # enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_5(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum K_reg unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ # enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_data_type_6(p):
+ '''enum_data_type : K_enum K_bit unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '{' enum_name_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { enum_type_t*enum_type = new enum_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(enum_type, @1);
+ # enum_type->names .reset($6);
+ # enum_type->base_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ # enum_type->signed_flag = $3;
+ # enum_type->integer_flag = false;
+ # enum_type->range.reset($4 ? $4 : make_range_from_width(1));
+ # $$ = enum_type;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_list_1(p):
+ '''enum_name_list : enum_name '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_list_2(p):
+ '''enum_name_list : enum_name_list ',' enum_name '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*lst = $1;
+ # lst->splice(lst->end(), *$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = lst;
+ # }
+def p_pos_neg_number_1(p):
+ '''pos_neg_number : number '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_pos_neg_number_2(p):
+ '''pos_neg_number : '-' number '''
+ print(p)
+ # { verinum tmp = -(*($2));
+ # *($2) = tmp;
+ # $$ = $2;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_1(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = make_named_number(name);
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_2(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # long count = check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, false);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = make_named_numbers(name, 0, count-1);
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_3(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ':' pos_neg_number ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # $$ = make_named_numbers(name, check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, true),
+ # check_enum_seq_value(@1, $5, true));
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_4(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = make_named_number(name, $3);
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_5(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ']' '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # long count = check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, false);
+ # $$ = make_named_numbers(name, 0, count-1, $6);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_enum_name_6(p):
+ '''enum_name : IDENTIFIER '[' pos_neg_number ':' pos_neg_number ']' '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # $$ = make_named_numbers(name, check_enum_seq_value(@1, $3, true),
+ # check_enum_seq_value(@1, $5, true), $8);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # }
+def p_struct_data_type_1(p):
+ '''struct_data_type : K_struct K_packed_opt '{' struct_union_member_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ # tmp->union_flag = false;
+ # tmp->members .reset($4);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_data_type_2(p):
+ '''struct_data_type : K_union K_packed_opt '{' struct_union_member_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ # tmp->union_flag = true;
+ # tmp->members .reset($4);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_data_type_3(p):
+ '''struct_data_type : K_struct K_packed_opt '{' error '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in struct member list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ # tmp->union_flag = false;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_data_type_4(p):
+ '''struct_data_type : K_union K_packed_opt '{' error '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Errors in union member list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # struct_type_t*tmp = new struct_type_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->packed_flag = $2;
+ # tmp->union_flag = true;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_union_member_list_1(p):
+ '''struct_union_member_list : struct_union_member_list struct_union_member '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<struct_member_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_union_member_list_2(p):
+ '''struct_union_member_list : struct_union_member '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<struct_member_t*>*tmp = new list<struct_member_t*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_union_member_1(p):
+ '''struct_union_member : attribute_list_opt data_type list_of_variable_decl_assignments ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { struct_member_t*tmp = new struct_member_t;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # tmp->type .reset($2);
+ # tmp->names .reset($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_struct_union_member_2(p):
+ '''struct_union_member : error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "Error in struct/union member.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_case_item_1(p):
+ '''case_item : expression_list_proper ':' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ # tmp->expr = *$1;
+ # tmp->stat = $3;
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_case_item_2(p):
+ '''case_item : K_default ':' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ # tmp->stat = $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_case_item_3(p):
+ '''case_item : K_default statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase::Item*tmp = new PCase::Item;
+ # tmp->stat = $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_case_item_4(p):
+ '''case_item : error ':' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Incomprehensible case expression.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_case_items_1(p):
+ '''case_items : case_items case_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<PCase::Item*>*tmp;
+ # tmp = new svector<PCase::Item*>(*$1, $2);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_case_items_2(p):
+ '''case_items : case_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<PCase::Item*>*tmp = new svector<PCase::Item*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_charge_strength_1(p):
+ '''charge_strength : '(' K_small ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_charge_strength_2(p):
+ '''charge_strength : '(' K_medium ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_charge_strength_3(p):
+ '''charge_strength : '(' K_large ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_charge_strength_opt_1(p):
+ '''charge_strength_opt : charge_strength '''
+ print(p)
+def p_charge_strength_opt_2(p):
+ '''charge_strength_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_defparam_assign_1(p):
+ '''defparam_assign : hierarchy_identifier '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_set_defparam(*$1, $3);
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_defparam_assign_list_1(p):
+ '''defparam_assign_list : defparam_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_defparam_assign_list_2(p):
+ '''defparam_assign_list : dimensions defparam_assign '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: defparam may not include a range.");
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_defparam_assign_list_3(p):
+ '''defparam_assign_list : defparam_assign_list ',' defparam_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_delay1_1(p):
+ '''delay1 : '#' delay_value_simple '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay1_2(p):
+ '''delay1 : '#' '(' delay_value ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay3_1(p):
+ '''delay3 : '#' delay_value_simple '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay3_2(p):
+ '''delay3 : '#' '(' delay_value ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay3_3(p):
+ '''delay3 : '#' '(' delay_value ',' delay_value ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # tmp->push_back($5);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay3_4(p):
+ '''delay3 : '#' '(' delay_value ',' delay_value ',' delay_value ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # tmp->push_back($5);
+ # tmp->push_back($7);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay3_opt_1(p):
+ '''delay3_opt : delay3 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_delay3_opt_2(p):
+ '''delay3_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_delay_value_list_1(p):
+ '''delay_value_list : delay_value '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_list_2(p):
+ '''delay_value_list : delay_value_list ',' delay_value '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_1(p):
+ '''delay_value : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_2(p):
+ '''delay_value : expression ':' expression ':' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_select_mtm_expr($1, $3, $5); }
+def p_delay_value_simple_1(p):
+ '''delay_value_simple : DEC_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { verinum*tmp = $1;
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # $$ = new PENumber(tmp);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+ # based_size = 0;
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_simple_2(p):
+ '''delay_value_simple : REALTIME '''
+ print(p)
+ # { verireal*tmp = $1;
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # $$ = new PEFNumber(tmp);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_simple_3(p):
+ '''delay_value_simple : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_delay_value_simple_4(p):
+ '''delay_value_simple : TIME_LITERAL '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int unit;
+ #
+ # based_size = 0;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # if ($1 == 0 || !get_time_unit($1, unit))
+ # yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ # else {
+ # double p = pow(10.0,
+ # (double)(unit - pform_get_timeunit()));
+ # double time = atof($1) * p;
+ #
+ # verireal *v = new verireal(time);
+ # $$ = new PEFNumber(v);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_optional_semicolon_1(p):
+ '''optional_semicolon : ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_optional_semicolon_2(p):
+ '''optional_semicolon : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_discipline_declaration_1(p):
+ '''discipline_declaration : K_discipline IDENTIFIER optional_semicolon _embed0_discipline_declaration discipline_items K_enddiscipline '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_end_discipline(@1); delete[] $2; }
+def p__embed0_discipline_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_discipline_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_start_discipline($2); }
+def p_discipline_items_1(p):
+ '''discipline_items : discipline_items discipline_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_discipline_items_2(p):
+ '''discipline_items : discipline_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_discipline_item_1(p):
+ '''discipline_item : K_domain K_discrete ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_discipline_domain(@1, IVL_DIS_DISCRETE); }
+def p_discipline_item_2(p):
+ '''discipline_item : K_domain K_continuous ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_discipline_domain(@1, IVL_DIS_CONTINUOUS); }
+def p_discipline_item_3(p):
+ '''discipline_item : K_potential IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_discipline_potential(@1, $2); delete[] $2; }
+def p_discipline_item_4(p):
+ '''discipline_item : K_flow IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_discipline_flow(@1, $2); delete[] $2; }
+def p_nature_declaration_1(p):
+ '''nature_declaration : K_nature IDENTIFIER optional_semicolon _embed0_nature_declaration nature_items K_endnature '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_end_nature(@1); delete[] $2; }
+def p__embed0_nature_declaration(p):
+ '''_embed0_nature_declaration : '''
+ # { pform_start_nature($2); }
+def p_nature_items_1(p):
+ '''nature_items : nature_items nature_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_nature_items_2(p):
+ '''nature_items : nature_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_nature_item_1(p):
+ '''nature_item : K_units '=' STRING ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $3; }
+def p_nature_item_2(p):
+ '''nature_item : K_abstol '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_nature_item_3(p):
+ '''nature_item : K_access '=' IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_nature_access(@1, $3); delete[] $3; }
+def p_nature_item_4(p):
+ '''nature_item : K_idt_nature '=' IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $3; }
+def p_nature_item_5(p):
+ '''nature_item : K_ddt_nature '=' IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $3; }
+def p_config_declaration_1(p):
+ '''config_declaration : K_config IDENTIFIER ';' K_design lib_cell_identifiers ';' list_of_config_rule_statements K_endconfig '''
+ print(p)
+ # { cerr << @1 << ": sorry: config declarations are not supported and "
+ # "will be skipped." << endl;
+ # delete[] $2;
+ # }
+def p_lib_cell_identifiers_1(p):
+ '''lib_cell_identifiers : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_lib_cell_identifiers_2(p):
+ '''lib_cell_identifiers : lib_cell_identifiers lib_cell_id '''
+ print(p)
+def p_list_of_config_rule_statements_1(p):
+ '''list_of_config_rule_statements : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_list_of_config_rule_statements_2(p):
+ '''list_of_config_rule_statements : list_of_config_rule_statements config_rule_statement '''
+ print(p)
+def p_config_rule_statement_1(p):
+ '''config_rule_statement : K_default K_liblist list_of_libraries ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_config_rule_statement_2(p):
+ '''config_rule_statement : K_instance hierarchy_identifier K_liblist list_of_libraries ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2; }
+def p_config_rule_statement_3(p):
+ '''config_rule_statement : K_instance hierarchy_identifier K_use lib_cell_id opt_config ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2; }
+def p_config_rule_statement_4(p):
+ '''config_rule_statement : K_cell lib_cell_id K_liblist list_of_libraries ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_config_rule_statement_5(p):
+ '''config_rule_statement : K_cell lib_cell_id K_use lib_cell_id opt_config ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_opt_config_1(p):
+ '''opt_config : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_opt_config_2(p):
+ '''opt_config : ':' K_config '''
+ print(p)
+def p_lib_cell_id_1(p):
+ '''lib_cell_id : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $1; }
+def p_lib_cell_id_2(p):
+ '''lib_cell_id : IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $1; delete[] $3; }
+def p_list_of_libraries_1(p):
+ '''list_of_libraries : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_list_of_libraries_2(p):
+ '''list_of_libraries : list_of_libraries IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[] $2; }
+def p_drive_strength_1(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = $2.str0;
+ # $$.str1 = $4.str1;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_2(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = $4.str0;
+ # $$.str1 = $2.str1;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_3(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' dr_strength0 ',' K_highz1 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = $2.str0;
+ # $$.str1 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_4(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' dr_strength1 ',' K_highz0 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ # $$.str1 = $2.str1;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_5(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' K_highz1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = $4.str0;
+ # $$.str1 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_6(p):
+ '''drive_strength : '(' K_highz0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_HiZ;
+ # $$.str1 = $4.str1;
+ # }
+def p_drive_strength_opt_1(p):
+ '''drive_strength_opt : drive_strength '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_drive_strength_opt_2(p):
+ '''drive_strength_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_STRONG; $$.str1 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+def p_dr_strength0_1(p):
+ '''dr_strength0 : K_supply0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_SUPPLY; }
+def p_dr_strength0_2(p):
+ '''dr_strength0 : K_strong0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+def p_dr_strength0_3(p):
+ '''dr_strength0 : K_pull0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_PULL; }
+def p_dr_strength0_4(p):
+ '''dr_strength0 : K_weak0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str0 = IVL_DR_WEAK; }
+def p_dr_strength1_1(p):
+ '''dr_strength1 : K_supply1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_SUPPLY; }
+def p_dr_strength1_2(p):
+ '''dr_strength1 : K_strong1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_STRONG; }
+def p_dr_strength1_3(p):
+ '''dr_strength1 : K_pull1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_PULL; }
+def p_dr_strength1_4(p):
+ '''dr_strength1 : K_weak1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$.str1 = IVL_DR_WEAK; }
+def p_clocking_event_opt_1(p):
+ '''clocking_event_opt : event_control '''
+ print(p)
+def p_clocking_event_opt_2(p):
+ '''clocking_event_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_event_control_1(p):
+ '''event_control : '@' hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmpi = new PEIdent(*$2);
+ # PEEvent*tmpe = new PEEvent(PEEvent::ANYEDGE, tmpi);
+ # PEventStatement*tmps = new PEventStatement(tmpe);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmps, @1);
+ # $$ = tmps;
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_event_control_2(p):
+ '''event_control : '@' '(' event_expression_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement(*$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_event_control_3(p):
+ '''event_control : '@' '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed event control expression.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_event_expression_list_1(p):
+ '''event_expression_list : event_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_event_expression_list_2(p):
+ '''event_expression_list : event_expression_list K_or event_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<PEEvent*>*tmp = new svector<PEEvent*>(*$1, *$3);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_event_expression_list_3(p):
+ '''event_expression_list : event_expression_list ',' event_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<PEEvent*>*tmp = new svector<PEEvent*>(*$1, *$3);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_event_expression_1(p):
+ '''event_expression : K_posedge expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::POSEDGE, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ # (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ # $$ = tl;
+ # }
+def p_event_expression_2(p):
+ '''event_expression : K_negedge expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::NEGEDGE, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ # (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ # $$ = tl;
+ # }
+def p_event_expression_3(p):
+ '''event_expression : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEEvent*tmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::ANYEDGE, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # svector<PEEvent*>*tl = new svector<PEEvent*>(1);
+ # (*tl)[0] = tmp;
+ # $$ = tl;
+ # }
+def p_branch_probe_expression_1(p):
+ '''branch_probe_expression : IDENTIFIER '(' IDENTIFIER ',' IDENTIFIER ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_make_branch_probe_expression(@1, $1, $3, $5); }
+def p_branch_probe_expression_2(p):
+ '''branch_probe_expression : IDENTIFIER '(' IDENTIFIER ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_make_branch_probe_expression(@1, $1, $3); }
+def p_expression_1(p):
+ '''expression : expr_primary_or_typename '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expression_2(p):
+ '''expression : inc_or_dec_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expression_3(p):
+ '''expression : inside_expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expression_4(p):
+ '''expression : '+' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $3; }
+def p_expression_5(p):
+ '''expression : '-' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('-', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_6(p):
+ '''expression : '~' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('~', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_7(p):
+ '''expression : '&' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('&', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_8(p):
+ '''expression : '!' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('!', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_9(p):
+ '''expression : '|' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('|', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_10(p):
+ '''expression : '^' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('^', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_11(p):
+ '''expression : '~' '&' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '&' is not a valid expression. "
+ # "Please use operator '~&' instead.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_expression_12(p):
+ '''expression : '~' '|' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '|' is not a valid expression. "
+ # "Please use operator '~|' instead.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_expression_13(p):
+ '''expression : '~' '^' attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: '~' '^' is not a valid expression. "
+ # "Please use operator '~^' instead.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_expression_14(p):
+ '''expression : K_NAND attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('A', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_15(p):
+ '''expression : K_NOR attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('N', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_16(p):
+ '''expression : K_NXOR attribute_list_opt expr_primary %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('X', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_17(p):
+ '''expression : '!' error %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Operand of unary ! "
+ # "is not a primary expression.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_expression_18(p):
+ '''expression : '^' error %prec UNARY_PREC '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Operand of reduction ^ "
+ # "is not a primary expression.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_expression_19(p):
+ '''expression : expression '^' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('^', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_20(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_POW attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBPower('p', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_21(p):
+ '''expression : expression '*' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('*', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_22(p):
+ '''expression : expression '/' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('/', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_23(p):
+ '''expression : expression '%' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('%', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_24(p):
+ '''expression : expression '+' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('+', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_25(p):
+ '''expression : expression '-' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('-', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_26(p):
+ '''expression : expression '&' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('&', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_27(p):
+ '''expression : expression '|' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('|', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_28(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_NAND attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('A', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_29(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_NOR attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('O', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_30(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_NXOR attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('X', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_31(p):
+ '''expression : expression '<' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('<', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_32(p):
+ '''expression : expression '>' attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('>', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_33(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_LS attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('l', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_34(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_RS attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('r', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_35(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_RSS attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBShift('R', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_36(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_EQ attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('e', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_37(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_CEQ attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('E', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_38(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_WEQ attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('w', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_39(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_LE attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('L', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_40(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_GE attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('G', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_41(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_NE attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('n', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_42(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_CNE attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('N', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_43(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_WNE attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBComp('W', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_44(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_LOR attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBLogic('o', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_45(p):
+ '''expression : expression K_LAND attribute_list_opt expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBLogic('a', $1, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_46(p):
+ '''expression : expression '?' attribute_list_opt expression ':' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PETernary*tmp = new PETernary($1, $4, $6);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_mintypmax_1(p):
+ '''expr_mintypmax : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expr_mintypmax_2(p):
+ '''expr_mintypmax : expression ':' expression ':' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ # case MIN:
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # break;
+ # case TYP:
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # break;
+ # case MAX:
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = $5;
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # if (min_typ_max_warn > 0) {
+ # cerr << $$->get_fileline() << ": warning: choosing ";
+ # switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ # case MIN:
+ # cerr << "min";
+ # break;
+ # case TYP:
+ # cerr << "typ";
+ # break;
+ # case MAX:
+ # cerr << "max";
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # cerr << " expression." << endl;
+ # min_typ_max_warn -= 1;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_with_nuls_1(p):
+ '''expression_list_with_nuls : expression_list_with_nuls ',' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_with_nuls_2(p):
+ '''expression_list_with_nuls : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_with_nuls_3(p):
+ '''expression_list_with_nuls : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back(0);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_with_nuls_4(p):
+ '''expression_list_with_nuls : expression_list_with_nuls ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(0);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_proper_1(p):
+ '''expression_list_proper : expression_list_proper ',' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expression_list_proper_2(p):
+ '''expression_list_proper : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_or_typename_1(p):
+ '''expr_primary_or_typename : expr_primary '''
+ print(p)
+def p_expr_primary_or_typename_2(p):
+ '''expr_primary_or_typename : TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PETypename*tmp = new PETypename($1.type);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_1(p):
+ '''expr_primary : number '''
+ print(p)
+ # { assert($1);
+ # PENumber*tmp = new PENumber($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_2(p):
+ '''expr_primary : REALTIME '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEFNumber*tmp = new PEFNumber($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_3(p):
+ '''expr_primary : STRING '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEString*tmp = new PEString($1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_4(p):
+ '''expr_primary : TIME_LITERAL '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int unit;
+ #
+ # based_size = 0;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # if ($1 == 0 || !get_time_unit($1, unit))
+ # yyerror(@1, "internal error: delay.");
+ # else {
+ # double p = pow(10.0, (double)(unit - pform_get_timeunit()));
+ # double time = atof($1) * p;
+ #
+ # verireal *v = new verireal(time);
+ # $$ = new PEFNumber(v);
+ # FILE_NAME($$, @1);
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_5(p):
+ '''expr_primary : SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_6(p):
+ '''expr_primary : hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmp = pform_new_ident(*$1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_7(p):
+ '''expr_primary : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_package_ident(@2, $1, $3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_8(p):
+ '''expr_primary : hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $3;
+ # strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = pform_make_call_function(@1, *$1, *expr_list);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_9(p):
+ '''expr_primary : implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ # while (! $3->empty()) {
+ # t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ # $3->pop_front();
+ # }
+ # list<PExpr*>*expr_list = $5;
+ # strip_tail_items(expr_list);
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = pform_make_call_function(@1, *t_name, *expr_list);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_10(p):
+ '''expr_primary : SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_proper ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, *$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_11(p):
+ '''expr_primary : PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER K_SCOPE_RES IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_proper ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string use_name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction($1, use_name, *$5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_12(p):
+ '''expr_primary : SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '(' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # const vector<PExpr*>empty;
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = new PECallFunction(tn, empty);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Empty function argument list requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_13(p):
+ '''expr_primary : implicit_class_handle '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*$1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_14(p):
+ '''expr_primary : implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ # while (! $3->empty()) {
+ # t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ # $3->pop_front();
+ # }
+ # PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*t_name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_15(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_acos '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$acos");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_16(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_acosh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$acosh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_17(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_asin '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$asin");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_18(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_asinh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$asinh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_19(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_atan '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atan");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_20(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_atanh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atanh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_21(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_atan2 '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$atan2");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_22(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_ceil '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$ceil");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_23(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_cos '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$cos");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_24(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_cosh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$cosh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_25(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_exp '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$exp");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_26(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_floor '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$floor");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_27(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_hypot '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$hypot");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_28(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_ln '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$ln");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_29(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_log '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$log10");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_30(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_pow '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$pow");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_31(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_sin '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sin");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_32(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_sinh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sinh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_33(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_sqrt '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$sqrt");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_34(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_tan '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$tan");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_35(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_tanh '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tn = perm_string::literal("$tanh");
+ # PECallFunction*tmp = make_call_function(tn, $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_36(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_abs '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEUnary*tmp = new PEUnary('m', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_37(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_max '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('M', $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_38(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_min '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEBinary*tmp = new PEBinary('m', $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_39(p):
+ '''expr_primary : '(' expr_mintypmax ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_expr_primary_40(p):
+ '''expr_primary : '{' expression_list_proper '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_41(p):
+ '''expr_primary : '{' expression '{' expression_list_proper '}' '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*rep = $2;
+ # PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$4, rep);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $4;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_42(p):
+ '''expr_primary : '{' expression '{' expression_list_proper '}' error '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*rep = $2;
+ # PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$4, rep);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $4;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # yyerror(@5, "error: Syntax error between internal '}' "
+ # "and closing '}' of repeat concatenation.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_43(p):
+ '''expr_primary : '{' '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // This is the empty queue syntax.
+ # if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # list<PExpr*> empty_list;
+ # PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(empty_list);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Concatenations are not allowed to be empty.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_44(p):
+ '''expr_primary : expr_primary "'" '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*base = $4;
+ # if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # PECastSize*tmp = new PECastSize($1, base);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Size cast requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # $$ = base;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_45(p):
+ '''expr_primary : simple_type_or_string "'" '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*base = $4;
+ # if (gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # PECastType*tmp = new PECastType($1, base);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Type cast requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # $$ = base;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_expr_primary_46(p):
+ '''expr_primary : assignment_pattern '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expr_primary_47(p):
+ '''expr_primary : streaming_concatenation '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_expr_primary_48(p):
+ '''expr_primary : K_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PENull*tmp = new PENull;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_function_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''function_item_list_opt : function_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_function_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''function_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_function_item_list_1(p):
+ '''function_item_list : function_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_function_item_list_2(p):
+ '''function_item_list : function_item_list function_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* */
+ # if ($1 && $2) {
+ # vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # size_t s1 = tmp->size();
+ # tmp->resize(s1 + $2->size());
+ # for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ # tmp->at(s1+idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # } else if ($1) {
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # } else {
+ # $$ = $2;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_function_item_1(p):
+ '''function_item : tf_port_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_function_item_2(p):
+ '''function_item : block_item_decl '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_gate_instance_1(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = $3;
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_2(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = $4;
+ # tmp->range = rng->front();
+ # rng->pop_front();
+ # assert(rng->empty());
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete rng;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_3(p):
+ '''gate_instance : '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # tmp->name = "";
+ # tmp->parms = $2;
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_4(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER dimensions '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = 0;
+ # tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ # tmp->range = rng->front();
+ # rng->pop_front();
+ # assert(rng->empty());
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete rng;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_5(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER '(' port_name_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = 0;
+ # tmp->parms_by_name = $3;
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_6(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' port_name_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # list<pform_range_t>*rng = $2;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = 0;
+ # tmp->parms_by_name = $4;
+ # tmp->range = rng->front();
+ # rng->pop_front();
+ # assert(rng->empty());
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete rng;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_7(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = 0;
+ # tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Syntax error in instance port "
+ # "expression(s).");
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_8(p):
+ '''gate_instance : IDENTIFIER dimensions '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lgate*tmp = new lgate;
+ # tmp->name = $1;
+ # tmp->parms = 0;
+ # tmp->parms_by_name = 0;
+ # tmp->file = @1.text;
+ # tmp->lineno = @1.first_line;
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: Syntax error in instance port "
+ # "expression(s).");
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_list_1(p):
+ '''gate_instance_list : gate_instance_list ',' gate_instance '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<lgate>*tmp1 = $1;
+ # lgate*tmp2 = $3;
+ # svector<lgate>*out = new svector<lgate> (*tmp1, *tmp2);
+ # delete tmp1;
+ # delete tmp2;
+ # $$ = out;
+ # }
+def p_gate_instance_list_2(p):
+ '''gate_instance_list : gate_instance '''
+ print(p)
+ # { svector<lgate>*tmp = new svector<lgate>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = *$1;
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_gatetype_1(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_and '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::AND; }
+def p_gatetype_2(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_nand '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NAND; }
+def p_gatetype_3(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_or '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::OR; }
+def p_gatetype_4(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_nor '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOR; }
+def p_gatetype_5(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_xor '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::XOR; }
+def p_gatetype_6(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_xnor '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::XNOR; }
+def p_gatetype_7(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_buf '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUF; }
+def p_gatetype_8(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_bufif0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUFIF0; }
+def p_gatetype_9(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_bufif1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::BUFIF1; }
+def p_gatetype_10(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_not '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOT; }
+def p_gatetype_11(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_notif0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOTIF0; }
+def p_gatetype_12(p):
+ '''gatetype : K_notif1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NOTIF1; }
+def p_switchtype_1(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_nmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::NMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_2(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rnmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RNMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_3(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_pmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::PMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_4(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rpmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RPMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_5(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_cmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::CMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_6(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rcmos '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RCMOS; }
+def p_switchtype_7(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_tran '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRAN; }
+def p_switchtype_8(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rtran '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRAN; }
+def p_switchtype_9(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_tranif0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRANIF0; }
+def p_switchtype_10(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_tranif1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::TRANIF1; }
+def p_switchtype_11(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rtranif0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRANIF0; }
+def p_switchtype_12(p):
+ '''switchtype : K_rtranif1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = PGBuiltin::RTRANIF1; }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_1(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new pform_name_t;
+ # $$->push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($1)));
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_2(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '.' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(name_component_t(lex_strings.make($3)));
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_3(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '[' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ # index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_4(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '[' '$' ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@3, "error: Last element expression ($) "
+ # "requires SystemVerilog. Try enabling SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT_LAST;
+ # itmp.msb = 0;
+ # itmp.lsb = 0;
+ # tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_5(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '[' expression ':' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ # index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_PART;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # itmp.lsb = $5;
+ # tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_6(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '[' expression K_PO_POS expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ # index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # itmp.lsb = $5;
+ # tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_hierarchy_identifier_7(p):
+ '''hierarchy_identifier : hierarchy_identifier '[' expression K_PO_NEG expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t * tmp = $1;
+ # name_component_t&tail = tmp->back();
+ # index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_IDX_DO;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # itmp.lsb = $5;
+ # tail.index.push_back(itmp);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_identifiers_1(p):
+ '''list_of_identifiers : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = list_from_identifier($1); }
+def p_list_of_identifiers_2(p):
+ '''list_of_identifiers : list_of_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = list_from_identifier($1, $3); }
+def p_list_of_port_identifiers_1(p):
+ '''list_of_port_identifiers : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, 0); }
+def p_list_of_port_identifiers_2(p):
+ '''list_of_port_identifiers : list_of_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, 0); }
+def p_list_of_variable_port_identifiers_1(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_port_identifiers : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, 0); }
+def p_list_of_variable_port_identifiers_2(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_port_identifiers : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $2, $4); }
+def p_list_of_variable_port_identifiers_3(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_port_identifiers : list_of_variable_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, 0); }
+def p_list_of_variable_port_identifiers_4(p):
+ '''list_of_variable_port_identifiers : list_of_variable_port_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = make_port_list($1, $3, $4, $6); }
+def p_list_of_ports_1(p):
+ '''list_of_ports : port_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp
+ # = new vector<Module::port_t*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_ports_2(p):
+ '''list_of_ports : list_of_ports ',' port_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_port_declarations_1(p):
+ '''list_of_port_declarations : port_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp
+ # = new vector<Module::port_t*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_port_declarations_2(p):
+ '''list_of_port_declarations : list_of_port_declarations ',' port_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_port_declarations_3(p):
+ '''list_of_port_declarations : list_of_port_declarations ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @3.text,
+ # @3.first_line);
+ # vector<Module::port_t*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(ptmp);
+ #
+ # /* Get the port declaration details, the port type
+ # and what not, from context data stored by the
+ # last port_declaration rule. */
+ # pform_module_define_port(@3, name,
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type,
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type,
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type, 0);
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_list_of_port_declarations_4(p):
+ '''list_of_port_declarations : list_of_port_declarations ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: NULL port declarations are not "
+ # "allowed.");
+ # }
+def p_list_of_port_declarations_5(p):
+ '''list_of_port_declarations : list_of_port_declarations ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: ';' is an invalid port declaration "
+ # "separator.");
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_1(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_input net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ # data_type_t*use_type = $4;
+ # if ($6) use_type = new uarray_type_t(use_type, $6);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINPUT, $3, use_type, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = $3;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ # delete[]$5;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_2(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_input K_wreal IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ # @2.first_line);
+ # real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINPUT,
+ # NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINPUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_3(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_inout net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINOUT, $3, $4, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = $3;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ # delete[]$5;
+ # if ($6) {
+ # yyerror(@6, "sorry: Inout ports with unpacked dimensions not supported.");
+ # delete $6;
+ # }
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_4(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_inout K_wreal IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ # @2.first_line);
+ # real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::PINOUT,
+ # NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_5(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_output net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ # data_type_t*use_dtype = $4;
+ # if ($6) use_dtype = new uarray_type_t(use_dtype, $6);
+ # NetNet::Type use_type = $3;
+ # if (use_type == NetNet::IMPLICIT) {
+ # if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ # if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ # else if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT;
+ # else
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ #
+ # // The SystemVerilog types that can show up as
+ # // output ports are implicitly (on the inside)
+ # // variables because "reg" is not valid syntax
+ # // here.
+ # } else if (dynamic_cast<atom2_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # } else if (dynamic_cast<struct_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # } else if (enum_type_t*etype = dynamic_cast<enum_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ # if(etype->base_type == IVL_VT_LOGIC)
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # }
+ # }
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, use_dtype, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::POUTPUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = use_type;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ # delete[]$5;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_6(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_output K_wreal IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($4);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text,
+ # @2.first_line);
+ # real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # FILE_NAME(real_type, @3);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT,
+ # NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::POUTPUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = NetNet::WIRE;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = real_type;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_declaration_7(p):
+ '''port_declaration : attribute_list_opt K_output net_type_opt data_type_or_implicit IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($5);
+ # NetNet::Type use_type = $3;
+ # if (use_type == NetNet::IMPLICIT) {
+ # if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($4)) {
+ # if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ # else
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # } else {
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # }
+ # }
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, name, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, $4, $1);
+ # port_declaration_context.port_type = NetNet::PINOUT;
+ # port_declaration_context.port_net_type = use_type;
+ # port_declaration_context.data_type = $4;
+ #
+ # pform_make_var_init(@5, name, $7);
+ #
+ # delete[]$5;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_net_type_opt_1(p):
+ '''net_type_opt : net_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_net_type_opt_2(p):
+ '''net_type_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::IMPLICIT; }
+def p_unsigned_signed_opt_1(p):
+ '''unsigned_signed_opt : K_signed '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_unsigned_signed_opt_2(p):
+ '''unsigned_signed_opt : K_unsigned '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_unsigned_signed_opt_3(p):
+ '''unsigned_signed_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_signed_unsigned_opt_1(p):
+ '''signed_unsigned_opt : K_signed '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_signed_unsigned_opt_2(p):
+ '''signed_unsigned_opt : K_unsigned '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_signed_unsigned_opt_3(p):
+ '''signed_unsigned_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_atom2_type_1(p):
+ '''atom2_type : K_byte '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 8; }
+def p_atom2_type_2(p):
+ '''atom2_type : K_shortint '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 16; }
+def p_atom2_type_3(p):
+ '''atom2_type : K_int '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 32; }
+def p_atom2_type_4(p):
+ '''atom2_type : K_longint '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 64; }
+def p_lpvalue_1(p):
+ '''lpvalue : hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEIdent*tmp = pform_new_ident(*$1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_lpvalue_2(p):
+ '''lpvalue : implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ # while (!$3->empty()) {
+ # t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ # $3->pop_front();
+ # }
+ # PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(*t_name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_lpvalue_3(p):
+ '''lpvalue : '{' expression_list_proper '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEConcat*tmp = new PEConcat(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_lpvalue_4(p):
+ '''lpvalue : streaming_concatenation '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: streaming concatenation not supported in l-values.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_cont_assign_1(p):
+ '''cont_assign : lpvalue '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_cont_assign_list_1(p):
+ '''cont_assign_list : cont_assign_list ',' cont_assign '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_cont_assign_list_2(p):
+ '''cont_assign_list : cont_assign '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_module_1(p):
+ '''module : attribute_list_opt module_start lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER _embed0_module module_package_import_list_opt module_parameter_port_list_opt module_port_list_opt module_attribute_foreign ';' _embed1_module timeunits_declaration_opt _embed2_module module_item_list_opt module_end _embed3_module endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
+ # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
+ # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
+ # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
+ # // module.
+ # if ($17) {
+ # if (strcmp($4,$17) != 0) {
+ # switch ($2) {
+ # case K_module:
+ # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "module name.");
+ # break;
+ # case K_program:
+ # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "program name.");
+ # break;
+ # case K_interface:
+ # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "interface name.");
+ # break;
+ # default:
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # }
+ # if (($2 == K_module) && (! gn_system_verilog())) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: Module end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$17;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_module(p):
+ '''_embed0_module : '''
+ # { pform_startmodule(@2, $4, $2==K_program, $2==K_interface, $3, $1); }
+def p__embed1_module(p):
+ '''_embed1_module : '''
+ # { pform_module_set_ports($8); }
+def p__embed2_module(p):
+ '''_embed2_module : '''
+ # { pform_set_scope_timescale(@2); }
+def p__embed3_module(p):
+ '''_embed3_module : '''
+ # { Module::UCDriveType ucd;
+ # // The lexor detected `unconnected_drive directives and
+ # // marked what it found in the uc_drive variable. Use that
+ # // to generate a UCD flag for the module.
+ # switch (uc_drive) {
+ # case UCD_NONE:
+ # default:
+ # ucd = Module::UCD_NONE;
+ # break;
+ # case UCD_PULL0:
+ # ucd = Module::UCD_PULL0;
+ # break;
+ # case UCD_PULL1:
+ # ucd = Module::UCD_PULL1;
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # // Check that program/endprogram and module/endmodule
+ # // keywords match.
+ # if ($2 != $15) {
+ # switch ($2) {
+ # case K_module:
+ # yyerror(@15, "error: module not closed by endmodule.");
+ # break;
+ # case K_program:
+ # yyerror(@15, "error: program not closed by endprogram.");
+ # break;
+ # case K_interface:
+ # yyerror(@15, "error: interface not closed by endinterface.");
+ # break;
+ # default:
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # }
+ # pform_endmodule($4, in_celldefine, ucd);
+ # }
+def p_module_start_1(p):
+ '''module_start : K_module '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_module; }
+def p_module_start_2(p):
+ '''module_start : K_macromodule '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_module; }
+def p_module_start_3(p):
+ '''module_start : K_program '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_program; }
+def p_module_start_4(p):
+ '''module_start : K_interface '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_interface; }
+def p_module_end_1(p):
+ '''module_end : K_endmodule '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_module; }
+def p_module_end_2(p):
+ '''module_end : K_endprogram '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_program; }
+def p_module_end_3(p):
+ '''module_end : K_endinterface '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = K_interface; }
+def p_endlabel_opt_1(p):
+ '''endlabel_opt : ':' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_endlabel_opt_2(p):
+ '''endlabel_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_module_attribute_foreign_1(p):
+ '''module_attribute_foreign : K_PSTAR IDENTIFIER K_integer IDENTIFIER '=' STRING ';' K_STARP '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_module_attribute_foreign_2(p):
+ '''module_attribute_foreign : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_module_port_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''module_port_list_opt : '(' list_of_ports ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_module_port_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''module_port_list_opt : '(' list_of_port_declarations ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_module_port_list_opt_3(p):
+ '''module_port_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_module_port_list_opt_4(p):
+ '''module_port_list_opt : '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "Errors in port declarations.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_module_parameter_port_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''module_parameter_port_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_parameter_port_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''module_parameter_port_list_opt : '#' '(' module_parameter_port_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_parameter_port_list_1(p):
+ '''module_parameter_port_list : K_parameter param_type parameter_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_parameter_port_list_2(p):
+ '''module_parameter_port_list : module_parameter_port_list ',' parameter_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_parameter_port_list_3(p):
+ '''module_parameter_port_list : module_parameter_port_list ',' K_parameter param_type parameter_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_1(p):
+ '''module_item : module '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_2(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit delay3_opt net_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ # if (data_type == 0) {
+ # data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ # }
+ # pform_set_data_type(@2, data_type, $5, $2, $1);
+ # if ($4 != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: net delays not supported.");
+ # delete $4;
+ # }
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_3(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_wreal delay3 net_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*tmpt = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # pform_set_data_type(@2, tmpt, $4, NetNet::WIRE, $1);
+ # if ($3 != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@3, "sorry: net delays not supported.");
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_4(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_wreal net_variable_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*tmpt = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # pform_set_data_type(@2, tmpt, $3, NetNet::WIRE, $1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_5(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit delay3_opt net_decl_assigns ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ # if (data_type == 0) {
+ # data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ # }
+ # pform_makewire(@2, $4, str_strength, $5, $2, data_type);
+ # if ($1) {
+ # yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ # "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_module_item_6(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt net_type data_type_or_implicit drive_strength net_decl_assigns ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { data_type_t*data_type = $3;
+ # if (data_type == 0) {
+ # data_type = new vector_type_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, false, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(data_type, @2);
+ # }
+ # pform_makewire(@2, 0, $4, $5, $2, data_type);
+ # if ($1) {
+ # yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ # "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_module_item_7(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_wreal net_decl_assigns ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*data_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # pform_makewire(@2, 0, str_strength, $3, NetNet::WIRE, data_type);
+ # if ($1) {
+ # yywarn(@2, "Attributes are not supported on net declaration "
+ # "assignments and will be discarded.");
+ # delete $1;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_module_item_8(p):
+ '''module_item : K_trireg charge_strength_opt dimensions_opt delay3_opt list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "sorry: trireg nets not supported.");
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $4;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_9(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt port_direction net_type data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_module_define_port(@2, $5, $2, $3, $4, $1); }
+def p_module_item_10(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt port_direction K_wreal list_of_port_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { real_type_t*real_type = new real_type_t(real_type_t::REAL);
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, $2, NetNet::WIRE, real_type, $1);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_11(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_inout data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ # if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ # }
+ # if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ # pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::PINOUT, $3, $1);
+ # else
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::PINOUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_12(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_input data_type_or_implicit list_of_port_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ # if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ # }
+ # if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ # pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::PINPUT, $3, $1);
+ # else
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::PINPUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_13(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_output data_type_or_implicit list_of_variable_port_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { NetNet::Type use_type = $3 ? NetNet::IMPLICIT : NetNet::NONE;
+ # if (vector_type_t*dtype = dynamic_cast<vector_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # if (dtype->implicit_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::NONE;
+ # else if (dtype->reg_flag)
+ # use_type = NetNet::REG;
+ # else
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ #
+ # // The SystemVerilog types that can show up as
+ # // output ports are implicitly (on the inside)
+ # // variables because "reg" is not valid syntax
+ # // here.
+ # } else if (dynamic_cast<atom2_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # } else if (dynamic_cast<struct_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # } else if (enum_type_t*etype = dynamic_cast<enum_type_t*> ($3)) {
+ # if(etype->base_type == IVL_VT_LOGIC)
+ # use_type = NetNet::IMPLICIT_REG;
+ # }
+ # if (use_type == NetNet::NONE)
+ # pform_set_port_type(@2, $4, NetNet::POUTPUT, $3, $1);
+ # else
+ # pform_module_define_port(@2, $4, NetNet::POUTPUT, use_type, $3, $1);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_14(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt port_direction net_type data_type_or_implicit error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ # if ($1) delete $1;
+ # if ($4) delete $4;
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_15(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_inout data_type_or_implicit error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ # if ($1) delete $1;
+ # if ($3) delete $3;
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_16(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_input data_type_or_implicit error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ # if ($1) delete $1;
+ # if ($3) delete $3;
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_17(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_output data_type_or_implicit error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid variable list in port declaration.");
+ # if ($1) delete $1;
+ # if ($3) delete $3;
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_18(p):
+ '''module_item : DISCIPLINE_IDENTIFIER list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_attach_discipline(@1, $1, $2); }
+def p_module_item_19(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt _embed0_module_item block_item_decl '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete attributes_in_context;
+ # attributes_in_context = 0;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_20(p):
+ '''module_item : K_defparam _embed1_module_item defparam_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_21(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt gatetype gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, 0, $3, $1); }
+def p_module_item_22(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt gatetype delay3 gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, $3, $4, $1); }
+def p_module_item_23(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt gatetype drive_strength gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, $3, 0, $4, $1); }
+def p_module_item_24(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt gatetype drive_strength delay3 gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, $3, $4, $5, $1); }
+def p_module_item_25(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt switchtype gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, 0, $3, $1); }
+def p_module_item_26(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt switchtype delay3 gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@2, $2, str_strength, $3, $4, $1); }
+def p_module_item_27(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pullup gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, pull_strength, 0, $2, 0); }
+def p_module_item_28(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pulldown gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, pull_strength, 0, $2, 0); }
+def p_module_item_29(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pullup '(' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $3, 0, $5, 0); }
+def p_module_item_30(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pullup '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $3, 0, $7, 0); }
+def p_module_item_31(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pullup '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLUP, $5, 0, $7, 0); }
+def p_module_item_32(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pulldown '(' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $3, 0, $5, 0); }
+def p_module_item_33(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pulldown '(' dr_strength1 ',' dr_strength0 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $5, 0, $7, 0); }
+def p_module_item_34(p):
+ '''module_item : K_pulldown '(' dr_strength0 ',' dr_strength1 ')' gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_makegates(@1, PGBuiltin::PULLDOWN, $3, 0, $7, 0); }
+def p_module_item_35(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt IDENTIFIER parameter_value_opt gate_instance_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp1 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # pform_make_modgates(@2, tmp1, $3, $4, $1);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_36(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt IDENTIFIER parameter_value_opt error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: Invalid module instantiation");
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # if ($1) delete $1;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_37(p):
+ '''module_item : K_assign drive_strength_opt delay3_opt cont_assign_list ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_make_pgassign_list($4, $3, $2, @1.text, @1.first_line); }
+def p_module_item_38(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_always statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_39(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_always_comb statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_COMB, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_40(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_always_ff statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_FF, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_41(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_always_latch statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_ALWAYS_LATCH, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_42(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_initial statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_INITIAL, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_43(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_final statement_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PProcess*tmp = pform_make_behavior(IVL_PR_FINAL, $3, $1);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @2);
+ # }
+def p_module_item_44(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_analog analog_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_make_analog_behavior(@2, IVL_PR_ALWAYS, $3); }
+def p_module_item_45(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt assertion_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_46(p):
+ '''module_item : timeunits_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_47(p):
+ '''module_item : class_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_48(p):
+ '''module_item : task_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_49(p):
+ '''module_item : function_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_50(p):
+ '''module_item : K_generate generate_item_list_opt K_endgenerate '''
+ print(p)
+ # { // Test for bad nesting. I understand it, but it is illegal.
+ # if (pform_parent_generate()) {
+ # cerr << @1 << ": error: Generate/endgenerate regions cannot nest." << endl;
+ # cerr << @1 << ": : Try removing optional generate/endgenerate keywords," << endl;
+ # cerr << @1 << ": : or move them to surround the parent generate scheme." << endl;
+ # error_count += 1;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_module_item_51(p):
+ '''module_item : K_genvar list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_genvars(@1, $2); }
+def p_module_item_52(p):
+ '''module_item : K_for '(' IDENTIFIER '=' expression ';' expression ';' IDENTIFIER '=' expression ')' _embed2_module_item generate_block '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p_module_item_53(p):
+ '''module_item : generate_if generate_block_opt K_else _embed3_module_item generate_block '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p_module_item_54(p):
+ '''module_item : generate_if generate_block_opt %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p_module_item_55(p):
+ '''module_item : K_case '(' expression ')' _embed4_module_item generate_case_items K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p_module_item_56(p):
+ '''module_item : modport_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_57(p):
+ '''module_item : package_import_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_58(p):
+ '''module_item : attribute_list_opt K_specparam _embed5_module_item specparam_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_59(p):
+ '''module_item : K_specify _embed6_module_item specify_item_list_opt K_endspecify '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_60(p):
+ '''module_item : K_specify error K_endspecify '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in specify block");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_61(p):
+ '''module_item : error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: invalid module item.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_62(p):
+ '''module_item : K_assign error '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in left side "
+ # "of continuous assignment.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_63(p):
+ '''module_item : K_assign error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in "
+ # "continuous assignment");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_64(p):
+ '''module_item : K_function error K_endfunction endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: I give up on this "
+ # "function definition.");
+ # if ($4) {
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@4, "error: Function end names require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_65(p):
+ '''module_item : KK_attribute '(' IDENTIFIER ',' STRING ',' STRING ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp3 = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # perm_string tmp5 = lex_strings.make($5);
+ # pform_set_attrib(tmp3, tmp5, $7);
+ # delete[] $3;
+ # delete[] $5;
+ # }
+def p_module_item_66(p):
+ '''module_item : KK_attribute '(' error ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed $attribute parameter list."); }
+def p__embed0_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_module_item : '''
+ # { attributes_in_context = $1; }
+def p__embed1_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed1_module_item : '''
+ # { if (pform_in_interface())
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Parameter overrides are not allowed "
+ # "in interfaces.");
+ # }
+def p__embed2_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed2_module_item : '''
+ # { pform_start_generate_for(@1, $3, $5, $7, $9, $11); }
+def p__embed3_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed3_module_item : '''
+ # { pform_start_generate_else(@1); }
+def p__embed4_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed4_module_item : '''
+ # { pform_start_generate_case(@1, $3); }
+def p__embed5_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed5_module_item : '''
+ # { if (pform_in_interface())
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: specparam declarations are not allowed "
+ # "in interfaces.");
+ # }
+def p__embed6_module_item(p):
+ '''_embed6_module_item : '''
+ # { if (pform_in_interface())
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: specify blocks are not allowed "
+ # "in interfaces.");
+ # }
+def p_module_item_list_1(p):
+ '''module_item_list : module_item_list module_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_list_2(p):
+ '''module_item_list : module_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''module_item_list_opt : module_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_module_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''module_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_if_1(p):
+ '''generate_if : K_if '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_start_generate_if(@1, $3); }
+def p_generate_case_items_1(p):
+ '''generate_case_items : generate_case_items generate_case_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_case_items_2(p):
+ '''generate_case_items : generate_case_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_case_item_1(p):
+ '''generate_case_item : expression_list_proper ':' _embed0_generate_case_item generate_block_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p_generate_case_item_2(p):
+ '''generate_case_item : K_default ':' _embed1_generate_case_item generate_block_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_endgenerate(); }
+def p__embed0_generate_case_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_generate_case_item : '''
+ # { pform_generate_case_item(@1, $1); }
+def p__embed1_generate_case_item(p):
+ '''_embed1_generate_case_item : '''
+ # { pform_generate_case_item(@1, 0); }
+def p_generate_item_1(p):
+ '''generate_item : module_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_item_2(p):
+ '''generate_item : K_begin generate_item_list_opt K_end '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* Detect and warn about anachronistic begin/end use */
+ # if (generation_flag > GN_VER2001 && warn_anachronisms) {
+ # warn_count += 1;
+ # cerr << @1 << ": warning: Anachronistic use of begin/end to surround generate schemes." << endl;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_generate_item_3(p):
+ '''generate_item : K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER _embed0_generate_item generate_item_list_opt K_end '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* Detect and warn about anachronistic named begin/end use */
+ # if (generation_flag > GN_VER2001 && warn_anachronisms) {
+ # warn_count += 1;
+ # cerr << @1 << ": warning: Anachronistic use of named begin/end to surround generate schemes." << endl;
+ # }
+ # pform_endgenerate();
+ # }
+def p__embed0_generate_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_generate_item : '''
+ # {
+ # pform_start_generate_nblock(@1, $3);
+ # }
+def p_generate_item_list_1(p):
+ '''generate_item_list : generate_item_list generate_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_item_list_2(p):
+ '''generate_item_list : generate_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''generate_item_list_opt : generate_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''generate_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_block_1(p):
+ '''generate_block : module_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_block_2(p):
+ '''generate_block : K_begin generate_item_list_opt K_end '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_block_3(p):
+ '''generate_block : K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER generate_item_list_opt K_end endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_generate_block_name($3);
+ # if ($6) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$6) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@6, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "begin name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@6, "error: Begin end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$6;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_generate_block_opt_1(p):
+ '''generate_block_opt : generate_block '''
+ print(p)
+def p_generate_block_opt_2(p):
+ '''generate_block_opt : ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_net_decl_assign_1(p):
+ '''net_decl_assign : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { net_decl_assign_t*tmp = new net_decl_assign_t;
+ # tmp->next = tmp;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # tmp->expr = $3;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_net_decl_assigns_1(p):
+ '''net_decl_assigns : net_decl_assigns ',' net_decl_assign '''
+ print(p)
+ # { net_decl_assign_t*tmp = $1;
+ # $3->next = tmp->next;
+ # tmp->next = $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_net_decl_assigns_2(p):
+ '''net_decl_assigns : net_decl_assign '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_bit_logic_1(p):
+ '''bit_logic : K_logic '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_LOGIC; }
+def p_bit_logic_2(p):
+ '''bit_logic : K_bool '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; /* Icarus misc */}
+def p_bit_logic_3(p):
+ '''bit_logic : K_bit '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_BOOL; /* IEEE1800 / IEEE1364-2009 */}
+def p_bit_logic_opt_1(p):
+ '''bit_logic_opt : bit_logic '''
+ print(p)
+def p_bit_logic_opt_2(p):
+ '''bit_logic_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = IVL_VT_NO_TYPE; }
+def p_net_type_1(p):
+ '''net_type : K_wire '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::WIRE; }
+def p_net_type_2(p):
+ '''net_type : K_tri '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::TRI; }
+def p_net_type_3(p):
+ '''net_type : K_tri1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::TRI1; }
+def p_net_type_4(p):
+ '''net_type : K_supply0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::SUPPLY0; }
+def p_net_type_5(p):
+ '''net_type : K_wand '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::WAND; }
+def p_net_type_6(p):
+ '''net_type : K_triand '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::TRIAND; }
+def p_net_type_7(p):
+ '''net_type : K_tri0 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::TRI0; }
+def p_net_type_8(p):
+ '''net_type : K_supply1 '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::SUPPLY1; }
+def p_net_type_9(p):
+ '''net_type : K_wor '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::WOR; }
+def p_net_type_10(p):
+ '''net_type : K_trior '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::TRIOR; }
+def p_net_type_11(p):
+ '''net_type : K_wone '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE;
+ # cerr << @1.text << ":" << @1.first_line << ": warning: "
+ # "'wone' is deprecated, please use 'uwire' "
+ # "instead." << endl;
+ # }
+def p_net_type_12(p):
+ '''net_type : K_uwire '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE; }
+def p_param_type_1(p):
+ '''param_type : bit_logic_opt unsigned_signed_opt dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = $3;
+ # param_active_signed = $2;
+ # if (($1 == IVL_VT_NO_TYPE) && ($3 != 0))
+ # param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # else
+ # param_active_type = $1;
+ # }
+def p_param_type_2(p):
+ '''param_type : K_integer '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = make_range_from_width(integer_width);
+ # param_active_signed = true;
+ # param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # }
+def p_param_type_3(p):
+ '''param_type : K_time '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = make_range_from_width(64);
+ # param_active_signed = false;
+ # param_active_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
+ # }
+def p_param_type_4(p):
+ '''param_type : real_or_realtime '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = 0;
+ # param_active_signed = true;
+ # param_active_type = IVL_VT_REAL;
+ # }
+def p_param_type_5(p):
+ '''param_type : atom2_type '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = make_range_from_width($1);
+ # param_active_signed = true;
+ # param_active_type = IVL_VT_BOOL;
+ # }
+def p_param_type_6(p):
+ '''param_type : TYPE_IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_set_param_from_type(@1, $1.type, $1.text, param_active_range,
+ # param_active_signed, param_active_type);
+ # delete[]$1.text;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_assign_list_1(p):
+ '''parameter_assign_list : parameter_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_parameter_assign_list_2(p):
+ '''parameter_assign_list : parameter_assign_list ',' parameter_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_localparam_assign_list_1(p):
+ '''localparam_assign_list : localparam_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_localparam_assign_list_2(p):
+ '''localparam_assign_list : localparam_assign_list ',' localparam_assign '''
+ print(p)
+def p_parameter_assign_1(p):
+ '''parameter_assign : IDENTIFIER '=' expression parameter_value_ranges_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ # pform_set_parameter(@1, lex_strings.make($1), param_active_type,
+ # param_active_signed, param_active_range, tmp, $4);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_localparam_assign_1(p):
+ '''localparam_assign : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ # pform_set_localparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1), param_active_type,
+ # param_active_signed, param_active_range, tmp);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_ranges_opt_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_ranges_opt : parameter_value_ranges '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_parameter_value_ranges_opt_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_ranges_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_parameter_value_ranges_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_ranges : parameter_value_ranges parameter_value_range '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; $$->next = $1; }
+def p_parameter_value_ranges_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_ranges : parameter_value_range '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; $$->next = 0; }
+def p_parameter_value_range_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_range : from_exclude '[' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, false, $3, false, $5); }
+def p_parameter_value_range_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_range : from_exclude '[' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, false, $3, true, $5); }
+def p_parameter_value_range_3(p):
+ '''parameter_value_range : from_exclude '(' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, true, $3, false, $5); }
+def p_parameter_value_range_4(p):
+ '''parameter_value_range : from_exclude '(' value_range_expression ':' value_range_expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range($1, true, $3, true, $5); }
+def p_parameter_value_range_5(p):
+ '''parameter_value_range : K_exclude expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_parameter_value_range(true, false, $2, false, $2); }
+def p_value_range_expression_1(p):
+ '''value_range_expression : expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_value_range_expression_2(p):
+ '''value_range_expression : K_inf '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_value_range_expression_3(p):
+ '''value_range_expression : '+' K_inf '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_value_range_expression_4(p):
+ '''value_range_expression : '-' K_inf '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_from_exclude_1(p):
+ '''from_exclude : K_from '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_from_exclude_2(p):
+ '''from_exclude : K_exclude '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '#' '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { struct parmvalue_t*tmp = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ # tmp->by_order = $3;
+ # tmp->by_name = 0;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '#' '(' parameter_value_byname_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { struct parmvalue_t*tmp = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ # tmp->by_order = 0;
+ # tmp->by_name = $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_3(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '#' DEC_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { assert($2);
+ # PENumber*tmp = new PENumber($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ #
+ # struct parmvalue_t*lst = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ # lst->by_order = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # lst->by_order->push_back(tmp);
+ # lst->by_name = 0;
+ # $$ = lst;
+ # based_size = 0;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_4(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '#' REALTIME '''
+ print(p)
+ # { assert($2);
+ # PEFNumber*tmp = new PEFNumber($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ #
+ # struct parmvalue_t*lst = new struct parmvalue_t;
+ # lst->by_order = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # lst->by_order->push_back(tmp);
+ # lst->by_name = 0;
+ # $$ = lst;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_5(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '#' error '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: syntax error in parameter value "
+ # "assignment list.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_opt_6(p):
+ '''parameter_value_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_parameter_value_byname_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_byname : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = $4;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_byname_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_byname : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = 0;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_byname_list_1(p):
+ '''parameter_value_byname_list : parameter_value_byname '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_parameter_value_byname_list_2(p):
+ '''parameter_value_byname_list : parameter_value_byname_list ',' parameter_value_byname '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_1(p):
+ '''port : port_reference '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_port_2(p):
+ '''port : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' port_reference ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*tmp = $4;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_3(p):
+ '''port : '{' port_reference_list '}' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*tmp = $2;
+ # tmp->name = perm_string();
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_4(p):
+ '''port : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' '{' port_reference_list '}' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*tmp = $5;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_opt_1(p):
+ '''port_opt : port '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_port_opt_2(p):
+ '''port_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_port_name_1(p):
+ '''port_name : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = $4;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_2(p):
+ '''port_name : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: invalid port connection expression.");
+ # named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = 0;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_3(p):
+ '''port_name : '.' IDENTIFIER '(' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = 0;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_4(p):
+ '''port_name : '.' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # tmp->parm = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($2), true);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp->parm, @1);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_5(p):
+ '''port_name : K_DOTSTAR '''
+ print(p)
+ # { named_pexpr_t*tmp = new named_pexpr_t;
+ # tmp->name = lex_strings.make("*");
+ # tmp->parm = 0;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_list_1(p):
+ '''port_name_list : port_name_list ',' port_name '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$3);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_name_list_2(p):
+ '''port_name_list : port_name '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<named_pexpr_t>*tmp = new list<named_pexpr_t>;
+ # tmp->push_back(*$1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_reference_1(p):
+ '''port_reference : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*ptmp;
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # ptmp = pform_module_port_reference(name, @1.text, @1.first_line);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_reference_2(p):
+ '''port_reference : IDENTIFIER '[' expression ':' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_PART;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # itmp.lsb = $5;
+ #
+ # name_component_t ntmp (lex_strings.make($1));
+ # ntmp.index.push_back(itmp);
+ #
+ # pform_name_t pname;
+ # pname.push_back(ntmp);
+ #
+ # PEIdent*wtmp = new PEIdent(pname);
+ # FILE_NAME(wtmp, @1);
+ #
+ # Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ # ptmp->name = perm_string();
+ # ptmp->expr.push_back(wtmp);
+ #
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_reference_3(p):
+ '''port_reference : IDENTIFIER '[' expression ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { index_component_t itmp;
+ # itmp.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT;
+ # itmp.msb = $3;
+ # itmp.lsb = 0;
+ #
+ # name_component_t ntmp (lex_strings.make($1));
+ # ntmp.index.push_back(itmp);
+ #
+ # pform_name_t pname;
+ # pname.push_back(ntmp);
+ #
+ # PEIdent*tmp = new PEIdent(pname);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ #
+ # Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ # ptmp->name = perm_string();
+ # ptmp->expr.push_back(tmp);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_reference_4(p):
+ '''port_reference : IDENTIFIER '[' error ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: invalid port bit select");
+ # Module::port_t*ptmp = new Module::port_t;
+ # PEIdent*wtmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # FILE_NAME(wtmp, @1);
+ # ptmp->name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # ptmp->expr.push_back(wtmp);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = ptmp;
+ # }
+def p_port_reference_list_1(p):
+ '''port_reference_list : port_reference '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_port_reference_list_2(p):
+ '''port_reference_list : port_reference_list ',' port_reference '''
+ print(p)
+ # { Module::port_t*tmp = $1;
+ # append(tmp->expr, $3->expr);
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_dimensions_opt_1(p):
+ '''dimensions_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_dimensions_opt_2(p):
+ '''dimensions_opt : dimensions '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_dimensions_1(p):
+ '''dimensions : variable_dimension '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_dimensions_2(p):
+ '''dimensions : dimensions variable_dimension '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<pform_range_t> *tmp = $1;
+ # if ($2) {
+ # tmp->splice(tmp->end(), *$2);
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_register_variable_1(p):
+ '''register_variable : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::REG,
+ # NetNet::NOT_A_PORT, IVL_VT_NO_TYPE, 0);
+ # pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_register_variable_2(p):
+ '''register_variable : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (pform_peek_scope()->var_init_needs_explicit_lifetime()
+ # && (var_lifetime == LexicalScope::INHERITED)) {
+ # cerr << @3 << ": warning: Static variable initialization requires "
+ # "explicit lifetime in this context." << endl;
+ # warn_count += 1;
+ # }
+ # perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::REG,
+ # NetNet::NOT_A_PORT, IVL_VT_NO_TYPE, 0);
+ # pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ # pform_make_var_init(@1, name, $4);
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_register_variable_list_1(p):
+ '''register_variable_list : register_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_register_variable_list_2(p):
+ '''register_variable_list : register_variable_list ',' register_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_net_variable_1(p):
+ '''net_variable : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string name = lex_strings.make($1);
+ # pform_makewire(@1, name, NetNet::IMPLICIT,
+ # NetNet::NOT_A_PORT, IVL_VT_NO_TYPE, 0);
+ # pform_set_reg_idx(name, $2);
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_net_variable_list_1(p):
+ '''net_variable_list : net_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_net_variable_list_2(p):
+ '''net_variable_list : net_variable_list ',' net_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_event_variable_1(p):
+ '''event_variable : IDENTIFIER dimensions_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if ($2) {
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: event arrays are not supported.");
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+ # $$ = $1;
+ # }
+def p_event_variable_list_1(p):
+ '''event_variable_list : event_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = list_from_identifier($1); }
+def p_event_variable_list_2(p):
+ '''event_variable_list : event_variable_list ',' event_variable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = list_from_identifier($1, $3); }
+def p_specify_item_1(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_specparam specparam_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specify_item_2(p):
+ '''specify_item : specify_simple_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_module_specify_path($1);
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_3(p):
+ '''specify_item : specify_edge_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_module_specify_path($1);
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_4(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_if '(' expression ')' specify_simple_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PSpecPath*tmp = $5;
+ # if (tmp) {
+ # tmp->conditional = true;
+ # tmp->condition = $3;
+ # }
+ # pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_5(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_if '(' expression ')' specify_edge_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PSpecPath*tmp = $5;
+ # if (tmp) {
+ # tmp->conditional = true;
+ # tmp->condition = $3;
+ # }
+ # pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_6(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_ifnone specify_simple_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PSpecPath*tmp = $2;
+ # if (tmp) {
+ # tmp->conditional = true;
+ # tmp->condition = 0;
+ # }
+ # pform_module_specify_path(tmp);
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_7(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_ifnone specify_edge_path_decl ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "Sorry: ifnone with an edge-sensitive path is "
+ # "not supported.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_8(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Sfullskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # delete $9;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_9(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Shold '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_10(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Snochange '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # delete $9;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_11(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Speriod '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $5;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_12(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Srecovery '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_13(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Srecrem '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # delete $9;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_14(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Sremoval '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_15(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Ssetup '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_16(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Ssetuphold '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # delete $9;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_17(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Sskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_18(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Stimeskew '(' spec_reference_event ',' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_19(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Swidth '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ',' expression spec_notifier_opt ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $5;
+ # delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_20(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_Swidth '(' spec_reference_event ',' delay_value ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $5;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_21(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_pulsestyle_onevent specify_path_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_22(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_pulsestyle_ondetect specify_path_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_23(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_showcancelled specify_path_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_24(p):
+ '''specify_item : K_noshowcancelled specify_path_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_specify_item_list_1(p):
+ '''specify_item_list : specify_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specify_item_list_2(p):
+ '''specify_item_list : specify_item_list specify_item '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specify_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''specify_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_specify_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''specify_item_list_opt : specify_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_specify_edge_path_decl_1(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path_decl : specify_edge_path '=' '(' delay_value_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, $4); }
+def p_specify_edge_path_decl_2(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path_decl : specify_edge_path '=' delay_value_simple '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, tmp);
+ # }
+def p_edge_operator_1(p):
+ '''edge_operator : K_posedge '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_edge_operator_2(p):
+ '''edge_operator : K_negedge '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_specify_edge_path_1(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_EG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int edge_flag = 0;
+ # $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $2, $3, false, $6, $8); }
+def p_specify_edge_path_2(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path : '(' edge_operator specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_EG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int edge_flag = $2? 1 : -1;
+ # $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $3, $4, false, $7, $9);}
+def p_specify_edge_path_3(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_SG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int edge_flag = 0;
+ # $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $2, $3, true, $6, $8); }
+def p_specify_edge_path_4(p):
+ '''specify_edge_path : '(' edge_operator specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_SG '(' specify_path_identifiers polarity_operator expression ')' ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { int edge_flag = $2? 1 : -1;
+ # $$ = pform_make_specify_edge_path(@1, edge_flag, $3, $4, true, $7, $9); }
+def p_polarity_operator_1(p):
+ '''polarity_operator : K_PO_POS '''
+ print(p)
+def p_polarity_operator_2(p):
+ '''polarity_operator : K_PO_NEG '''
+ print(p)
+def p_polarity_operator_3(p):
+ '''polarity_operator : ':' '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specify_simple_path_decl_1(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path_decl : specify_simple_path '=' '(' delay_value_list ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, $4); }
+def p_specify_simple_path_decl_2(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path_decl : specify_simple_path '=' delay_value_simple '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>*tmp = new list<PExpr*>;
+ # tmp->push_back($3);
+ # $$ = pform_assign_path_delay($1, tmp);
+ # }
+def p_specify_simple_path_decl_3(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path_decl : specify_simple_path '=' '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "Syntax error in delay value list.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_specify_simple_path_1(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_EG specify_path_identifiers ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_make_specify_path(@1, $2, $3, false, $5); }
+def p_specify_simple_path_2(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path : '(' specify_path_identifiers spec_polarity K_SG specify_path_identifiers ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_make_specify_path(@1, $2, $3, true, $5); }
+def p_specify_simple_path_3(p):
+ '''specify_simple_path : '(' error ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "Invalid simple path");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_1(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_2(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ # yywarn(@4, "Bit selects are not currently supported "
+ # "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ # "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ # }
+ # list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_3(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary polarity_operator expr_primary ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ # yywarn(@4, "Part selects are not currently supported "
+ # "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ # "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ # }
+ # list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_4(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_5(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ # yywarn(@4, "Bit selects are not currently supported "
+ # "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ # "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ # }
+ # list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_specify_path_identifiers_6(p):
+ '''specify_path_identifiers : specify_path_identifiers ',' IDENTIFIER '[' expr_primary polarity_operator expr_primary ']' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { if (gn_specify_blocks_flag) {
+ # yywarn(@4, "Part selects are not currently supported "
+ # "in path declarations. The declaration "
+ # "will be applied to the whole vector.");
+ # }
+ # list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_specparam_1(p):
+ '''specparam : IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = $3;
+ # pform_set_specparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1),
+ # param_active_range, tmp);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_specparam_2(p):
+ '''specparam : IDENTIFIER '=' expression ':' expression ':' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*tmp = 0;
+ # switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ # case MIN:
+ # tmp = $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # delete $7;
+ # break;
+ # case TYP:
+ # delete $3;
+ # tmp = $5;
+ # delete $7;
+ # break;
+ # case MAX:
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # tmp = $7;
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # if (min_typ_max_warn > 0) {
+ # cerr << tmp->get_fileline() << ": warning: choosing ";
+ # switch (min_typ_max_flag) {
+ # case MIN:
+ # cerr << "min";
+ # break;
+ # case TYP:
+ # cerr << "typ";
+ # break;
+ # case MAX:
+ # cerr << "max";
+ # break;
+ # }
+ # cerr << " expression." << endl;
+ # min_typ_max_warn -= 1;
+ # }
+ # pform_set_specparam(@1, lex_strings.make($1),
+ # param_active_range, tmp);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # }
+def p_specparam_3(p):
+ '''specparam : PATHPULSE_IDENTIFIER '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[]$1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_specparam_4(p):
+ '''specparam : PATHPULSE_IDENTIFIER '=' '(' expression ',' expression ')' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete[]$1;
+ # delete $4;
+ # delete $6;
+ # }
+def p_specparam_list_1(p):
+ '''specparam_list : specparam '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specparam_list_2(p):
+ '''specparam_list : specparam_list ',' specparam '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specparam_decl_1(p):
+ '''specparam_decl : specparam_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_specparam_decl_2(p):
+ '''specparam_decl : dimensions _embed0_specparam_decl specparam_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { param_active_range = 0; }
+def p__embed0_specparam_decl(p):
+ '''_embed0_specparam_decl : '''
+ # { param_active_range = $1; }
+def p_spec_polarity_1(p):
+ '''spec_polarity : '+' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '+'; }
+def p_spec_polarity_2(p):
+ '''spec_polarity : '-' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '-'; }
+def p_spec_polarity_3(p):
+ '''spec_polarity : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_spec_reference_event_1(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_posedge expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2; }
+def p_spec_reference_event_2(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_negedge expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2; }
+def p_spec_reference_event_3(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_posedge expr_primary K_TAND expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # delete $4;
+ # }
+def p_spec_reference_event_4(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_negedge expr_primary K_TAND expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $2;
+ # delete $4;
+ # }
+def p_spec_reference_event_5(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_edge '[' edge_descriptor_list ']' expr_primary '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $5; }
+def p_spec_reference_event_6(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : K_edge '[' edge_descriptor_list ']' expr_primary K_TAND expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $5;
+ # delete $7;
+ # }
+def p_spec_reference_event_7(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : expr_primary K_TAND expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # }
+def p_spec_reference_event_8(p):
+ '''spec_reference_event : expr_primary '''
+ print(p)
+ # { delete $1; }
+def p_edge_descriptor_list_1(p):
+ '''edge_descriptor_list : edge_descriptor_list ',' K_edge_descriptor '''
+ print(p)
+def p_edge_descriptor_list_2(p):
+ '''edge_descriptor_list : K_edge_descriptor '''
+ print(p)
+def p_spec_notifier_opt_1(p):
+ '''spec_notifier_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_spec_notifier_opt_2(p):
+ '''spec_notifier_opt : spec_notifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { }
+def p_spec_notifier_1(p):
+ '''spec_notifier : ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { args_after_notifier = 0; }
+def p_spec_notifier_2(p):
+ '''spec_notifier : ',' hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { args_after_notifier = 0; delete $2; }
+def p_spec_notifier_3(p):
+ '''spec_notifier : spec_notifier ',' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { args_after_notifier += 1; }
+def p_spec_notifier_4(p):
+ '''spec_notifier : spec_notifier ',' hierarchy_identifier '''
+ print(p)
+ # { args_after_notifier += 1;
+ # if (args_after_notifier >= 3) {
+ # cerr << @3 << ": warning: timing checks are not supported "
+ # "and delayed signal \"" << *$3
+ # << "\" will not be driven." << endl;
+ # }
+ # delete $3; }
+def p_spec_notifier_5(p):
+ '''spec_notifier : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { args_after_notifier = 0; delete[]$1; }
+def p_statement_item_1(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_assign lpvalue '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCAssign*tmp = new PCAssign($2, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_2(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_deassign lpvalue ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PDeassign*tmp = new PDeassign($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_3(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_force lpvalue '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PForce*tmp = new PForce($2, $4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_4(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_release lpvalue ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PRelease*tmp = new PRelease($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_5(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_begin K_end '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PBlock*tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_6(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_begin _embed0_statement_item block_item_decls_opt _embed1_statement_item statement_or_null_list K_end '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PBlock*tmp;
+ # if ($3) {
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # } else {
+ # tmp = new PBlock(PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # }
+ # if ($5) tmp->set_statement(*$5);
+ # delete $5;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_7(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_begin ':' IDENTIFIER _embed2_statement_item block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list_opt K_end endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # if ($6) tmp->set_statement(*$6);
+ # delete $6;
+ # if ($8) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$8) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match begin name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: Begin end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$8;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_8(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_fork join_keyword '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PBlock*tmp = new PBlock($2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_9(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_fork _embed3_statement_item block_item_decls_opt _embed4_statement_item statement_or_null_list join_keyword '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PBlock*tmp;
+ # if ($3) {
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp->set_join_type($6);
+ # } else {
+ # tmp = new PBlock($6);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # }
+ # if ($5) tmp->set_statement(*$5);
+ # delete $5;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_10(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_fork ':' IDENTIFIER _embed5_statement_item block_item_decls_opt statement_or_null_list_opt join_keyword endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # tmp->set_join_type($7);
+ # if ($6) tmp->set_statement(*$6);
+ # delete $6;
+ # if ($8) {
+ # if (strcmp($3,$8) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: End label doesn't match fork name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@8, "error: Fork end labels require "
+ # "SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$8;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_11(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_disable hierarchy_identifier ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PDisable*tmp = new PDisable(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_12(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_disable K_fork ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t tmp_name;
+ # PDisable*tmp = new PDisable(tmp_name);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_13(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_TRIGGER hierarchy_identifier ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PTrigger*tmp = new PTrigger(*$2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_14(p):
+ '''statement_item : procedural_assertion_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_item_15(p):
+ '''statement_item : loop_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_item_16(p):
+ '''statement_item : jump_statement '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_item_17(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_case '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQ, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_18(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_casex '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQX, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_19(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_casez '(' expression ')' case_items K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCase*tmp = new PCase(NetCase::EQZ, $3, $5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_20(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_case '(' expression ')' error K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerrok; }
+def p_statement_item_21(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_casex '(' expression ')' error K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerrok; }
+def p_statement_item_22(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_casez '(' expression ')' error K_endcase '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerrok; }
+def p_statement_item_23(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_if '(' expression ')' statement_or_null %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCondit*tmp = new PCondit($3, $5, 0);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_24(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_if '(' expression ')' statement_or_null K_else statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCondit*tmp = new PCondit($3, $5, $7);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_25(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_if '(' error ')' statement_or_null %prec less_than_K_else '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed conditional expression.");
+ # $$ = $5;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_26(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_if '(' error ')' statement_or_null K_else statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "error: Malformed conditional expression.");
+ # $$ = $5;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_27(p):
+ '''statement_item : compressed_statement ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_item_28(p):
+ '''statement_item : inc_or_dec_expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_compressed_assign_from_inc_dec(@1, $1); }
+def p_statement_item_29(p):
+ '''statement_item : delay1 statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*del = $1->front();
+ # assert($1->size() == 1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # PDelayStatement*tmp = new PDelayStatement(del, $2);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_30(p):
+ '''statement_item : event_control statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp = $1;
+ # if (tmp == 0) {
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Invalid event control.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # } else {
+ # tmp->set_statement($2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_31(p):
+ '''statement_item : '@' '*' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->set_statement($3);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_32(p):
+ '''statement_item : '@' '(' '*' ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement;
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # tmp->set_statement($5);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_33(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_34(p):
+ '''statement_item : error '=' expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "Syntax in assignment statement l-value.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = new PNoop;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_35(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue K_LE expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_36(p):
+ '''statement_item : error K_LE expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "Syntax in assignment statement l-value.");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = new PNoop;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_37(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' delay1 expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*del = $3->front(); $3->pop_front();
+ # assert($3->empty());
+ # PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,del,$4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_38(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue K_LE delay1 expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*del = $3->front(); $3->pop_front();
+ # assert($3->empty());
+ # PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,del,$4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_39(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' event_control expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,0,$3,$4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_40(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' K_repeat '(' expression ')' event_control expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$5,$7,$8);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # tmp->set_lineno(@1.first_line);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_41(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue K_LE event_control expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,0,$3,$4);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_42(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue K_LE K_repeat '(' expression ')' event_control expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssignNB*tmp = new PAssignNB($1,$5,$7,$8);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_43(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' dynamic_array_new ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_44(p):
+ '''statement_item : lpvalue '=' class_new ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1,$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_45(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_wait '(' expression ')' statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp;
+ # PEEvent*etmp = new PEEvent(PEEvent::POSITIVE, $3);
+ # tmp = new PEventStatement(etmp);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # tmp->set_statement($5);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_46(p):
+ '''statement_item : K_wait K_fork ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PEventStatement*tmp = new PEventStatement((PEEvent*)0);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_47(p):
+ '''statement_item : SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(lex_strings.make($1), *$3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_48(p):
+ '''statement_item : SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>pt;
+ # PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(lex_strings.make($1), pt);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp,@1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_49(p):
+ '''statement_item : hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, *$3);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_50(p):
+ '''statement_item : hierarchy_identifier K_with '{' constraint_block_item_list_opt '}' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { /* ....randomize with { <constraints> } */
+ # if ($1 && peek_tail_name(*$1) == "randomize") {
+ # if (!gn_system_verilog())
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Randomize with constraint requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # else
+ # yyerror(@2, "sorry: Randomize with constraint not supported.");
+ # } else {
+ # yyerror(@2, "error: Constraint block can only be applied to randomize method.");
+ # }
+ # list<PExpr*>pt;
+ # PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(*$1, pt);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_51(p):
+ '''statement_item : implicit_class_handle '.' hierarchy_identifier '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { pform_name_t*t_name = $1;
+ # while (! $3->empty()) {
+ # t_name->push_back($3->front());
+ # $3->pop_front();
+ # }
+ # PCallTask*tmp = new PCallTask(*t_name, *$5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # delete $1;
+ # delete $3;
+ # delete $5;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_52(p):
+ '''statement_item : hierarchy_identifier ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<PExpr*>pt;
+ # PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, pt);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_53(p):
+ '''statement_item : implicit_class_handle '.' K_new '(' expression_list_with_nuls ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PChainConstructor*tmp = new PChainConstructor(*$5);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @3);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_54(p):
+ '''statement_item : hierarchy_identifier '(' error ')' ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@3, "error: Syntax error in task arguments.");
+ # list<PExpr*>pt;
+ # PCallTask*tmp = pform_make_call_task(@1, *$1, pt);
+ # delete $1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_item_55(p):
+ '''statement_item : error ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@2, "error: malformed statement");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = new PNoop;
+ # }
+def p__embed0_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed0_statement_item : '''
+ # { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(0, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ # }
+def p__embed1_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed1_statement_item : '''
+ # { if ($3) {
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror("error: Variable declaration in unnamed block "
+ # "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # } else {
+ # /* If there are no declarations in the scope then just delete it. */
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # delete tmp;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed2_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed2_statement_item : '''
+ # { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope($3, PBlock::BL_SEQ);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ # }
+def p__embed3_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed3_statement_item : '''
+ # { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope(0, PBlock::BL_PAR);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ # }
+def p__embed4_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed4_statement_item : '''
+ # { if ($3) {
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror("error: Variable declaration in unnamed block "
+ # "requires SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # } else {
+ # /* If there are no declarations in the scope then just delete it. */
+ # pform_pop_scope();
+ # assert(! current_block_stack.empty());
+ # PBlock*tmp = current_block_stack.top();
+ # current_block_stack.pop();
+ # delete tmp;
+ # }
+ # }
+def p__embed5_statement_item(p):
+ '''_embed5_statement_item : '''
+ # { PBlock*tmp = pform_push_block_scope($3, PBlock::BL_PAR);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # current_block_stack.push(tmp);
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_1(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_PLUS_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '+', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_2(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_MINUS_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '-', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_3(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_MUL_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '*', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_4(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_DIV_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '/', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_5(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_MOD_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '%', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_6(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_AND_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '&', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_7(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_OR_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '|', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_8(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_XOR_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, '^', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_9(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_LS_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign *tmp = new PAssign($1, 'l', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_10(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_RS_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign*tmp = new PAssign($1, 'r', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_compressed_statement_11(p):
+ '''compressed_statement : lpvalue K_RSS_EQ expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PAssign *tmp = new PAssign($1, 'R', $3);
+ # FILE_NAME(tmp, @1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_or_null_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''statement_or_null_list_opt : statement_or_null_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_statement_or_null_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''statement_or_null_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_statement_or_null_list_1(p):
+ '''statement_or_null_list : statement_or_null_list statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Statement*>*tmp = $1;
+ # if ($2) tmp->push_back($2);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_statement_or_null_list_2(p):
+ '''statement_or_null_list : statement_or_null '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<Statement*>*tmp = new vector<Statement*>(0);
+ # if ($1) tmp->push_back($1);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_analog_statement_1(p):
+ '''analog_statement : branch_probe_expression K_CONTRIBUTE expression ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_contribution_statement(@2, $1, $3); }
+def p_task_item_1(p):
+ '''task_item : block_item_decl '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = new vector<pform_tf_port_t>(0); }
+def p_task_item_2(p):
+ '''task_item : tf_port_declaration '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_task_item_list_1(p):
+ '''task_item_list : task_item_list task_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<pform_tf_port_t>*tmp = $1;
+ # size_t s1 = tmp->size();
+ # tmp->resize(s1 + $2->size());
+ # for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ # tmp->at(s1 + idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ # delete $2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_task_item_list_2(p):
+ '''task_item_list : task_item '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_task_item_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''task_item_list_opt : task_item_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_task_item_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''task_item_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_tf_port_list_opt_1(p):
+ '''tf_port_list_opt : tf_port_list '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_tf_port_list_opt_2(p):
+ '''tf_port_list_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_udp_body_1(p):
+ '''udp_body : K_table udp_entry_list K_endtable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_end_table();
+ # $$ = $2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_body_2(p):
+ '''udp_body : K_table K_endtable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_end_table();
+ # yyerror(@1, "error: Empty UDP table.");
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_udp_body_3(p):
+ '''udp_body : K_table error K_endtable '''
+ print(p)
+ # { lex_end_table();
+ # yyerror(@2, "Errors in UDP table");
+ # yyerrok;
+ # $$ = 0;
+ # }
+def p_udp_entry_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_entry_list : udp_comb_entry_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_udp_entry_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_entry_list : udp_sequ_entry_list '''
+ print(p)
+def p_udp_comb_entry_1(p):
+ '''udp_comb_entry : udp_input_list ':' udp_output_sym ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+3];
+ # strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ # char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ # *tp++ = ':';
+ # *tp++ = $3;
+ # *tp++ = 0;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_comb_entry_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_comb_entry_list : udp_comb_entry '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<string>*tmp = new list<string>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_comb_entry_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_comb_entry_list : udp_comb_entry_list udp_comb_entry '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($2);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_sequ_entry_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_sequ_entry_list : udp_sequ_entry '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<string>*tmp = new list<string>;
+ # tmp->push_back($1);
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_sequ_entry_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_sequ_entry_list : udp_sequ_entry_list udp_sequ_entry '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back($2);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_sequ_entry_1(p):
+ '''udp_sequ_entry : udp_input_list ':' udp_input_sym ':' udp_output_sym ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+5];
+ # strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ # char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ # *tp++ = ':';
+ # *tp++ = $3;
+ # *tp++ = ':';
+ # *tp++ = $5;
+ # *tp++ = 0;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_initial_1(p):
+ '''udp_initial : K_initial IDENTIFIER '=' number ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { PExpr*etmp = new PENumber($4);
+ # PEIdent*itmp = new PEIdent(lex_strings.make($2));
+ # PAssign*atmp = new PAssign(itmp, etmp);
+ # FILE_NAME(atmp, @2);
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # $$ = atmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_init_opt_1(p):
+ '''udp_init_opt : udp_initial '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_udp_init_opt_2(p):
+ '''udp_init_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_udp_input_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_input_list : udp_input_sym '''
+ print(p)
+ # { char*tmp = new char[2];
+ # tmp[0] = $1;
+ # tmp[1] = 0;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_input_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_input_list : udp_input_list udp_input_sym '''
+ print(p)
+ # { char*tmp = new char[strlen($1)+2];
+ # strcpy(tmp, $1);
+ # char*tp = tmp+strlen(tmp);
+ # *tp++ = $2;
+ # *tp++ = 0;
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_input_sym_1(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '0' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '0'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_2(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '1' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '1'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_3(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'x' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'x'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_4(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '?' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '?'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_5(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'b' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'b'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_6(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '*' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '*'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_7(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '%' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '%'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_8(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'f' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'f'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_9(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'F' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'F'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_10(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'l' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'l'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_11(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'h' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'h'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_12(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'B' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'B'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_13(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'r' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'r'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_14(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'R' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'R'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_15(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'M' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'M'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_16(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'n' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'n'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_17(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'N' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'N'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_18(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'p' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'p'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_19(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'P' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'P'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_20(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'Q' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'Q'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_21(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : 'q' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'q'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_22(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '_' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '_'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_23(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : '+' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '+'; }
+def p_udp_input_sym_24(p):
+ '''udp_input_sym : DEC_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "internal error: Input digits parse as decimal number!"); $$ = '0'; }
+def p_udp_output_sym_1(p):
+ '''udp_output_sym : '0' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '0'; }
+def p_udp_output_sym_2(p):
+ '''udp_output_sym : '1' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '1'; }
+def p_udp_output_sym_3(p):
+ '''udp_output_sym : 'x' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 'x'; }
+def p_udp_output_sym_4(p):
+ '''udp_output_sym : '-' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = '-'; }
+def p_udp_output_sym_5(p):
+ '''udp_output_sym : DEC_NUMBER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { yyerror(@1, "internal error: Output digits parse as decimal number!"); $$ = '0'; }
+def p_udp_port_decl_1(p):
+ '''udp_port_decl : K_input list_of_identifiers ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = pform_make_udp_input_ports($2); }
+def p_udp_port_decl_2(p):
+ '''udp_port_decl : K_output IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::IMPLICIT, NetNet::POUTPUT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ # vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_port_decl_3(p):
+ '''udp_port_decl : K_reg IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::REG, NetNet::PIMPLICIT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ # vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_port_decl_4(p):
+ '''udp_port_decl : K_reg K_output IDENTIFIER ';' '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string pname = lex_strings.make($3);
+ # PWire*pp = new PWire(pname, NetNet::REG, NetNet::POUTPUT, IVL_VT_LOGIC);
+ # vector<PWire*>*tmp = new vector<PWire*>(1);
+ # (*tmp)[0] = pp;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # }
+def p_udp_port_decls_1(p):
+ '''udp_port_decls : udp_port_decl '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $1; }
+def p_udp_port_decls_2(p):
+ '''udp_port_decls : udp_port_decls udp_port_decl '''
+ print(p)
+ # { vector<PWire*>*tmp = $1;
+ # size_t s1 = $1->size();
+ # tmp->resize(s1+$2->size());
+ # for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < $2->size() ; idx += 1)
+ # tmp->at(s1+idx) = $2->at(idx);
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete $2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_port_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_port_list : IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($1));
+ # delete[]$1;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_port_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_port_list : udp_port_list ',' IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($3));
+ # delete[]$3;
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # }
+def p_udp_reg_opt_1(p):
+ '''udp_reg_opt : K_reg '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_udp_reg_opt_2(p):
+ '''udp_reg_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_udp_initial_expr_opt_1(p):
+ '''udp_initial_expr_opt : '=' expression '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = $2; }
+def p_udp_initial_expr_opt_2(p):
+ '''udp_initial_expr_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = 0; }
+def p_udp_input_declaration_list_1(p):
+ '''udp_input_declaration_list : K_input IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = new list<perm_string>;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($2));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_input_declaration_list_2(p):
+ '''udp_input_declaration_list : udp_input_declaration_list ',' K_input IDENTIFIER '''
+ print(p)
+ # { list<perm_string>*tmp = $1;
+ # tmp->push_back(lex_strings.make($4));
+ # $$ = tmp;
+ # delete[]$4;
+ # }
+def p_udp_primitive_1(p):
+ '''udp_primitive : K_primitive IDENTIFIER '(' udp_port_list ')' ';' udp_port_decls udp_init_opt udp_body K_endprimitive endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp2 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # pform_make_udp(tmp2, $4, $7, $9, $8,
+ # @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # if ($11) {
+ # if (strcmp($2,$11) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "primitive name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@11, "error: Primitive end labels "
+ # "require SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$11;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # }
+def p_udp_primitive_2(p):
+ '''udp_primitive : K_primitive IDENTIFIER '(' K_output udp_reg_opt IDENTIFIER udp_initial_expr_opt ',' udp_input_declaration_list ')' ';' udp_body K_endprimitive endlabel_opt '''
+ print(p)
+ # { perm_string tmp2 = lex_strings.make($2);
+ # perm_string tmp6 = lex_strings.make($6);
+ # pform_make_udp(tmp2, $5, tmp6, $7, $9, $12,
+ # @2.text, @2.first_line);
+ # if ($14) {
+ # if (strcmp($2,$14) != 0) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: End label doesn't match "
+ # "primitive name");
+ # }
+ # if (! gn_system_verilog()) {
+ # yyerror(@14, "error: Primitive end labels "
+ # "require SystemVerilog.");
+ # }
+ # delete[]$14;
+ # }
+ # delete[]$2;
+ # delete[]$6;
+ # }
+def p_K_packed_opt_1(p):
+ '''K_packed_opt : K_packed '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_K_packed_opt_2(p):
+ '''K_packed_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_K_reg_opt_1(p):
+ '''K_reg_opt : K_reg '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_K_reg_opt_2(p):
+ '''K_reg_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_K_static_opt_1(p):
+ '''K_static_opt : K_static '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_K_static_opt_2(p):
+ '''K_static_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_K_virtual_opt_1(p):
+ '''K_virtual_opt : K_virtual '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = true; }
+def p_K_virtual_opt_2(p):
+ '''K_virtual_opt : '''
+ print(p)
+ # { $$ = false; }
+def p_error(p):
+ print ("error", p)
+ exit(0)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import lexor
+import parse_sv #as parse
+from ply import *
+#tokens = list(set(lexor.tokens).union(set(parse.tokens)))
+def parsedata(data, debug=0):
+ parser = yacc.parse(debug=2)
+ parser.error = 0
+ p = parser.parse(data, debug=debug)
+ if parser.error:
+ return None
+ return p
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ fname = sys.argv[1]
+ with open(fname) as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ yacc.parse(data, debug=3)