\frame{\frametitle{The summary on SVP64}
+ \item Specification: https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/svp64/
\item SVP64 is similar to Intel x86 "REP" instruction\\
"please repeat the following instruction N times"\\
(but add some extra "stuff" in the process)
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\item Uses the Cray-style "setvl" instruction\\
(Cray-I, NEC SX-Aurora, RISC-V RVV)\\
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\item Unlike "REP" there is additional "Vector context":\\
Predication, Twin-predication, Element-width Overrides,
Map-reduce, Iteration, Saturation and more.
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\item Just like "REP", none of this requires extra instructions!\\
(except setvl and the "REP"-like prefix itself)\\
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\item "SIMD Considered Harmful" principle applies equally
to RISC-V Vectors (190+ instructions on top of RV64GC's 80)\\
\em{RVV more than doubles the number of RISC-V instructions}.