for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
- -- The procedure of looking for specific packages and setting
- -- flags is somewhat dubious, but there isn't a good alternative
- -- at the current time ???
+ -- This is not a perfect approach, but is the current protocol
+ -- between the run-time and the binder to indicate that tasking
+ -- is used: system.os_interface should always be used by any
+ -- tasking application.
if Name_Buffer (1 .. 19) = "system.os_interface" then
With_GNARL := True;
end if;
+ -- Ditto for declib and the "dec" package
if OpenVMS_On_Target and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "dec%s" then
With_DECGNAT := True;
end if;
-- This is the Windows (native) version of this module
+with System.OS_Interface;
+pragma Unreferenced (System.OS_Interface);
+-- System.OS_Interface is not used today, but the protocol between the
+-- run-time and the binder is that any tasking application uses
+-- System.OS_Interface, so notify the binder with this "with" clause.
package body System.Task_Info is
N_CPU : Natural := 0;