+anv_gen8_hiz_op_resolve(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ const struct anv_image *image,
+ enum blorp_hiz_op op)
+ assert(image);
+ /* Don't resolve depth buffers without an auxiliary HiZ buffer and
+ * don't perform such a resolve on gens that don't support it.
+ */
+ if (cmd_buffer->device->info.gen < 8 ||
+ image->aux_usage != ISL_AUX_USAGE_HIZ)
+ return;
+ const struct anv_cmd_state *cmd_state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ const uint32_t ds = cmd_state->subpass->depth_stencil_attachment;
+ /* Section 7.4. of the Vulkan 1.0.27 spec states:
+ *
+ * "The render area must be contained within the framebuffer dimensions."
+ *
+ * Therefore, the only way the extent of the render area can match that of
+ * the image view is if the render area offset equals (0, 0).
+ */
+ const bool full_surface_op =
+ cmd_state->render_area.extent.width == image->extent.width &&
+ cmd_state->render_area.extent.height == image->extent.height;
+ if (full_surface_op)
+ assert(cmd_state->render_area.offset.x == 0 &&
+ cmd_state->render_area.offset.y == 0);
+ /* Check the subpass index to determine if skipping a resolve is allowed */
+ const uint32_t subpass_idx = cmd_state->subpass - cmd_state->pass->subpasses;
+ switch (op) {
+ if (cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachments[ds].store_op !=
+ subpass_idx == cmd_state->pass->subpass_count - 1)
+ return;
+ break;
+ /* If the render area covers the entire surface *and* load_op is either
+ * CLEAR or DONT_CARE then the previous contents of the depth buffer
+ * will be entirely discarded. In this case, we can skip the HiZ
+ * resolve.
+ *
+ * If the render area is not the full surface, we need to do
+ * the resolve because otherwise data outside the render area may get
+ * garbled by the resolve at the end of the render pass.
+ */
+ if (full_surface_op &&
+ cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachments[ds].load_op !=
+ VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD && subpass_idx == 0)
+ return;
+ break;
+ unreachable("Invalid HiZ OP");
+ }
+ struct blorp_batch batch;
+ blorp_batch_init(&cmd_buffer->device->blorp, &batch, cmd_buffer, 0);
+ struct blorp_surf surf;
+ get_blorp_surf_for_anv_image(image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT,
+ /* Manually add the aux HiZ surf */
+ surf.aux_surf = &image->aux_surface.isl,
+ surf.aux_addr = (struct blorp_address) {
+ .buffer = image->bo,
+ .offset = image->offset + image->aux_surface.offset,
+ };
+ surf.aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_HIZ;
+ surf.clear_color.u32[0] = (uint32_t)
+ cmd_state->attachments[ds].clear_value.depthStencil.depth;
+ blorp_gen6_hiz_op(&batch, &surf, 0, 0, op);
+ blorp_batch_finish(&batch);