Linux-specific gettid() syscall shouldn't be used in portable code.
Fix does assume a 1:1 thread:LWP architecture, but works for our
current target platforms and can be revisited later if needed.
Fixes unresolved symbol in linux scons builds.
v2: add comment in code about the 1:1 assumption.
Reviewed-by: Bruce Cherniak <>
char buf[255];
// There could be multiple threads creating thread pools. We
// want to make sure they are uniquly identified by adding in
- // the creator's thread id into the filename.
- sprintf(buf, "%s/ar_event%d_%d.bin", "/tmp", GetCurrentThreadId(), id);
+ // the creator's thread (process) id into the filename.
+ // Assumes a 1:1 thread:LWP mapping as in linux.
+ sprintf(buf, "%s/ar_event%d_%d.bin", "/tmp", GetCurrentProcessId(), id);
mFilename = std::string(buf);
#define sprintf_s sprintf
#define strcpy_s(dst,size,src) strncpy(dst,src,size)
#define GetCurrentProcessId getpid
-pid_t gettid(void);
-#define GetCurrentThreadId gettid
#define InterlockedCompareExchange(Dest, Exchange, Comparand) __sync_val_compare_and_swap(Dest, Comparand, Exchange)
#define InterlockedExchangeAdd(Addend, Value) __sync_fetch_and_add(Addend, Value)