-(* abc9_lut=1 *)
-module \$__ABC9_LUT1 (input A, output Z);
- specify
- (A => Z) = 141;
- endspecify
-(* abc9_lut=1 *)
-module \$__ABC9_LUT2 (input A, B, output Z);
- specify
- (A => Z) = 141;
- (B => Z) = 275;
- endspecify
-(* abc9_lut=1 *)
-module \$__ABC9_LUT3 (input A, B, C, output Z);
- specify
- (A => Z) = 141;
- (B => Z) = 275;
- (C => Z) = 379;
- endspecify
+// This is a placeholder for ABC9 to extract the area/delay
+// cost of 5-input LUTs and is not intended to be instantiated
// LUT5 = 2x LUT4 + PFUMX
(* abc9_lut=2 *)
module \$__ABC9_LUT5 (input M0, D, C, B, A, output Z);
+// This is a placeholder for ABC9 to extract the area/delay
+// of 6-input LUTs and is not intended to be instantiated
// LUT6 = 2x LUT5 + MUX2
(* abc9_lut=4 *)
module \$__ABC9_LUT6 (input M1, M0, D, C, B, A, output Z);
+// This is a placeholder for ABC9 to extract the area/delay
+// of 7-input LUTs and is not intended to be instantiated
// LUT7 = 2x LUT6 + MUX2
(* abc9_lut=8 *)
module \$__ABC9_LUT7 (input M2, M1, M0, D, C, B, A, output Z);