-- solution. The downside however may be a too limited set of acceptable
-- fixed point types.
--- Extra Precision
--- ---------------
--- Using a scaled divide which truncates and returns a remainder R,
--- another E trailing digits can be calculated by computing the value
--- (R * (10.0**E)) / Z using another scaled divide. This procedure
--- can be repeated to compute an arbitrary number of digits in linear
--- time and storage. The last scaled divide should be rounded, with
--- a possible carry propagating to the more significant digits, to
--- ensure correct rounding of the unit in the last place.
--- An extension of this technique is to limit the value of Q to 9 decimal
--- digits, since 32-bit integers can be much more efficient than 64-bit
--- integers to output.
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with System.Arith_64; use System.Arith_64;
with System.Img_Real; use System.Img_Real;
-- in the denominator for the extra decimal scaling required, so case (3)
-- will not overflow.
+ -- Extra Precision
+ -- Using a scaled divide which truncates and returns a remainder R,
+ -- another E trailing digits can be calculated by computing the value
+ -- (R * (10.0**E)) / Z using another scaled divide. This procedure
+ -- can be repeated to compute an arbitrary number of digits in linear
+ -- time and storage. The last scaled divide should be rounded, with
+ -- a possible carry propagating to the more significant digits, to
+ -- ensure correct rounding of the unit in the last place.
+ -- A variant of this technique is to limit the value of Q to 9 decimal
+ -- digits, since 32-bit integers can be much more efficient than 64-bit
+ -- integers to output.
pragma Assert (System.Fine_Delta >= 2.0**(-63));
pragma Assert (Num'Small in 2.0**(-80) .. 2.0**80);
pragma Assert (Num'Fore <= 37);