--- /dev/null
+// -*- C++ -*- header.
+// Copyright (C) 2008
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+// the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
+// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
+// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
+// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
+// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
+// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License.
+/** @file cstdatomic
+ * This is a Standard C++ Library file. You should @c #include this file
+ * in your programs, rather than any of the "*.h" implementation files.
+ *
+ * This is the C++ version of the Standard C Library header @c stdatomic.h,
+ * and its contents are (mostly) the same as that header, but are all
+ * contained in the namespace @c std (except for names which are defined
+ * as macros in C).
+ */
+// Based on "C++ Atomic Types and Operations" by Hans Boehm and Lawrence Crowl.
+// http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2427.html
+#pragma GCC system_header
+# include <c++0x_warning.h>
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <cstddef>
+ // Can either subclass or encapsulate "C" functionality, and here
+ // encapsulating works with C++2003's version of POD and so is
+ // portable across C++2003/200x.
+ // Both end up being sub-optimal in terms of a constructor
+ // initialization list, but oh well.
+ /// atomic_flag
+ struct atomic_flag
+ {
+ __atomic_flag_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ test_and_set(memory_order __x = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile
+ { return atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit(this, __x); }
+ void
+ clear(memory_order __x = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile
+ { atomic_flag_clear_explicit(this, __x); }
+ void
+ fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { atomic_flag_fence(this, __x); }
+ // Add in non-trivial default constructor that correctly
+ // initializes member "as if" by ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT.
+ atomic_flag() { _M_base._M_b = false; }
+ private:
+ atomic_flag(const atomic_flag&);
+ atomic_flag& operator=(const atomic_flag&);
+ };
+ /// 29.4.2, address types
+ typedef struct atomic_address
+ {
+ __atomic_address_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(void*, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void*
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void*
+ swap(void*, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(void*&, void*, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(void*&, void*, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ void*
+ fetch_add(ptrdiff_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void*
+ fetch_sub(ptrdiff_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void*
+ operator=(void* __v) volatile
+ { store(__v); return __v; }
+ void*
+ operator+=(ptrdiff_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(__v); }
+ void*
+ operator-=(ptrdiff_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(__v); }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, void*, memory_order);
+ friend void*
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, memory_order);
+ friend void*
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, void*, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, void**, void*,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_address*, memory_order);
+ friend void*
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, ptrdiff_t,
+ memory_order);
+ friend void*
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_address*, ptrdiff_t,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_address() { }
+ explicit atomic_address(void* __v)
+ { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_address(const atomic_address&);
+ atomic_address& operator=(const atomic_address &);
+ };
+ // 29.4.1 atomic integral types
+ // For each of the integral types, define atomic_[integral type] struct
+ //
+ // atomic_bool bool
+ // atomic_char char
+ // atomic_schar signed char
+ // atomic_uchar unsigned char
+ // atomic_short short
+ // atomic_ushort unsigned short
+ // atomic_int int
+ // atomic_uint unsigned int
+ // atomic_long long
+ // atomic_ulong unsigned long
+ // atomic_llong long long
+ // atomic_ullong unsigned long long
+ // atomic_char16_t char16_t
+ // atomic_char32_t char32_t
+ // atomic_wchar_t wchar_t
+ /// atomic_bool
+ struct atomic_bool
+ {
+ __atomic_bool_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(bool, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ swap(bool, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(bool&, bool, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(bool&, bool, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ bool
+ operator=(bool __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_bool*, bool, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_bool*, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_bool*, bool, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_bool*, bool*, bool,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_bool*, memory_order);
+ atomic_bool() { }
+ explicit atomic_bool(bool __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_bool(const atomic_bool&);
+ atomic_bool& operator=(const atomic_bool&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_char
+ struct atomic_char
+ {
+ __atomic_char_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ swap(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(char&, char, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(char&, char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ char
+ fetch_add(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ fetch_sub(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ fetch_and(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ fetch_or(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ fetch_xor(char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ char
+ operator=(char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ char
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ char
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ char
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ char
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ char
+ operator+=(char __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ char
+ operator-=(char __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ char
+ operator&=(char __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ char
+ operator|=(char __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ char
+ operator^=(char __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char*, char,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_char*, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ friend char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_char*, char, memory_order);
+ atomic_char() { }
+ atomic_char(char __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_char(const atomic_char&);
+ atomic_char& operator=(const atomic_char&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_schar
+ struct atomic_schar
+ {
+ __atomic_schar_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ swap(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(signed char&, signed char, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(signed char&, signed char,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ signed char
+ fetch_add(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ fetch_sub(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ fetch_and(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ fetch_or(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ fetch_xor(signed char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ signed char
+ operator=(signed char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ signed char
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ signed char
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ signed char
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ signed char
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ signed char
+ operator+=(signed char __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ signed char
+ operator-=(signed char __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ signed char
+ operator&=(signed char __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ signed char
+ operator|=(signed char __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ signed char
+ operator^=(signed char __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char, memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char*,
+ signed char, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_schar*, memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*,
+ signed char, memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend signed char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_schar*, signed char,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_schar() { }
+ atomic_schar(signed char __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_schar(const atomic_schar&);
+ atomic_schar& operator=(const atomic_schar&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_uchar
+ struct atomic_uchar
+ {
+ __atomic_uchar_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ swap(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned char&, unsigned char, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned char&, unsigned char,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ fetch_add(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ fetch_sub(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ fetch_and(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ fetch_or(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ fetch_xor(unsigned char, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned char
+ operator=(unsigned char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ unsigned char
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ unsigned char
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator+=(unsigned char __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator-=(unsigned char __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator&=(unsigned char __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator|=(unsigned char __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ unsigned char
+ operator^=(unsigned char __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char*,
+ unsigned char, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_uchar*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*,
+ unsigned char, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar*, unsigned char,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_uchar() { }
+ atomic_uchar(unsigned char __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_uchar(const atomic_uchar&);
+ atomic_uchar& operator=(const atomic_uchar&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_short
+ struct atomic_short
+ {
+ __atomic_short_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ swap(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(short&, short, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(short&, short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ short
+ fetch_add(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ fetch_sub(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ fetch_and(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ fetch_or(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ fetch_xor(short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ short
+ operator=(short __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ short
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ short
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ short
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ short
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ short
+ operator+=(short __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ short
+ operator-=(short __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ short
+ operator&=(short __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ short
+ operator|=(short __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ short
+ operator^=(short __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short*, short,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_short*, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ friend short
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_short*, short, memory_order);
+ atomic_short() { }
+ atomic_short(short __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_short(const atomic_short&);
+ atomic_short& operator=(const atomic_short&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_ushort
+ struct atomic_ushort
+ {
+ __atomic_ushort_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ swap(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned short&, unsigned short, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned short&, unsigned short,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ fetch_add(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ fetch_sub(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ fetch_and(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ fetch_or(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ fetch_xor(unsigned short, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned short
+ operator=(unsigned short __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ unsigned short
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ unsigned short
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator+=(unsigned short __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator-=(unsigned short __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator&=(unsigned short __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator|=(unsigned short __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ unsigned short
+ operator^=(unsigned short __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short*,
+ unsigned short, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ushort*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort*, unsigned short,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_ushort() { }
+ atomic_ushort(unsigned short __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_ushort(const atomic_ushort&);
+ atomic_ushort& operator=(const atomic_ushort&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_int
+ struct atomic_int
+ {
+ __atomic_int_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ swap(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(int&, int, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(int&, int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ int
+ fetch_add(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ fetch_sub(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ fetch_and(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ fetch_or(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ fetch_xor(int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ int
+ operator=(int __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ int
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ int
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ int
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ int
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ int
+ operator+=(int __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ int
+ operator-=(int __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ int
+ operator&=(int __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ int
+ operator|=(int __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ int
+ operator^=(int __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int*, int,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_int*, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ friend int
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_int*, int, memory_order);
+ atomic_int() { }
+ atomic_int(int __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_int(const atomic_int&);
+ atomic_int& operator=(const atomic_int&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_uint
+ struct atomic_uint
+ {
+ __atomic_uint_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ swap(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned int&, unsigned int, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned int&, unsigned int,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ fetch_add(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ fetch_sub(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ fetch_and(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ fetch_or(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ fetch_xor(unsigned int, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned int
+ operator=(unsigned int __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ unsigned int
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ unsigned int
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator+=(unsigned int __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator-=(unsigned int __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator&=(unsigned int __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator|=(unsigned int __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ unsigned int
+ operator^=(unsigned int __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int*,
+ unsigned int, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_uint*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_uint*, unsigned int,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_uint() { }
+ atomic_uint(unsigned int __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_uint(const atomic_uint&);
+ atomic_uint& operator=(const atomic_uint&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_long
+ struct atomic_long
+ {
+ __atomic_long_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ swap(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(long&, long, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(long&, long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ long
+ fetch_add(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ fetch_sub(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ fetch_and(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ fetch_or(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ fetch_xor(long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long
+ operator=(long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ long
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ long
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ long
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ long
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ long
+ operator+=(long __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ long
+ operator-=(long __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ long
+ operator&=(long __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ long
+ operator|=(long __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ long
+ operator^=(long __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long*, long,
+ memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_long*, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit( volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ friend long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_long*, long, memory_order);
+ atomic_long() { }
+ atomic_long(long __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_long(const atomic_long&);
+ atomic_long& operator=(const atomic_long&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_ulong
+ struct atomic_ulong
+ {
+ __atomic_ulong_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ swap(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned long&, unsigned long, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned long&, unsigned long,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ fetch_add(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ fetch_sub(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ fetch_and(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ fetch_or(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ fetch_xor(unsigned long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long
+ operator=(unsigned long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ unsigned long
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ unsigned long
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator+=(unsigned long __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator-=(unsigned long __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator&=(unsigned long __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator|=(unsigned long __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ unsigned long
+ operator^=(unsigned long __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long*,
+ unsigned long, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ulong*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong*, unsigned long,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_ulong() { }
+ atomic_ulong(unsigned long __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_ulong(const atomic_ulong&);
+ atomic_ulong& operator=(const atomic_ulong&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_llong
+ struct atomic_llong
+ {
+ __atomic_llong_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ swap(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(long long&, long long, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(long long&, long long,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ long long
+ fetch_add(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ fetch_sub(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ fetch_and(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ fetch_or(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ fetch_xor(long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ long long
+ operator=(long long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ long long
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ long long
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ long long
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ long long
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ long long
+ operator+=(long long __v) volatile { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ long long
+ operator-=(long long __v) volatile { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ long long
+ operator&=(long long __v) volatile { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ long long
+ operator|=(long long __v) volatile { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ long long
+ operator^=(long long __v) volatile { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long*,
+ long long, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_llong*, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ friend long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_llong*, long long, memory_order);
+ atomic_llong() { }
+ atomic_llong(long long __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_llong(const atomic_llong&);
+ atomic_llong& operator=(const atomic_llong&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_ullong
+ struct atomic_ullong
+ {
+ __atomic_ullong_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ swap(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned long long&, unsigned long long, memory_order,
+ memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(unsigned long long&, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ fetch_add(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ fetch_sub(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ fetch_and(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ fetch_or(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ fetch_xor(unsigned long long, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ unsigned long long
+ operator=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { store(__v); return __v; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator++(int) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(1); }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator--(int) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator++() volatile
+ { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator--() volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator+=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator-=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator&=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator|=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator^=(unsigned long long __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long*,
+ unsigned long long, memory_order,
+ memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ullong*, memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ friend unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong*, unsigned long long,
+ memory_order);
+ atomic_ullong() { }
+ atomic_ullong(unsigned long long __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_ullong(const atomic_ullong&);
+ atomic_ullong& operator=(const atomic_ullong&);
+ };
+ /// atomic_wchar_t
+ struct atomic_wchar_t
+ {
+ __atomic_wchar_t_base _M_base;
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ swap(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(wchar_t&, wchar_t, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(wchar_t&, wchar_t,
+ memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ fetch_add(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ fetch_sub(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ fetch_and(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ fetch_or(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ fetch_xor(wchar_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ wchar_t
+ operator=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { store(__v); return __v; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator++(int) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(1); }
+ wchar_t
+ operator--(int) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ wchar_t
+ operator++() volatile
+ { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator--() volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator+=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator-=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator&=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_and(__v) & __v; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator|=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_or(__v) | __v; }
+ wchar_t
+ operator^=(wchar_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_xor(__v) ^ __v; }
+ friend void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*,
+ wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order, memory_order);
+ friend void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_wchar_t*, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ friend wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t*, wchar_t, memory_order);
+ atomic_wchar_t() { }
+ atomic_wchar_t(wchar_t __v) { _M_base._M_i = __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic_wchar_t(const atomic_wchar_t&);
+ atomic_wchar_t& operator=(const atomic_wchar_t&);
+ };
+ /// atomic
+ /// 29.4.3, Generic atomic type, primary class template.
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ struct atomic
+ {
+ bool
+ is_lock_free() const volatile;
+ void
+ store(_Tp, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp
+ swap(_Tp __v, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(_Tp&, _Tp, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(_Tp&, _Tp, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ void
+ fence(memory_order) const volatile;
+ _Tp
+ operator=(_Tp __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(_Tp __v) : __f(__v) { }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ _Tp __f;
+ };
+ /// Partial specialization for pointer types.
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ struct atomic<_Tp*> : atomic_address
+ {
+ _Tp*
+ load(memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp*
+ swap(_Tp*, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(_Tp*&, _Tp*, memory_order, memory_order) volatile;
+ bool
+ compare_swap(_Tp*&, _Tp*, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp*
+ fetch_add(ptrdiff_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp*
+ fetch_sub(ptrdiff_t, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
+ _Tp*
+ operator=(_Tp* __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ _Tp*
+ operator++(int) volatile { return fetch_add(1); }
+ _Tp*
+ operator--(int) volatile { return fetch_sub(1); }
+ _Tp*
+ operator++() volatile { return fetch_add(1) + 1; }
+ _Tp*
+ operator--() volatile { return fetch_sub(1) - 1; }
+ _Tp*
+ operator+=(ptrdiff_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_add(__v) + __v; }
+ _Tp*
+ operator-=(ptrdiff_t __v) volatile
+ { return fetch_sub(__v) - __v; }
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(_Tp* __v) : atomic_address(__v) { }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for bool.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<bool> : atomic_bool
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(bool __v) : atomic_bool(__v) { }
+ bool
+ operator=(bool __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for void*
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<void*> : atomic_address
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(void* __v) : atomic_address(__v) { }
+ void*
+ operator=(void* __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for char.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<char> : atomic_char
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(char __v) : atomic_char(__v) { }
+ char
+ operator=(char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for signed char.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<signed char> : atomic_schar
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(signed char __v) : atomic_schar(__v) { }
+ signed char
+ operator=(signed char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for unsigned char.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<unsigned char> : atomic_uchar
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(unsigned char __v) : atomic_uchar(__v) { }
+ unsigned char
+ operator=(unsigned char __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic&
+ operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for short.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<short> : atomic_short
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(short __v) : atomic_short(__v) { }
+ short
+ operator=(short __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for unsigned short.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<unsigned short> : atomic_ushort
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(unsigned short __v) : atomic_ushort(__v) { }
+ unsigned short
+ operator=(unsigned short __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for int.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<int> : atomic_int
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(int __v) : atomic_int(__v) { }
+ int
+ operator=(int __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for unsigned int.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<unsigned int> : atomic_uint
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(unsigned int __v) : atomic_uint(__v) { }
+ unsigned int
+ operator=(unsigned int __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for long.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<long> : atomic_long
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(long __v) : atomic_long(__v) { }
+ long
+ operator=(long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for unsigned long.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<unsigned long> : atomic_ulong
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(unsigned long __v) : atomic_ulong(__v) { }
+ unsigned long
+ operator=(unsigned long __v) volatile
+ { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for long long.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<long long> : atomic_llong
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(long long __v) : atomic_llong(__v) { }
+ long long
+ operator=(long long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for unsigned long long.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<unsigned long long> : atomic_ullong
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(unsigned long long __v) : atomic_ullong(__v) { }
+ unsigned long long
+ operator=(unsigned long long __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ /// Explicit specialization for wchar_t.
+ template<>
+ struct atomic<wchar_t> : atomic_wchar_t
+ {
+ atomic() { }
+ explicit atomic(wchar_t __v) : atomic_wchar_t(__v) { }
+ wchar_t
+ operator=(wchar_t __v) volatile { store(__v); return __v; }
+ private:
+ atomic(const atomic&);
+ atomic& operator=(const atomic&);
+ };
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_bool* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_bool* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_bool* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool __m, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool* __e, bool __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_bool* __a, bool* __e, bool __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_bool* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_address* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_address* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, void* __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_address* __a, void* __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, void* __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_address* __a, void* __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, void** __e,
+ void* __m, memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_address* __a, void** __e, void* __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_address* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_char* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_char* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char* __e, char __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_char* __a, char* __e, char __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_char* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_schar* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_schar* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char* __e,
+ signed char __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char* __e,
+ signed char __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_schar* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_uchar* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_uchar* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char* __e,
+ unsigned char __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char* __e,
+ unsigned char __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_uchar* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_short* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline short
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_short* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short* __e,
+ short __m, memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_short* __a, short* __e, short __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_short* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_ushort* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_ushort* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a,
+ unsigned short* __e, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short* __e,
+ unsigned short __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ushort* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_int* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline int
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_int* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int* __e, int __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_int* __a, int* __e, int __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_int* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_uint* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_uint* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int* __e,
+ unsigned int __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int* __e,
+ unsigned int __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_uint* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_long* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_long* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long* __e, long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_long* __a, long* __e, long __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_long* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_ulong* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_ulong* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long* __e,
+ unsigned long __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long* __e,
+ unsigned long __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ulong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_llong* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_llong* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long* __e,
+ long long __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long* __e,
+ long long __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_llong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_ullong* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_ullong* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long* __e, unsigned long long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long* __e,
+ unsigned long long __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_ullong* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a)
+ { return false; }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_load_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(__a, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_load(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a)
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(__a, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_STORE_(__a, __m, __x); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_store(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_store_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, =, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_swap(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t* __e,
+ wchar_t __m, memory_order __x, memory_order __y)
+ { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(__a, __e, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_compare_swap(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t* __e, wchar_t __m)
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(__a, __e, __m, memory_order_seq_cst,
+ memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void
+ atomic_fence(const volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, memory_order __x)
+ { _ATOMIC_FENCE_(__a, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, ptrdiff_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ {
+ void* volatile* __p = &((__a)->_M_base._M_i);
+ volatile atomic_flag* __g = __atomic_flag_for_address(__p);
+ __atomic_flag_wait_explicit(__g, __x);
+ void* __r = *__p;
+ *__p = (void*)((char*)(*__p) + __m);
+ atomic_flag_clear_explicit(__g, __x);
+ return __r;
+ }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_address* __a, ptrdiff_t __m)
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_address* __a, ptrdiff_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ {
+ void* volatile* __p = &((__a)->_M_base._M_i);
+ volatile atomic_flag* __g = __atomic_flag_for_address(__p);
+ __atomic_flag_wait_explicit(__g, __x);
+ void* __r = *__p;
+ *__p = (void*)((char*)(*__p) - __m);
+ atomic_flag_clear_explicit(__g, __x);
+ return __r;
+ }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_address* __a, ptrdiff_t __m)
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_char* __a, char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_schar* __a, signed char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_uchar* __a,
+ unsigned char __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_uchar* __a, unsigned char __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_short* __a, short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_ushort* __a, unsigned short __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_int* __a, int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_uint* __a, unsigned int __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_long* __a, long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_ulong* __a, unsigned long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a,
+ long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a,
+ long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_llong* __a,
+ long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_llong* __a, long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_ullong* __a,
+ unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_ullong* __a, unsigned long long __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, +=, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_add(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_add_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, -=, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_sub(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_and_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, &=, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_and(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_and_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, |=, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_or(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_or_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x)
+ { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(__a, ^=, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_fetch_xor(volatile atomic_wchar_t* __a, wchar_t __m)
+ { atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(__a, __m, memory_order_seq_cst); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_bool::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_bool::store(bool __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_bool::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_bool::swap(bool __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_bool::compare_swap(bool& __e, bool __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_bool::compare_swap(bool& __e, bool __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_bool::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_char::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_char::store(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::swap(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_char::compare_swap(char& __e, char __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_char::compare_swap(char& __e, char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_char::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_schar::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_schar::store(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::swap(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_schar::compare_swap(signed char& __e, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_schar::compare_swap(signed char& __e, signed char __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_schar::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uchar::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_uchar::store(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::swap(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uchar::compare_swap(unsigned char& __e, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uchar::compare_swap(unsigned char& __e, unsigned char __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_uchar::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_short::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_short::store(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::swap(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_short::compare_swap(short& __e, short __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_short::compare_swap(short& __e, short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_short::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ushort::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ushort::store(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::swap(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ushort::compare_swap(unsigned short& __e, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ushort::compare_swap(unsigned short& __e, unsigned short __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ushort::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_int::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_int::store(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::swap(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_int::compare_swap(int& __e, int __m, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_int::compare_swap(int& __e, int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_int::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uint::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_uint::store(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::swap(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uint::compare_swap(unsigned int& __e, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_uint::compare_swap(unsigned int& __e, unsigned int __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_uint::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_long::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_long::store(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::swap(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_long::compare_swap(long& __e, long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_long::compare_swap(long& __e, long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_long::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ulong::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ulong::store(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::swap(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ulong::compare_swap(unsigned long& __e, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ulong::compare_swap(unsigned long& __e, unsigned long __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ulong::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_llong::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_llong::store(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::swap(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_llong::compare_swap(long long& __e, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_llong::compare_swap(long long& __e, long long __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_llong::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ullong::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ullong::store(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::swap(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ullong::compare_swap(unsigned long long& __e, unsigned long long __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_ullong::compare_swap(unsigned long long& __e, unsigned long long __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_ullong::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_wchar_t::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_wchar_t::store(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::swap(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_wchar_t::compare_swap(wchar_t& __e, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_wchar_t::compare_swap(wchar_t& __e, wchar_t __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_wchar_t::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_address::fetch_add(ptrdiff_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_address::fetch_sub(ptrdiff_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::fetch_add(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::fetch_sub(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::fetch_and(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::fetch_or(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline char
+ atomic_char::fetch_xor(char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::fetch_add(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::fetch_sub(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::fetch_and(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::fetch_or(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline signed char
+ atomic_schar::fetch_xor(signed char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::fetch_add(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::fetch_sub(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::fetch_and(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::fetch_or(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned char
+ atomic_uchar::fetch_xor(unsigned char __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::fetch_add(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::fetch_sub(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::fetch_and(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::fetch_or(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline short
+ atomic_short::fetch_xor(short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::fetch_add(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::fetch_sub(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::fetch_and(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::fetch_or(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned short
+ atomic_ushort::fetch_xor(unsigned short __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::fetch_add(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::fetch_sub(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::fetch_and(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::fetch_or(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline int
+ atomic_int::fetch_xor(int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::fetch_add(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::fetch_sub(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::fetch_and(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::fetch_or(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned int
+ atomic_uint::fetch_xor(unsigned int __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::fetch_add(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::fetch_sub(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::fetch_and(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::fetch_or(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long
+ atomic_long::fetch_xor(long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::fetch_add(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::fetch_sub(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::fetch_and(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::fetch_or(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long
+ atomic_ulong::fetch_xor(unsigned long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::fetch_add(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::fetch_sub(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::fetch_and(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::fetch_or(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline long long
+ atomic_llong::fetch_xor(long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::fetch_add(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::fetch_sub(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::fetch_and(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::fetch_or(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline unsigned long long
+ atomic_ullong::fetch_xor(unsigned long long __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::fetch_add(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::fetch_sub(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::fetch_and(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_and_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::fetch_or(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_or_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline wchar_t
+ atomic_wchar_t::fetch_xor(wchar_t __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_address::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ inline void
+ atomic_address::store(void* __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { atomic_store_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_address::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_load_explicit(this, __x); }
+ inline void*
+ atomic_address::swap(void* __m, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return atomic_swap_explicit(this, __m, __x); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_address::compare_swap(void*& __e, void* __m,
+ memory_order __x, memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __y); }
+ inline bool
+ atomic_address::compare_swap(void*& __e, void* __m,
+ memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return atomic_compare_swap_explicit(this, &__e, __m, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ inline void
+ atomic_address::fence(memory_order __x) const volatile
+ { return atomic_fence(this, __x); }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline bool
+ atomic<_Tp>::is_lock_free() const volatile
+ { return false; }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline void
+ atomic<_Tp>::store(_Tp __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ // XXX
+ // { _ATOMIC_STORE_(this, __v, __x); }
+ { }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline _Tp
+ atomic<_Tp>::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ // XXX
+ // { return _ATOMIC_LOAD_(this, __x); }
+ { }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline _Tp
+ atomic<_Tp>::swap(_Tp __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ // XXX
+ // { return _ATOMIC_MODIFY_(this, =, __v, __x); }
+ { }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline bool
+ atomic<_Tp>::compare_swap(_Tp& __r, _Tp __v, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y) volatile
+ // XXX
+ // { return _ATOMIC_CMPSWP_(this, &__r, __v, __x); }
+ { }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ inline bool
+ atomic<_Tp>::compare_swap(_Tp& __r, _Tp __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return compare_swap(__r, __v, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ _Tp*
+ atomic<_Tp*>::load(memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return static_cast<_Tp*>(atomic_address::load(__x)); }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ _Tp*
+ atomic<_Tp*>::swap(_Tp* __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ { return static_cast<_Tp*>(atomic_address::swap(__v, __x)); }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ bool
+ atomic<_Tp*>::compare_swap(_Tp*& __r, _Tp* __v, memory_order __x,
+ memory_order __y) volatile
+ { return atomic_address::compare_swap(*reinterpret_cast<void**>(&__r),
+ static_cast<void*>(__v), __x, __y); }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ bool
+ atomic<_Tp*>::compare_swap(_Tp*& __r, _Tp* __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ const bool __cond1 = __x == memory_order_release;
+ const bool __cond2 = __x == memory_order_acq_rel;
+ memory_order __mo1(__cond1 ? memory_order_relaxed : __x);
+ memory_order __mo2(__cond2 ? memory_order_acquire : __mo1);
+ return compare_swap(__r, __v, __x, __mo2);
+ }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ _Tp*
+ atomic<_Tp*>::fetch_add(ptrdiff_t __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ void* __p = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(this, sizeof(_Tp) * __v, __x);
+ return static_cast<_Tp*>(__p);
+ }
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ _Tp*
+ atomic<_Tp*>::fetch_sub(ptrdiff_t __v, memory_order __x) volatile
+ {
+ void* __p = atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(this, sizeof(_Tp) * __v, __x);
+ return static_cast<_Tp*>(__p);
+ }