--- /dev/null
+! {dg-do run}
+! Test contributed by Thomas L. Clune via pr60322
+! and Antony Lewis via pr64692
+program class_array_20
+ implicit none
+ type Foo
+ end type
+ type(foo), dimension(2:3) :: arg
+ integer :: oneDarr(2)
+ integer :: twoDarr(2,3)
+ integer :: x, y
+ double precision :: P(2, 2)
+ ! Checking for PR/60322
+ call copyFromClassArray([Foo(), Foo()])
+ call copyFromClassArray(arg)
+ call copyFromClassArray(arg(:))
+ x= 3
+ y= 4
+ oneDarr = [x, y]
+ call W([x, y])
+ call W(oneDarr)
+ call W([3, 4])
+ twoDarr = reshape([3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3])
+ call WtwoD(twoDarr)
+ call WtwoD(reshape([3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3]))
+ ! Checking for PR/64692
+ P(1:2, 1) = [1.d0, 2.d0]
+ P(1:2, 2) = [3.d0, 4.d0]
+ call AddArray(P(1:2, 2))
+ subroutine copyFromClassArray(classarray)
+ class (Foo), intent(in) :: classarray(:)
+ if (lbound(classarray, 1) .ne. 1) call abort()
+ if (ubound(classarray, 1) .ne. 2) call abort()
+ if (size(classarray) .ne. 2) call abort()
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine AddArray(P)
+ class(*), target, intent(in) :: P(:)
+ class(*), pointer :: Pt(:)
+ allocate(Pt(1:size(P)), source= P)
+ select type (P)
+ type is (double precision)
+ if (abs(P(1)-3.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+ if (abs(P(2)-4.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+ class default
+ call abort()
+ end select
+ select type (Pt)
+ type is (double precision)
+ if (abs(Pt(1)-3.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+ if (abs(Pt(2)-4.d0) .gt. 1.d-8) call abort()
+ class default
+ call abort()
+ end select
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine W(ar)
+ class(*), intent(in) :: ar(:)
+ if (lbound(ar, 1) /= 1) call abort()
+ select type (ar)
+ type is (integer)
+ ! The indeces 1:2 are essential here, or else one would not
+ ! note, that the array internally starts at 0, although the
+ ! check for the lbound above went fine.
+ if (any (ar(1:2) .ne. [3, 4])) call abort()
+ class default
+ call abort()
+ end select
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine WtwoD(ar)
+ class(*), intent(in) :: ar(:,:)
+ if (any (lbound(ar) /= [1, 1])) call abort()
+ select type (ar)
+ type is (integer)
+ if (any (reshape(ar(1:2,1:3), [6]) .ne. [3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7])) &
+ call abort()
+ class default
+ call abort()
+ end select
+ end subroutine
+end program class_array_20
--- /dev/null
+! {dg-do run}
+! Testcase contributed by Andre Vehreschild <vehre@gcc.gnu.org>
+module module_finalize_29
+ implicit none
+ ! The type name is encoding the state of its finalizer being
+ ! elemental (second letter 'e'), or non-element (second letter 'n')
+ ! or array shaped (second letter 'a'), or shape-specific routine
+ ! (generic; second letter 'g'),
+ ! and whether the init-routine is elemental or not (third letter
+ ! either 'e' or 'n').
+ type ten
+ integer :: i = 40
+ contains
+ final :: ten_fin
+ end type ten
+ type tee
+ integer :: i = 41
+ contains
+ final :: tee_fin
+ end type tee
+ type tne
+ integer :: i = 42
+ contains
+ final :: tne_fin
+ end type tne
+ type tnn
+ integer :: i = 43
+ contains
+ final :: tnn_fin
+ end type tnn
+ type tae
+ integer :: i = 44
+ contains
+ final :: tae_fin
+ end type tae
+ type tan
+ integer :: i = 45
+ contains
+ final :: tan_fin
+ end type tan
+ type tge
+ integer :: i = 46
+ contains
+ final :: tge_scalar_fin, tge_array_fin
+ end type tge
+ type tgn
+ integer :: i = 47
+ contains
+ final :: tgn_scalar_fin, tgn_array_fin
+ end type tgn
+ integer :: ten_fin_counts, tee_fin_counts, tne_fin_counts, tnn_fin_counts
+ integer :: tae_fin_counts, tan_fin_counts
+ integer :: tge_scalar_fin_counts, tge_array_fin_counts
+ integer :: tgn_scalar_fin_counts, tgn_array_fin_counts
+ impure elemental subroutine ten_fin(x)
+ type(ten), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -10 * x%i
+ ten_fin_counts = ten_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine ten_fin
+ impure elemental subroutine tee_fin(x)
+ type(tee), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -11 * x%i
+ tee_fin_counts = tee_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tee_fin
+ subroutine tne_fin(x)
+ type(tne), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -12 * x%i
+ tne_fin_counts = tne_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tne_fin
+ subroutine tnn_fin(x)
+ type(tnn), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -13 * x%i
+ tnn_fin_counts = tnn_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tnn_fin
+ subroutine tae_fin(x)
+ type(tae), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+ x%i = -14 * x%i
+ tae_fin_counts = tae_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tae_fin
+ subroutine tan_fin(x)
+ type(tan), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+ x%i = -15 * x%i
+ tan_fin_counts = tan_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tan_fin
+ subroutine tge_scalar_fin(x)
+ type(tge), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -16 * x%i
+ tge_scalar_fin_counts = tge_scalar_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tge_scalar_fin
+ subroutine tge_array_fin(x)
+ type(tge), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+ x%i = -17 * x%i
+ tge_array_fin_counts = tge_array_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tge_array_fin
+ subroutine tgn_scalar_fin(x)
+ type(tgn), intent(inout) :: x
+ x%i = -18 * x%i
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts = tgn_scalar_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tgn_scalar_fin
+ subroutine tgn_array_fin(x)
+ type(tgn), intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+ x%i = -19 * x%i
+ tgn_array_fin_counts = tgn_array_fin_counts + 1
+ end subroutine tgn_array_fin
+ ! The finalizer/initializer call producer
+ subroutine ten_init(x)
+ class(ten), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+ end subroutine ten_init
+ impure elemental subroutine tee_init(x)
+ class(tee), intent(out) :: x
+ end subroutine tee_init
+ impure elemental subroutine tne_init(x)
+ class(tne), intent(out) :: x
+ end subroutine tne_init
+ subroutine tnn_init(x)
+ class(tnn), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+ end subroutine tnn_init
+ impure elemental subroutine tae_init(x)
+ class(tae), intent(out) :: x
+ end subroutine tae_init
+ subroutine tan_init(x)
+ class(tan), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+ end subroutine tan_init
+ impure elemental subroutine tge_init(x)
+ class(tge), intent(out) :: x
+ end subroutine tge_init
+ subroutine tgn_init(x)
+ class(tgn), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
+ end subroutine tgn_init
+end module module_finalize_29
+program finalize_29
+ use module_finalize_29
+ implicit none
+ type(ten), allocatable :: x_ten(:,:)
+ type(tee), allocatable :: x_tee(:,:)
+ type(tne), allocatable :: x_tne(:,:)
+ type(tnn), allocatable :: x_tnn(:,:)
+ type(tae), allocatable :: x_tae(:,:)
+ type(tan), allocatable :: x_tan(:,:)
+ type(tge), allocatable :: x_tge(:,:)
+ type(tgn), allocatable :: x_tgn(:,:)
+ ! Set the global counts to zero.
+ ten_fin_counts = 0
+ tee_fin_counts = 0
+ tne_fin_counts = 0
+ tnn_fin_counts = 0
+ tae_fin_counts = 0
+ tan_fin_counts = 0
+ tge_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+ tge_array_fin_counts = 0
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+ tgn_array_fin_counts = 0
+ allocate(ten :: x_ten(5,5))
+ allocate(tee :: x_tee(5,5))
+ allocate(tne :: x_tne(5,5))
+ allocate(tnn :: x_tnn(5,5))
+ allocate(tae :: x_tae(5,5))
+ allocate(tan :: x_tan(5,5))
+ allocate(tge :: x_tge(5,5))
+ allocate(tgn :: x_tgn(5,5))
+ x_ten%i = 1
+ x_tee%i = 2
+ x_tne%i = 3
+ x_tnn%i = 4
+ x_tae%i = 5
+ x_tan%i = 6
+ x_tge%i = 7
+ x_tgn%i = 8
+ call ten_init(x_ten(::2, ::3))
+ if (ten_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+ if (tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+ tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ ten_fin_counts = 0
+ call tee_init(x_tee(::2, ::3))
+ if (tee_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+ tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ tee_fin_counts = 0
+ call tne_init(x_tne(::2, ::3))
+ if (tne_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+ tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ tne_fin_counts = 0
+ call tnn_init(x_tnn(::2, ::3))
+ if (tnn_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tae_fin_counts + &
+ tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ call tae_init(x_tae(::2, ::3))
+ if (tae_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+ tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ call tan_init(x_tan(::2, ::3))
+ if (tan_fin_counts /= 1) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+ tae_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + tge_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ tan_fin_counts = 0
+ call tge_init(x_tge(::2, ::3))
+ if (tge_scalar_fin_counts /= 6) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+ tae_fin_counts + tan_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts + &
+ tgn_scalar_fin_counts + tgn_array_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ tge_scalar_fin_counts = 0
+ call tgn_init(x_tgn(::2, ::3))
+ if (tgn_array_fin_counts /= 1) call abort()
+ if (ten_fin_counts + tee_fin_counts + tne_fin_counts + tnn_fin_counts + &
+ tae_fin_counts + tan_fin_counts + tge_scalar_fin_counts + &
+ tge_array_fin_counts + tgn_scalar_fin_counts /= 0) call abort()
+ tgn_array_fin_counts = 0
+ if (any (reshape (x_ten%i, [25]) /= [[40, 1, 40, 1, 40], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],&
+ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [40, 1, 40, 1, 40], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tee%i, [25]) /= [[41, 2, 41, 2, 41], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],&
+ [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [41, 2, 41, 2, 41], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tne%i, [25]) /= [[42, 3, 42, 3, 42], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3],&
+ [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [42, 3, 42, 3, 42], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tnn%i, [25]) /= [[43, 4, 43, 4, 43], [4, 4, 4, 4, 4],&
+ [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], [43, 4, 43, 4, 43], [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tae%i, [25]) /= [[44, 5, 44, 5, 44], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5],&
+ [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], [44, 5, 44, 5, 44], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tan%i, [25]) /= [[45, 6, 45, 6, 45], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6],&
+ [6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [45, 6, 45, 6, 45], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tge%i, [25]) /= [[46, 7, 46, 7, 46], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7],&
+ [7, 7, 7, 7, 7], [46, 7, 46, 7, 46], [7, 7, 7, 7, 7]])) call abort()
+ if (any (reshape (x_tgn%i, [25]) /= [[47, 8, 47, 8, 47], [8, 8, 8, 8, 8],&
+ [8, 8, 8, 8, 8], [47, 8, 47, 8, 47], [8, 8, 8, 8, 8]])) call abort()
+end program finalize_29