Implementation note: even in in-order microarchitectures it is strongly adviseable to use byte-level write-enable lines on the register file. This in combination with 8-bit SIMD element overrides allows, in "non-zeroing" mode, the predicate mask to be directly ANDed with the regfile write-enable lines to achieve the required functionality. The alternative is to perform a READ-MODIFY-MASK-WRITE cycle which is costly and compromises performance. Avoided very simply with byte-level write-enable.
+## General implications and considerations
+XER.SO (sticky overflow) is known to cause massive slowdown in pretty much every microarchitecture and it definitely compromises the perfornance of out-of-order systems. The reason is that it introduces READ-MODIFY-WRITE between XER.SO and CR0 (which contains a copy of the SO field after inclusion of the overflow). The result and source registers branch off as RaW and WaR hazards from this RMW chain.
+This is even before predication or vectorisation were to be added on top, i.e. these are existing weaknesses in OpenPOWER as a scalar ISA.
+As well-known weaknesses that compromise performance, very little use of OE=1 is actually made, outside of unit tests and Conformance Tests. Consequently it nakes very little sense to continue to propagate OE=1 in the Vectorisation context of SV.
# Proposals
## Adding new predicate register file type and associated opcodes