When using `check-function-bodies`, the subroutine `parse_function_bodies` uses
the `fluff` regexp to remove uninteresting assembly lines.
Arm targets generate assembly with some lines prefixed by `@`, these lines are
left by this process.
As an example of some lines prefixed by `@': the assembly output from the
`stacktest1` function in "bfloat16_simd_3_1.c" is:
.align 2
.global stacktest1
.arch armv8.2-a
.syntax unified
.fpu neon-fp-armv8
.type stacktest1, %function
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 8
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
@ link register save eliminated.
sub sp, sp, #8
add r3, sp, #6
vst1.16 {d0[0]}, [r3]
vld1.16 {d0[0]}, [r3]
add sp, sp, #8
@ sp needed
bx lr
.size stacktest1, .-stacktest1
It seems that previous uses of `check-function-bodies` in the arm backend have
avoided problems with such lines since they use the `...` regexp in each place
such fluff occurs.
I'm currently writing a patch that I'd like to match the entire function body,
so I'd like to remove such `@` lines automatically.
2020-03-11 Matthew Malcomson <matthew.malcomson@arm.com>
* lib/scanasm.exp (parse_function_bodies): Lines starting with '@' also
counted as fluff.
+2020-03-11 Matthew Malcomson <matthew.malcomson@arm.com>
+ * lib/scanasm.exp (parse_function_bodies): Lines starting with '@' also
+ counted as fluff.
2020-03-11 Richard Wai <richard@annexi-strayline.com>
* gnat.dg/subpools1.adb: New test.
set terminator {^\s*\.size}
# Regexp for lines that aren't interesting.
- set fluff {^\s*(?:\.|//)}
+ set fluff {^\s*(?:\.|//|@)}
set fd [open $filename r]
set in_function 0