--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# NOTE that this program is python2 compatible, please do not stop it
+# from working by adding syntax that prevents that.
+# Initial version written by lkcl Oct 2020
+# This program analyses the Power 9 op codes and looks at in/out register uses
+# The results are displayed:
+# https://libre-soc.org/openpower/opcode_regs_deduped/
+# It finds .csv files in the directory isatables/
+# then goes through the categories and creates svp64 CSV augmentation
+# tables on a per-opcode basis
+import csv
+import os
+from os.path import dirname, join
+from glob import glob
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from soc.decoder.power_svp64 import SVP64RM
+# Return absolute path (ie $PWD) + isatables + name
+def find_wiki_file(name):
+ filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ tabledir = join(filedir, 'isatables')
+ file_path = join(tabledir, name)
+ return file_path
+# Return an array of dictionaries from the CSV file name:
+def get_csv(name):
+ file_path = find_wiki_file(name)
+ with open(file_path, 'r') as csvfile:
+ reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
+ return list(reader)
+# Write an array of dictionaries to the CSV file name:
+def write_csv(name, items, headers):
+ file_path = find_wiki_file(name)
+ with open(file_path, 'w') as csvfile:
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, headers, lineterminator="\n")
+ writer.writeheader()
+ writer.writerows(items)
+# This will return True if all values are true.
+# Not sure what this is about
+def blank_key(row):
+ #for v in row.values():
+ # if 'SPR' in v: # skip all SPRs
+ # return True
+ for v in row.values():
+ if v:
+ return False
+ return True
+# General purpose registers have names like: RA, RT, R1, ...
+# Floating point registers names like: FRT, FRA, FR1, ..., FRTp, ...
+# Return True if field is a register
+def isreg(field):
+ return (field.startswith('R') or field.startswith('FR') or
+ field == 'SPR')
+# These are the attributes of the instructions,
+# register names
+keycolumns = ['unit', 'in1', 'in2', 'in3', 'out', 'CR in', 'CR out',
+ ] # don't think we need these: 'ldst len', 'rc', 'lk']
+tablecols = ['unit', 'in', 'outcnt', 'CR in', 'CR out', 'imm'
+ ] # don't think we need these: 'ldst len', 'rc', 'lk']
+def create_key(row):
+ res = OrderedDict()
+ #print ("row", row)
+ for key in keycolumns:
+ # registers IN - special-case: count number of regs RA/RB/RC/RS
+ if key in ['in1', 'in2', 'in3']:
+ if 'in' not in res:
+ res['in'] = 0
+ if isreg(row[key]):
+ res['in'] += 1
+ # registers OUT
+ if key == 'out':
+ # If upd is 1 then increment the count of outputs
+ if 'outcnt' not in res:
+ res['outcnt'] = 0
+ if isreg(row[key]):
+ res['outcnt'] += 1
+ if row['upd'] == '1':
+ res['outcnt'] += 1
+ # CRs (Condition Register) (CR0 .. CR7)
+ if key.startswith('CR'):
+ if row[key].startswith('NONE'):
+ res[key] = '0'
+ else:
+ res[key] = '1'
+ if row['comment'].startswith('cr'):
+ res['crop'] = '1'
+ # unit
+ if key == 'unit':
+ if row[key] == 'LDST': # we care about LDST units
+ res[key] = row[key]
+ else:
+ res[key] = 'OTHER'
+ # LDST len (LoadStore length)
+ if key.startswith('ldst'):
+ if row[key].startswith('NONE'):
+ res[key] = '0'
+ else:
+ res[key] = '1'
+ # rc, lk
+ if key in ['rc', 'lk']:
+ if row[key] == 'ONE':
+ res[key] = '1'
+ elif row[key] == 'NONE':
+ res[key] = '0'
+ else:
+ res[key] = 'R'
+ if key == 'lk':
+ res[key] = row[key]
+ # Convert the numerics 'in' & 'outcnt' to strings
+ res['in'] = str(res['in'])
+ res['outcnt'] = str(res['outcnt'])
+ # constants
+ if row['in2'].startswith('CONST_'):
+ res['imm'] = "1" # row['in2'].split("_")[1]
+ else:
+ res['imm'] = ''
+ return res
+def dformat(d):
+ res = []
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ res.append("%s: %s" % (k, v))
+ return ' '.join(res)
+def tformat(d):
+ return ' | '.join(d) + " |"
+def keyname(row):
+ res = []
+ if row['unit'] != 'OTHER':
+ res.append(row['unit'])
+ if row['in'] != '0':
+ res.append('%sR' % row['in'])
+ if row['outcnt'] != '0':
+ res.append('%sW' % row['outcnt'])
+ if row['CR in'] == '1' and row['CR out'] == '1':
+ if 'crop' in row:
+ res.append("CR=2R1W")
+ else:
+ res.append("CRio")
+ elif row['CR in'] == '1':
+ res.append("CRi")
+ elif row['CR out'] == '1':
+ res.append("CRo")
+ elif 'imm' in row and row['imm']:
+ res.append("imm")
+ return '-'.join(res)
+def process_csvs():
+ csvs = {}
+ csvs_svp64 = {}
+ bykey = {}
+ primarykeys = set()
+ dictkeys = OrderedDict()
+ immediates = {}
+ insns = {} # dictionary of CSV row, by instruction
+ insn_to_csv = {}
+ print ("# OpenPOWER ISA register 'profile's")
+ print ('')
+ print ("this page is auto-generated, do not edit")
+ print ("created by http://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv_analysis.py")
+ print ('')
+ # Expand that (all .csv files)
+ pth = find_wiki_file("*.csv")
+ # Ignore those containing: valid test sprs
+ for fname in glob(pth):
+ if '-' in fname:
+ continue
+ if 'valid' in fname:
+ continue
+ if 'test' in fname:
+ continue
+ if fname.endswith('sprs.csv'):
+ continue
+ if fname.endswith('minor_19_valid.csv'):
+ continue
+ if 'RM' in fname:
+ continue
+ #print (fname)
+ csvname = os.path.split(fname)[1]
+ csvname_ = csvname.split(".")[0]
+ # csvname is something like: minor_59.csv, fname the whole path
+ csv = get_csv(fname)
+ csvs[fname] = csv
+ csvs_svp64[csvname_] = []
+ for row in csv:
+ if blank_key(row):
+ continue
+ insn_name = row['comment']
+ # skip instructions that are not suitable
+ if insn_name in ['mcrxr', 'mcrxrx', 'darn']:
+ continue
+ if insn_name.startswith('bc') or 'rfid' in insn_name:
+ continue
+ if insn_name in ['setvl',]: # SVP64 opcodes
+ continue
+ insns[insn_name] = row # accumulate csv data by instruction
+ insn_to_csv[insn_name] = csvname_ # CSV file name by instruction
+ dkey = create_key(row)
+ key = tuple(dkey.values())
+ # print("key=", key)
+ dictkeys[key] = dkey
+ primarykeys.add(key)
+ if key not in bykey:
+ bykey[key] = []
+ bykey[key].append((csvname, row['opcode'], insn_name,
+ row['form'].upper() + '-Form'))
+ # detect immediates, collate them (useful info)
+ if row['in2'].startswith('CONST_'):
+ imm = row['in2'].split("_")[1]
+ if key not in immediates:
+ immediates[key] = set()
+ immediates[key].add(imm)
+ primarykeys = list(primarykeys)
+ primarykeys.sort()
+ # mapping to old SVPrefix "Forms"
+ mapsto = {'3R-1W-CRio': 'RM-1P-3S1D',
+ '2R-1W-CRio': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ '2R-1W-CRi': 'RM-1P-3S1D',
+ '2R-1W-CRo': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ '2R': 'non-SV',
+ '2R-1W': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ '1R-CRio': 'RM-2P-2S1D',
+ '2R-CRio': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ '2R-CRo': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ '1R': 'non-SV',
+ '1R-1W-CRio': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ '1R-1W-CRo': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ '1R-1W': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ '1R-1W-imm': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ '1R-CRo': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ '1R-imm': 'non-SV',
+ '1W': 'non-SV',
+ '1W-CRi': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ 'CRio': 'RM-2P-1S1D',
+ 'CR=2R1W': 'RM-1P-2S1D',
+ 'CRi': 'non-SV',
+ 'imm': 'non-SV',
+ '': 'non-SV',
+ 'LDST-2R-imm': 'LDSTRM-2P-2S',
+ 'LDST-2R-1W-imm': 'LDSTRM-2P-2S1D',
+ 'LDST-2R-1W': 'LDSTRM-2P-2S1D',
+ 'LDST-2R-2W': 'LDSTRM-2P-2S1D',
+ 'LDST-1R-1W-imm': 'LDSTRM-2P-1S1D',
+ 'LDST-1R-2W-imm': 'LDSTRM-2P-1S2D',
+ 'LDST-3R': 'LDSTRM-2P-3S',
+ 'LDST-3R-CRo': 'LDSTRM-2P-3S', # st*x
+ 'LDST-3R-1W': 'LDSTRM-2P-2S1D', # st*x
+ }
+ print ("# map to old SV Prefix")
+ print ('')
+ print ('[[!table data="""')
+ for key in primarykeys:
+ name = keyname(dictkeys[key])
+ value = mapsto.get(name, "-")
+ print (tformat([name, value+ " "]))
+ print ('"""]]')
+ print ('')
+ print ("# keys")
+ print ('')
+ print ('[[!table data="""')
+ print (tformat(tablecols) + " imms | name |")
+ # print out the keys and the table from which they're derived
+ for key in primarykeys:
+ name = keyname(dictkeys[key])
+ row = tformat(dictkeys[key].values())
+ imms = list(immediates.get(key, ""))
+ imms.sort()
+ row += " %s | " % ("/".join(imms))
+ row += " %s |" % name
+ print (row)
+ print ('"""]]')
+ print ('')
+ # print out, by remap name, all the instructions under that category
+ for key in primarykeys:
+ name = keyname(dictkeys[key])
+ value = mapsto.get(name, "-")
+ print ("## %s (%s)" % (name, value))
+ print ('')
+ print ('[[!table data="""')
+ print (tformat(['CSV', 'opcode', 'asm', 'form']))
+ rows = bykey[key]
+ rows.sort()
+ for row in rows:
+ print (tformat(row))
+ print ('"""]]')
+ print ('')
+ #for fname, csv in csvs.items():
+ # print (fname)
+ #for insn, row in insns.items():
+ # print (insn, row)
+ print ("# svp64 remaps")
+ svp64 = OrderedDict()
+ # create a CSV file, per category, with SV "augmentation" info
+ # XXX note: 'out2' not added here, needs to be added to CSV files
+ # KEEP TRACK OF THESE https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=619
+ csvcols = ['insn', 'Ptype', 'Etype', '0', '1', '2', '3']
+ csvcols += ['in1', 'in2', 'in3', 'out', 'CR in', 'CR out'] # temporary
+ for key in primarykeys:
+ # get the decoded key containing row-analysis, and name/value
+ dkey = dictkeys[key]
+ name = keyname(dkey)
+ value = mapsto.get(name, "-")
+ if value == 'non-SV':
+ continue
+ # print out svp64 tables by category
+ print ("* **%s**: %s" % (name, value))
+ # store csv entries by svp64 RM category
+ if value not in svp64:
+ svp64[value] = []
+ rows = bykey[key]
+ rows.sort()
+ for row in rows:
+ #for idx in range(len(row)):
+ # if row[idx] == 'NONE':
+ # row[idx] = ''
+ # get the instruction
+ insn_name = row[2]
+ insn = insns[insn_name]
+ # start constructing svp64 CSV row
+ res = OrderedDict()
+ res['insn'] = insn_name
+ res['Ptype'] = value.split('-')[1] # predication type (RM-xN-xxx)
+ # get whether R_xxx_EXTRAn fields are 2-bit or 3-bit
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2'
+ # go through each register matching to Rxxxx_EXTRAx
+ for k in ['0', '1', '2', '3']:
+ res[k] = ''
+ # create "fake" out2 (TODO, needs to be added to CSV files)
+ # KEEP TRACK HERE https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=619
+ res['out2'] = 'NONE'
+ if insn['upd'] == '1': # LD/ST with update has RA as out2
+ res['out2'] = 'RA'
+ # temporary useful info
+ regs = []
+ for k in ['in1', 'in2', 'in3', 'out', 'CR in', 'CR out']:
+ if insn[k].startswith('CONST'):
+ res[k] = ''
+ regs.append('')
+ else:
+ res[k] = insn[k]
+ if insn[k] == 'RA_OR_ZERO':
+ regs.append('RA')
+ elif insn[k] != 'NONE':
+ regs.append(insn[k])
+ else:
+ regs.append('')
+ # sigh now the fun begins. this isn't the sanest way to do it
+ # but the patterns are pretty regular.
+ if value == 'LDSTRM-2P-1S1D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA3' # RM EXTRA3 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif value == 'LDSTRM-2P-1S2D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest2_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ elif value == 'LDSTRM-2P-2S':
+ # stw, std, sth, stb
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA3' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 's:RS' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ elif value == 'LDSTRM-2P-2S1D':
+ if 'st' in insn_name and 'x' not in insn_name: # stwu/stbu etc
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rdsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ elif 'st' in insn_name and 'x' in insn_name: # stwux
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RS;s:RA' # RS: Rdest2_EXTRA2, RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ elif 'u' in insn_name: # ldux etc.
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest2_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ else:
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ elif value == 'LDSTRM-2P-3S':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ if 'cx' in insn_name:
+ res['0'] = 's:RS;d:CR0' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA2 CR0: dest
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RA: Rsrc3_EXTRA2
+ elif value == 'RM-2P-1S1D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA3' # RM EXTRA3 type
+ if insn_name == 'mtspr':
+ res['0'] = 'd:SPR' # SPR: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif insn_name == 'mfspr':
+ res['0'] = 'd:RS' # RS: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:SPR' # SPR: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif name == 'CRio' and insn_name == 'mcrf':
+ res['0'] = 'd:BF' # BFA: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:BFA' # BFA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif 'mfcr' in insn_name or 'mfocrf' in insn_name:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:CR' # CR: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif insn_name == 'setb':
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:BFA' # BFA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif insn_name.startswith('cmp'): # cmpi
+ res['0'] = 'd:BF' # BF: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['RA','','','RT','','']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['RA','','','RT','','CR0']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT;d:CR0' # RT,CR0: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif (regs == ['RS','','','RA','','CR0'] or
+ regs == ['','','RS','RA','','CR0']):
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA;d:CR0' # RA,CR0: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['RS','','','RA','','']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['','FRB','','FRT','0','CR1']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT;d:CR1' # FRT,CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['','FRB','','','','CR1']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:CR1' # CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRB' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['','FRB','','','','BF']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:BF' # BF: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRB' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['','FRB','','FRT','','CR1']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT;d:CR1' # FRT,CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRB' # FRB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 'TODO'
+ elif value == 'RM-1P-2S1D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA3' # RM EXTRA3 type
+ if insn_name.startswith('cr'):
+ res['0'] = 'd:BT' # BT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:BA' # BA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:BB' # BB: Rsrc2_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['FRA','','FRC','FRT','','CR1']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT;d:CR1' # FRT,CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:FRC' # FRC: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ # should be for fcmp
+ elif regs == ['FRA','FRB','','','','BF']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:BF' # BF: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:FRB' # FRB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['FRA','FRB','','FRT','','']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT' # FRT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:FRB' # FRB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['FRA','FRB','','FRT','','CR1']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT;d:CR1' # FRT,CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:FRB' # FRB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif name == '2R-1W' or insn_name == 'cmpb': # cmpb
+ if insn_name in ['bpermd', 'cmpb']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA' # RA: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif insn_name.startswith('cmp'): # cmp
+ res['0'] = 'd:BF' # BF: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif (regs == ['','RB','RS','RA','','CR0'] or
+ regs == ['RS','RB','','RA','','CR0']):
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA;d:CR0' # RA,CR0: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['RA','RB','','RT','','CR0']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT;d:CR0' # RT,CR0: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RB: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ elif regs == ['RA','','RS','RA','','CR0']:
+ res['0'] = 'd:RA;d:CR0' # RA,CR0: Rdest1_EXTRA3
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ res['2'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA3
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 'TODO'
+ elif value == 'RM-2P-2S1D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ if insn_name.startswith('mt'): # mtcrf
+ res['0'] = 'd:CR' # CR: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RS' # RS: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:CR' # CR: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 'TODO'
+ elif value == 'RM-1P-3S1D':
+ res['Etype'] = 'EXTRA2' # RM EXTRA2 type
+ if insn_name == 'isel':
+ res['0'] = 'd:RT' # RT: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:RA' # RA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:RB' # RT: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ res['3'] = 's:BC' # BC: Rsrc3_EXTRA2
+ else:
+ res['0'] = 'd:FRT;d:CR1' # FRT, CR1: Rdest1_EXTRA2
+ res['1'] = 's:FRA' # FRA: Rsrc1_EXTRA2
+ res['2'] = 's:FRB' # FRB: Rsrc2_EXTRA2
+ res['3'] = 's:FRC' # FRC: Rsrc3_EXTRA2
+ # add to svp64 csvs
+ #for k in ['in1', 'in2', 'in3', 'out', 'CR in', 'CR out']:
+ # del res[k]
+ #if res['0'] != 'TODO':
+ for k in res:
+ if res[k] == 'NONE' or res[k] == '':
+ res[k] = '0'
+ svp64[value].append(res)
+ # also add to by-CSV version
+ csv_fname = insn_to_csv[insn_name]
+ csvs_svp64[csv_fname].append(res)
+ print ('')
+ # now write out the csv files
+ for value, csv in svp64.items():
+ # print out svp64 tables by category
+ print ("## %s" % value)
+ print ('')
+ print ('[[!table format=csv file="openpower/isatables/%s.csv"]]' % \
+ value)
+ print ('')
+ #csvcols = ['insn', 'Ptype', 'Etype', '0', '1', '2', '3']
+ write_csv("%s.csv" % value, csv, csvcols + ['out2'])
+ # okaaay, now we re-read them back in for producing microwatt SV
+ # get SVP64 augmented CSV files
+ svt = SVP64RM(microwatt_format=True)
+ # Expand that (all .csv files)
+ pth = find_wiki_file("*.csv")
+ # Ignore those containing: valid test sprs
+ for fname in glob(pth):
+ if '-' in fname:
+ continue
+ if 'valid' in fname:
+ continue
+ if 'test' in fname:
+ continue
+ if fname.endswith('sprs.csv'):
+ continue
+ if fname.endswith('minor_19_valid.csv'):
+ continue
+ if 'RM' in fname:
+ continue
+ svp64_csv = svt.get_svp64_csv(fname)
+ csvcols = ['insn', 'Ptype', 'Etype']
+ csvcols += ['in1', 'in2', 'in3', 'out', 'out2', 'CR in', 'CR out']
+ # and a nice microwatt VHDL file
+ file_path = find_wiki_file("sv_decode.vhdl")
+ with open(file_path, 'w') as vhdl:
+ # autogeneration warning
+ vhdl.write("-- this file is auto-generated, do not edit\n")
+ vhdl.write("-- http://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv_analysis.py\n")
+ vhdl.write("-- part of Libre-SOC, sponsored by NLnet\n")
+ vhdl.write("\n")
+ # first create array types
+ lens = {'major' : 63,
+ 'minor_4': 63,
+ 'minor_19': 7,
+ 'minor_30': 15,
+ 'minor_31': 1023,
+ 'minor_58': 63,
+ 'minor_59': 31,
+ 'minor_62': 63,
+ 'minor_63l': 511,
+ 'minor_63h': 16,
+ }
+ for value, csv in csvs_svp64.items():
+ # munge name
+ value = value.lower()
+ value = value.replace("-", "_")
+ if value not in lens:
+ todo = " -- TODO %s (or no SVP64 augmentation)\n"
+ vhdl.write(todo % value)
+ continue
+ width = lens[value]
+ typarray = " type sv_%s_rom_array_t is " \
+ "array(0 to %d) of sv_decode_rom_t;\n"
+ vhdl.write(typarray % (value, width))
+ # now output structs
+ sv_cols = ['sv_in1', 'sv_in2', 'sv_in3', 'sv_out', 'sv_out2',
+ 'sv_cr_in', 'sv_cr_out']
+ fullcols = csvcols + sv_cols
+ hdr = "\n" \
+ " constant sv_%s_decode_rom_array :\n" \
+ " sv_%s_rom_array_t := (\n" \
+ " -- %s\n"
+ ftr = " others => sv_illegal_inst\n" \
+ " );\n\n"
+ for value, csv in csvs_svp64.items():
+ # munge name
+ value = value.lower()
+ value = value.replace("-", "_")
+ if value not in lens:
+ continue
+ vhdl.write(hdr % (value, value, " ".join(fullcols)))
+ for entry in csv:
+ insn = str(entry['insn'])
+ sventry = svt.svp64_instrs.get(insn, None)
+ op = insns[insn]['opcode']
+ # binary-to-vhdl-binary
+ if op.startswith("0b"):
+ op = "2#%s#" % op[2:]
+ row = []
+ for colname in csvcols[1:]:
+ re = entry[colname]
+ # zero replace with NONE
+ if re == '0':
+ re = 'NONE'
+ # 1/2 predication
+ re = re.replace("1P", "P1")
+ re = re.replace("2P", "P2")
+ row.append(re)
+ print (sventry)
+ for colname in sv_cols:
+ if sventry is None:
+ re = 'NONE'
+ else:
+ re = sventry[colname]
+ row.append(re)
+ row = ', '.join(row)
+ vhdl.write(" %13s => (%s), -- %s\n" % (op, row, insn))
+ vhdl.write(ftr)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ process_csvs()