from nmigen import *
from import *
from import *
+from nmigen.hdl.rec import Direction
from nmigen.tracer import get_var_name
from c4m_repo.nmigen.lib import Wishbone
from .bus import Interface
__all__ = [
- "TAP",
+ "TAP", "ShiftReg",
-class ShiftReg(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, ircodes, length, domain):
- # The sr record will be returned to user code
- = Record([("i", length), ("o", length), ("oe", len(ircodes)), ("ack", 1)])
- # The next attributes are for JTAG class usage only
- = None # made None as width is not known yet
- self.tdi = Signal()
- self.tdo = Signal()
- self.tdo_en = Signal()
- self.capture = Signal()
- self.shift = Signal()
- self.update = Signal()
- self.jtag_cd = None # The JTAG clock domain
- ##
- self._ircodes = ircodes
- self._domain = domain
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- length = len(
- domain = self._domain
- m = Module()
- = self.jtag_cd
- sr_jtag = Signal(length)
- assert isinstance(, Signal)
- isir = Signal(len(self._ircodes))
- capture = Signal()
- shift = Signal()
- update = Signal()
- m.d.comb += [
- isir.eq(Cat( == ircode for ircode in self._ircodes)),
- capture.eq((isir != 0) & self.capture),
- shift.eq((isir != 0) & self.shift),
- update.eq((isir != 0) & self.update),
- ]
- # On update set o, oe and wait for ack
- # update signal is on JTAG clockdomain, latch it
- update_core = Signal()
- m.d[domain] += update_core.eq(update) # This is CDC from JTAG domain to given domain
- with m.FSM(domain=domain):
- with m.State("IDLE"):
- m.d.comb +=
- with m.If(update_core):
- # Latch sr_jtag cross domain but it should be stable due to latching of update_core
- m.d[domain] +=
- # Wait one cycle to raise oe so sr.o has one more cycle to stabilize
- = "WAIT4ACK"
- with m.State("WAIT4ACK"):
- m.d.comb +=
- with m.If(
- = "WAIT4END"
- with m.State("WAIT4END"):
- m.d.comb +=
- with m.If(~update_core):
- = "IDLE"
- m.d.comb += [
- self.tdo.eq(sr_jtag[0]),
- self.tdo_en.eq(shift),
+class ShiftReg(Record):
+ """Object with interface for extra shift registers on a TAP.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sr_length : int
+ cmds : int, default=1
+ The number of corresponding JTAG instructions
+ This object is normally only allocated and returned from ``TAP.add_shiftreg``
+ It is a Record subclass.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ i: length=sr_length, FANIN
+ The input data sampled during capture state of the TAP
+ ie: length=cmds, FANOUT
+ Indicates that data is to be sampled by the JTAG TAP and
+ should be held stable. The bit indicates the corresponding
+ instruction for which data is asked.
+ This signal is kept high for a whole JTAG TAP clock cycle
+ and may thus be kept higher for more than one clock cycle
+ on the domain where ShiftReg is used.
+ The JTAG protocol does not allow insertion of wait states
+ so data need to be provided before ie goes down. The speed
+ of the response will determine the max. frequency for the
+ JTAG interface.
+ o: length=sr_length, FANOUT
+ The value of the shift register.
+ oe: length=cmds, FANOUT
+ Indicates that output needs to be sampled downstream because
+ JTAG TAP in in the Update state. The bit indicated the corresponding
+ instruction. The bit is only kept high for one clock cycle.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, sr_length, cmds=1, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ layout = [
+ ("i", sr_length, Direction.FANIN),
+ ("ie", cmds, Direction.FANOUT),
+ ("o", sr_length, Direction.FANOUT),
+ ("oe", cmds, Direction.FANOUT),
- with m.If(shift):
- m.d.jtag += sr_jtag.eq(Cat(sr_jtag[1:], self.tdi))
- with m.If(capture):
- m.d.jtag += sr_jtag.eq(
- return m
-class JTAGWishbone(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain):
- self._sr_addr = sr_addr
- self._sr_data = sr_data
- self._wb = wb
- self._domain = domain
- # To be set by JTAG
- self._ir = None
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- sr_addr = self._sr_addr
- sr_data = self._sr_data
- wb = self._wb
- domain = self._domain
- ir = self._ir
- m = Module()
- if hasattr(wb, "sel"):
- # Always selected
- m.d.comb += [s.eq(1) for s in wb.sel]
- # Immediately ack oe
- m.d[domain] += [
- sr_addr.ack.eq(sr_addr.oe),
- sr_data.ack.eq(sr_data.oe != 0),
- ]
- with m.FSM(domain=domain) as fsm:
- with m.State("IDLE"):
- m.d.comb += [
- wb.cyc.eq(0),
- wb.stb.eq(0),
- wb.we.eq(0),
- ]
- with m.If(sr_addr.oe): # WBADDR code
- m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(sr_addr.o)
- = "READ"
- with m.If(sr_data.oe[0]): # WBREAD code
- m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(wb.addr + 1)
- = "READ"
- with m.If(sr_data.oe[1]): # WBWRITE code
- m.d[domain] += wb.dat_w.eq(sr_data.o)
- with m.State("READ"):
- m.d.comb += [
- wb.cyc.eq(1),
- wb.stb.eq(1),
- wb.we.eq(0),
- ]
- with m.If(~wb.stall):
- with m.State("READACK"):
- m.d.comb += [
- wb.cyc.eq(1),
- wb.stb.eq(0),
- wb.we.eq(0),
- ]
- with m.If(wb.ack):
- m.d[domain] += sr_data.i.eq(wb.dat_r)
- = "IDLE"
- with m.State("WRITEREAD"):
- m.d.comb += [
- wb.cyc.eq(1),
- wb.stb.eq(1),
- wb.we.eq(1),
- ]
- with m.If(~wb.stall):
- with m.State("WRITEREADACK"):
- m.d.comb += [
- wb.cyc.eq(1),
- wb.stb.eq(0),
- wb.we.eq(0),
- ]
- with m.If(wb.ack):
- m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(wb.addr + 1)
- = "READ"
- return m
+ super().__init__(layout, name=name, src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
class TAP(Elaboratable):
def __init__(
- self, io_count, *, with_reset=False, ir_width=None,
+ self, io_count, *, ir_width=None,
manufacturer_id=Const(0b10001111111, 11), part_number=Const(1, 16),
version=Const(0, 4),
name=None, src_loc_at=0
assert(len(version) == 4) = name if name is not None else get_var_name(depth=src_loc_at+2, default="TAP")
- self.bus = Interface(with_reset=with_reset,"_bus",
- src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
+ self.bus = Interface("_bus", src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
# TODO: Handle IOs with different directions
self.core = Array(Pin(1, "io") for _ in range(io_count)) # Signals to use for core
self.pad = Array(Pin(1, "io") for _ in range(io_count)) # Signals going to IO pads
- self.jtag_cd = ClockDomain(name="jtag", local=True) # Own clock domain using TCK as clock signal
self._io_count = io_count
self._wbs = []
def elaborate(self, platform):
TAP._add_files(platform, "jtag" + os.path.sep)
m = Module()
- tdo_jtag = Signal()
- reset = Signal()
- capture = Signal()
- shift = Signal()
- update = Signal()
+ # Determine ir_width if not fixed.
ir_max = max(self._ircodes) + 1 # One extra code needed with all ones
ir_width = len("{:b}".format(ir_max))
if self._ir_width is not None:
assert self._ir_width >= ir_width, "Specified JTAG IR width not big enough for allocated shiift registers"
ir_width = self._ir_width
- ir = Signal(ir_width)
+ sigs = Record([
+ ("capture", 1),
+ ("shift", 1),
+ ("update", 1),
+ ("ir", ir_width),
+ ("tdo_jtag", 1),
+ ])
+ reset = Signal()
core_i = Cat(pin.i for pin in self.core)
core_o = Cat(pin.o for pin in self.core)
"i_TCK": self.bus.tck,
"i_TMS": self.bus.tms,
"i_TDI": self.bus.tdi,
- "o_TDO": tdo_jtag,
+ "o_TDO": sigs.tdo_jtag,
"i_TRST_N": Const(1),
"o_RESET": reset,
- "o_DRCAPTURE": capture,
- "o_DRSHIFT": shift,
- "o_DRUPDATE": update,
- "o_IR": ir,
+ "o_DRCAPTURE": sigs.capture,
+ "o_DRSHIFT": sigs.shift,
+ "o_DRUPDATE": sigs.update,
+ "o_IR":,
"o_CORE_IN": core_i,
"i_CORE_OUT": core_o,
"i_CORE_EN": core_oe,
m.submodules.tap = Instance("c4m_jtag_tap_controller", **params)
+ # Own clock domain using TCK as clock signal
+ = jtag_cd = ClockDomain(name="jtag", local=True)
m.d.comb += [
- self.jtag_cd.clk.eq(self.bus.tck),
- self.jtag_cd.rst.eq(reset),
+ jtag_cd.clk.eq(self.bus.tck),
+ jtag_cd.rst.eq(reset),
- for i, sr in enumerate(self._srs):
- m.submodules["sr{}".format(i)] = sr
- = ir
- m.d.comb += [
- sr.tdi.eq(self.bus.tdi),
- sr.capture.eq(capture),
- sr.shift.eq(shift),
- sr.update.eq(update),
- ]
- if len(self._srs) > 0:
- first = True
- for sr in self._srs:
- if first:
- first = False
- with m.If(sr.tdo_en):
- m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sr.tdo)
- else:
- with m.Elif(sr.tdo_en):
- m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sr.tdo)
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo_jtag)
- else:
- m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo_jtag)
- for i, wb in enumerate(self._wbs):
- m.submodules["wb{}".format(i)] = wb
- wb._ir = ir
+ self._elaborate_shiftregs(m, sigs)
+ self._elaborate_wishbones(m)
return m
- def add_shiftreg(self, ircode, length, domain="sync"):
+ def add_shiftreg(self, ircode, length, domain="sync", name=None, src_loc_at=0):
"""Add a shift register to the JTAG interface
except TypeError:
ir_it = ircodes = (ircode,)
for _ircode in ir_it:
- assert(isinstance(_ircode, int) and _ircode > 0 and _ircode not in self._ircodes)
+ if not isinstance(_ircode, int) or _ircode <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("IR code '{}' is not an int greater than 0".format(_ircode))
+ if _ircode in self._ircodes:
+ raise ValueError("IR code '{}' already taken".format(_ircode))
- sr = ShiftReg(ircodes, length, domain)
- sr.jtag_cd = self.jtag_cd
- self._srs.append(sr)
- return
+ if name is None:
+ name = + "_sr{}".format(len(self._srs))
+ sr = ShiftReg(sr_length=length, cmds=len(ircodes), name=name, src_loc_at=src_loc_at+1)
+ self._srs.append((ircodes, domain, sr))
+ return sr
+ def _elaborate_shiftregs(self, m, sigs):
+ # tdos is tuple of (tdo, tdo_en) for each shiftreg
+ tdos = []
+ for ircodes, domain, sr in self._srs:
+ reg = Signal(len(sr.o),"_reg")
+ m.d.comb += sr.o.eq(reg)
+ isir = Signal(len(ircodes),"_isir")
+ capture = Signal("_capture")
+ shift = Signal("_shift")
+ update = Signal("_update")
+ m.d.comb += [
+ isir.eq(Cat( == ircode for ircode in ircodes)),
+ capture.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.capture),
+ shift.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.shift),
+ update.eq((isir != 0) & sigs.update),
+ ]
+ # update signal is on the JTAG clockdomain, sr.oe is on `domain` clockdomain
+ # latch update in `domain` clockdomain and see when it has falling edge.
+ # At that edge put isir in sr.oe for one `domain` clockdomain
+ update_core = Signal("_update_core")
+ update_core_prev = Signal("_update_core_prev")
+ m.d[domain] += [
+ update_core.eq(update), # This is CDC from JTAG domain to given domain
+ update_core_prev.eq(update_core)
+ ]
+ with m.If(update_core_prev & ~update_core == 0):
+ # Falling edge of update
+ m.d[domain] += sr.oe.eq(isir)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d[domain] += sr.oe.eq(0)
+ with m.If(shift):
+ m.d.jtag += reg.eq(Cat(reg[1:], self.bus.tdi))
+ with m.If(capture):
+ m.d.jtag += reg.eq(sr.i)
+ # tdo = reg[0], tdo_en = shift
+ tdos.append((reg[0], shift))
+ for i, (tdo, tdo_en) in enumerate(tdos):
+ if i == 0:
+ with m.If(shift):
+ m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo)
+ else:
+ with m.Elif(shift):
+ m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(tdo)
- def add_wishbone(self, ircodes, address_width, data_width, sel_width=None, domain="sync"):
+ if len(tdos) > 0:
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sigs.tdo_jtag)
+ else:
+ # Always connect tdo_jtag to
+ m.d.comb += self.bus.tdo.eq(sigs.tdo_jtag)
+ def add_wishbone(self, *, ircodes, address_width, data_width, sel_width=None, domain="sync"):
"""Add a wishbone interface
+ In order to allow high JTAG clock speed, data will be cached. This means that if data is
+ output the value of the next address will be read automatically.
- - ircodes: sequence of three integer for the JTAG IR codes;
+ ircodes: sequence of three integer for the JTAG IR codes;
they represent resp. WBADDR, WBREAD and WBREADWRITE. First code
has a shift register of length 'address_width', the two other codes
share a shift register of length data_width.
- - address_width: width of the address
- - data_width: width of the data"""
- assert len(ircodes) == 3
+ address_width: width of the address
+ data_width: width of the data
+ """
+ if len(ircodes) != 3:
+ raise ValueError("3 IR Codes have to be provided")
sr_addr = self.add_shiftreg(ircodes[0], address_width, domain=domain)
sr_data = self.add_shiftreg(ircodes[1:], data_width, domain=domain)
wb = Wishbone(data_width=data_width, address_width=address_width, sel_width=sel_width, master=True)
- self._wbs.append(JTAGWishbone(sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain))
+ self._wbs.append((sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain))
return wb
+ def _elaborate_wishbones(self, m):
+ for sr_addr, sr_data, wb, domain in self._wbs:
+ if hasattr(wb, "sel"):
+ # Always selected
+ m.d.comb += [s.eq(1) for s in wb.sel]
+ with m.FSM(domain=domain) as fsm:
+ with m.State("IDLE"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wb.cyc.eq(0),
+ wb.stb.eq(0),
+ wb.we.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(sr_addr.oe): # WBADDR code
+ m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(sr_addr.o)
+ = "READ"
+ with m.Elif(sr_data.oe[0]): # WBREAD code
+ # If data is
+ m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(wb.addr + 1)
+ = "READ"
+ with m.If(sr_data.oe[1]): # WBWRITE code
+ m.d[domain] += wb.dat_w.eq(sr_data.o)
+ with m.State("READ"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wb.cyc.eq(1),
+ wb.stb.eq(1),
+ wb.we.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(~wb.stall):
+ with m.State("READACK"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wb.cyc.eq(1),
+ wb.stb.eq(0),
+ wb.we.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(wb.ack):
+ # Store read data in sr_data.i and keep it there til next read
+ m.d[domain] += sr_data.i.eq(wb.dat_r)
+ = "IDLE"
+ with m.State("WRITEREAD"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wb.cyc.eq(1),
+ wb.stb.eq(1),
+ wb.we.eq(1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(~wb.stall):
+ with m.State("WRITEREADACK"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ wb.cyc.eq(1),
+ wb.stb.eq(0),
+ wb.we.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(wb.ack):
+ m.d[domain] += wb.addr.eq(wb.addr + 1)
+ = "READ"