Returns: Iterable[Op]
output associative operations.
- assert isinstance(item_count, int)
# compute the partial sums using a set of binary trees
# first half of the work-efficient algorithm and the whole of
# the non-work-efficient algorithm.
Returns: str
rendered diagram
- assert isinstance(item_count, int)
- assert isinstance(padding, int)
ops_by_row = defaultdict(set)
for op in prefix_sum_ops(item_count, work_efficient=work_efficient):
- assert op.out == op.rhs, f"can't draw op: {op}"
- assert op not in ops_by_row[op.row], f"duplicate op: {op}"
def blank_row():
max_distance = max(op.rhs - op.lhs for op in ops)
cells.extend(blank_row() for _ in range(max_distance))
for op in ops:
- assert op.lhs < op.rhs and op.out == op.rhs, f"can't draw op: {op}"
y = len(cells) - 1
x = op.out
cells[y][x].plus = True
Returns: Iterable[Op]
output associative operations.
- def assert_bool(v):
- assert isinstance(v, bool)
- return v
- items_live_flags = [assert_bool(i) for i in needed_outputs]
+ items_live_flags = needed_outputs
ops = list(prefix_sum_ops(item_count=len(items_live_flags),
ops_live_flags = [False] * len(ops)
def tree_reduction_ops(item_count):
- assert isinstance(item_count, int) and item_count >= 1
needed_outputs = (i == item_count - 1 for i in range(item_count))
return partial_prefix_sum_ops(needed_outputs)
if isinstance(v, Value):
if width is None:
width = len(v)
- assert width == len(v)
bits = [v[i] for i in range(width)]
if len(bits) == 0:
return Const(0)
- assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
- assert isinstance(v, int)
bits = [(v & (1 << i)) != 0 for i in range(width)]
if len(bits) == 0:
return 0