--- /dev/null
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer
+from pygments import token
+class SmtLibLexer(RegexLexer):
+ name = 'smtlib'
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'QF_BV', token.Text),
+ (r'QF_UFDT', token.Text),
+ (r'ALL_SUPPORTED', token.Text),
+ (r'set-logic', token.Keyword),
+ (r'set-option', token.Keyword),
+ (r'declare-codatatypes', token.Keyword),
+ (r'declare-const', token.Keyword),
+ (r'declare-datatypes', token.Keyword),
+ (r'declare-fun', token.Keyword),
+ (r'define-fun', token.Keyword),
+ (r'assert\b', token.Keyword),
+ (r'check-sat-assuming', token.Keyword),
+ (r'check-sat', token.Keyword),
+ (r'exit', token.Keyword),
+ (r'get-model', token.Keyword),
+ (r'get-unsat-assumptions', token.Keyword),
+ (r'get-unsat-core', token.Keyword),
+ (r'push', token.Keyword),
+ (r'pop', token.Keyword),
+ (r'as', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r':incremental', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r':named', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r':produce-models', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r':produce-unsat-cores', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r':produce-unsat-assumptions', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r'!', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r'BitVec', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r'RNE', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r'Tuple', token.Name.Attribute),
+ (r'true', token.String),
+ (r'distinct', token.Operator),
+ (r'=', token.Operator),
+ (r'>', token.Operator),
+ (r'and', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvadd', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvashr', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvmul', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvugt', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvult', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvule', token.Operator),
+ (r'bvsdiv', token.Operator),
+ (r'extract', token.Operator),
+ (r'fp.gt', token.Operator),
+ (r'ite', token.Operator),
+ (r'mkTuple', token.Operator),
+ (r'to_fp_unsigned', token.Operator),
+ (r'\+zero', token.Operator),
+ (r'#b[0-1]+', token.Text),
+ (r'bv[0-9]+', token.Text),
+ (r'".*?"', token.String),
+ (r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*', token.Name),
+ (r'[0-9]+', token.Number),
+ (r'\s', token.Text),
+ (r'\(_', token.Text),
+ (r'\(', token.Text),
+ (r'\)', token.Text),
+ (r';.*$', token.Comment),
+ (r'\.\.\.', token.Text)
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+Theory Reference: Datatypes
+To enable cvc5's decision procedure for datatypes, include ``DT`` in the logic:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (set-logic QF_UFDT)
+Alternatively, use the ``ALL`` logic:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (set-logic ALL)
+cvc5 supports the following syntax for declaring mutually recursive blocks of
+datatypes in ``*.smt2`` input files in the smt lib 2.6 format:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((D1 n1) ... (Dk nk))
+ (((C1 (S1 T1) ... (Si Ti)) ... (Cj ... ))
+ ...
+ ((...) ... (...)))
+where ``D1 ... Dk`` are datatype types, ``C1 ... Cj`` are the constructors for
+datatype ``D1``,
+``S1 ... Si`` are the selectors (or "destructors") of constructor ``C1``, and
+each ``T1 ... Ti`` is a previously declared type or one of ``D1 ... Dk``.
+The symbols ``U1 ... Un`` are type parameters (fresh symbols).
+The numbers ``n1 ... nk`` denote the number of type
+parameters for the datatype, where ``0`` is used for non-parametric datatypes.
+In addition to declaring symbols for constructors and selectors, the above
+command also adds tester (or "discriminator") indexed symbols of the form
+``(_ is C)`` for each constructor ``C``, which are unary predicates which
+evaluate to true iff their argument has top-symbol ``C``.
+The decision procedure for inductive datatypes can be found
+`here <http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~tinelli/papers/BarST-JSAT-07.pdf>`__.
+Example Declarations
+An enumeration:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((Color 0))
+ (((Red) (Black))))
+A List of ``Int`` with ``cons`` and ``nil`` as constructors:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((list 0))
+ (((cons (head Int) (tail list)) (nil))))
+A parametric List of T's:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((list 1))
+ ((par (T) ((cons (head T) (tail (list T))) (nil)))))
+Mutual recursion:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((list 0) (tree 0))
+ (((cons (head tree) (tail list)) (nil))
+ ((node (data Int) (children list)))))
+A (non-recursive) record type:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((record 0))
+ (((rec (fname String) (lname String) (id Int)))))
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((list 0))
+ (((cons (head Int) (tail list)) (nil))))
+ (declare-const a list)
+ (declare-const b list)
+ (assert (and (= (tail a) b) (not ((_ is nil) b)) (> (head b) 0)))
+ (check-sat)
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((record 0))
+ (((rec (fname String) (lname String) (id Int)))))
+ (declare-const x record)
+ (assert (and (= (fname x) "John") (= (lname x) "Smith")))
+ (check-sat)
+Parametric Datatypes
+Instances of parametric datatypes must have their arguments instantiated with
+concrete types. For instance, in the example:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-datatypes ((list 1)) ((par (T) (cons (head T) (tail (list T))) (nil))))
+To declare a list of ``Int``, use the command:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-const f (list Int))
+Use of constructors that are ambiguously typed must be cast to a concrete type,
+for instance all occurrences of ``nil`` for the above datatype must be cast with
+the syntax:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (as nil (list Int))
+Tuples are a particular instance of an inductive datatype. cvc5 supports
+special syntax for tuples as an extension of the SMT-LIB version 2 format.
+For example:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-const t (Tuple Int Int))
+ (assert (= ((_ tupSel 0) t) 3))
+ (assert (not (= t (mkTuple 3 4))))
+cvc5 also supports co-inductive datatypes, as described
+`here <http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~ajreynol/cade15.pdf>`__.
+The syntax for declaring mutually recursive coinductive datatype blocks is
+identical to inductive datatypes, except that ``declare-datatypes`` is replaced
+by ``declare-codatatypes``. For example, the following declares the type denote
+streams of ``Int``:
+.. code:: smtlib
+ (declare-codatatypes ((stream 0))
+ (((cons (head Int) (tail stream)))))
+For the C++ API examples in the table below, we assume that we have created
+a `cvc5::api::Solver solver` object.
+| | SMTLIB language | C++ API |
+| Logic String | ``(set-logic QF_DT)`` | ``solver.setLogic("QF_DT");`` |
+| Tuple Sort | ``(Tuple <Sort_1>, ..., <Sort_n>)`` | ``std::vector<cvc5::api::Sort> sorts = { ... };`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Sort s = solver.mkTupleSort(sorts);`` |
+| | ``(declare-const t (tuple Int Int))`` | ``Sort s_int = solver.getIntegerSort();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Sort s = solver.mkTypleSort({s_int, s_int});`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term t = solver.mkConst(s, "t");`` |
+| Tuple Constructor | ``(mkTuple <Term_1>, ..., <Term_n>)`` | ``Sort s = solver.mkTypleSort(sorts);`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Datatype dt = s.getDatatype();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term c = dt[0].getConstructor();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term t = solver.mkTerm(Kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, {c, <Term_1>, ..., <Term_n>});`` |
+| Tuple Selector | ``((_ tupSel i) t)`` | ``Sort s = solver.mkTypleSort(sorts);`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Datatype dt = s.getDatatype();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term c = dt[0].getSelector();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term t = solver.mkTerm(Kind::APPLY_SELECTOR, {s, t});`` |
+| Record Sort | n/a | ``Sort s = mkRecordSort(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Sort>>& fields);`` |
+| | n/a | ``std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Sort>> fields;`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``fields.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Sort>("fst", solver.getIntegerSort()));`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``fields.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Sort>("snd", solver.getIntegerSort()));`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Sort s = mkRecordSort(fields);`` |
+| Record Constructor | n/a | ``Sort s = mkRecordSort(fields);`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Datatype dt = s.getDatatype();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term c = dt[0].getConstructor();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term t = solver.mkTerm(Kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, {c, <Term_1>, ..., <Term_n>});`` |
+| Record Selector | n/a | ``Sort s = mkRecordSort(fields);`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Datatype dt = s.getDatatype();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term c = dt[0].getSelector();`` |
+| | | |
+| | | ``Term t = solver.mkTerm(Kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, {s, <Term_1>, ..., <Term_n>});`` |