# MESA Driver sponsored by NLNet
todo http://lists.libre-soc.org/pipermail/libre-soc-dev/2020-August/000246.html
+# build instructions, by vivek
+Sure I will add details about how to build the code, I use basically meson
+and ninja commands,
+My build directory located in mesa source here is my meson command to
+configure (I know this does more work than require please add more options
+if you find useful):
+ meson -Dbuildtype=debug -Dprefix=/home/vivek/install -Dvulkan-drivers=libresoc ..
+and then
+ ninja
+ ninja install.
+I also have script to set few environment variables like
+ export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/home/vivek/install/share/vulkan/icd.d/libresoc_icd.x86_64.json
+ export VK_LOADER_DEBUG=warn
+To test the code I am sing simple tests built by
+ https://github.com/GameTechDev/IntroductionToVulkan
+I am also using debug build for vulkan loader if any one interested in that
+please look at
+ https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader/blob/master/BUILD.md