AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
-# From CodingReadme
+# From guidelines/CodingStyle
TabWidth: 8
ContinuationIndentWidth: 2
ColumnLimit: 150
+++ /dev/null
-Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
-Our Pledge
-In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
-contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
-size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
-nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
-Our Standards
-Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
-* Using welcoming and inclusive language
-* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
-* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
-* Focusing on what is best for the community
-* Showing empathy towards other community members
-Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
-* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
- advances
-* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
-* Public or private harassment
-* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
- address, without explicit permission
-* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
- professional setting
-Our Responsibilities
-Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
-behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
-response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
-Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
-reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
-that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
-permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
-threatening, offensive, or harmful.
-This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
-when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
-representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
-address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
-representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
-further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
-Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
-reported by contacting the project team at (and/or if you think your mail to the other address got
-stuck in the spam filter). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and
-will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the
-circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with
-regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement
-policies may be posted separately.
-Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
-faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
-members of the project's leadership.
-This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4,
-available at
+++ /dev/null
-This file contains some very brief documentation on things like programming APIs.
-Also consult the Yosys manual and the section about programming in the presentation.
-(Both can be downloaded as PDF from the yosys webpage.)
---snip-- only the lines below this mark are included in the yosys manual --snip--
-Getting Started
-Outline of a Yosys command
-Here is a the C++ code for a "hello_world" Yosys command (
- #include "kernel/yosys.h"
- struct HelloWorldPass : public Pass {
- HelloWorldPass() : Pass("hello_world") { }
- void execute(vector<string>, Design*) override {
- log("Hello World!\n");
- }
- } HelloWorldPass;
-This can be built into a Yosys module using the following command:
- yosys-config --exec --cxx --cxxflags --ldflags -o -shared --ldlibs
-Or short:
- yosys-config --build
-And then executed using the following command:
- yosys -m -p hello_world
-Yosys Data Structures
-Here is a short list of data structures that you should make yourself familiar
-with before you write C++ code for Yosys. The following data structures are all
-defined when "kernel/yosys.h" is included and USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE is used.
- 1. Yosys Container Classes
-Yosys uses dict<K, T> and pool<T> as main container classes. dict<K, T> is
-essentially a replacement for std::unordered_map<K, T> and pool<T> is a
-replacement for std::unordered_set<T>. The main characteristics are:
- - dict<K, T> and pool<T> are about 2x faster than the std containers
- - references to elements in a dict<K, T> or pool<T> are invalidated by
- insert and remove operations (similar to std::vector<T> on push_back()).
- - some iterators are invalidated by erase(). specifically, iterators
- that have not passed the erased element yet are invalidated. (erase()
- itself returns valid iterator to the next element.)
- - no iterators are invalidated by insert(). elements are inserted at
- begin(). i.e. only a new iterator that starts at begin() will see the
- inserted elements.
- - the method .count(key, iterator) is like .count(key) but only
- considers elements that can be reached via the iterator.
- - iterators can be compared. it1 < it2 means that the position of t2
- can be reached via t1 but not vice versa.
- - the method .sort() can be used to sort the elements in the container
- the container stays sorted until elements are added or removed.
- - dict<K, T> and pool<T> will have the same order of iteration across
- all compilers, standard libraries and architectures.
-In addition to dict<K, T> and pool<T> there is also an idict<K> that
-creates a bijective map from K to the integers. For example:
- idict<string, 42> si;
- log("%d\n", si("hello")); // will print 42
- log("%d\n", si("world")); // will print 43
- log("%d\n","world")); // will print 43
- log("%d\n","dummy")); // will throw exception
- log("%s\n", si[42].c_str())); // will print hello
- log("%s\n", si[43].c_str())); // will print world
- log("%s\n", si[44].c_str())); // will throw exception
-It is not possible to remove elements from an idict.
-Finally mfp<K> implements a merge-find set data structure (aka. disjoint-set or
-union-find) over the type K ("mfp" = merge-find-promote).
- 2. Standard STL data types
-In Yosys we use std::vector<T> and std::string whenever applicable. When
-dict<K, T> and pool<T> are not suitable then std::map<K, T> and std::set<T>
-are used instead.
-The types std::vector<T> and std::string are also available as vector<T>
-and string in the Yosys namespace.
- 3. RTLIL objects
-The current design (essentially a collection of modules, each defined by a
-netlist) is stored in memory using RTLIL object (declared in kernel/rtlil.h,
-automatically included by kernel/yosys.h). You should glance over at least
-the declarations for the following types in kernel/rtlil.h:
- RTLIL::IdString
- This is a handle for an identifier (e.g. cell or wire name).
- It feels a lot like a std::string, but is only a single int
- in size. (The actual string is stored in a global lookup
- table.)
- RTLIL::SigBit
- A single signal bit. I.e. either a constant state (0, 1,
- x, z) or a single bit from a wire.
- RTLIL::SigSpec
- Essentially a vector of SigBits.
- RTLIL::Wire
- RTLIL::Cell
- The building blocks of the netlist in a module.
- RTLIL::Module
- RTLIL::Design
- The module is a container with connected cells and wires
- in it. The design is a container with modules in it.
-All this types are also available without the RTLIL:: prefix in the Yosys
- 4. SigMap and other Helper Classes
-There are a couple of additional helper classes that are in wide use
-in Yosys. Most importantly there is SigMap (declared in kernel/sigtools.h).
-When a design has many wires in it that are connected to each other, then a
-single signal bit can have multiple valid names. The SigMap object can be used
-to map SigSpecs or SigBits to unique SigSpecs and SigBits that consistently
-only use one wire from such a group of connected wires. For example:
- SigBit a = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
- SigBit b = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
- module->connect(a, b);
- log("%d\n", a == b); // will print 0
- SigMap sigmap(module);
- log("%d\n", sigmap(a) == sigmap(b)); // will print 1
-Using the RTLIL Netlist Format
-In the RTLIL netlist format the cell ports contain SigSpecs that point to the
-Wires. There are no references in the other direction. This has two direct
-(1) It is very easy to go from cells to wires but hard to go in the other way.
-(2) There is no danger in removing cells from the netlists, but removing wires
-can break the netlist format when there are still references to the wire
-somewhere in the netlist.
-The solution to (1) is easy: Create custom indexes that allow you to make fast
-lookups for the wire-to-cell direction. You can either use existing generic
-index structures to do that (such as the ModIndex class) or write your own
-index. For many application it is simplest to construct a custom index. For
- SigMap sigmap(module);
- dict<SigBit, Cell*> sigbit_to_driver_index;
- for (auto cell : module->cells())
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
- if (cell->output(conn.first))
- for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
- sigbit_to_driver_index[bit] = cell;
-Regarding (2): There is a general theme in Yosys that you don't remove wires
-from the design. You can rename them, unconnect them, but you do not actually remove
-the Wire object from the module. Instead you let the "clean" command take care
-of the dangling wires. On the other hand it is safe to remove cells (as long as
-you make sure this does not invalidate a custom index you are using in your code).
-Example Code
-The following yosys commands are a good starting point if you are looking for examples
-of how to use the Yosys API:
- manual/CHAPTER_Prog/
- manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/
-Script Passes
-The ScriptPass base class can be used to implement passes that just call other passes,
-like a script. Examples for such passes are:
- techlibs/common/
- techlibs/common/
-In some cases it is easier to implement such a pass as regular pass, for example when
-ScriptPass doesn't provide the type of flow control desired. (But many of the
-script passes in Yosys that don't use ScriptPass simply predate the ScriptPass base
-class.) Examples for such passes are:
- passes/opt/
- passes/proc/
-Whether they use the ScriptPass base-class or not, a pass should always either
-call other passes without doing any non-trivial work itself, or should implement
-a non-trivial algorithm but not call any other passes. The reason for this is that
-this helps containing complexity in individual passes and simplifies debugging the
-entire system.
-Exceptions to this rule should be rare and limited to cases where calling other
-passes is optional and only happens when requested by the user (such as for
-example `techmap -autoproc`), or where it is about commands that are "top-level
-commands" in their own right, not components to be used in regular synthesis
-flows (such as the `bugpoint` command).
-A pass that would "naturally" call other passes and also do some work itself
-should be re-written in one of two ways:
-1) It could be re-written as script pass with the parts that are not calls
-to other passes factored out into individual new passes. Usually in those
-cases the new sub passes share the same prefix as the top-level script pass.
-2) It could be re-written so that it already expects the design in a certain
-state, expecting the calling script to set up this state before calling the
-pass in questions.
-Many back-ends are examples for the 2nd approach. For example, `write_aiger`
-does not convert the design into AIG representation, but expects the design
-to be already in this form, and prints an `Unsupported cell type` error
-message otherwise.
-Notes on the existing codebase
-For historical reasons not all parts of Yosys adhere to the current coding
-style. When adding code to existing parts of the system, adhere to this guide
-for the new code instead of trying to mimic the style of the surrounding code.
-Coding Style
-Formatting of code
-- Yosys code is using tabs for indentation. Tabs are 8 characters.
-- A continuation of a statement in the following line is indented by
- two additional tabs.
-- Lines are as long as you want them to be. A good rule of thumb is
- to break lines at about column 150.
-- Opening braces can be put on the same or next line as the statement
- opening the block (if, switch, for, while, do). Put the opening brace
- on its own line for larger blocks, especially blocks that contains
- blank lines.
-- Otherwise stick to the Linux Kernel Coding Style:
-C++ Language
-Yosys is written in C++11. At the moment only constructs supported by
-gcc 4.8 are allowed in Yosys code. This will change in future releases.
-In general Yosys uses "int" instead of "size_t". To avoid compiler
-warnings for implicit type casts, always use "GetSize(foobar)" instead
-of "foobar.size()". (GetSize() is defined in kernel/yosys.h)
-Use range-based for loops whenever applicable.
---snap-- only the lines above this mark are included in the yosys manual --snap--
-Creating the Visual Studio Template Project
-1. Create an empty Visual C++ Win32 Console App project
- Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
- Open New Project Wizard (File -> New Project..)
- Project Name: YosysVS
- Solution Name: YosysVS
- [X] Create directory for solution
- [ ] Add to source control
- [X] Console applications
- [X] Empty Project
- [ ] SDL checks
-2. Open YosysVS Project Properties
- Select Configuration: All Configurations
- C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
- Add: ..\yosys
- C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions
-3. Resulting file system tree:
- YosysVS/
- YosysVS/YosysVS
- YosysVS/YosysVS/YosysVS.vcxproj
- YosysVS/YosysVS/YosysVS.vcxproj.filters
- YosysVS/YosysVS.sdf
- YosysVS/YosysVS.sln
- YosysVS/YosysVS.v12.suo
-4. Zip YosysVS as
-Checklist for adding internal cell types
-Things to do right away:
- - Add to kernel/celltypes.h (incl. eval() handling for non-mem cells)
- - Add to InternalCellChecker::check() in kernel/
- - Add to techlibs/common/simlib.v
- - Add to techlibs/common/techmap.v
-Things to do after finalizing the cell interface:
- - Add support to kernel/satgen.h for the new cell type
- - Add to manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex (or just add a fixme to the bottom)
- - Maybe add support to the Verilog backend for dumping such cells as expression
-Checklist for creating Yosys releases
-Update the CHANGELOG file:
- cd ~yosys
- gitk &
-Update and check documentation:
- cd ~yosys
- make update-manual
- make manual
- - sanity check the figures in the appnotes and presentation
- - if there are any odd things -> investigate
- - make cosmetic changes to the .tex files if necessary
- cd ~yosys
- vi README CodingReadme
- - is the information provided in those file still up to date
-Then with default config setting:
- cd ~yosys
- make vgtest
- cd ~yosys
- ./yosys -p 'proc; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
- ./yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
- ./yosys -p 'synth; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
- ./yosys -p 'synth_xilinx -top up3down5; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
- cd ~yosys/examples/cmos
- bash
- cd ~yosys/examples/basys3
- bash
-Test building plugins with various of the standard passes:
- yosys-config --build
- - also check the code examples in CodingReadme
-And if a version of the verific library is currently available:
- cd ~yosys
- cat frontends/verific/build_amd64.txt
- - follow instructions
- cd frontends/verific
- ../../yosys test_navre.ys
-Finally run all tests with "make config-{clang,gcc,gcc-4.8}":
- cd ~yosys
- make clean
- make test
- make ystests
- make vloghtb
- make install
- cd ~yosys-bigsim
- make clean
- make full
- cd ~vloghammer
- make purge gen_issues gen_samples
- make SYN_LIST="yosys" SIM_LIST="icarus yosim verilator" REPORT_FULL=1 world
- chromium-browser report.html
- - set YOSYS_VER to x.y.z in Makefile
- - remove "bumpversion" target from Makefile
- - update version string in CHANGELOG
- git commit -am "Yosys x.y.z"
- - push tag to github
- - post changelog on github
- - post short release note on reddit
-Updating the website:
- cd ~yosys
- make manual
- make install
- - update pdf files on the website
- cd ~yosys-web
- make update_cmd
- make update_show
- git commit -am update
- make push
-Cross-Building for Windows with MXE
-Check and install all missing requirements.
-As root (or other user with write access to /usr/local/src):
- cd /usr/local/src
- git clone
- cd mxe
- make -j$(nproc) MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS="plugins/" \
- MXE_TARGETS="i686-w64-mingw32.static" \
- gcc tcl readline
-Then as regular user in some directory where you build stuff:
- git clone yosys-win32
- cd yosys-win32
- make config-mxe
- make -j$(nproc) mxebin
-How to add unit test
-Unit test brings some advantages, briefly, we can list some of them (reference
-* Tests reduce bugs in new features;
-* Tests reduce bugs in existing features;
-* Tests are good documentation;
-* Tests reduce the cost of change;
-* Tests allow refactoring;
-With those advantages in mind, it was required to choose a framework which fits
-well with C/C++ code. Hence, it was chosen (google test)
-[], because it is largely used and it is
-relatively easy learn.
-Install and configure google test (manually)
-In this section, you will see a brief description of how to install google
-test. However, it is strongly recommended that you take a look to the official
-repository ( and refers to that if you
-have any problem to install it. Follow the steps below:
-* Install: cmake and pthread
-* Clone google test project from: and
- enter in the project directory
-* Inside project directory, type:
-* After compilation, copy all "*.so" inside directory "googlemock" and
- "googlemock/gtest" to "/usr/lib/"
-* Done! Now you can compile your tests.
-If you have any problem, go to the official repository to find help.
-Ps.: Some distros already have googletest packed. If your distro supports it,
-you can use it instead of compile.
-Create new unit test
-If you want to add new unit tests for Yosys, just follow the steps below:
-* Go to directory "yosys/test/unit/"
-* In this directory you can find something similar Yosys's directory structure.
- To create your unit test file you have to follow this pattern:
- fileNameToImplementUnitTest + E.g.: if you want to implement the
- unit test for kernel/, you will need to create a file like this:
- tests/unit/kernel/;
-* Implement your unit test
-Run unit test
-To compile and run all unit tests, just go to yosys root directory and type:
-make unit-test
-If you want to remove all unit test files, type:
-make clean-unit-test
including a manual that even describes some of the Yosys internals:
-The file `CodingReadme` in this directory contains additional information
+The directory `guidelines` contains additional information
for people interested in using the Yosys C++ APIs.
Users interested in formal verification might want to use the formal verification
--- /dev/null
+Checklist for adding internal cell types
+Things to do right away:
+ - Add to kernel/celltypes.h (incl. eval() handling for non-mem cells)
+ - Add to InternalCellChecker::check() in kernel/
+ - Add to techlibs/common/simlib.v
+ - Add to techlibs/common/techmap.v
+Things to do after finalizing the cell interface:
+ - Add support to kernel/satgen.h for the new cell type
+ - Add to manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex (or just add a fixme to the bottom)
+ - Maybe add support to the Verilog backend for dumping such cells as expression
+Checklist for creating Yosys releases
+Update the CHANGELOG file:
+ cd ~yosys
+ gitk &
+Update and check documentation:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make update-manual
+ make manual
+ - sanity check the figures in the appnotes and presentation
+ - if there are any odd things -> investigate
+ - make cosmetic changes to the .tex files if necessary
+ cd ~yosys
+ vi README guidelines/*
+ - is the information provided in those file still up to date
+Then with default config setting:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make vgtest
+ cd ~yosys
+ ./yosys -p 'proc; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'synth; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'synth_xilinx -top up3down5; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ cd ~yosys/examples/cmos
+ bash
+ cd ~yosys/examples/basys3
+ bash
+Test building plugins with various of the standard passes:
+ yosys-config --build
+ - also check the code examples in guidelines/GettingStarted
+And if a version of the verific library is currently available:
+ cd ~yosys
+ cat frontends/verific/build_amd64.txt
+ - follow instructions
+ cd frontends/verific
+ ../../yosys test_navre.ys
+Finally run all tests with "make config-{clang,gcc,gcc-4.8}":
+ cd ~yosys
+ make clean
+ make test
+ make ystests
+ make vloghtb
+ make install
+ cd ~yosys-bigsim
+ make clean
+ make full
+ cd ~vloghammer
+ make purge gen_issues gen_samples
+ make SYN_LIST="yosys" SIM_LIST="icarus yosim verilator" REPORT_FULL=1 world
+ chromium-browser report.html
+ - set YOSYS_VER to x.y.z in Makefile
+ - remove "bumpversion" target from Makefile
+ - update version string in CHANGELOG
+ git commit -am "Yosys x.y.z"
+ - push tag to github
+ - post changelog on github
+ - post short release note on reddit
+Updating the website:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make manual
+ make install
+ - update pdf files on the website
+ cd ~yosys-web
+ make update_cmd
+ make update_show
+ git commit -am update
+ make push
--- /dev/null
+Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
+Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+ advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+ address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at (and/or if you think your mail to the other address got
+stuck in the spam filter). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and
+will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the
+circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with
+regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement
+policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4,
+available at
--- /dev/null
+Coding Style
+Formatting of code
+- Yosys code is using tabs for indentation. Tabs are 8 characters.
+- A continuation of a statement in the following line is indented by
+ two additional tabs.
+- Lines are as long as you want them to be. A good rule of thumb is
+ to break lines at about column 150.
+- Opening braces can be put on the same or next line as the statement
+ opening the block (if, switch, for, while, do). Put the opening brace
+ on its own line for larger blocks, especially blocks that contains
+ blank lines.
+- Otherwise stick to the Linux Kernel Coding Style:
+C++ Language
+Yosys is written in C++11. At the moment only constructs supported by
+gcc 4.8 are allowed in Yosys code. This will change in future releases.
+In general Yosys uses "int" instead of "size_t". To avoid compiler
+warnings for implicit type casts, always use "GetSize(foobar)" instead
+of "foobar.size()". (GetSize() is defined in kernel/yosys.h)
+Use range-based for loops whenever applicable.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Getting Started
+Outline of a Yosys command
+Here is a the C++ code for a "hello_world" Yosys command (
+ #include "kernel/yosys.h"
+ struct HelloWorldPass : public Pass {
+ HelloWorldPass() : Pass("hello_world") { }
+ void execute(vector<string>, Design*) override {
+ log("Hello World!\n");
+ }
+ } HelloWorldPass;
+This can be built into a Yosys module using the following command:
+ yosys-config --exec --cxx --cxxflags --ldflags -o -shared --ldlibs
+Or short:
+ yosys-config --build
+And then executed using the following command:
+ yosys -m -p hello_world
+Yosys Data Structures
+Here is a short list of data structures that you should make yourself familiar
+with before you write C++ code for Yosys. The following data structures are all
+defined when "kernel/yosys.h" is included and USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE is used.
+ 1. Yosys Container Classes
+Yosys uses dict<K, T> and pool<T> as main container classes. dict<K, T> is
+essentially a replacement for std::unordered_map<K, T> and pool<T> is a
+replacement for std::unordered_set<T>. The main characteristics are:
+ - dict<K, T> and pool<T> are about 2x faster than the std containers
+ - references to elements in a dict<K, T> or pool<T> are invalidated by
+ insert and remove operations (similar to std::vector<T> on push_back()).
+ - some iterators are invalidated by erase(). specifically, iterators
+ that have not passed the erased element yet are invalidated. (erase()
+ itself returns valid iterator to the next element.)
+ - no iterators are invalidated by insert(). elements are inserted at
+ begin(). i.e. only a new iterator that starts at begin() will see the
+ inserted elements.
+ - the method .count(key, iterator) is like .count(key) but only
+ considers elements that can be reached via the iterator.
+ - iterators can be compared. it1 < it2 means that the position of t2
+ can be reached via t1 but not vice versa.
+ - the method .sort() can be used to sort the elements in the container
+ the container stays sorted until elements are added or removed.
+ - dict<K, T> and pool<T> will have the same order of iteration across
+ all compilers, standard libraries and architectures.
+In addition to dict<K, T> and pool<T> there is also an idict<K> that
+creates a bijective map from K to the integers. For example:
+ idict<string, 42> si;
+ log("%d\n", si("hello")); // will print 42
+ log("%d\n", si("world")); // will print 43
+ log("%d\n","world")); // will print 43
+ log("%d\n","dummy")); // will throw exception
+ log("%s\n", si[42].c_str())); // will print hello
+ log("%s\n", si[43].c_str())); // will print world
+ log("%s\n", si[44].c_str())); // will throw exception
+It is not possible to remove elements from an idict.
+Finally mfp<K> implements a merge-find set data structure (aka. disjoint-set or
+union-find) over the type K ("mfp" = merge-find-promote).
+ 2. Standard STL data types
+In Yosys we use std::vector<T> and std::string whenever applicable. When
+dict<K, T> and pool<T> are not suitable then std::map<K, T> and std::set<T>
+are used instead.
+The types std::vector<T> and std::string are also available as vector<T>
+and string in the Yosys namespace.
+ 3. RTLIL objects
+The current design (essentially a collection of modules, each defined by a
+netlist) is stored in memory using RTLIL object (declared in kernel/rtlil.h,
+automatically included by kernel/yosys.h). You should glance over at least
+the declarations for the following types in kernel/rtlil.h:
+ RTLIL::IdString
+ This is a handle for an identifier (e.g. cell or wire name).
+ It feels a lot like a std::string, but is only a single int
+ in size. (The actual string is stored in a global lookup
+ table.)
+ RTLIL::SigBit
+ A single signal bit. I.e. either a constant state (0, 1,
+ x, z) or a single bit from a wire.
+ RTLIL::SigSpec
+ Essentially a vector of SigBits.
+ RTLIL::Wire
+ RTLIL::Cell
+ The building blocks of the netlist in a module.
+ RTLIL::Module
+ RTLIL::Design
+ The module is a container with connected cells and wires
+ in it. The design is a container with modules in it.
+All this types are also available without the RTLIL:: prefix in the Yosys
+ 4. SigMap and other Helper Classes
+There are a couple of additional helper classes that are in wide use
+in Yosys. Most importantly there is SigMap (declared in kernel/sigtools.h).
+When a design has many wires in it that are connected to each other, then a
+single signal bit can have multiple valid names. The SigMap object can be used
+to map SigSpecs or SigBits to unique SigSpecs and SigBits that consistently
+only use one wire from such a group of connected wires. For example:
+ SigBit a = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ SigBit b = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ module->connect(a, b);
+ log("%d\n", a == b); // will print 0
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ log("%d\n", sigmap(a) == sigmap(b)); // will print 1
+Using the RTLIL Netlist Format
+In the RTLIL netlist format the cell ports contain SigSpecs that point to the
+Wires. There are no references in the other direction. This has two direct
+(1) It is very easy to go from cells to wires but hard to go in the other way.
+(2) There is no danger in removing cells from the netlists, but removing wires
+can break the netlist format when there are still references to the wire
+somewhere in the netlist.
+The solution to (1) is easy: Create custom indexes that allow you to make fast
+lookups for the wire-to-cell direction. You can either use existing generic
+index structures to do that (such as the ModIndex class) or write your own
+index. For many application it is simplest to construct a custom index. For
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ dict<SigBit, Cell*> sigbit_to_driver_index;
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
+ if (cell->output(conn.first))
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
+ sigbit_to_driver_index[bit] = cell;
+Regarding (2): There is a general theme in Yosys that you don't remove wires
+from the design. You can rename them, unconnect them, but you do not actually remove
+the Wire object from the module. Instead you let the "clean" command take care
+of the dangling wires. On the other hand it is safe to remove cells (as long as
+you make sure this does not invalidate a custom index you are using in your code).
+Example Code
+The following yosys commands are a good starting point if you are looking for examples
+of how to use the Yosys API:
+ manual/CHAPTER_Prog/
+ manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/
+Script Passes
+The ScriptPass base class can be used to implement passes that just call other passes,
+like a script. Examples for such passes are:
+ techlibs/common/
+ techlibs/common/
+In some cases it is easier to implement such a pass as regular pass, for example when
+ScriptPass doesn't provide the type of flow control desired. (But many of the
+script passes in Yosys that don't use ScriptPass simply predate the ScriptPass base
+class.) Examples for such passes are:
+ passes/opt/
+ passes/proc/
+Whether they use the ScriptPass base-class or not, a pass should always either
+call other passes without doing any non-trivial work itself, or should implement
+a non-trivial algorithm but not call any other passes. The reason for this is that
+this helps containing complexity in individual passes and simplifies debugging the
+entire system.
+Exceptions to this rule should be rare and limited to cases where calling other
+passes is optional and only happens when requested by the user (such as for
+example `techmap -autoproc`), or where it is about commands that are "top-level
+commands" in their own right, not components to be used in regular synthesis
+flows (such as the `bugpoint` command).
+A pass that would "naturally" call other passes and also do some work itself
+should be re-written in one of two ways:
+1) It could be re-written as script pass with the parts that are not calls
+to other passes factored out into individual new passes. Usually in those
+cases the new sub passes share the same prefix as the top-level script pass.
+2) It could be re-written so that it already expects the design in a certain
+state, expecting the calling script to set up this state before calling the
+pass in questions.
+Many back-ends are examples for the 2nd approach. For example, `write_aiger`
+does not convert the design into AIG representation, but expects the design
+to be already in this form, and prints an `Unsupported cell type` error
+message otherwise.
+Notes on the existing codebase
+For historical reasons not all parts of Yosys adhere to the current coding
+style. When adding code to existing parts of the system, adhere to this guide
+for the new code instead of trying to mimic the style of the surrounding code.
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--- /dev/null
+How to add unit test
+Unit test brings some advantages, briefly, we can list some of them (reference
+* Tests reduce bugs in new features;
+* Tests reduce bugs in existing features;
+* Tests are good documentation;
+* Tests reduce the cost of change;
+* Tests allow refactoring;
+With those advantages in mind, it was required to choose a framework which fits
+well with C/C++ code. Hence, it was chosen (google test)
+[], because it is largely used and it is
+relatively easy learn.
+Install and configure google test (manually)
+In this section, you will see a brief description of how to install google
+test. However, it is strongly recommended that you take a look to the official
+repository ( and refers to that if you
+have any problem to install it. Follow the steps below:
+* Install: cmake and pthread
+* Clone google test project from: and
+ enter in the project directory
+* Inside project directory, type:
+* After compilation, copy all "*.so" inside directory "googlemock" and
+ "googlemock/gtest" to "/usr/lib/"
+* Done! Now you can compile your tests.
+If you have any problem, go to the official repository to find help.
+Ps.: Some distros already have googletest packed. If your distro supports it,
+you can use it instead of compile.
+Create new unit test
+If you want to add new unit tests for Yosys, just follow the steps below:
+* Go to directory "yosys/test/unit/"
+* In this directory you can find something similar Yosys's directory structure.
+ To create your unit test file you have to follow this pattern:
+ fileNameToImplementUnitTest + E.g.: if you want to implement the
+ unit test for kernel/, you will need to create a file like this:
+ tests/unit/kernel/;
+* Implement your unit test
+Run unit test
+To compile and run all unit tests, just go to yosys root directory and type:
+make unit-test
+If you want to remove all unit test files, type:
+make clean-unit-test
--- /dev/null
+Creating the Visual Studio Template Project
+1. Create an empty Visual C++ Win32 Console App project
+ Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
+ Open New Project Wizard (File -> New Project..)
+ Project Name: YosysVS
+ Solution Name: YosysVS
+ [X] Create directory for solution
+ [ ] Add to source control
+ [X] Console applications
+ [X] Empty Project
+ [ ] SDL checks
+2. Open YosysVS Project Properties
+ Select Configuration: All Configurations
+ C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
+ Add: ..\yosys
+ C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions
+3. Resulting file system tree:
+ YosysVS/
+ YosysVS/YosysVS
+ YosysVS/YosysVS/YosysVS.vcxproj
+ YosysVS/YosysVS/YosysVS.vcxproj.filters
+ YosysVS/YosysVS.sdf
+ YosysVS/YosysVS.sln
+ YosysVS/YosysVS.v12.suo
+4. Zip YosysVS as
+Cross-Building for Windows with MXE
+Check and install all missing requirements.
+As root (or other user with write access to /usr/local/src):
+ cd /usr/local/src
+ git clone
+ cd mxe
+ make -j$(nproc) MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS="plugins/" \
+ MXE_TARGETS="i686-w64-mingw32.static" \
+ gcc tcl readline
+Then as regular user in some directory where you build stuff:
+ git clone yosys-win32
+ cd yosys-win32
+ make config-mxe
+ make -j$(nproc) mxebin
\ No newline at end of file
// This header is very boring. It just defines some general things that
// belong nowhere else and includes the interesting headers.
-// Find more information in the "CodingReadme" file.
+// Find more information in the "guidelines/GettingStarted" file.
#ifndef YOSYS_H
This chapter contains some bits and pieces of information about programming
yosys extensions. Also consult the section on programming in the ``Yosys
Presentation'' (can be downloaded from the Yosys website as PDF) and don't
-be afraid to ask questions on the Yosys Subreddit.
+be afraid to ask questions on the YosysHQ Slack.
-\section{The ``CodingReadme'' File}
-The following is an excerpt of the {\tt CodingReadme} file from the Yosys source tree.
+The {\tt guidelines} directory contains notes on various aspects of Yosys development. The files {\tt GettingStarted} and {\tt CodingStyle} may be of particular interest, and are reproduced here.
\section{The ``stubsnets'' Example Module}