raise TypeError("Object '{!r}' is not an nMigen value".format(obj))
- def __init__(self, src_loc_at=0):
+ def __init__(self, *, src_loc_at=0):
self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(1 + src_loc_at)
return value
def __init__(self, value, shape=None):
+ # We deliberately do not call Value.__init__ here.
self.value = int(value)
if shape is None:
shape = bits_for(self.value), self.value < 0
class AnyValue(Value, DUID):
- def __init__(self, shape):
- super().__init__(src_loc_at=0)
+ def __init__(self, shape, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
if isinstance(shape, int):
shape = shape, False
self.nbits, self.signed = shape
class Operator(Value):
- def __init__(self, op, operands, src_loc_at=0):
+ def __init__(self, op, operands, *, src_loc_at=0):
super().__init__(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at)
self.op = op
self.operands = [Value.wrap(o) for o in operands]
class Slice(Value):
- def __init__(self, value, start, end):
+ def __init__(self, value, start, end, *, src_loc_at=0):
if not isinstance(start, int):
raise TypeError("Slice start must be an integer, not '{!r}'".format(start))
if not isinstance(end, int):
if start > end:
raise IndexError("Slice start {} must be less than slice end {}".format(start, end))
- super().__init__()
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.value = Value.wrap(value)
self.start = start
self.end = end
class Part(Value):
- def __init__(self, value, offset, width):
+ def __init__(self, value, offset, width, *, src_loc_at=0):
if not isinstance(width, int) or width < 0:
raise TypeError("Part width must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'".format(width))
- super().__init__()
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.value = value
self.offset = Value.wrap(offset)
self.width = width
Value, inout
Resulting ``Value`` obtained by concatentation.
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super().__init__()
+ def __init__(self, *args, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.parts = [Value.wrap(v) for v in flatten(args)]
def shape(self):
Repl, out
Replicated value.
- def __init__(self, value, count):
+ def __init__(self, value, count, *, src_loc_at=0):
if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 0:
raise TypeError("Replication count must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'"
- super().__init__()
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.value = Value.wrap(value)
self.count = count
attrs : dict
- def __init__(self, shape=None, name=None, reset=0, reset_less=False, min=None, max=None,
+ def __init__(self, shape=None, name=None, *, reset=0, reset_less=False, min=None, max=None,
attrs=None, decoder=None, src_loc_at=0):
self.decoder = decoder
- def like(cls, other, name=None, name_suffix=None, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
+ def like(cls, other, *, name=None, name_suffix=None, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
"""Create Signal based on another.
domain : str
Clock domain to obtain a clock signal for. Defaults to ``"sync"``.
- def __init__(self, domain="sync"):
- super().__init__()
+ def __init__(self, domain="sync", *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
if not isinstance(domain, str):
raise TypeError("Clock domain name must be a string, not '{!r}'".format(domain))
self.domain = domain
allow_reset_less : bool
If the clock domain is reset-less, act as a constant ``0`` instead of reporting an error.
- def __init__(self, domain="sync", allow_reset_less=False):
- super().__init__()
+ def __init__(self, domain="sync", allow_reset_less=False, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
if not isinstance(domain, str):
raise TypeError("Clock domain name must be a string, not '{!r}'".format(domain))
self.domain = domain
class ArrayProxy(Value):
- def __init__(self, elems, index):
- super().__init__(src_loc_at=1)
+ def __init__(self, elems, index, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at)
self.elems = elems
self.index = Value.wrap(index)
* Indexing or iterating through individual bits;
* Adding an assignment to the value to a ``Module`` using ``m.d.<domain> +=``.
- def __init__(self, src_loc_at=1):
+ def __init__(self, *, src_loc_at=0):
super().__init__(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at)
self.__lowered = None
of the ``domain`` clock back. If that moment is before the beginning of time, it is equal
to the value of the expression calculated as if each signal had its reset value.
- def __init__(self, expr, clocks, domain):
- super().__init__(src_loc_at=1)
+ def __init__(self, expr, clocks, domain, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at)
self.value = Value.wrap(expr)
self.clocks = int(clocks)
self.domain = domain
class Statement:
+ def __init__(self, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(1 + src_loc_at)
def wrap(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Iterable):
class Assign(Statement):
- def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, src_loc_at=0):
- self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(src_loc_at)
+ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.lhs = Value.wrap(lhs)
self.rhs = Value.wrap(rhs)
class Property(Statement):
- def __init__(self, test, _check=None, _en=None):
- self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc()
- self.test = Value.wrap(test)
+ def __init__(self, test, *, _check=None, _en=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
+ self.test = Value.wrap(test)
self._check = _check
+ self._en = _en
if self._check is None:
self._check = Signal(reset_less=True, name="${}$check".format(self._kind))
self._check.src_loc = self.src_loc
- self._en = _en
if _en is None:
self._en = Signal(reset_less=True, name="${}$en".format(self._kind))
self._en.src_loc = self.src_loc
# @final
class Switch(Statement):
- def __init__(self, test, cases, src_loc_at=0):
- self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(src_loc_at)
+ def __init__(self, test, cases, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.test = Value.wrap(test)
self.cases = OrderedDict()
for keys, stmts in cases.items():
class Delay(Statement):
- def __init__(self, interval=None):
+ def __init__(self, interval=None, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.interval = None if interval is None else float(interval)
def _rhs_signals(self):
class Tick(Statement):
- def __init__(self, domain="sync"):
+ def __init__(self, domain="sync", *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
self.domain = str(domain)
def _rhs_signals(self):
class Passive(Statement):
+ def __init__(self, *, src_loc_at=0):
+ super().__init__(src_loc_at=src_loc_at)
def _rhs_signals(self):
return ValueSet()