state machines with datapaths, and a simulator that allows test benches to be
written in Python.
-Migen is the foundation of the next-generation Milkymist SoC.
See the doc/ folder for more technical information.
Code repository:
-New Milkymist SoC based on Migen:
+System-on-chip design based on Migen:
Migen is designed for Python 3.3.
.. [drreorder]
-Migen and milkymist-ng implement their own bus, called LASMIbus, that features the last two techniques. Grouping by row had been previously explored with ASMI, but difficulties in achieving timing closure at reasonable latencies in FPGA combined with uncertain performance pay-off for some applications discouraged work in that direction.
+Migen and MiSoC implement their own bus, called LASMIbus, that features the last two techniques. Grouping by row had been previously explored with ASMI, but difficulties in achieving timing closure at reasonable latencies in FPGA combined with uncertain performance pay-off for some applications discouraged work in that direction.
Topology and transactions
-The LASMI consists of one or several memory controllers (e.g. LASMIcon from milkymist-ng), multiple masters, and crossbar interconnect.
+The LASMI consists of one or several memory controllers (e.g. LASMIcon from MiSoC), multiple masters, and crossbar interconnect.
Each memory controller can expose several bank machines to the crossbar. This way, requests to different SDRAM banks can be processed in parallel.