AT-Form (TODO)
-* lat. RT,RA,FC,ew
-* lataq. RT,RA,FC,ew
-* latrl. RT,RA,FC,ew
-* lataqrl. RT,RA,FC,ew
-* stat. RS,RA,FC,ew
-* stataq. RS,RA,FC,ew
-* statrl. RS,RA,FC,ew
-* stataqrl. RS,RA,FC,ew
+* lat. RT,RA,FC,aq,rl,ew
+* stat. RS,RA,FC,aq,rl,ew
**DRAFT** EXT031 and XO, these are near to the existing
atomic memory operations
-|0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21|22|23.24|25.30 |31|name | Form |
-|-- | -- | --- | --- |--|--|---- |------|--|-----------|------------|
-|31 | RT | RA | FC |lr|sc|ew |000101|/ |lat[aq][rl]| TODO-Form |
-|31 | RS | RA | FC |lr|sc|ew |100101|/ |stat[aq][rl]| TODO-Form |
+|0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21|22|23.24|25.30 |31|name| Form |
+|-- | -- | --- | --- |--|--|---- |------|--|----|------------|
+|31 | RT | RA | FC |lr|sc|ew |000101|Rc|lat | TODO-Form |
+|31 | RS | RA | FC |lr|sc|ew |100101|/ |stat| TODO-Form |
* `ew` specifies the memory operation width: 0/1/2/3 8/16/32/64
* If the `aq` bit is set,
then no later atomic memory operations can be observed
to take place before the AMO in this or other cores.
- (A Write-after-Read Memory Hazard is created)
+ (A global Write-after-Read Memory Hazard is created)
* If the `rl` bit is set, then other cores will not observe the AMO before
memory accesses preceding the AMO.
- (A Read-after-Write Memory Hazard is created)
+ (A global Read-after-Write Memory Hazard is created)
* Setting both the `aq` and the `rl` bit makes the sequence
sequentially consistent, meaning that
it cannot be reordered with respect to earlier or later atomic