void run()
- log("Transforming $dff to $dffe cells in module %s:\n", log_id(module));
- for (auto dff_cell : dff_cells)
+ log("Transforming FF to FF+Enable cells in module %s:\n", log_id(module));
+ for (auto dff_cell : dff_cells) {
+ // log("Handling candidate %s:\n", log_id(dff_cell));
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-direct-match" && argidx + 1 < args.size()) {
+ bool found_match = false;
const char *pattern = args[++argidx].c_str();
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_P_" )) direct_dict["$_DFF_P_" ] = "$_DFFE_P_";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_N_" )) direct_dict["$_DFF_N_" ] = "$_DFFE_N_";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NN0_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_NN0"] = "$__DFFE_NN0";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NN1_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_NN1"] = "$__DFFE_NN1";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NP0_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_NP0"] = "$__DFFE_NP0";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NP1_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_NP1"] = "$__DFFE_NP1";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PN0_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_PN0"] = "$__DFFE_PN0";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PN1_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_PN1"] = "$__DFFE_PN1";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PP0_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_PP0"] = "$__DFFE_PP0";
- if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PP1_")) direct_dict["$_DFF_PP1"] = "$__DFFE_PP1";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_P_" )) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_P_" ] = "$_DFFE_P_";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_N_" )) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_N_" ] = "$_DFFE_N_";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NN0_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_NN0_"] = "$__DFFE_NN0";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NN1_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_NN1_"] = "$__DFFE_NN1";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NP0_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_NP0_"] = "$__DFFE_NP0";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_NP1_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_NP1_"] = "$__DFFE_NP1";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PN0_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_PN0_"] = "$__DFFE_PN0";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PN1_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_PN1_"] = "$__DFFE_PN1";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PP0_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_PP0_"] = "$__DFFE_PP0";
+ if (patmatch(pattern, "$_DFF_PP1_")) found_match = true, direct_dict["$_DFF_PP1_"] = "$__DFFE_PP1";
+ if (!found_match)
+ log_cmd_error("No cell types matched pattern '%s'.\n", pattern);
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ if (!direct_dict.empty()) {
+ log("Selected cell types for direct conversion:\n");
+ for (auto &it : direct_dict)
+ log(" %s -> %s\n", log_id(it.first), log_id(it.second));
+ }
for (auto mod : design->selected_modules())
if (!mod->has_processes_warn())