- A limited subset of DPI-C functions is supported. The plugin mechanism
- (see "help plugin") can be used load .so files with implementations of
- DPI-C routines. As a non-standard extension it is possible to specify
+ (see "help plugin") can be used to load .so files with implementations
+ of DPI-C routines. As a non-standard extension it is possible to specify
a plugin alias using the "<alias>:" syntax. for example:
module dpitest;
must be put in parentheses. Examples: WIDTH'd42, (4+2)'b101010
- The system tasks $finish and $display are supported in initial blocks
- in and unconditional context (only if/case statements on parameters
+ in an unconditional context (only if/case statements on parameters
and constant values). The intended use for this is synthesis-time DRC.
sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra # gets skull.sty and dsfont.sty
sudo apt-get install texlive-publishers # IEEEtran.cls
-Also the non-free font luximono should be installed, there is unfortulately
+Also the non-free font luximono should be installed, there is unfortunately
no Ubuntu package for this so it should be installed separately using