ghdlsynth doesn't like the debug statement, so wrap it in a generate.
Signed-off-by: Anton Blanchard <>
icache_0: entity work.icache
generic map(
+ SIM => SIM,
LINE_SIZE => 64,
NUM_LINES => 32,
entity icache is
generic (
+ SIM : boolean := false;
-- Line size in bytes
LINE_SIZE : positive := 64;
-- Number of lines in a set
assert (64 = TAG_BITS + ROW_BITS + ROW_OFF_BITS)
report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE;
+ sim_debug: if SIM generate
debug: process
report "ROW_SIZE = " & natural'image(ROW_SIZE);
report "WAY_BITS = " & natural'image(WAY_BITS);
end process;
+ end generate;
-- Generate a cache RAM for each way
rams: for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 generate