set line1 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 1 here" ${srcfile2}]
gdb_breakpoint $srcfile2:$line1
-gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar (1)"
+gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar 1"
-gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar (2)"
+gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar 2"
if { ! $no_frames } {
gdb_test "backtrace" "#0 bar.*#1 .*func1.*#2 .*main.*" \
- "backtrace from bar (2)"
- gdb_test "up" "#1 .*func1 .* at .*" "up from bar (2)"
- gdb_test "info frame" ".*inlined into frame.*" "func1 inlined (2)"
- gdb_test "info locals" "array = {.*}" "info locals above bar (2)"
+ "backtrace from bar 2"
+ gdb_test "up" "#1 .*func1 .* at .*" "up from bar 2"
+ gdb_test "info frame" ".*inlined into frame.*" "func1 inlined 2"
+ gdb_test "info locals" "array = {.*}" "info locals above bar 2"
- set msg "info args above bar (2)"
+ set msg "info args above bar 2"
gdb_test_multiple "info args" $msg {
-re "arg1 = $decimal\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $msg
} else {
- gdb_test "up" "#1 .*main .* at .*" "up from bar (2)"
- gdb_test "info locals" ".*arg1 = 0.*" "info locals above bar (2)"
+ gdb_test "up" "#1 .*main .* at .*" "up from bar 2"
+ gdb_test "info locals" ".*arg1 = 0.*" "info locals above bar 2"
# Make sure that locals on the stack are found. This is an array to
# prevent it from living in a register.
-gdb_test "print array\[0\]" "\\\$$decimal = 0" "print local (2)"
+gdb_test "print array\[0\]" "\\\$$decimal = 0" "print local 2"
if { ! $no_frames } {
# Verify that we do not print out variables from the inlined
# Repeat the tests from a depth of two inlined functions, and with a
# more interesting value in the local array.
-gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar (3)"
+gdb_test "continue" ".*set breakpoint 1 here.*" "continue to bar 3"
if { ! $no_frames } {
gdb_test "backtrace" "#0 bar.*#1 .*func1.*#2 .*func2.*#3 .*main.*" \
- "backtrace from bar (3)"
- gdb_test "up" "#1 .*func1 .* at .*" "up from bar (3)"
- gdb_test "info frame" ".*inlined into frame.*" "func1 inlined (3)"
- gdb_test "info locals" "array = {.*}" "info locals above bar (3)"
+ "backtrace from bar 3"
+ gdb_test "up" "#1 .*func1 .* at .*" "up from bar 3"
+ gdb_test "info frame" ".*inlined into frame.*" "func1 inlined 3"
+ gdb_test "info locals" "array = {.*}" "info locals above bar 3"
- set msg "info args above bar (3)"
+ set msg "info args above bar 3"
gdb_test_multiple "info args" $msg {
-re "arg1 = $decimal\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $msg
} else {
- gdb_test "up" "#1 .*main .* at .*" "up from bar (3)"
+ gdb_test "up" "#1 .*main .* at .*" "up from bar 3"
gdb_test "info locals" ".*arg1 = 1.*" "info locals above bar (3a)"
gdb_test "info locals" ".*arg2 = 184.*" "info locals above bar (3b)"
-gdb_test "print array\[0\]" "\\\$$decimal = 184" "print local (3)"
+gdb_test "print array\[0\]" "\\\$$decimal = 184" "print local 3"