# Each argument to this script is of the form
# <primary arch>-<abi>-<additional arches>-<extensions>
-# For example,
+# Example 1:
# rv32imafd-ilp32d-rv32g-c,v
# means that, in addition to rv32imafd, these configurations can also use the
# rv32imafd-ilp32d libraries: rv32imafdc, rv32imafdv, rv32g, rv32gc, rv32gv
+# Example 2:
+# rv32imafd-ilp32d--c*b
+# means that, in addition to rv32imafd, these configurations can also use the
+# rv32imafd-ilp32d libraries: rv32imafdc-ilp32d, rv32imafdb-ilp32d,
+# rv32imafdcb-ilp32d
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import collections
+import itertools
+from functools import reduce
+# TODO: Add test for this script.
arches = collections.OrderedDict()
abis = collections.OrderedDict()
reuse = []
canonical_order = "mafdgqlcbjtpvn"
+LONG_EXT_PREFIXES = ['z', 's', 'h', 'x']
# IMPLIED_EXT(ext) -> implied extension list.
# TODO: Support extension version.
new_arch = ""
if arch[:5] in ['rv32e', 'rv32i', 'rv32g', 'rv64i', 'rv64g']:
- # TODO: We should expand g to imadzifencei once we support newer spec.
+ # TODO: We should expand g to imad_zifencei once we support newer spec.
new_arch = arch[:5].replace("g", "imafd")
raise Exception("Unexpected arch: `%s`" % arch[:5])
# Find any Z, S, H or X
- long_ext_prefixes = ['z', 's', 'h', 'x']
- long_ext_prefixes_idx = map(lambda x: arch.find(x), long_ext_prefixes)
+ long_ext_prefixes_idx = map(lambda x: arch.find(x), LONG_EXT_PREFIXES)
# Filter out any non-existent index.
long_ext_prefixes_idx = list(filter(lambda x: x != -1, long_ext_prefixes_idx))
std_exts += list(filter(lambda x:len(x) == 1, long_exts))
# Multi-letter extension must be in lexicographic order.
- long_exts = sorted(filter(lambda x:len(x) != 1, long_exts))
+ long_exts = list(sorted(filter(lambda x:len(x) != 1, long_exts)))
# Put extensions in canonical order.
for ext in canonical_order:
new_arch += "_" + "_".join(long_exts)
return new_arch
+# add underline for each multi-char extensions.
+# e.g. ["a", "zfh"] -> ["a", "_zfh"]
+def add_underline_prefix(ext):
+ for long_ext_prefix in LONG_EXT_PREFIXES:
+ if ext.startswith(long_ext_prefix):
+ return "_" + ext
+ return ext
+# Handle expansion operation.
+# e.g. "a*b" -> [("a",), ("b",), ("a", "b")]
+# "a" -> [("a",)]
+def _expand_combination(ext):
+ exts = list(ext.split("*"))
+ # No need to expand if there is no `*`.
+ if len(exts) == 1:
+ return [(exts[0],)]
+ # Add underline to every extension.
+ # e.g.
+ # _b * zvamo => _b * _zvamo
+ exts = list(map(lambda x: '_' + x, exts))
+ # Generate combination!
+ ext_combs = []
+ for comb_len in range(1, len(exts)+1):
+ for ext_comb in itertools.combinations(exts, comb_len):
+ ext_combs.append(ext_comb)
+ return ext_combs
+# Input a list and drop duplicated entry.
+# e.g.
+# ["a", "b", "ab", "a"] -> ["a", "b", "ab"]
+def unique(x):
+ #
+ # Drop duplicated entry.
+ # Convert list to set and then convert back to list.
+ #
+ # Add sorted to prevent non-deterministic results in different env.
+ #
+ return list(sorted(list(set(x))))
+# Expand EXT string if there is any expansion operator (*).
+# e.g.
+# "a*b,c" -> ["a", "b", "ab", "c"]
+def expand_combination(ext):
+ ext = list(filter(None, ext.split(',')))
+ # Expand combination for EXT, got lots of list.
+ # e.g.
+ # a * b => [[("a",), ("b",)], [("a", "b")]]
+ ext_combs = list(map(_expand_combination, ext))
+ # Then fold to single list.
+ # e.g.
+ # [[("a",), ("b",)], [("a", "b")]] => [("a",), ("b",), ("a", "b")]
+ ext = list(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ext_combs, []))
+ # Fold the tuple to string.
+ # e.g.
+ # [("a",), ("b",), ("a", "b")] => ["a", "b", "ab"]
+ ext = map(lambda e : reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, e), ext)
+ # Drop duplicated entry.
+ ext = unique(ext)
+ return ext
for cfg in sys.argv[1:]:
(arch, abi, extra, ext) = cfg.split('-')
arch = arch_canonicalize (arch)
arches[arch] = 1
abis[abi] = 1
extra = list(filter(None, extra.split(',')))
- ext = list(filter(None, ext.split(',')))
- alts = sum([[x] + [x + "_" + y for y in ext] for x in [arch] + extra], [])
+ ext_combs = expand_combination(ext)
+ alts = sum([[x] + [x + y for y in ext_combs] for x in [arch] + extra], [])
alts = list(map(arch_canonicalize, alts))
+ # Drop duplicated entry.
+ alts = unique(alts)
for alt in alts[1:]:
arches[alt] = 1
reuse.append('march.%s/mabi.%s=march.%s/mabi.%s' % (arch, abi, alt, abi))