return ioconn
def _elaborate_ios(self, *, m, capture, shift, update, bd2io, bd2core):
- length = sum(IOConn.lengths[conn._iotype] for conn in self._ios)
# note: the starting points where each IOConn is placed into
# the Shift Register depends *specifically* on the type (parameters)
# of each IOConn, and therefore on all IOConn(s) that came before it
# IOtype, banksel, pullup *and* pulldown.
# pre-compute the length of the IO shift registers needed.
- # relies on Record.len() returning the total bit-width including
- # all Signals
- length = sum(len(conn) for conn in self._ios)
+ length = 0
+ for conn in self._ios:
+ length += IOConn.lengths[conn._iotype] + conn._banksel
+ if conn._pullup:
+ length += 1
+ if conn._pulldown:
+ length += 1
if length == 0:
return self.bus.tdi
# now also banksel, pullup and pulldown from core are added
if conn._banksel != 0:
- idx += 1
+ idx += conn._banksel
if conn._pullup:
idx += 1