return a;
+ /**
+ * This method adds the interleaving bits removed by
+ * removeIntlvBits.
+ */
+ inline Addr addIntlvBits(Addr a) const
+ {
+ // Get the LSB set from each mask
+ int masks_lsb[masks.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < masks.size(); i++) {
+ masks_lsb[i] = ctz64(masks[i]);
+ }
+ // Add bits one-by-one from the LSB side.
+ std::sort(masks_lsb, masks_lsb + masks.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < masks.size(); i++) {
+ const int intlv_bit = masks_lsb[i];
+ if (intlv_bit > 0) {
+ // on every iteration we add one bit from the input
+ // address, and therefore the lowest invtl_bit has
+ // also shifted to the left by i positions.
+ a = insertBits(a << 1, intlv_bit + i - 1, 0, a);
+ } else {
+ a <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < masks.size(); i++) {
+ const int lsb = ctz64(masks[i]);
+ const Addr intlv_bit = bits(intlvMatch, i);
+ // Calculate the mask ignoring the LSB
+ const Addr masked = a & masks[i] & ~(1 << lsb);
+ // Set the LSB of the mask to whatever satisfies the selector bit
+ a = insertBits(a, lsb, intlv_bit ^ popCount(masked));
+ }
+ return a;
+ }
* Determine the offset of an address within the range.
+ void testAddRemoveIntlvBits()
+ {
+ for (Addr addr = start; addr <= end; addr++) {
+ AddrRange &r = range[getIndex(addr)];
+ Addr ch_addr = r.removeIntlvBits(addr);
+ Addr pa = r.addIntlvBits(ch_addr);
+ ASSERT_EQ(addr, pa);
+ }
+ }
static const Addr end = 0x1ffff;
static const Addr start = 0x0;
static const int intlvSize = 4;
+TEST_F(AddrRangeCont, AddrRangeAddRemoveIntlvBits)
+ testAddRemoveIntlvBits();
class AddrRangeContLegacy : public AddrRangeCont {
+TEST_F(AddrRangeContLegacy, AddrRangeAddRemoveIntlvBits)
+ testAddRemoveIntlvBits();
class AddrRangeArb : public AddrRangeBase {
+TEST_F(AddrRangeArb, AddrRangeAddRemoveIntlvBits)
+ testAddRemoveIntlvBits();