void TseitinCnfStream::convertAndAssert(const Node& node) {
Debug("cnf") << "convertAndAssert(" << node << ")" << endl;
+ // If the node is a conjuntion, we handle each conjunct separatelu
+ if (node.getKind() == AND) {
+ Node::iterator conjunct = node.begin();
+ Node::iterator node_end = node.end();
+ while (conjunct != node_end) {
+ convertAndAssert(*conjunct);
+ ++ conjunct;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the node is a disjunction, we construct a clause and assert it
+ if (node.getKind() == OR) {
+ int nChildren = node.getNumChildren();
+ SatClause clause(nChildren);
+ Node::iterator disjunct = node.begin();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; ++ disjunct, ++ i) {
+ clause[i] = toCNF(*disjunct);
+ }
+ assertClause(clause);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we just convert using the definitional transformation