li x1, SV_SHAPE_CSR( xd, yd, zd, offs, permute); \
csrrw x0, 0x4f8, x1
+// series of macros that set one, two or three register (or predicate)
+// key-value table entries that alter the behaviour of the registers
#define SET_SV_CSR( type, regkey, elwidth, regidx, isvec) \
li x1, SV_REG_CSR( type, regkey, elwidth, regidx, isvec); \
csrrw x0, 0x4c0, x1
li x1, c1 | ((c2)<<16U); \
csrrw x0, 0x4c8, x1
+// clears the 2 CSRs set above
#define CLR_SV_CSRS( ) csrrw x0, 0x4c0, 0
#define CLR_SV_PRED_CSRS( ) csrrw x0, 0x4c8, 0
+// set maximum vector length.
#define SET_SV_MVL( val ) csrrwi x0, 0x4f1, (val-1)
+// set actual vector length: normally that would
+// be vl = xN = min(mvl, min(vl, xN) however we
+// pass in x0 here.
#define SET_SV_VL( val ) csrrwi x0, 0x4f0, (val-1)
#define SV_LD_DATA( reg, from, offs ) \