Trace("sep-type-debug") << "visit : " << n << " : " << atom << " " << index << std::endl;
visited[n] = -1;
if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
+ //TODO: when THEORY_SETS supports mixed Int/Real sets
+ //TypeNode tn1 = n[0].getType().getBaseType();
+ //TypeNode tn2 = n[1].getType().getBaseType();
TypeNode tn1 = n[0].getType();
TypeNode tn2 = n[1].getType();
if( quantifiers::TermDb::hasBoundVarAttr( n[0] ) ){
std::map< TypeNode, TypeNode >::iterator itt = d_loc_to_data_type.find( tn1 );
if( itt==d_loc_to_data_type.end() ){
+ if( !d_loc_to_data_type.empty() ){
+ TypeNode te1 = d_loc_to_data_type.begin()->first;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "ERROR: specifying heap constraints for two different types : " << tn1 << " -> " << tn2 << " and " << te1 << " -> " << d_loc_to_data_type[te1] << std::endl;
+ throw LogicException(ss.str());
+ Assert( false );
+ }
Trace("sep-type") << "Sep: assume location type " << tn1 << " is associated with data type " << tn2 << " (from " << atom << ")" << std::endl;
d_loc_to_data_type[tn1] = tn2;