It is very strange to the author to be describing what amounts to a
"Holy Grail" solution to a decades-long intractable problem that
mitigates the anticipated end of Moore's Law: how to make it easy for
-well-defined workloads, expressed as a perfecly normal
+well-defined workloads, expressed as a perfectly normal
sequential program, compiled to a standard well-known ISA, to have
the potential of being offloaded transparently to Parallel Compute Engines,
all without the Software Developer being excessively burdened with
-a Parallel-Processing Paradigm that is alien to both their experience
-and training, as well as common knowledge.
+a Parallel-Processing Paradigm that is alien to all their experience
+and training, as well as Industry-wide common knowledge.
Will it be that easy? ZOLC is, honestly, in its current incarnation,
not that straightforward: programs