--- /dev/null
+/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+/* This file is compiled from gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc
+ using -g -dA -S -O2.
+ Additionally it has been patched. */
+ .file "amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc"
+ .text
+ .p2align 4,,15
+ .type _ZL3barRi.constprop.0, @function
+ .file 1 "gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc"
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:21
+ .loc 1 21 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+# BLOCK 2 freq:10000 seq:0
+# PRED: ENTRY [100.0%] (FALLTHRU)
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:23
+ .loc 1 23 0
+ movl vv(%rip), %eax
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:24
+ .loc 1 24 0
+ movq %rdi, p(%rip)
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:23
+ .loc 1 23 0
+ addl $1, %eax
+ movl %eax, vv(%rip)
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:25
+ .loc 1 25 0
+ movl (%rdi), %eax
+# SUCC: EXIT [100.0%]
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:26
+ .loc 1 26 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size _ZL3barRi.constprop.0, .-_ZL3barRi.constprop.0
+ .section .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
+ .p2align 4,,15
+ .globl main
+ .type main, @function
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:30
+ .loc 1 30 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+# BLOCK 2 freq:10000 seq:0
+# PRED: ENTRY [100.0%] (FALLTHRU)
+ subq $16, %rsp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:32
+ .loc 1 32 0
+ leaq 12(%rsp), %rdi
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:31
+ .loc 1 31 0
+ movl $10, 12(%rsp)
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:32
+ .loc 1 32 0
+ call _ZL3barRi.constprop.0
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc:33
+ .loc 1 33 0
+ addq $16, %rsp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
+# SUCC: EXIT [100.0%]
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size main, .-main
+ .globl p
+ .bss
+ .align 8
+ .type p, @object
+ .size p, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .globl vv
+ .align 4
+ .type vv, @object
+ .size vv, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .text
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .long .Linfo_end - .Linfo_start # Length of Compilation Unit Info
+ .value 0x4 # DWARF version number
+ .long .Ldebug_abbrev0 # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+ .byte 0x8 # Pointer Size (in bytes)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DIE (0xb) DW_TAG_compile_unit)
+ .long .LASF0 # DW_AT_producer: "GNU C++ 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7) -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2"
+ .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_language
+ .long .LASF1 # DW_AT_name: "gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc"
+ .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_comp_dir: ""
+ .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0 # DW_AT_ranges
+ .quad 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Ldebug_line0 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+DIE29: .uleb128 0x2 # (DIE (0x29) DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .ascii "bar\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x15 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIE45 # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_inline
+DIE39: .uleb128 0x3 # (DIE (0x39) DW_TAG_formal_parameter)
+ .ascii "ref\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x15 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIE4c # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x29
+DIE45: .uleb128 0x4 # (DIE (0x45) DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding
+ .ascii "int\0" # DW_AT_name
+DIE4c: .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0x4c) DW_TAG_const_type)
+ .long DIE51 # DW_AT_type
+DIE51: .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x51) DW_TAG_reference_type)
+ .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .long DIE45 # DW_AT_type
+DIE57: .uleb128 0x7 # (DIE (0x57) DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .long DIE29 # DW_AT_abstract_origin
+ .quad .LFB2 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .quad .LFE2-.LFB2 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 0x9c # DW_OP_call_frame_cfa
+ # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites
+DIE72: .uleb128 0x8 # (DIE (0x72) DW_TAG_formal_parameter)
+ .long DIE39 # DW_AT_abstract_origin
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x55 # DW_OP_reg5
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x57
+DIE7a: .uleb128 0x9 # (DIE (0x7a) DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .long .LASF3 # DW_AT_name: "main"
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x1d # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIE45 # DW_AT_type
+ .quad .LFB1 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .quad .LFE1-.LFB1 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 0x9c # DW_OP_call_frame_cfa
+ # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites
+DIE9b: .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x9b) DW_TAG_lexical_block)
+ .quad .LBB2 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .quad .LBE2-.LBB2 # DW_AT_high_pc
+DIEac: .uleb128 0xb # (DIE (0xac) DW_TAG_variable)
+ .ascii "var\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x1f # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIE45 # DW_AT_type
+ .uleb128 0x2 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x91 # DW_OP_fbreg
+ .sleb128 -12
+DIEba: .uleb128 0xc # (DIE (0xba) DW_TAG_GNU_call_site)
+ .quad .LVL1 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long DIE57 # DW_AT_abstract_origin
+DIEc7: .uleb128 0xd # (DIE (0xc7) DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x55 # DW_OP_reg5
+ .uleb128 0x2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value
+ .byte 0x91 # DW_OP_fbreg
+ .sleb128 -12
+#if 0
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_data_value
+ .byte 0x3a # DW_OP_lit10
+ .uleb128 1f - 2f # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_data_value
+ .byte 0xf3 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value
+ .uleb128 1f - 3f
+ .byte 0x55 # DW_OP_reg5
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0xba
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x9b
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x7a
+DIEd2: .uleb128 0xe # (DIE (0xd2) DW_TAG_variable)
+ .ascii "vv\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x12 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIEe6 # DW_AT_type
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .uleb128 0x9 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x3 # DW_OP_addr
+ .quad vv
+DIEe6: .uleb128 0xf # (DIE (0xe6) DW_TAG_volatile_type)
+ .long DIE45 # DW_AT_type
+DIEeb: .uleb128 0xe # (DIE (0xeb) DW_TAG_variable)
+ .ascii "p\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc)
+ .byte 0x12 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long DIEfe # DW_AT_type
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .uleb128 0x9 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x3 # DW_OP_addr
+ .quad p
+DIEfe: .uleb128 0x10 # (DIE (0xfe) DW_TAG_pointer_type)
+ .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .long DIEe6 # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0xb
+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (TAG: DW_TAG_compile_unit)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x25 # (DW_AT_producer)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_AT_language)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x1b # (DW_AT_comp_dir)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x55 # (DW_AT_ranges)
+ .uleb128 0x17 # (DW_FORM_sec_offset)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x10 # (DW_AT_stmt_list)
+ .uleb128 0x17 # (DW_FORM_sec_offset)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x2e # (TAG: DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x20 # (DW_AT_inline)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (TAG: DW_TAG_formal_parameter)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x4 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x24 # (TAG: DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3e # (DW_AT_encoding)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x26 # (TAG: DW_TAG_const_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x6 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x10 # (TAG: DW_TAG_reference_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x2e # (TAG: DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x31 # (DW_AT_abstract_origin)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (DW_FORM_data8)
+ .uleb128 0x40 # (DW_AT_frame_base)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .uleb128 0x2117 # (DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (TAG: DW_TAG_formal_parameter)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x31 # (DW_AT_abstract_origin)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x9 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x2e # (TAG: DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x3f # (DW_AT_external)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (DW_FORM_data8)
+ .uleb128 0x40 # (DW_AT_frame_base)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .uleb128 0x2117 # (DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xa # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (TAG: DW_TAG_lexical_block)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (DW_FORM_data8)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xb # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x34 # (TAG: DW_TAG_variable)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xc # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x4109 # (TAG: DW_TAG_GNU_call_site)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x31 # (DW_AT_abstract_origin)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xd # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x410a # (TAG: DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .uleb128 0x2111 # (DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .uleb128 0x2112 # (DW_AT_GNU_call_site_data_value)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xe # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x34 # (TAG: DW_TAG_variable)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x3f # (DW_AT_external)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xf # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x35 # (TAG: DW_TAG_volatile_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x10 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0xf # (TAG: DW_TAG_pointer_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+ .long 0x3c # Length of Address Ranges Info
+ .value 0x2 # DWARF Version
+ .long .Ldebug_info0 # Offset of Compilation Unit Info
+ .byte 0x8 # Size of Address
+ .byte 0 # Size of Segment Descriptor
+ .value 0 # Pad to 16 byte boundary
+ .value 0
+ .quad .Ltext0 # Address
+ .quad .Letext0-.Ltext0 # Length
+ .quad .LFB1 # Address
+ .quad .LFE1-.LFB1 # Length
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0
+ .section .debug_ranges,"",@progbits
+ .quad .Ltext0 # Offset 0
+ .quad .Letext0
+ .quad .LFB1 # Offset 0x10
+ .quad .LFE1
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0
+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits
+ .section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+ .string "gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-paramref.cc"
+ .string ""
+ .string "GNU C++ 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7) -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2"
+ .string "main"
+ .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7)"
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
--- /dev/null
+/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright 2012-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+/* This file is compiled from gdb.arch/amd64-entry-value-param.c
+ using -g -dA -S -O2. */
+ .file "amd64-optimout-repeat.c"
+ .text
+ .section .text.unlikely,"ax",@progbits
+ .section .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
+ .p2align 4,,15
+ .section .text.unlikely
+ .section .text.startup
+ .globl main
+ .type main, @function
+ .file 1 "gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c"
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c:20
+ .loc 1 20 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+# BLOCK 2 freq:10000 seq:0
+# PRED: ENTRY [100.0%] (FALLTHRU)
+ # gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c:29
+ .loc 1 29 0
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+# SUCC: EXIT [100.0%]
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size main, .-main
+ .section .text.unlikely
+ .section .text.startup
+ .text
+ .section .text.unlikely
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .long 0x97 # Length of Compilation Unit Info
+ .value 0x4 # DWARF version number
+ .long .Ldebug_abbrev0 # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+ .byte 0x8 # Pointer Size (in bytes)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DIE (0xb) DW_TAG_compile_unit)
+ .long .LASF1 # DW_AT_producer: "GNU C 4.9.1 20140709 (prerelease) -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2"
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_language
+ .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_name: "gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c"
+ .long .LASF3 # DW_AT_comp_dir: ""
+ .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0 # DW_AT_ranges
+ .quad 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Ldebug_line0 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DIE (0x29) DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .long .LASF4 # DW_AT_name: "main"
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c)
+ .byte 0x13 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ # DW_AT_prototyped
+ .long 0x7c # DW_AT_type
+ .quad .LFB0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .quad .LFE0-.LFB0 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .uleb128 0x1 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 0x9c # DW_OP_call_frame_cfa
+ # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites
+ .long 0x7c # DW_AT_sibling
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DIE (0x4a) DW_TAG_structure_type)
+ .value 0x404 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c)
+ .byte 0x15 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long 0x6a # DW_AT_sibling
+ .uleb128 0x4 # (DIE (0x53) DW_TAG_member)
+ .ascii "i\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c)
+ .byte 0x17 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long 0x7c # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location
+ .uleb128 0x4 # (DIE (0x5d) DW_TAG_member)
+ .ascii "xxx\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c)
+ .byte 0x18 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long 0x83 # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_data_member_location
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x4a
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0x6a) DW_TAG_variable)
+ .ascii "v\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c)
+ .byte 0x1a # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long 0x4a # DW_AT_type
+ .uleb128 0x7 # DW_AT_location
+ .byte 0x30 # DW_OP_lit0
+ .byte 0x9f # DW_OP_stack_value
+ .byte 0x93 # DW_OP_piece
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x93 # DW_OP_piece
+ .uleb128 0x400
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x29
+ .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x7c) DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding
+ .ascii "int\0" # DW_AT_name
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (DIE (0x83) DW_TAG_array_type)
+ .long 0x7c # DW_AT_type
+ .long 0x93 # DW_AT_sibling
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DIE (0x8c) DW_TAG_subrange_type)
+ .long 0x93 # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 0xff # DW_AT_upper_bound
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0x83
+ .uleb128 0x9 # (DIE (0x93) DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_encoding
+ .long .LASF0 # DW_AT_name: "sizetype"
+ .byte 0 # end of children of DIE 0xb
+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (TAG: DW_TAG_compile_unit)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x25 # (DW_AT_producer)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_AT_language)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x1b # (DW_AT_comp_dir)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x55 # (DW_AT_ranges)
+ .uleb128 0x17 # (DW_FORM_sec_offset)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x10 # (DW_AT_stmt_list)
+ .uleb128 0x17 # (DW_FORM_sec_offset)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x2e # (TAG: DW_TAG_subprogram)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x3f # (DW_AT_external)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x27 # (DW_AT_prototyped)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr)
+ .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc)
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (DW_FORM_data8)
+ .uleb128 0x40 # (DW_AT_frame_base)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .uleb128 0x2117 # (DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites)
+ .uleb128 0x19 # (DW_FORM_flag_present)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (DW_FORM_data2)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x4 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0xd # (TAG: DW_TAG_member)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x38 # (DW_AT_data_member_location)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x5 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x34 # (TAG: DW_TAG_variable)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location)
+ .uleb128 0x18 # (DW_FORM_exprloc)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x6 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x24 # (TAG: DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3e # (DW_AT_encoding)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x7 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (TAG: DW_TAG_array_type)
+ .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x8 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type)
+ .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4)
+ .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x9 # (abbrev code)
+ .uleb128 0x24 # (TAG: DW_TAG_base_type)
+ .byte 0 # DW_children_no
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3e # (DW_AT_encoding)
+ .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1)
+ .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name)
+ .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp)
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+ .long 0x2c # Length of Address Ranges Info
+ .value 0x2 # DWARF Version
+ .long .Ldebug_info0 # Offset of Compilation Unit Info
+ .byte 0x8 # Size of Address
+ .byte 0 # Size of Segment Descriptor
+ .value 0 # Pad to 16 byte boundary
+ .value 0
+ .quad .LFB0 # Address
+ .quad .LFE0-.LFB0 # Length
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0
+ .section .debug_ranges,"",@progbits
+ .quad .LFB0 # Offset 0
+ .quad .LFE0
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0
+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits
+ .section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+ .string "sizetype"
+ .string "gdb.arch/amd64-optimout-repeat.c"
+ .string "GNU C 4.9.1 20140709 (prerelease) -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2"
+ .string ""
+ .string "main"
+ .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.9.1 20140709 (prerelease)"
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits