lower_instructions_visitor::sub_to_add_neg(ir_expression *ir)
ir->operation = ir_binop_add;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[1] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_unop_neg, ir->operands[1]->type,
ir->operands[1], NULL);
this->progress = true;
/* op0 / op1 -> op0 * (1.0 / op1) */
ir->operation = ir_binop_mul;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[1] = expr;
this->progress = true;
ir->operation = ir_unop_i2u;
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_unop_f2i, op0);
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[1] = NULL;
this->progress = true;
ir_constant *log2_e = new(ir) ir_constant(float(M_LOG2E));
ir->operation = ir_unop_exp2;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_binop_mul, ir->operands[0]->type,
ir->operands[0], log2_e);
this->progress = true;
ir->operation = ir_unop_exp2;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_binop_mul, ir->operands[1]->type,
ir->operands[1], log2_x);
ir->operands[1] = NULL;
lower_instructions_visitor::log_to_log2(ir_expression *ir)
ir->operation = ir_binop_mul;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_unop_log2, ir->operands[0]->type,
ir->operands[0], NULL);
ir->operands[1] = new(ir) ir_constant(float(1.0 / M_LOG2E));
ir->operation = ir_binop_sub;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(x);
ir->operands[1] = mul_expr;
this->progress = true;
if (!lowering(INSERT_TO_SHIFTS)) {
ir_constant *exp_width = new(ir) ir_constant(8, vec_elem);
ir->operation = ir_unop_bitcast_i2f;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = bitfield_insert(bitcast_f2i(x), resulting_biased_exp,
exp_shift_clone, exp_width);
ir->operands[1] = NULL;
} else {
ir_constant *sign_mantissa_mask = new(ir) ir_constant(0x807fffffu, vec_elem);
ir->operation = ir_unop_bitcast_u2f;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = bit_or(bit_and(bitcast_f2u(x), sign_mantissa_mask),
lshift(i2u(resulting_biased_exp), exp_shift_clone));
ir->operation = ir_quadop_vector;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = results[0];
ir->operands[1] = results[1];
ir->operands[2] = results[2];
/* Put the dvec back together */
ir->operation = ir_quadop_vector;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = results[0];
ir->operands[1] = results[1];
ir->operands[2] = results[2];
/* For non-zero inputs, shift the exponent down and apply bias. */
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(is_not_zero);
ir->operands[1] = add(exponent_bias, u2i(rshift(high_words, exponent_shift)));
ir->operands[2] = izero;
ir_rvalue *x_clone = ir->operands[0]->clone(ir, NULL);
ir->operation = ir_unop_i2u;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = b2i(less(add(ir->operands[0], ir->operands[1]), x_clone));
ir->operands[1] = NULL;
ir->operation = ir_unop_i2u;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = b2i(less(ir->operands[0], ir->operands[1]));
ir->operands[1] = NULL;
ir->operation = ir_binop_min;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_expression(ir_binop_max, ir->operands[0]->type,
new(ir) ir_constant(0.0f));
ir->operation = ir_triop_fma;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = swizzle(ir->operands[0], 0, 1);
ir->operands[1] = swizzle(ir->operands[1], 0, 1);
ir->operands[2] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(temp);
ir->operation = ir_triop_fma;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = swizzle(op2, swizval, op0->type->vector_elements);
ir->operands[2] = mul(sub(one, op2->clone(ir, NULL)), op0);
i.insert_before(assign(frtemp, fract(ir->operands[0])));
ir->operation = ir_binop_add;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = sub(ir->operands[0]->clone(ir, NULL), frtemp);
ir->operands[1] = csel(nequal(frtemp, zero), one, zero->clone(ir, NULL));
* result = sub(x, frtemp);
ir->operation = ir_binop_sub;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[1] = fract(ir->operands[0]->clone(ir, NULL));
this->progress = true;
i.insert_before(assign(t2, sub(temp, frtemp)));
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = equal(fract(ir->operands[0]->clone(ir, NULL)),
p5->clone(ir, NULL));
ir->operands[1] = csel(equal(fract(mul(t2, p5->clone(ir, NULL))),
i.insert_before(assign(temp, sub(arg->clone(ir, NULL), frtemp)));
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = gequal(arg->clone(ir, NULL), zero);
ir->operands[1] = new (ir) ir_dereference_variable(temp);
ir->operands[2] = add(temp,
ir_constant *neg_one = new(ir) ir_constant(-1.0, arg->type->vector_elements);
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = less(arg->clone(ir, NULL),
zero->clone(ir, NULL));
ir->operands[1] = neg_one;
/* int(((temp + (temp >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0Fu) * 0x1010101u) >> 24); */
ir->operation = ir_unop_u2i;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = rshift(mul(bit_and(add(temp, rshift(temp, c4)), c0F0F0F0F),
* (value >> offset) & mask;
ir->operation = ir_binop_bit_and;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = rshift(ir->operands[0], ir->operands[1]);
ir->operands[1] = mask;
ir->operands[2] = NULL;
* (bits == 0) ? 0 : e;
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = equal(c0, bits);
ir->operands[1] = c0->clone(ir, NULL);
ir->operands[2] = expr;
/* (base & ~mask) | ((insert << offset) & mask) */
ir->operation = ir_binop_bit_or;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = bit_and(ir->operands[0], bit_not(mask));
ir->operands[1] = bit_and(lshift(ir->operands[1], offset), mask);
ir->operands[2] = NULL;
if (ir->operands[0]->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_UINT) {
ir->operation = ir_binop_bit_or;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = rshift(temp, c16);
ir->operands[1] = lshift(temp, c16->clone(ir, NULL));
} else {
ir->operation = ir_unop_u2i;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = bit_or(rshift(temp, c16),
lshift(temp, c16->clone(ir, NULL)));
* small.
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = equal(lsb_only, c0);
ir->operands[1] = cminus1;
ir->operands[2] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(lsb);
* be negative. It will only be negative (-0x7f, in fact) if temp is 0.
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = less(msb, c0);
ir->operands[1] = cminus1;
ir->operands[2] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(msb);
assert(ir->operands[0]->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_UINT);
ir->operation = ir_binop_add;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = add(hi, rshift(t1, c16->clone(ir, NULL)));
ir->operands[1] = rshift(t2, c16->clone(ir, NULL));
} else {
u2i(_carry(bit_not(lo), c1)))));
ir->operation = ir_triop_csel;
+ ir->init_num_operands();
ir->operands[0] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(different_signs);
ir->operands[1] = new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(neg_hi);
ir->operands[2] = u2i(hi);