-- This is the default version of this package, based on Big_Integers only.
with Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils;
+with System.Img_Real; use System.Img_Real;
package body Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals is
function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real is
+ S : String (1 .. Max_Real_Image_Length);
+ P : Natural := 0;
- return From_String (Arg'Image);
+ -- Use Long_Long_Unsigned'Width - 1 digits = 20 which is sufficient
+ -- for the largest floating point format.
+ Set_Image_Real
+ (Long_Long_Float (Arg), S, P, Fore => 1, Aft => 20, Exp => 5);
+ return From_String (S (1 .. P));
end To_Big_Real;