- // FIXME
- if (!isRev)
+ // At this point, we know that `nc` is non-empty, so we add that to our
+ // explanation.
+ Node ncnz = nc.eqNode(d_emptyString).negate();
+ info.d_ant.push_back(ncnz);
+ size_t ncIndex = index + 1;
+ Node nextConstStr = nfnc.collectConstantStringAt(ncIndex);
+ if (!nextConstStr.isNull())
- // At this point, we know that `nc` is non-empty, so we add that to our
- // explanation.
- Node ncnz = nc.eqNode(d_emptyString).negate();
- info.d_ant.push_back(ncnz);
- size_t ncIndex = index + 1;
- Node nextConstStr = TheoryStringsRewriter::collectConstantStringAt(
- nfncv, ncIndex, false);
- if (!nextConstStr.isNull())
+ // We are in the case where we have a constant after `nc`, so we
+ // split `nc`.
+ //
+ // E.g. "abc" ++ ... = nc ++ "b" ++ ... ---> nc = "a" ++ k
+ size_t cIndex = index;
+ Node constStr = nfc.collectConstantStringAt(cIndex);
+ Assert(!constStr.isNull());
+ CVC4::String stra = constStr.getConst<String>();
+ CVC4::String strb = nextConstStr.getConst<String>();
+ // Since `nc` is non-empty, we start with character 1
+ size_t p;
+ if (isRev)
- // We are in the case where we have a constant after `nc`, so we
- // split `nc`.
- //
- // E.g. "abc" ++ ... = nc ++ "b" ++ ... ---> nc = "a" ++ k
- size_t cIndex = index;
- Node constStr = TheoryStringsRewriter::collectConstantStringAt(
- nfcv, cIndex, false);
- Assert(!constStr.isNull());
- CVC4::String stra = constStr.getConst<String>();
- CVC4::String strb = nextConstStr.getConst<String>();
- // Since `nc` is non-empty, we start with character 1
- size_t p;
- if (isRev)
- {
- CVC4::String stra1 = stra.prefix(stra.size() - 1);
- p = stra.size() - stra1.roverlap(strb);
- Trace("strings-csp-debug") << "Compute roverlap : " << constStr
- << " " << nextConstStr << std::endl;
- size_t p2 = stra1.rfind(strb);
- p = p2 == std::string::npos ? p : (p > p2 + 1 ? p2 + 1 : p);
- Trace("strings-csp-debug")
- << "overlap : " << stra1 << " " << strb << " returned " << p
- << " " << p2 << " " << (p2 == std::string::npos) << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- CVC4::String stra1 = stra.substr(1);
- p = stra.size() - stra1.overlap(strb);
- Trace("strings-csp-debug") << "Compute overlap : " << constStr
- << " " << nextConstStr << std::endl;
- size_t p2 = stra1.find(strb);
- p = p2 == std::string::npos ? p : (p > p2 + 1 ? p2 + 1 : p);
- Trace("strings-csp-debug")
- << "overlap : " << stra1 << " " << strb << " returned " << p
- << " " << p2 << " " << (p2 == std::string::npos) << std::endl;
- }
- // If we can't split off more than a single character from the
- // constant, we might as well do regular constant/non-constant
- // inference (see below).
- if (p > 1)
- {
- NormalForm::getExplanationForPrefixEq(
- nfc, nfnc, cIndex, ncIndex, info.d_ant);
- Node prea = p == stra.size() ? constStr
- : nm->mkConst(isRev ? stra.suffix(p)
- : stra.prefix(p));
- Node sk = d_skCache.mkSkolemCached(
- nc,
- prea,
- isRev ? SkolemCache::SK_ID_C_SPT_REV : SkolemCache::SK_ID_C_SPT,
- "c_spt");
- Trace("strings-csp")
- << "Const Split: " << prea << " is removed from " << stra
- << " due to " << strb << ", p=" << p << std::endl;
- info.d_conc = nc.eqNode(isRev ? utils::mkNConcat(sk, prea)
- : utils::mkNConcat(prea, sk));
- info.d_new_skolem[LENGTH_SPLIT].push_back(sk);
- info.d_id = INFER_SSPLIT_CST_PROP;
- pinfer.push_back(info);
- break;
- }
+ CVC4::String stra1 = stra.prefix(stra.size() - 1);
+ p = stra.size() - stra1.roverlap(strb);
+ Trace("strings-csp-debug") << "Compute roverlap : " << constStr << " "
+ << nextConstStr << std::endl;
+ size_t p2 = stra1.rfind(strb);
+ p = p2 == std::string::npos ? p : (p > p2 + 1 ? p2 + 1 : p);
+ Trace("strings-csp-debug")
+ << "roverlap : " << stra1 << " " << strb << " returned " << p
+ << " " << p2 << " " << (p2 == std::string::npos) << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CVC4::String stra1 = stra.substr(1);
+ p = stra.size() - stra1.overlap(strb);
+ Trace("strings-csp-debug") << "Compute overlap : " << constStr << " "
+ << nextConstStr << std::endl;
+ size_t p2 = stra1.find(strb);
+ p = p2 == std::string::npos ? p : (p > p2 + 1 ? p2 + 1 : p);
+ Trace("strings-csp-debug")
+ << "overlap : " << stra1 << " " << strb << " returned " << p
+ << " " << p2 << " " << (p2 == std::string::npos) << std::endl;
- // Since non of the other inferences apply, we just infer that `nc` has
- // to start with the first character of the constant.
- //
- // E.g. "abc" ++ ... = nc ++ ... ---> nc = "a" ++ k
- Node constStr = nfcv[index];
- CVC4::String stra = constStr.getConst<String>();
- Node firstChar = stra.size() == 1 ? constStr
- : nm->mkConst(isRev ? stra.suffix(1)
- : stra.prefix(1));
- Node sk = d_skCache.mkSkolemCached(
- nc,
- isRev ? SkolemCache::SK_ID_VC_SPT_REV : SkolemCache::SK_ID_VC_SPT,
- "c_spt");
- Trace("strings-csp")
- << "Const Split: " << firstChar << " is removed from " << constStr
- << " (serial) " << std::endl;
- NormalForm::getExplanationForPrefixEq(
- nfi, nfj, index, index, info.d_ant);
- info.d_conc = nc.eqNode(isRev ? utils::mkNConcat(sk, firstChar)
- : utils::mkNConcat(firstChar, sk));
- info.d_new_skolem[LENGTH_SPLIT].push_back(sk);
- info.d_id = INFER_SSPLIT_CST;
- pinfer.push_back(info);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // Either `x` or `y` is constant but we couldn't make an inference
- // because our inferences do not work when in the reverse direction.
- // To avoid doing a F-Split here, we break out of the loop.
- break;
+ // If we can't split off more than a single character from the
+ // constant, we might as well do regular constant/non-constant
+ // inference (see below).
+ if (p > 1)
+ {
+ NormalForm::getExplanationForPrefixEq(
+ nfc, nfnc, cIndex, ncIndex, info.d_ant);
+ Node prea = p == stra.size() ? constStr
+ : nm->mkConst(isRev ? stra.suffix(p)
+ : stra.prefix(p));
+ Node sk = d_skCache.mkSkolemCached(
+ nc,
+ prea,
+ isRev ? SkolemCache::SK_ID_C_SPT_REV : SkolemCache::SK_ID_C_SPT,
+ "c_spt");
+ Trace("strings-csp")
+ << "Const Split: " << prea << " is removed from " << stra
+ << " due to " << strb << ", p=" << p << std::endl;
+ info.d_conc = nc.eqNode(isRev ? utils::mkNConcat(sk, prea)
+ : utils::mkNConcat(prea, sk));
+ info.d_new_skolem[LENGTH_SPLIT].push_back(sk);
+ info.d_id = INFER_SSPLIT_CST_PROP;
+ pinfer.push_back(info);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Since none of the other inferences apply, we just infer that `nc` has
+ // to start with the first character of the constant.
+ //
+ // E.g. "abc" ++ ... = nc ++ ... ---> nc = "a" ++ k
+ Node constStr = nfcv[index];
+ CVC4::String stra = constStr.getConst<String>();
+ Node firstChar = stra.size() == 1 ? constStr
+ : nm->mkConst(isRev ? stra.suffix(1)
+ : stra.prefix(1));
+ Node sk = d_skCache.mkSkolemCached(
+ nc,
+ isRev ? SkolemCache::SK_ID_VC_SPT_REV : SkolemCache::SK_ID_VC_SPT,
+ "c_spt");
+ Trace("strings-csp") << "Const Split: " << firstChar
+ << " is removed from " << constStr << " (serial) "
+ << std::endl;
+ NormalForm::getExplanationForPrefixEq(nfi, nfj, index, index, info.d_ant);
+ info.d_conc = nc.eqNode(isRev ? utils::mkNConcat(sk, firstChar)
+ : utils::mkNConcat(firstChar, sk));
+ info.d_new_skolem[LENGTH_SPLIT].push_back(sk);
+ info.d_id = INFER_SSPLIT_CST;
+ pinfer.push_back(info);
+ break;
// Below, we deal with the case where `x` and `y` are two non-constant