+ else if (type.isArray())
+ {
+ // TODO #2694 : generate constant array over the first element of the
+ // constituent type
+ }
// TODO #1178 : add other missing types
+ else if (range.isArray())
+ {
+ ArrayType arrayType = static_cast<ArrayType>(range.toType());
+ // add index and constituent type
+ collectSygusGrammarTypesFor(
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getIndexType()), types);
+ collectSygusGrammarTypesFor(
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getConstituentType()), types);
+ }
+ else if (types[i].isArray())
+ {
+ ArrayType arrayType = static_cast<ArrayType>(types[i].toType());
+ Trace("sygus-grammar-def")
+ << "...building for array type " << arrayType << "\n";
+ Trace("sygus-grammar-def")
+ << "......finding unres type for index type "
+ << arrayType.getIndexType() << " with typenode "
+ << TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getIndexType()) << "\n";
+ // retrieve index and constituent unresolved types
+ Assert(std::find(types.begin(),
+ types.end(),
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getIndexType()))
+ != types.end());
+ unsigned i_indexType = std::distance(
+ types.begin(),
+ std::find(types.begin(),
+ types.end(),
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getIndexType())));
+ Type unres_indexType = unres_types[i_indexType];
+ Assert(std::find(types.begin(),
+ types.end(),
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getConstituentType()))
+ != types.end());
+ unsigned i_constituentType = std::distance(
+ types.begin(),
+ std::find(types.begin(),
+ types.end(),
+ TypeNode::fromType(arrayType.getConstituentType())));
+ Type unres_constituentType = unres_types[i_constituentType];
+ // add (store ArrayType IndexType ConstituentType)
+ Trace("sygus-grammar-def") << "...add for STORE\n";
+ ops[i].push_back(nm->operatorOf(STORE).toExpr());
+ cnames[i].push_back(kindToString(STORE));
+ cargs[i].push_back(std::vector<Type>());
+ cargs[i].back().push_back(unres_t);
+ cargs[i].back().push_back(unres_indexType);
+ cargs[i].back().push_back(unres_constituentType);
+ pcs[i].push_back(nullptr);
+ weights[i].push_back(-1);
+ // add to constituent type : (select ArrayType IndexType)
+ Trace("sygus-grammar-def") << "...add select for constituent type"
+ << unres_constituentType << "\n";
+ ops[i_constituentType].push_back(nm->operatorOf(SELECT).toExpr());
+ cnames[i_constituentType].push_back(kindToString(SELECT));
+ cargs[i_constituentType].push_back(std::vector<Type>());
+ cargs[i_constituentType].back().push_back(unres_t);
+ cargs[i_constituentType].back().push_back(unres_indexType);
+ pcs[i_constituentType].push_back(nullptr);
+ weights[i_constituentType].push_back(-1);
+ }
else if (types[i].isDatatype())
Trace("sygus-grammar-def") << "...add for constructors" << std::endl;