--- /dev/null
+module wandwor_test0 (A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z);
+ input A, B, C, D;
+ output wor X;
+ output wand Y;
+ output Z;
+ assign X = A, X = B, Y = C, Y = D;
+ foo foo_0 (C, D, X);
+ foo foo_1 (A, B, Y);
+ foo foo_2 (X, Y, Z);
+module wandwor_test1 (A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z);
+ input [3:0] A, B, C, D;
+ output wor [3:0] X;
+ output wand [3:0] Y;
+ output Z;
+ bar bar_inst (
+ .I0({A, B}),
+ .I1({B, A}),
+ .O({X, Y})
+ );
+ assign X = C, X = D;
+ assign Y = C, Y = D;
+ assign Z = ^{X,Y};
+module foo(input I0, I1, output O);
+ assign O = I0 ^ I1;
+module bar(input [7:0] I0, I1, output [7:0] O);
+ assign O = I0 + I1;
+++ /dev/null
-module a(Q);
- output wire Q = 0;
-module b(D);
- input wire D;
-module c;
- // net definitions
- wor D;
- wand E;
- // assignments to wired logic nets
- assign D = 1;
- assign D = 0;
- assign D = 1;
- assign D = 0;
- // assignments of wired logic nets to wires
- wire F = E;
- genvar i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
- begin : genloop
- // connection of module outputs
- a a_inst (.Q(E));
- // connection of module inputs
- b b_inst (.D(E));
- end