ptr_bits : constant := Standard'Address_Size;
subtype C_Address is System.Address;
- -- Number of bits in Interaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
+ -- Number of bits in Interfaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
-- except on 64-bit VMS where they are 32-bit addresses, for compatibility
-- with legacy code.
ptr_bits : constant := Standard'Address_Size;
subtype C_Address is System.Address;
- -- Number of bits in Interaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
+ -- Number of bits in Interfaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
-- except on 64-bit VMS where they are 32-bit addresses, for compatibility
-- with legacy code.
ptr_bits : constant := Standard'Address_Size;
subtype C_Address is System.Address;
- -- Number of bits in Interaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
+ -- Number of bits in Interfaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
-- except on 64-bit VMS where they are 32-bit addresses, for compatibility
-- with legacy code.
ptr_bits : constant := Standard'Address_Size;
subtype C_Address is System.Address;
- -- Number of bits in Interaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
+ -- Number of bits in Interfaces.C pointers, normally a standard address,
-- except on 64-bit VMS where they are 32-bit addresses, for compatibility
-- with legacy code.