const struct pipe_resource *templat,
struct winsys_handle *handle, unsigned usage)
- struct lima_resource *res;
- struct lima_screen *screen = lima_screen(pscreen);
+ if (templat->bind & (PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW |
+ /* sampler hardware need offset alignment 64, while render hardware
+ * need offset alignment 8, but due to render target may be reloaded
+ * which uses the sampler, set alignment requrement to 64 for all
+ */
+ if (handle->offset & 0x3f) {
+ debug_error("import buffer offset not properly aligned\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
- res = CALLOC_STRUCT(lima_resource);
+ struct lima_resource *res = CALLOC_STRUCT(lima_resource);
if (!res)
return NULL;
*pres = *templat;
pres->screen = pscreen;
pipe_reference_init(&pres->reference, 1);
- res->levels[0].offset = 0;
+ res->levels[0].offset = handle->offset;
res->levels[0].stride = handle->stride;
+ struct lima_screen *screen = lima_screen(pscreen);
res->bo = lima_bo_import(screen, handle);
if (!res->bo) {