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+# Libre-RISCV Member Charter Agreement
+* Draft Status (v0)
+* Last Edited: 22 Sep 2019
+This document is based on the Titanian's "Code of Honour" and on
+the Systemic Laws of Organisations, listed in "Invisible Dynamics".
+# The Code of Honour
+* Always do "good"
+* Never do "harm"
+* The Code applies 100% of the time
+* Everyone knows The Code
+This Code is simple and short enough to memorise. "Good" is further defined
+to mean "increasing Truth, Awareness, Love or Creativity for one or more people
+including yourself" and "Harm" is defined as *reducing* any of those same
+four qualities for *anyone*.
+However, The Code on its own, due to its minimalist nature, can be hard to
+apply when the chips are down, so we further augment it with the Systemic Laws,
+listed below.
+Just as with The Code, the Systemic Laws are not optional.
+# The Systemic Laws of Organisations.
+The Systemic Laws are based primarily on respect, recognition, responsibility,
+and ownership of the same; on encouragement and allowing each contributor
+to grow and be part of the group.
+* Everyone belongs; every contributor (users included), is recognised both
+ in their own right as well as for their achievements and their contributions.
+* Everyone is respected and honoured, past and present.
+* Length of service is respected alongside and in balance with their level of
+ expertise.
+* Everyone acknowledges and accepts their role and seniority, and in turn
+ acknowledge and accept the role and seniority of others.
+* The responsibility to those we serve, when we take on a role of
+ responsibility and power, is acknowledged and accepted.
+* Everyone is rewarded equitably for their contributions.
+* Everyone is responsible - and accountable - for their actions (good and bad:
+ "Guilt" and "Merit" belong with whoever earned them).
+The Systemic Laws are explained below.
+## Everyone belongs
+Every contributor and their contributions and achievements are recognised.
+This further encourages people to contribute; they feel welcome, and their
+efforts valued.
+## Everyone is respected and honoured, past and present
+When someone leaves a project, particularly under less than ideal circumstances,
+it is still vitally important to value and respect both them *and* their
+## Role, Seniority and Expertise are all respected.
+This can be very challenging, particularly when someone with more expertise
+meets someone whose length of service is greater.
+## We accept the responsibility of our position
+If we choose a position of responsibility, we must actually acknowledge and
+accept the responsibility of that role! People will be relying on us.
+## Everyone is rewarded equitably for their contributions
+In a "Libre" context this is often extremely hard to do, as the normal
+rules of profit-maximising business (do not provide goods or services
+until payment has been received) do not apply: our "product" - the
+source code - is made available at zero monetary cost. So it is down
+to us to ensure that part of our time is spent ensuring that everyone
+is actually rewarded, whether through sponsorship, donations, crowd-funding
+and profit-sharing in the same, and so on.
+## Everyone is responsible and accountable (for the "good" *and* the "bad")
+When we do something well, it is vital that we (alone) own and hold the
+credit for that achievement. When we screw up, it is just as equally
+vital that we take responsibility for cleaning up our mess, and that
+nobody else is blamed *or think they own it*! In this way, two things
+happen. Firstly: we can rely on each other, as we trust that the tasks
+that others chose will be completed (even if they mess up a few times).
+Secondly: in our chosen opportunity to grow and learn, we know and trust
+that nobody will take that away from us, and that our achievements and
+the credit will be ours.