type wb_state_type is (IDLE, WRITE_ACK, READ_ACK);
signal wb_state : wb_state_type;
- signal wb_ack : std_logic; --! Wishbone acknowledge signal
signal rxd2 : std_logic := '1';
signal rxd3 : std_logic := '1';
signal txd2 : std_ulogic := '1';
---------- Wishbone Interface ----------
- wb_ack_out <= wb_ack and wb_cyc_in and wb_stb_in;
wishbone: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
- wb_ack <= '0';
+ wb_ack_out <= '0';
wb_state <= IDLE;
send_buffer_push <= '0';
recv_buffer_pop <= '0';
end if;
-- Invalid writes are acked and ignored.
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
wb_state <= WRITE_ACK;
else -- Read from register
if wb_adr_in = x"008" then
elsif wb_adr_in = x"010" then
wb_dat_out <= x"0" & send_buffer_full & recv_buffer_full &
send_buffer_empty & recv_buffer_empty;
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
elsif wb_adr_in = x"018" then
wb_dat_out <= sample_clk_divisor;
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
elsif wb_adr_in = x"020" then
wb_dat_out <= (0 => irq_recv_enable,
1 => irq_tx_ready_enable,
others => '0');
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
wb_dat_out <= (others => '0');
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
end if;
wb_state <= READ_ACK;
end if;
send_buffer_push <= '0';
if wb_stb_in = '0' then
- wb_ack <= '0';
+ wb_ack_out <= '0';
wb_state <= IDLE;
end if;
when READ_ACK =>
recv_buffer_pop <= '0';
wb_dat_out <= recv_buffer_output;
- wb_ack <= '1';
+ wb_ack_out <= '1';
end if;
if wb_stb_in = '0' then
- wb_ack <= '0';
+ wb_ack_out <= '0';
wb_state <= IDLE;
end if;
end case;
wb_ack_out => wb_uart0_out.ack
wb_uart0_out.dat <= x"000000" & uart_dat8;
- wb_uart0_out.stall <= '0' when wb_uart0_in.cyc = '0' else not wb_uart0_out.ack;
+ wb_uart0_out.stall <= not wb_uart0_out.ack;
spiflash_gen: if HAS_SPI_FLASH generate
spiflash: entity work.spi_flash_ctrl