Renamed "write_autotest" to "test_autotb" and moved to passes/tests/
authorClifford Wolf <>
Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:12:50 +0000 (21:12 +0200)
committerClifford Wolf <>
Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:12:50 +0000 (21:12 +0200)
backends/autotest/ [deleted file]
backends/autotest/ [deleted file]
passes/tests/ [new file with mode: 0644]
passes/tests/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/backends/autotest/ b/backends/autotest/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9308dcd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-OBJS += backends/autotest/autotest.o
diff --git a/backends/autotest/ b/backends/autotest/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3bb0f9d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- *  yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 2012  Clifford Wolf <>
- *  
- *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- *  purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- *  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *  
- *
- */
-#include "kernel/register.h"
-#include "kernel/log.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define NUM_ITER 1000
-static std::string id(std::string internal_id)
-       const char *str = internal_id.c_str();
-       bool do_escape = false;
-       if (*str == '\\')
-               str++;
-       if ('0' <= *str && *str <= '9')
-               do_escape = true;
-       for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
-               if ('0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '9')
-                       continue;
-               if ('a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'z')
-                       continue;
-               if ('A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'Z')
-                       continue;
-               if (str[i] == '_')
-                       continue;
-               do_escape = true;
-               break;
-       }
-       if (do_escape)
-               return "\\" + std::string(str) + " ";
-       return std::string(str);
-static std::string idx(std::string str)
-       if (str[0] == '\\')
-               return str.substr(1);
-       return str;
-static std::string idy(std::string str1, std::string str2 = std::string(), std::string str3 = std::string())
-       str1 = idx(str1);
-       if (!str2.empty())
-               str1 += "_" + idx(str2);
-       if (!str3.empty())
-               str1 += "_" + idx(str3);
-       return id(str1);
-static void autotest(FILE *f, RTLIL::Design *design)
-       fprintf(f, "module testbench;\n\n");
-       fprintf(f, "integer i;\n\n");
-       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_x = 123456789;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_y = 362436069;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_z = 521288629;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_w = 88675123;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_t;\n\n");
-       fprintf(f, "task xorshift128;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_t = xorshift128_x ^ (xorshift128_x << 11);\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_x = xorshift128_y;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_y = xorshift128_z;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_z = xorshift128_w;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_w = xorshift128_w ^ (xorshift128_w >> 19) ^ xorshift128_t ^ (xorshift128_t >> 8);\n");
-       fprintf(f, "end\n");
-       fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-       for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
-       {
-               std::map<std::string, int> signal_in;
-               std::map<std::string, std::string> signal_const;
-               std::map<std::string, int> signal_clk;
-               std::map<std::string, int> signal_out;
-               RTLIL::Module *mod = it->second;
-               if (mod->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
-                       continue;
-               int count_ports = 0;
-               log("Generating test bench for module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str());
-               for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
-                       RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
-                       if (wire->port_output) {
-                               count_ports++;
-                               signal_out[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
-                               fprintf(f, "wire [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
-                       } else if (wire->port_input) {
-                               count_ports++;
-                               bool is_clksignal = wire->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_clock");
-                               for (auto it3 = mod->processes.begin(); it3 != mod->processes.end(); it3++)
-                               for (auto it4 = it3->second->syncs.begin(); it4 != it3->second->syncs.end(); it4++) {
-                                       if ((*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST0 || (*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST1)
-                                               continue;
-                                       RTLIL::SigSpec &signal = (*it4)->signal;
-                                       for (auto &c : signal.chunks())
-                                               if (c.wire == wire)
-                                                       is_clksignal = true;
-                               }
-                               if (is_clksignal && wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") == 0) {
-                                       signal_clk[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
-                               } else {
-                                       signal_in[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
-                                       if (wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") != 0)
-                                               signal_const[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->attributes["\\gentb_constant"].as_string();
-                               }
-                               fprintf(f, "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
-                       }
-               }
-               fprintf(f, "%s %s(\n", id(mod->name).c_str(), idy("uut", mod->name).c_str());
-               for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
-                       RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
-                       if (wire->port_output || wire->port_input)
-                               fprintf(f, "\t.%s(%s)%s\n", id(wire->name).c_str(),
-                                               idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str(), --count_ports ? "," : "");
-               }
-               fprintf(f, ");\n\n");
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               int delay_counter = 0;
-               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
-               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
-               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
-                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
-                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
-               }
-               delay_counter = 0;
-               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d ~0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
-               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
-                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
-                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
-               }
-               delay_counter = 0;
-               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
-                       if (signal_const.count(it->first) == 0)
-                               continue;
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 'b%s;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2, signal_const[it->first].c_str());
-               }
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               delay_counter = 0;
-               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
-                       if (signal_const.count(it->first) > 0)
-                               continue;
-                       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d { xorshift128_x, xorshift128_y, xorshift128_z, xorshift128_w };\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
-               }
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               if (signal_clk.size()) {
-                       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
-                       fprintf(f, "\t{");
-                       int total_clock_bits = 0;
-                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
-                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
-                               total_clock_bits += it->second;
-                       }
-                       fprintf(f, " } = {");
-                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
-                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
-                       fprintf(f, " } ^ (%d'b1 << (xorshift128_w %% %d));\n", total_clock_bits, total_clock_bits);
-               }
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-               char shorthand = 'A';
-               std::vector<std::string> header1;
-               std::string header2 = "";
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %%b %%b %%b %%t %%d\", {");
-               if (signal_in.size())
-                       for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
-                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_in.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
-                               int len = it->second;
-                               if (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "/", len--;
-                               while (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "-", len--;
-                               if (len > 0)
-                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
-                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
-                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
-                       }
-               else {
-                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
-                       header2 += "#";
-               }
-               fprintf(f, " }, {");
-               header2 += " ";
-               if (signal_clk.size()) {
-                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
-                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
-                               int len = it->second;
-                               if (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "/", len--;
-                               while (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "-", len--;
-                               if (len > 0)
-                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
-                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
-                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
-                       header2 += "#";
-               }
-               fprintf(f, " }, {");
-               header2 += " ";
-               if (signal_out.size()) {
-                       for (auto it = signal_out.begin(); it != signal_out.end(); it++) {
-                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_out.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
-                               int len = it->second;
-                               if (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "/", len--;
-                               while (len > 1)
-                                       header2 += "-", len--;
-                               if (len > 0)
-                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
-                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
-                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
-                       header2 += "#";
-               }
-               fprintf(f, " }, $time, i);\n");
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
-               for (auto &hdr : header1)
-                       fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#   %s\");\n", hdr.c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
-               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %s\");\n", header2.c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "test").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
-               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\\n#OUT# ==== %s ====\");\n", idy(mod->name).c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\tfor (i=0; i<%d; i=i+1) begin\n", NUM_ITER);
-               fprintf(f, "\t\tif (i %% 20 == 0) %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
-               fprintf(f, "\tend\n");
-               fprintf(f, "end\n");
-               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
-       }
-       fprintf(f, "initial begin\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpfile(\"testbench.vcd\");\n");
-       fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpvars(0, testbench);\n");
-       for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
-               if (!it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
-                       fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(it->first, "test").c_str());
-       fprintf(f, "\t$finish;\n");
-       fprintf(f, "end\n\n");
-       fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
-struct AutotestBackend : public Backend {
-       AutotestBackend() : Backend("autotest", "generate simple test benches") { }
-       virtual void help()
-       {
-               //   |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
-               log("\n");
-               log("    write_autotest [filename]\n");
-               log("\n");
-               log("Automatically create primitive verilog test benches for all modules in the\n");
-               log("design. The generated testbenches toggle the input pins of the module in\n");
-               log("a semi-random manner and dumps the resulting output signals.\n");
-               log("\n");
-               log("This can be used to check the synthesis results for simple circuits by\n");
-               log("comparing the testbench output for the input files and the synthesis results.\n");
-               log("\n");
-               log("The backend automatically detects clock signals. Additionally a signal can\n");
-               log("be forced to be interpreted as clock signal by setting the attribute\n");
-               log("'gentb_clock' on the signal.\n");
-               log("\n");
-               log("The attribute 'gentb_constant' can be used to force a signal to a constant\n");
-               log("value after initialization. This can e.g. be used to force a reset signal\n");
-               log("low in order to explore more inner states in a state machine.\n");
-               log("\n");
-       }
-       virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
-       {
-               log_header("Executing AUTOTEST backend (auto-generate pseudo-random test benches).\n");
-               extra_args(f, filename, args, 1);
-               autotest(f, design);
-       }
-} AutotestBackend;
index da35698310e4c20b988dd6bf6d6ad464f2ffddd6..4569481fadb4bef9ebe63d24ae4fb5f3e4e9f63f 100644 (file)
@@ -376,7 +376,9 @@ void Frontend::frontend_call(RTLIL::Design *design, FILE *f, std::string filenam
-Backend::Backend(std::string name, std::string short_help) : Pass("write_"+name, short_help), backend_name(name)
+Backend::Backend(std::string name, std::string short_help) :
+               Pass(name.substr(0, 1) == "=" ? name.substr(1) : "write_"+name, short_help),
+               backend_name(name.substr(0, 1) == "=" ? name.substr(1) : name)
diff --git a/passes/tests/ b/passes/tests/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6497f86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+OBJS += passes/tests/test_autotb.o
diff --git a/passes/tests/ b/passes/tests/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f121089
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ *  yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012  Clifford Wolf <>
+ *  
+ *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ *  purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ *  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *  
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/register.h"
+#include "kernel/log.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define NUM_ITER 1000
+static std::string id(std::string internal_id)
+       const char *str = internal_id.c_str();
+       bool do_escape = false;
+       if (*str == '\\')
+               str++;
+       if ('0' <= *str && *str <= '9')
+               do_escape = true;
+       for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
+               if ('0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '9')
+                       continue;
+               if ('a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'z')
+                       continue;
+               if ('A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'Z')
+                       continue;
+               if (str[i] == '_')
+                       continue;
+               do_escape = true;
+               break;
+       }
+       if (do_escape)
+               return "\\" + std::string(str) + " ";
+       return std::string(str);
+static std::string idx(std::string str)
+       if (str[0] == '\\')
+               return str.substr(1);
+       return str;
+static std::string idy(std::string str1, std::string str2 = std::string(), std::string str3 = std::string())
+       str1 = idx(str1);
+       if (!str2.empty())
+               str1 += "_" + idx(str2);
+       if (!str3.empty())
+               str1 += "_" + idx(str3);
+       return id(str1);
+static void autotest(FILE *f, RTLIL::Design *design)
+       fprintf(f, "module testbench;\n\n");
+       fprintf(f, "integer i;\n\n");
+       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_x = 123456789;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_y = 362436069;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_z = 521288629;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_w = 88675123;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_t;\n\n");
+       fprintf(f, "task xorshift128;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_t = xorshift128_x ^ (xorshift128_x << 11);\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_x = xorshift128_y;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_y = xorshift128_z;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_z = xorshift128_w;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_w = xorshift128_w ^ (xorshift128_w >> 19) ^ xorshift128_t ^ (xorshift128_t >> 8);\n");
+       fprintf(f, "end\n");
+       fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+       for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
+       {
+               std::map<std::string, int> signal_in;
+               std::map<std::string, std::string> signal_const;
+               std::map<std::string, int> signal_clk;
+               std::map<std::string, int> signal_out;
+               RTLIL::Module *mod = it->second;
+               if (mod->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
+                       continue;
+               int count_ports = 0;
+               log("Generating test bench for module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str());
+               for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
+                       RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
+                       if (wire->port_output) {
+                               count_ports++;
+                               signal_out[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
+                               fprintf(f, "wire [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
+                       } else if (wire->port_input) {
+                               count_ports++;
+                               bool is_clksignal = wire->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_clock");
+                               for (auto it3 = mod->processes.begin(); it3 != mod->processes.end(); it3++)
+                               for (auto it4 = it3->second->syncs.begin(); it4 != it3->second->syncs.end(); it4++) {
+                                       if ((*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST0 || (*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST1)
+                                               continue;
+                                       RTLIL::SigSpec &signal = (*it4)->signal;
+                                       for (auto &c : signal.chunks())
+                                               if (c.wire == wire)
+                                                       is_clksignal = true;
+                               }
+                               if (is_clksignal && wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") == 0) {
+                                       signal_clk[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
+                               } else {
+                                       signal_in[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
+                                       if (wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") != 0)
+                                               signal_const[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->attributes["\\gentb_constant"].as_string();
+                               }
+                               fprintf(f, "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
+                       }
+               }
+               fprintf(f, "%s %s(\n", id(mod->name).c_str(), idy("uut", mod->name).c_str());
+               for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
+                       RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
+                       if (wire->port_output || wire->port_input)
+                               fprintf(f, "\t.%s(%s)%s\n", id(wire->name).c_str(),
+                                               idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str(), --count_ports ? "," : "");
+               }
+               fprintf(f, ");\n\n");
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               int delay_counter = 0;
+               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
+               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
+               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
+                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
+                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
+               }
+               delay_counter = 0;
+               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d ~0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
+               for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
+                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
+                       fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
+               }
+               delay_counter = 0;
+               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
+                       if (signal_const.count(it->first) == 0)
+                               continue;
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 'b%s;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2, signal_const[it->first].c_str());
+               }
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               delay_counter = 0;
+               for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
+                       if (signal_const.count(it->first) > 0)
+                               continue;
+                       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d { xorshift128_x, xorshift128_y, xorshift128_z, xorshift128_w };\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
+               }
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               if (signal_clk.size()) {
+                       fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
+                       fprintf(f, "\t{");
+                       int total_clock_bits = 0;
+                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
+                               total_clock_bits += it->second;
+                       }
+                       fprintf(f, " } = {");
+                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
+                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
+                       fprintf(f, " } ^ (%d'b1 << (xorshift128_w %% %d));\n", total_clock_bits, total_clock_bits);
+               }
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+               char shorthand = 'A';
+               std::vector<std::string> header1;
+               std::string header2 = "";
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %%b %%b %%b %%t %%d\", {");
+               if (signal_in.size())
+                       for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_in.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
+                               int len = it->second;
+                               if (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "/", len--;
+                               while (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "-", len--;
+                               if (len > 0)
+                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
+                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
+                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
+                       }
+               else {
+                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
+                       header2 += "#";
+               }
+               fprintf(f, " }, {");
+               header2 += " ";
+               if (signal_clk.size()) {
+                       for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
+                               int len = it->second;
+                               if (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "/", len--;
+                               while (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "-", len--;
+                               if (len > 0)
+                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
+                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
+                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
+                       header2 += "#";
+               }
+               fprintf(f, " }, {");
+               header2 += " ";
+               if (signal_out.size()) {
+                       for (auto it = signal_out.begin(); it != signal_out.end(); it++) {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_out.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
+                               int len = it->second;
+                               if (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "/", len--;
+                               while (len > 1)
+                                       header2 += "-", len--;
+                               if (len > 0)
+                                       header2 += shorthand, len--;
+                               header1.push_back("    " + it->first);
+                               header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
+                       header2 += "#";
+               }
+               fprintf(f, " }, $time, i);\n");
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
+               for (auto &hdr : header1)
+                       fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#   %s\");\n", hdr.c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
+               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %s\");\n", header2.c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+               fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "test").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "begin\n");
+               fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\\n#OUT# ==== %s ====\");\n", idy(mod->name).c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\tfor (i=0; i<%d; i=i+1) begin\n", NUM_ITER);
+               fprintf(f, "\t\tif (i %% 20 == 0) %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
+               fprintf(f, "\tend\n");
+               fprintf(f, "end\n");
+               fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
+       }
+       fprintf(f, "initial begin\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpfile(\"testbench.vcd\");\n");
+       fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpvars(0, testbench);\n");
+       for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
+               if (!it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
+                       fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(it->first, "test").c_str());
+       fprintf(f, "\t$finish;\n");
+       fprintf(f, "end\n\n");
+       fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
+struct TestAutotbBackend : public Backend {
+       TestAutotbBackend() : Backend("=test_autotb", "generate simple test benches") { }
+       virtual void help()
+       {
+               //   |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+               log("\n");
+               log("    test_autotb [filename]\n");
+               log("\n");
+               log("Automatically create primitive verilog test benches for all modules in the\n");
+               log("design. The generated testbenches toggle the input pins of the module in\n");
+               log("a semi-random manner and dumps the resulting output signals.\n");
+               log("\n");
+               log("This can be used to check the synthesis results for simple circuits by\n");
+               log("comparing the testbench output for the input files and the synthesis results.\n");
+               log("\n");
+               log("The backend automatically detects clock signals. Additionally a signal can\n");
+               log("be forced to be interpreted as clock signal by setting the attribute\n");
+               log("'gentb_clock' on the signal.\n");
+               log("\n");
+               log("The attribute 'gentb_constant' can be used to force a signal to a constant\n");
+               log("value after initialization. This can e.g. be used to force a reset signal\n");
+               log("low in order to explore more inner states in a state machine.\n");
+               log("\n");
+       }
+       virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+       {
+               log_header("Executing TEST_AUTOTB backend (auto-generate pseudo-random test benches).\n");
+               extra_args(f, filename, args, 1);
+               autotest(f, design);
+       }
+} TestAutotbBackend;
index c383e19f4fef7048f3ab735af7ae5f6a7ef3fac0..1130bbb706d691fff5d118d624dd059af3cf1075 100755 (executable)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ do
                cd ${bn}.out
                cp ../$fn $fn
                if [ ! -f ../${bn}_tb.v ]; then
-                       "$toolsdir"/../../yosys -b autotest -o ${bn}_tb.v $fn
+                       "$toolsdir"/../../yosys -b test_autotb -o ${bn}_tb.v $fn
                        cp ../${bn}_tb.v ${bn}_tb.v